t V-:. 7: THBINDEPBUDEBT: W. B. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Subscription price 50c. a year. Six months 25c, Three months 15c . i Entered at the Chapel Hili. Post Office as second class mail matter. ' j - ' f ' ' A Democrat may be . dissatisfied with some of the doings of a por- tion of his party, but that is no rea it - ' son why he should quit it for, with ill its shortco'mWs in - respect .1 l - .!!' of a gold or silver . currency, it is always a friend of the South against Northern infringements and as such is by! far the best par ty in the' field bven although a few self-styled Democrats in 'Con gress Have put .themselves and aimed to put the Administion in a sorry plight before the country a victim of treachery on their part. The Democratic party proper has done all it could, througfi the President : and the House; . with these' impediments to contend, .against.- It could. not control . both Republican and Populists hostility, aided and abetted by traitor Demo- cratsseverally in addition . there- unto',!i v i BufCleveland is as'- true I as the - needle to the po e, having been tried and found faithful among ""the faithless un-Gbrmanized, - unpur-. chassable. UnbulldozabLe- A red hot Democrat and stijl a-heating, he'll do to tie to all the time: and as regards our President's'popuiari- - j , ty, Mr. Cleveland was never so hugged to the hearts of the masses as he is todav. If he has! made mistakes tney are1 not reckoned against him. "An honest mnn n the noblest work of God.' i : tuA South and the extreme Northwest forgives and forgetsj for the while his financial proclivities, and the part taken to'put down the j great strike rebellion at Chicago is now lost to view, since that tod has turned out all correit. He is. the people's president, seeking to serve the public interest and the .wiser but less handsome - man who ran his countenance against the out- work of the. mule, jhas expressed in historic phrase ; the sensation of- those who -sought to destroy- the , public confidence in!him. , : , . . i ' - ' i '?. ' It would be well j for American : : ' i .... . politicians of. all dimensions and faiths to pay heed to' what has hap pened in this notable instance, and try to. "catch on" to a -little of Mr, Cleveland ,s pluck. There .sits today, in the execu tive chair in Washington the bra- - 1 . :. : - ' . . ? . vest, noblest man who has occupi- ed that position since Andrew-Jack son "above alJ Greek; above all 1 ' f Roman fame,, and yet the e are a of the few little peanut politicians mongrel stripe prancing around and abusing this great' leader of his par ty and vainly trying to impugn, his unsullied -democracy! But . the .country be'ieves in'Mr- Cleveland. t n . '. 1 .j--Z. 1 J 1 1 as rresiuem 11c uas-uuiie ins wnuie duty; has .done it , faithfully.' and t 1 :. 1 3 fearlessly. There rs not enough money in the world to buy him There are not enough - politicians like Gorman to scare him; and that ( . (.-.. - I. so-called Democrat who assails his political rharacter in any cegree. places his own ' self , on record in contrast with one who shines be yond all comparison as high as an eagle can soar above a june-bug!. - A Raleigh dispatch to the New York pvening Post says that a great in flux of Westerners is look-. I ed for in North jCarolina during the next three months. ; H. H: Stod- dard of Kearney, Neb., has just ar- rived at Ka eicrn as tne aavance agent of a Jarge colony of Nebrifek; ans who intend coming in the ffall most of whom will follow the dairy it is they they business. These people say too cold out there, and that I have, become satisfied that can do better in the bouth. Oeorge K. Sherwood, of Kearnery, 'Neb., . j i.e.-.-' writes to the North Carolina missipner of agriculture: com- "You have no idea of the! hum- ber of5 farmers in this section who wave uaiucu. iu k." ouum. We hnuf hnH n fniliir of rrnns nut here for three years in succession; and the failure this year is If our Western farmers comp could ete. buy some, of your Southern farms on easy payments,) you would be pur prised at the large number hat would go. There are in North Carolina now about 28,000 members of the Far mer's Alliance, which is some 12 hundred greater than last year. The order is not growing mu:h, but it seems to be holding its own Very well. There isinothing dan gerous or wicked in ' 'the organiza tion that we know of. Wilson Ad vance. . i ' "Er man kin run. inter-dcbt.'jXskid I Uncle EbeUj but when he comes ter gittin out he's goiter crawl. ' ' Washington Star. A Choice Gift A Grand Family Educator r kiui ui jr 111 noun ' f Tho Q-ffitirfoHH Aiifinfiw I 1 uiuiiuaiu nuMiuniji ; . . NEW FROM COVER. TO COYER. ' Fully Abreast of the Times. ' Successor I of the authentic "Una- A hridged."; Ten years spent in revising, & 100 editors employ ed; over $300,000 expended. 7 - '' KOT.n nr iiT. rtnnit&vT.j.vTia ' w GET THE BEST. t Do" not bay reprints of 'obpolete ecHtlonsj Send for free pamphlet containing specimen O. & C. MERRIAM CO., Puhlishers,' X Springiieid, Mass.5, u . S. A. i A That is, if jy qu trade with the 're iable" firm o i : V f l A. & f you have ever; traded there you know, it.and know, -too, what tie ells is what he says it is. ; : f ' 5 New Seasonable Stock j Is what you want and I . have it in Dry Goods, Shoes, t nats, potions anqurocenes.- My place is easy to find on Main St., and you will get kind and polite at tention. ' ' M : : R. A: EUBANKS & BRO ; R. H. B E S T, D e a 1 c r in ' Plain fe Fancy G-ro- ceries. Give me a call when you are looking for anything in the Grocery line. : SEND ME YOUR COUNTRY PRODUCE. v Chikens, Eggs, Butter etc. I will pay the highest market prices. ' Eu k; BEST, . V ' . :. ' Chapel Hill N. C. W. A. TEMPLE, DEALER IN HEAVY & FANCY GROCE- - - RIES. - - ! i T?T,OrrR. MR AT. MKAT. STTaAT? COFFEE, CANNED GOODS ETC..1 f 1 country Frod.uce taken in ex-1 change. ; Give me a call, 1 will sell you cheap asfyou can buy any where in the town. -. ! , ; j Thanking one and : all for past patro- v nage, ana noping tnat i may eontinue to ' ."frf you 1 rcmain FS f w. A. TEMPLE. f ;- : . ...... , i ! Never Get Left EUBANK D. Mc. CAULEY, KBrD E JLJj E It IN JWERCHAWBI: 1 E j CHAPEIv HILL, N. ,C. . I am now receiving my JB'NKW J t JVL,L, 1 UVi.,J wnien you win, uuu complete in all the different Departments a large line of ! Dousles, Zeigler S Bay State Shoes, r . which are the best Shoes on the - market. r Goods arc lower this season than I ever knew them. i ' ; ' Tf vnn want to save monev come i and to save money come examine my stock betore. buying. All kinds of trade taken in exchange for goods. , ' ; . . j- OD. MCLOAULEY. GO TO Mcpade Brick Building., A lot of Cheap but Good Pan s. TRY MY FLOUR, i Flour and Shipstuff a Specialtyv A fine stock of Groceries always on hand. SHOBSi A- Ju4 iome and try me on Mens, I I ar1?ocrf PliiMrfln'r CUv I I .L.I I can sell you if you will come sCe them; Goods sold for the lowest cash prices or country trade. Come and see me, I will treat you rig.ht J. D. XVEBB. i 5 v t .1

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