y ' r - """ - ' . ' j - ' " - ' f ' . i ' " J . I ' 1 . - j ' ' ' iamt , i ! i - 1 ; x vv V ' f S - - '" THE - ' CHAPEL HILL GAZETTE o rcBuaato etkrt vatcrdjif mosxino . .J13IES SI. HENDERSON, COITOIt PROPIUCTOK AT. TWO DOLLARS PiLRAXXUM IX VA l RIABLY IX AOVACIl in-K-rted . af on IolWper square of U lines.for the first in -Ttion,a:i.l T-ei.j fife cent- per square fo . , fvhasfqsutufiit inrtionac.. . , Til eg'oldrn pr I z e. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. K ; ' THK. GCLIEX PRIZE. I Tllfi GOLDEN PRIZE.. ' "SUET GOLDEX PRIZE. " " ; ' . .'. THE GOLDEX PRIZE.. . j THE GOLDEX PRIZE.: . ' 1 " THE GOLDEX PRKF. THE GOLDEX PRIZE. -THE -GOLDEX PRIZE. ! LLVSTBATED ! ILLUSTRATED ILL USTRA TED. , ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLTSTIIATED EVERY WEEK, i Spccinien copies sent IWa Specimen copies sent Frcei l Specimen copies sent -Free, THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ariLLUSTRATEj I. ILLUSTRATED ! ! 3 o PROSPJEGTUS DR. MVYKS HISTORY II! f ;!')' m Aw.t t ' . -, . , L; ) "JUig- - .1 of . ! ! THE ORANGE SENTRT. V I Democratic acl 'Faintly Xews- jwjycnlQve published at Fliiisborough N. C. W". 1 $2anJ l .irift. 5 00 and 3 gifts 8 00anJ5rifU York T1Tlly COLDKX 13 one of tha -lapffest rJ best weekly f aprrs of thd Jajj. An "imperiiT tjuarto containing hgbt paces or forty col umn. of entertaining original matter ; and el egantly illliwtraUd every week. . f Gilt worth ivom 50 cents to SoOO in Gold, will be presented to each subscribe immediate ly on r: . ceipt of tho-subscription -ilonev.1 j - r - One copy fir one year, One. copy for two years! . One' epy for three j cars. One copy for fiv jear. AXD TO CLUBS. i ; IlirrecvjMM eneyfar, ?3, and S jjifts. Five- - ' . 5 and 5 gifts. Ten,4 . - 15 and 10 gifts. Twenty" ' ! saund.21g.tU Tlie articlt-s to be dis(riLntJ are comprised . in the following It : , j 1 Pa. knges of cold, contninit s i.07 ciioh. - 5 i no , J ,! . 10 d;r do do lOPat lever hunt, cased watches 20 GuM watches-' 50 -do I ft0 ' I o : ' . ' , , 100 Ladie ohl watcher, n") Silver HunL Cascl watched 200 Mlver watches f to to 2Ju-h. 1000 Gold gard, Vest and Fol Ch; 10 to? J0 Gold Rings Ear Drop Broaches Rreit ,-Fitis Stud Cuff Pins Sleeve Button., ' Lockets Bracelets Sleeve Luttons--'Watch Kys Goll and silver Tlumbles, and a varie ty: of other articles, worth from SOceut toi $15 each- - , . ' . " . ; Immediately on receipt of the subscription money, t ho. subscriber's name will be entered upon onr subscription bouk, opposite a iinru bernj the gift corresponding with lliatnum lr wiU b forwarded to his orhr address by mail or esjress, post paid. - . - Addess BECETfc C0MrAXYt ! " Publisbcts,; . " 45 and 49 Moffat's Buildings. ' " ,. ' Xew-Yorfc. Specimen Copies sent free. . Agents wan- GENERAL AGEM AXD COLLECTOR, OXFORD 27. C. L'.NDKft the above iitJ; .'w.hich promises watch ) ruinees over the interests of all, the undersigned. propses to publish a paper i:i the town of; milsborongt), at t.s early a Uiite as tiie pertcc ting of the necessary arrangements will ad mil of." " !" Practirally n"onaintet.i with every depart nieiit of the priuting business; weary of tho wanderings of a mere laborer, in the profess! .ion and i vious for a "local habitation an a name."" 1W it as determined to throw hiui.clfn;i n t' e kJnJiic a of his fellow-citizens ioaid lnn( in securing h'.in?elfii place among t hem. The Sentry is not, in its inception even an, cntei prise o;posed to any other.but one entire? ly individual in its character." Judging by the succts in adjoining towns of njociate.but nu rival ppe s. t h it-rfoncItfeJ liit in mj-.o,d home there might be room foriue too. - At all events I have concluded to 1 luak U'u at tempt. , " . !" '. ' ! The Sentry' will be moderate;iiii its puliticnl views, beiag principally devoted to business' ENCOURAGE S0UTIIERN-ENTERPRISE . ; '. j: :. X'asd . d ;- Southeni Talent, L'i THEITOIBS:-- Southern and Literary Family DR. HAWKS HISTORY I iVf O R 7 II; a A R Q L IX A 200 "i ach. 10 each. li'O ejach. To cinch. CO each 50. each. S5 each. "30, vach. niattetv. to local and general intdlliireace. I . TheU.erarj department of the paper wil raceive suoh ottenti n hs will render it a valu4 ble addition to every family circle. Terjis : -The Sentry wiULerublishcd v eryweek with new" press 'and type, on good paper, u pa r-royal size, at-tldO per anniun. pa v a ble on receipt of the first number ; $2 if -p&442ii4hrajiflths afUr 'nbscribiug, $'2,50 m six months, or f O'aJter the year has expired These terras Trill be l ididly adhered, to. j lAdvertisements'will i iaertedr "thA fol lwing'rate: one square forjthe first insertion fl; for each subsequentj inHi-u" 25 cents. A deduction orone third froini the above rates will be made to those fwhoj advertise by. the Vear; but patent medicines and lottery adver tisements shall not be entitled to this deduc t:i n. Cjurt vdvert'semetit wilt be ehargek vne third higher than trawaicut rates, - "Address "111' " June 10.1853 ". i tf , lillbvou2h. Xr1 0, Tub Times has nwce tliw sixty regular con tributors. embracing many of the! best writers, in the Union, lts.-reading mattvf is mostly o iic;inal and 'procured at creat expanse consis ting of Original Xo'veletU. Wistiovy, Biogra phv. Scicncet Agriculture EJation, Poetrv, Foreign aud domestic Xews, and the Mark ets- i ' , . " The third vtiliHnf enlarged and greatly im proved, printed vuifine white' plier and with new copper laced type, win eomukM'ce me hii week in January; 185S,. Now is'the best time to subscribe : coinliienco with .''the new year In ih first .nimil-.eiTS of the newj voluine- will eomuiem'e'two inorit intensely 'iujterestintf. ; PRIZES TOI.ES. and it will be impossible to. supply back i; um bers after a few weiks. j , -j 7o the friends of Southern Litevatnre in all he Southern States, we appeal for support.: The Times is the oily Literary p!aper publish ed for the South. : jYo.i YVant a good . family paper, then try eh Times one year. J Published weekly at -2,00 pr year hi, ad- u. jctimf copica sens giaus. ' " Address, i i j 0GBURX..C0LE & ALBRTGIIT. (Jreensborouoh, N.C. TIIE OFFI VmVEL HILL TRI-DAILY s- mm THE SLTISCUirER HAG Q G I VF notice thut he wRi hare hacks at Ilillsboi-o and Durliam'sStiUon.at the arrival ofevey train for th a.-cili!nodatioa of pass enters eiug to Clwipel Ijll.f Passengers fioni the Wet.tj'i-jll l ave the. train at II ill o ro' from whencp a regular dai ly Mail Coach leaves for Chapel Ilill.on the ar rival of the estern Mail liaju., - . , i'asseugers. rom the AVesd-by the JZxpress Train, will save time in coung to Chapel II ill by coming on to Durhair.'.j af a Hack leave that Station a; short time atteij the orfi val the Western Express, for this iplace. 7he Eastern travel wiil cfme by the way;. Durhams as heretofore. , 'I M . - . 1 JOIIXH. WATS0 i J ! Mail Contract :. VRALEIUII Marhle W'orhs l . . j I : : O n tie coine r rj Jlon t ar d U ilmiyy ton Street. ! ' CIAL PAPER OF ' CONGRESS. I PUBLISH NOW iMY; ANXUAL PR0SPEC-, tus of the Daily Gllobe, land the bongressional : Globe and Apdenix. to remini subscribers, and inform those who rosy Jesir to subsciibe that Congress will meet on the fust Monday j of next December, wueil Ithalll recommence j publishing the aboye named pDers- iliey have been published eo long th.t mxst pe ple n"v know their . character, t nd therefore I deem it needless to give a hii mfe account of the kind of matter they .wjl ontain. TJie Daily Globj will contain a report1' f the Debates iu both branches of Coii:-ress as taken down by report iis equal, at least,, tp aiiy corps of short-hanjd writers in Ithis, or any other country. Amajirity of tllein will.eath be able to report EBBA'nte;i thhusanil words au hour while the average unmjber of words spoken by fluent siveakbrs rarclvj exceeds se1 veil th uisikud five ihun-lred words afi hoir.- wliich will ;yw together jmav bo sirg-. ime to time, KEFEUEXCES: Hon. A. W.Venable, Drotcnrille. Ar 1L N- d' D.ClIerndon, Oxford '. X. Ji A. Youn-j. Pelerlurj Va: PROSPECTUS. PETERSON'S : , Philadelphia Counterfeit Detector BANK NOTE LIST," lie Subscriber JbEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends jid thj public gen erally thfit lw is uqW ' repared to txe- eute-aa orders, 6uen as Jlonuir.enLs, iiead Stones" Tombs, and (irave iOrnainents of all deseriiAionsand will iaaucfacture from -the best Italian "and Americaii Marble, at North ern p. ices, andiinished iii the most approved stvle, ' ' - "Also, Granite Work of all 'descriptions for bnildiiiL's or all other purposes. Mason worj- Jtr. done to order. Mil . X. B. All orders from ft flistance promptly liiis cljipJ atte ded to IT is published monthly, ia a . large qnarto form, 32 pages iu each number, on the fijst of each month, the first number being dated 'January 1st, 1S5?, nd published on Saturday Dee.raGer the 26tK, A i ' .Dreiel t" Co , Bankers, will correct it. The errcctior.3 in the-Bank Xote List as re lates to the Discount on Notes, Lists of Coun terfeits, Ae., will be made by lb well knewn Baukinir House of DRKXLL L CO., 34 South Third Street, wh will prchac all Baiik P-iils .s the quotatioi s made therein. N.This Detee tor will be found to be reliable and true.! f The lublihers have for a long time seen the "nt-cestoity and want of an enurciy correct, " independent and reliable Counterfeit Detector nud Hank Xote last, to be entirely uticon . trolled by any one to suit j-rivate ends and pur t pose, and are confident that from the means S.1 sources of infonnatioa which the Editors f'h!s detector have at their command,' it will be found to be the most reliable Detector ever published in this country. 1 - Seio Counterfeits and Broken Banks. Each number of the Detector will contain, on the first page, a complete list of all the va . rion laituTes of Banks altd Banking Institu fitions, and of the various, new Counterfeits ipc the-publication of the prior month's i JJetecUr, and in each and every number of he Ueteetor wilt bo contained a complete, full nd entire iist oT oM the Broken. Failed, Closed, rauduUnt and Worthless Banks in the Coun The will be kept entirely separate; antl litiuct frum tho Good- Banks. , Stock List. . Each number will eontain a full and com plete S.ock List, (cui rected by E. W. Clarke fc Cii P to the ur of going to press,) f Ioans. Banks, Insuranee, Canals and Railroad Stocks, showing th par value of each stock as well at the prices offered, and price asked fur eah; also, vhu the dvid5B ls'on-each uje duo and payable. " Wholesale d'rice Current. -lu Wholesale Pri s Current will also be foiuid to be full, coiupleto arul reliable, of the latest operationsup to the moment of-guing to press. . . j , ' Every stortieejxr should hah itr TW Publishers intend mating his Detector dispensable to vtry ptrson dotmr business, .that no one will be able. to. do."-iithont it. he well known ttatding and re putat'ron of t.iel t Co.," Pai kers and BroUo i. wjll be ufiieient to gu'araatee its correctness. '. TERMS. IX ADVANCE. . One copy for one year, Jl Eoxir copies for one year. , : " Sevn eopies lor one year,. - -i T-n eopies tor oue roar. Fifteen copies for one j car, TwSitv-tive jiijic-for one Vear. f-SS-Addres all oilers to the Publish ! - T. B. I'FrERSOX .1: BBOTlIERers, - Xu. SOC Chestnut Street, l'hiladel S, And ilu numbers will be delivered rephia, ; o afv part of the City or Districts, or gula.rly ubniHany prt ij lbs United Stateisciit by Ctol er 17 1S57. . Addre tC Jflarble JCard, The subscribers having JTormed themselves into a coinpan, respectfully tender tUeie serviees to the ieoile of Charlotte aud thr ceeiitry generally in theirlline of business. They are prepared to fnrpi-ih Monuments. Gravestones. Mantlepieces. Furniture Marble, le breps, to Table Slabs, Marble any pattern cut from marble, cccordiui; lb the most approved taste and styles, and ujon the most accommo dating terms ever offercd in the Southern coun try. 'I hey will keep constantly on hand the best-' description' of EgjitUn, Italian and A meritan 'Marble. ; ! ' ' . f . All orders, fr any article, addressed to the subscribers will meet prompt attention, and will be, packed and fofwaxd;ed with tho utmost care and despatch; : ,- l '- The yard is situated on jhe-uorth-west cor ner of the Charlotte Depot -yard. - WM. TIDDY Ji SONS, j Jan. Slst. 1S37. I iiritVii ly. ' i (TinfiTElt & S()i- DBA U E R sl I S . CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, 1 , GROCERIES, BOOTS;. HATS, CAPS, tc- Henry V, Groner. c0ti(lD, X. a " j Henry L. Groner, i j ),.;, , WATCHES & I JEWELRY. K. WILSON of Sal is ..bury would (inform the citizetis j of Cab amis, hat he will attend - theCourts, ia, Concord, with! a aud fashionable stock of Watches nud Jewelry of ete?y deserition ; , Repii ring done in the -neatest and most dn able manlier Callthe '-Siiiithllonse."' October 2. It- ' I t f ' "'1 When the debatv i'f a thvy do not make more than forty colunm., thvy bJiall.appear in 'the Daily Giob- ot thej next moriaiig oontain, also, the pews of the with such er'itrial articles as gested by the passingWents. It is also mv intention, from as occasion In av Mitme, to pubHisii mv rtuii r ..'..v.ri.r. -;tt- !...i,,.,.."t . i. Pf IOCS Ul I lie JlilHViIV "mi IIIIWIII L 11. C been associated during the last twenty-eight years. ."Anecdotesj of General, Jackson, and the leaders of th pDi t v which he conducted. and the leading men of other psirtles, will I believe.be interesting now when paitisajilLii terness. jiias abated. . ..' - " In bfeeomidg th rcperter.bf the debit.es of Congress I deem it proper to say jhat the Globe would"trever be a artisian paper. This pledge will no be forfeited by iutroduiing, as a cou. tributicjii tb history the political) faits of char acter v!1hcU distinguished the piblie menr . of mv tinJe. -Althougli- I tiui and jintend to re main, "thorongh peniderat, I Will never ob trude wjjy principles ih a way i o niako tneiii obr.oxrs to any i-artyt But in regard to persons and events whi!h g to make up his tory, I hope to make hc Glo je an honest memoir; and with (that t iew I a n resolved to' speak independently of jail part' es. 1 - The Congressional Gljbe and Appendix will contain a report of till te lebn( es in fjng's revised by the spejikers the Message of -the President of the t-mtevl States,! he Annual re ports of the Heads; of the Executive Depart ments, the Laws passed during the session and copious indexes to all. .lhey Will be printed on a double' royalj qmrrto sizej each number containing sixteen; patrs. The' whole will make, it is believed, between 3,800 to 3,900 pages as the long session forms. ny years have ranged between those nr. rubers for niany year3 next session. will be u hat Is termed a long one." This I belk'Ve is t!u cheapest woi eve.i sold in any count ry. whether a reprint, or printed from nja nil script cojy, taking for data the a veraie; iu:nbcr of woids of the long sessions sinea the j;ear 1S1. I The (average numher of words is 3,S'o, Thr average num ber of words on a ;pajie is 2,S97(, eonsdquently the average ' umber of words of a long" session is 9 290,772. As 1 have sold to subscribers that number of word for six dollarslit follows that they have pail I?ss than six and one half cents for overo l0(ji,'00 words Ijhave furnished them, while I have paid my importers .$ti,39, for every 2,397 wfi-0s of this work, in inauu script. Has n qi'ier tiooii-seer. anywnere ever sc.dd a book i the first instinct, while it was new at so of a rate? t believe not ; and so strong is mV; belief tb-at 1 hereby agree to irivc id any person who shall prove' to the contrary, a complete set of the 'debates' rnnir InlFback toihe vekr 1S33 makiiig forty three quarto volumes, fhich sell for j five dollars a volume' An act of 6'ougrcss authorizes these napers to go by mail free ol postage. ; , The uext session w'ill be an iiuiisuslly interesting Tlie subscribers are now prepared j-bj fur nish ths first volurrre of this . valuable f' work which has received the highest "commendation wherever it has been readj not only for its lit erary execution1 but forita typographicaliget ting up. It may be obaiiJed either from hs or dnr general Agent for the state, H. W. Home of shis olace, or any of tls Assistant Agenis Ihe price varies accoi-ding to style of bjnding. In! handsome cloth $1 24 1 jn Literaiy Sheep 1 50 ; in half Calf $1 75. It issold oxty FOt ti.sn. Xoue wi be charged, either -by-ourselvef 'or our agents.-"A iberal discount will bo rpade where quantities ara taken Xo sell again ' It wi be sent by mail to any part-d he country", on receipt of the, ; price- -flrtfd 21 qents to pay postage '. ; ... ' The 2d Tume is in course of preparation. There wi probable be four or fi-e valtimes in all.' ' The'succeeding volumes will contain a bout 500 pages each, aud .wi b e sold at a ;pi-0-potionalry higher prioe, viz half a cent a age for thercloth binding, 25 cents, additional for sheep and fifty cents additional far the hjf calf bindiiiKig. ' E.)J.- HALE & SOX. ! Fayettcvi!!, May 10 1S57; .' ! P. S,- The agent and hU assistants ' dign to; visit every county In jthe- State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean tiine, orders to him or to jus, -accoTOpanied by the cash, will receive prompt attention. TPROSPECTUS ! 0K Tint I; . - j I ; - . N. CAROLINA PRESBYTERIAN,: THE Presbyterian' .Cliurljh In-Xokh C4r41iB-a has lone labored Uiider a serio-as disadvantage. je-iiroiQ tJe- .ioji8Htl li-o'ad rocate fee CiAiiua riiii s-ejTFttvi ue;.iuiicLa, - id e mij- mated that only lt000 Presbyterian Weeklies are-taken in me bounds oi.onrtnree rresbyte lies, We have 13,000 Coinmunieants ahdpt is safe to mferthat there ai'e 30,O0 Presbytcri ans in principle in the State. Our Synod iidw rstiands" fifth in the Union, in poin't of numbers. aad tier membersnin is greater than that oj an- Sj-nod south or wes of Pennsylvariia',4 Our sister States on the' North and South, lei- ther of which lialS a memberseip solargO'ns ours, publish the Central and the Sout;hern Presbyterian for the benefit qit-heir people.4 The time Itas eoise wheathe IYeslyterian Church, in North Caj-orfna should likewise do her duty to lie-ciuldren. It is a conceded and importaiit-factthat b uidreds of our members will take a State paper who will take no oth er. The paper is needed to be the organ Ofour Synod nud Presbyteries to elevate and jeh V ghte:i the piety of our membership by diiiu'sj. ing evangelical knowledge to promote the cause ofJ-Mucation to develope the talents jef our msnistry, and to strengthen the attaohv-iit of our pe'oiile to the soil and sanctuaries oi:t$eif own State. ' .. semen and .Instructin Edited by Moses A. Dov, THIS -paper is the largest w;eek!ly ever pub ILshed in this conntryA ; Itslconfents are sach as' vi ilLbe approved in the most fastidi ons cirel3 nothing iihmortal being admitted' into ils page, ri wiii -urmsn as nuien reading "matter as almost any one cau fiud time to pur ruse, consisting of ' . jj .- i ;' Tales: Ilistory, Rio grapliy Music AAD POETUV. The papee. eon tains io ultra sentiments, and meddles neither with politics nor religion', but t is characterized by ii moral tone. It 'circu lates: alt over the country, from Maine lo Cajf. fornia. j. The terms by mail are very low, as w ill be' seen by the foJlo wing, ; ' . .:v 'i-l :, 1 TERMS: :" The "Waverly Magasiue is published weekly by Moses A. Dow; Nojji 5 ,LindalI Street Bos ton, Mass. ' -. -j ., - h' Two 'editions are pii'jitvd, one on thick paper for Periodical DealeriJ at 6 cents & copy, -and an edijibn for mail subscribers;' (on a little thinueij paper, so as l.o come withi n the liw postage law,) at 2 !a year, or $1 for six months, always in advancer - Clubs by mail, six! papers -six months,. $3. Paper stepped when te last number paid foi ls Seiltjf '. , !; ht !i, '. S. :. ' ! ' : Ai new volume cemmences ererr Jul v and Janflai'V. Butjfar person j commences at any. pttjiicufar iuiuocr in iiuis volume, ana paj-s "for six months, he vvil fiave- a volume. complete With 8 ?title-pa-5rat -Berij& piapei,- is eorriplete in itself. . j v f '-:j .T '': ' - JfifTiWhm a subscriber orders iv renewal of his subscription be s wwildi tell i us what wa. the last number he deceived, then we shall know what number to renew with without huntirigl,oyr our boo!feW- Otherwise we shall , V, PnT.VT.TfTnTTtT TnTTTJTQ-AT. A Magazine in live Languages. Frenchman isi Italian, German dc English ; Designed to Afford Important ' Facil-: ities for Acquiring a Jfy&ctical ' , Knowledge of the princu ; , . pel Languages of - ' .' : Europe. . . v In order to increase the advantages of thePoly lingual JcUrnal to teachers and learners, th same text is eiven in four lamgusges French Spanish,; Italian and Germanbut not in En glish.;; The four languages are arranged on op posite pages, as nearlT line lor une -as posst ble, to enable the learner t institute coni par isons, and trace analogies between the differ ent languages; , The practice of vsing the same h j n Liie Buiuy oi amereuii jijiuu,co i nerally followed by the best edaeational in stitutions ir. Eurdne. - 1 : The editor took occasion while traveling on the Continent, and sojourning in France, Spain. Italy and Germany, to become familiar wan the most succcsstui systems oiinsirucnou in the -Modem languages. '' . i The rolvlinfiial Journal wille published Q'-arterly, in double octavo form, at two dol lars per annum. " in variably in advance. - . fLiberal discount made to teaehers using the M'n'n..:..A AMnt-itii. ftiia Tror..t,.ll. nnd ! if.ntinrr th -nnner containing it to the '"Editor of the Polylingual Journal," will re ceive a copy for one vear. II. C. SI AKKis. .-. m Xew York. Sept. '26 th 1 857. Editor tf. begin when the money Persons -.writing fo their name, post-oinci 13 received.?:. the papitr mnst write connty aiid State, very is it. will be kho lirt under a new Ad . '. . i L i ... ..,: I ...:n . : i.. M :..f A.t tr. 1 . !i ministration, anu oterai cmhijiicv uesnviis,-j- win uuim; h- iu l'u 'wlr 1 uu ... n. j ut be discussed, in it; for exatnple, the cur- ! : , - J. 14 ,llL'lLUib tfc Ly. s f , j . rencv. Kansas, revenue, and other question.-. The Globe will be, as Heretofore, ine only aonrce from which full debates eu - t For one copy of TEKMl?. the Daily C can be obtain- 00 3 hl j IX 7 M. 10 Uti 15 pi" TIMlt) T0 1 ly Globe one vear. SloJyO For one copy of the Daily Globe six months For one copy of the Daily Globe during the session, 1 , ,f t",v-j For one eopj o( theCorgressilonal Globe and Appendix, nd thd la v passed faring the ses sion, ' - j , 1 :' j Bank notes, enrrentin the section of coun try whero the subscriber resides, will be re ceived at par.' The whole or j any port of a subscription may.be remittedinjposl age stamps which is preferable to any currency, exoept gold or silver. ! 1 All percoiis indebted to the suliseribcr are earnestly reque ted to coipe forward ana close their'accounts. ; ,- We have a number of nooiruU standing on our books for 1S5-5 aud lf) t y niv not set tled very soon, -we shall endeavor! to collect them, We will not wait longeiU j We must have money to tmv our own debt--. I aONO i McCAULEYJ n o xv ilbbards !If our church in other States 'and other char ches in this Staie, can supply their lpemhen with. Religious Journals, why may not wej? Are Xorth Carolina Pt esbyteriaris infei io iii talent, energy and patriotism, to their neigh bors on thij Xorth and South, or to Christians; of other denominations atlhome? Withlhd same or better opportunities of accomplishingr this work, shall ws leave ( its. undone f lit Ithe .lansruage of oi.e Of on most useful and nblo Ministers, au adopted son' of our State . 7 It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is notJtoo late tole'giu to do right." f In the last two or three months a fund ofn bout 3,000 has been t subscribed !aa a: permjan ent capital. At a inciting. of the contributors held at Greensboro', on the 14th of(May, Rjev". A. Baker ; ohairman.-the; paper wfis unanjun ously loeAted ist FayetteyiHe, under tlie name and title of .he Xoarii Cakoliva Pbesbt'T'Er.y-!. Itov. Wii X. Mebane aind Rev. (ieorge Mo-' Xeill were elect 0.1 Euitors : Revs. G. .McNeill, Wnii X. Mebane, A. Bakier, Messrs.. C H. Wi ley. Geo. McXeill sr., John II. Cooke aijul 'Da vid. Murphy vere appointed an executive com mittee, tjO establish the paper anil maujige its business a fairs- ' ; 1 . .' -' ;v I It is ofiir wisji and design to make the; Xdrtlt Caroling Presbyterian, a journal of the first class, equal to the best inj the country hi typo grapliioal hppearanee and in adaption to the wants of our churoiios. Its columns, will af ford the latest iutel'igenice, both foreign -iinLl domestic, aud special care will be taken to cive a full and accurate summary of the Stat,e v bews. The name of the paper is designed to be at exponent of its character and c mteyts.r-. nom conviction it wiU advocate the cons rv tiye, orthodox. Old School dectrincs of tli Jiu rch. ; : - m; ' . i ! Our first appeal is tp ojir own people tc X; Ct Presbyterians Whilst, we rely confidetdy .upou their favor, w a trust that the native son of Xorth Carolina who' found liome in oilier States, and the adopted citizens of our ate who form so important an clement in our Mih istry and membership, will take a deep intej-est in this enterprise and ciVe it their heart ys'up- port. f " y j ' . :' . I -! Ready-Made Clothing ' i ; AXD GENTLEMAX'S , i FUR Nl S II IN G GOODS JR. 1IUTGIHXS it CO.. are now opening a . large und well selected stock of Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, oml racing every article. belonging to a Gentleman's' Ward j robe, from the crown of his head to t le solj of ?-his -feet, which they offer at very lottj prices to cash; and punctual customer--. -;j:;J j Abo, a beautiful lot 6f Cloths and Cassi; mere3 of the best English and French impor- tatious, which we are prepare 1 to make up to. order, as tiie' snort est- notice aim lowest prices. Give us a tall, exaiiune our goods and we -distinctly. . 4. hose- - wlw wisli J tneir papers changed should tell here it has 'previously, been sent. - ; , : J j; ' -' ' . Postage on this pa; 4i' is twenty-six cents a" year, payable tn aavance at.iue omce nere taken liiL . ; , j ' ' - t,'- I I C 1 u bib i n g; 1 Clubs must ahvayi jhe sent at, one time to receive? -Nremium. TYje cannot send thein id, the club price unless received all- together, ;is it is ' tojo much tr'&uble; to look over i-ur books or keep an. 'account with each . one getting theni'llp. T -..-'- ' ' ; ':''.' '' ! - J''iAny one sending m can have one copy of the " Wayer-f Miigaztne," and either -f the following .'works for oaf vear'by mail " G it, h am i I ji ga z i n c .' "Ladies---Gazette 'of azine," " 'atiou's' Picl b jial.'r -: - 'HIE , 1 .BAW-R:WOTJB. 1 .' - itr 1 .ip 1 z MM-jj- . hioii." Tutham's Mair- . Any one sendijrig us ! 2a!iii advance, can haye a copy of th " Waverly Magazine;1; and either 01 t e fallowing pi pers; for one" year by. mail : Hrjue Flag;'-American Union," Olive Branelji," ".Yai'l'Ce Pr:vateer.':. All tetters and eotttnuui'cations. i'.jrii.i.t:g the piipcVshould be adtjlressed to th p'jidiqiib. THE WAY TO SUBSCRIBE. . Tho proper nio3e 'tiul subscribe, for it p spa- in a litter, ,n nd addi;ej dividual nam iiid St iite ttr tocnelose t.h e monc-v the p'iblisher direct; jgiviiig ir with the post offie c; rcoun 1 v r pt'qiniu uritten as pdst marks' are often il leg ble.- . fl Feh.j 27. I : :,;';' n42-i'f fj- Dr. McIiANE'S ' - ;CELTSij;Ri.Tl!;D:":j!- . -' '- ' Vi E R MtiTrFTJ; 1 :V,liIVEI?. PIULrSU Tnoofthe beat Preparations of the Jig; They - are -. 1 1 mcnaea as Cure-alls, h what their; ports. -t-: not recom s . tlniversal imply 'for name purr Ve'r fug; March 20; u l3 tf f f FURNITURE I FURNITURES! ! 1 I ' : The subscriber would announce to the citi.cfls of "Wake1; Orange and the surrounding coun ties, 'that he still keeps on baud at his if J Furniture Ware Kooms in lialeigh, 2 squares east of Cape Fear Bank a large nd extensive! assortment of the hist furniture, such as Bureaus, centre tables, Sec retaries. chairs bedsteads wash stands -tc, qll ofwhich he will sell on the most reasonable terms. All jorders piiabtually and faithfully attended to a!t short notice. , - Iialeig1),(.)6tober 31st 1857. --if :for ejiRelline -tedhni f ircm' sy-stemj has 1 - 1 acmuiistered in the' human also b vvirjn the meet sntisractory results to various animals ,:J I" I'.' I subject to v crms. . :, d Thc LiMs: j f u;ls, fc'r tlie cure cf ... -:';''- ' ; . plaint, all I ....'" ' ; R'.A N GE M n N I'd Liv: COM- ; INSC-ltANCE BEPOItTER. jV'V' -I By A,. X 1 CHO LA.?","l5ank eV. ' ;''' :' '! :.i:t;; ' -'r ' '' ' : .- ' ; 70 Wall St., X.' Y; '. A VALUABLE PUBLICATION, v The Ban!- Xote and Insurance Iieporter is intended as a standard work and reliable pub lication, not to be excelled by any of a similar kind in the United States. Giving- a full list of all -t - " - - V,. ' . -'..,' .! :.- - ' ' - . . '--.-''''-' ' Lanl Insurance Com pani.Stock' Table. ro'tvrniaenjt- Securities, State ; Scan-ifis, &.c .-, j&c, ' and exposing all Fi fiuduleut. . Bogus. end Rot ten 'Institution's, Caiupanies; fcc. TJiis work will pwe invaluable to all .Merchants, and 'bfip-iit-ss.nien of every i'ef-cription and grade; and will-be afibrded td subscribers ,at the low price of $3 a year;, weekly j $2' a yer, seini iiionth.ly and $1 a year ' monthly, payable al- wuvs m aavace. - No. 70, Wall Street, New: York. I "am now prepared to supply Sight.prafts on -.'Great, Britain and Ireland for j ONE POUND AND UPWARDS. ' Also Bi lls "of Exchange on all parts - of .Eu rope at, low rates Also to negotiate ;' ; ' . - I LOANS ANU rROIKS0BY, NOTES -: . on thi most favorable ternis. - -' . ' - ,'' N OT ES ASD D li A FT S v collected at i per cent. I , COMMERCIAL SECURITIES i- - - negotiated at -fper cent. " ', , ; STOCK, BONDS. &cv - bought tind sold i'ouly ; on commision, Pensiouf and -Bounty Land I-'Iaims collected. ' Insurance Scrip negotiated. Highest rates ; .,of interest allowed on deposits;; n : "snins of one hundred dollars and i : ' '.- ! upwards.' PayaL!e' on de ' . ' , rnaud- ' . s A. XICHOLAS. : ;. . :-,:!';''REF12Al2Jt:i5. ' Daniel Irew, Banker, j . Morris KeMbun i . if. T. Mdrgaii '! . H ; , ' j Caleb .O. Ilalstea.T, Pres.Mauhaitah Co TrIcElrath, President Xassau Bank; Marine liank. : f , Manhattan- Life Iiw. Co. C Y Wemplc, Sec'y Howard Ins. Co.-rS- T, Thidiuore, Pres, Mochanio's Bunk,- (I ie Gutrelis, e'nehler.-, Williamsburg City I3ankGco. Field cashier Writ. -Rider, President Gutta percha co, Robt. Kelly, Merchant -. ' W-:.A. llausoui.. Bank of Mont pel ier, Vi. : ;" l S. Lifc Ins. Co., -Ji Endle, .fec'y ." .1 ;' Johason & lliggiiis, dos. Brokers, i i . on. hgers, Jiige, Suffolk Co... -f ' - . . . Baire' .Richardson- & Co.. Ins, Brokers. -: (.has.1! Imlay..Scc'y ifcTreas. U S Life and An. C o i'iiihi. j : . j. CopWthwaith. Pics. Phila. Fiie Ins. Co' : ;.!. L M. Miller Wisconsin. Robinson & CM, Bunld X Y. - v. .'" ,; James Barnes Isq X Y. BMClWOOM'rMAinzi :,:'"!-V AXD THE r. ritisli Heviews. BRILIANT PROSPECTUS , . - . 1 . .vm.n i. THe COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION ' ' "' I. I THE. FAMOUS AX10N ;dusseldorf gali,ery; F A iy 7IN G s J ' : Purchased at a cost of $I'800f " AXD ROWERS' WORLD REXny vrtV ' J j STATURE OF TIIE LI , . Gfrcek jSlavd ! IIe-purcli,ased for six thousand dnlhu-, with veral hundred other wirks of Art,in Paintinffl' Sculpturi' ind Bronzes; cimipt i the PremL urns to hi awarded to the subscriberi nf K t; UbJM U r.U LiT A JN ART " t. .kiAM.. 1.0,1 t- noil. .m. i 110 puuivi w ,vi v .no piu vi 8nunr p . 00, at WBii-u imio mo uwiiua will ISke.-pJjm 1 .; Terms Subscription ' f . Every subscriber of three dollarg is entitled to A copy pf the large and splendid Steel En graving, entitled Manifest Destiny'.ftlab tt) A copy of the Cosmopolitan Ari Journal one yeail also to -, ' . i ' ACerficate in the Award of Premiums aho A freej admission to the Dusseldorf and Cos mopolitan; Galleries, f j i . ' - ' i " , Thus ijt is seen that lor every three dollars . paid, thd jsubsciiber nt only receive! i Silen(Jid $5, Engraving j ' but. also the beautiful; illustrated. I -,TWO DOU-ARRT JOURNAL OXE YEAR. -- Each )6ubsersbt r is ?alo presented with a valuable work of Art, ia riubr i'p ture," may be rt-eeive'd in aJkiton, tfiii uivjng' to every Subscribed n eouiralcnt to the valua ofiye dollars, an! a Certificate gratis, j An v one cf the feadim? 3 Macrazinra ia fur .' 9 i" n -r- nished.iifeteadof Eograiving and Art Job rn a.; Xo person is restricted to a single ah ire. Those taiiiig five tncaiberfrhiis; remittii g ft. are entitled to cn txtria engraving, an J ix ticketF, j ' ' - ' ! ';' ; t . ; Fidl particulars of thi Association. arc pifeu in the Atjt Journal, wlijch contains over sixtj' splendid fcngraviog; 'price fifty cents pe -nuiu bcr. Specimen cotu'es will be sent to all fipv" sous who desire to subscribe, on receipt f ct-- postcge stamps, (15 coats.) Address I Li L, DERBYi Actuary C. A. 1. f " 643 Brt)ad- yi,: New Yjbrk ' " llnrr-.St - ' iL ' 1 . ' I ' ' AYER'S CUE Hit Y PECTORAL, ' Koh ink rapid cultK ov Colds CoiirIis! mill Il6nr$cncs$ i i i . I BcivnBi.a JI sm.. 20th Dc 1"5. a Da. J. C. Atkr j I do not heiit to Miy (ha Ivst n-ilv 1 linve ever) foiiml fur Concha, II.iv-whwm. lnflinnia! mi I Uia om-omltHiit vniptom(if C"iIil, is your ClIEKRr I'SCTUDM.. ltH -OhilUt UKO in niy iracti4 ,ny fimlly fir thfl iii.t tpii yvr on lmwn it to i'tm iie rior rirfiii' for tlie trciitiiii'lit of tlirM imiiliuiit-J KUK.V 'KMlillT. M. l. A. B. Moil tLKY. Ksa .(J frir k. X. V..' t ,ivil roui- kr'i-'if n.vm-lf fil la lay fuillly prijr iin:x iu tuvcuqiu It, uuaJluiv It I tii lie-t lmr.iHti( for II niii;ise vi iii nuu i 1111411 nan nuii j uleml.l fmiior "i;iy twt-nt.vi fl,ve .lnll.-irf fir a liotllu. ilnui do wilituut'lt, or tike any otlirr iviimly." . j,; i I Croupl j Whooping i'ou-;h;, Influenzn, Li ;. SPHf!irii:t.v ! MU. 1.4i. . rtROTHfH Atcii: t will cliiwifullr cv.itlr -our U the bukt rimmil.r we ixitwe "ir tlitt c ur- of wliHlni5 ' cough. croii;i, R'ml th clioat aieiMs of rliiMifn. uif ' , vour fnitf tiijty in Ilia itt nintri-iat your k II, mil , comuicnJ - inr iiiPilicias tu inr ii.w ; ;,r '. 1UUAM C0XK.IM, II.'D. J AMOS T.jl'K. Ksq , MoTrKiikr. 14 wt;i.,:i,l ls;,i.: ' ( 1-hm(,!lkiin lut1ii.ii.i.!liiclt tiJlii. me iii i.m ixti weeks-tmHv nuui v iiitxln iiien vihoiit ilii-fftftil:illr ti iml your "fct. rtii by r!ie " Ux (if our rlwuv uihii. Tin I Bik iliws illeei tU -Mtmtwm iu aiy tliro.it ml limit" ; !. U4' tlwui jiim Uatf the Urtthi miiHs nut rniiileti- V . t'.xir iih'iK- UaM ftin Ilia rU-nim-t j wrll Hid lwt " i-aiii liii.vviiii.l we FittHMii yu4,Duclor, mij oiir n ncJu -, uim juVirf jiiiiu" fiiernl. j -. 1 , ' 1- Akthnin or Phthisic, and Ilror.citff.. 1 1 Imra, Srn I'AlOU ill TiVii.it M a.-Ii Hijn r.R. l-.. Ki.li. 4. iii C'l'i'i-j jy.ciitril in wfiiiiiaj ht.iivHloir nir kin. 1t'liel M..iil film 11I111 111- nuil li mm- iii Im i nn.11 liji MPCliun; It tin i lie h-i.iii.iih of (Onuiiiuil lui Li I.J.ie. uuiler an Hir-ofjon f iln- liniir. l ist forty jii iii. H KXHV U I'AIIKS, Mm A. A. HlAM "By, M. I)., iAliiui.v. Monro C", l"J. ii. IS ",": ' Duriilir 111 v 111 .11-1 irf ol o n , I livo lii(u.k nolliluc d(U:i to ynur Vln-ii l'.rln.al ..t Llol till! i.Ulf. f" S I'M I h AP- asK j OF TIHT a iv 11 oirs E Jan. 2S iSfr OF. SuwDTrvarv "7. 1.4 2X rUliUlIASElW ? ' i nnrifrifint rurnturc From .20 to 30 ir ccut saved See Advertisenaen tot .-., Foster Sice, 35. I3owi3rvJ fcn-vi', York, lutl.e principle Xwspapii-i f Wilming ton, Raloi-h, Xe'wbern) F:yeitevnie, (tcv C.ltalogues.contaaniugthe List of Furhi tures lor; eOi wta ue syni jirue 01 p si. diealil. ' ' I I !. ou apr HAVING at considerable out'ay, ren.-vated and reftiruislied hislIOTEL.it willin future be devoted to frnnsieat visitors and regular boarders willing to' pay a price commensurate with the outlay Wessniy to keep up a first class UotetT j- I - . ' . The biisiaess of Salisbury is amply sufficient to support Ivoth Hotels ami Private Boarding Houses, and I ani eon vi need ' bjy ten years ex p4rienee t hey eaiinot be carried on succcssfuly togetner unless tlie aoove pini nenuopteu . RATES Olt FAftK bs AND AFTEB BOARD per day!, , ' ' " week. ' ' month. hk 2Jth ixst. $1 50 io 00 no t)0 S00 (00 216 00 - year, ; Without Room. ! Xo Variation from .those prices with any I have at much. trouble ad tjxpeusmade a mnp-ements to strDK mv tabM with the deh- d bixnrios Lf theXorfplk and Chariest Mto Markets, and intend (o kepa house thafT Ivlv with lli-e bst liOUSCSofl ' wnrithty.. i ' . L. ROBARDS. J . ;- : . o V I tt PROFESSIONAL NOTICE i My health having ilnproved considerably iecentiv. I would respectfully announce to the; citizMis of Chapel Hill and surronnding conu niunity that I have jesmed the pjacticei f of medicine at this place, "and may be. ftmiid j at all times, unlesss professionally -engiiged, at my office og Eraiiklin street or at Miss Xaiicy Hillards, - " - i -:. ' : - f ;'! ;' j I ha--c now on hand a large and eonthlete 'stock of new and FEESH MEDICINES, iconsequentlv will snpplv my owja' physic. J ', i Alex, d.'mooue, d, CJiapel Hill, Oct. 2 : it 1337, tf ; : V ' SAM'L N. COLLINS, IIOSE AMD SICPAINTJEK- RESPECIFULLY informs the citizens of Chapel Hill and surrounding country that he is prepared to execute all orders m the above line -of business. at the shortest: notice, and at the most reasonable rates. lie. is de: tcrmined not to be excelled for neat and dura big work or for low prices. Give him a trial.,, . Orders for work, may; for the present', be left at Ulr. Wm J. Cooley's Harness Shop. : j Fehruarv IS. i - n40-tt . j ; ICE1I0E ! IGE!!! . . TOR SALE by the pound or bushej .il -ACHE, CCC. ! I Purchasdfs will be 1 particular to Dr. C. McLanc's Ce brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills! nrcnarcd bv ' 1 1 - j for v 0 SOLE ' PROPRIETORS, PittS- burgh, Pa.? oth er, as there other preparatiens now before the jrublic, pur porting to be Verniiiuge and Iiver in Pills. All comparison Dr. r Mc-Laije's, are vvorthless. r ; f ; ITh-. oenuihe KlcLane's Vermifuge and ; Liver Pills can nov be had at all respectable . Drug Stores. ' j v'Tl- -.:' ' vv I FLEMING- IBRO'S, O 60 Wood St. PfrrsBUEan, Pa. ; : ! X !oSe Proprietor i bl!ank j . ' Attiacliments 1 " AND ; . .. " SGDTT fe CO., Xew York; continue to publish the following leading British Pe riodicals, vii :. . :,-': ' '.- 1 Thie London Quartet ly; Conservative. 2 The 'Eiliiiburn; lleview ( Whig.) . ; 3 The North Diitish lteview (JreeC'rch. 4 Tlie Vesl id t nister Review (Liberal) .5 Itfackwood'sEilinb ii ig Masust n'e( Tory. THESE Periodicals ably represent the three-' v-Ttc i'reat political parties ofGifeat Britain Whig, t-r T "'(..Torv, and llHuio.il, but politic forma only j one feature of their charaijter. As Orginkof s the most profouiM writcisjon Soieuce, Litera ii t ure, MtM-aUty and lleligioij.the)- stand.as they ever haye stood, nnrivaUeq ln.the world of M te is. being considered . niutspeiisable to the cholar and the professional uiarii while to the jntelhgent reader ot every class they furnish irihore:feorrect aiid satisfactory record of tllie cuirent literature of thedaj', throughout the wrldjthan can be possibly obtained from any other source; .1 , . - - - : ' r:i EARLY COPIES, Tlie receipt,, of "Advance Sheets from the Britis-li ! j.ublishers gives additional value to those Rebrints. inasmuch as they can, now be! placed -lift the hands of subscribers about as: soon as tue original eauions. . TERMS. - i V - I'-': Pet For any one of the four Reviews For ".any two oHhe four Reviews Eor any three of the foiirReviews For all four of the ReviewsJ For Black wopd's Magazine .,, For Blackwood and three Review?! For Blackwood and ihe four Reviews, Pavmenls to be rn'ide in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will oe receiveu par,. , CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-fiye per cehtj from the above trice will be , allowed to clubs -order ing four or more Copies of any on or mo-re of the above works, llius: Jronr copies ot liiack" wood, r of one review, will be sent'to, one address for $9; foiu' copies of the fbiir Reviews and Blackwood for thirty dollars; and so on. l. lil h N'liu .s-k-.' and take no are various 'Annum. - . f3.00 ! 6.0.) ! 7.00 j. 8.00 f S.00 i 9.00 10.00 1 I In all tlie principal Cities and TeSvn3,- these . ' works will be delivered . - 1 . jFREE OF P0STAE. i When sent by mail, the POSTAGE to any part of the United States will . be-but SJ4 cts. a year for B ack wood, and but J4 cts, a j-ear for each of t'ae Reviews. - . "- ....' ' . .P B. The price-n Grent Britain of the X tium2 indicalsanove named is thirty, 0116 dol EXECUTED AT Tins OFFICE. , WITH NEATNESS ; i ' ANB DISPATCH. Writif, lH4.-ii. " Ouriiii; my ir,u'iU-eol'ii'l I ifiviiiij o.iia ami ri-lU-f lo coutmiuiaiie i.ili.ii, iJ fj iuch lis Bi'4 fin. iUa.a '1 I V."e miirlit M'VI volume -t I lcn-, t.ut liii ui1 i-i-ii ; !uciiig!-Uf of thu rirlue.iiif IJiN nanclj in fouil.l 111 i.D effects upoii timl. 'f" ! 1 1 Consnftin'tion. ' rrivlmUj.DO one ccmeilT um orrr lcn kiioxi Vui-i'il isci liiany 1011I ench lniic-nNS nw nu'lbl. no liiiiu:i hi. I Oil 11 rcm li: ji.nl vr, Iu tlmw lh itaorai mioiMi rniri and ntuiKa-. Ato Ww. N i:4YohK f it Inrrli .V Dotxor rtj-"K. Uvia: 1 t'.vl il a dm r mi I n i'--jioi. ' t.i intiii-iii t.Mi irliat ylMir'.irr.i l.-tojnl l. f-.r if vil.. Slii.li;il Iweu flvp'iMTiitim l-iU'i i-r itinV r iViv.l.ix-ci-"ni,yiifiim oS Cithnnitm. fc-.in wl,(ch mijnl.l t iviiilj -in.i-(u pve h'T much r-ericf. Mi tiM "ii' in. uiiiil pr. Mrnnj, of thin city, wbi-io w Inur.-iino "r .ivii-o, re (tirn mcnilfil a triu'ef " nr nx-Jk ilin. ' ufo itc iiis kincliiii. h we d. youi ckl'll: fur i-li lm rtim-in-il t'l. on tliHfi thiy. .Iii' it uiii yet m tivu; k i-liv im-i t4 ' lie, I n! i fiei- finai litr rui4)i, and rtiU hiM.-lf i 1'.. i Vout-.'jvtilli -icratitixli tied i-i-irnrv. . j -j ; UULAXIXj jMIKI.UV. or Sin u:Tviu.r. . (httfHitfllrfi. ilo not d4U- till you li'nw tiW-J Arm'. Ciikckt- t'ifi T(iu; It in imIhIi' liy line of ll.r lt liicdfc n rla'iiii'Ms in tl. worl.l. mil) ii i-iiif. nil in.)iiiid,ju. Iiilv tlie liili niiiriiii of Its vii ttiM. J iittailelpl.ia Jstlfftf, , - Acer's Cathartic Pills. f IK -ift.-nri'S cf C1ie4"'ry mid Mpilieln lmtji If-n . JLi liixeili their iilmont to ifiwllicc M 1 e.t. iimjMf- t 1 puitive wlilch ah Down to num. luiinuiemliM ! n l.n 'i.l. ..... II ... t- ll..i. !. 1.. .-!... ..i . b.. RIC '(j I 1 1 IU t 11. 1. ,oi 1 c ,11 11m . mi h fui I'M", ni excellt-m e the onlitimy nicdi. imsi, ami lliut Ihry in up-' . pica-denti-iUy uko tbe wtt-in nf all men. 1 Im nreilJ nud 1 'easant to tiiV.e. 1 al Uini-rfut to Cine. 1'hipr iH-wi-Iratjns pi;0i(.rtiMitln.uUU (he vital ariivitiei&f lf k.nl, -rewiove li e ob.triKtlnu cf iu orjCHint. inriiy' Hit' Mmal, and expel disfmie. They pnrgi-cut the tml luiiimm )iUh lireml ani grow ditu)iri aliuiutute uliiL-pUli w ilimn dei-edoi-gn n into llitir naluliil action, and-lnii.n t lir:illliy tone witl etrengjh to thoj whola avatcih. Ji.l only do thpy curcj the every-day cijulplninU f ncrt lLly, t pt nliio fiirmldnble and dangcrou 4iia(Ua tlmt bu$ ba01ul Ihe beat ff Itumna ekUU HVblle abey pra.liu- evwrk.' 1 eflt-cts, Oiey are at the aame time, Iu diniliil.bfddoeri, the , aafeet RU(f best physio that jean be eniplorej for chlldir u, Beiug sugar-coated, tbeyar pU-aicuit to Uke; and tiuf( ' purely xepetable, are free from any ri of harm; CuiV" I hare been mado which surjiaM bellrf e-r iliey not tub-1 tantiatedj by men of anch tx!td i(lliin and cliarnrtorf as to forbid the auaplcion -cf eytiutb. Many niinefit clergymeo and physicUnabave Unt their naoiee to errtSV . to the pntilic the reliability of mjj remediM,''hile ollierV linve aen we the asaqranqe of "jclr coorlctkm that n I'leparatipna coatribuU inniionacly to the itllef tt tuf alHietei", anfle. tillff fellow-men. " I -t f I The Xgfst lielow named is pleased to fiiml.b gratis my Anieilojui AlniHnne, containing diivetinna tr tlielri lire atj cei-tiflratas of their cur.W, of the follow ii, eoitipUiiiiU: ' CosttvciieN, Dilioua Com plain Is, r.liennmtiiimj Pny, ' lleftrllium, llendache arising from a fonl sleinafli, Nh. , sea. Indigent inn, Morbid iLacliim of Hie lii.wrU and I'ahj ' . ariHlng ilieVrfroiii, Untiilfny, Jam vf pin tile, all l'l(-. . 011a mid luutaiieon lieafe wliino rei-jiuia au frariuiiit medii-ine. bcrofnla or Kina'j KiL Th.-y alao, bjr tnir f-r. ing (lie DKioji ano aiiuiniauiia; me niirinj rura Dmny comtiiainta which It would-not lie aiippoeeit tliry could reach, anrh as DeafneMi, I'aellaJ lllindtieu, NenraJirta aa.1 Nervous IrritnMlitr. Derangements of the LlrerSnd KLI. neyg, Uoat, and other kindred compbiinta arising tiu a low state of the body or obstructioa Of Ita function. Do noil be put off by unprincipled dealers wUi some other pjty they tuake more profit 00. j Atk lor A tea's Tills, and take nothing efae. No .other they mm glte you compare with this in It Intrinsic talu or eiiratita powers Tlie sick who t Ihe best aid flier ia t Ihciu, aud they should liave it. j i ' ' i " : Prepared by Dr. J. Ci AYEB, PracticAl and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Iftss, PaiQs 53 Cts. rra Boa. Frra Hosu ru 1 ! J r solj) by . j .;; 4J; Ji. A Saunders, Ctoptl IJill t Williams '& llaweoddi Raleidki S. .7. lludatt. V.,iU, lll, Ravilana Stevvvipnta.; Charltitoti ,' A. O ' J3radlel, Vtlmiibjton Pursell Laixhh Ox Kichmoni; Ci all JJrvggisls. . ; . ' ) OX ,1 JUST POINTED j j TTTn T T-c T. f ir1 r f, .1 A full assortment of ':;: 1;). Dojt k.10 OLOiTS-A If you want work (lone, call and sco specimens. . v. i - ; All A"T S iu-X rec ived at IO jiit rceciyfd at BRuu bTUllE WAEBANTS BI1L AiM S- . j. r unemxs jl co.v J. K. lL'TCHINS ;t C FOPw SALE HE tf . 'II; MarcL2ev MaretiO- i . 11 ti 1 . 1 'J j - t BEAUTIFML LOT OF s i B i w a for cash, at the -1 US' ' r i May lvt- 1 . j 1 V 1 - ' .... ..