1 , 4; - W .hj riplf : " j ;!V'::- : ' " ' I' i:f; V'K ;v'" '-"'i- !-;: -vv - i'" - I " ';1 ff 1 s V 'V- 'It. Mi r v Si f '17 j THE CH APKL HILLilAiN. V i ; i .ii: I'r; !j - I ; , .1' ': Published semi-monthly at Chapel Hill, N. C. , ' .' ":. I i University tof N. O... .V .. : Entered at the Post-office at Chapel Hill. N. Cas second-class matter S."A. ASIIEj Jr., p.! n.;AUfio, - S. A. ASHE,: Jr., f THE CHAPEL HILLIAN will be bailed to any! address for $1.00 Manager. i traitors, it - i . i -t yeair; 75c. for .six months Strictly in Advance. i AT3VKRTISIK RATES $l.no One Square, oiie month, i - ..:.:- : '- , : - , i ( pee is urauea ia mret; squares..; ! !!."! : r l, .- - , i .' , : .'I No attention will be given to anonvmous communications, and no niunLnc h tv U.MI1 h UQSilimPrt Ifir. V1PWS oi corresDuiHieij ISS. t.r. .. .i - i i i. - .i . j All communications smouia ne aauresseu wine msuHg. Unnw OrHora I'fippks nr Di-afts should be made DavaMe to , v.- ; i j , '' j ..S. A, ASHE, Jr., Manager, P.O. Box No. 72. 1 ii are erood and we heartily indorse themj The time hapel Hill, N. C. :CH 6, 1891.". Jti. The papers of the State, sincekhe resignation of Dr. Battle, have from' tune to time brought tor- ward the names of certain . gentlemen for the- Presidency of thti tjniverstyJ We have watched wltli interest their uinirse aud in every l ease they have nominated KortirCarolim'ans, some of whom, in our opinion, jire wholly ifieom patent for the nosition.. it seems to ns mat iiiei roiucuisnuuiu fot hazintr to tro has come, and go we hope it win w thout a struggle; 1 After carefully" thinking over the matter wV have reached the conclusion that hazing is ungentlemanly and cowardly, besides beinir a relic of barbarism, and is vHeneath tlie dignity t)f a University student; and also that hazing damages the University, not only in the line of attendance,- but ' as regards her reputation anidno'Jstrauorers. Some one! will remark that hazing is still kept up at the University of' N. C, a nld strangers will place ;her among the rminor i nstitutions where now such only exists. Some of our students may not ngree with us at first, but, as Sonhomdres, s we speak I to Sophomoref? and ask hem to consider in an; unprejudiced manner tne ts and we believe that they will agree with : usV W'beiieve that hazing should go and will do all can in that direction f ia( we Sometime aqo we were asked to publislv abetter on tile continuous- absem from duty of the Geoj logical professor. ViVe granted the request, but npbn intigatiou: it wasjound that tnese ansencefj r 1 r i ' V' l,;. Qt.lt 1 were in the interest ofi the department I : - i i 1 , i ;! L I L. !.!. "vn. Hi i l i.L cHiVlpntK Un th:it course. conseouently withimt irkard 'to! his reiig;ion. There should be. and of the ; i s . . i the: writer; l,ut one poW View aiid iiia I . : y .1. .. I in .1 kiLi.. i iniiCto this is to correct the raisunderst; K-'tliw liwtitntion vill dpoend lartrelv noon the perLon! place l a !tj its lieadj and topMiuich care iahnntl be: taken in this jselection. We would idvotrate thatHri aj ctuupetejit North Carolinian can inirjCto this is existing among .0 correct the misunderstanding t he students". The Professor is upheld in his actionby Ihe !.atisfactith and! com- bv "the Trustees. Not 1 : 1 t k .I'll'. f I ! ,i 1 U-M,- , v 1 1 t tint it is'a rule of th s budvthathe be allowed to be found, byAll means e ect! him- but do not let ttiat it is a nut 01 1 us : . . 4 :, . . . . h . f , i ;. i: tUrthrniiirhout the Stale in the interest pt his - I us fee I that oiir Sfate I las a 111 01 10 poly on the elec-1 travel throughout the Stale in the interest ot his dei artmeut, but it. is granted by silence and the , ' i f J. 1 - i , J.w, fivor in which hus work is held. Any one can I . ,1 i'. ! T ' ,14 AT , I .f . UpNhw materisdlv his woru is helped by traveling : iJiiud; of great energy, and fit national reputation, free now materially, ins wuik v . j . fo '-i- , ?. ! ' , I Ii 1 - 1 mul oolledtin s oeci mens for the use of his class. Such s the man for the; place. The success of ! am coiieciin0 splin t . , . ! ! -this institution has been noj more marked, than it ! 'M;M..AL''?S.''';r;''llli--een appointed public for Cliapel Hill ly fever rri'JjJ J" croa Tin vp lately been ope Chapel Hill,;ori jof Durham, notary' the other by Alviii Patterson .Success to both ! 'riss Juliet Mantrum J who has been vis friends and relatives in! Asheville aud Salisbury, has returned to the city weeks. . fter an "absence: of eight 3 n for thebehefjt of the a crowd attended and a Mass.,, On thej flight 'of ' the 1 2$d a reading was g yen in Gerard Hallby; Pro IV Ray hill the: elocutiofaisf, k uff's Daughters. Qiiite 1 were highly , enter! Revtir. Giishean , n ATrc l.rfiVlptt's. i Dr. Gushee jiad charie of I the' episcopal ;Qhurch;l ere for a month last fall and will take chkfge for another month this spring, f jA nore cjeverU map it WOUia oe iiaru- ju.iim. tiuv ; "1V o j no-nin wploome him to aur midst. -i j, , I ' - r 1 - eyeral,of 01 clay off the Ilil lhei supper I tialf past six la MrtXelson 1 theilliU visi Oli 1 -! i - an enttjainniei Mot-i the little col wlm lit) vr tiiki h sion. : - fast 1; Rpv.1 Dr. J. week eaves so 111 e .yefyl .IMterestiiiglfecnire5i.j ubpn; camp life he Arrn of tne iMeinocusi ciiuieti ami vjciaii Aian,. .. ..v,. '.. :i I V - ' .ML':..:1 r- .; .i,-T V ' " :iU I'll J Ii an ihtimatej iriendj ot leej jhkj jacKsonj ai,iu the posiliin as (Sap VirginiaJ; " His lectufiarei plain and to the point abounding in wit.and mim .;i,.,i .nnfoi.'ijitpkl. . fie is the author of I vAVe i beliv ve Sonhs. and Fr bloodshed." alt :' -I never forve.i " i Bim-'by tan ! 'A e saw rvn our base-hall '-.,'.1-; ' f wifli ;i lnriTi uH ysuit is onlVas ii ourselves to 1 Ch rist in the Camp," 1 c. - ' 1 , - s ;;: pever be st'eii 'I f'i.Tfcre i!; jcirctilatin ari ' thatoneS1h K . . at 11 1 lv no wan ' -: -Ii .. .. m .'1 : " m f ' it, and in turn; . . 1. f 1..,. ;.,,. ; .v'at;. last was fse: i oe couuiei h'ju RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED j BY ;THE FRESHMAN is beca use 1 1 1 ic id ea h as V Slate Unhrrvitu: Is that the idea on which our great universities are toundedV io, they- are i liter-State.. Above all thihgs we desirej that no a broken-down politician le made Preideiitl, or-tli' t'.daroliii j has jaule men ljut 'whether, they are competent jfbr thV position we do not know. : , iletr us rise above the State idea arid make our University inter-Slate as.it was before the war. -it; '. J 1 1 : v - I . 1 a 4 It in itkei w frt J , - I : ' We have heafd it tumd been -only; to make it a .' V rj "'v , f , i 5 c f t- (.'hai;ki. Hii.i., X. (,'., K.V.. 1 7, 1891. "V . Va! great step can be jtaken in this, direction ;v:. ; iy selecting 't or President l( a man of pror. : - : ubuueed reputation and1 ability. North Carolina , ihas adopted a pigmy ish plan with regard to its lUniversity since the re-6pening, a plan of which r r sue sncuKi. dq uearmyj a&uauicu. uci up bhu ' " her sha ne.by determining, to do something for her I' TTiiiversitvJ V Webelievi that the start is, to be J Crniade by the Trustees. iux j heir selection of a Presi-, dent. jLet a man' of saoirfairef bt' wellj-known 1 reputation aud great l ability 'be elected, 4nd ; we prophesy that the legislature antji aiumni win --11 -i ' v - rally, til.' the support . ofi have nd ver idone before. this' institution as they We believe they; wouldl V sJe that something was b(Jin done and would be 'Vprftctly willing to makeja Jarge apprpriajtiou for i a. year or two uuiu mmicis . cici iaiuj.y;oiauiioncu and the University ' ma(e jselfsustiniug as itj would soon be-uudeir a man natioiil reptitationj ) ".aVid greatx ability. .,. '? ' . j" ;;-;a '! ' : i !-.. ' . , -l -O-, '.-)'- ' ' . 1 i 1-5 ; :- s On our first pagewe print a letter from a Soph. on hazing, We are ery jglap! of ttfe op'ponQuity to publish this. The views jof our correspidenti ed that a negro school was to be erected upon, the property- recently Wheuea jnt fcss-roqms of the Univ o r .n Slty ;r OiaeKOoams anu, ; prai3 ,im t. n v bo light 1 nis . ' -1.. ly - jr.-. to : l.e ,r,,.. ..,-' ,. ..,.env , , ,,0 (n , r ..fhorwis, rendered unfit Cor l.t:lSi!he:.yilWge!l,y;. i a nns.au... can, say WuVe , , ,,ltties au( the indents in tl.eiriur- that.no sncln.ifrtiose.has ever exrs.e.1 ami that tup : ;P : . .(, , , , . j ; J- : -r;;; r j ,! 'X i" . . i: ."i ..-,. ... . 'i:'.' I . . ; . I k nr III 1 KLIUVV CUSiV . . ") L owners have not decided how to use their property. There has, however; been sbme tali ofjlmjlding, a nice hotel; we hope that this ''wiftbedoni- 'A hotel ohthe modern plan is bailly 'iieecled here aiul would be a paying in vestment. il ' ahony- We Have received quite a number of moiis communications which we have been obliged to lay aside. If our subscribers will look in the hpadline of the paper thev will seejit there stated 1 ' I '.. 1": "11 1 ! J t.i iinoiitrmmiQ innm-l that no attention win oe pmu iu 1 inunicatioiis. We would be much obliged if our correspondents would always sign their 'names. ':','.: : ,-. ;'. ; i - ::'--:'" ; - Secret societies often fall into the . lamentable error of choosing only,, such men as they think will be u lions V in society, and often ieject meri torious! students whose habits smd surroundings render their studies more attractive than, the fes tivals and entertainments. Fraternities have come1 to be considered as the key-note to society, and only any . , ; -' We' lately n nlclosedl;Vfijh! iduraenieut : Til E Gil A PEL feel, sure, the F (f and Would lik 'V those who can! shine in this sphere chance of training admittance totheir sacTed realm Such a state of affairs should riot exist. AVhat is ueedd Is a tm elevation in the standard of fra ternities. Let that man be your choice j whose motto is " Pete certumjinem:v Pan-Hellenic We heartily agree with you, Whereas; Aj) offense of this nature has been this day repeated, theHetpre, l)yJlie U resliman oiass 1 in meeting assembled, le it 1 ' Besolvedi That we. denounce this act and similar ones W bfetli ihe" dignity ofa studen the Universitv ofi North Carolina and contrary to a proper redfor jothe ! Mpriipfratfr of thiStact if a member oftour classs; if.M up.Uier, We ; dis- ,. countenance it, anrt we appeal to ait siiKienis 10 assist us in our efforts jto suppress such 'unseemly epnduct. ' That it is a cruel; and' unthinking infliction expense on ;our U n i versity , w hich she is ill j abl j to lear. W, Bingham, Ti B. Lee, Committee. Hiw; ,'''- t ,'. i - a 1 : v i ' l i! - b . oif;i:1 " ,:';:f prof. L" The young ladies;; are just walking- away from the boysiaiF tne univereuy.uu JfM "iAininusI is iemarkable. I havp hekfd f ti m'rUfwnlkmcr with the bovs and even to- wardTthemi but iiever from them rr-jEb. 'f- ' ' i i'l-! . . ' .":- : u- - - -.iV.i ,-: . . We acknowledge the receipt amoung our ex- TAe j Pan-Hellenic of ; Missouri State University. i1 ,.r associated will K ':' ' i ' I-" .,- . Wei notice, w men i oh the i tliq Freshmen V that: is still p ; ! . thijig for thes( auav with the . is riot entitled , , treated, frke a 1 i. ' : .Ii . '. . ' 'i ' a" siiceess theell in; its turn will ad wjitriiuitij' : . On Wahiu; cording jo th , tnetjalsifor hie LArQsiimeu -nw follows: Ugly .WJBirighahi " I cussed i Oss, K. . Kenan ; fiazy i MWhidbLe;;lu(l map, Sawyer, utlic iiappylciiiK nSApri(. j y'. v fAsK-VO:lC .. . hand and sten 1 tht pu ud in 1 ior ne was aue ' the appearance !rik. we uo not rvn simpl for the r 1. i r.- ; '( f 'I' ; t . 1 .'7 v,