-v4-.'-r.rrT1-!- '! - -! ; 17: n w. - r- . . V:':--.::-.Y.i--; : v" - i ": ; y '1'--. ; T i-.'W'VA '--" )' " 1 ,' v".. : - ! - I I ,- in- . y I! t' i 1 ! f'il 'i . ' i ii 't il j - i -..' i i . E;'---"-( 1'. I .MARRIED. W the iesideiu-e if lit-hrid.-' f i'Iht. nr Oxfrtol. n the '1st bsb, by Revr T J.'. Mr, LKSUiN Tl Tt'RNEll to M 1UKV RttQ. RIGHT. aM of Gruvilie l!lt ' , I D'.ED Li t-iia voii.ity, o.i (Ik i.ijjt . of i-rlrxy. Mr. SAUL' EL CI KlRKLAND. aged about -45 year. t j Die 1. i.; tin county, on the 2Uh inst. Miss ELZ Bk.TH SHEPHERD, aged about 40 ve:r. ' ' . i :i . ". ! . t Dt(ed. in Alamance county, on the IStli inst., of etigestiou of he lungs, Mr MARY MUR .RW; wife of William Murray. Esq., ( aged :ii.ut lijtan For more tl oihalf a century tit Kitter ii. lrael 'nl lieen consi-tont .H -mf f the IYe-byteiian churviu '-Blcss-. 1 a the dead wb iW L"T-I. ' I Died, in Dividson County! in Sunday last. !.-.:v. Mr. F.IANCH IIEDRICK . ' f " . ! D ed. in WiliiiMiton. onjt'if eveiiinje.of trie ti i.t.-wil. Mr. TA LCt )T r BURR, age 7 yea-. f.lh r m' t!i- late Eli of : 1 present J, O(rietor of l!ie Wilmington, lloJitl I. Roads Jo Every Place" (cm D. J. IS PKKP.AKEB TO I: K PA I It H ATCHuS CLOCKS, 4 JKWEMIY t i erv tcri.)- , in a styJ- u p iset iy any All ti-o-e linvii ij v..rli n .lo in jii llii. wiij .la'i'u e 1 to irive him s i-al. ns he i lo j;ive uti-iiiit n o nil. llis i-Ih-j I n. x! l.r ti W.J. .V trl.;i K Mt nii.l Mie e titMis'i ra-!! jmi e the Lilian lli?el. liv Miitt a'te-it ft.' lui-iiuss niiii uiireoe'!entel low pi:i-e, ie iiojies t incii nnj reeeive h liieral s.'inre of iiblio pji'ro mire. Februirv 27. n42 t' 1 'K L K I (Til llarblc Works I Xah ticor-irr oH'rjttl andlHl t -r- he liibir ribfr rKC. I.EVE TO i:ifra hi friii N mu-1 th - tviMi -4 uit - rallv tii-if Ij! i nv prt-prir.-il to cite nil mcl a .M'nn neiii!. Ija I Si"n Tnb-t1 ti-iv.- t)rn tent of nil le-r:pti-iii'l. mi l will inri-irf ictiire fro-n the -I -t lr i!i hi ti l A !" can MirhU-.'at North er :- ices, nnj tititsluI ii. the ui-t sippifov.l 't .!--. . : . ': A' . firtrwte W-k of all ilecrj;t I.ti f.ir In"l Twijj or. all other prirpn-ses. 3Liao.i Work J. it- to .-l r. -j ! X. !5 AU orvlers fr ui n -list.i i-e prtvnptly at'e .le! to AIJr.!.' ' i !- THOMAS GRIER. t Ocb.l er 17 17. . .n23 . tf. PROSPECtTUS. . 1 . . . m I --.V - ... . ? . - i" PTSS3NS Phila la lelphi t Counterfeit Detector ! . AND i '.'4 1 BAN R NOTE LIST. ! ilia TT w inib.iJied in-iitlily, i-i n larire tiuarlo . I . o HI. 32 pavfe iu e:cll number, on t'il ri t - o C I- b m- litii. the tii-si Lumber Ix-iug iLit J.inii .ry Ist.SS-4, and published oa riaturdax De m wr the 2tt. . - - I j D,exd t Co. Biiulir. will correct it. Toe c rrectitwis in tiie Bank Note List as rei l.ieioibe Diseoiiat o.i X'r. IJ-t.s of Conn t ifeits, t'-.. Will be iu de bx- lUe well Liu wn i; Ui t House of DiiEXfcIL A' CO.. 34 S.uth T.iirJ Street, wbo w.ll p'rch se all Bank' Bills at tiie pl:aUi lii.-ji'le tlierein. llill)etec t-'r'wi 1 ie t.Min.l to le reliadle an I true, ' . ..... t f ii Toe rlilM -ncrs nnve ir a io.h; inrie -een tiie ne eeii.v and want ut . an eniirelr. eOjiTec:, iu Ifie.idci.l and reli-b;e 4Vuuterfeic Defector an iti-k Note Lt. to le entirely liuci.. tc jb-d y a..tiy one to suit private ends and pur- . p se-." and are co.tdeut i hat from the means MJ.irceS of inf --illation whicii the r-dito.- of Oils lie eel o.- have at their command, it: wiii te t.nin.i to le llieinwt reliable 'ejector er publisiie-.l iii ibis country. ' j SI to CuduUrfeits and Broken Laii. , ; 'acli iiiuiller of tne D tecior will coataiuj p, ;he ti st jnige, a a iijJete list of "uil llie va cijus 1aouie of liiuk and Batik, ng. 14.-tili iKions. an. I Ui Uie Aarn-ns new Cu.u.trrlei s;i-oe t:e pablieiiiioii W the jnar moiit..'s Ieii-c-r. aod i eacii ai.d every iiuinber o. t"e Detector will Iwcu .taincd aconiplete, fll a i.l eulii e n?t of ! the Broken. Kai.e.l, tJ3osl Fraudu eiil aid Wortliiess Banks in the L'ouu tr J be "H be kep eiitivery separate an t .dii.i.ict iron'i the Good Bank.-. ' - .SlocL List.. Ekcb number witt contain a full, nint com. - ple. oock L:st, (corrected l;y . WlMaikc B Co.. up lo'Uie i.uuroi going to pre,)! Lon.is. Banks, Insurance, C anals and llAiiro.id Stock, showmn the l.r vu ue of each tock A, Wi ll at lh imR-c olfei ed, a d price iasked for eah ; aloo, .when the diviJenas on eacn Are due ml payaoie. -. " 1 j iywlttale.Jrice Current. Tlie Wholesale Prio Cu.-reirt wili also be f ..id to le fail. conid-e and rtiiiable, ot ihe Ku-d o,H:ratioixs. up to lue (iioiaeut of going Ui jiret-. 'I Every t ton keeper stould have if. Tt,- Puoi.klier intend u.kinr t.is Delector i idi!iu-Mbie t. every h rii doiiii business. . mat ,e will Ue a'Htf iu wimut o. a. Uie wcirWaojf. bt,i;.li ig and K-puiatioii of D xci ikJCo., linker and brocis. wdl b. euJiC ciit to guarantee iU von-ectiiess. f TEUM-j. IS ADVANCE. One copy for one year, Four copies lor on- year. -4 ,00 . Steve.i c-u(ne for one year. Ten copie:br one er, ' r if! ecu copies for oue -year, : -.. - Twenty bve c Mjie lor one year. ,7 fhJ 15 OO rgf Ad Ires ab orders to the Publishers, . j T. B PFXillLSON' A BliO . IJ Ei;S. f No. au6 Ciiestuut. S;: ea, Pliiia-leljiln'a, A.i ibe niuuei-s will be divered, regu!ai-ly t -y art of tlis City r Districts, or sent by Dii.l i i'aiv jKirt ol tU U-iiteJ Staled. : Fcbirar, il. u42tf CI1AIEL II ILL Eating House. SIMEON YATES. S TII SuWcriber would repct fully announce to the citizens of Chapel Hill and vici litV that lteha opueda Restaurant aud Eating .House inthi.s4 l;ue. "where he will be pleasel fo ee 'tliA-e in want of the "comforts of th inner mat-". ' i ' - Const C licken. nam and ls an lhpt cof of fer anvthine in my line. wilHe funiuued t ' taomeat notie "MoLiug hoL. i i OTAVERKr I : FOB Family Amusement and Instruction t ditcd by Zlotc A- Dow. 'Pill per in the I nicest Weekly ever pub J- lisheti in this omitry. : I eo.iient are iiiiv-'i Mi will be apprjuvei) iu the moitt !iitili o.i circled iiolliiHur j (in ral b;injf uilniitted II. t. lLa piige,: It will furnish :i4liittcll reading Mailer trluwt. nny one can ti.nl tutie to pe ruse. Cl3.(i,ijr tlf: . j , ' laics; History, Bioyraphy, Music fc The ?pvr cintaiinj. no'ultr.i sentiments, unit liicl.ii uvit!iel ill) jHilitic nor religion, but iv "is tii;a-.n ttriztsl a ui.i;il tone. It ciivu'- !a'es ni Wtlver I cnunlr,, fin in Muiiie to l-'iili toriiia. . Tne triiis ly nuii it e wi v luw, m will Letevu bv1 the following : TERMS : . ' ' The Waverlv'-Makiiziile is nuhlisheil weeklv by Mo-e.-'A. Daw, nL5 LuiJall "Street, lio - ion, Jiass. Two editions are pri iUd, one on thick paper lor i trio.iK.il Jjeuierd, at 6 cut- a copy, and an edition lor mail iulseribci-s, (on a little thinner jiaper, so as to come wilhi the low IS ihw.i nr -ja n year, or xi ion six uu th, aHvayain.iidiaiiLe , Clubs by mail. ixj p.-mers six iiioiiiIh. .Ji.5 1 .per stopped when the hist i.uinbrt pn:d tpr is tent. . . I i i A new roluiuo qoiiimumicvs everv 'JJulv and .. . m i " ' .. .innunry.. . iuv ir i erson coiiiiuc.ici- at anv paitn uiar number lif ihid Voluiiie.-aud pa"4 for six nioi.tli-, he will hai'e a' v.iume compl. t wan a iitu-page. Us k-very paper is complete iu it-eif. I i Z3$ Vhvti a sulscfilel-.orders a rene nl of Ills .-ultst-ripiiou he lollld . tell us what was the l;i.-t iuiin!.-r j he Veceiv-d, then we shall k.iow what numlier to ren-w with wi h iul huiiuiig over our books. Uiherwise we shall betrio wheti the in ii'-y isreee.vtd. j l'ersous writing fl the .paper .mist write their name, Hst-olfie(. county nnl Slate very distinctly - Tr.t5 '.yh'r.i wisli their paper c.iaii!.ed i-hou'd tell- Wii-re it has previ.uslr beeii sei.t. 1 . - j ; ; Posijige a i this' paper is twenty-six cents a year, paxuMe in advn nee at the office- u.ltr taken out. j ; j- i ' i Clubbing. t'bibs- iiiiwt nlwavi i.e'si ill xt Hue time to rec.ive premium.) Vje fan not s.nd tlini n( the club prj.-e tlub'S k-ceived all together, us it is 'tiKj ii.urli trmi'le t.iilok oxt-r i.er UmLii or. keep mi account with 'each them in.. . t r j - ' one g-ttiiij llV Cilia C.-tl A ill Ha f ..An 1, . ... 1 c.tpx of the ' WaVerK Mijj.-izme.' and elfin f t.'ie lull in-iiiuT xvorks for on- vear hv niaii: O.aliain' Maga-iii--.' "Gode's Ladx's nHk." 'Ladies .-Gazette of Fashion," .Tutiinin's Mait- llZille." TiMl!!l.U l!..!!-!!! j . Hf Any' one se-jilii i-rm 3 25 in ndxaiKe. C i h.tve a c-.py of thj. r.Waverlv M-igaziiie." and ei her t t e ; f..liwii pnpets Tor one year 1-v mail; H Tl u- I Fla ' "' America: IT ii'n. Olive Crane 1. f Yankee Privateer. A tl I . - 1 . ' . . - icurr-i iiiiii comin 11 nn-a lions eoneelniiig me i K-li.nL! be .ljlreed to the puM slie .' IE WA Y TO SUBSCRIBE-' TJIE . The proper node! to suliiscril e for a paper,is tOH-ll- h-e Ii moiirY la a letter, and iul,l:e.s t ie pobl g!u-r- direct, givuic indi vidiinl name v-tn the -it otliv-e, il'tin.'u written as imi ii ii ix nii rr,-ile rrri t ... . ni.-irks are often illeiri- Feb 27.f n42-lf To Arms J To A rnis ! ! ! fTllIE Commissioned fflJ'eis of the 47 tb Re . gi unit of North Carolina Militia are hir liv not j tie I to attend in uie loiltl House l!i lluLb-irouuli. oii SA' CI1DAY the 27th of February instant, arui4d.i'd ouii-ped as f lu law direeta, for the pliHjxiseof holding a Court M irtial. . ' j i All delinrjuents bav;a excuses to render to said Coun-Martial.' :niiit 'apear and render ;hciii, or they will be dealt with aceordi:iir to laxv. By order of JVinj. IL Jordan. Col. Com. " J- D. Wl LBON.j Judge Ady.H ate. Febiuary 2"i. 158. ". j ' nll-lt LIST OF LETTERS "DFMAINING in the Post Office at" Chape!,! i .LXi 11.11 February itf. Andrews. Irwin j I Andrewi.. Stephen At wati rMaUhcw, , Al a er. J. F.. ?! B. :&kwoo t. W. C Bishop, James, i B I.Ovid. B.twls. Addaline. i Burnett. Adison, " Coplei , Fran key, r Cneek. Wn... j Cheek, Julius M., : Carrel I. Ielililel,' Carson. N. E.,. Cole. S. II. Crabtree, W.. Cheek. John A,,-"1; Coplin, James, j j " Cheek. J. M ! Cntcs, ir. v., , Doilsoll..b'h:i I. Fa icet. Thomas, i . Fl n otf Mi-s M.. Freelaml. Miss SI., FariWe. B. F..3 Gift is. John W.; (Jjitri-i. John M., G o Iwin. R, C... fioilloil. ti.. Ooodwin. .XI. J , 1 itoiran, Ab.n', Hogau, Josep C., ; Heiudoii. Ii P., llnsfcev. Jh:i, . - itoiiy. M a; Hooks. S. F.. f. 'Ivy. Nat.', Jonc, Miss Bettie, K ikl.nid. Win.. King. Mi-s Annie. Lee. E .ward. . Maiciin, JL-lane Mai cum. J. P., Mitch II. Polly, AlcCutiley. James, ' Murelii-on. Or. J. 11 ; - Pears4in, Thomas, Potter, A.. R get s. C. J.,-2 Mrun. (ieorge, Si'irell.J. P.... Strowd, V. F., Snipes. B. F.. . St roxvd, Johii S., TUireiitine. A. A.. Jilev.'Ihoirtas, Wilm. Willis. ; Williams. J unes, Wiiliams. W. I" Wilson, Mrs. s. J. J. B. McDADE P. M. 1 . . L CMibHeriber, having located prnMANNTLY at this place, he would respectfully ffer his i-o- fe-sio'iial services' to the public. He may be found at all times, (unless Prosesiouaily engag ed.) at Dr.'Moore's Offie. on Frank lin St. a- bove th- -re of W. A Thoinp.on I will b in ill. bo o the fourth during iue year. . ; week iii ea.-h month Tf. A. nOBKT$ON. Aug. 15 hlK I STONE CUTTING! AND MASONRY. nil Snbseriber having established himself in t'h .pel Hill in the aliove business, hopes to merit and receive a couiimiauce of pat favors Hearth sbincs,Steps, Sills, Lintels, . Paintstoncsl Mailers. i Ilerth stones. Carpenter hones '-. Chimhet) Backs, (of Sandstone or Soiipstqiie)or Muythii gin bis line f busines . done nil short notice, on rea sonable terms and warranted.! Also, building done in ordina- mnsoi.ry qr Concrete. Oide.s at home or from abroad promptly attended lo iJOUN WHITE. Cliapel Hill. June 13, I9i7.9 Iy Stone & HStroud . - t ;,!-' :' :: HEREBY give public notice that their stock of eoods, eDf irely new. eonsistmg of a general variety, usually kept in this narket, are now offered to the public on the mi st liberal terms for CAII. . I I ' !. ' ' We fed I confident thai! we CAN and WILL give siti.-faction to all who may give us their patronage. f -Y i C'onntry iflade Cloths all kinds will le taken in exchnnere for IKE A Wm IM coeds, for which a liberal p-iee will be given. . stone -cs .vriioui) TIISJCIIARLESTON i MIJRCCRY, COM.N Elit'I aL NEiVS JijUUNaL. TS published iu Charleston, S. C. on the fob a i lowing terms: D-iil , ier annum, Tri Week I v WeeHy. (to be ssiie I early in Februar-.) CLI BH WILL BE FUnXISIIED A3 FOLLOWS : Five C iS of tliH Itailt Fix-e ropies of the.Tri Veekly ? i F.Vc Copies of th.i Weekly ; -. " - PA TABLE IN. ADVANCE. ; The name of no ' person nut of Chart stou will be eiitere i on our boi ks. unless the. pa j -iiient of the sub-M-riptio.i le made in adx-au.-e. Nor wil! or lers fro.'i without the city to; pub lisii A I v rtisemeiitsr Miii-riiie No! ices o-Obit uaiiesbe attende to, unless the -cash, r art neeept.ble city 'referi-uo1, Mii-eomitany the or. l.-rr Mouev may always PJ forwarded at. our risk in registered Jetters. . j l HART & FJIETT. Chatlesfon. S. O.. Fob. ltt 1X58. n41tT Laboring for the Good of Soles, W.J. xlEW T O N , TAKES this methotl of retnriiiiig bis thanks for patronage heretofore received,' and re- -ectfullv solicits th patismage ot nil whose ? are in jeoj.ardy or lively to be. 'II or ders xvill be proinptl atfejnled to, and in, the lest stvle. lie has on haiid and xviH always keep a sniidl stcK-k of the lest BOOTS AND SnOES. Now is the Mine to tuke sheHer. on the ship will sail. relimarv 14 640-ly SAIVTIi K. COIiIili.V iioi si: A.I SlOK 1MI.TI1. .1 7)1CSPECIFUI.LY iufoini ti.e citizens of 1) "ha;el ti ill. and snrrouhini-g country that he is pivpalvd to execute all or lers in. "!he ajiove line of business, at. he shoi test notice Kid at the most reiisiuia Ms rates. lie is de termined not to' be t-xecllwdj fur neat and dura ble work or for low prices Give h in a I rial. - t trdei-s for work may. for'the iresent. be lefr ntjlr.-Wm J Looley s Harness bh.-p. February la. I f i n4 -tf PERPETUAL .JUOTIOX ! ! ! Wll. J. COOLEY, BARXESS-HAKER, IT A VING located in the village of Chnpfcl XL. Jlill, at Sug- s oht etanM, (11. use dodir, iiir t,ie.eoiislab!e.) and having i'pile i to invent -pt.r-peti:al inoi ion. he is now lrepared to execute a'i orueis in 111- line 04 uu-mess. neyoiui iiie posi billify of a failure.'! lie xvi! trunrnntee to fit Hoi-ses 01 1111 sizes, no hiium r 11 tney ne, i, sfii.ll !as a rat or as Inrirje as ftn elephant." Jit is i Termme.i i piense ini-i cisto-i e;s im.tii in (piality of .work an 1 timteiials used, nud that, too at uiiusjinlly low . -i -es. - Give him a trial -JfOl l llarncsa lU'atly, cheapiy.an.l I r uniitly. relwiireit f F F l.nn.ry 1-t. ii40-1 y A CURIOUS BOOK FOR CURIOUS PEOPLE. i:J' E f most singnbiri productions ever r J issued f.-om 1 ne Press Itiis been publisln-,! and is tor sale l.v the -subset iber. It is intend ed lor Male nu.f Fc'ia!e adjilts only v. It can vi;"" 'lrn.$l paire, ve.. will .le sent o!.iiii., lo any one n hireling Dr. A. W. GIXIJCH Ji CO.. Phil a delpbiar I'it. ' IE von' don't! xvant the Svork. uiving your address will cost not inir. '! -P. S. All publi hers of n'exx'spapers insert ing the above, and this not. eel. two or tunes. wilt'be entitled ito a copy if Ihe Bok pos paid, by seiiiliinr theii paper ntarked to A. W..' Gettieli .t C... P.ilad Ipl.ia JL o o h Here! ! The inidersiiied bavimr iletenuined to cjiaiio his oustuess, prorosea to.seM ms entire sfocK ot goosd consist log ol almost every vaT ety of iiierchandTse usually kept in ountry stores, at Cost For Cash. . A. DA VIES. mler 7th. 1S 7. tf t, ;. sir Thoe indebre-l to the suliscriber for x."6-nre earnestly requested to come; for ward and jax up us longer indulgence cannot be iriveii. - : . r . A. PAVJES. - Nov 17tb. n2ft. tf. STEDIVI AN7S Salem IVZagazine . .- l 10-Blt TUB TITI.K K iA ;: LITRRY PERIODICAL. 11 O T II fj Y ; TOWN of SALEM 1IY ) ' ADUEW J. STKDHAf. - f A MEMBER OCTIIE !Vortli Carolina Bar. ' J. N offer? hit to the 'public fmv Magazine. I I lini f.n the K litoi-i.il 0 iair no snperi- oritv over that lepartment of ofner like pe- riiMli'-ai-;our I uo eiann ior ineiaient ot jNorln. Cnroliiia and the South irenerally that will be broiisiht to it.ssuppo'rt. Muifherii pntrim.'ti'e.- And I also, as a Southern man and the Editor of a Southern Magazine clanh at the hnn.ls of the South- rn cou itry.ninl esieciallv of North Carolina, that ai l nnd siipprt. that xvi.I here. at home, establish upon a firm liasis.a fountain of Literature and ex"lusivc!yfa Home Literary Masraziue. ' ; Many are the Manazinei now published iji the Northern States t lint are flKding the whole Sont ertj conntry. tTltere is not (it is probable,) coiin'ry in any SontheriiStale that Is not vis-'tel by "Harper.''. 'Graliiiin.' "Peter, jon"".' 'Godev: while herd, iu North-Caroli na and theSoiitliAvhere irenius unsui p.is.se".! and nnequaled reiges t lie hterai;.y talent that i brought into exercie ii"dedicatei to the Mip nort of Noi t.!ien M I 'nzine-'l xvhile Southern enf erprize.tnste' and 4al -nt bow in liumbl-' sub mis-ion to su di suict lal ixilicj- of Southern con. trib'itoi-s. ." j I ; T "Vhy. I ii';, cannot re North Carolina.the Smt'i -ctid rre-'inx to our j Southern dim a Mat'Hzine i. C ptible for flirt n.rhy qualities that ador t he paws of the inost cluste, ele gant and politer Periodica I. 5 t true that the Sou'b bis her Miu'-iwiiea blip f.;xv in nuni ber nr.- thev. ahd m known, inii,i ed to the tnMcafi ii of. t'ue North xvlrch every mail bri igs to onr h.eiies rilled Vfiili the result of hired Ubor and teeming with uujmrdouuble dbi- n. ' - .j' .'".(-. ' My m i'Tazine will be of the usual size; and n .tiling wul o aauiicted 10 its pages but suoli art clesas wul meet the approval of the most fastidious. I L dial I be .1 I ILLUSTRATED WITU EiSGiUV lGS And plates o. 'tjie most eicgaiU texture, (IquAling in i-eau-ty and tyle any exccuied at.jihti North. My price of ciubs -ripiioii ;h TUEE DOL LARS per year, which is required to be paid iii aix;aiiee, as the expe.ise tiC be incurred, in establisliiiigsucb tt publication will not admit ot a credit system". . ' i The Jirit number cill be issued I at Janu ary 1858. I ; i' :! .. A, ;J. STEDMAN. . EDITOa AND PEOPBlETOU. SeptemWr 1st 1857- N. B. My addres until the 1st of November will be Pitsboniuh N. C. alter that time it will be Snleiu N. C; BLANK Attachments 1 FOR SALE IHERB F. Nove -.1.1 THE POLYIINQUAL JOITBHAL I A. Magazine in Jtive Languages t rench.pftnihjfa7wlen Designed to Afford Important Facile ; tties forAyqu,inig a Prntticul V $10 5 2 20 8. i ; jx. tt o wi euge or , we - prt nci j i pal Languages of , i j . Europe.' Iij orler to iacreafe the ailx-nntatres ff thePoly lii:irual ; Jcunial to teachers and learners, same-text istrien iu four laottuatres Freivcfir Spauishj Itnliau and Gerinn but;iiot. in En glish. The four languages are nrraiiged on op. posit e pages, as neaa-ly line fop line as possi ble. t"-euable the learner to institute compar isons, and trace analogies between the differ ent languages. The practice of I'siilg the same text iu the study of different" lfiugtinga is" ge nerally folloxved by tlje best educational in stitiilions ir. Europe. '."V-f.' .:;'', . ;. Hie editor took oceiasiori: xvliilef traveling on the Continent, am! sojmirm i; jn r ranee, Spain'. Italy and Germany; to lieeonje familiar with the most successful systems of ustruction in the Modern languages. ... - ' : Th4 polylingual Journal will be published Quarterly . in double octavo form, at two. dol-. lar per annum,; invariably in advance, Liberal discount made to teaelierS uiing the Magazine. Editors- eoping this' PLrospecttis, and sending the pijer containing" it to the "Alitor of the toly:inguaI Journal, Wilt re- ceive a copy tor one year, il C. SPARKS. Editop, tf. ; Nexy York. Sept. 26tli i Sot BIUL1ANT. PROSPECTUS, j KOLliTU THAU Of THE ' COSMOPOtlTAN 'ART ASSOCIATION. '',-: THE FAMOUS ' DUSSELDOR ! :i o PA INT GALLERY Purchased at a cost (of $1:80,000 AND POWERS' WORLD RENOWNED I STATURE OF THE lie-purchased for six thousand dnllnrfe, with se veral hunilred -ither works off Art , inf Paintings Seulpture1 and Hronzes, comnii lse the Premi- 1 . I ' e -i ' .1 L -.it' . -J.' e u . urns to lie axvarueu r,o uie.au oscrioeqs 01 me COSMOPOLITAN . ; t - i - -I xvho subscribe before the 28th of Jahunry. 18 S8, at wlrioh tiuii' the axvlards. will t4ke place. .' 7errnsAfSuscripti0rii Everv 'subscribe of three dollars is Entitled to ' A copy of the larire and spSeiid'nl LSteel En ...i i ...... t. .' .;i ... .. ravm , ; utiuea - ..xi.viiiesi. ucthm , - .nwi.t" A cpv'f the Ctismotmlitan Art Journal one ear. also to ' . ; : A Certifieate in the Award ot I'remnitns also! A free ridniiE-bii to tlie! Dusseldorf anil :0os- mopolit in' Galleries, j j. . v I hus .t is seen tlinf tor every ir.-rep iiouars- i.aid. the sultsciiber not only rvceix-cs a ' Splenilid $B Engraving ! 1 !.nt uUo the beautiful illustraled-' . TWO DOLLAR ART JOto Tvicli! snbeersbrr is aJ-MD presented witn a C-.-rtincate in the award of Prcniuuby xvhich a valuable work of Ait, i!i,PaiiitiHg.or,Scolp tuie. mav be received in d Jtion, t!m uiying to everv siibscriber ail e.iu valeht to the value f fix-tl dollars.'iu.! ajCertlfieate gratis. Any lone cf the leading $3 Mairaziin s is fur- ni-iieo, P'Sieau oi jjiigia - " if desired. J - - . - . i - . . "'. No nerson i- restricted to a single snare. Thie taking five Tuemherships. reiiiittingf 15 are entitled to an extra ngiraviiigt and six rickets.: '-. :r .- L I ' ;: J . 1 . ' . ., ; t :-.'' Foil particulars of the Awoeiation are given in the Art Journal, :NfrT l?otiar-ox-er'w xiy sKlendi I ei.era'vruirs.4riie fifty ceutd per nuiu- Wr. Specimen copies Will be sent tb nil pei- sous xv ho iiesrre to suoscnoc, c postage stamps. (15 cents.) ' Address ;- - . C. L. DERBY. Aijtnnry. C. A. A. ., : 548 Bmadiiy, Nexv lorlc. Inr3.3t J , r i- i i - ROWLnT ; BltOTIltRS; SffecccficuiLi. 5' i ' 1 NORFOLK, VIRGINIA! h A".! RE prepared to -;cieve and dispjose otntl anlageously,! any quantity oi npur iiom Orauire. Alaniance, Gni)frd and nelgiiox ring counties. Many years experie'. :-e with ev. ry fnciltv and ability enables ns ta guaraniee,?at isfnetion and promptness in nil sales. We have sold forj inid refer to among many ot icrs : !. IIj.i-Tlios.lRuffin Alamnnci1 John Nexvlin P A. Holt. ; W. 'A;briglit.i . J, II. Hauehton, A. IL'-Limlley'i P. (7. Cameron, Jol n F, Lyon. do i do rdo . CiiHtl.am. ; do Ornnget do -r THE CHAPEL: HILL GAZETTE IS PC3Lts:iW EVKRt SXTUKOAT MOtlMXO .MMES M. HENDFRSON. 7ITOIC PROPKI ETOR At 32 Per Anxltm,, Invaria bly in Ad vane e.) DV i il'lSE ilEX r.sj xviU lie- inserted at one l.il.i per s uare f 11 lines, forj the firts uuertion. and Txveitty-five cents per square for each -iubseinieutii nsei (ion. PLAINapd FANCYj JOB I WOREt cxecut- . ed wil h neatness and dispatch, ut (iccomtno dating prices Visiting and Business Cards ', prruted' to-order, j j . ; ice. The Suliciber inteiidihg to'i einove to tlieWest ih-xicksts all persons indebted to- hini by iiote oraceonntj to call and settle by the first of June, 1858. .'T'S. AL'X. HOG AN. Jan. 15th, lS58.;t t. -rrrJ IU air ALL persons iupel)te'.r t J. U. IIUTOIIiNrt it CO.! a:-e re (ir Ftfed to-c.n fortvarkl arid set tle either by. nn'e orjeash, the LAtTER far more preferable. j. '; : f - . ;' .1 We arc dcternrinei to close our books and those: having .accounts with us, ftiay Jtvoid trouble by : calling at once. 1 I ..!-'.". 'J. U. HUTCH INS fc Co. January, 15 th. 1858 . f- MEETING OF BACHELORS. TIIE Bachelors of Orange' are requested 'to flsseinb!e at the Crnirt -ILiuse in Sills joro' on tlie 9th of March next (b ing Tuesdt y pf Su perior Court, for .he purpose of taking into consideration certain plans for their Mutual benefit. Ac.. ; i . 1 - :; i.-'... The Bachelors of New Hope and Flat Riy er. are particularly requested to rally to the call. ! J CAUCUS OF BACHELORS. DENT AIT NOTICE. UK. V. F. UASOX de'nItist. f WOULD 'respectfully make known! that lie ex pcts to visit CHAPEL HILL a least once ev ery session. l ' ! N. B.I Ckmm'unication ihADkfdlly 'reciy. j ed and promptly attended to. - Hot AN IMPORTANT r os pc.c THE PEARL OF: THE PRESS, The Purest firillwnt of Bids I sing and Beauty fdr every 'f I age and class, for ev- - 'h i erg family and ; : the 4-.ij.--i! person. The New Testameti t ns a periodical !, .!N rebindinsr reaitired ! J .No Postaore! Inflexi blwTCIoth Cov.ei-sj iroljd stamped and gilt edg ed, sent by niail.iuurollcdj smbotli, And pos! paid. ' -;,;( ?.'i, :;'"-' With the beet indexes ama introductions to its several Booki extjatit. And seme of Nel son s colored priiits, i)i e.very nuniher. ;, Wanted Good . Arent in all cities and Towns, and at rJl post-offices in the Lnited state's, hundred can find eronloyment in PliiladeliJWa alone. Tbe best onnoi tunitv !of doiiic goxJfnd crtttinig good, ever offefed. ,s btockton s Luition of the authorized ersior. of the -.'"; .'I '; .1 - : 1 - NE1Y TESTAMENTS' Iii naragraoh form, .with' copies, indexes', hiefly compiled from 'Towiisen's Chronoloei Arrangement,' and aijcom-panied by Critical, II istwrical, and Analjyticnl irttrodiictions .to its Books, oriiriirallvl: prepared by'the 'Rev. Thonins llartxveH IIiJ-ue, D.D., author of the Introduction totlue Critical Study :and k; owl edge ef the ioly Script u resj and now revised; eoixected ajnj. brought dovfu to the present t.inv'4 by Samuel Prideiiux Trecoellesrii. L. D t nthor of "Reinai ks on the- Priuted Text of tlu Greek Nexv Testament.' etc. ;' ', . Everyf number! embellished " witn . two or more'wf Se'sou's efeirant eoldrJ"ftille Viexvs, or. btherpicturesj fotming in whole a most interestifig aud vajuable combination for the instruction aud profit of all conditions of the Peoplje.- ' .: L y : , . Regniar pulTicafion to commence fD.' V 1 September 1 1857.) Tlie 'work will be divided into lju or 12 pnm, makiiig itioo to 180 t pa ges in nil ; one parjt ayeriigiug l oOor 150 pag es; appearing yery ten Hays ok two wceko n lo eoninlete the! whole by the epuiing in of the ;nexv Year. . Pj'ice 50 cfeiit3 a part ; or $5 for the whole.- work, post paid. I j ' The) first nnmbej-, Miithew,' xvith Index. In J,rplu(tl jn, and plates makes 187.-pnges. The iiiimbei is .noxy refidv, having been is,sued iu ; ad viiuce. as a specimen. It wjll be- forwHrded. post-paid, to any person disposed to ct ns'A jreut. for go cents a copy; or three for 1 ; Persons interested will please ..send immedi- ately ffur the first number, and. liking this, they will: be prepared for other orde. s. . j I A great de nand is crthfiJeiifly expected ! -It is tho'ujglit, no exageratioo to call this the Peri bdic'al of Periodicals, he Genii t the Floxver.the Star, tjie Beauiy and Glory of the Press !. j;' f The Wst place t(j procure the work is at the prfblislier's office the Bible Tract and Pel i- odiod office, 635 Archlstreet ibue- door beloxV fith. North side. :':.- -' ;;h ! '"jr- '' Hi .!'.; No clnpiea left 'Oiij sale nny:wbere ; Jlliqttgli ,ilie traUe will be sjuppliod at proer discou . t, and he- work may) be ordered- tUrough any bookseller. J - ; r ' ' ? j - ' , " , ! i Copies of the same etirtion, m -pper covers, xx-ith hirgif margirM. irimiued' or uh tVitiimeil for those who jpref& them., Price, in paper. covers. 40 cubits a (a,rt ; or four dollacft fiir the whole work-. . . .'. " ; . M i iPnblishers jinsertiiig the nbove Pro pectus, j xvith t is! note, and S'-itdin'ir us rnarkj-d, copies, wil! bd supplied xvith-tbe first iiniuber at oncei nin! xvitu suhseipieut nuiiibers, accoi' ding! to; their contiMued interest. Address T. II. STOCKTON, d: of the Bible Times, i; PUfladelphia. ..Pa nf 33 tf T FALL GOODS. I TAKE PLEASUilE in CALLING HIE attention of the bittzen of I Iillsbnroiurli phapel Hill and the adjicent country, tu my large and desirable; stock t Fall and tViuler. Goods. Which t am satisfied have been purchased op. the iftost favorable terms havfitg been in Uie Northern market late in tlie scusoik and theictoie. had the advantage of the decHne in pl'ices j'l'liis advaujiagej I clieevfully extend to iny pntrphs. . ' , ' To lint lollowitd lailmg articles I Wtslrto call particular tte ition as 1 hey were pur,eh eil at amctioiif.rice, oite third less than their aet,u al-value, viz: :,' (- i- :' ;.!.' ..:'-;' .. : y i' Super i -r. 6-4 French Mrinoes at $1 an i l 25 well.-o .th t'rom $1 .50' to ?r,75. yards to the dress. " j '..' '-;. . ' . , ( . 5 4 Satin De Shenc at .85a"., worth $1' 50 6 yards toi the, dreiis. I ' ! ' -. . ; ; From J-8 to. 44 Boiled fj 1,03 De Rhines.' j ; Rich Bmche Shawls iitflti wortblo. ; A liirue' assortmeiit'of Black and Freud! gray Cloth Cloaks at 5 lil.jw.irth $15. f 1 Also a full variety of the tiuest F-eneh Cloth Cloakir.gsftf per yard xyoi th fiv.-J Tji getbejyilh nil the. nee'essasy. trimniitiirs' and. nexv'est style.Patter is to make bemju 'whbdi 4 ill be dotie by Mrf. Owen, if desired, or pal -tfcrus furnished to purchasers with! instruct ions. - ' .A V,' ,il -. -'...' '-.v ''' 7.'. ' White j5)nbroderd' Canton; Crape ;Shawls ';n real bargiain at 20 worth $30. - f The articles xvith prices aiuiexeit are iu , tended tio call attention'to sncli jirticles of superior style andkjnality as have Sbceii pd'ri cljiiised at n very reduced lilt e a id njffere I nt tjie price of m'eaiiirn grade 'go-ids.. 411 glides : aii'd prieeiof goods xvil be fonud in.my store: 1 Mousliia De liiiin.-s fi-oiii 2l'c to $l hta, : Sntiu Siiripe Poplins, f 'I , -' '.- '' . ' ' Robe A Q'lilles Mumbrn shaded M'Uislin de I aiues for the m wiufiutiiro of Rjhja A QuiU les.' . ::'L "I. J' ":l:' '' -''.-' 1 Worstejd, artd Spun- Silk Plaids; 1 - 1 I Haiidso uie Plaid and Stripe Silks prices from 75c. to $1 50, ' '!- . . ': ' ;. Ini'Ji'ian. Englisli and 'Freuch Prints., ' ; Heavy jOvercoats. ...'.; -t ' . i Bed and Nem o Blankets, a great f job. gay. from 75c. to the best iquaiity usually sold m tliismark -t. Also a lot of Heavy rboes for Negro Men and v oiue. . , r ! j f Flannels of Aniei-ieaib Eui'lish and Shaking Quaker Munuf icture. red. xelloxv, white, aud blnek. j ' ;! f , . t ! f B'ots and Shoes of-a!most every -gj-ade. - ' My Milliiiery DejiiU-tineiit iscomileie- un sisting of It, e nt '.. iyv iLi..nets. ' Ribboi.s fefitiiers Floxvers 'and, Cbeuvile 'Tiimininirs therefore jM.rs. O .v eil flatters herself that slie will be patronized by those wanting 6iieli ar ticles ; - ' if-- :' ' --''V ;;' l in concjlusioh. I xvonld fiierely saj' that Jhe variety iii ir y stock is tqogivjat to enomerate aiid respeictfully intite nil to give it an exam i.iation a- d if it.is iiot satisfactory I shall not, ask or wish any body to buy, nor charge any thing for showing. r H. Li, ONVEN. -. V i f N. B. J also bffejr to the public a new. safe economical and beautiful stylcof -Lamp haviiig lihaght the right toselI MJB. Dy tCs Paten Non-Explosive Self-Generating Gas Lamp: -This Lamp possesses every requisite to inake it the most desirable article to use: in a fami ly as they afford a itioat brilliant light and eri tirely free from danger.' 1 , : '. ' . . : .:' II. L. OWEN. ; Aug 31 857 . c 283t.l : SOUTHERN Marble Emporium. SALISBURY N. C. THE Manufature of MtMiuments.l feadstones Slabs or any otheif work in the Marble line will be conducted by ''.'.."; .v ll ; GRAY BRYAxf & CO., AT the old stand of Gray A Tansey! . Mantles'. Hearths, Fence-posts Tile,Building Stone tc., ordered at short Notic of American or Italian Marble. Butlifactioii rcZ79iited. Call ndsee or mi jwar order, j H WP0I7 J80t H IP IB f:" 7A E Just opened a fiVeahd, wll NTMiraS .Jitinbruir-iiiinr i be laics: styles id btMium KViitin oiViroat. biisines e-naits i.f Ivest-, faiii-y jFietich ninl Abiet ii i---'' -- I - II I II 11 -!: II If r. . -m I ' - - . . . ' - - , f m IP. n in n -A : w nn -i . . : I ' - - . V ... -v , .... . M rfftir.Ja.ja.Ja.o. .-la. M.-" - ' inent nf froDcIi aiul. .,tii;i broad lolhn, 1,1, k, blue,, brown ol A jvey . Also FieHcli ruul E; g'iii " blai k ilnt'kiti' i asi- N I iiieren fini nssoi trnenb ff ( Jeutletbeii ; jFiji ni?liino-- it I Vnsi:tiij of Glove ScaifVi ' niui crai (lis, uie. iuu ru iuri 1110 u.iueriiii 1 LLt. xr.,;.. f.:.. .. -.i and meriSo drixvs, also ft large lot of linen jackonet linnkeicliiefsJtoi;elheT with every articla usually ;kpt in a wholesale Clothijig Establiulinieut io xvhich we respeiffnlly invite public attention, - - ' ; ,p.' j Loader .watson 0"?rl0 1857 . 1 ' - -,..t "T.i iii'in 1 ;it ot ,0 l" ffilt ' K Av " i,ni vVfti"; WA T CII REPAIRING AN;!) ' -'I', EOT x WOULD respeei fully, iiir foi-mjtln citszens ofCliapclj Hill hn.l surrounding coin) j try, that f run i tlie I have just, reiiiriie.il Noi tli, a"lI '1,ave oi hand a beautiful nsortmeiit-of Jewelry walcli les, ike., to 1vh(.;h their alttUtloii is invitetl Repalnii cr, : . .-i ' l - - ( , ' M Ii: nil its branches, done .in tlitl neatest tnanuer at loxv . pricrs. JOEHl C. 150vHvtK. Ja'ii. 1st. U 853; tf.L CIIiPEL HILL Confectionary. ! THE subscriber Would respoctfull v solicit pub ie atfe ition to his Jni-ieil and compjrelien j si v st. if-k of C X FECTI N A Rl ES consist! ng in part of Clinilies of var ous kinds. Cigars ot, baceb Sardines. Oysters fresb and spiced.. Tropical fi iii's.such as oranges, lemons, rnisiii.-pi-unes ptnniisc. x - ' ' . ' " - I AlsoJI -kileitti stocfe'of ieiovies, li'o ierv, hnri.1' kerehielfs- stibSkslct. vats. .t-e. GS-. e men .call j- .', !'' . : t . ': SIMEON Y.iTES., 1- ; CliaiK-1 April TStli i nltf Ifniversity in CHAPEL HILL..N. C -i !10NS1 aNTLY ' oii hand 11P. the Text Books ! lised! in the College, and t&ose . adapted toi common lliifli Sdiools'J fine ielectiou of tine most Popumr works alxvays be found lit our st. re, fllso, . J- . '. . ; - STATIONERY iii all ils varieties orders for Text books or o tiler w oi ks irofiitlv I'xi-r-ute J. V MALLETT &C0. Aoril lSth 1857 ! n.llf. ; '! i - ' L-L f. I' . 0. F. Anderson D- Reyno 1 t ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, Gil O C E 5t S-A: COIflIiTIISSIOI i merchants; ; ?Io lC Rooiiokc Sqimrc, ;; - l ' NORFOLK, Va. ' KEEP al ways on hand n h nsshrtmetit o fJi'ioories. nml trivei neliie attention to ales of Flou nnd : Prndure ir'"P"'v. savoidinir uiinecessarv charges and making prompt, returns. i ' - FALL AND WINTER BITPI.Y S or S AND SHOFS e Subscriber is noxv leceiving n large fP- I. yof , -j .-: : v B00TS AND SHOES, f of all qualities and variieties. to which he in yilfs the Attention ot Ins customers sni the publicl Mull's ;-.fid. boys'l Boots and slmes, L'-ilies: and. MTsses' nml Chil.Ii en's I Shoes ol all styl e.- Bronaus and shoes 'for servants. te. Call and exain.ne, as I Riiitdetrmined to trivej go;l l.at-oaii.s. irENIi' PORTER Ra!iifb. N. 0.. Oct. JBUi ; n28 tf. THE HARRIS HOTEL rm HE Hotel forme' Iv known a tbd il "-inilh Ilouse't. havimr leen put in 1 ti I thorouirh repair, and refurnished thro'- ont, id now ready for'the; ri ceptio ; of guests) Itaviiri; thef al vnntiige of a ti rot-rate market, the tiiiVe willhal wavs be bountifully.sprend. Bsd-rmom" liient aiVkl comfoiiable. iervanti at-jj tentiv"; at djpolit. jjind it pains will be spared! to make all, eoniforta le who may stop at tlnsi House. . . i ''.'! " ' ! -.'""- GUN JND LOCH m 9 SlST Thl! subscriber annotmcs to tne oiti- aif PJinnol Hi!' arirt. vieii.itv t.l.nt Iia lin oneueil slwm ui Hiis linje tienifv. in f-ont oft the Union Hotel xvhere me is prepared to exe cute all job in , j G UN or L10 CK repairing, small MACeilVKaiY, in the best manner, at short notice and on reasonable teroie. j ' ' Tin sh -et-i) 90 flfld Crass vessels men-led or repaired. F. A J7ATCH, o7 u: AJtaAtw ant i.T1: : t f '- . 'I i ' - . 1 ! ' 1 : . . JVJ selecji itaSfAnrfjprtt AN D PTONISHING GOODS njl pnljep. faiuSH tflreV pnttrtrilRDd nli ca6siinei,, h'1m re HhR0ll. , :...J , . . . . ' niarsnilS Sllirrsaiwl eoLliir f. n. , 2.i CATHARTIC PILLS MPERATE .hjf their pnwerfj Inflneiiee oii the ! interniil vidrnr tn purify the MimkI and ntjnoi late it into Intiilthxi netioii. .Tli-r remove' the obstructions of llie strtiniith. bowels, lirrr: nt.t ih.. orirans of the liokly, nid, by rtfn In;, their lrreril;.r aciion io neanni cirrper, xvnerevrr tnrr tx t, ufh derangement ri aN the fir.t r.iiicfof diseap. Ah extensive tial cf their virfiitu, hv' Profrmnr, Phvsicians, nud Patituts,.hnir clown' e'nfM jf fat Rerous diseases iiinmit nryor.a liclier, mere the? not fcunsiatUKiiea or pfr$nns or suih exalted npiitWt and character as to fiir'iid the stwnlcionof untruth Their certiticaffl nrf piiblinhed iu mv Anirric-oi Alnianae, which the" Agent ImVixt named r jpleascd f birnl-h fiiee to -nil' lurpiMaif.' ,j ' '. , j Aniipxed we fcive Dinctt.wt f..r itie.r use ia tl a "'complaints whili they have been found to mre. roil t'osTiveNKssj lokc one or two Pill, or snrn quantity a" to prnuy n.ove the bowels. Cfv tivewes is frenlncntlv- the ngirrav.itinir cmie hf ?li.ES, and the jc-urefof one i-oni.'aint in tli( cfre joi ooiri. ,io person can n-ei veil winie un.lor a costive habit of Jbod. Hence it should be, a it ; can lie, prompt! v relieved. . , Foit Oysi i i'si x, which U sometime the rm t ut Cvstiraits, arid idw.iys iinronifortable, take mild doses from ond to fw'ir to stimulate tlie stomiieh atul liver into hejdlhy nrtioii. Thrjr will it. uid tlie tenrfbitrn, wifFybiim, nnd ioit'hurn of dyirpii will rapidly disappear. .When it bus coiic, don't foriret what curd vnft. ' ' - i For a Foi-l SoiM cir, or Slurbirt tntu-tinn of tfs Boirelt, which pijodnrm metier,.) depresxion of 'tb spirits and V.kd hcultlk. t-A from four to rinht Pill at first, nnd siuullcr d.ien ntterwnr.U, until actirity nud Ktrentli u rj-stoi-ed to the vst"ui. . For 'NEKvbrnxKsj. Siok Hkaiixciie, Navsia, Pat ii in the Stdiilnwhl Buck, or Side, take frmn (nut to eijiht pillson notnij; to bed. I; 'he do tint oper ate sufficiently, t,'ke mure the nrkt dux- until they do These cn:ntniiif will be iwriil out from ih system. . Don't ea'ri thce and their kindred d!; nrtfora hpn..R vJmr fjltnn:ieh in Tintl. - . v Fob. ScitoFULk. EiivstrHt.x, und nil Diinurs if the Skin, take the Pill freelv and frequently, lo r. . L i iJ ' 1 'It. ' . : . - . ' , Keep iue uuwi-i u.ipi. nc ei ii.iiiii. pewer j iillv -soon brin tfu climinish nnd disappcH'- lany dreadful nicer and Korea have been lieidcd up by .'the puriring iitid piirifyititt effect of thee Pill, and Unm?. dis;UHtiugdiscoeS nhich ureined to Mtiirut the whole systcn have cotuprctc-ly yielded to thru influence, lcaviiiKr the sufferer In perfect licnltt Patients! yHir -jliityi to. H-icty forbids, ihnt jrnn should iiarade votirst-lf aniimd Ihe xvorld covered withpiinples. blnitchea, ulei-rs, sore, and til if '.ix ... 1 1 . .'. L ... I - I . . 01 mcjinelcan aispes oi inc um, uccuur jour ystciii wants clransLng.- 't ? j ". To Pt'KJif 'THB IJloou, tlley re the best medi cine excr discovered. I Tboy hiimild be taken Tody and frequently, aiid the iinpiiritie which sow the yecdi ot incurable di4c.ie xill lie nxvpiit jul of ibf avstem like chaff before th xvind. 15 y thi property they do a much good In preventing meknc a by ilic'rcoiMrkalile cr tticy are making erory where, ;!': ..- - . I.IXFK CnMPLAINT, J AC DICE, and all Dlliout Ajfa tionx, ane front some Ucrnngcment either torpidity congestion 3 or obstruct i.ma f the Liver Torpidity and congestion vitiate .ho bile and rendu it i.nfit for digestion. .This i disanlro.i to the health, aiid the riiiistitiition U frequeiitl r under mined by no oth.cr case. Indirection in the ymp toin: ()listriiction nf tl-.e dtict which empties the bile into the stoinacli t a iocs tlie bile to ovciflow into the blood. Thi pridne Juundire, with long and daiigrrnu trainof er il. Costiveue, or altcruiitely costiveiies and dwrrhoca prevail?. I-'eveiish syinptmiiK, langntir, liiw.irit.,.xrcaritips, restlessness, nnd'inel.inuholy, with omttiuic iu. ability to sleep, and Isornctinic great drowniti ; sometimes thne b scjvore piiin.in the side ; the akin and the xx bite of the eyes necouie agrc cnih yellow; the stomach ncid; line ImiwpU iore to the t.i.r'n , the whole system irritable, with a tendency to if ver, which may trim to biliqus fever, bilious colic, bilinv. diarrheca, dysentery, A c. . A medium dose of three ir four j'iils'fakon at night, followed hy two or three In Uie morning, nud repeated a few day, will remove :he cause of all these trouble. It is wicked tn auffvi such pains when you can cure thrni for 2-5 cents. ' Rheumatism. Gout, aud infinmmntnry Pe ter, are rapidly cured by the purifying effect, of 'Jicse Pill upon Ihe blniwl lind the stimulii which thev atr.vrd to the it;il principal of Life. - For tbe and nil kindred oniol.iinl theyihhoiild betiken in mild doses, to move ll.o bowels gently; but freely. , As a Dix.vpii piLt, this is both aircable and. usefot i No Pill cim Ue mudr mure pleasalit to lake, and certainly none has boon fundo more effectual t the purpose for which, a dinner pill is einployed. - . , TRKPARBU HY ; , im. j, v a veil co.; v Practical nnd Analytical Chomiita, , : LOWELL, MASS., AMI RMI41 BV 1 ; n. ix sal'Mh:i: diiucgist M. EI)iEY, Commisson IVIcrchant V 56 JOInt-Strcet it. V. ' . ' ' . !; : ' i :f ''.'.- BUY AND FORWARDS EVERY KIN'D 4 of merchandise for tkk text. CVmmiskiom. ' Reers to Gov.Swain and Morehend.N W Vox fin. J YOd,orne .0 P Metidenhall, A M Gor. t..oii, I jiqrs. and R.v. C V Deems, Hon W'AJ Grahanij and other. Den let in Piiuo.Me le ?eoii?,iOrgnn, IJiirps, (iiiitars, MnsicifSw.. in Macliines. Iron Safe. Pump. Garden Ln- gides. Ac. A Minted list of aU the different 1 makers, kind and irics sent tree. rubi-her of an elegant lithograph of"ickory Nut Gapl .C.(lia.il.tlie -;. , "CHEROKEE PH YSICI AN: - or Indian Guide to Ilea Mil" This invaluable pamilv aoviser should le in eyery lioiiso. It trrnl.y'oii all diseases, has A copions glossary aiid prescribes the retaedios from i.nt'ireV boiiHtieou stores, for all our in firmities nalmirori lines, ! It is printed on fine white pnner haii.lsome'.jv bound fouilh eliuon 3 0 pngies end, i iriaih-d free for one dollar. N W Rosewood IManos, f 150 ' , i ' Janiuary 8 . t tf . Carriage ittaldng; THE Burmeriber take this method ( la forming, hi frio id lai I the public generally that he jtiilcontinriee tocarry on THE CARRIAGE BUSINESS, . at his old stand jn Chapel Hill where he is prepared to exeeut all woi k in that line as., cheap ft thei'-hespest and as well as th best. H also lias on hand 'for Salt, ohe (wo liors, waggon and gears.. and a new Buggj-, which he will sell low fr easli. Of alljtiiids, exerutel rt th- shei-tel aotJe eitluff on Carnages t w!fas. . .Tho yrt iai newl work.orl re:i5i3i.S woQ'd 4 r' lit. give diio csu 2eb, t IMff tf US a IE 1 3SF-.fi " f 1 V ; i J e I 7: o ' i 1 n i V :5'r -.-i J:-i '. 1- .- I . . ' ' ; - . I .. f' "''..: :t . i -- - .-' ' ' I - - - " , : - " ' j ' V "I i -''';' ' i I i - ; "' . . ,.' - .'- u '. . ..;', -fv 1 "-. if.:' '. '. .j'' '' f Htm ' s. f..- X' t i

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