KiduHMi Aals AM «f BakifiL Jan. T^Infonaatioii Medved £n»i tike TreasDr; Dep«it> ment tonight to the effect th«t unleM Saleiclt and Biehinond unite, will go to the Atlanta regional reserve bank Kieksnond to Wsf4iing:ton. Bicfaioond’s repr^ntstives now touring North Carolina will tonight ask Baleigh to «ndorse Rlehmond as the location for qne of the Federal Reserve Banks. And this inoitiing the executive committee of the North Carolina Banker’s Association meets in ;^ieigh to consider the sane mat- ter. Some members of the Eichiiund committee reached Raleigh last night and others will be here tbdsiy. Among those who will be in Raleigh will « be former Governor A. 1. MontagaC: of Virginia, now a member of Con gress. Some members of the commit- Uid came to Baleigh after the meeting held in Wilson yesterday. Others went to Goldsboro for the ineeting to be held there, this morning. In Ral eigh last night members of the com- ' mittee were Herbert W. Jackson, pres ident of the Virginia Trust Company, of Richmond; and Henry E. Litchford, vice president of the Old Dominion Trust Company, of Richmond, both formerly of Raleigh, and W. G. Owen, of The Richsiond Ncws-Leader. The executive committee of the North Carolina Bankers Association is to meet at eleven o’ci«3c this morn ing at the Yarbrough Hotel. The Baleigh Chamoer of Commerce will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in its rooms. Beth bodies will hear from the Rich- mord conimitt«e and will take action as to endorsing Sichmoiid. It is un derstood that forty members of the Bankers’ Association have written in support of Richmond. . The Richmond committee has al ready received the sup^rt of Rocky Mount, Tarboro and Wilson. Mem bers of the committee reached Golds boro last night and favorable action 'is expected by the Chamber of Com merce there, a special meeting to be heiu in Goldsboro at 10:30 tills moiTt- ing. After the visit to Raleigh the Richmond committee will be in Greensboro Friday afternoon, Wins ton-Salem Friday night, Salisbury Saluk'day and Charlotte Saturday night. Mr. Herb^ W. Jackson, of The Eic-'hraond Committee, expresses great pleasure at the assurance of support far Kiehir.ond given at Rocky Tarboro and Wilson. In speahing of this last night, he said; “At Roc;.y Mount v/o met the di rectors of the Chamber of Commjire. a .'l bankers, ar.d Richmond war. en- rsfitl. At Tarboro the action wa" f .!■ unanimous endorsement. At Wil- si;ri a committoe con;usti'.'g «f Pres ident John F. Bruto!':. of the First K;;tiynai Bn :k; President Shelby An- ri'i'.sf'i!, of tlw ijHii'xR iianlviii;r Co. rr.d Lawrence Brett, president of the Cliamber of G'ninnereo, was c,l :it a meeting: of btinkers and Imsi- ncoK men to draft resolutions of ap- pi'(-val of Richmond. “Our committee is seeki?ig to en- li:!t the aid of North Carolina, with ' ii-,2 view of having one regional bank IT the South, one managed by South er:! nii-Mi. Richmond 15 the lojrica I i ;t for a Federal Reserve Bank for r.ll this region, and if North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina concen trate their efforts to secure the bank tnr Kich-nond there i:'. Every indica tion that we will ROt it. 1 have never "seen so much interest in any osie cause as there i.-^ n-."Av in iiichmond to scLure the bank, all business organi zations being aggressive to secure ii. Our committee is not alt*re ac-.j -t K«ftk CaroUaik to eadone BiehmoiMl, but we are soeking personal support •nd aie asking that tiie people mk tb* lavorsblo eonafaiMration of tlie Senators and Reproientatives of this State. It will benefit Nortlt Carolina to have the Federal Reserve Carjc in Richmond. “I am very much gratified to learn that many to^s in North Carolina lave endorsed Richmond, and that some forty bankers have declared for It. Oar committee will present to: Raleigh bankers and business men the' strongest reasons for supporting Rich mond, and we hope to secure such sup-; lOirt/ . M#. W. G. Owen, of The Sichmond News-Leader, speaking of the trip 'n North Carolina, said: “The memlH-rs if the Richmond Committee are en thusiastic over the reception they are receiving in North Carolina. It is proving most cordial everywhiero anO all are gratified at the promises of support being given. .. Death Roll of the Street. The people killed by motor cars in Greater New York in the year just closed number 302, as against 221 in 1912; of these 141 were children. In New York State outside this city, 150 were killed by motor cars, as com pared with 127 last year. The num ber of fatuities is increasing in fast er In proportion than the increase in population. That it can be checked was deinonstrated last month when the enforcement of the traffic rules in the borough of Manhattan result ed in reducing the number of deaths from twenty-four in November to but ten in December. There should be no spasmodic action, but steady and systematic er.forcement of the rules governing crowded thoroughfares. OaHng December men were subject ed to severe nnes for minor infrac tions, while sn Jvovember xt was dif- ■ieutt to obtain the arrest of reckless drivers who ran down women and children. The police should be alert it all times, and the rijagistrates inuu?d inSict due punishments.—New Vov'f Times. for us;e in relieving destitute in the interior of Sinaloa. Ernest P. Bieiinell, of the Be^: Gross, tonight is enroote to Laredo Texas, from Houston, to investigate ;o.-d:tio:;3 among the Mcxican sie^ ar.d wounded soldiers brought there from Nuevo Laredo A telegram to day to Representative Garner, 01 Texas, said ISO wounded soldiers ha been brought into Laredo, anil ths'. facilities were inadequate for thei^ are. Foreign Diplomats Confer Over Mex ico. Washington, Jan. 6.—Frequent con ference between ambassadors and ministers here are tending to unite fhem on a line of conduct regarding Mexico which, while conforming to the 5ai s of the United States, involves 1,1 understandiiig as to obligations Mie American government will be ex- :! t ; 3'iiJ>ne as ihe jesult of nou- i ’torference by foreign pov.'ors. This commor; understanding has not -Kkeii the form of direct pressure, but U--' Slate ]5opartment is kept inform 'd thrt-u'^i Ihi! iTiedium of individual . i- -ftr.:i‘-ni ef t!ie oxpcctritions yf he Kiiropsan fioivcrft. Gerioraih .'1:1; ii'Sate to ;be v,rolt“rt!.,n ol' ii '■ •■•I i>>(er";i1s whijh piiir.ens an.-‘ ijivtviis of the I^nvor;! liavo i:i Mox ;i. ;) irtontiMi to brii);; in (he po- 'idi U;c- it; iaJi-’ul.- ■d. JTrr.'; tlii.:i orn dii'loMiuie rep- : I! iafs' u has informed the De- artmor.t that bis own government interested in preventing iinan- iai loss to its citizens, and beyond iiHt did not care what the United ;t:r.os did in Mexico so long as it .vi\K informed in time to take precau- lioii'i for the liiotection i>f the lives ;-,f its c-itii-.ens. There wore nn iiV:i)orl:i,.l •i:.'.-.-..: i'i til'- »ii’i!.;:iy ■■•••na tion on the Mexican border or at Tpmpico. Quiet also was reported on the west coast. The Red Cross authorized the Stai ; D^^|!Clitn^p^t to draw a secoi'.d $.'.00 Profit Sharing With Workmen. Detroit,. Mich., Jan. 7.—An epocl in the world’s industrial bistory ws marked in Detiroit Monday. A few typewritten lines given ou' by lleniy Ford, head of the Ford M'- tor Company, bore in concrete fashio' the story, By its wording fwenty-fivt thousand m*n in the army of De troit’s laborers are lorge and stamp at drill and press, will be lifted fron . the position of wage earners to tha' of sharers in profits of the Company and 110,000,000—about half of the earnings of the great concern—^will fiow into thei r pockets in the iiext year. This means that every man of the vast Ford organization will find his income increased greatly, in some cases more than one hundred per cent, “rtie man who sweeps the floor wil! receivc not less than $5 a day, and as each round in the ladder of indus try is reached the men on that round will have tbeir salaries added to ir, proportion. In addition to this sweeping stride toward a more equal distribution of proiit between capital and labor, the houi-s of the employes will be cut from nine to eight per day. “Girls and women will not share in the distribution. They are not the same economic factors as the men are. They do not control the standard of Hving. - There are two hundred or three hundred women employed in the electrical department. The rest that are here do office work. A woman will loave at almost any time for al most any reason, and when she stays long enough to be a dependable work er she is apt to get married and have some one else support her. Howev er, the women sniployes will not lose, for there will bo substantial raises of wapes for them." Mr. ford a;;d Mr. Couzen., said that is would be impossible to estimate what proftts might be shar- •■d ,"c;it year by the employes. “Hard times might alTect the bu.~- iness if they came. We might i:.'.v!. .•:on!petition that v.-nuld reduce our >!ro!!t;>, L'Ul if thera i., n>^thin:,;- chaiijf- ■"J oval' prc.'Te:’:t corditions it. is poz- - i- ’o thr.i the. iri-itHls j.ii l;e i ■ viiil ;>e greater nt.xt yoar that; this. “W.-; rut’.: ir;; ',ow, •i; cl v.'iU iii-; C rvemOiit-' 1.1 mi; ■ thr.t \fC e;i:i lator.” F'irti f'ar C'liav.'nt'.y r i'.t Ur- ■ earni:;;'.'s' iti renunt yo.’;;'.s- hai'. ’ (.'f the i.’Klii'-trial nr.u '.:.r-i;!'ii.l V.'pl’-o financial !!.ii t on Scpteniljer .^0, 1512, showed ■!s:ets i f One year .Sif;:lerii’)cr l!0, 1913, it .showed iissets of $Mr>-03'.t,17;].(jS and surpiu.s .if .$i!8,i2-I,17;5.G8. The earliest profit sharing experi ment on recorl was that of Lord W'r.'d.fcouvt on his Irish 0:,taCe in 1.S29, ^ lit in the hi^iovy of the world, notii- ing in the \vny of profit sharinf: has; lO.i'.i'.Hod the rnanini'ith Henry Forn IJoa. I'vory previou.' nttempt Iook- ,;ii«:y in comparison. i'oity Vean a Diaer. 10 the yuuiil and inexperience of i'urroy lUiuheli, Cbauasey it. .^e^cw atirii/Uies the eoijfessed in- .u-.i.y of '1.1m iiuiyur to weainer an- a if pabiic banquets. i.L -ii iii, wiil Le bU years l.r jears ue has ciiued i.i to diiiner six ■■ 1:2^ i. Oil a.i arerdga. _.ioi,aUy is uot ac- tu ii..; rjie yel,” said the hjiAkiiisi Ktt v.^tuSier Us he -lis uejiv i.i iic Ccairul 'iiiTa- . .ai i.uii.iLig. • ;.e lj suinu .fesi thfcw. tiie next, roijuii'ji,- of courai, trfaia “ t> ■ “Most men gat their relaxation ii. ^aris. lilac tneni hours, and too many cocktails. They i Jie young. But the public never learns; of their card piayiiig. So it tay. -they have been killed by overwork ai'.a they lauded as martyi-e t. | their activity. “When I was very young,” con tinued the former se;.ator witii a miniscent smile, “I deciiied to ma'i.t dinners my recreation. Speaking wa:: very easy to‘me. Every man has hi: forte, and I suppose that is mine, i find it easy to remember things. “I find, that when I walk around my library table for an hour before dinner and think of the subject I an. to talk on everything I have evei read or heard about that subject ai once comes back to me. After my speech I go home, and am in bec. about 11 o’clock. The next ciornir.j, i am fresl\ and ready to be at wort at S. For years I worked in my of fice without even going out to lunch —^I ate it on my desk. “At 6 o’clocij I -wonld go home and take a viap of 10 minutes. Then I would itnd what I was to spea; on and be ready to keep the engage iiient at 8. ?,iy aigestion might have bothered me had I not been careful to cat the dinner just as I would have at home. l!-:digestion must be guarded against —it h the greatest eremy to a ciea- iicj.d and clear thinking. “I experimented to {ind out what I could ear, l-est. I soon determined to play mth everything, but eat noth ing, escei't the roast and ganio ■..■ourses. The trouble with the average young ma’' r.=i that ho c;m>iot rcsti'ai. his appetite. The things are placed before him, and they are so good lie eats them. Of course, he is apt to e;it K\;t a pu'jiic banquei if -'atcii tlicurht arJ car?, is .no more of =traiv tbyn a diviner .^t hoini' "As for, I exi.-erimerited t' fr;d what I-conkl drink best. Ipso. decided on fh!inir:'.'fn? But 1 dri" • ni ;r;; than thre;‘ s-hiosea, ai”. usually only one. “A litti;; th'iujvht a'ld Htli? fare. ' i;c :-onc!iidi-u, rising briskly t.o atton:) ;.i iioai-i! iii;v.;ti '.g, “nr.J ilic ni.!.'',t f.u- ti ',ier losi's its terrors.”— ! i;i‘ Kt-w > crk Press. In October 1909 (he North f arofina Rai’road Compaiy had sbt> vfcyed aric; potted ail that trsil of land whkh they own in Norlh Buriiogtoa ob Fislier Street fid Big F?Jis road but this laod liad never been : ictd and placed on the nsarket mitil thk Mi ere cle 58 lets jrangiDg in size from 1-3 f dn acre to 1 4 acres and in price from $100 M to $300 00 per lot However we are only >l fermg 26 of these lots at present. ^'e beheve this property is good inyestraent t price placed upon it and will be glad to show nap cr iacd to anyone interested. Alamaiace InsuraQce Real Lst&te Co. W. E. SHARPE Mgr. i Ho t'.s a sag-e, tlioa^rh h^: ft'.'.' a —'Sdi'tiie. S?SS'J£iS3:'. WE SOLD MORE ANS. PIANOS «> * -1 Lay. vv*ar than asiy year be i fofi:; beside nearly 200 Sewin i ]V1 'C' Ti'.e BEST taccorU s in the County iiunt us to sell to,—as wehvv'..' ^ ro;3:it jiio-; 'or v- in^WHATIS BEST-PAYiN.:; ; fu.- WHAT vvf: G':r ^ : S LARGil- QU \Nil- ; _ .1E3 0FTHEM. 1 We CM -eli v->u : i.a: p i.t.i o $17; 00 $200.0'), and up baM you are snfe not tD b.i^ u idsr absdt $2.>3 -^rgaa, i = om t-r-_ chapels at $35.00, $490.00 or up to 175. Sewing Macnines $10, $15, i p Li y term to rcpansibie pctopi^. of a ColleRo Hil'jcatii.T., Statistics asKemliled from sludem. ,:i : .'..;;i\!;!:-.’,'.'rc (.N.lloire, show tiiat the aveia^e expenso for the coliegiute year is between ^fiOO aiu! $80(1. j-: few r.iaiia"'e to “euliivate the iiiu • on a lii tle oatmeal," as Sidney Sij ili would have said, and to reduce til, cost still lower; there are several who spend more tlian S1,000, and iir douiitiijss regarded as the ptuLc. i:'!;. of the '.-uilege eoniniuiiity. i Uriggs, of Harvard, in giviiis h.';'.’- • to a;ixi.3us j>arents, lias declared every dollar a’oove $1,200 is a of d.-injrer. Every hirge un'-.'fir-it has had its parasiiie i:idiet: ii spei'.dtiirifi, “midnight sous" 'if i i. 1. men, who have disposed of p-.:e. ■: :illov/a;ices coiisider.d.iiy i;ir;;eii: .;0t> to is lii.t a large i;ij(iin'' :‘i'r the father of u housoIv.-!J, I'U't it ia }.i'iju-c-ly aiiiuenoe fur a youth in i-oUege, where norn'.i;! cs.yi.ii;s«s of living Kro radueed to a salriiiiiuM. -• sail;f:icl;e.ri’3.’ coi!;'- o.'. :;;■■£lireJ for StlO to f v.ilh ;; T'uOKjnir'iv" Iho lli.i; t.allio board i: roiii iJsi is h.i:v- Ui is I - a il:- '.-h, . i-'i.’ 1 .1I.... ti-roiv.- I .1)^^ : of Li ii{ :ns V ' pai'tly or 1 vuiu; h'.c- e^^perioMCC K’.i in "oo.J stead in :f J-ai (s in iho four friends buy of ELUS- Do Hkswlse! Ellis Machine & Musk Ccmpatiy, m T*sr» in Mime town) - - Builington, N.' A Telephone Every Farmer foi Do y'OU want one ? I Wc vvxil tell you how to get it at small cqsl ^ Fin cut and return this coupon to^y. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. & TEL. CO. Atlar.ta, G*. Fleue tend me yoar f-es bookJet describii;^ your plan for farm«a* lelephons service at small cost. R. F. D. No. To'\'n aad Stata £«iS FAR?.fERS’ LINE DEPA.RTMENT EOui::.;r.Siy bell telephone ANS> TSLE‘JrSlAgS. r.QMFAm s. Piyor St., Ca. Blood Was Wrong All women, who suffer from the aches and pains, due to female ailments, are urged to try Cardui, the reliable, scientific, tonic remedy, for wonx-n. Cardui acts promptly, yet gently, and without bad e. t c.,,, on the woui^^dy systc.T. relieving pain, builJing up resuia{;..j iiie systim, and tonlnj up tise r.erve-n. D^.ring the past h:;lr ct y, thousands of hd;?s have wriHen to tei! of fee quick cn-. ^live results tlisy obtained, fr;:ni ii:e use of this #dl-kno\va niecl.'ciae. luk: T A J :rcd fr T/m woman'y troub!e for sr.e -Mrs. Jane I I nearly tea yoars. !n a L.xr from Whireviiie, C. says: “i -A^as not able to do n-y own iiousc\.ark. My sloniach rt-as weak, and my blood vvn3 wtoiv:;. i had back- I'.j aclie^ rjid vv.'isvcry weak, J tried several doctors, but tljey did me no gocd. I Csrdiii (or 3 or 4 ironths, and new s;I am in t’i2 best he-;.! 'j. I have evc-r I?!;' - ’ can never praiss Cardui enougli.” It is flis l-est tt-nsc, ',=i won’cn. Vhctiier sc-nOij.s:y kIlIv, or simpiy weaJf, try Cardu; .. ite t.i: Lsrt-n" AJviscry Di-n!.. Cii-.ti.ntioori Mtdicine Co., Chjttmoota. tciio. t9t Spiciat inatrociioiti, and 64-p::2e I'ook. “ Hooi* Treslmeat for;*'jl3 ■ rlii - iii; >-ket I'ia-'e. S-.ine students :,'.'e to >vtM IV ttiru for a livii’'-' that .i. j iiiiss mu.;h of the beat that eo!- ■Lre has to give in social life and i'.oiesiinie recreation—that is their li'fortune. Xnose who supplement leir nlUnvance from home by iheiv \vn efforts—in tutoring, stenography uu'i’Mlism, commercial agencie.-;, of ice work, and 'vacation empioyni' . I —are f r n'pro liVe:; > appreciate the priviiejie of being at dJege and to profit thereby, than the ■tudents who supinely depend upon the periodical remittances and do ■othing for themselvM.—^Philadelphia Public Ledger. ;-Kn! i55!CtE .34T.V*— It is our aim to Rive the best si’ole service at the most raasonihle >■ '.tes. Kow will we succeed is att»at ed by i»ui- ever i."crca.'^ir:i; client*®^ Voiir teeth mill need atr-'tion soroe- tii;iK. Be wise. Do not watt tor th» warninjr pain. Have us eyamins th* B ‘ >day FKPjE and if they need att«n ti.m we vfill do the woric ia the Tery best manner. Dr» J. E. Holt, CfficeOv-f Fifctaaa's !^rcg St«re Bmrliagtoo, K C. I PRINT