APHpGl ' ..•wi^P9 ■ •-> .', -fi- m ac^ AMERICAN ^! (y**" VL BURtJteoN. N. c, 7.--1 .1^:3- , .,■— |fifri-| * TO OUK SUBSCBIwriyi: * '• • ^ * Siaea initelHnf : * :tff« U««liina,’Mt bar*'Kiii^oi|w * mti r»4et »ai ewMcitod ta> * '* Ur* wiling liaL It 1* ROlwlblf * ia iMitg tUi m lum mn- * k ^ {■toaHoiiiaiy niaM tlM nkmw at * * of oar iMdan.Mtd nbabib^ * * It i« not ow iiitMttm * * to let mnjrbodir not * * Mper tluii ■mtaU it, ^ tittatt * * wlQ oet»r is utjfhfnc th*t m * ' * tn^taa so muck wdtk. , * * U tk» date on four 1»M ii * * M ran ^nk H ihoidd ba; sA * * it fna e»n Bad yeor rieilpt wA * * brinx it to oar ofie* mtii Ict’t f«A * * a& thMC enors oat of tM w»7 * * u M«a M poMibl*. * * If 70a know of any of ybsr * * Mtnd* or ooighbort tiiat «r« ^ * Krlbers and do *>«t gtt tb« p^ji* ‘ * «tee« th» Bnr Utt it in «m. * * 9»atr ua at one*. * » «'*'« • • • »'•« Chapel BUI ItcBM. Chapel Hill, Feb. 10.—The hi^h eehool actlvitieii of the University for thia spring are sratheriisg in interest >1^ nomentdm as the time for the approaching; State Wide . Contest 4raws nearer. First among these comes the High School. Debating Union, vfhich is cairied on under the Aiiapiees of the “Di” and “Phi” Wt- • erary Societies and the bureau of ex tension of the University. One h'm- dred and fifty of the lea^ng s;ond- ary and high schools of hti State .lavc enrolled in the Union and have heert arranger in triangles. . "Rie triangu lar debates he held throughont the State on March 20, and the finaS contest for the Aycoclc Memorial Uup will be held at Chapel Hill on April 3. The query that will be discussed by all of these schools is “Resolved, That the Constitution of North Carolina should be so amended as to allow the Iritiative and Referendum in State wide legislation.” B Burlington is in the triangle with . Graham and Jamostown. I Tfee second annual inter-scholastic track meet of North Carolina will be held at Chapel Hill on April 3, un der the auspices of the Greater Coun cil and the Alumni Athletic Associ ation of the University. Any second try school in the State is eligible to send repfeseatatives to compete in the i meet. Eleven events including the ) OEual field and track features will be ' held. To the school which wins the Highest number of points, a champion- chip cu bwill be awarded, and to the team vrinriing the relay race a cup ‘ will be awarded. E.ery euntestant iHnning a first place in any event will tie aw&rded a silver medal, and every *ontestant winning a second place will be awarded s bronze medal. All who come to the meet will be entertained by the students of the University, i- through the county clubs. Among the schools that have already enrolled for this meet are; Raleigh, High Point, Gastonia. Goldsboro, Gatesville, Burl- togton, Eder.ton. The first annual championslrip con tert in baseball for this year is open •nly to public high schools, city and rural. Any team, repre-senting a pub lic high school, city or rural, tha shall have played and won, up to and includir.g May 2, as many as four ^mes from teams representing schols of similar rank, and shall not bave been defeated, shall be eligible to enter the preliminary contest. The committee at Chapel Hiil, through this elimination contest and the prc- 'jjwnaiy games which shall he ar- ar.ged, v>ill settle on the two best earns in the Sts 'e. These two teanii I ffill come 10 Chapel Hill some time ^ in May to play the championship game. All expenses, including trans portation both ways, hotel bills, en tertainment on the “Hill,” of the two teams thus selected for he finai ^me will be paid by the Alumni Ath letic Association of the University, laidar whose auspices this 'ontest is being held. The committee in charge •f this contest is composed of the ^ following mecibers: N. W. Walker, T. G. Trenchard, C. E. Ervin, Oscar Leach, N. J. Cartmell, and E. R. Rank in. Bev. Bennett Falls Dead While Pray ing at Grave. Charlotte, Feb. 7.—Bev. J. L. Ben nett died at Marsbville, Union Co»n- ty, Friday evening of apoplexy He had gone from Liuado, S. C., to con duct the funeral of A. S. Br^Jts. and while repeating the Lord’s Prayer fell to the ground, dead. He w«s years old and a preacher in the Bap tist Church since 1870. H» ■)rqa,ilio a fionfedePate soldier. r fw M«r. CMvlet StM la. ; draensbors, Fib. lO^^ijtr four Vwd .oiw^uiif t^oBS iiTh, tCmainc inir«rtite*tioa ft^i^ti«( have ConWl,^ aliiw Ed (On, negro^' id county jaU cb»n^ the'minder^ of J. It faylor, the West tiM Stnset gj^ eeryman wlio was slain b iifepK «t& the'night of S^tenibw l^iSt The netro was biraiai^t hew yesterdsy af ternoon by autdinobila front Alamsnee county. .H« had been in euato4r since Oe-:, tober S, last, ha^ng b«i^ arrested as a suspictoos charaeteT ten days after ttie murder was discovered. \t that time he showed unusual akxiety to get back to tlie .Alamance county roads whence he escaped some days before and where he had 17 months more to se^^ve. He has been in the hands of the Alamance authorities ev er since, aiid in the laeanwhile tile police have been picking up one elae here, anothn there, and in all a string of clues until they ^ieve that tb:'y have AiII evidence, tliat Cohwell is the man who Idlled' Hr,^aylor. Yesterday morning Chief Ira B. Iseley. SheriiT D. B. Stafford and City Prosecutur B. D. .Enj^ehdaii left Greensboro by auto for their man. It was necessary to visit the cominti. sioners of Alamance to get their sig natures for a release and the psrty travelled some 100 mies before their man was secure in tho stron.? cell of the Guilford county jaii. Conwell was arrested in October by OfBeers Glenn and Causey ir the BuU Pen on suspicion, Conwel' it. said to have bee especially nervous ar\d al most glad of thee hance to get back to tbs Alamance roads. He had i>c*n sentenced there for storebrea) which appei^. to bartf’beei bis prrt fe.wit.fl. ' ^ ' He is wanted now for robbing the express office at Mebane several months ago. At Hickory he is want ed for robbing"? iewe^ store. He is said to have had a criminal record in other places.^ BefMe he was ar rested hero Tast'fall he was found-to have several suits and several pairs of shoes. We was wearing a new suit of clothes when arrested and is said tohave told that he secured them from a box cav between Greensboro and Raieigh. He is a trifle over 30 years of .age from appearance, and came from Ire dell county originaiiy. He has been to several places. He is married and his wife Uvea in Greensboro, The crime of which Conwell, tiltas Roberson is charged was one of the most brutcl ever known in Guilford ccunty. J. H. Taylor, proprietor of a small grocery store an West Lee street was discovered on the morning of September 25th, on the floor of his store with two bullet holes in his body, one entering from the front and the other from tlie rear. He was in his night ciothes, and the appearances were that be had i^eea awakened, had gone out to meet an intruder and had been siwt with his own gun. The side door was standing open, and there were no clues leading to the criminal. Many suppositions were advanced at the time. Officers searched out every clue ant! a thorough investigation of all the surroundings and possibilities was made without any results. Mariy had given up the case at on sof those mystei'ioas ones in which the crimi nal had been fevared by luck as well as be sagacity, and had made good bis escape for all time. The authorities, though withholding their evidence for special reasons, stated last night that they are con fident they have the right man. &B. JtttOH 8^mm NIGBT Ui , psttaouc Aged Negro Woman Burned in Her Home. Greensboro, Feb. 11.—J. P. Stai ley received a message yesterday from iis father, who lives near Siler City, -elling him of the fearful death men ■jy an aged negro woman at her home lear Providence Church, in Chatham county, seven miles from Siler City. The woman, Nanccy Patesawie, was burned with her home, which was iis- covered about S o’clock yesterday morning ta b« on fir*. The house, one room in size, had well burned down before digcoverc-d. Neighbors hurried to the scene and found only the embers and the ghast- ■y sight of a few bones in'the ashes._ Everything was disslroyed, and thtte' was no evider»:e as to hbW the flaases started. Tha woman Bved ^one and was abase 7$ years of age. So far as 5t known ther« was nb’ reason for any- qna>';buriiing Iter, '^nce she had no aUnablsb «nd lAri' up by tte deighborkotfd, #hlch ia a qsW one. dargit^ H«h^ tt kcek)»b«r$, CMaUta jMTidsMi te 6n(«dy Witiaot Batt. ..Charl^, Ifib. 12.—kr. Monro* Jettot^'the pn^nent youiig druggist bf Da^^n, who shot and killed his 'feUow^townsman, Dr. W. H. WodUtt, a leadiBg jShysieian of that commun ity, TifesiUy Bight becaase, as he said, he .“intraM Ms bonie," was eom- mitt^ to ji^'wiilliaut bond last' nig^t' by Coroi^ Z. A. Hovis, foltoiiHiig''ttti itkquest hdd at'baTidSM tiukt-cover- eif tht greater part of yester^^. The &idi^ of the coroner's jury JiM “W. H, Wooten came to by a pistol .shot in his left a^y'^e pistol b^ng hi the hands of R. M. Jet ton at the time of the shooting.” It is stated that an effort will be made today by cou^l for the prisoner to secure bail, a writ of l»beas corpus being sworn out before Jttdeg W. J, AdaiM, who is here presiding over Mecklenburg .Superior Clourt.; It is underiitood that Mr. Jetton is pre pared to give almost any reasonable Ixmd. Messrs. F. I. Osborne and £. T. Cansler have been retained to de fend the aeeused., The developments of yesterday brought to light the varioas rami- Scstibns of the distressing tragedy, one of the most unfortunate that has occurred in this section of tlie State within recent years. m A FIT OF JEAtOVSY. ' “He shot me in a fit of jealousy,” dKlared the >»an shortly before he.dSsd.. And then, as tbcugb voicing the agonizing appeal, he ad ded: “If he had only given me a chance to explain.” "He ruined my home, Tknt &tj^ tte CsM Ik New ,N«w ««ld snap which fmiUriittf:.' ii twidi il on city asM sient tie ****!; bdew tfe iero miiirk,vh«d thiae deatiis up to a-1^ The local weatW b^Wn a probable drop to- bdov loo by moroj^. Tlje ^liwbni today was two beloyr:: jTV; jsMaiwhm was 10 above. Polfcj M^ilw^itab were busy g;ivliig ai# 1)0 llwiia? had oeen evietcome- Witt, ihi^, eortlk-rrf cold spell tM'the city a^ain - -tiss' .baMqae ,iut ni);h$ l,TjH ynie cared for in municip-1 lo^tfiiic houses 'ii^iUin the recently eq^jtiied xefuj^^qiiai^r on one of the remtation pieB ,^ oth ers found shdier. .Another were quartenid on boats rowned by the ci.;,. Tonight municip|U inters again verc crowded ta eajrty^y' and many per sons had to be ^^anMid away. Orders were" i'ssuM by fienetal Ballington Booth, he^ of the ' Voliinteers of America, iSbat of the ori^ul- iiatiOn'skOBld^bi^ 'kspt open and that coffee andl ibMld be given all persons naed^ it. Zero wttthw.ji^ .ao terrors to 36 athletes viiie^ toSl^ sticrt^ on the -.in- nual Brooj^yn^^^dicBte M^thon. It was a diijet^Ei^'tmwd that watched the ronii^i st^ on. their 26 mile jouriicy. .iThr^ of . the runners were taken to a Iw^ital suffering from eold Mid »]^uist«tic«t' and two were sent homfr f|x Ihe sane reason. Only 11 finished. Coldest in WasU|^oii in 10 Years. Washinj^n, F«^ 12.—With an area of biting cold centered in New York State and tiew England a second dis- iras fhe^ttiifcanee today was preparing to curt statement of Mr. Jetton, and | s^eep northeastward &oin Texas that more than this he would not say. To; threatened to bring snowstorms tc on Observer man, shortly after hi*' the Middle^ Atlantic territory and rain arrival in Charlotte yesterday mom-f to this Gulf States, ing and while in tire custody of aj In ■western New York the lowest special offis;er, he declared ,“I have | tempenttties noted in 10 years were nothing to say for publication at this' recorded. At several points the mer- tSnu." Mr. Jattftn had communicated cury r«>ielMd^ degrUe be)^ «ero. with counsel and they had advised in sont* pArtai of eastern New York him to,say. nothing for the present.jit was Uie Winter’s coldest day, with Mrs. Jet^B»-^waii„ also oauticned and ^ temperatures ranging from 36 to 37 until Judge OsBotce arrives this morn- j below zero. ing, nothing will 6e given out. Mr. i In several towns there were the Canaler stated yesterday afternoon.usual number of “cold weather” fires that he would confer with Judge Otirjand firemen suffered keenly in fight- borne today and that a statement | gtig the outbreaks. from Mr. Jetton would doubtless be : forthcoming shortly thereafter, but Kobj^er Tshea to Jail, ttiat for the present he darned it in-1 p^i,; ;i._U:,ited States advisable for anything to be said. commissioner John Nichols yesterday BROUGHT TO CHARLOTTE. ' .,'This unfortunate tragedy was the talk of the City yesterday. Mr. Jet ton arrived in Charlotte st 10 o’clock in the custody of Town Marshal J. A. Johnson to whom be had surren dered shortly after the shootlr-g. Ha was accompanied by Mr. J. R. Cald well and several intimate friends. Im- trsed the case of Tally Rogers, the young man who robbed a Seaboard freight car near the city a few weeks ago, and remanded him to jaii to await trial st the ®*t terra of Fed eral Court for the trial of criminal cases. All of the witnesses in the case ! were present, and the young man sub- medmtely on their arrival m the city, they drove to the court house where preferred against him. He the prisoner was turned over to bher-j ^ ^r- i;i iff N. W. Wallace* Foib Attcapt BoU BaUcr, at SpcMcer. ' $P($nc«r, Feb. 12.—A bold roUm ^was foiled in an Mtmft to pluniW '»ad. rob the store of .0^ £. Fesj^f- n^ in East Spenew nHy tMf morn ing. Two houn b^ore bayfii^t Ji^ Lent*, a call boy from tiie Soip^m yard office, in making his rounds saw a man aproaeh the front of the store. A few iiunutes later, he heard a er^u and looking back saw the robber en ter the front oi the,store from .which he hd .sma^ed a Urge plate glass. Lents Aen hurried to the yard ofr fice and in company . wiA ^bt men from the night force, including Gor- .don Brown, Foncie Pemberton, E. B. Gill, John fValey and bthers,. sur rounded the store where the robber was at work^ Mr. Fesperm&n was sent for and rushed to the scene. T.>-.e robber could be beard at work, and two of the men approached the rear door while Hr. Fespermah and oth. ers were looking for a gun. Finding he was being watched, the robber plunged out the front window and dashed through the croW, mak> ing his escape across town. He w^ chased for a considerable di^nce, and| officers who went to work on the case early til the morning believe they will locate the robber. The thief placed a ^olen sheet on the floor and bad already piled a large quantity of goods on it ready for removal when he was chased out of the building. :G«ai d«May Coalac ' ui Bwi&vtoa. J Fertre.Bwner, of su{ieiint«ndaBt 'ot^'^ ISesua^ ‘^.,,t^visian the . Istcma^opal S^Iay'^^hctol Associatim ,wiU.4C|;a ifl'Buriington wxk Sunday after'-ioora ^ address a Union Mass Meeting Front Street Methodist Churieh >'an- day liight. iieginning at 7:80. Burlington is exceedingly forturatc Leaves Money tc CoHege. Rutherford College, Feb. 12.—^Miss Mary Ann Fowler died, at her home here Tuesday from a complication of diseases. She was more than eighty yeara old and'the last living member of - her immediate family. The vil lage in her death loses one of its most erty to Rutherford College. This, amounting to several hundred dollars, will very likely be the firs tof a se ries that will be ^directed towards builSing a dormitory for girls. Blew Off Top of His Own Head. Dani^le, Va., Feb, 9-—While ar rangements were being made for his rem^^al to an asylum W. J. Hinton, a well-known farmer of Milton, N. C-. loaded his double-barrelled shot gun. crept up stair.s and blew off the t.ip of his head on Sunday afterhw.r, . His mind becam: impaired uvo weeks ago and he had been watched continually by his family and he made threats lest week to take his ovsm life. He leaves a wife and sever:.! small children. ioved women. Miss Fowler donated all her pi-op- system of Sunday school organic- in getting this distinguished wonuta of ictemational reputation to . atop here for an address. Mrs. Bryner is passing thTOttgh North Carolina on her way to Lynch burg, Va., to attend the Virgtn» State Sunday School Convention. She is now at Anderson, S. C., attenduvg the South Carolina State Sunday School Convention. Mrs. Bryner travels throughout North America a»d^ represents in her division 40 per cent. of_&e, .Sunday School army of'thf'c^tiisent. Some years ago she wrought oat tion in Mexico that was so statf v manlike tliat it appeaied to diplomc.t- ic minds as a msslerpiKe. Mrs. Bryner will be accovnpanied by J. Walter Lqo?, gen^l *e :ret*iy of the North CafoTina' Sttlida? Schocd Association, and Mrs. E. R. Michans, Superintendent Elementary Division of the snme, both of Greensboro. When the Bottle is Labeled. First New York Spoft—Will you have a skull julep, Bill? Second New York Sport—No, I think I’ll try a crossbones cobbler.— Birmingham Age-Herald. was then assigned to the duty of ... , i was offered his liberty in return for A special deputy; raise, and he was sent to jail. guarding him and he was allowed to consult with his counsel. Mr. Cans-; jj.^ ^ife on Eve of .Marriage. Jer. Later he was taken to the i>tone- , . . wail Hotel where he spent the re-| Chariott* Feb. 12.-The body .f m.iinder of the dav. L-ast night he. «■ ^1- Mackendrec, a business r ,r, was carried to the county jail where Sp^irtnnburg, S. C. ^^^s found t..- on the commitment of Coroner Hovis.room he will be held until the question of bail js determined, j Havinjf been apprised of the trag- ( ^ . edy Tuesday night. Coroner Hovis left I ^ S«uthern Averse to GiYing I'p Steam «liip. Washington, Feb. 10.—The South ern Railway to*iy applied to the In terstate Commerce Commission for permission to retain, after July 1, its holdincs in the Old Dominion Steam ship Company, the Chesapeake Steam- sbip Co., and the Virginia Navigation Co. Under the Panama Canal act, the road would be compelled to stver its connection with all steamship iines unless the commission decides that in the public interest such affili ation may be allowed. A the ■ '.‘iij-le and a revolver lying on tho floor dis'-lostd j the manner of his .‘icatft. ^iariy I;t- early yesterday morning for Davidson to hold an inquest. He quickly im panelled a jury consisting of the fol lowing citizens: Messrs. F. O. John son. C. T. Waily, C. D. Bradford. F. A. Graham, H. D. Winecoff and S. T. Caldwell. An examination of the pre- misets was first made and then the work of the inquiry begun. Coroner Hovis stated that he found the bul let had penetrated the raincoat wliich Doctor Wooten was wearing at the by the coroner. Investigation showed that Macfcet;- dree was the traveling represL-nt.ilixe of aii Atlanta, Ga., coal eompan;.. ile also is 5aid to be interest in a LOai company in Spartanburg. He had ben despondent for aeveral weks. ac cording to advices hero, Grafter Bill Given Freedom. ^ Fayetteville, Feb. 11.—-\fter spend time of the tragedy about sii inches f ing a day and a part of an evening to the left. There were powder bums I in the lock up here, C. j3> Hill, of At- on the garment to show that the pis- j lanta, who, it is alleged, has been tol was not held at a great distance 1 making a specialty of victimizing when the shot was fired. The coat, j clergymen throughout North Carolina vest, shirt, and underclothes were all ,and Virginia, vras released by Mayor pierced. The bullet entered tbe chest | Underwood. Hill who left Kinston below tbe heart and about foBr inches hurriedly after giving a bad check and from the medial line. Mr. Hovis gave attempting to fleece an Episcopal rec- ;t ftR his ooinion and also that of those {tor, came her# and borrowed money who examined the wound, that the;from Father Gailsgher of Si.. r»i- dead man was standing up when the shot was fired. The several witnesses were then ailed, rick’s Catholic Church and tried to work one of the prie,H’s praishoners who informed the police. When arrested, he gave his nss^ Mr. T. P. Lottery, a neighbor of as EdwardSj but subsequenlly aduiit- the Jettons, testiSed that he Jieard ted his identity, giving Atlanta as the shouts shortly after 7,o’elosk and his home ie. each instance. -4fter ran over to learn thet rouble. Mr. Jet-1 Hill was released a membe rof the po- ton and his wife, he said, were stand- j lice force found a paper which the ri- ing op thep orcS, Mr. Jetton seeming leged grafter bad thrown away cn (Contimied a^ f^stgc Sight) bis srrest. U eotttaioed tk« Democratic Senator is Tllecti^. Davenport, la., F-jb. 10.—Henry Vollmer, Democratic candidate for congressman to succeed the late I. S. Pepper, today was elected by about J,600 plurality. Harry E. Hull. Re publican candidate, ran second and C. P. Hanley, Progressive, third. The Progressive vote was about one third of the Republican figures. Death of Miss Mary Denny. The remains of Miss Mary Denny were brought to Burlington Wednes. day morning for burial. She died at her home at Raieigh. Rev. A. B. Kendall, of this place, had charge of fhe buriel. She was related to a num ber of friends in this town and coun ty, being the sister of Mrs. Ernest Murray. Death of Levi Jeffreys. Levi Jeffreys, a respectable colored man from near McCrays, died Wed nesday morning. He was about 75; years old and a good old darkey- He was one ox the leaders Ivi his church and neighborhood. He leaves an es tate valued at fifteen or twenty jtobua- iind dollars, all of which he accuma- iated by hard work a^d ecotirrmy. Quite diSTerer.t froBS the avfe-age man of his race hs was buried io a c^ket with a metallic case. Ont of Cabbage, Applu, Banannaa, and FiMaw, «t XteAaat*’ Supply Cm Aacther Hard-Luck Talr Meets With Cool Reception.' ' , Fayetteville, Feb. 12.—Today an other stranger “working” prvacher* was takeii into custody hei^ and wse given until 3 o’clock to leave town by Recorder Oates. The man who designated himself as John E. Roe, went with a hard- luck tale to Rev. W. B. Royail, pas tor of Hay Street Methodist Chureh. The minister phoned to the police. Roe could not furoish isatisfactory ac count of himself before the recorder and was given privilege of extending bis travels. It wa.s learned today that E. C. Hili, who was taken here Tuesday whiU working the same game and is want ed in Soath Boston, Va., for forgery, is saiil to have “touched” B. F. Huske of Christ Church, Kcwbcm. for $14 in that city a few days ago. Child Taken in Auto. Orlando, Fla., Feb. 12.—Aulhoriiies late today began search for an au tomobile party which shortly before noon took Catherine McCallie, five years old, from the home of her aunt here. Two men and a he.ivily veiled woman ' -'o in the party, according to iii!Hr- o were playing with Cath erine ' she was forcibly taken in to ^r- The woman is said to ' id ihe child she was her moth s’. C-therins McCallie is the daughter of Edward McCallie, of Chattanooga, and was here for a visit. Her par ents were divorced several years ago. Mr. McCallie being awerded the cus tody of Ifee child. Held on /ssault Charge. S^ha-i’, Feb. 12.—Charged with an assault upon a young v^ite wo man, Bz7ee Butner, aged aboitt 16 yeari,- was locked up in Salisbury Wednesday night in default of a bonu of ^50.. The young woman charged that Bptner assaulted kae on one of the streets in SaliKbfST-'R>d the mag istrate who heard the :caaBpJaint bo- iiero'd her story and seut'4ihR young man to jail to await, trial in Sowaa 1up«rior Court. , POOR PRINT