AlUMdinr' N«. 1, H*pp«ai»CB- Xltinnsh&Wi R- P. O* No. Xt Jwi. 5* —Well, another year Ima passed a^y. Let as hope and pray that we will gp^nd 1914 better than "e did the old year, just gone. Let us tvwn over a new leaf and keep it clean. Christmas passed off very pleasant ly considering the rough weather. Mr. Rufus Faucette returned to his home at Charlotte (Friday) accom panied by Mrs. Ubert Smith. We wish Mrs. Smith a pleasant trip and that she will return home safe. Mr. Dan Eippy and Jach Lowe are two of the best millers at The Hub, that we have ever had there. They make O. K. flour. We see Uncle Riley SiKton at the mill occasionally. John llurhaiu has moved fvon. Cas well back in Shiloh neighbor. John Faucette,., Jf., is at hoiv.e on at th. Ckmnger-Loy trial Thu^y- Several from a distant ww guess ing what the big “star” ttat wm s««n here. It was found to be a big electric light placed water tank. „ ,, * Mrs. Marguerite Cable spent Christ mas here visiting relatives. Mr. John McPherson, near here, is getting better. We hope to see him out SOOTk. Koute No. 4- Happenings. BuvUngton, N. C„ R. F- D. No. 4, Jan 5- Christmas passed off very quietly the Route. Not very many weddings, as was expected, \ very large crowd attended the Pound Party at Mr. Huffines at Klon Co’iege Saturday night. , . _ Mr. Joseph Michael and sister, ^ot Elon College visited on the Route tms week. « 1* i Mr Everett Crouse, of Burlington, ■ - ■ ~ ■ the iting her rister, Mr. E. C. Baaon. Walter Huffman visied on Union Ridge last week. We think tt are » some special attraction up there for him. . , , Misses Corinna Smith and Mary Poe visited Mrs. J. W. Fonville last Wednesday. Miss Blanche Long, of No. 9, visit ed Mrs. Jesse Huffman last week. Willie Walker, of Burlington spint last week visiting at George Powell’s. L. M Huffman attended a party in Graham one night last wek and re- ooi-t.^ having a. nice time. a visit from Parham. U Wt Wednesday on he Koute, Some, one stcld ■ his uncle, Mr. Alfred Crouse, watch abcul the first of October ar.d i- of Julian, is vis- ■fouR d ctaotwatch about the 1st of | chini!'-ey c-^ a few days ago. We i p'ity the or.e vrho_did it. Johnnie ”ou!din, .Jacob Reid and T>atp,ii Eav?w,'e:i are. building a tele phone line o'Ji' frtm Altamahaw and v.'ii! put iv: p'ncncs in the near fu- V-ire. SCv-,"-'.o;: I- gcou iieaiiii o:- Ko. 1. Geo; p'e fell o.? a stump pulle;; during Christinas and broke tv.'o ir.-. Misses Entter and Joele Coble, frMB Guilford College, spent vacations with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Co ble. Tom Spoon came home from Balti more, where he is taking a dental course but did not spend all of his time at home. We think we can prove it by Miss Messie Murchison. Dan Cupid slighted us this Christ mas. Nothing in his line to report this time, but hope he has not for gotten us. iiiS i^ealiii of xiie . ccnifflunivy as far a? v.-c can loara is good. News of Hlon Co'ii!gt‘. Eic'.i Coliess, Jan. -5.—Mr. and llrj. M. A. Seitzc-1 a fcnv day;; week in Juiir.n, X. C., visiting- rel atives. Mr. Buddie Whitseii of Gree-^s’LOro, spent a fev.- days visitiiife- Jlr. M. B Coo!:’f. last week. lilr. W. T. Noun i;as accep:cd : pusi:io;i II the Publishing ilou-.o. Xi'. Jake Pr-to:; iins >'fccurn;-.i f:-:M .'-..•ai'aina wi'.h hir. bride, wh .1 v..i .\iifs iAnnie Dajiieis. It. Joel t. yiic>'!is!, oj' fl-'ir-t a few (;ay.= 'Aith his Z-Ir ar.d Mrs. VV. C- .Mi.-l'r.ei. IJf ed Sunday. ii’rof. h;>rlri a. C .--i.rte;', i!;.u ■iusiie. v.'-i!o have visitin;; il.t-ir parev.ts herfl rctvi'ncd iu iScwt ;;, uiiere they are Mr. and Mrs. (i. R. Kindrick. of Yorkviile, S. C„ have retun-.ed. ha--i retu.-i;'?-! h«n:e. Iia-. vi.-.- n:”!? Mi?j tiatrie E'jUe .-nitli. -Mi". J-oe -Sharpe and IU-,.;vin -Johr'i'.ru spent Suml.'.y in There were several i>ai'tiei near here during- the holidays. The Jerry Cable place, opposite the Southern Passenger Station, has been purchased and .some dwelling will be erected thereon at some date in the near future. Elon is badly in need of homos a-s today « house can.iot be rented. .-\nnie Lawrence and Nan nie i)ee Reit.7i^ t^uent a day.-^ in Gr^eri.sboro lecently. There was iso school at Ki.a-h'.nii!: week on account of one of the te;H'hei-s beins caiied home on accoy?il of the death of her father. There wj'.s a !iox party ai :Sii:;i:>nv Ford School House l:ist \vc^:k- .V L.itic was reported. •Sove-'-ai from Osf'ipee were presen’. Mr.«. Mattie Clapp, of Julian, is v» in? or- the Route at Mr. J. C. O’Briant’s. ' , r> * t- very large evowd on the Route, at etnded the “Tacky Party” at Mr.. O’firiant’s Wednesday night. . Mr. Cecil Albritrht was a pleasant visiior on the Route this we V- I- Ifijcle' was a (.-aller «n Ko iO recently- _\rv?- Nancy Shepherd is evry sieK at this notice. Mr. L. B. Shepard went to Green?- bo'-o Sturday on business- Messrs. H. W. Friddle and John 1-niprs. of Mt. Hope, were welcome ral'.ers recently. 'T'lie Northern hunting men gave an esceiienl treat to the Brookfield school. „ 1 Miss Edith Moore is vi^itins: m Burl ington. . Ask Mr. ,\ndre\v Beale if he ha« re- : iirncK! the ey-=ter can that he borrow ed t"> "c;^ld his hog? in. Jtary and Cota Bea'e vi^^it- •'d 1!^ Meoane recently. WhilpeJi and iiuricy ;vv.-e accepted iioyitions ir 'viirii'-.i'to;-: v.’irl: the power compaiiy- The fewinft room jrirls returned to their work M-nnday ^ir. .-Mforzo Whitseii -and family re- tl-.- vi?!i,i-d his brother on the Kaute Mr. T. C. Whitse-i. .A very i.nrcre crowd 01 younjr peo- rsr. the Route enjoyed the Pou:',d Pai-tv at Mr. S. Inele's last week. There will be a box party at Hig-'. rext S.^.tnrday night. January . tor's nre requested to l)Ti!.- ai>d the boy? brinfr i^e!! tilied rtK-ivet booV:3. Messrs, Albert Foust and brother pa.ssert by Sunday on theiJ way to Burlinirton on sporting busine.^s. Ruute 5o. 5. Notes. BuriinKton, N. C., R- F. Do. Mo. Jan Mrs. Tempa Ktnxder ar.d ciauKhter. Miss Vera, of Burlins;ton, vi.-Jited at J W. Fonville's lar.t week. [•;. V. Basor. and family spent -if la^t wx’ck visiting i:i Graham. r.ippy is ri'A’ht sick, ivi? ,i:-e KOfry to say. Ms-iS ilyrtie Ki '.g. of x;raham, vis- at A. L. King’s last week- We ::n? ahvays sflad to have i-ompany for h y .ix up -omethinjr nice to eat then. Mi.-'.s t:i,-rl.!'ude Koor.e, cf Gs-aham. p.-j;-t of !-st week on JCo. S, vis- U*’ B. GOOD iAN «dOM£ OF'GOOD jCLOTHES” Burlington, rN. ‘ . exte^ids the com- f linientii of the Siias . n to his many many customers and friends. He ivishes them unbourded suc cess during 1914 and a continuance of their patronage. Happenings of R. F. B. 8. Burlington, N. C-, K F. D. No. 8, Jan. S.—The following were visitors on No. 8, during the holidays as far as we could learn: J. W. Matlock, of Jamestown; R. J. Matlock and family, of Hookerton; Mrs, Nannie Eice and family, of West Durham, at R. A. Matlock’s. Go’ey Gattis and wife, of Mebane, at E. K. Isley’s. D. P. Sartin and family of St-ates- ville, at G; W. Barker’s. Mrs. Myrtle Simpson, of Altama- naw, iS'o. 2„ at Mrs. Jennie ivernolde’s Mrs. J. S. Correlt, of Greensboro, at J. M. Story’s. Mr. John Turner, of Oxford, and Mr- Luniley and family, of Salis bury, at J. P. King’s. Carrie I.enth. Mai-e! Lee, Georgia Garrison, Francis Soiners, By.iu.'n .daynard, Ida and Nettie Siini^s-^.u, Carl Garrison, Oscar and Otis Leatli iieid Maynard, Lester Brannock and -ichn Patterson, at J. W. Somers. There were lots of other visitors, !->ut we failed to get their names. We hope our patrons will hereafter hand us the names of their visitors so wo car. make Iso. 6 Ite;ns of more in'-er- est So, if you are not ashamed of your vi-'jitor.s give us their nameSi J. J. Hughe.i- cf Elon College No. 1. tiiis moved to No. .He also show;: '-:-it>d judsrme;:t- Gkid to have thit- ,.'.'ens:’.iit iamiiy. Mr-5. W. G. iCerj^ciiis and child'.-e,; s' X'j. '2. .=pc-r,t sevoi-ai days of tin- f.'.-iday.'^ wiih l-er j’Urents, Mr. an;, ^ii’s. J, W. Somers, We were treated io nice Christni:!. Oa'j.s by Mrs. J, H. .Sykes, Mrs. G. Fiiucette, Mrs. J- W. Somers, Mi-s, W. A. Moure and i-'annie Fuller, ihanirs to all. We appreciate thcjc "godies”. We had the piea.^ure of eating witli li. L. f oster, C. E. T.^nscott, J. C. .McCulloch. W. A. Moore and George iV, i5:irker- duri'-g Chi'i.stmas. Ar.t: it ua.'; good too. Had other invi- lations, but could not reach them a!i- Hal Hayes spent several days at G. W. Barker’s visiting the little Bark er’s. Ha) v.’ould not think he had any Christmas if he did not get to go tc Mr. Barker’s. Mr; and Mrs. E. K. I.sley visited M-'-.s. 1-sley’s people in Retdsvilic dur ing Christmas. Today, Monday, we found out that Christmas wa.-^ not ovor for us yet— i'ou.'id a great big mess of f-.ausi.';^c and fs-ssh meat in J. W. Somers’ box for u.t. Thanks, KogGr Ross, who is workii;g"at Pel- liani, N. C., spent K,->verai days ai liouie last week. .Mr, and 3Ir,s. J, N. Sutton and fam ily atte;i:ded a big dinner at Mr, Sul- on’s father's, Mr. B. 15. Swift’s, AU;;- mahaw No. 2. it was Mr. Svrift’s birthday. They ropt>rl vury ant time. Mrs. C. E .Tapscott and chil spent several days on Route 4 visiting h'tiq. J. C. Whitseii. Vance Moore and Sam Sonriers vis ited at Charles Gilliams, near Cros-j Hoads during Christmas holidays. Hope they eame home feeling better ^ than they did last Christmas. Misses Nannie Harris and liosa I Pike, of Greensboro, . visited at C. R. Kernodle’s. Whifsett News Items. Wiiitsett, Jan. 3.~Miss . Essie Wheeler, c£ Vance county, and Miss i-:;i:-.;ibtth Wiieicr, of Pamlico, toun-: tv. -h br« vhere y.ith relatives dur ing the holidays. . ju-.^erald. OX Chape! Hiii, whd has bee.'i here for some dajrs, left ia.=t week for a visit to Davidson, i-oui;- ty. ■■ ■ j Mr. ai'.d Mrs. S. O. Wailcer, who re cently moved here from. Goldsboro, i’.a'v,: bs!-run flpu-'jckccpir.g- Rev. Kohfi-.t E. Eedli.T.g hiis nloyeu int'j the i;ew.. Fiesbyt-»rian pario’age chi'-b is juiit ct.!;i-rUt-:ca. Mrs. Ksnma, of Whitak- Kjih eou-vy. ila^i bvia.i here for H week on a visit. ill-, uiid iirK. John Creeson, of riioore-s\ilia, Iredc-ri C)U;r.y, -spent i-ay or two i'.srs :u--^t v>’00l.. l-£.kc5 i-’i.iiii;:;.;;, of tiie Stata] Wvi-ma!, is v,i home for a visit. ] and ii:-;;. \V. L, 1-cy, of Dur-j have been Mr, and Mrs. j Z. F. Perrett for iOine days. j Mrs. It. K. Daver.jiorl, of Greeno-; Loro, the past \vee!t i-^ai-e. i School oi!o..s Wodiiesday, Jan. 7, i ,;r.d ail i.'idications now are favoreblc! i'sr a iar;\re Ktudenc body. i '7 he ccrnniuiuiy v.'as gr-iatly slio^'i;-; t-d t.;i receive ncws^ today (jf the doa'ii; f Vi'eb„ter t- Rip.ilo, ot Da'.-ids;.'.’.: ;-n: ty,>r?;:liy win's hu-il* ! lie was a very n-.-ii.uiar ; here the p.'ist tsrn: a. :u h:id aireauy: ai;-i;5KcJ to rec.ui.i ftr the si-ring, , iJ. i_. C'laik. of Fit; county, a furn:- j;- s,.Ui; \ias iraM'ieii iait \veeJ: tu , i-i'.inca^-vcr, v-i V ar.Le'ooro. Mi.-^s ito-salie Sniiih, y ft>rn:er aia-; -io-.t, v.os \'ric:i io uivensboro, Jan. 1, tu Mi . i;. P. Love, of South Caro- ^ iina. i Burlington, N. G. Oakdale Dots. Hartshorn, R. F. D, No. 1, Jan. — We are sorry to lose two of our good neighbors, Mr. Cary Smith and Mr.j Lon Smith and their families. Mr. Cary goes to Kimesville, and Mr. Lon t^ Liberty. We hope there will some good families take their place, for no other class of citizens is v?ant- ed around Oakdale. We say with all due respect to other neighborhoods that “we have the best neighborhood taking it all in, in all North Carolina, so people say that iive here and move away" Almost every one ovras his own home and he tries to be a good citizen. There have been a fety cases in court from Oakdale School Dis trict No. 1, but the parties always are from the outside. On looking through the Blume -Almanac we find that Mr. Long "or some one else” in the last leeiflla- ture gave us 12 courts a year. We would be glad to have Mr. Long or some one of his bosses to tell ue why -we need so many courts. We suppose it is to give the lawyer? something to do. That is the way to reduce taxes, court costs, etc. From what we have heard of the Hon. Wal ler Clark could have a few more like him the lawyer would go to work for their living like the rest of us. Christmas and the New Year have come and gone. Everybody seemed to eijjoy it very much while it was 1 not raining. Gtbsoa\iUu -Ncivs. viiie, Jau. li.—Dr. J. E. Mi- -h;ie!, ol PCaleigh, and sisters, Misses iial'v ana Geitrude, of Eioa Colloge, spuwt sevfcrai cays this v,'eeK visiti.--.g at Dr. Jordan'‘s and L. T. Barber's. Misses Bradsbaw arsd Pratt, of Greerisi>oro, spent 'Ihvirsday and t ri- day with Mrs. W. J. Jeniungs. Mr. and Mrs. Hathar, «jf Norf i!!., Va., spent Christmas v.-itli Mrs. Hatch er’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth W^agoner. Miss Lessie Wagonei-, v/5io is spend- ing the winter with her sister in the i .loutiiern pat-t of the State, came home i to spend Christmas with her parenl.s, | Mrs, M. K. McLean is spending-' some time at 'jIu iiome near Mur- j gatito.i. I Ml .-,. L. T. Smith and cbiidren, of, i^it-'erly, arc visiiiag iier pareucs, Mr. j and Mrs. V,'. li. Zimmerman. ; Mrs. Gibson died Tiiursuay ai tUc. bume of her daughter, Mrs. bel t : gum and the body was tai-cn to LiiCii- ter, S. C., for burial. Jacob Patton has reLuir.tu with iii-.i bride, who was iviiss Annie Daniels,: formerly of this placc, but wiio lias | been living in Alabama for some time, i Hubert Wade, of Richmond, Va., i spent several days in town last week j siiaking hands with oiii friends. Messrs. Vaden Wagoner and Me- KipJey Sutton, who are in school at Buies Creek, spent the holidays with their parents. Miss Alene Patton, who is teaching iiear Rpxboro, is spending the weak j ivith her mother. I Miss Minnie Smith, of Greensboro, | visited her aunt, Mrs. Shepherd re- j j cently. j North Wilkesbaro Is Scene of Bad Fire. North Wilkesboro, Jan. 3.—Tlie Southapn Railway station, including both the freight, passenger and ex press departments, was destroyed by -ire about 4 o’clock this morning. On account of the heavy snow the fire department was nntible to act as promptly as it would have otherwise Jone, and the building was falling in before the firemen beg»n to play apon it, so nothing was saved. The ware house, however ocntained less unde livered freight than usual. All the express and office fiirtures burned. J. L. Clements, the agent, lost about 1250 personally Cars at the platform were saved by negro employes of the railroad who ran to a switch engine through the snow in their hare feet and pulled them out of reach. The glow of the flames, thrown across the bvoad val ley, beyond the fair ground-s and on liie surrounding hills, all covered -with la blanket of snow, made an impress ive scene. Seem’d washing his hand with in- “ visible soap in imperceptible wat« Hood.

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