LI. '!!' .. : I!-- .: - ; v 12 I' l 1 It- . i I r 1 POETRY. Ati I ti..uon. w poey. thou !oti li.nt,- , MiU firstio By whr?i jot invade, T!i-a s..eroe f all ur joy and all ni'v woe, Thoo f..n.l si me lwr at first and -kVviiVt mo .." WHEN IS THE TIME TO DIE? I a.lod (be g'id and happy vhild. t Whose haudr were filled with flowers; silvery iaogh ran free and wild Amonp tit,- tin wreathe,! Lowers, , I crasstJ her sainny path and tried, ' WLcu" i rl.jfe lime tbdi.f ''t K ct, Bof rvt. the ehilvl replied. And swiftly ;i.i.uudvj by. " ; i I i I a.-kv.J a maivjen, l-aek tlie threw, 1 ho tresis of hr luu'r. ' Gri& traces oer her cheeks I knew, ' , Life arU tSey gliatenel there, " -VMiifh pawed per her lily brow, Hieard her s;rit s?h , Xv't now, she etiej.Oh! no! aoinow: ouui is no tiuie to die. I askd a m-ither ier ursi, u-ra to iior anus. ..Asgeutly on hjr tender breast-, h Iiushcdher babes alarm.-; Iri 'f vcripg locs her aeeeuts camf, s IIef f.v wtiv d.m v.ith tears,, : ; V-V- f- '1' niulll"fr life must claim I'or mai'v, j!ii'-,v years. . 1 i:i'ivi,ned tiip luniaiJiood' prime, Cf prijad osii fearless air;' ' II is le-Ow was ftiiiowed not byJime,-. Or 3i:amed u iih woe oreai e, In anry accents 1. repIieJ, Aui flail:cj"4itb soorn liii eve, Talk. not ta me If death h.-'erio!, . Foronlv au'e Hic uIJ die. i -: j ' . I quetio'u-d- for it the tomb Hal long beet "all prepared, -nt dath, who-.-nitlieis youth and bIcoi:i. This man of v ha l'sparod. Oace Inore his kituve's d i:i tire. -i'L-whed hightiind thi? he' cried,.. Life! aalyjife is! :iv desire " ' ra-K.-.!, lid grvatied, a::d died. .1!: ar'5Wvr, thou, I a thrl AViU.ri is the l-mr of'.I-ath A holy calm wa u:i his blow. A:id peaceful-ujis Lis.brt-ath. " Ati-f sweetly j'er his feai-.ti-es st..d.' A smile a lijh divine; . ' . IIffc;-oke the&anjjnairepf his soui "M 3!aitcr'sltiiiieis ii"iin.-"'. CO:tIl(JALITIES-. ;1 " Kin- -n;p.ii!: i of (. l iitv. fn lic aad t WLu rvlioli j' t-- -ji-ice iu a i-ua.' 1 " 1 arscn of the Method:.- chu.-eh n-as-favIi-ji iu the back settle Inents of .Missout :ibd stopped at a cabin 'wbera an old IaJv received him vpi-'v L-nc-iM j Li Lt'an to oaestion h:rn: Stranger, viliprs'i I Jaout "yu be frorn'MaJam I reside in SLeI-' ly couatiY-" Knttickv. Wall straCger lioi-e i ioi.e'1 1 no otTinse.-'but what i raaut you liJ a doin' , ).. T .. J - t i vav up ;Lere ? ... .-.u'.ii . i.u.iui, x din -.iitjiin; lor tae toil .-.i-vi of th- tub? of IraeT. r 'John John!'' t! bu:td the old .lady, 'conic" light here thisjinuleiere's a stranger-all's lliO taif Hera Sliclbv countv, Keiiluckv,!! ci huntipg stexk, jaud HI ym bet my" lift that tai iifir'e-Ii.tiivii oil black ra'u.thal'a .in cur : " wa-k'sOHe of his.' An ejld !;.dy tl-?i:trd her worse, half to look j a barrel that stool in the c4"ner; 'i i t - i ' :me' teKi her what hi saw. ' Th-3 old rrc-n- ileman ) xked, aul thus answered : U I C U 11 M X Jt. -. CvtLam gai.i limt editor thinks when a s-:i;g!o gectlemar can't pas a clothes lie -without. counting all the long s-ockir.g)s,it is a jitro he on- it to get married and the t-ccr:cr the bettor. - - ". ' : A drcadfid Ii t CIHilldus fellow !e for r. shilling, sai a to a physician, who , had dealt iiiin out aa emetic, "can't ou give me more. - s t 'KatLer, s-id a little fellow, I can't seuJ vtu anv w t-dditig cake vij .ddin hen Igef ixaiiied.V Yhv so, tnv son. was tne-r-i atner s in- llocnuse,. nnsicijcd the little ifellow.-rou ... i - 'didn't faend mc ar. of vours.' s ' 1 ' i - ' 1 " ""i ' '" ' t - rrm -. ' " A down cast u ime was recently asked 'l-v.a vouncr clit trvman" to. what, religious deuominaticn tlie Celonged. -; I dontknow feaid she, tand lldoji't caie anything alo'ut youir nominatioii.; for my pa.t, I.hold on to the oil metUiig housev- j- " ' ' i t i . - Tiie.keeper cf a doggery happened one t day to break oie of bis tumblers. lie 'stood for a motneat txany.ning thcfing - t -i i. ! - inentsjaad reflecting on Id? loss: then tuiu- 1 i'.:r.z to his as-Tlstant, he cried cur, "Tom i ut a b'lartof 1 water - i:; that old Coir- I n:iC"1' "When a do- 3 L'eU his lead fastetKjd in a fence, it is uiMife to etiicate him, un less yon enjoy tlie pleasure of his acquain tance. LIusLand, do you 1-ejievfe in spocial . ! ' - judgements oflycnidence jipdn individuals Yesfmf dear! Do Vou inJefd?' Iid dr.elofth'e judg ' merits iver happen to a ou; f i . ' i Yesj love, j Yv hen was i husbuud. ! -j cm vou. tar tiear. r , AGRICULTURAL Hhcre pirl glow with 8i-.ncT djea, Like niaiiU uV rlitvks wli. n hluhfx r M'h. re with hut he.U the whc-t-ttalk- iMid, Win-re cluster from the viaeVh-acead.' " ; Covering Manures. j We clip the following from the AinerL can Farmer.publiahed at Baliimoie.' It is reliable a.tid true doctrine. . I It has been said with great rrubity and triith'that mauure islhe farmer s iroIJ mine and we will add that man jre is to the eg etable kingdom what blood is- to the ani mal system, the source of life. Wo there fore most. earnestly advise, nay conjure ev cry cultuiist to exert himself by eveiy- thing that may be convertible iuto man ure and when accumulated .to protect its qualities from deterioration.., Uut few ev er think how great a loss they sustain by permitting their manure to be exposed ; to the suu, theviud and the raia. Aud as few letlcct tliMxfive loads of mauuro well taken care of, areTintiinsically w'oith more and will go farther as It -fertilizer than teuIoads that may have been k?pt-Jvuth r out rogard to the preservation of its morJ enriching properties. Many a farmer through want of attention sutlers his dutir pile to become-exhausted of its principles oY: volatility, long befors he hauls it out to his grounds foi-use and many after bauN itigitout permit it to reiuaiu uuplowed ::i for w eeks thus exposiug it to "further los.s and then perchaice, b'a.mos .either h;s ma uures f6r.a should" properly U'.t- j tacu to himselt, Tor having failed t pre serve the virtues of his manure. ! - Every body of manuie should be. kept covered with earth a few-inches iu depth, until taken out for use, aud when taken to the field should be plowed in as speed il v aipossibl, or each pile tfuowa from the cart or wagon should te cov.ered with the surrounding soiland that compressed wilh a shovel. , iut this kiu j of c ue, oy'r to the high price of labor in our country is j more than can be exacted from thceu- cralavof fanners thercsbie for the inesetr all that can be expfecte'd is this, that the i ! c; ifJe and other Yards should be sufii-jietit j J ly 'dished fu". so as to; pitveut the tich i j ness of the manure ioui be-in vasted bv lunning awav on the o;curteiice ofeac-'t I strxeediug ram; that vac ft x aid be pov-sd- c-d with a larre bodv of ron-'h veirv't;bles matter and earth sav to liie'exteLt fjf C or '8 iuc'hei or more1. Sa't'ejftlr over llie surw 'yr. jLv. te&iiCiif c4ocpviirt ivrnvitii the jl spreadin-Z-to absorb tiie i- design jou have ft 'view, you must subs preserved in si quid yoidiugs cf the 4ock 'j or chaircoai be strewn over k and that-p!aster or chaircoai ue strewn over tne yard every i. - fe-w days to arrest and fix the volatile gs i r. v . .1. ... .. . i - .1. . ari-.i iuriuvr as .iu j e.e.:viui;ij.a en lue uni- ma!s accumulate a few inches m cep through the season, bye r the. va: !,, thrfst - i hou!d icceSve additional coveii:i-'S o earth. A corresjioiident ot the AtlaulaAmer icati, says the liquoi fi om tobacco mad4 by boiling two pounds of cheap strong-tobac co in a urge wash pot of water poured on the roots of the plants troubbd by the cut. worms is an effectual remedy agaiust their der'iedations. lie says the taste:-of ob.icco is distfisteful .to their woi-fndiips, and they will vamose the rauche instan uheucVer it s .ppreJ.' lie has tried it, several yeas and always with success, Why did nobody ever! tl ink. ct that be fore! It is a self-evident tiing, for it is a; notorious fact that inan is the only animal thai can stand the smell or taste of tobac co 'after it has been cured'..- 'Tobacco worm, itself,, will back ou t fiom it. . Cream Soap- '. Take 0 jtouuds of washing soda': S 1-2 pounds clean greas-: 5 pouuds of lime.and 3 gallons of soft water. Slack the iime dissolve the . soda in , the' water, and stir tLc two together, allow iog it to remain or ver night In themoruing,pourolfthe liquid being very careful not to let any particles of lime follow, rul'it into an iron vessel f where the grease iias been previously w arm ed boil over the 6re for a few minutes', stiriing'it during the time.. Take it ofl" aud in a few-hours you will have some nice hard 'Cream Soap,' which if used for washing or cleaning houses, will be found to be agreaj saving of laboSj-aud not in jurious to the hands or clothfs. Dissolvts a piece of it, large enough' tddo your wa-h ing. in a quart of. boiling water, making a suds, iu which let. your clothes soak al night. Iu the -morniiig, wash "them as usuat. They will require very little rubbing. 1'our a pailful of boiling water oa the lime which lemains. Let it stand all night: pour off carefully, and bottle it. . " This last is 'washing (laid,' which -is Valuible for cleansing caaks,t causing a Cupful to a gal lon of water. Am. Agriculturist. j-'The Frcit Orcuakd. The first buds for next season will now be fonned. Stir the soil around the roots, and mulch with leaves, ;&baw, or anything! that will shade the ground. As there was so little" fruit this year, the prospect !jv ill be good for a Iarg crop next, therefore be prepared to feel the-tree. It will be a good time now to prune the tree to a handsDtne head, as the wounds made in the fitnimet, heal inu-.h Quicker than vintcr vouu L. R E L I G I 0 U S. ." Count life li? virtuos these will last, When life's laine-footed race is e'er; And these, when earthly joys are piift, Shall cheer us on a l-iihter shore." , Of God- That there :s a God; may be proved "by considering tho manner of propagation by mankind bv ueueration; Thus, : There "must have been one first man. .This first man must have had some ma ker. ,j ..''.'.-.''! ', ' This maker of him must himself be un made. Therefore, , j ; There must have been eternally" some unknowu D'jiug and tha is God. : Xothing is great enongh for him to ad mire who is infinite Majesty nothing j3 mean enough for bin to des pise, who is infinite" mere v. ; I . i "What pieaselh God should ilease ifs be cause it pleaseth God. i A sighfof God beirins a saint on earth. and peifecfcs him in heaven. L God takes notice of every particular man as if there were none else; and yet takes notice of all as if they weif but one man. ; ; . " . ' T ' God repeated that "he madt? man but never repented that be redeemed man. "Vo-"' cannot, live' naturally without ; the God, ' how then ; can. we live happily wTihoUt him! j . :- " ! V-may know what God intends for us by haTiici hath ,wi ought iu us. " rThey that'have God for their God have apgels for their guard; . - ;j Many have lost for God but none ever i' lost by God. If they have lost iu tempo rals, they have been eternal gainers. 1 This is a sure rule:. God never takes any thing from ii is people, but he gives them something better m the stead 6f it, God is a great God, and tlicrefdie we should wait upon him ; he is a good God kanel therefore it is not vain to wait unon him. . ' . ; j,. - , A man may be a worshipper of the true God, and yet not a true worshipper of God.. '.; The lowes'. teveieuce is due to the hiirh-est- MajestyL ; . ' y IV a r God. for-his power, tnit him- fur his wisdom, luve him for hit; greatness, believe him for his faithfulness!, audadoie him for his holiness. ' " : )' All creatures are nothing conipaied with God and ! absolutely nothing witliQtit God.- Ilei' J. Mason. U ' , ' i Resignation- ' - . You must resign yourself entirely into the hands of God, after bavins done all mit the rest to him; being' willing if all your eiloits lie shall not -oe fit to crown them w ith success, to saenii je ' your ow n will, and to live contentedly, humbly, and d: votediv, e'h'tir.'ly rvconciied and 'resigned!s crood -will and pleasure. Avhici; vou . -''must e'pia'.ly .iccbgnize in ihe woncot.stim 1 matfon of your $ i.dios. For God some- times prove ;onr love "and courage', by de j priving-us of things w hich both seem to us and "are in tliemse!ves( "very good for pur buls, but if IIj sees us earnest' iu the pur suit.aud vet at the same t'me re igued and humble uuder the lossnd piivatie u-of the object of. our desire.he vouchsafes us grea ter blessings while denying us our wishes, that we should have att'.itied in their fub fillniiut; for above all things God loves those who bu a!! occasions', and ' under' all circumstances are ready with au honest aud simple heart to say, Thy will be done. ; ! Marching On- ; m , 5 i . j : : " ' 1 ; , "What a mighty 1 procession, has' been inarching towards the. grave during the" past year. At the estimate since the first of January 1S56, more than 31,500,000 oft he woilJ's population have gone down to the earth ?gaiu. l'lace them in long array.and they will give a,monug column of more thiiu 1.300 to' every mile of the1 globe's circumference! Only think of it ; ponder and look upon" those astonishing -computations ! "What a spectacle as they "move .n,?' tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp; forward I : upon- this stupcc-Ioui diad marcli ! . '. -" ' , : ' Life Ls short a:id time is Reeling -; And. our hearty, th'higli strong anil brave Mill like inulrled elrums are beaUnsr- - Funei aj marchei to the grave. ' . In the middle of vi ance,' a person con yictedof being a cafumniator,was condem" u&I t plaice himself on all four? arid bark like a dog for a quarter of au ' hour. In this custom weie adopted at the present day theref-v.otild be some bow-wow-wpw wovyiug. Dead. Miss Coutts died recently m Paris from injuries received . by her robe taking fne while sin was dressing. She will be remembered as the mysterious lady who paid the highest price, for the inost e IiibJe seat at the concerts given by Mario anc- Gust while they were singing in this country. Undor the! heading of a "happy thoug it' the Siena Citizen says,"the rumored death of Dr. Kane, which cams by the last stea tner proves too true. The adventurous uavtgator has embaiked upon his hist voy. age.v lie lui founl Sir J An. JbYanklin Is it cruelty to the innocent not to pun A Eoadside Ccjiqtiy And so, Squire you ijake V coup trvpapei! : . ' '. V " - ' NTo Major, I g?t.,ptily ; papersXon mucn uetter take a cou of them ' , ,v'v-; :" j$ ": ; ; $pnt, Squire, the Coiltfr-papers often prove a great advantage ti us - i,e more we encourage thtfm- tlie dtter .'their edi tors' can makc?them.V '- . ' : : 'Why I I doki'Ljkno, y convenience they are to me.; ' i I 1 : 'The farm joulold 1 faI1 a3 adyel tised in. one of them nthereby you ob-' tained a customer. I i0li ;; j ; Very true. m8jjr,:,;: r paijrgQ doJv bus for it; ' -JL ' M - .than three dols lars byj. it. Now i" ur nieghbors A ad not maintained thi oss, and kpt itriad- y for ybui tifvi uld have been wi tii- out tns,-mea iTertJsini ir vour nroiber- tv IlijtT t h IAW.. ' L.. j ... , . L. marriage iu tboiiifer.duI that cost loii - ,r r? r v aw your uausruier s anything?' ... K,. rt'V ;'; --..I j. !'Xo but And vbur brotlieti Jy was thnis piib- lished, iiha n i,Va'?JG wmr-. - .vr ' i the desrtuction of i-YIffhfeor TJrTfi-r house by fife. ...Yoiit k .. those were ex - : ' . .. . .... . -i . ggerateu; uu th ;.uU f - accounts bfj your newspapers set ; rjo-ht , ' 'O, true, but-r - - i :.. -; 'And when y-Lr ,r, D Splav wasut for the Legish! re yf. appeared mn'cli gratified. at. Ins defence, which cost him hothi; 1 ' -.. - t . -'Yes, yes, the 1 1 u. news; to the readers. They the papers ' I A people sb take 4Xo, no, .Spiire Grtlg. not if all were like yoevXewT tell vtfc thei dav will came when some o uOfyHl wri te ery t a v oug .euiogv : on your. ,u 1 - . I" :ff and character, and the printer will pail in type with a heavy black line ovf Ujnd with all your riches, this -will be do; )r vou as a grave is tb a pauixr. .. Ydr i-eakb ' liberality aud all such thinrrs .w'tf fc. snokpn nf ?bnt iuv jjrtuitrci wy.'iau yens me worus i in arranging tue iyp? ahd tbey will re mark, of you joor'me merit he is evffc sponging for an t'lii irttl' . Good morn ing Sijui; ! Tor anj) Medic a i Herbs, to retain all tliei'r fl.ivor aid be gathered when in bloom. ri.s e leaves or blos soms and dry in thti 3 e, when perfectly ciry pack away in rt-'-erags, or pulveriz (.hem by rubbiug thi the hand, -and nit in bottles. In jfaanner thev wil keep aud re taiu their i-Jbr for years CAROLINA BYTERIaSnf flip l,.lvteiian UP iu..wrui vuiuuua has lo:iC iabor.Cv:.u:iaeiaei iou ui(-uo.ii.ij ' V:VJ . .Jj .: ... . v.... 4.,t.i...J , tl, xvaiit ot a..' jri. ftl lo auocai-e-ueu mk'.I j-e?reseiii iti . - : - . i I . . . !i. : . aulit.M.1 that ny 1 ,''- :kie-re-?ia.- .il is stsli -byteiiiin Weefclied sue t:tkt-n iu tlieuoua ,t llirw J'r.bvtt: Jl f-ios. We have lo.oo ai:ini:iieanls and it M safe to infer that thill ire. so,tw iTepyien ,,:.! priiieii'hiiii thJfrare. Our Synod how fnr.l-tifth in the tTii&i.iu point of uuiiibei-s, and liiT ineiiibership ji- uivater ilinn that" o any Synod south or r-.- cyf l'cjuisylvatiiii. ()iir sister States on tl V,.rth and slmth.'iiei-; - ther. of whi.ehi ha? C ..bei-eip - sq large ns our, juibiish t ho ; ttt. , X. thfe boiithcru Pi eibytei'ian,' for tlie t- -. X. ' ilicii-;eople.r The ime has eome uh..-;i rrcsbyteiiaii :hureli in North Carojl'-. !.-.. ., I likewise do. lief daty to her children: It is a c.oKceded andj important, fact tliat:-liu'fd"i;'tl3'i',f ir iiu-inlnii s will take a State paper Iw-ho ;w take lio o'Ji-j r. Theipa'pcr is n'eedeJ to be. the oisgan ofouij Sviiod and Jesl) ter!es to elevate aad en 1 txhten'tlie inetv of oil r memhersliip'by dfffus''- ins evanijeiieai . i;noi i-iue to jiroaiote me ciliise of Eduentioii tb Jveiope the talen,ts of our tnmisiry, nuu w bUTngui,en tiie acraciinient of our people to the 80S audsauetuaries ot theft own State. '' ' . ' ! - " ' ; If our ehureh in other .States and other ehur ehes in. this State, can li-pfiyT their' members Willi Religious Journal, vvliy niayi twit. W e ? . Are North Carolina Pi Mvi'eriahs;Jhferior in talent, .energy,' and paMotBhn;to . tiieh neigh bors on the Nvrth and i'outh, or to Christians of other denominations at home l "With the same or better opportunities of ' accomplishing this w ork, shall we leave it undone -t In the , language of one. of Srt!jast useful' and able Mimsters, atv adopted sua w our State : " It ought to have been unariakeu 20 years ago, but it is not too late tobegin1 to lo riht." Ia the last two or three months a fund of a bout. j;5,OO0 has-been iuhsci ibed as a perman. ent eapiial. ' At a mefiiugof the contributors held at Greensboro', da the ,14 th of May, Rev. A. Raker chairman, -tie paper wras iiuauim ously loeated at'.Fayefieiiie, under fthe name and title of the Noarit ('Auolixa Pre-'b yteui ax. Rev. Win. K". Mebane and Rev. (Jeorge Mc Neill were elected KdiWj Revs. G: JleNeill, ley. Oreo. MeNeirSJTNffcoe k-e aud Da vid Murphy Were app'iute executive coin mittee, to-t'stabllsh tlit j ajer and manage its business affairs- ; -' ' It j oui'HvjsIi and .iJgm, to ni akci h e ' ?orti Rni-nlinft! -Preslivtei5?-!! .-miirnal of tlie first class, equal to the best i;i he country in tyo! gra)hieaj1m4-'eal'iUt-'ijft i.-r-jadaptiou to tlie wants 'of ouif ehurcinfe. Its coluiuns will af ford the latest. iiiteViJ.-uee, both' foreign and domestic, and special care, will be taken, to give-a full aud aeeurnjte s'lvimmi'V ?fthe State .uews. The name of tlife paper is designed to be an exponent of; its cltaraeter and contents. From eonvietionSt advocate the conserVr ative, orthodox, : Old J- ehool dect-rincs of the Church., - '- . ' j . ' , -; ,:'! . ; J. vOur first appeal is to our own people-to 2s. C PresbVteriaus. Whilst we rely 'confidently upoa theirfavof, we trut that the native sons of . North Carolina ' Wh found homes i m other States, and the 'ndoptji cijizens of our State who form so importanfan element in our jSlm istrv and members! X. will take a-dec-pauterest iu this enterprise arV! .gi've it thoireai-ty sup port. . . .. " - ' - I 'iViix f:-1 per c nUmi in alvance, or on de livery of the first iNi'uber; $"2..V iu six months $3 at the endof the vfar. To clubs of 25 or mpre.paving ?u rfdvaiKe and when thePaper is sent to one aeTarean h'icount of lOper cent; will be allowed. Our Ministry and Elders are ear nestiy desired to net a Agei ts, and pll other friendly to the cause n itl j lase aist in proi curing'a many subscribers as possibly and for ward tfi names, by MiyKst lit, to, this Office As soon'ftsisoo siibsci-ibors are. obt-uned. Ilie first number will be ifened. If a faithful and vigorous effort ismadt iu the iuixt two months by those who take ali e!v interest lu this Wort we will, without doi. .t," be alje to begin the publication at the en -Vf Uwl'ttiine with a pay,, ing subscription list nt leisf 3000. i, '. IW Address Ediljo. of 'the North Carolma Pi esbyteriah. l'Vivctteville-i C. - FurV-tenlie, May 2C, 1S'57. --,'. I! IfBRBS; 1 I - : It ' I - ii i - i -u. T - 1 J i 1 j I -J i - 1 - : : ! - - v i - : - it.1. t I r t . i . i i i j. YElljVflFTTGE A.XD Tw otle bea Prfcpratl9u or the Affe I neyj are not f recom- m "rided. as j Universal '-alls, but :sirriply For tneirj: name pur- he VermifP ge, for i 11- ! pellmg ex W ornis from the I hum system, has also1 been dmimstered with the satistai : t - --- - m to various animals .1: ct to Worms. for s, leticj re cf rv EOtJS RANGEM nts L Sick", Hea- ACHE rs ill n! . ve.o e ' to ask for AlcLane's Cclc- braced- 'Vermifuge and !)iypR '--:Eills. prepared , by , (TTfl ,t-'i i! . (Arx .:' .-'j . - -: 1 xl ::i--x SOLE PROPRIETORS, PlttS- burth, Pa., jand take, no tKU tU or. Jmc " T 5 "1"r ' flUuo OUier preparations HO W hpr.4 re the ?public. purr portine: to ' be Vcrmifuke IIJIQ- : JLlVCr Pills. All lers, in comparison Dr. McLane'S, are worthless. : ! l. o'v:---p--l h & wenuin E' McLane's yermifuge arid Liver Pills ean iiow be had at all respectable Drug Stores:-'!-.: .- ''A.' ' ' FLEMING BRO 'S. V J' -O'rt r Jil' cl ' t-i ;i : 1 -r' ' i r in 77 "" ! ' . -i i -'T 'if f or Sifa'.i by R C. SAUNDERS, tn n o riirrriliDn J7IV. I1. IV. 1 ItlX Vli-iii)! LmLPS, A1HD1CIXKS, AXD :: 7 CllX ilL 0 TTE, X C fifdri'OSlTE. SADLIil IIOTEI.' ; C IIjAR LOTTE Warble IVfi'rf. 1"hc lubseribers having formed th'eiasel ves . into a company,, respectfully -tender t h-ir stn-vieef te .tlui;perple of Charlotte ; mul the. ceuntiy generally in their line of business. TUey jire prepared f 6' furnish Monuments. Gmvestones, Mantkviteces, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs, Marble Step, to any pattern cut from marble, according to the most approved taste1 and styles, aujdiipon the most aeeornmo- uating sieriiis e?er onerco iu u.icjvuuiiiivM try. '1 hey will kee constantly on hand the best script iin of Egyitian, Italian alid A ' iijerican Marble, j ' f -. , i' J All orders, for aiuy. article, addressed to the siiberibcrs wijl nieet pro'tb;i.t attention, and iilTbe:paeked;and:toi-warued waui uie uum oar- ami despatch: t jThelyard is .fituate'd on the uprth-west cor ner of the Charlotte Depot vafd. . ':'.;- .' yX' . '' -.'I . WM. TIDDV t.S0N 1 : Jan. 81st. 18'oiil nr.4fi IV- .'" .'-.' ! -Ti7; HAyE received our stock of Spring VV JlI and Summer goods to which w e call tlift atteWioii of bnyers, ouroods hav? all been. st-ieeted w ith consiclerable taste, and""we . will n sell as cheap as any house in. the place. ' :X. I -r, ; ; j C. t; J. SCOTT fc Co., :HApriljl8th ist. nij tf. : ...; . ;.; -.; ciuiut55taiife(fcctc(iaii&.- r j iV NORi'DLK, YIRGINIA, , - . ARE preparad to rpcieve and dispose jbf , vantaireously. any quantit y of flour I from Oiauire,! Alamaiiee, Guilford and neighboring t counties. Many years experience' with every faeilty and ability enables lis toiguarantee sat isfaction and promptness in all sales; )Ve hav sold -for, and refer to among matij' others; .- . IJjn- Thos. Rutlin,: M Alamance, John Newlin; do P. A. Holt, i wAibrisrht,: ; 'h-. J. IT, llaiichtpn,:;; A.'-II. Lindley, ;i P. (I Cameron, ' John F. Lyon.! ! 1 do . . Edo ' Chatham. do t'j.' Oiiange, ido I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE i 'THE subscriber takes this method of of fering for 'snle his house arid lot, located Hear the centre of 'the beautiful yillageof ChapellliR' The house is w ell arranged for boarding stu d4iit3. ,'lhe dining room is sufficiently capaci oiis'to aoconiiu-)dat.e fifty or sixty boarders. 'Any person desiring to purchase may obttaih ftirood biireaio by addressing the subscriber at Tarbolo,'- N. C, "or ; Thos. A.j Li Long Esq. of Chapel Hill. L. S. BURKUEAD. ; June 1 8th, 1857 j , Ii ;. iXiAII And FANcY JobWork . EXEC UTED HER WITH NEAT NESS CHEAP-' ! NESS AND , . Dispatch '"j ' 1 J ' -. T: , :' .- L MARBLE MONUMENTS. Gray & ansev . - SUCCESSORS TO T A. A. & n. KEIiliOGif, WOULD taljej "pleasure in- annonneing to th people or j wtern Ifprtn- Carolina; and JLbe former patrons of the shop, that they will con tinue, the raarble business on a more extensive sciale than has hitherto been done, furnishing jHEAD-STONFS, T03IB-TABLFS, of various designs, &c, all of the best materia nd o - the .finest finish at the shortest iioties ahd in a style superior to aoything found else- X Frota our: experience we think we can satis fy the most fastidious taste. H : 1 Our workmen re .bred- to th bnsinejw r We shall .spare no pains to give tlie most comi jete sansiaction to all w ho may favor us wit? a van. 1 :. . , i ' . r .- i k ;' v .r. 'I We hope for the patronage 'i of all who rnavt esire anything .in our lineu and our motto shall te to do credifc to ourselves and nlease our ens timers to the very utmost; ; All orders from a' distance shall be promptly, fnUhfuTJy and tastfully attended to. i bahsbury, JNovember 1856. 3mtf 40; 'r; II L. TINLEV .& CO., N) (SUCOESSOJig , TO ntvetl fhfJ UEKRON TiECEIVLNO AND FtnnAfIXG AGfETS ' ' ,!. : :' i ar.d general ' ; " . ' -J COMMISSION MERCHANTS,; SOUTH- ATLAMiU ! W I1AK1:' : CHARLESTON..S- C. j Give, their prompt attention, to the sale: of Tl kinds of Produce, and manufactures, ami to! yiiiig orders for all kinds ofgoods in his Mar-' ket, for aComaiission tf 2 per cent For fe-j deivang and forwarding ooJs, ten cents perj r)ackcj. JTo goods have bee, nor will jbe de tiaineeKby -uaj-foaf freight and-charges.' -:' ! v IL.TIN'LEY JA II. 'ARTIIOPE! late of ICboxyille, Jeun. , k f Charleston. S. C. i References. -r-Ajrents of - Vessels,"' Agents cf either Steam oc sailing, froni Charleston to aV XortheruPoiH.I "..' -'. .'. 1 i "! 1 v21i '-I - - . ; .1 v.- ' ! .-; I G. F. Anderstk. W. D- Eevnolds ANDERSOX & REYNOLDS; ! cjrocers & oiti;wissio: MERCHANOJS, f V .JVo 10, Roanoke Square, -NOSFOLEv Va. ;j. KEEP always "on hand aull assortment of Groceries,! and eive aetk-e atteiitjoii ; to 4ides of FlOUr and JrIiU:e genieially, avoiaing unnecessary cnurges ana making from'pt returns. :. : -. j- " , i O j JNorfe.lJi,.ya.,:Maircli 22d 1856. ly jrf- AYERfS II V -II V Arc curing lie Sick to 211 extent ierer before known of any Medicine. HVALiaS; READ iPIIH)Gi!FpnOIRstes.' lUI.ES IlAUn-il IKsq.. 'Tlie weU kimnii JMtmtrt,-at mi V lrlie-tiiut brrpt,i 1 liilaiU'iiutin, o-l( dn-itc iniiuucK are fuuiiJ al.aliin).--t even' loilrtj kiv : " I am hKi)itoi v nf yoiir IUtiuktic I'n.i.., I Save IihiikI, li(-8i a lieller faiu.i, j iiim1 M-ine, lur Cniniiinii 4','ln anj-tiillfl witiltll -niv, kJi--T!i-ile. Man, '''" t!;.-.t fiu? -T i i'y - i .? "y . In'nil 'rv inlitipSliifil' Dinsl make tlicm).lue(f VT tfte ( public, .iin Nicy arg kiioivi..-' . , 'i f '. V . f '- lie i-oiieralile Cliiim-pHor WARIILA XV wnjea from Cat " I)h. J. iAYKq-ir: 1 liavpj takcii. unir Ti.ljlx with tiimirp.'lntii Anril. IN')! : re .l l)Aie(itj r th ,li.stles-iierti, l.jnctioiYiiiss op nMir, :e in iIip siiriiig. lA few ilosi-s-i.'iiir Till- cuidlj hip., ia vp ii-nl yi nu-1 'Iwrry -l'-rli - nif.liy years in toy:;, la ii) i tv !.r i"i.ii!;1i anl i-iiMji Wilh unfailiiis f ufreiw. Yo aiijike iciliriiief vvhi'li cure : and I feel i) a jileasnre lo rmtuiiL-iid oil h.r lie eoM yon l.nve done nnfi are aauif.. . -OILY V. lU'IiTlS, Esn.,Sif. oliiii Triiii. Railroad Co., !)!: r.i 7 ! f II '1!- -V .: :.' , ":?. H. M.'Qfptf Ftitallrlhia, Tiff, 1.1, ' 'Sir? I faiil- nlpasi'ire ill adiliric'fiio lesliiiionv to tlie fffii ary of 4'r ii4pilicine, liavim demvrd very nialerial fieiiptil t'roiiijtlie Hue of liotli yoliij reiHral mid Cfilliarlir i-iif-ni i)iinii i'llU. ! ani-Jiev i ver cimseiil-td 1 Tlie w iik'H' r;jii ! ani- lipver wiilioui iliem Hi mir laniiiy, nor naii i iK'.Avinle my inewii will procure tlipni." io ited S. S. S'lXVUXS; .M. 1).. of Vent- vorth, X. JUvw'tltp'-ir ' . i f i ' I " Hayiiia.iisi'il yiiir,'t?THBTi'c',Pfc. in mv -jirrlirf , I ertity from SierVi- j'lial tliev areinji iiivr(lii.-lil iiirifa ive. " In ra-e.-jof iliordftd farTrliiuin wl the livnr, laiifiiie iea larlip, iiKligestiioii, ro.-fiv.-8e.-;J and tUe pfealj variely if ilisfea.-e!-' that lolliiw, tlrey are a iMiTejr.j-piiHhiy tlian any illipr.. In nil eawS lre a iirj,Miir irr-iiieily is required, I r'onficleiillj'-.reroniiiiiijiid these Pillsi ttt the pithlic, a siirior To a:iv otlier T have ever jfinrid. They aire aiire in their ojieratiou. and H-TlW-tly.!sal4 qualities wliich inke tli- iirv-ahiahLt; anirle f jnhlj,iise. s I liWve ir manv vpars kiiouii vonf Chrrrti Pectoral as llw Imsl 1iiiili uirVlirinp in rlie'w'orWI ;' -uKKlJifcw fiis r ,n vvi.-p iirferior to tHal adinirahle jilieliaralitia lor lite treat merit of diseases."! . j . '! ' V '!,.,'. ' .'. . .4ef(mi Mr.,, JVnr:. 95,! ISM. " Pr. J. V: Aviin Dear Pir f 1 have hee.M fitllicUed triiin mi- liirtk w iiii .-. rilfuli iu its Woisl fnem, and-now, after iwoiiiv- VHars trial; and an untold dfainountiif aiilferiiiff, lli.-ive lieeii ri!!ilelely cured in a fet :"eek- liy yonr Pill". Willi WhaU leelines ot rejnicins I rue ran ijiiny or uiiaciinid When yo realize wIim I iae suffered, aid how fiTever until now have l ieen irre irom mis loau.n e disease in Home shape. At time it 'Attacked luy eyi-, ami ......i., .1.. ai, iiiniH hesiilps the ilneiidiirahle Ha in : al IlinUC IHC uimv. i , - ; - Jolliers it settlsd iii he scalp of my lad, and destroj I hair, and has. kept ine parliy nam an my uaj Mj, Hoii.eiiniea It cniiic out in inv lace, aim nepi k jiuhiii" a 'i ".Ahout nine wef ks ac I coninienced taki'nt ylnir .'a chartic l'i!ls. and now aiii entirely Ire from tlie complaint. My eyes are well, luy.sktu is fair.-aiirii my; hair lia com-: miiced a healthy1 (iroVvtli j all of w hich makes me feel already a new rtprm-.n;- .. . '- - - ' " Hopiiit! tUi-s .sLite'rueM inoy he the menus of coiivyin iiilorniation that ."-hall do good to otlwrs, I am, m illi i.very ieirtiuieut of gratitude, -.Yyure. ft-?., .1 i i BlAl'IA UlfTKEit." - " I have kmiu'li. the afiove tiaintd iWaria Iticker i'uv her thililhood, auiil lier statement isisttiicily true. i ; T , ANDUKVV J- M I'.yElt YE, Overseer il" Uie riirtsiittrti'tliiilaiiufacturing to." ; CirT.' -JOEI..P11ITT, of the Jlarioli, writes from Itoston, Si h Aprilje4:- if ; " Your Pillf haie cured me from n bilious, attack which arose friHu deraiigltment of the l.iver, w hicll had become verr 'p-eriinis.' 1 had failed of any relief by my I'hyxiriaii, and" fSoiu. every rnmedy 1 conld try ; ltit a fewdotws ol your Pills have completely re-itor.-d! nie to health. 1 liave (riven 'thpni to inv cllildleu for Vonns, with the lieHt ef-" feCts. ' They were promptly nrpd f I recommended inem b to a friend for ciiftiveties, vliich had troubled iliii" for g montlis; he. told me in a few dav tney nan ciiicu utiih Vou n'jake ihe beat inediciue in t.e world s aud 1 aiu fre to say no.''. . , , .', ' - :' X " v , Rn.-ifl riiis from ihi distincuiFhed Solicitor of tlie Piipfema Court, whe Itrilliaut. ahilitie jlave liiad lnui known, not, only in this but thejirtighburi'ig Stale. . I JVVio Orieam, Ulutpril, 1804. "S?ir: I have' preat aiisfnclioiij In anurine vou. -flint myseif and family have lieen 'ery (iiurh ben. filed by your m.-dicines. Mv wile was cured. lw years feiiiie, of a se-j vere and danfienms coush, by jortr-CHtRfcr rc-Tov, and since then has enjoyed pcrS cf liealth. ' My children have several times Iwt-M cured from attack" of the Inrlu en.a and it. It is auiiiivalualile. remedy Hf these cmilaiiit. VoHr CthrtIic Piixs have entirely .cured iiie-friilii dysjepia and cstiveriPi, w hich ha grown upoti Die for some years, l indeed,' this ciirejn niiicll moi-e iiiiMii taut, from the fcicl that l.lwul fnilpd'a. get relief from tle best l'hysieiaiis which this feciioii-it ;fhe country affords, and from any ct the nuuierous reme dies I had taken.! : r l "You seem toi us, Tloctor-like a: providential blessing to our Tatnilv, and von may well l-iippose we are not uli mindful of t. ' ' Vours respertfiilri-, ; , ' j- - IJiAVnT TIIAXTEJt." ' ,' 'Senate Chamber, '0Aia, April 6A, llio-li ' ' T)m: J. C. AVcir- Honored Hrji; 1 have 'hiade a llihr jugh trial of thr t'lTHigTic f'iixteft me by yoor aittjut, and have been cured by them of the. dreadful Kl'i-umatfcm under which he found trie sufferiM?. Tht first dose re lieved me, and a tew subsequent doves have entitiely removed ihe disease. I feel iu belter health now than for some years before, which I attribute entirely to the effect Of your CiTHABTic.PiLLt.. Yours wilh great respecrJ i 1 fi-lttJ It MPTr-AI I-"!" ' The above are all from persons w ho are publicly known where they reside, and wli.i would rot make these atate menu without thorough couvictkM that they were true Prepared, try DE. J. Ci AYEE & CO.i Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mass - ' : .-. ':-:!- x.-v ' For Sale by; , .-' B. SAUNDERS, R Wiioiesale and Ketairi)iug:2'ist,; CHAPEL III And for sale by Druggists generally,: through out the United States.! , J JiLAJVK A TTA CflMUNTSl For sale Acre. , , 1 tupn nd tntnohs targttt tiztd bottle t, end r ,.' acknowledged to bt the. iett Sar taper ilia mae certified by the vsmderful curtt it hat p formed, n original copiet of vftifh are hit h posMtsiohof the proprietor. Jcmein bt r, th it'' it Ihe only-true and original article. ' Scrofulas Syphilis, Mercurial eomplalnta, Can cer, Gangrene, Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseases are speedily and perfectly mbthe se of this m.e'dicis6 ; ; 3'KAD'TS FOIXOWISO CtHTinCJLTE. V In Octoter last; my son brought me oulda your bottle, wrappers f I read it, and .foundoo cord of some, wonderful curt performed by yo- . . "Extract of yellow Dock and Sarsaparil" an tr i now consiaer myseu-weii. I entreat all of the afflicted to try this mcd i ciae, for I believe it will cure any known dis lease i a the' world. Lay aside all prejudice just try it, iand proclaim its creat wort" to sit ir. ennir maumu, auu entreat mem io itieu, ip it will cure them. My case is well known 16 ff large portion of South Carolina. Georgia -an Alabama, and if any should doubt the bo v ! cure, I InVite them to call ou me, and I wi'I poosacomiky, Alabama, one mile from Stoe's fer 'i i ry. !. i KEXAJAHHUGIII.h The Yellow Dock and Sarsvparilla . peeiili J -f arlv adaptied for .females of delicate health, re- - Jiiilting from irregularity of menstrual diacbarg Tpe; aud otKer diseases i)eculiar to their tex.-i- ; XU3 JIW'IICWi, un JII Ills JiUBPCDFiyil ft piuw number of of cures peifeirinrd of the above descjnption. We assure the afilieted t ht a bottle orjtwo of Dr. Gurictt's Infract of Ycl;'1 low Dock 'hl Saraanarill'a will at onec regulato I thosE diificUltiek and renew the natural cuer J t'ies. I )! '.. ',!;' , ' . tW ruf up in Quart BoUles:--ri ice V rr bottle. For the.comjyletf. cure of covghsycoldti, inJ!ubnayaslIima,lronchilt,tj)il' ;. tiny of blood a'nd all other . . ' ' '. lung complaints tend-. - t ' i i in g to consumption. . .-f V THIS preparation Is getting into use all over our country, llie numerous letters r-; ceivB froiiironr various ajjentrf, infuiiiiihg us jf cures effeeied in their ilninelinte iieighboi hoodi warrant u.f in saying it is ione of the best, if not Lhe rcky bext Cough Medicine now before the lublicj It (Xliiiutt invarinbtif relinrn and ' not infrequently oirethe fry vortt catr. iWhMi alt dtther' 'Jough' prepai ntions liave fail- ? ed, his lias relieved the patient as Druggiht, dealers iu Medicines, and Pliysiciniis can fcnti fv. - Ask the Agent in your nenrest town, what has been Ui is experience of, the t-flVcts if this medicine. If ln has been selling it for anv length of tuiei, will tell you IT IS THE BEHT MEplClNE EXTANT. : . I ISelow we give a few extracts from letters we have received lately regarding the viitutsof mis irlC47. I i Or. S. a. Qslin, of lviioxville. On., snys:j- h'ai'4 been nxirig yoitr JArfrrorliud Tut rrry er teiifyvely iii tny prartu-e fof (kree yrort pat,anl it iwith lpleafnre I (ite tiyMl'f it 11 i v Eibnitv oi:r. am. otiilra AKln ti vith vhirh I am aA'iaiiited, fvt irhu h it rt-mtinnrtiilt j.' ' r Messis. Fi'tircriild t iSeimn, avi ilii p: from AYai nfsviljle, N.J'., a r:j 7f l.inwi tod Tucisbecoiug daily note popular in (hittotrf r.'jANi i K tiiix Ji 'Ti v so All vhn hare tritilhi lf kk in 't oinn'iid'ibltr trrum ff it aitd naif it 3U vty luiirfii itit in allrvititivy throtn- lfoT uh'uh it i rroiHtiirniltd." (hif AVijiit iir Piekv i jDistnVt, S. C.Vr. R. Falls aie8 U.-4 . ' that . " r i vtth fiiiiiilx;, nriil'rm.lfifSeltdn ,Vj.ei WOUIINI; V U IS yiniiiiy, v no iinij.,. suffer ni witlKiliiea-5! ff the l.tmu's for vV,lt- , .. iatteii fled ith Vevt'iV jougli, who w as jelicve,! I il.i- HfiU 1 i wnat niiil Jjiir.. Miciiare.liie good -....i s wa ln':ir AT fhik fjiedieiiip! from all purl of tfih SoWtli. F.lf report of t lie f-trrpriHiig 1 Hi -Iho Vciterii- mid StatcW. we Mould inile eunM. it tob lx-ifoiMiKf .X oil Be I'll liml 1. it stern cj . .. . .i the Uufferjru: patient t retid .the pamphlet twhiel V neej-mpnnieR en lj btitlbv. To b11.".'sv. h'lpl TRY THE MEDI fiTTff'P.n NA 1 1 A I.iXb tt '. A sj:a OA ! ! ! And iegl-l t net that. conch; which is daily w enjken i n g y ni r: con tili:till. irrit ntilig Vour ! throat and luiiir.fani u ill nt: on tluit (leml die-. teasd, Conhhrtiptioii. wleii so KOothiinr and heal-' in e; W reituiilv can (je .1 ..:.. .l. i .... t it. i, ..;,.. i3rfip of i.i vei-wtirt ai rrtiiKi rs a1i if Ai-r. imw i .1 nr. J.i.w.inj tni x-f- iMM-ATinxs; me ireiiuine nr- Itieliis signed Asuni.w KiBt:ii on tlie eiigiaved fwrapper ai-otuid ein lr bolll,-;- l'ii '. l per Lot Mte. Uir six bottles for t?h. Sild wlmlesale and t i. l-i i ' i .!,-.r. I v'iVIT J- Ml- .' rlttijil by 'SCO V IT Jt MFA!. Ell Cliartes St, be:t.,nti and SL Loifitf. Oj The Grfeat Remedy For RheumatiEjn, - Mot.. Paiii tir the Sidc.JJip, l!iu k J.iinl mul' fjoiits ; fiefofnla, KinirV, il, Wnifc 'Swvllihg. . 1 Slatd Tun.pi, Still' Joint and alfjlcd aii. hvlJatever. , - ... i . - ? - .-- - Vhere the Plaster lsjij-plicd pain caiuiwrs has ijbn l.pmfieinl in cases of wenkncr ns raj.n nnd Weaktiess in the Stomacl.; k Limbs. Lameness. Affection oft he I.tuupe Wejlk iitlieirprlftuiryl stages.' ;lt detroys iuflaina- ; ibif by pespiralion, . (f ,. , James I lSovd, I'lckensuisuier wmitme- . nil testitiies that he was r-uied of Rheunil iem lji Hoth of , ins kii. es' of several yenrs standing. T'Ue follow irg is lroni a rcrjcviivc "j"" n in Geofijia : ! ' , ' " " ' : iir &nvi'1 Mead: Gents. I havebcVn jising you Lirorwort and Tar Hebrew Plasjer . I'ery eKtensivcly m my praence ior mm jtm last, and St is witL pleasure thai 1 state mjr be ef in threir superiority over an oiner aniciea With wtiieii l am acnuoiineu ni . 'ftli -Tlii nro recomtuenueo. The Jleore w V KWaiter,pecially.. is an iiniversal panaeia fer, Jocil pains. have ai" iw i"n iri- lent application for SpraUia ana oiuise.. ii U vies universal satislaction whenever used. P ... n . t... i mro e r"5T IV M TV. Jinoxvuie ui. rfa v- :--'-, Beware!6f countei fcil si and base lmitatiens. - The gertuine will in the future have the tog- ' hatitire of E,.Tayfor on ine sieei vu ; I - Jt I W m . . : noe. ...... 7 . on lhe lable upon the tor. of each box, Purchasjers are advised that a mean eeiiBtcr , l eif of thisl valuable article is in cxistanee. The genuine i sold only by us findonrapeDU , appointed ;tliroughout the South end no red- aris allowed to sell it. i,Dtalcrs and pureW ! 1 1 ors!genera31y are cautioned -eaim-l buying of nny but ouij regular aeents, otherw ise they will le1mposea.Hipon with a worthless article. : . 1 III cuarincs si, iew 'nieno". , .. ; j t;uic vi t uu1- - . . dl. nh.r.l af,ont for tne Miuinrrn fnii ' J ii win nil vi j'-ir-i"""' . l.Fink Cricord; Pritchard t Caldwell, Chall lotte: Hsier t Ileinish. Charlotte; ill Siw , Salisbury i Murphy, McRorie & Co., SaliM kalrshall 1fe Parker, Al bc-rnarl B; rnh-ru Su ivan, Cold Hill t?.J. Allenore.u , ctr sale by K; D. SAUNIJ. . j j Chapel Hi" X. C GENTLEMEN, rcvouiiuui ViU most 'assurcHy have to do who r neglect , to trv ... rrwis as veil ns 1AAM, fmV Tax bk.fore thelirst flay oi aojrnw , I T .l As Y WATSON, a Vlune MU. ' f- ! I Town Conttty ICE. FpRAL AT THIS f.:M r s . - -I f ., I A .A i3T . r i I ' " ''i ' .1 . ' - : I ,1 v-if-:.: ; V" i :' x( 4- A H' ' - ? ; r r. -X JK. -I' .