7V rT A. f t - VOLUME .! . f . Tne iEvolution of a Populist. He muttered at the slowness . Of the House! and Senate, till They both had passed a tariff, Then he muttered at the. bill. Hcmuttered at the surplus "Monopoly had malde a' He muttered at the hersey : Embodied iri free trade. "I He muttered, and denounced .man ' - kind. : -. '! i . ' .. And raved, with clinched fists Until, at last, in frenzied rage. He joined the Populists. Ex. " . A Man in the Morass. Gov. Hoard tells a story of an Irishman who. going through jx discovered a mart thick woodland; in a sink-hole in the morass and he rusnea up to a arawiing i yanwee arid shouted, "Come over, for hea ven's sake, there's a man in the morass!" "Is 'that.so?" said the . yankee. ; ''How far is he in?" . s. " uf u u,c. a"- VWell," sor, he's in up to the ah- we." "un, wen," sa.a tneyankee, "he willgt out." "No, sor; he woa't forbefabers I forgot" to tell you he went in head first!" ; - ,uon't uet unaer a Tree. ' m m M WB Although it has long been known to every: person of any observation I or intelligence tkat 3 tree is the 1 very worst place to go to for refuge during a thunder storm, a larp pro- portion of fatalities and injuries re- ported from lightning, continue to come from those, who seek its shel- as to the provision for public wor ter. Near Wilson, . several persons shin. In Paris and Berlin! the Ame- have been seriously burned or kill ed by lightnings-all ofwhom hadrun under the branches of a tree to es cape the storm.' :Few are 'the ex ceptions to this ! rule that the tree and the barn filled with new mown hay and the open door give i to lightning its great majority of 'vic tims The steamer ! Empress, of Japan, just arrived at Vancouver, from the East, while on j the way : between Honkong and Yokohama, struck a large whale, cutting it almost in two. t Parts of the :vanimal stuck to the .vessel and riad to be taken off, as they impeded its progress. In Senator Gordon's opinion the new tariff bill will save the- people seven - hundred .and fifty million dollars the first year. Not so -bad, after all, and just that much better than the McKinJey bill,: further steps, too, may be gradually, taken towards the Democratic tariff reform.. - i ideal Of s 1 t CHANEL HILL, ORANGE COUNTY, I FROM MAIN TO FLORIDA. A' correspondent of the New YoB Sun, says. f'The happiest day jat mL. rriffi.ii.. ub3 . uiL iatci ii 1 ir- 1 v 11 win nr:, 111 dav. When Gen. Adnli F SfpvPncnh vv.i, um uvci j Hum; Da. miuui iu . iu. ,cc uic M4.wau uicuaim flame, burning on the hearthstone A party j of brawny lumbermep from Old Town will present him with the finest and keenest axe ever made in a blacke take the place of thje used up in.1 chopping off smithy, to one Adlai the head of Republican Postmasters when, he served his country in the Post Of- rr rk A . ti .. t I ute .ijeparimeni. i ne man who made the axe says: "Adlai will find Ij. . i !i I" ' ' . ' it handy like, when we make him president in i8q6. Maine Democrats are ;solid fox Stevenson, becausehe fs an oldj- .ao.uCu,:oua,s,u.,uu 8num uiF shoulder Democrat, who; has never walked off the Jefferson highway to flounder in the stagnant pools of Mu2wumperv.i'; - ;: - I Cnristian People In Europe. - Christian peopk- who"spend any length of time in Europe are often somewhat at a loss, avers the New York Independent, with1 regard to church attendance: In- almost every important center 1 there are Evangelical churches of various de nominations; but they are. not al ways widely known, and it is some times difficult to learu the full facts rican chapels are well known.1 In Dresden where there is an Enslisn i. i i j and Amer can coiony, cnieriy Am about 3000 people,, comj few have known of trie 1 erican, of paratively Presbyter an cnurce. which ; is rather a union i church under ;the care of the Rev: J. Davis Bowderi, one of the, most eloquent preachers on the continent. The church has no distinctive church building, but I . . . : i . ' meets in a hall, and earnestly calls for the support of all Christian Am ericans who spend a time In that city. '; j 1 : ' IThe Washington correspondent of the States vil.le Landmark reports' Senator Jarvis as saying that ! he p going to make aJ personal 'canvass of every county in the State.1 He will speaat' every important points An exchange says an Ohio far mer." who went to hear Coxdy make a speech, tied his horse hear by so securely that he couldn't 'get away. The! horse stood the speSh about an hour and then dropped dead. --.I , I N, C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 DR; WOEWS 'MONEY RECOV- r ERED. inn nnn trr; ' rZTU" : , 'Xj : ?100,000 Was Taken, but the - i t ts j i j j : j i m mi 1 !? i . i . 1 - ,1 Alamance,! who has been working the case of the robbery of Dr. J. Monda nigh!t abdut o o'clock, and yesterday. He says; there is only L . '' i J r ! ' ' . j i - ' i one pariy connecteq witn tne roD: Dery, ana tnat is: sam mciray, a c U ,JJ- ...u. originally lived . iri Burlington, but had been at 1 -' ' ' -4. i work for ..Dr. Worth ThpLnmnnht nf mnn some time. Itoln wai Withiht ai few doliars of I , : , . . . 475. Of this,1 $401 have been re covered and a few. dollars more can Ibe accounted for, ( thfev-boyr; liaying SDeni somethiep like -&2b; It I is he- lieved that the remainin cn-win als0, bb recovered. His brother Mack and his mother are both : sus pected of i concealing the stolen monev. ThP hon,k and thp L' in ,w,h s WCTi tainhavelben re veredritf returned ifDnlvWorfe edaolsoffiethim 000. j 'The boy has confessed and says tnat xnerei was nq one implicated in the crime with him and that his rea son for the robbery wasB that he was in need of money. i Though the boy shot, it is beli- eved that he did not - try . to hit Dr.. Vortn but tp give find the door, as the ball buried iiself in the ceiling. 1 1 i ' i? I The money was found in a corn field buried in:a tigar box!.! His mother was frightened into show ing Mr. Ise y where the money was. . .. ; McCray's have also brother and mother been (arrested. The mother gave bond, but the brdther is an escaped town convict and is now being worked on the streets of Burlington. dothi he and I his brother have served terms on the Alamance conty. roads. 1 1 ! ? : Several other parties i have been arrested but theyf were released when McCray made his confession. The boy waived examination and will be tried I at ; Asheboro next Monday :' week. News-Observer bep., 9tn. ,r:; a The sapphire : which - adorns the summit of the English crown is the same that wore in his Edward the Confessor Wiggins has come forth again. He says j Ss! esegard us as their lost brethren. Of couiieWig- gins knows. I ! .1894. NO.-6 STATE FAIROTES. if "The Raleigh papers have publish ed several' colu mns of extracts from i ,euers -.0P. rPrPmmen PeoP : over; the State, who have announc ed their intention of making exhi bits at the;State. Fair. ' In": addition to these, Jarge numbers .of letters are being received from, all "sections of North' Carolina in which it is as- serted that the attendance will be 1 1 .. - . very iarge f rom all sections. I , r . One of the special features this yr wilt be: tne racing. -The pur- Pvmgregale ,x. , lar8e number of superb - running : horses have recently been-brought I kt4.i. i: j ;.. .i.e... into North Carolina, and in defer ence to the wishes of their owners ther5tate 'Fair has offered1 liberal premiums for running races every day For. trotting horses $300 rare offered for ,the 2:40 class, f2;35 class, 2:30 class,' 2:25 class and the Freer-for-All j! class, the three minute class is offered a purse of oo. and the three year bid comes m for! f -The comlnii i r .4'.: mittee of Drominen&ed- I in Raleigh last Saturday to perfect arrangementsjfor EDUCATIONAL DAY; which will meet Tuesday of Fair week. It is to be regretted that (Sen. J. B;- GordoriAvijl not be able to deli- I ven his vadd ress on SO LD I ERS ' but a great .feature of interest to all old soldiers will be the Cyclora ma of the Battle of Gettysburg. MapWM. bobbins, of N6rth''Car- olina. anoy" Commissioner ; of the Gettysburg oBattle Ground J Com mission; has written a letter com -mending the Cyclorama, and states that it will be a f eatu re of . interest to air North Carolinians. IThe city jof Raleigh-. is faking hbld of the Fair with a ztal and; yigor never before known, and it will be ready to greet the great con course of people which iwill I attend the" -Fain : f: ' v- .: S The South j will have little to do with contests over the incom tax. Few of her people have a taxable income,! but ill of them y will share in the beneficial results i arising from the resumption of business and the consequent flw of t money through the channels of travel J j ine aurcrcnce oetweemaanngva. tooth drawn tbya professional man and- havin knocked ont by a fall on the pavement only a verbeL one The -one is Cental; the other accidental. it 4." 1 - 7 :S. 1 1 r

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