■i-pT-ro--:;'.-/.;- ■'• ':-M •;■ ,;.,v^V ■>!/ i±te fmrn : t ; » ■>■ 'f «, r?: - ■ I » ■1\- f' rf.-. ■?■■ *.*’ • Mj ': % 3- ■.■ ---^ F J>. No. 4., Borlin^mi, E. F, D. Kq^ 4, i)ec..22. —Everyone is getting fe^ciy for Christmas on this Rovttis. ’ Mrs. E, E. Apple rett^rned to her home at Brown Suiftmit. ' , phe has been teaching at BroQkfieli?. Miss Georgia; Moo?e i§ at hojoe for the holidays. Mis#3^ Maude Shepard and Ethel Ingie Friday in Burlington shopping. Mr. A. N. Smith -and wif& spent last Sunday at Mr. Albert Shepard’s Mr. D. L. Huffman had the mis fortune tv) lose a fine horse last week. Mr. B. Shepard spent Monday in Greensboro on business, , Mr. and Mrs. Bud May nave re cently moved to their farm on this Kouie. We are glad to have them with us. Miss Lula Smith of Route No. 10, visited Miss Dorothy Smith last Sun day. Listen for the Wedding Bells dur ing Christmas. Miss Effie Whitt is at home, very sick with tonsilitis. Mrs. Tom Greeson is able to be out again. Mrs. E. C. Rumbley, E. C. Jr., and Miss Ora Croi.se spent Sunday after noon at Mr. L. B. Shepards. Miss Ada Wlutsett and brother ■were pleasant visiters at Elon Col lege last Sunday. Mr. Jake May and family, of Burl ington, were the guests of Mr. John Sharpe, last Sunday. Among other Sunday visitors were Messrs. Grant Coble and sens, Kemp Causey and W. T. Bowman. Mr. G. A. Ingle is at home from Gatawba College, for the holidays. Messrs. Charles Whitt, Ben Clapp and V. L. Ingle are at home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Perrett spent ^unday trii ^he Route. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. May were recent visitors. A very large crowd on the Route attesfded, services at Brick Church last, .punday. We-iuess' M^' had nice Sundap Hl^sbest kfckj^ ^m a^a, -cluj^fc ,^P a hick- c?w tree. ^ Mr. Wilbert Shatterljs4called to see best g^r! last Sunidiiiy. Ask Miss Kjintfey'^ it-v. Mr. Timothy Isley called to see ms best girl Saturday night. Ask Misa Roberta Alexander abou^it.' William Coble loBtt two of his sons in less than t\^b weekf typhoid fever. Mr. William Lineberry has moved back to his home from Graham. We are glad to welcome him back. Rev. Troxler filled his regular a|»-. pointment at Mt. Pleasant .Sundlay, and pleached an excellent sermon. There have been some nice hogs killed in our community. Mr. R. Alex Coble killed one that weighed 410lbs;., Mr. M. R. Kimrey, one, 4401bs.; Mr. John Alexander, one ’4431bs.| Mr. Sly^- vester Spoon, two,; 560it>si There are some mor6 nice ones to kill. Altamahaw No. 1 Items. Altamahaw, R. P. D. No. 1., Dee. 20,—Everybody is busy killing hogs and preparing for Christmas. J.' S. Smith killed two' that weighed 77.6, M. B. Walker killed two that weighed 702, J. N. Reid, killed two that weigh ed 482, W. A. Matkins killed one that w ighed 200, J. W. Faucette killed three that weighed 765, J. M. Jordan killed three that weighed 837, S. A. Lewis killed two that weighed 602. Total, 15 hogs, weighed 4,314 pounds Route No. , 8, , at B. I^. |iropsons.r , , W.; C. and wifi, of Rosno^e, Va., ai'e visiting at .El; -Islsy^ "- .'j?liani..s to J. M. for some nice skusage. Mr. Story killed two of the finest hogs we have heard of on No. 8. They were 12 months old and weighed 362 and 380. Miss Annie Danily, of Greensboro, is spending a few days at G. A. Dap- ily. Miss Maggie Isley, who is teaching at Wilkesboro, is spending the hoH- days with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. a. F. Isley. The box party at Maywood was a .success,..socially and financially. The amount realized froni , sale of the VboJ^es over $20.00, Luther Ross was 'tihe ,auctioJieer. He made a “hit.” L- Mrs. J. R.; Gates is able to sit up |a;nd we, hope will soon ;;be able to be but again. Ira and Claud Spmers, who have ben in sqhodl at Whitsett, are spend ing 'vacation at home. Glad to see c lever young men. We are indebted to Mrs. W. A. Moore, Mrs. B, A. Lowe' and Mrs. E. K. Isley for some nice Yams. We can have *tater pie' for Christmas. Wizard of Figures. “Rube” Feld, widely known, partic ularly in Western Missouri, as a mathmetical prodigy, died Wednes- i day morning' on the county form at Little Blue. He suffered apoplexy yesterday and did not ijf^^Vv consci- Now, if the correspondents will come , ousness. He was about 70 years old. in our neighborhood Christmas we ; "Rube” was committed to the county Cross Roads Items. Buriington, R. F. D. No. 1, Dec. 22. —Mr. and Mrs. Moody Isley visited Mr. J. A. Isley Sunday. j '■ Miss Lillie Isley visited Misses Eth i el and Swannie Coble Sunday even • ing. will feed you on fresh meat. Snow Smith’s arm., is improving nicely. We hope he wiH soon be Qut. 13r. Charles Kernolds stuck up in a mud hole yesterday, neiftr . Uncle Buck Faucette’s. Automobiles will stay in mud sometimes. Lofton Saunders had his"^ corn- shucking Thursday. He like to’ have waited until Christmas to have had it. Katie Faucette spent Thursday night with her sister, Mrs. L, J. Saunders. We msh one and all ^ Merry Christ mas and a flappy New Year, R. F. D. No. 8 Notes. Burlington, R. P. D .No^ 8, Dec. 22. —Mr. E. C. Simpson and wife, of Durham, are spending a few days on farm by the county court in 1907. When ill health started,' his extra ordinary power began to ,;faiL Rube’s birtliplace AVas in Bath county, Ken tucky, and his family lived for many years near Fayetteville, Johnson county, Missouri. If . you gave Rube -fls^ distance by rail: betvi^en .tw^ cities larjo! the .di- menijions of,' a car #heel,5 he would tell you almost as soon as the state ment left your lips how many revolu tions of the wheel would be necessary to travel from one place to the other. If you called any number of columns of figures down a page he,jrouid tell you the sum as sooSi as ypu reached the bottom. If you gave him t^ie number of yards or pound^; of an ar ticle and the price, he woufe. immedi ately return the total cost. He could keep up the performance all day ap- l»arently,, 'Ti^thout , I V A ijjiaii' J^iates ari'^ini^atK^ of 3^i^'*. Icnoi^l^ge of figurpv After called several colui&pi#' of figure^fpr addition he went back to tlie column, saying it was wrong and r,er peating it purposely miscalling the next to last figure. At once ■threw up his band, exclaiming; “You didn’t tfall it that way before.” in addition to his hiathematicel gift Field ppss'essed the rpower of tei|i^g time. ! It ' is positively asserted .that when he was awakened from a deep sleep he could instantly tell the ex^ act hour and minute of the night. The thing was test^with h;:^ in the daytime, l^bur W a little different from he time he g#ve you. In that case, your watch was wrong, and that wai^i^ gf>od time to set it. ^ If you told Field how’ f®r off^ your watch was, and you asked hi?n again next day wha:t time, it was^ he \^ould tell you first the correct timie aixd then the time by your watch. How the tinie feat was perforr^ed is as much a mystery as the, prpeess of Field’s mathematical calculatiQiis. It is probable that he did not know himself how he did it. He ejther would not or could not answer-qu^g- tions about it. Rapid calculators, meni of study who by close application and short methods had become experts, sought to probe the mysteries, but without' results. About th'e only use to which his mathematical ability ever was put was by merchants in making invoices. Rube could neither read no write. All his*calcuIations were made in his head. Field led a hand-to-mquth exists ence. If he had only, Us6d his gift ns Jinoifet men wduld he might have been immensely wealthy. Though not religious in the ordinary siense, he re garded his mathematical power as a direct'^gift from God,- and, for fear of Ipsihg :it, he would not use it for rnoney -.makirig, except for his own actual necessities. He liked to couple his own name with that of Samson, and seemed to think their cases par allel, but with one Important excep-' tion.'> Samson weakly confided his se cret of his great power to a woman ---flnd lost it. Rube never married. He isaid he never would unless the Lord commanded him to.—The Kan sas City Star. FOUND same? . Thf Anl^'i^r: ifc the Straight i ktftyf&kk l^tati^eht of & Gra ham R«»ident. We have been reading we^ a|^. wi^ek in th^,]locfli.l pre of citizens w have been^ rid of dressing kidney and, bladded troubles by Doan's Kidney Pills, ye often wandered, whether / th^ high' opinioji of tlifis m^ to b© lotthd in our neighboring towns. Thia frank and earnest statement by a well ;known and respected resident of Gra ham will set this doubt at rest; Mrs. R. C. Ehillipfl, Guthrie Street, Gi^aham,. N. C., says: ♦‘I have suffered a, great deal froi^i” Pftin in the small of my back for sey-/ era! years. I was nervous and my sight blurred. Doan's Kidney Pills spon had me feeling better.” >Por saile by all dealers. Price 50 cente. Foster-Milburn Co., Biiffalo, New York, sole ageiits for th«, ,ed;,States..'■' Remember the name-—Doan's—and take no other. pertS wh# hav^vmade^a ,,, . , Inspector Hodpin notified Sunrt!‘ tiie, idtehery at; GHead * g^ne to that place to make an i gation of the* work of the su^ yeggmen. ' A Good Suggestion. “I took a long walk y^istcTj said Boreman, as he collapsed \ jftt 3usynian's desk. ‘^Take another, old man,*' fcyi^n; ‘Kll do 14S both Puck. into! Yeggmen Make Haul at Mt. Gilead Office. Mt. Gilead, Dec. 21.~Burgiars en^ i tpred the postoffice here some time iSaturday night and stole $700 worth jf stamps and $300 in cash. The burglary was discovered early this morning when the office was opened, and was supposed to have been com - mitted betwen midnight iand 4 o’ciocl: j in the morning. j So far there is absolutely no qlue,/ a.s to who the, maraudctrs weiii?,' bill | i^ is believed :;th;ey , a,re :the Sam© who v have been entering other .;!Northparo- linift offices the past'feW 'Weeljsi ’ The i job was neatly done and the only evi dences discovered w^re not of a na ture to leiaid to; an ^entity of the .piarsjo' ties. ■ it is thtjught thd,yeggmen came in ;■ on the late train at night, getting off: at some point neax. this place and waiting time to coin-, mit th(ei^i;;ac|‘.■ V ' ' !v' The ,)p0iet^flice aiithof ities were .not- ified immediately and a: special man will be' li]ere Monday Ao ^make an in vestigation. . ■' '■ " " At frequent intervals yeomen ,^^v€|i^ been visiting l^orth , Carolina in the past few monSiis, first at Keish- L ersville, then at' Charlottei ,Gas|^6niji, I: Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pffls wUl help y®u. as th«y| have helped others. fo^;ka]][; 'kinds of piia, ^ t.o rcl|feyc%itij>iilgia, Heai' .'iche, Nervousness, RJieumatism, Sci.Utica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago! Locomotor Ataxia; Backadic' .>t»iUiichacU^- Ctt/si(^ne8s,t?Irri- uLti;it>'^^ And l^r ia any part of t^J-'bodyl'' i --'. “I haVe used i>r. adHes' AntUpaia nite V-’ oa troiiViled \ritU Ueadaab*. and fjud thi^ oao pill lsfa.tUbly rpBef la a very aiiprt tfeift, a: With aeu- 'i^nd rpitt trf ittuch t>en«flt. The Dr. MU«8’ B«aiQdiw •r« bey«od I rtc«m- «a*njdl tb«m. to iny « . . ■:'G,3ga«(3jS CO^LXJUIH,- St.. Baa AatMli Tax. ‘.11^. druesist*.,^ ^ 96c.- , lilti.iu| MlipicAL CO., Elkhart lilli es^cK the> u %M’eans a can a w » s WISD wee r oy 'J. '1^. % le rj.}je weddinj college commj o'clock on the j„v. Decembe; Son.eofM^V^ pf Elon Coll> daughter, came the bnd. Henderson, JN ij-jie Michae tastefully f-)r the nuptia guests from j to attest the^ tracting parti ner, in bride's home , Bdony. The bride suit trimmed ture hat to mi •oses. She en sister. Miss 1 let at the i :oom, who h rm of his br )f Wilson, ll liiony of the [ased‘®y Rev. ,'ho was the Before the irs. J. W. 1 md during tli ’atton render ling March” lade." The ushers )f Wedowee, loore, of W •oythress, of bussie Ingle, The attends tanks, of Ral loore, of WI igtpn, with lewton; and ! lollege, with lan, of the ras Mr. W. I ^e maid of chael, the rinj *',uth Jordan, :he bride. Miss Micha bllege, holdii tl. A- degrees ipecial work i epartment si ificate and al( aduation t^ een head of! iatawba Coll| Rev. A. T. te of Eloa Cl iegree, whi(. h| ear. He is hurch at HI fter an extel appy couple] Home. They anuary ninti P Greensboro, lernoon at 2 >f the bride iss Maggie in marriage -lamance coi several frienc ;ice of the oung couplc they will malj ir at the hor {This your irably kno\ ishes them | lonial sea. lappy and WILl Miss Lula jarrison wei three o'clockl rl. Fleming, phe ceremonj friends were occasion. M ter of Mr. C put of thee 1 ^Iso manage ^lace. She i iy with a, )■ I’ison is the |3S'-vnsc 01. Money avaSaUe at any time -lo fact tlii* is A RE40Y MONEY CLUB I I>S ent farm‘i’ nown thvou ir» brother oi He and Lut vnd Sam SI the ceremon; lerved at th i similar al »f>wing day ■ ison. Theii gratulations happiTsess. Foy Miss Fan Wiggans of ried Decem Mr. J. W. if. D .No. S Re\ ofieSftt