-B ja_Mjl , -I'aCTW V^"t^ A PROGRESSIVE NEWSS’APER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AME^RICAM INDUSTRIES. BURLINGTON. N. C. DEC. S. 1913. Mded School Hod8F Roll Program of Dairy School at for Novefflber. . Grade. Miss Hornaday, teaeh- ^t:..ev r-aie Shelton, Edna Gar- " v'nes King:, Pearl Turner, t Midell. Katiirine Martin. Vesta tith Burke, Pauline Whit- Holt, Dan Hall, Jr., Ev- Earnest Holt. Grade, Miss Dailey, teacher: /:;e Mebane, Edna Fitzgerald, NViles, Jerry ^ ■ ‘ » Talah Sumner, Ot. W. Staf- ^ Hargrove, Finley Smith. Oakdole. Pendergast Quits Progress ives Who blected Him. Hedgepeth, Margarett Mr. Reed win explain purposes of the explaining his desertion of the new '1 SSie R;. Bextha Turner, work and methods for carrying it,ca»se. He fails to ^plain, however. Messrs. Al\in J. Reed, who has 'N«w York Controller Slure New Par- charge of the Dairy Extension and | Vigorous Campaign for So- Stanley Combs, his assistant, were j Justice, present at the Gakdale School, Pat-New York, Dec. 4. Conuroller W. terson's**Township/ November 23, and ] A. Pendergast. whose endorsement by conducted a Co-operative School in Progressives made his recenv te- l Dairying. They will be there again election possible, announced today his for the same purpose December 16th, withdrawal from the Progressive par- and it is hoped a large crowd will be! ^y* « j i. present to hear them. The following '• Politicians here say Pen erg*s program is given: | would like to be the next Republican FIRST DAY. * nominee for governor of New York. Regular classes and early recess.: Pendergast issued a long statement he BosBClng of Jesse Bas- Whose Husband Is night Kline? It in crey - Au- .■ Perkins, Coman Isseley, Harvey Adams. Grade, Miss Lefler, teacher s^.'oriU and out. Explain use of milk scales; use how het expects the Republican partv of milk sheet; weighing of feed;: to become progressive with bosses iiKe . Penrose, Root and, Smoot in control. ^ -‘I have been out of sympathy with teacher- Third Grades, Miss -Bruce Cates, Flox- "'""r-ulchfleld, Daisy Clark, Bessi^ r m-ired Garner, Bailey Se!- Rogers, Altjiea Ireland, Waggoner. Pviidc, Miss M. E.- Fonville, --Frances Whitted Yirgina Mnbel Hargrove, R'utVi A^h^orth, Albert An- J, crade. Miss S, V. Fonville, Febecca Adams, Frank Fieeia rp.^chev what milk and its products are com posed of, percentages, etc., placing' , . milk scales for records of cows. course of the Mr. Combs: History of dairying,, ^ ® » ancient cows, kinds, domestication, sequent to the last national election, handling milk, churns, evolution, ' controller. ; “In less than a year we will elect Mr. Combs: Some advantages of"^w house of representatives. There dairy farming. Local advantages, {° ^ markets, milk composition uses. ; Pro^essiw pa y s ou n mma e Mr. Reed; Preparing samples for Progressive can i a es in testing, securing, labeling, etc. Prizes congiessiona is ric . ib no inducement! ' evident that any such plan mean jQ ^ Y ; the return of another cvei whelming ■r, • r- . ■ 11 U4- maiority for the Democratic party in rdornins:: iesting samples brought ‘, the next congress? The people are ar.c Gvacie. I.J V; V. 1C r i i, .’.VC' Ct'.vroll, teach- nizabeth Raw Long", Kelos'i Kii‘S> ^ aul* Fannie Fse Boon, Eninu^ , .\llcn Tuyers, Thomas ■' ’ ■" fs Vi e t h B -n r n v/ e 11. cinide, Miss Underwood, riixe Pattersor-, van \\hite- V ^ le. Bingham, teach- 0 :.iorrow, Clara Dcvsett, 3Ks2 Taylor, teacher ;’cr. Mi?> Thornton, teacn- Wadde]’. c in. Working up records, testing work by pupils. Noon, Mr. Combs: Demonstratiug cream separator, its value. Care of milk and utensils. Cleanliness. Mr. Read: Feeding' the dairy cow. next congress best governed when the margins of strength of the two dominant parties are slight. “Some people imagine that pro- 'ji'essivism consi.sts in shouting’ C>n- Chri.stian Soldiers’ aiid prat- New Bern Postoffice is Now Charge of Representative of Bonding Company. New Bern, Dec. 6.—^As a culmina tion of the post office wrangle, which has been in progress in New Bern for the past eight or nine weeks, who was placed in charge of the bfiftce in June, 1910, wa,s this afternoon dismissed by the Postmaster General for insubor dination, and R. A. Nunn, represent ing the American Bonding Company, of Baltimore, who were on Mr. Bas- night’s bon^ Was placed in charge of the office. llie action is the culmination of a long controversy between the past master, who is a Republican, and Smith, a Democrat, and which was brought to the department in coun ter charges filed by Basnight and Smith, against each other. It v;^as alleged, by Smith, that the postmaster ignored the civil service rules by appointing a Republican youth, not of age, to a vacancy in the postoffice. Smith claimed he was entitled to the place, which was a promotion, because of his long service in the postoffice. When the postmas ter learned that these charges had been filed against him, and before a postofflce inspector could reach New Bern tc inveGtiguto the case, it is al leged, riri:r. ipht . c)i.scharr;3d Smith, The AlaniSDee Loan & Trust Compy, A Busy Place. ward, Fuod const ituents. How to feed the j tling about‘social justice.’ They have cows on record, criticism, of rations'yet to leai’n that pi’ogressxvism is an Changinp .’cd. -vado. •:. Eula Seventh Grades, —Ola Perkin.'. i*" \v“ v^:s^r.ia liai:, Liiiis Cob}o, M: .; r-1- rations, ow for dairy cows. THIRD DAY. Checl'inr;' over records, i paclri'.'.g butter. Noo:t. What to : attitude of mind. It is political mod- I ernism. Some of the men in congress who have done the greatest se.rwe Churning for progressive legislation have re- niained in the Republican party. No party has a complete monopoly of Mr. Reed; Jud^inr: dairy oow:^ with progressive principles or ideals. cvsri'.l v(!v;e iit hand. Tvt”. Cotnb:-: How to nulk, demoi),' • i'C>.. 'UHi ■* FOURTH DAY. effective with Ear'.. Hoi'ne B'. of riittcr =vr,re^^}. C..-r.t5>t, Sam'-' Chec'king; over '‘'’■Demoeratls pi;r fore us is, shall Ch£ Y('irbur :.]"u ""ich- Stv.f- Su- cli Cbi^C:.. e:..' ■ 'iuUer Y''Pi:er of ’ 00.; Balia, Iciichcr W'alker. teu^;h- ilin r;-M -;chn- iupt. KK5pe*Vt. Si irit, i^'; His v-^v:.-5:'.v/ fit on the D; ' Soon, to Be;id i •■ £ :h.p:h Kunting T.O hcver ■■‘.No o^-'.e v/ill dispute that the Ra- ' piiblican partyypresents today the most cpiiesive, . which J:o 'co! I//, Tiie"^;uestio v/e c:.>r.centrate''ou,r strength upon tnis :iiio?.'4 effectivo’ force, and herd, raake a yeaf ^HuCiL -he mxt ' congres.s or dissipate cur strength up- » on annecess.o.ry cand''d;:\tes a’.'I orf.';-:.'.!';- ; iaations ? c0''iic >t. A''r;oanc- • f'^r o'^.^o, am emplistical.j it.; fe .- cf L-i-t bntto}' contest. ; or of the lirsc course, and shall work n:l:ev c co.^to?!. Ito s.ccompUsh it. The time !ivis come ; I'eviewin'’; of coy/ .feed-' Vvhcn thcr^ ::cre js'’-. Comb;-: I'tvising :;a)v«.>. Koon. ua Subse.;iie:"t;;' ths postofiice dspart- ment .-»iU- a telegram to Basr.ight or dering him to restore tha clerk to his positon. This telegram was ignored entirely by Basnight, according to Sa’.'ator Sim-mous, who took up the case in behalf of Smith. A second telegram was sent to the postmaster demanding- an explanation; where upon Basnight replied that he had acted Avithin his rights under the lav/, which he claimed gave him tlie priv ilege in choosing his assistants as he savv fiv..- Then the postofnce depart- rno'.'-.t seat a pereraptoi'y demand to that he reinstate Smith and gnvp h:m ‘Cij'til tod.ny to do so. Bas- niglit, according' to Senator Si-mmons, P'lid no atte-ntion to this demand and Postmaster . General Burleson ordered -.1"^ be summarily re- r,--;OVi?d, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 5.r^Is Rob- j ert E. Kline the husband of Susan j Lively? Mrs. Lively is sure he is, and Kline is sure he isn't. The prob lem of who is right was presented to Judge Carr in Quai'ter Sessions Court yesterday, after Kline has been ar rested on an attachment charging him with being in arrears on an or der of $5 a week for the support of a woman and her child. Positive that mistake had been made, Kline insisted he had never married Susan Hazleton junder the name of Benjamin N. Lively, and de nied ever having spoken to her, and only knew her by appearance from having seen her on street cars. The positive statements of both parties made the case difficult and until more definite information regarding the residence of Kline from March, 1907, to April, 1908, has been obtained, no decision will be made by Judge Carr. The case vri.ll be re-heard next Tues day. For several months Mrs. Lively has been carefully studying Kline as he rode to his home, at 2946. Northi Ring gold Street, in street cars, and final ly concluded he was the man who nlarried her nearly seven years aj’o and resided with her at Ardraore Mrs. Lively has a 'flYC-year-ekl ohild. After a year of married lif;; th? C'‘U- pie sepai’at-ad a;id the* .Des«*.rtion'' Cc5>rt n:ade an order on Lively for the sup port of his wife and child. Mrs.. Live ly has not fsen her liugband in two years. The Alamance Ix>an .and Trust Co/ is a busy p^ce this week. The of ficers are busy drayinjr and mBilins: out checlM to members of their , Christmas Savinfi^s Club. They will pay out more thian $19^00 this week to 1,000 members, amounts ranging from less than one dollar to ?t65.50. This money comes in at a good time as it will assist in meeting the many wants for Christinas. Their next Gtoristnias Club opens Deceihber 29, and they have arriahgred to accommo date 1,500 members. They have also arranged to have an extra force of clerks on hand to wait on the ex pected throng. The first year they had 500 memberSj this year they had 1,000 and they expect 1,600 members the conning year. This ia undoubted ly the best and easiest way to save nioney we have ever heard of and it will pay you to drop in and get de tailed information. Yesterday T- -.■..■•.'I Polic.'jnian; Guil- ford arrested KJii.a as. hs was returh- n'h ing home f-^.’orn v,'orl-;.' The arre.st was on an atta>.L:i;3ijt procured i)-y .Lively aijainst her hu;!:b:v;-!d. While Assistant City Soiicitor . Mc- ilrane and Judge Carr -were awaiti^ig the arriv.al of Mrs. Lively in . court,, Kline was put through the handwrit ing' test to aacoriai-;-! -if -ths sig'«^uL'c appended to the recog’ni:ianee bo'vd, ccrresponded or was similar. The ovi- clence Was not otYered. Kc Avas plied with questions as to .the ■ date df' his birth, when ard ...'\vl’et;e ho attended school, av’d whc.rc w.-.U", ■o;:-ipl«yedd. Mir- T ivcly- i*e])lying. to questionr! by H:. ..'t^siiive the m:Ki Repair Department Doii^g Business. The opening of a shoe r^pairingf department by the Foster Shoe Co., in connection with their shoe store is an advance step taken by this well- , known firm that has attracted nation wide attention, some of the leadinj? trade journals going so far as to say that it was only a question of time v4ien all tbo leading, shoe, stores throughput the country would fiind it necessary to add a repairing depart ment if they wished to keep abi‘cast the times. It is just as necessary to keep your shoes in good repair as it is ycur raachiriery and dbe able to do this at a moment’s.: notice. Take a few minutes. oif your time .and visit the shoe repairing, depax't- ?h^uld Le IfiSf and more . the tali\'. of ami cvo:;s adapti^ble for I v\rmaiicddon' and more . tho^ig-bt of r rr.tl^)!";?. Poilin^,’ a-nd sil-*tbs future of our Ov’tn United uuate,i. i “1 ! relieve there must come an ]'>AY, ■ ;uha],"'f.'!r;-:fi.tior: o:f: in'terests upon the Cl.-ocl:in{:: over records. .part of Republicans and Progressives. Mi'. CoTiibs: Sv.'ine mar.agement. The movement for the accornpUsa- -.'iih dairying, feeds. jlr. Reyd: Dairy Buildins/s coi:stn' pasture with : nient of this purpose nrast bo started ■ ‘;-'OW in Gi'der that due pri^pa^atIo^ be -insde icr ne;ct yerv’s elec- Stili Kicking ApjairdSt tbe Prices. New Bern. Dec. 6.-— Anstlier c-,.ni- v-i :he New Bern pcstoflice V.'■ai:*?;le cccui’;"?d a shci't time before ii:-i!dn::ybt whan Postii-iaster Basniy;ht '•O'fused to tur.n c\'er the man:^g’e- )ne.n.t of the office until he gets a writ- te'“ o.'-dcr, ‘‘properly, signed and seal- fro-;:! the Poytoffice Depaytnient. ’^i:sri':;hc ciaii-^-is that he cannot be oia- ini;.?cd by any body ^"cept the Sc:.-;- ;ue l'i?t can :>r;]y be suspended by the f'traent. uador a - .-o::;; \.- showing :o buildini”. Mivid'.-.g 7--- v.id . JxOC i'. '/■‘-jam, junket. ily of -T:a'-:ur pictures.! ticn. j “I trust that the Republican party !in the.,meetings of its .natio.-ial corn- mittse and proposed national conven tion to be held in the near future vdll C-:.-;Tih.s: Conserving the uirtil-I exhibit n xuil appreciation oj. the ic- a dairy farm. Cars o-l.‘ farmqnireme.-its of the time.'?. It cer-uain- |ly v;ill do so if it is inspired by the [f^ame patriotic spirit which has al- SIXTH DAY. cf our Vr^.lbar, Heeiuin Hughes, '.'.r.i'rion -t:he soul of bis life- M:-s. Fa:-.n'e Hu.'ibes, 1 til'':r.'e. trf:ublc.scme for : o to the happy Hunting 'there, to bask in the threat Spirit tbrf'i-i:-bout of Eteinity, ■ e iv resolved: 1‘irst; re C-iiefs and me.nibers of ■ Tribe, No. 97, Jniprovod do hereby exve-.id ;-iympalhles to tba be- and u:^- o,;b' fo Cacbv.ni obov-..>, wn-j Wc!!. ■ . !; A hot a copy of !■.;> ',;pi ead on the r• d a ® v„ 1 n v,o;:y r cKy Chec-'.ing ovc.r ■'ecerds, Home made caeese made at school. Review' of ioctiu’e and' charts in cow ju..;lging. Breeds of dairy cattle, history. Mr. Comb.s: Soils and fertilizers. Koon. Mr. Reed; Official records bov/ mads ;:ome famous cow.“i sbov/ing picture. Caring for the cow, comfort, water, etc. t'enoral question box. FEVENTH DAY. CrK‘ }’eview. Examination, Cojn- ^ik'Ce’d eonipo.siticn handed in, Noon. Cow judging con-test open for ev erybody. Awarding prizes for judg- ic'ontert and for beat composition ’r;:rb';; School Notes. ’. '-ctment in the City 1.-: : i.-: d;ite is 1,041, The excellent. For b 'v;,^ . • best on record o ’ av,: able to aseer- ',i;u record; '.'.Vi. i • > JKii- ■Y/c: ■a-jrc b.a' a - Dis- ' -ive yci‘r .su ‘-•'-Wer'b Phy '■ fur ':r-. '.•Tr» J f ) dell:.; r ■ n to Ovfir , Lo-’S Poor Ye Have Always With Yon.’’ ‘’?be Kin^.r’s Daa-vbters have arrani^- to tabe care of avid distribute any ir.'cy, I'i'iici'char'.’i.':':.: or a-r'ij-'ihing that ni'y be pivon :u;.r purpo-: - ,bcse of oer tcv.-;T In need. n-iabes b. /^ a^v'.ary ;i,c prr.\'ide for tb-j-3 in n ’;fY:ci'',-‘t f .cd Tbo cold ;bcr iJ^d. on Thi'^ i; p.''rt t!:a' 33.1. /i r That ; a.:7 :r:,. : a'i'si?.! a very r".; .ocous of The King’s a-'p'-jd tbat tb- :a-e it is tbis cause, t'ou r.re '...skcd iyi b'^a\'.- all gifL.c 'i'be Burli"e;-ton. I'^ews oib.?e ii':.>rn ah -place they will be received by i distrib'uting committee. ways brought it success in. the past.” Francis Y7. Bird, Progressive coun ty chairman, said; " "1 only regret that Mr. Pender- gast’s de-claration was oelayed so long. He v*'as nominated last sum mer as member cf the Progressives. It was hardly fair that Mr. Pendcr- gast should allow himself to have beeii nominated as a niember of the •t-^arty when he had apparently aban doned it aiid was only postponing hlb declaration cf abandonment u'ntil .af ter election.” RopnbHc,;.^n poliicians from all parts of Nev/ York .'■■■tate were here today for conference preliminary to a bi'j rally of state leaders toniorrow. There worg se-’/oral independG-';t i.ieetings wbic.b indicated a tendency on the part of riev^dy elected i-n.em);ers cf the legi,slature to settle questions, of policy without the ai.'] of tb.^ o'd bosses. A c-j)riniitt(3S of assenibly- raon elect diecu^ssed revitdag tbe rule^ -f the asKerobli’ so as to weaves a tbe cb! '^syttend^ o:ly. i 'i'r -'by:"3 a no:^-r:;rib'^-n e- lo. Lc ’ear-i 'Ibe vi,,rr.-.^ of dida^'^fi for tbc- speabc:::Vi;Lp. "orr-:'r:':'ice tadapitted a li.d ticn;:- to tn^'b cf .tboj'e candJ bde^ c'-- Tb- ;-a: f'rcdcd be attc-;;do Noveinbe" ■2^-' f??r ar tain. There ;>j f,r. ! ,-rrade "pupils who V.T-- -.et -tardy v -b -n.-.t a single clay dm; ■ the i-no;ith. ''ho percent age of d;;n-‘e -J a‘ bt ,v r^bor is as follovv s; Primary ^ ''pi rt; le- i bb ■ Dailey principa': Mi H -“-i’d • ' Miss .Dailey. ;04; IT.j: Miss Lsfier, f?S; ?:i f;; Birah t'S; 'aiss M E. Fonville ;b.'; I'ir;a '. caa t;jley, 99, Grar.nnar b .^.partrne —Miss Hart, 'pi'incipal: I'Vi-'-. bbr,!,4, fO.o; Miss Tay- b Miss Ellis, t’liss Carrol], ' Miss Un- bcr busbandi She ?aid be would hs twenty-zii.ie yoarg-’ id thi;', niantb. Carefully surveying ■\U.ne, shii said; “He certaibly is m.y. iLisband. Ke is somewhat tbin-.jcrj but, I am sure he is Ben.” ■ ’'No, Frn not Ben: yoxdre mistaben,. I'm .Robert Earl Kline,” declared the tbfeiKiant, “and I’m not, twcrdy-nine 3’oaj-i'. old either, I'^I be' tv/enty year?> old next March." Th-?. p-^rents .cf Mrs. lively, Y(/illiam, ar.d Maria Hazlteon, of IbO-l- Garnet .Street, although they identified the raen as llieir cLiughter'’s husbr^nd af ter his arrest, were not so. sure v/her. they faced hin:i in, court. Both said that they vv^ould “not like to swear be v.'as I.ively, although he loolted very mach like him,-'' Kline and Mary Lannan'eloped, to Wilmingon a .few years ago and were married. They have one child. Young Tvbrs. Kline said she had known her husband sir.ce school days, and sub stantiated her husbabd’s statement tbat he had never lived dn Ardmoi'e Mrs. Lively’s husbar.d, at the time the support order was made against him, lived at 2052 Watlcihs Street, and according to‘his wife, has a ,sis- pient of The b'oster i?hoe Company i7? the rear of the second floor of the b\->f.l e.i', E-iiikUng.and, see 'for yourself' the very latei':3t. nva.ahinery 'that they have only reciently' in,st}vHed in op eration. See the extra quality of .?o!e leather.that they are. ttsij?g and the- high class workmanijhip that, tliey do and you will be sui'prised hov/ they can do the work for the same pi-icea that you would haye to pay eisevwbere ■' for woi-k and materia] not v;ear so' good. It only ■ takesba .few mbivite.-, to have .youst shoes resoled or i---abber ' leels attached, bb fact you cu s lal.c seat, for it is' a'.comfortable .p'facu .So ' rest,, and .have your wants attended to while you wait., . The rnachinor.V is all run by electricity. . If your ’shoe. need repairinj;^' it iis ,i-iot, coiiven- ient for you to come dow.n town, jufe't call Poster .Shoe Company, Phone , IG, . ar.d they \ViIl .yond for year worb ai:id rettii’n same day. Onbd}i.Ie Ib?w,s Hartshorn, Doc,. S.—Wa have been- havjjig' some rainy, weather ov-^r in, our section for ^tha lai^t few day.?. The farmers are about tlwoug-h soAving vdieat by this time. Mr. .Floyd Spoon and Miss Mana Lednum were united in mari'iage la.st Sunday by Rev. R.’S'. Troxler. We wish them a long and- happy life. Mr, Frank Bristow and family havc'jnoved back in our neighborbyod. We are glad to see them again. There will be a Christmas tree at Mt. Zion Church Dec. 24th,, at night. Everybody is invited to come. Re-‘.^ W. H. .Strickland WaLi visit ing S. Y. Allred last week. Mr. Herbert Isley called to ,‘;ee hi,^ las-t ■-CWC;.' C'± li b-;’ tb;:t -I nn- tr lor, 91; Mi?" b t’-.- 9-"; Mi.ss B'-\'h-.yr. 93; Miss Sab^ F:.nvb derwood, 96^ High Sch' .'i'epLV:'! r.t — Mr Walker, pri ’b".i’' Mr, ’’bb'er, 97 N.ir.s Bulla. Miss i.bt ■■’bel, 93; rbi'^s b Mic.5: ■■■;Jb-gi^ P‘bb. Tbo ■ ' ■■■'■ b J. F. ' ' rind wife, r,' .' Tbo bbr ’ b'■ exerci;;', - the Primary Depui'tment were good. The ■■•bi;(b'n:'. ac:^uit;t3.i themselves well and ■ b'‘'v’::d ex:.oIie::t training. ■ Amo:ip tba victors present were four meni- '':er:: of the C!ity School BoarJ: llrr,. '71. H. Cari';bb ^’-b. Eugene Felt. V>:- best ,gii’l last Sunday. As’; Lola ter, Mrs. Helen Sharp, livng at 2155 | Smythe about it. Watki.ns Street, Kline's mother ] Misses Alvia aod Edna Bristow vis- lives at 5652 Walton Avenue, West Tbe Tv/iee-A-Week Dispatch -.-I- -f.-T (inlv or.''’'. r?-''P''v_ one T r; ivv l',r;00 F;;:;v:bb:an -■■;cc:bb>d 'ib';^ f"vit:Ati:>n to attend tbe ;-'ev-2srul rictd'';: i;-iO-ncrr,;”’ :. b;;'r;:co':\ r'f'^^f.tc-r Foot will call tbii; meetii-g :o order. S. b'aueatte aii-d R. F. Y.blliams .•'bb;Iu'‘. b'3cc:'i'b;s:;- 5, wnr Ilonc-; ‘.'ay. The namea cf 105 pupils ap- on tbo Kon'-r E-oll far November agair.F.t cO for Octcber, Seve.ral i^'tors v-'ei’Q vrcs^'Jit an;l ^-3oinc.-; Philadelphia, Mr.s. Lively bnew of no marks pr scars whereby she could identify her husband, while Kliue said his body bears scars from burris. Judge Cnrr directed that furthei- ii’formation ho olitainod regarding tbe lives of .Kline and Mrs. Lively, and that it be .‘^ubmitv.ed to him Tues day. ..■■■■ Bvaih (b Mv!'. John Mcb'ber'F-oM. Mtv. Joh;i I'.bd-'her.son died. Sunday ’::(Crninp r.t tbu nge cf .f^^rty-bvi at ti’ob- bo;no jui;!; .west' of ..the city, Ee- f r,', her ;-:A;.-.rriM':-'.;^ was- Miss Ada 'b.:!ey. Fa:;ci;a’ vices -vore conduct ed at the b'-;>r;o by ,itev. Curry and : Dnal nt Elon Cbbcge, Bho ienves , i' children. She bad bj:en oicb about P. H. FLEMING, Supt. Tbe ' Tv/ice-A,-Y7eek Dispatch—sub- Two p.'iy-ers a- week .for less than two cents a week, Ws are talking at'Cut Tbe Twic.o-A-Week Dispatch. li;::: bti'vty Oaks Bcbool noase.’ Th'o-rs will be u box party ,at Oaks ' .ib'iol K"/u;:c, Satrrrday '-night,, Deo, ;-b3, 1913. Thei-8 v/ill be other amuse- m.ents also. The proceeds will be unc'd to, purchase a library for the school, Tbe public is cordially invited. ited Mr. J, A. Smyth’s Sunday, Messrs. John Taylor and W. J. Fos ter from Gx-eensboro, were do-\vn huntbig Tuesday. Miss Dixie Bri^tcw wag ’Tisitihg at Mr. F. L. Spoon’s Sunday. Mr, Claud Thompson bt-.'^, taken .'.'barge (-i the Ward Milb Mipi.x-'^ ('lati'.: Murray ar.d blag’gie V/Ovdo vi.cit.'jd iur, S. A.. A]-.:,,;...'.der-'s Sunday. M,r. John So&t.-; ''been V':;./ ill,’ but ..he', if? .'^o.-ne; Letter , n'-jv..-_ v,’"a ars ■'!-’d' -to r;ay, ■■Mr: Cleave iyilfd to -.see■ ;-'brb Sunday ni.ght. ''''be dairymen, Merisr?^,, Jxckd and. wilb,meat, at ,Oabdaic a.gah-ifit bc^!>n-;bcr JO... Evcrybo(.;y b; i.r;itcd 't\y come, '■ Mr. lltDnry ,Sh6frner has -Isbn v:-.r-.y ill, but *be is ' able - to. mill, again. atbj-'.d to "bif^ Oh, Needed It, Hobo--r-Wbat’,s my b‘udnes« ? I’m a lightning calculator.,, . Woman—-On the stage? Kobo—On the roads; dodginbauto- [rvtb 110.-=!.—-Chicago Ne-Ws.

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