THE GOLDEN P.IR-fl--Z 1 TftE SEW TOSS ILLUSTRATED WEKKtT GOLPLLV' PRIZE, f ' (7a ty fAf largest and best literary pct- jkrs of the dy. An imperial quarto, containing eight page o forty cojumns of choice reading matter each week. ' . " v - ! . . j ; "TERMS of subscription Two Podaxs per an nuel. Arid a gift will be presenile- to every i)U-criber immediately on receipt of the sub crription money. " , , . . Each snberiber MrFll be entitled o a gift worth from fl tof.5iVi.00 in gol.l. ' f READ KkAD READ THE LtST OF GIFTS GIFTS 1 Package containing 10 Gobi Patent . Lever Enjish GIFTS . $500 in Gold f I Inuti ug Caed Watches 1 00 Each, 100 75 CO 50 3. 23 1 SO. 10 15 . , 23 GalvT 100 r'-7 ,' J00 LadiSe ' 1 ' " 100 Silver Hunting cased Watches 200 ', W ches ($!() to 300 Gold Vest Guard and -f Fob Chains .- 10 lo 5000 Gold LockeU 2 to Gold Kinjrs Ear Drop Broaches Brent Flua studs CutfPins sleeve Buttons fcc Ac. from I to Each. . J Immediately on receipt of the subscription rnney.the subscriber's name will be entered upon our subscription book, opposite a num--ber.and the gift corresponding with that num ber will be forwarded to hi orb?.' address by malt or express. pot paid. . ! ' - Addes BLCKETJ: COMPANY, i . i " Publisher. ; 43 aa 143 MaflTat's buildings. ! ! - iw York. Specimen Copies ent free. - . ST Bills of all the Bank taken that pas ui ret in the States from whence they are sent. Postage stamps are also received. " Newspapers throughout) thi United States and Canada, whe Trill give tlie above eight insertions, will be entitled tor a Mam moth Gold Pen arid Gold nib desk Holder and box worth $3, or the same amount in any kiud of-Pens and Jewelry, they. moy oler,pay abie on receipt of'the first copy containing the advertisement, marked. j Publishers are particularly f euuested tf address their exchanges thu.. f f ' ' GOLDEN PRIZE, . ;- I New York, - nZZrS 41 i ' p- TO TURCIIASEHS OF T Catrinent Furnture . roiii.UO to 30 per cent saved , fc-ee Adverusemen tof 1 Foster ILec, J 35, Bpwervv New York, "Tntlie principle Newspapers of Wilmin ton. luleign, iewteni. rayctteviwe ac. . JT2T" Catalpgnes containing the List of Furni tures far 1SJ7 sent fre- of p stare on . abdication. iO'.-tllSSI f.iuos. 1- i .D:r. McI.ANB'is v P CELIBRATED - TEHMjiriTGE .TTf tbe-Jeat 3Prrprtlon off Iia A go. are not. rccom as't? Universal -ijicnded Cureralls, but '.simply for hat ' th pheir , name : 1 pur ports, The 7EPvMIFCGE,' for 4 Worms ifrorn th human' system, lias been administered the rriost sr.tisfactorr alsb with results - to various animals subject to Worms. c n The. Liyr.D Fills, fcr Ithe ,cureof Liver-.Com-"plaint, all Bilious De rangements , S ick H EAD i ACHE, Sec. .) . Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane's : Cele brated Vermifuge' and Liver Pills,' prepared, by (3 tmiM SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts- i i I i I -feurgh, Pa. and take no other as there are various ptner preparations now before theciublic, pur-poj-ting. to be Vermifuge and . Liver Pills. All Jothers, in comparison with Dr. McLane's, are i worthless ; ty The Genuine XlcLane's (Vermifuge and Liver (Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores, -i ' r i FLEMING BRO'S. O60 Wood St.,' PittsburghPa. fiolc Proprietors j :i :": BOONE & CO., ? MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN t BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, CALF SKINS. Shoe Binding ofv tion.! Wholesale and Retail Dealers , Charlotte, May 14 . ' u WARRANTS ALL KINDS FOR SALE - n. L. TINLEY & CO., fsrccKsaoRS to tivtjct and BKaBON.I RECOV1NG AND FORWARDING AGENTS """ "" ? and.treneral ' C0MriSSI0N MERCHANTS, SODTII ATLANTIC WHARF , ; CHARLESTON, S- C. ' ' f.- I Give their vr.onot attention to the sale all kinds of Produce, and (manufactures, and to' filling orders for all kinda of goods in this Mar- . . F Xl- i 1?..- o ket, for a Commission ." pf V cent. . For re. ceiving and forwarding I roods, ten?ents per packag!. XV o gooan nave yeen nor win oeue- . i i t Ml I - J - tained by U9 for treight and charges, . II. L. TINLEY late of JCnoxville Tsnn, !JA. II. ARTIIOP i f Charleston, S. C Refkwexce. Agents tof Vessels, Agentso either Steam or sailing, from Charleston to any XorthernPort. j 'jf ly2I Marble Ward, TT lie subscribers 'having formed themselves J into a company, repecuuiiy lenaer ineic services to- the neonle of i Charlotte and.tbr ceunti t. eeneralfy in thdif line of business. Thev are nrerared to furnish Monuments, Gravestones, Mantlepieces: Furniture Marble, Table labs, Marble Srep$j to any pattern cut from marble, accprding tol the most approved taste and styles, and upon! the most acconimo- . - . rr I ' . L n .1 iiannir terms ever onerca n me ouuiueru cuuu try- I hey will keep constantly on hand the best description' of Egyptian, Italian and A-merk-an Marble.1 .. I..;; t All orders, for any article,. addressed to the suljcribcrs will meet protnpt attention, and will be packed and forwarded with the utmost cere and despatch;. j . J The yard is situated on the uorlh-west cor ner of the. Charlotte Depot vard. i! . I WHitlDpy ck SONS. Jan. Slst, 1857. " nr.4o ly. I E A L E R 9 IJJ CLOTHING, DjRY-GOODS, HARD WARE, : . G ROCERlESj BOOTS.! UATS, CAPS, Ac. Ilonn- Ti Oi-oner ,) ' r'l CONCORD, N. C. i HeiirV L. Gruner, - " " NOTICE. : ' " f. - i n ' I WOLLD Respectfully inform the citizens ; f Chapel Hill and th4 surrounding country that I have permanently located in Chapel Hill wkere I will a lwa)-s be; found ready for Re pairing Clocks, Watthesj Jewelry dc. te.', ' JOSEPH d BOOKER. . Oct 1 1837 j j tf ' JYoticci HAVING quallined at August term of Orange Court, as Administrator of Dr. E. Mitchelle deed,, all persons indebted to the said estal, are requested to come forward and make pay ment immediately. R. J- ASHE, Adni s. C-iapel nilL Aug 27 h.19 tf.1 COFFINSJgC CFFINS! - r ' ' I C TE best Walnut, Mahogany or Pine C" ti , will be supplied at three hours warnin? by he subscriber who keeps all sizes constant- lv .! ha L J. A. JENKINS. Jan 23 185S. tf. WATCnES & JEWELRY. W. R. WILSO. of Sal is! bury, would inform the citizens of Cabarrus,, that he will attend the Courts, in Concord, with i larure and fashionable stock o Watches aud Jewelry of every description Repairing done (n thelDeatest and most dn n k ' 1 V 1 1 1 It ii . x.'.ia. v -. v . . v u oi October 2. dy. . FALL AXD WIXTUR GOOD. THE subscribers having just jet urned from the orth, are now prepared to otter to their cus tomers and friends gcneiiilly, a newiand well scleet-cd slock of ; . H r F ILL AND WINTER GOODS consisting of all the grades of dress gods usu ally sold in this matket, . feuch as silks fancy and black. bcrages plain and finfey.organdies rooesmusuns, c. e nave aiso annestocK o Ready made clolliingr, hats, bonnets, oots, shoes aud gaiters, with a general assortment of ' jt j llardicqrer Queensware, and Groceries J Their stock is now full, embracing almost eve ry artide usually kpt inj country stores. We are at the old and well known Hargrave itand. jvlere jtre will be pleased to see our old rhends aiKl the public generally. All we ask im 'exaiainathon of our stock as we are deter mined to sell j good on as favorabie terms as yer possibly can be sold in this market. We expect our credit customers to settle up yearly, bv cash or note.i i " ,r L03TG ' McCAULEY Chapel Hill, April 18; 1857. jltfl MAN! Behold Thyself nrvnmxoE. hunt's gallfry I opposite tlie-Lruion Hotel and getting a Supe rior Ambrotype, "Melainotype,; Photograph, Pearly Ambrotype, or Oameotype (raisa pic. ture) tre.'ftly set in lockets pins fcc. Having ejren years experience in the art, and arrangemeuta for receiving all the new dis coveries ns sopn as they are issued, 1 do not deem it necessary to say what I can do. i La diea &n I rntleiuan or requested to call ! and examine my Specimens, i Cloudy weather as ood aspun!hin& ; f R'HUNT. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. CHAPEL HILL Ni a r A preparatory school wi!l be opened in this place on Monday, Jan. lltli. f Terms per Session of twestt weeka, Eleme-tary English. . . . . . i.i $10 Higbef .nglis . j . . ........ Ancient Languages. ............. . .For additional particulars, address, f' hpvrv n thomik; 15 25 HENRY C. THOMPSON. Hill, Dec 12th pdqol857. TIME TOj All ereons indebted to the subscriber are earnestly roqueted to come j forward and close their accounts, j i ; j Well ave a number of acoouuts standing on our books for 1856 and if they are not settled very soon, we shall endeavor -to collect them, We will not wait longer. :. We must have money to pay our own debta. ! ! f . LONG t McCAULEY. Jan. 23-f' " : I . V 1 ' i Plain and! Fancy JOB WORK Executed at this Office with t - Neatness, Cheapness : .- : ft . - i anclDispatcli ! ENCOURAGE SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE : AND Jwi.- " Soiitlicrn Talent, THEiTIMES: A Southern and Literary Family The Times ha more than sixty regular con tributors. embracing many 6f the best writers in. the. Union. ' Its reading matter is mostly o rieinal and procured at great expense--consis ting of Oi-igiiial Novelettes, 7istoiy, Biogra phj-, Science, Agriculture, Education, Poetry, Foreign and domestic News, and . the Mark ets- .; . I The third volume enlarged and greatly im provecf, printed in fine white 'paper and with new copper faced type.will commence the first week in January; 1858, Now is the best time to subscribe: commence with; the new year In the first numbers of the bew volume will commence'two most intensely interesting PRIZE STORIES. and it will be impossible to supply back num bers after a few weeks. j . To the friends of Sonthern Literature in all he Southern States, we appeal for support The Times is the only Literary paper publish ed for the.S?uth. Yon want a good family paper, then try the Times one year. Published weekly at f 2,00 per year in ad- vance. specimen copies seni grans. - Address. I . OGBURN. COLE & ALBRIGHT. 1 ! ' Greebsbbrouo-h. N.C. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. I TUBLISIIjNOW MY ANNUAL PROSPEC tus of the Daily Globe, and the Congressional Globe and Apdenix, to remind 1 subscribers, and inform those who may desire to subscribe that Congress will meet on the -nrst Monday pf next December, when I shall recommence publishing the above named papers- They have been published so long that most peo ple nw know their character, and therefore '. deemit needless to gfve a minute account of tfle kind 6f matterthet Will contain. v (The Daily Globe will contain a report f the ebates in both branches of Congress as taken down by reporters equal, at least, to any corps of hort-hand w titers, in this, or any other country. A majority; or them will, each be able to report VKnB.vmi.teri thousand word an hour, while the average (number of words spoken by fluent speakers rarely exceeds se ven fnusananve uuuarea; woras an nour. When the debates of a day do not make more than forty colunms, they shall appear in the Daily Globe of the next morning ."which, will. contain, also, the news ot ttie .ay, together with such c ltorial articles as may be sng. gested by the passing eventa. It is a wo my intention, trom time to time. as occasion may requite, to publish my remi- nenses of the publick men with whom I have been associated during the; last twenty-eight years. Anecdotes of. General Jackson, aud the leaders of the party which he conducted, and the leading men of . other parties, will interesting now when partisan bit terness has abated. : . - In 'becomidg the reporter of the debites of t i : . . l J a I . . 1 l i t'ongress l ueeui it prupei moay uiai me uiooe would never be a partisian 'paper. This pledge will not be forfeited by introducing, as a con. tribution to historS- the political t-aitsof char acter which distinguished the public men of my time. Although I am and intend: to re main, a thorough Democrat, I will never ob trude my principles in a way to make tnera oVnvxiuiu to nv party.- ;But in reeard to persons and events which go to make up hia torv, I bopetojTiake the; Globe an honest memoir, and with that view I am resolved to speak independently of all parties. 5 The Congressional Globe and Appendix will i contain a report of all the Debates in Cong1"?8 revised b the speaker, the Message of the President of the United States,the Annual re ports of the Heads of the Executive Depart ments, tne iaws passed curing me session ana copious indexes to alL They will be printed on a double royal; qnartoisize, each number contaiuiag sixteen pages, j The whole will make, it is believed, between 3,800 to, , 3,900 pages as the long session for many years have ranged between those immbersfor many years next session will be what is termed a "long one." . This I believe is the cheapest wof evej sold in any country, whether a reprint, or nrluted from manucripit copy, takine for data the average ifUmber of words of the lona sessions since the year 1848. 1 t ,,.h. U 5 ST A i Tit. The avernge Tlie averaee nam bcr of words on a page is 2,397, consequently the averate-nuiber of words of a long session is 9,290,772. As 1 have soldtosubscribers that number of words. for six dollarsit follows that ibev have raid less than six- and one-half centa for evero hmv-'w worus i nave iumisneu them, while I have paid my leporters rt,39. for every 2,397 worOs of this work, in manu script. Has any other book-seller, anywhere ever eold a book in the first instance, while it was new at so low a late? I believe not ; Mid so strong is my belief that 1 hereby agree to give to any person who eh all prove to the contrary, a complete set of the debates runn inff back toihe year 1833ijiaking forty three quarto volumes, which sell for five dollars a volume.' An act of Congress authorizes these Dapers tdgo by mail free (ol ' postage. The next session will be an unusually, interesting one, as it will be the first under a new Ad ministration, and several complex questions. must be discussed in it; for example, the cur rency. Kansas, revenue, and other questions. The Globe will be, as heretofore,, the only source from which full debates can be obtain- ed - T ERMb. ! For one-copyof the Dail"! Globe one -ear. i '- .- L - I - $io,60 For one- cony of the Daily! Globe sir months .1 I I ow, For ono copy of the Daily Globe during the session, '' ' , $5,00 For one copy of theCorgres&ional Globe and Appendix, nd the law passed daring the ses sion, i i i ' . '6' " Bank notes, enrrent in the seetion of-coun-try where the subscriber resides, will be re ceived at par. Tlie whole or any port of a subscription may beremittedin postage stamps which is preferable to any currency, except gold or .silver. . j , - ' Robards OF THE I - . ' It O W A IV MO IT SE TT AVING at considerable outlay, renovated XL and refurnished willin future be devoted to transient visitors and regular boarders willing to pay. a price commensurate with th out lav necessary? 10 Keen, up a ursr class Hotel. . . i ' .-' The business of Salisbury is amply.sufficient to sunnort both Hotels andPrivate Bonrdirie Houses, and I am convinced by ten years ext perienco th,ey cannot be carried on successfui v together unless the above plan be adopted. KATES OF FAKE OH AJID AFTKR TOE 20TH INST. BOARD per day. tl 50 10 00 30 00 300 00 216 00 ' . . week. " month. " " year, Without Room. y o Variation from these prices with any I have at much trouble and expense .made a rangementa to supply my table with the deh icacies and luxuries of theNorfolk and Chariest ton Markets, and intend tor keep a house tha will compare favorably with the best houses of any City. IL L. ROBARDS. TH1 lOcryauiWuut L'O ,183 7 DR; HAWKS' HISTORY , ,, .. NOR Til CA R 0 L I NA. The subscribers are now prepared to fur nisb the first volume of this Taluiable work which has received the highest conpmeiidacion; wherever it has beenjread, hot only for its. lit-; erarv execution but fonts typographical get-i tine up. It may be obained either from us or onr general Agent for the state, H.! W. Hornei of shis olace, or anyj of his Assistant . Agents The price paries according to style of binding: In handsome cloth $1 24 ; inLiterary Sheep $1 60 : in half Calf $1 75t It is sold ont for cash. None wi be charged! either bv ourselves oii our aeents. A iberal discounr. will W made where quantities are taken to sell again, j- It wi be sent by mail to any bart of (he .country, on receipt of the price and 24 cejiti to pay postage.-. j- ' .v-. ; u The 2d volume is in course of preparation There wi probable be four or fie volumes in all. The succeeding jvolumes will contain' a bout 50Q pages each, and wi b e sold at a pro- potionally! higher price, viz half a cent a pagft tor the ciotii biuding 'L cents additional ior sheep and fifty ceataj additional for the hlf can bindinuig. ' ' FavetUvil!, May K. J. HALE tfc SSOXN. 16 1837. 'i'.'"'v - P. S. The agent ahd-his assistants design to visit every co'untjf in the State, "with the boot, as soon as con venient. In the mean time, orders to him or. to us, , accompanied' by the cash,-"will receive- prompt attention. S PROSPECTUS , Of THI J . T -.;; I ' N. CAROLINA f PftESBYTERIAN, THE Presbyterian Church in North Carolina has long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a! Journal to advocate her claims and represent! he." interests. It is esti mated that only 1,000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bounds of our three Presbyte ries, We have 13,000 Communicants and it is cafe to infer that there are 30,OO0jj Presbyteri ans in principle in the State. Our Synod now stands fifth in the Union; in point of numbers, and lier membershipj is greater tnan that or any S'nod south or west of Pennsylvania'. Our sister States on the North and South, uei ther of which has a memberseip! so large as ours, publish the Central and the Southern Presbjterianf for theibenefit of their people The time 'ha3 come (when the PresbyteriAn Church in North Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded arid important fact that h mdreds of our members will take a State paper who will take no oth er.; The paper is needed to be the 'organ of our Sviiod and .Presbyteries to elevate and en. I ghten the piety of our membership by diffus ing evangelical knowledge' to proniote the cause of Education to develope the talents of our ministry, and to Strengthen the attachment of our people to the sou and sanctuaries ol then own State. ' , " .."j -.-' If oiir church in othci'Sfates and other chur ches in this State, can snpply .their members with Religious Jourtiials why may:not we ? Are North Carolina (Presbyterians "inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neigh bors on the North and South, or to Christians of other denominations, at homo I With the same or better opportunities of accomplishing this work, shall we leave it undone l In the language of oi.e of lour most "useful aiid able Ministers, an adopted son of our State :. V It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ag. but it is not too latej to begin to do right," - N "In the last two orjthree months a fund of a bout $5,000 has been subscribed as a perman ent capital. ,At a injecting of the'-contribuloi-s held at Greensboro'J on the 14th of May, Rev. A. Baker chairman,; the paper was unanim ously located at Fajetteville, under the name and title of he Noam Carolina Pbesbytkrian-. -Rev. Wm. N. Mebane and Revf. George Mc Neill -were elected Editors ; Revs. G. McNeill, Wm.; N. Mebane, A Baker, Messi-s. C. II. Wi ley. Geo. McNeill srj, Jolin IL Cooke and Da vid Murphy were appointed an executive com mittee, to establish the paper and manage its business affairs. '--A,;.' - ;r f It is our wish and design to iuake the Nor t Carolina Presbyterian, a journal of the first class, equal to the best in- the country in typo graphical appearance and in adaption to the wants of our churches. ;: Its columns will af ford the latest intel'igence, both foreign and domestic, and 1 special care will be taken to give a full and acenrate summary of.the State bews. The name of the paper is designed to fju at exponent of its character and con tents. ' mom eonvk-tion it will advocate the cotiserv tive, orthodox. Old" School dectrincs of the hu rch. ; ' ! 1 ; , Our first appeal is to our own people to,N. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidentlv udou their favor, we trust.tliat t ic native sons of North Carolina who foimd hojiiies other State States, and the adopted citizensj of oiir who form so important anelemepl lirour Min istry and membershipwill take deep interest in ims enierpnse au;u given inijii- ii earl-sup pert. , STED1VTANS Salem ZVIagazine - , ! IS TO BE THE TITLE OK i LITRRY PERIODICAL. TO BE 1'VBLISIIED ' '. .11 O X T II I Y ' ' ' ' IN THE TOWN of SALErAI - l av.". a!Vjdrjew; j stjedia A MEMBER OF THE North Carolina Bar. t i N offering to the public my Masrazine I claim ior me ryinoriai unair no sujwri- ontv over that department of otiier like ie riodifals;butfI do claim for the talent of North Carolina ant the South generally that will b brought to iis support. Southern patronage And Lalso, a? a Southern man and the Editor of a Southern Magazine claim' at the hands of . i -ci .i. ......... .1 ...... . : ii v - ., Hie roiiLiierii'oiini.r y.nuu eeuiHii itj .uri Carolina, that aid and snpport that wi.l hei-e. at honie. establish upon a him basis, a fount jiin of Literature and exclusively a Home -Life.rarV Magazine. ' - . . Many are the Masrnzines now published in Hie lwtnci ii otaws mat me nooanig llie whole Sou tie rn country, Thero lVnot fit probable,)a. country in an VSontherhState that is not visited by "Harper, "Graham.'' "Petei-- son or "Godev; wiiup fteievin North-fli'i-orT- na and theSouth where ceniirs unsurpassed 'and uneqaaiea reigns ine nrerary , talent that i brought into exercise is dedicated to th sup port of Northern Maeazines, while Southeni onterprize.taste and talent bow in humble sub mission to silcli saici'iai policy of Southern eon tributors.' '( ) 'j j ;:. ":, ; . "Vhy, I a?t;annbt we--North Caroliria.tlje Southsend greeting to our southern dim a r w w:k a r.. . -1. . : "i. aiagarine ncccpuuio. ir. uie .i.any qualities that ador the paees of tlwi most eh iste, ele gant and polite Periodicals, Ht is true that j.he South has her Magazine" bwt few in .num ber are they, and unknowi, com pa ed to the publications of the North jwhich every mail brings to our homes tilled ; with the result of hired labor and teeming , with unpardonable edition. . V :' . I . - Mv mcrazine wulrbe of the usuat size; 'anh nothing will he admitted tq its jHges but sued articles as will meet the approVal of the uiosl iBstidious. It shall ibe i : ILLUSTRATED ' WITH Ei IrKAVLX Gj AMD PLATES of the most elegaut texture, equaling in ieau ty and tyle ah- executed at. the i North. ' : My. price of Siibsjriptiou in TREE DOL; LARS per year, which is required to be paid in advance, as the expense to be incurred, in establishing such a publication 'will not admit of a credit system, .j j 1 The Jirit number will ' be, issued I st J anu- ary 1858. - , . ;;. :; . x ; , . l A, J,1 SI EDM AN. I ' V i KDrrOR AND PROPEIETOR. ' September 1st 185?r j ; N. B. My addres until the lst of November will be Pitsborough W. C. after that time it Will be Salem N. C. Notice. The Subsciber intending to remove to theWest HixiuisTS all persona indebted to bim by' note or account, to call and settle by the-first of June. 1858. i f AL'X. HOGAN. : !" Jan, 15th, 1858. . ALL persons inpebted'.to X R. HUTCH ll dgCO., ; are requested to come lorwara ana set tfc.'either bv notelor cash. 'the LATTER far more referable. ' i " We are determined t o close ou r books, and those t having accounts with'us, may avoid trouble bv calling 'nt once J. R. HUTCHINS & Co ' January, 15th 1858 tf. 1 JHKETING OF BACHELORS. THE Bachelors 'of Oiange are requested to ... . . n.L-.ti. :.. a:n.. ' u.. tiABnirire. l r,ne uouri uuuse n timajuiu w the 9th of March next, (b ing Tuesday of Su perior Court for .lie purpose of taking into consideration certain plans for their JMutual benefit', tc,; " !( ' . . - '' ! i The Bachelors of Xew Hope and Flat Riv er, are particularly requested to rally to the eaU, - . CAL'CU?S l)f AVAKEjD up agaix Furniture! Furniture! Furniture! : lilt' Riil.sviKni. in rar-airt. of ii Tartre Tot. ?6f the most fashionable fiarniture which he offers at very accommodating prices. He has, BEADSTEADS, ; :. CHAIRS, - . ; : - . ' WASU-STANDS; 5 &CtL &C, &C, Also manufactures the;bes . MATTRESSES ar o -l! other kinds of Upholstery attended to with dispatch. -.. C. GUTTENBURG Sent. 2Cth tf. DENTAL NOTICE. F. BASOJ i ':' . DENTIST.. y. ;: W0ULB respectfully make known thai, he ex pUets to visit CHAiPEL HILL a? least once ev ery session. ' '" j'-:f"""-'. 'jjN. B. Corfiinuliications thankfully reciy e(l and promptly attended to. ! i: Sept. 19.. " ! n22 tf, V . .' GEXERAL AGEXT AXD COLLECTOR 1 OXFORD nUc. v V REFERENCES:1 lion. A: W. Venable; Brownville. 2? C XI. N ik D.O. Hei ndori, Oxford, N. Petersburg, Va: ;lt. A.. Young, CHAPEL HILL SEMI-DAILY 9 THE mail Rewte between Hilkboro' and Chapel Hill beingr-e3tablished, the subscri ber gives ribtice that he will have, hacks Lat Hillsboro and Durham's Station .at the arrival Of every train for the accommodation of pasts eticers comuiE' to Chapel Hill. Pass -ngers ft onrthe-West will ave the trains at llillsboro'lfrom whence a regular dai ly Mail Coach leaves for Chapel HUl,on thear- nva! otttie Western jiail train. ilie 'taste rn rrayei win come oy ine war v. Dwihams as heretofore. r f ; IOIIN H. WATSON. 1 . jMail Contractor i Sept, 5th 1257 nrS'l tf.- ' A A Udfll UHr M.IIILT illfcl "(Hli'lll V H en- man changK andcoiv'4t. and forward bills for whole to this office. i t - - 1 FRESH D r) a 4 nner i n rceiyino; ; ii . . II . his stock ot Fall i d U'int.; H vGooils, collBlsl ing ol evevv nrt.iele u-itl ; illy kept ir. a d if v good's and) groei rv sitoi e allof wliioh having been purcliased by hiinselt in New Yoric, Philadelph a, and Bnttii!ioii on the best terms, he' f;els assured Ihiiit be can" sell as lowj as any other yerabl'sh nient in the .villjnge.l or .neighjrhood. IIe: has only to'sav to lirs enstoinei;shil the publie t.linf, fse will as h'petofore toti'jy to lilVKSAi isr AeiiUA i , to all who iiiay give -hio a fair trial, willikeep coiiStantlv oufuxnit a' good art He SUGAR .1 ' 'FF!. Ei molasfes. rice. nailsifee..":md, will sell aislojv' as can be'offered. nlmost a y kind1 of .trade)' 'ill be takeii in exc-liange for gooil.. Wautd mi exchange for' striped homspuir tow . an,dj -oI. ton cloth, also clean cotton-'br linen 'rugs 1 i ' . ; -.- !; .' -1. Wj CARH Chnpel Hill, N. C. April 18th 1857. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! 'I he subscriber y puld. annotince to the citiz-eiis 6t. Wake, Orange ties, that he sfdl' and the surrounding, coun keeps on h.ihd at his- Furniture Ware Rooms in Raleiufh, squares east of Cape Fear liank a iare ;ana extensje ttssoimeni oi ine, oesi furniturje, suh a Bureaus, centre table.-j, Sc: retariesj chairs bedsteads wash stands fci. fee., all ofwhich he will" sell on the most reasonable fp.rih's.1 All orders punctually a"iid-.faitlifully attended to at short notice. i . ! IIENUY J. BliOWX; Raiigfi,ictobfjr 31st 1857! MtT. 1 ;' PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. My healtli havirg iinproved considerably i nmif ir I '(iTAiilili faenanffnlli' anivnilnnA :tt ni. luzens oi jnnpei mil ana surrounufiig com- a . " tr m . t ii 111 I " . Tr.. J inunity t.iat 1 have iesimied the "practice of medivirie at this place, ;ind may be foiind J !at all times, u'nlesssj professionally. engaged,;, at my office og Franklin street or at Miss Nancy Hillards. : j I - - ..'r. f I have now Kij hand a.Iarge and Comllf'te, stock of new and FRESH MEDICINES. consequently will supply my own physic. i - (Mi.-.pel Tlill, ' P . 3It, 1857. tf . -i UNI VERSITY CONFEC HO NARY RTJFFIN CIIKEK. I L . OULD respctfulli-. announce that he is reeivino- ahd openini; his, Sprtnir stock of. ' Eatables. Smokeables and somethin&r tO bum." consisting of a varied stock of tran ' dies. Fruits, conserves, Picklea., Cigars, Tobac co, ("Lonij's best,") Pipes, and a superior arti cle of j- ' .- ' -;' ,:- h , ' '. ;; BURNING FLUID, i all ofwhich he offers on the lowest; terms for cash. : Give me a call and see my stock. - ' '-"" " - RUFF IN CHEEK Chapel Hill, N. C April 18th, J8C7. nl r , i mm m T3T ft PTT SI A ; ! J R. DUTCHINs dfCO. HAVE just opened the largestr and most el e. gant lot of Clothing and gentlemen 'a ! t FURWiSIIiNCf GOODS; FOE FALL AND WIN1ER, EMBRACING; Fine Black, Brown and Drab Froluk Overcoats, j -' Beaver. Lamb skin and Black Cloth Raglans, ': BliaCk and broftn cloth coats, . 1 Blalek, and brown. Ribbed Cavsiniere ioats. Plain and Fancy Cassini ere Business coats. 1 I Jieaver, an A nuxea eassimers ijoats-! Blackj dOe-skin pants, , .'. Plain and black Cassimere pants, f . F'gjured ;. . . " pant ' Vancy tilk velvet vests. Fancy' " plush vests, . Plaiiii and fancy assiinere vests, Plain and " i . Valencia vests, Plrtin itnd figured black silk vests. L Bliick doe-skiii ami enssimeie vef-ts. . The finest lbt of cloths -and eassiiueres ever before offered in this market. . TravUng blankets and shawls. .- A large lot of shirts, embracing MarsailleS shirtsf 10 doz. Merino sliirta and draweis, ail wool hiits, 6ilk shirt s, canton flannel and dril ling drawers, 80 doz. cotton half hose, plain and fancy. A Barge lot of Gloves, Cravats, Stocks, Sns pendero, Handkerchiefs, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shavijtig br.ishes, Combs, Gown cords, Fancy So n pa. ' -. ! '' . ' ; , j $&.' I .&' ' Ac' .i Ac, -'An extrailot of knives, raoirs, .razor., strops, gold jvens,j,gld tud6, cuff buttons, Ac. '. Ti unks. valises. ; boots, slippers over-shoes, ifcc, . tc.', ' , ' , tc., ; tc, tc, WE call '.special attention t our stock of batls and caps in point of variety. -style and r . a r ' . price. Call ; and examine for yourselves. J. R. HUTCHINS. Chapel Hill. N; C; Sept. 19, 1 857. 1 tf vTUE K H B A IV O T E axd INSURANCE REPORTER. A, NICHOLAS. Banker. ! ''. '- '' 70 Wall St. N.- Y. : VALUABLE PUBLICATION By A The Bank Note and Insurance Reporter is intended as a- standard work and reliable pub- lica'tibn.not to be excelled by any of a similar kind in the United States, Giving a full list of all Banis, Insurance CamjxinM.S lock Table, (rovernment Securities, State ; ' Suuritis, &c, &c, i ; and exuosintr all Fraudulent. Bocus and Rot ten Institutions. ConipanieSi fcc. This wpr will prpve,. invaluable to all' Merchants, and business men of every liescription and grade; and will be afforded to subscribers at tne low m ice of 3 a vear. weeklv : 2 ft W, semi monthly,- add $1 a year, monthly, payable al wavs in advace. i , ' N6.. 70, Wall Street, -New York. I ami rid wj prepared to supply Sight Drafts on '; Gi'ai Britain and Ireland for i ONE POUND AND UPWARDS. ' lAljso Bills of Exchange on all parts of Eu rope at low rates, Also to negotiate . LOANS AKO FROMISSOIlT NOTES j . , I : I of the most favorable terms. NOTRE S -!A' If D I A FT S collected at i per cent. COMMERCIAL SECURITIES ' j negotiated at J per cent. STOCK, BONDS. &c-, bautrhti and sold onlv- on commision.? Pensions fud Bb'unty Land (Tlaima collected, . .Insurance Scrip negotiated.'. Highest rates ;jpf interest, allowed on deposits in . . T j4 sunis ol one hundred dollars and j upwards. Payable on de-7 ' ninnd f A NICHOLAS. i It EFJEAliXCJGS. -I-.-': Dannel Drew, Banker. : ' . Morris Ketehunii " H. T. Morpan ' ' " ' : Caleb O. Ilalstead, PreS.Manhattan Co :' T. McElrath. President Nassau Bank. . Marine Bank. ' j Manhattan Life Ins. Co.' C Y Wemple, Sec'y LHoVard Ins. Co.-r-S. T. Thidmore, Pres, Meclianic's Bank' G De Gucrelis, cashier... Williiamsbuig Citv Bank-Geo. Field cashier Wm; Rider, President Gutta Percha co. Robti Kelly, Merchant, '; ; .. W. A- Ransom, i ; Bank of Montpeljer,, VL V, S, Life Ins. Co;,X' En die,' Sec'y ' -JoliHSon fc-Higgins, Ins. Brokers. bnt; Jogers. Jii' ge; Suffolk Co..; PaircJ Rjchardson d; Co.. Ins: BroVers. hasj G Imlay. See y t Treas. L S Life and JAii. CojPliiia. ''' '''" . ... Cpperthwnith. Pres. Philn. Fire Ins. Co Col. L. M- Miller Wisconsin, Robinson t C. ButT.ilo N Y. 1 . James Barnerf Esq N Y. BLACRWOODi' MAGAZINE. i ' .' AND THE" ''; British Reviews. iSC ITT & (Ah. York, continue "to publish the following leading British Pe :)dicals. viz. : ' , 11 hi' L'nhii (jiiai tei ly Lonservative. ' 2 I h 'lidmiMi" j Keview ( Whig.) - ... ) 3, The iljjimrsli ltevie (recCrct. 4 Tiit-. W.esl in ititfe'i .li. vi-. Liberal) Ol nta;liVKlEii'liiir-iMHazii'(7c''y-TIIKSE Periodicals nblv represent the three i'l eat p.jiiiicKl jmitits otGieat Britain Whig, To V , atid R dical, but politics fn-ms only one teatuie of their character' As Organs of the .jin.osjt prfouiid writeis on Science, Litera ture, Mfiality and Religion,) h- stand, as fhey 'Ver have'stood, unrivalled in the-world of let ters; bejing considered indispensable b the fehoiart.nid thu prdfessiiyial man. while to the intelligent reader of every class, they furnish a li-.ore! correct and satisfactory ix;cord of the currenti literature of the dav. t hroaghoutrlhe Hw'rlt,than can. ue;iossi'ji ouiaineu irom any iilier source. ' ' -.'-.-;' ' ; EARLY COPIES. f J Tlie receipt, of Advance Sheets .from the : British! publishers ri-vea altJitional valuer to these Reprints, inAsinii h as they can now, be placed -in the hands ofsiibseribers about as soon s the original editions. ! ' ' V TERMS. " ''. ' . " ' Per ,$300 5.00 ' 7.00 - oo ': ' .-8.00. ' . 9.0 For any one of the; four Reviews For any two of I he four Reviews Eor any tiuiee of "the foiir Reviews For all four of the Reviews ""--' For Blickwood's Magazine : Hoy Blackwood and-thj-ee Reviews, ' For Blackwood and the four Reviews H.00 1 Payments to be' made in. all cases in advari-e. Money! current in the State where issued' will f be received at par. -;; !' CLUBBINGf. : '. i " A discount, of twenty fi v4 p4r cent; from the aboVe 'pri'ce will be allowed to clubsorder; ing four or more copies of any on? or more of the above works, Thus : Foh r copies of Black wood.lorof one review,-' will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for thirty dollars; and so on. In all the principal Cities and Towns, works will bel delivered these 1 FREE OF P0STAE. ; "When sent by mail, the POSTAGE to any pari of the United states will be but 24 eta. a year for B a kwood, and but 14 cts. a j'ear for. each o' the Reviews. , N. B-The price. in Great) Britain f the fire Periodicals above named i thirty one dol lars' per annnra. ! ' . , i .--. ; TlIB. JLLUSTIt-lTKD EOITIOJ? OF ' IRVING'S LIFjEOF WASHINGTON G. Pi PUTNAM 4 Co., will commence in a few days, a new.edition of this great work in Semi-monthly parts. Price 25 centa 'each ifach Volume will consist of 14 parti, hand somely printed in imperial octavo. -The whole work will contain about 80 superior Engrav ings on steel including Potraits andf Oruiual Historical Designs by eminent artists. . J-yi':li. ti i -..- j l T-..I. ii mi jiumerous ,n oou l his bii.j iu'. tv part w ill contain at least 2 psges.. and one I'ngrariog 0u Steel every other jmit will con tain two steel plates. " ', 1 ; TERMS OFi FUBIil CATION, 1. Each seni' bove Me-ificd ,'jiitlil y part containing m a- 25 cents. payable on .leliv 2. All subscribers iiuist eniroee to tale the entire work. ' " ! . Among the Illustrations already engrsved, or nearly conipleted.are the following PatiBiU (on steel:) , j C,cu- sl'.vh i-. f?e". Putnam. GePi Arnold Grn. Green, Gen. JVard.Gen. Kiiex.Gen. Mont gomery. Qen. St. jClair Gen. Lord Sterling, (Jen. Baron Steuben, gen. La Favelte, (n Count Puhiski. Gen; Lincoln, Gen. W rrf r.Geu ChrleLoe, Gen. Ienry I-e, C. Moultrie Gen, Wayne, Gtm. Hitiilton. Gen. f;ate . uiuti, vicn, i-iir f in. nowe, oir near Clinton, Lord Corjiwallig.Gen Burgoyue. ' Washington, from the plctur by I'eale. Wnnhiugton, from the pk-ture by Ti umbo. I. Washington, frym the pictaireby Wurtmuller Wa.-hington;fiim the picture by Stnart , ' Wasliington, frnin the picture of HudKim's p.unt Wh.hington, from the picture of HuUon' Btatue, -j--- '-j.- 'h-'f ' '' ' " Washington, from! the pi!iujre of Brown' Sta- ' -,no; 1 ' I. '; ' i'. I '. '. Washington, from tnoorginal Profile, ' . ' Mrs. Wnshington (early Totrait,) Mrs. Wa hi ngt on, from Stnart) . Miss Philips,, from orginal J'ictnro. ' i ILLUSTK bx S 1 EEL. '" ""."."' 1 I i L Histortcal.Scenes; chK-flj Horn ot1!! nal J signs, i ' :. - ... Sight of Washington's Elrth riace, Mount v ernon three views. , Washington as a Purveyor . aih'rgtoa at fort necessity, ashington surveying tie Dinia1 Swamp. ni aiancuesier, i Washington's Field Sports,- ' V. "' I roi'iiiying Junhe mil, , Fort Tieonderogav'Laie George, 1 Fortification ot West Point, in 17A0. Washington quelling a Riot from a cntem ot j porarv Drawing, i . rfc.f yiew of New Yofk. ImC, Announcement c? Independence. . Battle of Trentoni v Battle of Germanto.wn, Battle of'Mammokih i Braddoek's Battlefield, ! " . -: Washington going to Congressrtc., tc . ' -ri : i '. 1 . Arc carinsr (be Sick to an extent neter before known of any Medicine. INVALIDS, READ1ND JUDGE FOR YOURSEL VE3 i- JtTI.ES HAUEL, E.,' rtie well known iwrfiimor, r Chestnut Smtt, rbiUiklpliia, whiw tbnic pntducu . nre luumi at ,-inntM'i rvery miibi. ityii " I o'm happy to. nay of j-our CTHiiTir Piixi, llit I liave Kund tnom a b&trr lainily nicniritia, lt romitHin use, than any oilier within my kmvlrlif Many of nit friend!! have realized markp.l hiif flu froui them, and n- inriile with me in Iwlieiviiiir flial llirv imjmi xtrmnliiiai virtues for ilriviiiif (Mit lia-e inid rnrinK Hi" k. Tliry arc not only efl'ecttial, Nil and lraant t he tnken il'i.ilities wJiich mtivtiHtuk Ukem lmJ iby lite public. wlienuicy are knowi." -1 1 , The venemhle Clianrelkr tVARDL.4V wiitee fhun Bal timore. -!ti April, ,iav . 1 " Ila, J. C. Arta 6ir: I liar taken jmir rill with great henefit, ftir the Kftleaanena, lane nor, Iimw of oprwtire. and UiIiiMia lieadarhfL ntiirh t tl late vrr tMtakeii rue in the aprinf . A few 4nm r your nil" riinnl m. I have need your Cherry Peclnial mry yean in my family for r mi trim and rolda wrth nntilii)g ytKrem. Yihi make mediriiieo whirh curt i u4 I frt-Ml-a pleamire ! etiaimeml ,you for the nxul yoii have ilnite and are dotnf." JOHN F. BEATTY',ESec.orihe I'enk. B.ijlroad Cti., aay : . ' j . i , 1 " Pa. R. R. Offirt, PMnAciykia, Vtc 13, IBM. " "Sir: I take pleasure in adding my tetiiiMny to tne1 effirar) of your medicim, hat inx derived vrty material hr"'ht Irom the uk .or your rerloral and I at hurt ir Pil. I am never M ilTiout lliem in my family, nor hall t eei mem to he, wlule luy taenna will rocur Itiem." The widely renowned 8. 8. STEVEN.", Al. P., of Wen worth, N. II., write: . , ," Having used your ('thatio Piti in tin (irirllre, 1 rertit'v from experience tltit llier are an invaluable purc- live. In caseKof ilinorderril fiiiirtion of the liver, rn-iH hendache, indices inn. eoi-iiirf ne-, ami the (real variety of diseases thai follow, they are a Mirer reme ly llwti any . other. : In all caee where a ptirjjative remedy ii refHiri, I ronndently reeoinntMKt tliene f ills u t lie phMm-,' ai jinperior to any other I have ever tutitid. The ati- wire i. in tlietr-rmeratiour-WMl -perfeftly eafe otiahliee which ' make tlicin an invaluable article fm ttuhlic in. I luve fur many j-eara known, your Cirrrf Ptclnrtl tit !iel Coosli medicine in the World ; and hee Pill are la ao 'wise inferior to that admirable preparation for the treat ment of distaaee.". - If . "Acton. Mt. Ai. 95, I S3,. " Dn. J. C. Arva Dear Pirs, I have been afflicted I mi my birth yrittt ecrofuln in it worat form, and i.ow. atler twenty yearn' trial, and fen ulitold of amount of anfferttn, have been completely cured in a few week by ymir I'ilK j Witlt. ivhal feeluiff inf rejmrtni I wnle ran u'-iv i : iinacined when you realize what I have itlTcreil.auil Ixov lone. L ,.-.'. . - " Never until now tar I been free froin flii loathpome dieeaae in Home ehapej At tune it attacked my ev.. ana made me almiwt blind, beidee the iiuemluralile.pain ; al other it ae tiled in the cn Ip of myVbead, atid detroedniy hair, and haa kept me partly bald all my day ; aoineiuiie it cam out in my fare, and kept if for inonih a raw ere " About nine week f- I cnmnienced lakim yeorj'a thartic I'illB. and now am entirely ree froiu tlie ripUint My eyes are well, my 'skin in fair, and my bair low rom nienred a healthy jtrow th ; all of w hir b mate Bi feel already a new peraon.i - ' ' j " Hoping thi ftileiient mny be the Hieanaot rouvrjinaJ .tiformaiion bat hall do rood In other. I am. w Mb . ij entiiiieiit of gratitude:, ' Vonr. r., - - . I , MAKIA KICKER" "I have known tbe alxve named Maria Kifker fo'iid 1191 LJllluiHivu, mill llfj im;riiH-Hi in iririij. iit. : . ANDREW J. MWERVF, ; I Ovenver of the Portsmouth Manufacturing ., CAn. 'JOEI. Pt ATT. id" the ahip Marion, wute (nut Boston, oil h Anril. IKT4 : . - " Your Pill have cured me fmm'a billon attack wbiri arose Irom derangement of the Liver, Inch liud become very eericiu. I had faile4 M any relief by my !'hicim, and from every relinedy, I rmild try ; but a. few de your Pill have coinpletely restor.d me lo liealtlu :(4iav given them to my! cbilclreif for worm, with the bext ef fects. They were jpreuipll Hired. I recommended tnera to a friend for cotiveiMs, mhu h had IriMililed bioi for month; he told me in a lew day they had cured liint. You make the beat medicine iu tlie world ; and I n(fre to aay ao." j j ! - ' . . - Read tltia from tha diftinntslied Solicitor of tlie auiirem Court,' who brilliant aluJilie. have mad him wet known, pot only in thi but the lieiglilnirini Hlatee. I I ' . j' 'SAVaiOWceiM. 6th Aprd, I "fir: I hte great ,'ea'ti-facrion In aaMirmr tm myeeir and minify have been very noil hem flied by ymif .medicine. My wife wan cured, two yearn ince, ,i j vereand dangenma irnngli, y your fiiaaav Pacroa.iJ and i nee then ha enj(!j.ed HHlett I.e., It It. N) """'J have several time bee:i cti ed from attack of in Inflia enza (ml Croup by'i. Ii an invaluahl remedy lf these complaint. Vour C.iH.awc Pitt, have ennreljr cured ime from dyepepi. and eoet.iveiieM, w hicli ha Urowii utKW Itie ft me year.., indeed, Ihi. 'ta much 'mwe imporlatit; from, the fact that , I bad failed get relief from the bM fhyiiriane which tin eriH.ii of the country affords, nt any llw iiinner.- ei. die I had taken., . j , ' . , . , I "You acetn to: u Doctor, like providenlial bleein to our fam v. and T" may wen tnppivc . -T .indful of U You r-pec ,m,T TXTKlt Kt, dumber. Oh,K. Jril'Slk, I KM. . nl t r. Aa-Hlonored hir: I have made a tliisi- .High trial of the Catht.c Pi.x., tefi me y r' .nri l... heen cured tV them of the dreadful RheiimatuMi ..-a-. h. r,un.rf me aiifTeriiig. Th first ilo, re liev.d me and a fw .ubsequent dose h iiiirlr .u'J." : l f.l ii. better iiealth tmw than f. om-Vear. for.7wl.ic I TVXV.V!' IaVCVJH The above are all from peraon'' l'l aiw wh?re Jher. "de. and win wm.ld taul m.k, the t4. m.m. wiiiiout a tbortmgn ohhicih .n lliat (in-jf w er uu iwvorod hv DR. J. C. AYER & CO.. Practical and AjutlTtlcalCbenxUU. Lowell. Maaa ':' j ' '-.'' fFor Sale by ",: , jDIt H. j R. PRITCUiRD. . j wnoi Vji!.: AXD BfTAIL DEALER I DRUGS, MEDICINES, AD cuxiiiofTE, h c. i orros.TEl sadleks iiotel,! KVlOiVlcrtllMION OF V ' l i ... . ' ! . : ' . I i

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