famr JUST RBCilVBD A SUPPLY OF V* ' ' " I bardia seeos IN BULK ftnd PACKAGES. FREEMAN DRUG COMPANY Pkoae 20, BorluigtoB, N. C. ET«7tUiM[ Pravptly DeKvcred REXALL STORE I libGAL AOT) PERS01SrAL | Mr. S. A. Thomjr, wlu> spent Simday St TeUiroed moo^y.' t«A;C«xm b«8t results, mo, Grains and Aifalfa, try It. Mr. Jackson Price, ^o has been detained to his room for four or five weeks is much imjiroved. Mr. W. W. Wiiaon, Deputy Grand Chancellor of the Pythians, pud our town a visit Monday. Mr. J. B. Farrall has recently ad ded much to thel ooks ot his tailor ing office by lepaperiiig. Burke & WllUaaiE are putting the ^ntsfaing touch on their new under taking estzUilishittent, they are hav ing the front neatly finished. The surveyors for the newly-pro posed raili^md, who have been camp ing near Jones’ store just east of Swepsonvilie, have moved to a point nine miles west of Chapel Hill. Miss Ethel Coble, of Route 1, was carried to St. I-eo’s Hospital, Greens- bcro Saturday to be examined with %icw t.o operation. She was operated cn about three months ago. Clyde E. Younger, who has been workinj^ here for the Postal Telegraph Co., for about two years, as messeng- !er boy, \\ill leave the 27th for Thom- aivjiJe, where he will take up duties as messefiger boy for the abovp. com- |pany. Clyde is a. good, smart, ener- Mr. E. A. Coble spent Sunday, the | ^etic boy and will make gooii. guest of his brother Mr. W. W. Cobie j ________ who lives on Route 10. It was decid-1 This is for the old. Be earelu! how ed to carry Mr. W. W. Coble to St., yt u trust your property and money. Mr. U h. Patterson spent Sunday Gwnsbopo, tb* guest friends. Mr. Ed. Boland, who b$d b«en in ior d»j* improved, A frerii supply of' Corno, and nso- lames feed at Merchants Supply Co. Mr, O. F. Crowson has recently been elected Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce to succeed Mr. J. W, Cates. Mr. Floyd Lasley, of Washington, once a citiaen of this town, spent Sun day here, the guest of friends. Mr. 1> W. Curl, pt near Saxapa- haw, has recently purchased the W. .■i. Glenn farm near Saxapahaw. Mr. and Mrs. George Florence, of High PoSat, spent part of the past week in town the guest of relatives «od fmnds. The lend sale palled oS by Mr. S. G. Morgan and others at Mebane, Sat urday was a success. The property was sold for more than ten thousand floUars. Miss Ella jjobertson went to Rich mond, Va., last Saturday to spend the week end with her brother, John A. Kobertson. She will return to the city to-morrow morning. Mr. Solomon Homewood, who iive.s near town, has recently lost two horses and has three others .>ick as a result of feedinp forage which was poisoned. Faww uw the ^aces F«mr Toond tlw taU* Grow the c^ldren’s faces- Quuiges, changes, chanfft.f, life and death are bringini;; Sore my soul mi:>!;iy;s ms. Fears my he.ut are wringing. Otherwise I fancied As I hushed tht»r wiping: Otherwise 1 fancied As I watched thein sleeping. Small we kept them hea.” us. Thou and I together; Hard the ta.sk without thee. Lonely the enteavor. Round the board so crowded WidCT grow the spaces, For thet able-setting Fewer are the places. -^Evangeline Matheny. From BUghted tife. Oh, thou false promi^, so fa^i 1 wonder how you dare. To robe yourself in golden imrth And wander on the earth. Vou sing your jiromiaes in the air To all the muden fair;. You lead them with a wicked smile, -A.nd charm them for a while,- Until you lead them to despair. And lead them to, oh, where? No qnestiaa it ew aettled ^bta it is «etUed right I-*t those who have failed take cour. age, inough the enemy seemed to have won, Though his rank be strong, if he be in the wrong. The battle is not yet done. For sure as the morning follows The darkest hour of right No question is ever settled TJriti! it is settled right. O man bowed down with labor, O woman yoiugr yet old; O heart oppressed in the toiler’s breast And crushed by the powers of gold. Keep on with your weary battle Against triumphant night;. No question is ever settled Until it is settled right. —Ella Wheeler Wilcb.i:. Lro’s Hospital for treatment with view to an operation. Mii. W. I. Montgomery and daugh ter, Miss Grscic, spent Seturdsy ai Or?ensboro with Mrs. Cameron With erspoon. Mr, Witherspoon is serious ly ill and is hardly expected to recov- w. Miss DeEtte Talley, of Bonlee. ar rived Monday and will accompany Erie Gross and Nellie Wynn north to study the spring styles. She wiit be with Joa. A, Isley & Bro Co., again this season. Mr, J. M. Workman, one of our congenial E. F. D. carriers, recently ixirrhased a turning plow. Being sur prised at the purchase, Mr. Workman was asked for an explanation which he gave by saying that the boys were going to do some light f«rming. Children prove ?.nemie;i sometimes, so beware: Oh, thou false proinises. so fair But Httls do you care * How many promises yoii niaso. How many hearts you break. False promi^s you greet the old. And charm the good old soul; You promise faithful to care for him; With promises you win nis money, his home, and all he owns, I hen send him to the County Home. With love to all, 1 will sign— HESSIE ALLREn. Ken'.criiville, N. C. This verse is for tho.% that try to le9i other boys astray. Many a boy was ruined in youth and never was rescued: You greet the youth upon the street. And promised him so meek, If he will drink with other boys, A better life he vrill enjoy. . With a mockery smile to him you point; A gay life at the Poker joint. You say to him to go f ake a hand— Don’t be afraid to be a man; Then when you lead this youth to shame, Off you go for other game. A Facial Postmark.; “li, that birthmark on that child’s luce’" ■‘No. That's where the cancellins; machine hit him whan he was travel- itig by parcel post.—Buffalo Express. ALAMANCE COUNTY OLDEST ANC Largest BANK- This promise has caused many a nice This promise has caused many a nice rpjin to uike his o\sti life. .A. nagging wife is the devil's agent. \ ou lean upon the bride ^roo;n’,s arm. With promises you .charm, Lntil you win his love ijnd And confidenre you ^in. Then it's dress and dress and gold. And treat him oh, su cold. With projnises his Jife you blast round him darkness cast; His fray younj? heart that once wa.*; glad, fidse promis^.s have made sad. Tlnis pi'onuse has wrecked manyt ni«ny a home and sent father to jail —yes, and to the grave; False promi^;es, you are black wsth sin, But parents* trust you win. Tliey are unaware of the heart you owii And in\Tite you to thwr home; They trust you with their daughters dear, Ajid riak her in your care, N fit? nrotwnd to them you want & wifi?. V-’ith a black lie, painted ^ith a small 1k>w you Jeave, \n haste Their d(»up:hter in disgrace. SHpping Away. They are slipping away—^thesc sweet, ewift years. Like a leaf on the current east; With never a hreak in t3ieir r^id libwi We ivatck- tbem as one. by one they go Into the beautiful past. As silent and swift as the weaver'.? thread, -Or an arioVs flying gleam; As soft asi the languorous breezes hid, That lift the willow's long golden lid, And ripple the glassy stream. As Jight as the breath of th? thistie down, As fond as a lover's dream; As pure as the flush in the sea>she]!’s tiiroat. As sweet as the wood-gird^s wooing note. So tender and ^eet they seem. One after another we see them pass i)own the dim-lighted stair; Wg hear the sound of their steady tread In the steps of the centuries long- since dead. As beautiful a?id as fffir. Ther? are o«l ya few years left—ah, let N^o envious taunts be heard; Make iife’s fair pattem of rar^^ de~ sign. And fill up the measure with !ove‘.i Jsweet wine But never an »ngry word! •i2SS55'flS^R5RHBH85S!5tti7?." LOST FORTY DOLLARS. “Pink Gr&ves, a colored man Siving in Gaswali County, lost a parse contaioiag forty doliara white in the city last week. He loat it between Daileys fertilizer houee and Main Street. He will pay & reward If ta thi* ^ce.” The above was taken from the Buriinjcton News last and is something that happens every day. Pink !^ad dejMjaited that $^.00 in this bank, he would not ^ve Iratitand be sides it would have been making him 4 per cent, interest MORAL. If you have any surplas mone>, do not do like Pink—earry it around in your pocket andtose it, but let ua take care of it for you. You can get it any time. This promise is vs.hat biasied n>y life forever and ever, so beware, lest you become the bride of despair: Y&u smile upon the handsome bride. A nd lead her by your s,def You promise love with the weddin;,' ring-— \ es, lots of other things. You clasp her to your deceitful breast, With lovii'!' words express Queen, my Bri.de, I priice above A!! other.“i, my sweet love,” And when you crush this brida t=o fair, Vou leave her in despair. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By inrtue of the power of sale con- tsii'.ed in a certain deed in trust exe- ci:ted to the Central Loan & Trust Co., on the 9th day of December, 1910, by Mary Kimbns, and du!y register ed in the office of the Ref^ster of Deeds for Alamance County in bock No. !>0, paj;« of Mortgage Deeds to secure the payment of three cen- tain bonds, defauSt having been made in the payment of said bond. The imder.si^ed trustee will expose to puhli- sale to the highest bidder for C)-.sh at the Court House door ot AIp.- iriincc Goanty on Saturday, March 28th, 1914, at 12 o'clock M., the fol lowing land conveyed by said deed in trust: Seffro Wan llj Years Old. Camden, N. J., Keb. 20,—^Theodore Harris, a ne^o, who was buried here j'esterday, was 111 years old, accord ing to war department records. He was bom on the east shore of M.irj'- i;ind and fougrht in the civil war. UNITED STATES GOVERf^MFNT DEPOSITORY Work. Let me but find it in my heart to say, I In fieSd, or forest, at the desk or loom, and 25 links to » stone, thence Noi-th A certain lot of land in Burlington Tm»-nship, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Wil liam Boo.^^?, John Morton and other.s, r.r.d bounded as fnllows: BeginEinfr at a rook in the road, corner with John Morton and William toone, thencc Souih 1(it4 W. 2 chains and is links to a stake corner with B. tcxr Day, thence S. 85 W. 4 chains roaring raerket-pjace or; {raniruil room; I.et, me but it in. my heaft to I say, ■ When beekoB^^ as tray, “This: is my work—my blosMng, not my doom; Of al! who Uver I am the only one by vrhom This work can best be done, in the Tight way.' Then shall I see it not too gpfeat nor small To suit my spirit and to prove my povwrsj Hien shall I cheerfoJ greet the iabor- iiig hours, Ande heeiful torn, when the long shadows fall At eventide, to play and !.■>•« .ind rest, £t\'si2ss I k:j"v> me m/ work is best. H:. 2 chains and 25 links to a rock comer with William Boone, thence Kort& SS^£, 4 chains and 75 iinks to iKe containing one acre, more or less; upon^ which is situate a three room' frame" dwelling in good repair. This the 17th day of February, ISK. CENTRAL LOAN A TRUST CO, Trustee. mm W DID YOU FAIL TO JOIN? The Ready money Club during January? If yoj did, why not join our FeJjruary Club? A new club o^ns each month and wb will be pleased to halve joa come in this one. Remember the weekly payments remain the same during You can join the 25c ;!ub the 50c teke as manv as you like. the entire fifty weeks, iub or the $ 1.00 club and First National Burlington North Caroiina v:: , united states govern.ment depositor Green & McClure GRAHAM, N. C. Phone 251-L We are Just in receipt of a Nice Display of New Farnkare, which we will take plea sure in showing any one who is interested. We carry at ail times as extensively large stock from which to make your selectioa. IS suffi* Purchase from us and if the cient we will deliver the goods. We buy in Large Quantities asd are able to make you a close price. Come and let us show you. Green & McCiure. GRAHAM, N. C. UP-10 DATE SHOP My entire shop is fitted with New Machinery. Nothing blit the BEST WORK is my motto. Mending and RepairiRg.shoes is my business. service and High Cass work is what I promise ^ou. RespectfulJy, -Heary Vanl/yko. Settled Bight. However the battle is ended ??iouga proudJy tiie victor With flntteiiiig and prancing nags And echoing roH of drums, SStiU Tnttfc pixKlsiiiui this motto fit mten af livlag Sight— Farm f«r abSe; 206 acre farm 3 mileB east of Sasapah&w, N. C., iO miles of Mtibeae, 10-room log house. Wai ent 6fi0,0fi0 feet of oait, jiopuu and piso hml>sr. For qtiicii sue, $2,000. W. .W. Brown, Borlington, N. C. For Sal®—6-room coitoge on Wash ington Street, city water and ejettric light«, Ca«h or easy terms. W. W. Brown, Burlington, N. C. 170 acre larrr, fo: sale, 2 ".lie? west of Uebane, N. C.. 3-4 red ooil. balance gray, 6-room residc.xe, Pri'-.' $a,500. Cash or easy terras. V/. W. Brown, Burlington, N. C. Brick building 60x100 feet on Tuck er strMt for :s«nt, . This building was CORNEY WHITSELL Burlesoit May Resign. Washingtf-n, D. C., Feb. 18.- I.;is8 Mamie Pickard, of Elon Col lege, was the /piest of Misa Ola Evans ' Washingtr-n, D. C., Feb. 18.—Post- Sunday. I n-.aster General Burleson t«day loft : for Texas to look over the political Mis.s Mabel King spent Saturday | field. He has. been offered the gov- * I mill or mncbtne sibop. W. Burlington, M. G. W. Brown, mn him for tig United States Sen- :te i.s nnder way. POOR PRINT

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