t ; . r "l r . y r 1 T H E CHAPEL HIL.L.IAN. . ' " ' Published semi-pndnthly at Chapel Hill," N. C. " . , - University of J.,C. -t ;,- Entered at the(Pot-office at Chaili, N. C, as second-class matter S. A. ASHE, Jr., V.U. AHGO, IV S.'A. ASHE, Jr.;f 1 Manager. . f - .editors. THE CHAPEL HILLIANlwill bewailed to any address for $1.00 a year; vcc. iorssix. mourns. Strictly ix Advance. ADVKUTISING- RATES: $1.00 One Square, one month, : - - pace is nmuea 10 inre? squares. No attention will be given to anonymous communications, and no responsibility will be assumed for views of correspondents. . All communications should be addressed to the Manager. 1 l(An.. tnlAro fWnnlra rr I trofta uFinilM -ho- mftde TlRVable tO" i VJ - -. r '( f H O 4 t GUT? I Monor '.present travesty on a religie-us service. P. O. Box No. 72. ?-, Chapel Hill, N. C. SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1891. ion to Chanel Hill within the past tew weeks will uphold us in saying that they were in daher of closing their lives! Our little; railroad Is in avery Again that ' Pfince .of Soporific Periodicals, the so-called t University 3Iagazine, attacks The Chapel Hillian : almost since pur first issue has this magazine assumed ah attitude of hostility to ward usl Whvl we fail t ; seel 1 This controversy is . . . . ' ..! 1 . . . . extremely unpleasant ; we are tureen into it against our will. ;Th is historical periodical. )s edited by Editors and one ;ni these isja, member of the Fac ility,, as every student knows, regardfess of: he W.M.'s" denial ; . he appointed by the Faculty to su peri 1 1 tend tbi$ pub! i cation,, and itis muzzled ; and now comes this, to1 8jaj tlVe leat, uninteresting aiuKsleep-affiirding publication1vith an attempt to show that its editors are not inuzzieu. ucmiciucu, 4 go in your hole and pull it in behind you. Why J - do' we -not -attack' pnepopr; little lone editor with our ';.chea dyspeptic wit Because we do not V wish to. The Chapel HiLLiAN is' responsible -i -. ' i i j " t ' i lor What eayll OI IIS euuuis wiura, aim w i3 p-ii ow- reniey it. Iu its presentj anr railroad company; ok7: dftei :beinK worn but on tie main line; crc so old that they have become rotten and are often ; arated in1 tiie middle; an old, brc)ken-dpwn en me anu a ecouu-cia.ss cui pusuiuic gme steps should be taken to repair this road. As iv now' is the University is damaged.; We have heard several say that tKey! did not come here be- cjause of tliis dangerous road - What hyrll we 'do Who, will risk their lives on Id it not be economy for the railroad company to build a good, safe and sub- bWnJol fmnl' nt nnno rather than to lose in.acci-l dents every few. vears several thousand dollars? mttfl in iiaiaI iIt K 1: US Iliai .41- WOUUlL uuu vvc rsiiiucici y -ii"p ;; i - called. Tfoivksity Maga2ine. t HoweverrJiv justice we'must avthat we are at the cor- ,1 :1 dial atwptafice of our. -advice by . the University Magazint a. shown in the last number by the two articles of suidents; it is yv slowly, but we hope surj&lyjirh proving; but! again' we give the sane ad vice, " Gentiemen have more articles by studtjnts." And now sii to the other article attempting to answer-' us in lour controversy wjth Trinity, we vil simply statl that we deny ! hot' a word . (if vhat wei have already written regardless of the above named I ' . : i r ; ! ' . ' . - ' publication Svith its seemingly boot-licking policy., t lrl PQmiit'n nil . h 111 COIICIUSUJII, 1 1, 1 X'UUllllJ Huuiu. JV","V " tlie -disabilities arising from, the muzzling, except as to "comi64 sense," sp that they would pot ,be always misrepresenting and meddling with things in which they have no poncern (entering1 into a controversy! of Tiie Chapel Hilliax with the Trinity Archive when they should have lept silent), how "mucli ,btter would lihis 'JuTniva-sity Jfugaziire be ! ;; ?j r : We iiAVf intended for some time to say some I thing in regiird; to the prayers" that are hld in :t)ie Chapel e4very morning, and will take advan j tage of this opportunity. Day ajfter day this sqp- f j-.c f-4l ' 1 l r r 1 fXt 1C rear 1 i - 1 tt lipid Wha nrnvers are JIUoCH. ; igiigiuua ovi m- ' T I J ' fferpfl imi bv pmntv benches - tfavJafter day the I prayer roll is galled and oh an average about such expedients fcust ,be: resorted; to. If ouri town " , , ' ' ": ( -J- : twenty, students out of 200 answer to their-names, and! about three out of a Faculty ofafifteen honor A the' service with their presence. Now would it f not be bettei to either make the students attend or : ! abolish the service) altogether? We do not believe that, they could be compelled to attend at this a Ii . 1 ?i IL .rx Crr,A l.niKln onH lira WOlllfl some respectable time during the day (be set ...ii"-. - i ... i for prayers, that a nice service be arranged with singing, etc., so that the boys would be glad and willing. to attend. . WTe believe that at some hour, during. the day ! the students should . all meet in ieryice, and that they wpuld willingly do this if some civil nteresting ; Will Binghamiifter a'short trip hpme, has turned to the Hill Mrs. Little and ren zed hour I was set apart and a service life substituted for the ani Those who have traveled from Tjlniversi St a- bad condition. Something should he none to fix it is a disgrace to iron rails eriveh to lis oss-ties at Commencement? s'uch a t ral n? - Won of Bingham's School, are visiting) at Capt. Payne's. , . ;v -Ifl,. "f iWe are glad im see ! W, E. Holt back oil the Hill aftena long illness from typhoid fever. The'Faeulty ar4 to be: congratulated for having ui oi,VKhrtr which for some time has dishgured J . I the campus, cut claw n . jMiss! Grace Mangum, of Flat River, w ho has ri been visiting relatives here for the pastisix weeks, hal returned to hei home, j : . u : if-' - ! i . r - -?" . I---- i - -x - Eugene Witherd who graduated froth i ;i : i i' . f . . r I - f-:' il i'- ' 1 ' centiy, ana is uow p iismg:juuug Vlite, Via., WaS UU INC. AXI11 JOOU . . .. 'V. ..7-; 1 : v- - - - . . -:!' I'l re- 1 here! of liton- Owing to the iainful iOrdealVofvexaminatibhs lust nasi, we am usiuuit; lu.h" jm- l,vc -r "v.t anil hope all will tjuderstandour; condition. ; j- ;: C. Fi Toms,93j has gone to Ailmington with isifatlier for his healtfc; j" - i . ! J 4 Ve noticed HiLLtA.v an t seems to that some! move will e maoe in this direction. - f . - i At the Y. M. C. A. Convention our University was well represented seudiug the largest of the college delegations. Interesting exercises occupied the greaterjportion of the time. Sll the delegates seemed to be in harmony and very much in earnest. Nothing happened to mar the pleasure of the Con vention, save tlie unjust ajtaek' of the Durham Globe on ' -tlrJ Hume, sin which he was so' arrantly tn isrepresented: j We Globe now, understane certain Iy! it seems but eilge the fact through learn 3 that he was mistaken and just that he should acknowl his co urnns. We acknowledge among our exchanges The ddd Fellows The Oxford Day and the Raleigh Evening Capital; also The Durham Recorder and the Portfolio of - the State University ot Colorado. We have heard many complaints latelyHin re- neo-ligence of our town commissioners, gard to the n many places .ays, refuse mat pens are allowed wit water stands in the gutters for! ens deposited in the streets, pig- lin the village with all their! savory pders. We have seen . certain citizens, in self-defense, opening ; up ditches so as to jallow v rater, to lie j drained oT. This conditio fof affairsj ' vyas permiti-eu to. ejiist uuimg ic pai jcai iv.oMViij aii extent that several pig-pens were burned. We; do -not favor such methods of procedure in get-; ting rid of .certain public nuisances, but sometimes commissioners do not attena .tp tneir amy ana rem-; edy these things we prophesy that gfeat; sickness Jill be the result during ttid.cpming Rummer. j A little philosophy inclineth a ban's mind'to heism, but depth, in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Bacon. tussle with conies land has not yet recovered from th"4 effects it.. j. ; ":- , '.J'. ' ' !-:'..v.'i; -. We see from tlie Cambridge Tribune that the , Rek . Edward JjJ ,&ishee, rector;of S' Paul's has ::; returned after spencling-a month at&ape Hill, North Carolina-I, j; .'t : ; -"V? I 1 1?" 7 ' Mr Frederic Boh her of the firm of Robert Bon- ners Sous, xNew 1 prk, made a j nying trip to our lit. WkJUvh 1 vilage on ;j.uesuciv of the'Zeta Psi Fraternity. "Gen. Al. Fairbrother, ;editor 'of the Durham) toofe visited our tbwn, last! Mdndayj and wein pe si t he woc says i had he ex nebts 1. bt pleasant timet ; Tli to buy the University and turn it iiitota Mr. Eugene, L, Harris,1 of Winston,! and wife, ; who have beeii.auenaing me . in. . vuiivu ti(iii lat Durham, spLnt a few; days this fek in puri town1. - ; $Ir.HarHs made : a;veryv t;arnestan'd :iritfer- estiiig talk' in tlie r. M. C. A. Hall on Tuesday much surprise for it is hard t V-? cte of c; . against what h: V nation4 .since hi ' ' i ' 'ir '' ''' i '' : ..ycv,1 ve agr- Fresh men ias have exj)ectul c net. of Ins MJi ' jThcHrcsVnt 1 . ways, shoSvn it the H-ntiiiK nt hazing, and yW 'lull v-. to what: t siibjetj'teil tlmn ppporthiiities t , ; and for lllis r v on the clas of accord, dtrlan very pnjsii nip whtch hasdon I i ! ...... I 1 Jh.die'' Univcri Hm print on aci ' his I class i-'tow": ins Vihmigtmmem 12th con tail the following:, .- " ;i- - - v;- r: j- v . Tlje success of this . institution willdepenl large! vupPnthepersoif placed at its head, and too much care cannot be takeil in this selection. We would advocate that if a jC(impetenANbrth Ca:o-. linikn can be fbundj, by all means 1 elect! him ; but do not let ns ieel lhat our Sate ; has ajmonopnly on the! election let 'usf look beyond the State -if necessary and ilehohse some man ' of eixperieme, ;; broadness 6f , mi nd, jof great energy, and of national rephtationJ; Such bs the Jhiah Tjhe. success of this institution; has oeenino more, marked r than it is because the ida has been only tp make ; it a. SVae 'Univermti '; Is that the idea on which 1 our great nniversitijes are founded ? . q, they are inter-Stafe- Above all things wre desire that, bo brpkeii-down pojitijjian be made Pitesideht Kbrtli : Carolina has able men, but Whether tjie are com- petentl for the position we 'dQVpoJt.nolvj. ;.; ' I;ei jus rise above the State idea and make our university' inter-State, as it Was before the war, Chapel V: f ? i ciaKsinVH'tiugs .We 'realize Uuivertjty am puttpig a hp tjv Avitli.'th sinn mi iegari havp been mu months ag. "-TKUTII ' IIIIV4.T) III."? imwi.-i. V . j' hi'!'reai;iife by. H H 'of ; socjetv. .; 1 the imiiginatioi that! can be le in - j! 1 ".' I , riences of nian ! . York Xbu call E . . and bold viui V " "'plwtjivp'ii j ypu (an find pc i you cah1 hear1 i voutfjiti tncet ( priiilbppagejH jljKjricnp'p ;V)fv'yi , nct'dcHlfor trag the UW- plot ' j ownl invention, lift given nie1 1 ;ll flMj author '-, by : request . .ol t iyoung ladies, c Examinations are nothing but a sacrifice to t ahcieut gods of custom, and the students are t victims offered upon-the sacrificial altars.-rki 1 le tie 4j Sinci'we ' 1 lo !v Twelve t ' One tlrca Ono Min Than I I. late uayiviiiouL serious it ous i J. i:- v:l. - 1 V