A PBOGBSSSIVE republican NEW PAPER DF.VOTED TO T'fE UP!iUWL,|WG OP AViEKIi'.AN OVIE-? AND AMERICAN INDUS -■0m YL liMH BURLINGTON. N. C, FEB !0. 19 i 4 ■li * , SeUetti. * '■ BOTlinJctoa Bifli Sehool’s rep* * r«MnUtivei in tlw snmial triansulat * deb^ agiiwst -thi^ bf Jame^WTV • SitM insWUng «ifr new Ifeo- * • type MiLcMne; w« h»ve gone oyet •' ° ° TO OUB SUBSCBIBeaS: r«-aet and corrected '^ en^ * tM Mfeiling list. It is. [ioB^e * * that in 4oing this w« have un> * * intentionaUj missed the names ot * mtm vt m readaw and sHbacrib- * ^ #Ti. It U not our intention or • ’ iiridii to let anybody not get the * * t*pez' tiiat wants it, but errors * * occur iit anything that re * * 4d»s ;ao much work. * * If the date on your label is not * ^ as you think it should be, see * * if you can find your reedpt and * {in the field, one defending the nega- * bring it to our office and let’s get * I tive and the other tSe affinhatiye of Cfcoben. rhB7 ai«^m Bason, David Curtii, Graham Faueett and Rufus Wilson. Thesis four ‘ jwere selected froin a number of contestants in a preliminary debate held some day> ago. Tivi qu^ for the tri^gular de bate is “Resolved that the Constitu tion of North Carolina should be so amende, as to allow the initiative and j referendum for state wide legisla- j tion.” Burlington, Graham and Jamestown will each have two team-= * all these errors out of the way * * a* toon a« possible. * * If you know of *iny of you* • * friends or neighbors that are sub- * * aeribem asd do "'‘t «et the paper ' * ataee the new list is iu use, plesM * * DOtifj as at ones. • * • ;* • *.* • • •« Bev. baTis Heard Large Crowdii. fiev. E. h. Davis, secretary of the Anti-Saloan League of the State, was heard vrith pltsasure at fte Christian, Front Street Methodist and Baptist Oturches of the town Sunday. A big crowd was present at each pUu:e to hear this dietinguished sp^er. Be speaks with much enthusiasm and is {.usKtng forth with every effort the prohibition cause. He says that it ‘s hoped to have State wide prohibition in ever; State in the Naton by 1920. A s»ve is now on in the legislature to have a law passed pndiibiting the shipinng’ of intoxicating bczerages in to the State. Mr. Davis urgex that many dtiswns write the represents* tives and senators urging th« psssss* a£ &is iaw. this query, Burlington’s negative team which is David Curtis and Sam Ba son, will go to Graham, its affirmative tram, Graham Faucette and Bufus Wilson, -will d^te on “the home grounds” against Jamestown. TIk trianiular 4«b«te U also a pari iof the more recently organised and higUy inclusive system of high school delwteis throughout North Carolina, th« most ciiiecessful t^ms b«ing giv en a Wp to Chapel KiU, where they compete for Ana! honors in the form of a trophy cup. This feature is un der the direction of the University of North Ceiolina. It is necessary for a school to win both of its debates be fore it is entitled to be considered in connection with the later contests. The prelimiKary debates at Chapel Hill will be held Thursday evening, Aeril 2 and Friday morning, April 3rd. The final debate will be held on the evening of April 3rd. One hundred and fifty-nine schools have already entered the Debating Union. Ezzeil-DiilUI. ^ The foUowing article Is'cKppeSlrom the Charlotte Observer and wilt be of iDt«|«st to ratany folks is thin citjr, as JE& SxseQ weU J»!»«inb«ed k town: Miss Stella. Dunn and Mr. Peter S. Ezzell wen? quietly married lest night at 9.00 ®’ciock at the home of the bride’s x»rents in Mount Holly. Only a few relatives and very inti- mate friends were present. Although no formal announcement had been made of the marriage, it was not un expected by their friends The vjung' people had been acquainted for two >«airs s kalf and it was current ly known that they were to plight their troth at sonse time in the near fuure. Mr. and Mrs. Ezzell will arrive in city tomorrow tc live at their , 509 E. Tenth Street. The bride is an attractive young of high worth, who has tnany 1 friends. Mr. Ezeeil is a son of Sr. and Mrs. W. P. Ezzell, of this city, his father being fc-teman of The Observer coatpoMisg room. Ihq groom is a young nun of sturdy qual ities, straightforward charapter and' VaJeatine’s Day. St. Valentine’s Day is Satiirday, -‘'•b. 14. Already the windows of the stores are beginning to reflect some- .hing of the spirit of the day. In vhis. connection, the following is from jhe pen of Edwin L. Sabin, in Lippin- eott’s: ; “It seems a long, long time ago when we sent oat valentines. Those were pleasant little missives. 1 refer iot to the carieatuj'es, by whidl the romance of the day was much im paired, but to the lacy, iiearfc-to-ar- row, poetic kind, some of which cost as much as ten cents. ‘‘The feverish distribution of these did no harm; on the contrary, it must CMiBty SdKwl Netrs. Tl« foi^ii regular meeting of the AlamMCie Teachers’ Association was h«M in the Court Hou^ Saturday. Fehtua^ 7th.. Deqtite the rain a number of teachers were present. 'Ilte da^ d the County Conuqence- rneot at the last Teachers’ Meeting, mi^ was publicly announced at the last ToKcho^’ Meeting. As hereto fore, -it wilt be held the last Satu.'day in April, wiufh is April 2Sth. Sev eral new features will be added this year and many formes ones will be snlargcd. The Girl’s Tomato Clubs will have the largest representation present at any commencement yet held. A number of girls from the have work^ good. The sentiments! different schools are making with expressed were at least read, even if not always believed, sometimes not understood. Few of us but can re- >;all xcerpts, which we reeat with a certain vristful zest that decries agel. We appreciate them now more than we did then. “Why noV really revive Saint Val entine’s d#y? We need it. We need more of ^e ftentiment that is cheap; i’.ot cheap. sentiment. We need this authority to pause in oiir huriy-burly out pursuit of the tangible and the materia), arid to give our^lves over their fingers the dresses they expect to wear to the commencement. Sev eral ind-j.'trial proucts will be ex hibited and handsome prizes will be announx^ sooi for those school? bringing the handsomest itoats to the commencemeat.' How, Peterson Company has offered two pins to the two seventh grada graduates showing the greatest proficiency in English Grammar and Com^sition. The f,rst prize is a sol id gold pin, and the second prize is a soUd silvetpin. These bill be award- N«w Baiiding sa Awure^ Tact. Mr. Joeeph A. has fuUy de velopad the idea of erecting a new btilldin^ iSn his lot on Front and Worth rstreets. The building will front on F«mt street and will be next to tbe.S0iiut«#ul fogr'Starj bail^njr- ■nse First National Bank. The arth- itsct is now busy drawing plans for this new building, which will be er(>ct' ed as BOOK as plans can be arranged. The building will be a large four- story. 90x100 feet-. In addition to the four stories a basement Will also be arranged for the storingf of good.s;.| ‘ The first and second floors wlif i c arranged for the selling of merchan dise, while the third and fourth will be cut into offices. As soon as -the architect has ii.iished the design for the building, any one desiring to make a rental contract can do so by seeing thep roprietor of the building. The building will be erected out of beauti ful white Hy-texaface brick and iviil be c‘'(uipped with every modern con venience. When finished it will ix; one of the nicest buildings of the town. Samples of the brick to be used have, already been received and were ex amined by the writer of this article, Mr. Isley is a hustler, never idle, but; continually on the alert to be doing something which will benefit his town *0 Sne ^lieial indulgence in the ro-[td at the County CoJBMencsment, mance *«d chivalry. | “Hss Friend^ip High School will “All Hie world loves a lover. The i give a play, "The Deacon,” at Swep- fact cSn never die. And although ;sonviUe Saturday evening, February Saint "Valentine’s Day is but a mas- j 28th. This play promises to be quits qae and a mummery, wherein we play ^ siiccess and it is hoped that a large at a Court of Love, its 12 hours of audirace v^ll greet the High Schocl pretty piretence distill dew upon the|°® Jts &st tour, most sordid h^art. I thji Saji6p6haw School has organ- “WeTn~ America have few gentle > Country life Club with the observanees; we do much for practic-i follsprt”* -ofilcers: President, Mr. al gain and much out of patriotism; ■ Stoclardj vice president, Mr. but we devote ourselves—we as a' Woody; secretary, Mr. W. R. people^little to the purely fanatical. Freshwater; This is the seventh lo- and ethical custom dwrned, perhaps, 1 CsKmtiy life Club in the coun- by natural progress. However, iray! a Bos Party some we not have.back, upon our National | days ago made $23. calendar good S«ot Valentine’s Day,j Center in all its innocence of eternal vowa^%**°^?l> GraJiam last Monday to sweeten the workaday heart-1 Thouch it conse ss a fad, let it come.”! two niKp: two teachers’ eihairs. ' The Clab »fJUaiaaafig _ rt ~ 1 schools of ths county Gray at Gakdal« February i1. fjHoiKing prizes for the soer WEWS. CHAMBEB OF COMMERCE BAN- (tUET. Mrs. A. D. Pate charmingly enter tained at her home on Fisher street Tuesday afternoon- at 3:30 t ^ 6:00 o’clock in honor of her visitors, Mi?ses i«lisv Willi&msdn, of Mclver, and Frances WiUismson, of Danville. The house was decorated is potted and flowering plants. Progressives ilook was played at six tables. Refresh ments cosisting of salads, ices and offee and mints were served. The guests were: Mesdames W. E. Sharpe, O. F. Crowson, D. E. Sell ars, W. F. Dailey, J. W. Lasley, J. S. Frost, W. S. Rives, J. H. Holt, P E. Morrow ar-J C. A. Smith and Misses Nettie and Byrdee Dailey, Lo la Lasley; Ada Belle Isley, Ella and Florine Robertson, Mary and Margar et Freeman, Bettie Vann Ward and Bessie Holt. Dr. Liberty, Fob 9.~-Dr. Dan T. Gray I ^(^rial improvement made in the pief of the Department of Animalb„i,di ou„dg ^nd the Industry of the North Carolina Exp^- eijuipment: imeni Station, will att the Dairy] prfze, |50 cash. 2nd prize, $25 cash. 3rd prltee, |25 cash. . 4th prize', quartered oak table, giv en by White f’tw'niture Co., of Meb- ane. 5ih prixe, Teachers’ Cffarr, gf/en by Green-McClure Co., Grahajtl. 6th prize. Teachers’ chair, giveif by Mebane Chair Factory. 7th prize. Wall Clock, given by Mr. Z. T. Hadley, of Graham. 8th prisa, Water Tank, given by Holt £ May Hardware Co., of Burl ington. . 9tli pri^, Water Tank, given by M. B. Smith Furniture Co., of Burl ington. A cash prize of $10.00 will be given to the negro school making the great est materia! improvement. . School at Oakdale School in Patter-, son’s Township on Tuesday, Februak-y Hf vriU accompany Messrs Heed and Combs.. State Dairymen, and as sist them in holding the school on that day. He will address those attending on the subject of “Pig Raising," es pecially in corneclion with Dairying. Dr. Gray seldom gets the opportunity or the time to go into the country on such occasions, and we feel especially favcred to have him with us. We ere anxious to have a large number of farmers, ycung and old, from other ■sections of the county attend our iMihool on that day, . Messrs Kecd and Combs will con duct the regular program for the day, the pragram for February being a Jemonstration of Miik Skimming with chs Cream Separator, Milk Testing Mrs. James N. Williamson, Jr., gave an elaborate reception at her lovely home on Park Avenue Wednesday evening from 8:30 to 12 o’clock in honor of Mrs. Spencer, of Martins- ville. Va., to the Burlington Bridge Club. The hall, parlor, sitting reomj and dining room were decorated in: pink and green, palsui and ferns and carnations ad sweet peas being used in profusion. Progressive bridge »vas played at she tables. Punch was serv ed in the hall by Mrs. Eugene Holt. The guests were shown to the dining room, which was baautiful in pink and green, the color sciseme teing carried out in the lights, iiowers and mints and Ices. Hefresbments were served in three courses. The guests were: Messrs and Mesdame; J. H. Holt/ F. L. Williamson, L. Wit- liaittsoii, of Glencoe; Lynn B. William son, of Graham; Eugen Aioit, Erwin A. Holt, L. S. Holt, Jr., and Goe Gust of Altamshaw; Messrs. Jeffreys, of Richmond, and Sob and Will Holt jtr.d.-Jffissas iesssQuce w-d Corinna Gant and Minnie Williawsoi; and Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Joseph A. Isley entertained the Round Dozen Club at her home on Davis street Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. i{riok was played four I table?, and embroidery bags were also called ir.to piay. Refreshments ';on- sisting of fruit salad, ices and mints were served. Besides the club mem bers there were present Mrs. C. L. Isley and Misses Lelia and Frances Williamson. , mansers and industry. He is the swiftest operator on The Observer's I He is to be congratulated upon the force and the general standard of j wonderful success he has already his worfc is much above the average, j achieved. He is popular among his associates | and enjoys the best wishes of all. Swep»oBvil!e-HawSelds. Swepsonville and Uawfields crossed bsts 'On the former’s grounds Feb. 4. T%» game wa.': called at 8 o’clock. This wftB one of the best games that has been pulled off on tliis ground for a Ipcs time. Haw^elds seemed to take wt game in the seventh, the home boys by good r^ly in the ninth bunch ed hits in succession wiuch ;e- - solted in 2 to 1 in favor of Swepson- -nUe. TSiis same was played in 40 min- ates. There were only three errors credited in the game: Hawiields one aad Swepsonville two. Hits; Haw- fields 3, Swepsonville 4. Strike-cut.t: Hawfields 8, Swepson- viJte 8. “ Bciight and Paid For.” “Boaght and Paid For” and “Little Wmssc"’ «r« two of New York’s great- 9K successes. Manager William A. awdy enjoys the proud distinsHon of - Nfatg: the j>rodueer of these two won- AwfOlly successful plays. Both of ! Tree Insured for $30,00ft. The most valuable fruit tree in the world has had built around it a fence 30 feet high to keep out miscreants and has been insured against wind and fire with Lloyd’s of London, for $30,000. . The tree is a sjx-year old alligator pear and is on a Whittier ranch own ed by H. A. Wcodworth. Last year the tree made its owner $3,206, and he didn’t give it as much attention as the ordinary man gives to an old speckled hen. Fifteen hundred dollars of the mon ey came from the sale of pears at $6 a doen, and the remainder—in other words, the big end of the purse— came from the sale of bud-wood. Buds sold so rapidly last year at 10 cents apiece that Mr. Woodworth raised his price 22 cents in order to avoid having to ruin ths tree to sat isfy bttd-wood hunters.—^Los Angeles Examiner. - Father SHot Son. Tartioroi Te^, 7,—Becomii)g. enrag- ^ at his ZO-yssr-old son, Luther, . «fferin£S have enjoy«J-^«iccsg*-j w. E, Whitehurst, of ?onetoe, today Wtwssfcttke Brady PlAyhon»,Ne* I emptied a? fsntents. of » shotgun’ Sferifi and «e aaMsiiK .th®; bookings > {i,to the hoy’s body, with serious if Piedmont Th«4ii>* dutis»r ifci# not f«to w^ilt*. . j atiason. c'C'--- ■ 'j Th# 'th^^wsplt, it i*. j^j^^vppn tba boy and hit Ws ipwfc or in attending. ^ , It is hoped that every school in the for Butterfat, C.^eam Testing etc. * tvery farmer interested m Dairy,ng work, or not, will find rntere.st and profit ^ f " *r J ground, or to sow grass and plant i flowers. Why not have a beautiful! Baili;y IsBitter, ^ J school-Siouse? It ccsts very little to ■ The country iias, ^ viooi house and oat-buiSding.s uie only tc these add much to the comfort Mr Chicago, Feb. 7.- en>erged from the boss enter on a conflict of demagoguery tnd ;40cial:sm,” saiJ formed United 55tites Senator Joseph Bailey, tonight fit the annua! banquet of the Michigan Society of Chicago. “The boss is bet ter than the demagogue,” he con tinued. “because it is easier to get rid of him. “The two men who are most promi nent at present in our politics,” said iir. Bsiiey, “are the tvro who have denounced the bosses most unsparing ly and thay are the two men above ail who have acted the boss to the limit. One of them at the head of the party not iiow in power, imposes his will on his associates with an im periousness which finds no parallel in our history. The head of thep arty *0 which I belong controls the senate and the house of representatives to day, as if they were subordinate branches rf the government.” Nai Alweys The Same. Like e&OMs don’t always produce the same «ffect. Give to a pig when it ^nts, the Democrats when they run for effie« and you’ll have a fine pi^ and s busted country. Alt laTitatiim. DeU(h>^ Y«ans Lady (to yoBiac man )ii(« lard'hMti dauKisg 7«a IfTWMt yl V-V of the country school. Ail work done between Septembw 1, 1913, and April 20th, 1914, may be reported by schools coniesting for the prizes. These reports must be sworn to be correct and must lie in Lhe bands of the county superintendent not later than April 23rd. These reports should ba carefully kepy. No equipment provided for with county funds will be counted in the c-)n£est; but all permanent improvements, or supplies, and all work donated to the school will be counted. Let every man, woman and child in Alamance Coun ty do something for the schools dur ing the next two months. The only people who fail are those who do not try. At Thf Episcopal Church. A week's revival services are be ing conducted at the Church of the Holy Comforter. The services began Sunday February Sth, and will con- tiiiue to Sunday night, February I-^. The services afe being conducted by Rev. John R. Matthews, Missioner, and Rev John Benners Gibble, rector. The following subjMts will be dis cussed on the following; nights: Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 8 o’clock; “One Thinr; I Know,” or Experience above Theory. Thursday, Feb. 12, at 8 o’clock; “Elijah and Elisha.” j Friday, Feb. 13, at S o'clock: '‘Re jection of Saul.” Sunday, Feb. 16, 1! a. m.: “Fner.d- ship of Jesus." Sunday Afternoo.’!, at 3 o’cloek— Man Only—“Good Samaritan.” Sunday Evenir’.g, 7:K0 o’clock,: “Despcndency of Elijah.” The BarocA and Philathea Classes of the Baptist church will have a busi ness meeting at 7:30 o’clock Friday night, February 18th, at the Church. At 8:00 o’clock a joint social will be held to which the other organized classes are invited. The admission will be a valentine. Wbat’8 the Use? **Ar« -pm M optimistt" “No. What’s the nae of worrying yourstlf te dcatli to fi2id-s(»»«- £sr?”—WaA^nc- Peat “Bought and Paid For.” George H. Broadhurst cast aside al! stage conventions when he wrote “Bought aid Paid For,” which will appear at the Piedmont on Thursday,! Febma.’-y 12th, coming from William A. Brady’s Playhouse, New York, where it has ben the dramatic sen sation of present day theatricals. The story is one that grips and holds to the pulsation of tiie heart, as we see it from the rise to the fall of the curtain. The incidents and happen ings are such that every husband and wife will draw a lesson from it. Mr. Broadhurst has imbued into his story a new Vein of comedy that is really delightful and is bound to leave a lasting impression upon the mind of every auditor. The cast and produc tion come here ’inder the personal di rection of William A. Brady, who has spared no expense in sending to tMs city thfe complete Playhouse produc tion and a very stroag cast. You occasionally find a man who realises that he can’t sing, hut ' fou MW one that didn’t &i»k he had a keen sense of aasior.—-New Or- iastM I^yuae, lhe Aanual Baniiuet at The Piedmoet Hotel. Friday Night a Great Saceeee. The -annual banquet of the Cham ber of Commerce was polled oS Fri day evening at the Piedmont Hotel at eight o’clock. The occasion which is celebrated each year has grown t« be very elaborate, and on tiiis occas ion was attended by sixty or more. The spread which was served in five courses was especially ehjoyer. To the delight of those present; Mr. J. .• H. Vernon served as toastmaster of the occasion. Music was furnished by Wilson’s Orchestra. Immediately after supper Mr. W. A. Erwin, of Durham, one of the State’s most prom inent business men and manufactur ers, was introduced. Mr. Erwin was a former citizen of this town and has a number of relatives here. His speech for the occasion was sumjaed up in telling about the Past, the Pres end and predicting the Future, of our town. He gave many interesting facts which-w«re ^xeatly appreciat ed by his hearers. The tables were decorated with car nations. The other speaker of the evening was E. S.. W. Dameron, of this city. Mr. Dsmeron has be«n kind enough to put his speech in writing .ind we are publishing it for the benefit of thouc who could not be present Mr. I'am- eron is a very entertaining orator and his addresses are always listened td with pleasure. SOME RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. Address before the Annual Ban quet of Burlington Chamber of Com merce Friday, February £th, 1914, by E. S. W. Daneron; • * » GeaOemen: —. In every city there are two great forces which inspire and shape its activities and determine its growth and destiny—the individual and social. Each of these force? mast be recog nized and empiiasi^ed In the building of every City. Every citizen has both an individaai and a social duty to per form. His individual duties would confine him to his own personal bus iness and cause him to forget his .so- cial relations and that he is his broth er's keeper; his social relations would remind him that no man can live to him-self or die to hmseJf, and that the interest of the individual is insepar ably linked with the interest of so ciety. These are two fundamental Jaws of human society and human progress and one is as absolute as the other. Often in the puriuit of our person al and individual tasks we are in clined to neglest and ignore the forces tbai make for social uplift and com- muriity progress, and sol we have fourd in the City of Burlington many who cannot appreciate the value and worth of the Chamber of Commerce io our City. In fact but few of us realize how great are the benefits con ferred by thi.s organization, either in 'the way of promoting industrial progress or in the cultivation of com munity spirit. Is the Chamber of Commerce ^vorth while? What has it done during the past year to justify the small outlay of capital that has been made by the uii.selfish citizens f this commur.ity? Let the record r f its achie'.'enicnts answer these ques tions forever. Taka fiist the Municipal .A.dvertis- raent in front of the railroad passen ger station- The Chamber of Com merce has secured a contract with the Piedmont Railway & Electric lio., by which this Company has agreed to furnish free lights for this board for a term of fifty years. If we calcu late the expenses of these lights ac cording to the usual charges and then calculate properly the interest, we find that the saving to the City on this score alone with amount to at least $23,000. Again, I ask you to remember that the Chamber of Com merce has recently astablished the cluster light on the Corner of Front end Main streets at a cost of $48.00 and the Piedmont Railway & Electric Co., has agreed to furnish free lights for this beautiful- beacon of comtiBerce and industry for a teraa of fifty years, which at the least, calculatioii sieans a saving to the.ci^ of }S6,00e. This Chamber of Commie-has-alee:'se cured.a permanent arrAog^eteni the same company fop the instsUaticn of aa >pany other clcfyter ligiits..' like cbaraeter as ma;' >st of orfy $S6,00 a ien aoch lights , b« , (CMttsuMd on Tom}i m ’ p&j'sT.vr-.-.. -L V*:' . > fA ''t 3f \ I-.. T m ■mi POOR PRINT

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