I REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DJSVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AJIERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BU8LINGI0N, ALAMANCE COUNTY, KORIJi CARCLINA, APRIL 2!, 1S14. House of Representativ£s in Session Mondav Vo'ed. for the President to Use All Necessary Force to Get Redress Frorn Hiie ta , U. s. HAS NO HOSTILE INIENTI Joint Session President Wilson Lays Bel ore The Necessity of 'Upholding Am eric n Honor At Any 0>st" ' Battleships Rushing Te Sc ne jc-ucd 10 .'lOiViO cr.tj'nL cho c>:»;ilsriierit f h:,i: sp70-;a l.hrou:i'h W-isMnLfion. Uri bv-t'lhe wa?-, hcM up on i Vi3Ct!oii to recor.slJei' by Ssriator ;c:t, 'i hijK-r; ii! chr.rgG cf the mc-as- .(?o hojie-J X..I It- tomoiTow' for ZOVif* I The Battle-hips,' FuUy Equipped, are StcamiRg Toward Tampico With Regulars and State Miuaa in Btad- iness to Entrsn and Witli Practical Assurance Fronv Congress af Sup port- in Policy of Adrn'n'strati®" “• Force Ktdrisss From Ht!eita, Af- [. fairs in Sfexieo Crisis—Plans Pre pared at MfCting i« fthitc House- lor Landing of American Bluejack- tts for Sii*a.e ot Mexican Cus- lonis Houses, April -0.—hi forty- height hours, jpossjbly’lese, th« United SteWs OovoiTjment - wUl' bave taiten jpo^essior. eif the Mexican Customs Houses at Tiiropico anj Vera Cruz. Iictailed plans lor Umditig of ina- riiicB ut tWuse two iiViportant coast towns v.’4Y« complete'* conference at the White Houso betwan Prer.i- Wiliion, Secrefarioii Bryaii", Gar- n'son and Msniei.!. Major General Wood, and ISoav Admirdis Viske ar.d Blue, and Jolin 1-iiid. “No ordors to the avniy and navy ■wili bo issued tonight," wa» the ail ment made after the cor.fcr- Ktion temporarily baisig defer- untii Citngress nets on the joint resohilion approving the President’s purpose of using the armed, forces of tho bnited States to enforce its dc- mivndK against Genera! Huerta, p’ow- ing out cf the arrest at Tampico of, ’ Ainei'icaln bluejacket:». The renoSution. passed _t5ie Houie by a vote of oi57 To £7 after i\ spirited debatq. Fcr’severaj hours it was considered by the Senate Foreign Kel^tioiis Commriteo with pvospent of sn ail nsKh!- session of the Senate, or -ft recess ur.ts! early tonion'OVf. The House adjourned until 10 o'clock toinonow a!^a I»resideKt Wilson, worn out, riitire.i ufter hearip.g ihat the h«a Haupted the resoimimi. ^ i\!r;ioi3s «'!;-■ wci'O ill Louuh with the Fresidci’-t said ths^ steps which wouia lie l-'.v the Uiiitad Stales “sliort I'f w;jra of :i r.alui’C which wouVi T:0-t reqiiis-e Covnv.tl notificatior. to Uio powera if t-'e !;r->ne Ss>;;?,c;- r*s a deda- s-i.Hon cf ulMkade cr^ other prciiini- liSi'ie;! to vvJv. T'oreisfi'. governments will be l:ipt i»ifovEiPt3 of dCTelop- inents however. o?. sumtsssEi'i K.VCITIiHKKT. ' ' ^ifshi::8lo,i, Ai'ril •iO.—ln an at- n'.c;'!)l;pre. of snpprosscd excitenont TOfla;;t:r;g-r;r;-.ve tension an pikiti'iolic fon'or, tr.s Prssider.t siVod Co’-'S're.-^s - in rcr-ioe lj;;sr for apj^i'-.'-.Vi-.l cf iiis pu'.'ss^i'') t’s’* array a'.M navy toj ‘ fci'-'^^iaev’!! II;>srtJt to wuU-iAzs for; i:idig"itio3 o?Tevo^i to the j l^jv3xmi-at. I -■ ■ -- ■ ! CB-kvtsT t'K'.e?a sixci: span'ij:ii| ' ’vV\n. ' I : wns tk' nr-f time s;;i;'e iii? w- r- t'uiVt’ia Prc. iilo-.it hnd' ■ ■='o, sn s.b ■ b-nf'^TO -!li». Lcru5!:'-r’.!V.'. M •. ■ = in- sclorin to ' Vvi'-cn So e’ tevil f.'ho clistn';- ■•.■ i.lio ;'.vplau_> tkat httn e-.‘iiV.r.4:;'Siii'—im UiT^v t'.f !iia^ * thfit h;'S pre-' vt'.i'i’il i '.the Natiymil Gapical for t.ho' Ir-;it ?A 'hours. As he read his m-sss- ;»».? thi sjPiilauB* c&im from the pem'?.rati'-. side, ms.n^ Kcpiibli- ciins remaining coi'.spicuoubty si!ent. It- pres.=^ii^ftd an oppi'Ciitiou to tbs Presider'.t's i-Gquost whi.vh v;as ret Ions in niakir.g: 'its appearunco. OPPOSITION TO PEESiOENT, Spcc'.:hss in thft Haas'i and cppo- iiition in the Senate Gom.niittee on Forci^i Relations sjiowed that the prospect of passing immediately th? jaint resolution Jsjeroving ihe Presi de:.*>. course bj- no means r/j bviiyj'.t as it bad seemed and dcbat-r was expected to run fur into tlie iiiffht and possibly coulirjue tomor row. ^ Fresidenfc^'VVitson 2iad p*ii/ited out tlist under prcVsdents he did oot t’eed the authority of Congress to act, but Uitrcly sought their counsa'l advice A:;d appyoval “in a iruittor po?sioly ff so f^rave conscr|Utince.’* CAUTIONED TO UK ALCRT. While Con^ies.^ deliberated and Majority Loader Undcrvi'ood uv;^ j.roJ.ipl action so th;;C if American fortes were fired on Oxcy would 1,e fre? VO act, ihc e::ocuLive branch of the Ciovernment issue(! orders to the ;i2'iny «iid ji;wy with i'ysteinatie re;r- idrriiy. The army was cu»;*ioned to Ijv? on ihe alert and active prcpar.j- lions to ur-e the snilitia ay volunluor forces in vase of furff’.er rmergency were beguii. WARSHIPS TO CONCENTUATE ON JAM PICO. The warfhips of the D^vy were or dered to concejitrate on T:\mpico aed Vora* Cr«z as their first objective. t'iau« WL-ve niacic to seise \he?:e poi'I.s. ,\mjti^ian Mc''chant ve.sstl-? Vere cr- dered out of ?tfexican harbors- arid thave \s-a:'. a long bessbn of the joint l.oiwd of the nmy and navy^ par- ti'.'ipated in by Admiral Dewey, M:jjor (!e:ot>nd Wood and IMajor Genend \Viihor:;poon after '\rhich.it v.*as an- ■ nc*u;.rod that the army a;'d navy wore prepared for lastrait acMoa. COKFri>£KCE AT vVIilTK JIOUSK. To;;i;^ht the Pi-ssidoiu ctfiifeneu r.l Jio v\ ait;3 House wlJh tUe Sc-rcl-iu'iei: cf State, War ar.d Navy about thi^ -iucec*:-iive =;tcps to be taken to fowc rerciri'.tior. from liueria. I\l5:tjcir- UtsDOi’al *^ood, Rcjii- Admiral Yietor 13tue, Koar Aditiir;^ Fis:>.e at.d 'Joh:! the Presi.leivi';' per.^or;:d rep'rc- ,‘^.‘^iw''.iive in Me.xie.->, were i*v.-. Lhe eoaferer.ce. Attir:FJCAN3 UUCF-D TO WITH- DPvAW. An:en:*n'.’3 ar-** hoin^ arg'cd to V* it hdr;^ w fro m •' k>: ico: rricrcl uir.*: ore beirjr chnriored to io\:2 .hnii ai.'i'.y; and wbiio t.'-jo Pre^ide*^; ^..-j>riK‘auv“ liu; *‘v.’ar \vhi:’ji the Katio>;al Caplf:il I.-, hli'h do rot tb;r; ih-::t oh\\^o':Mv !v,':v5r f'-r r'.'.'V f-.'.; •.(•jal'.ty. n:\l V-'r t\'t- Wjil- i..\] X^^yy K;i!; % ’.•-r ;-r.i \:o;.x cn fbr.y licv;-.-:-, V'. .■'•■yv-''■'» ’ v. by i’;-. rf * s r ' '■r.'J ir^ n (f'.'i: the i.r:>i.’'. no war r:NTi}L’si- /is?. ' Th',i Prsrddt-a^ in i' to Cvi're.^poiideali, iaid Izii h?vd ro c.-.thiuij’.'.Hi f«.r -Jin-. hopct) to avoid it, but that he v>'afv iul.ii'-f,* forceful no’.v to jsIom i^'dijiTiitjea -vvhich mip.ht lead to arni- c*J corfli:.!. He drevv a disti.ncJion be- i-.veeu the sh^c^ia faetiosi ;iad the ivreat body of Hfexltjin people uho had iei'i;i=;ed lo recet^nli'j Ger.o"rd Kuerta T.3 th'.'ii’ v'vesnier.t. The ri«.=5ident, in depn-vatino: the v.^''.r spirit tb.at hatl i-riscji, Raid: *‘In r.o 'orifvd/abi.; cirjura^tances v'lU *\ve fi'^ht the people cf Mevico.” “.sberl oi war” are idan- i'ti'd by tho Prcsider-t HUcb,.?.n the Keiz- U!V;i of f;u^;r'jn:s hcusn?, tn:i occupe- '^’cn of (.or.?.t towp.;i. tho vjtiinjr of v.jt.rsinps at;d a b?o::!'a(l? ei MexiLo':'! I ommc?rcf? wUh ih * Unilc-'l Stales, Cons!der;tl:ea Li' ihe joii:t rOoOlu- -i-j.': Iv,'; r:.ri-y ?.\ir,:(Vs- Prosici'-iiil^s pur- t.f e.'.i’cr'J. V -i.he d'j’aar:d on ii'j.ci'tii i r: /;-,e iittenc:jr. of li-j nv i .convaa't-ao3 ia . r*£ fciv.: •;’■ ;:T:drf;,’and thv Id?: ■ .::S i!G0r -opc i'iiul tD ihe .;eld cp' y.\ ^:-.o ir:e t;-te eom’aiiilcG to itie a:-! >,; ,-j! the other horiy. yjr\ v.ior-i' ir.-.iry dif- lereat linei. vv-anted to jvivo Jiiti Presidert.-: ;-,.;ikjr;ty to ue:v! vlth .>a vvhoi-5 proldoin, others Jbjeeted to r>!'dviuiializh?g llueila h’. -ho re'soiution. oi.hi.ns ri:ca:'^hi .us U'2 ci ^^.v v.’i.'.d r- L'ofereace to Live Pvccidoiit’s eou\ie n^ip'ht anaxTti .?:;i ex'pifiS- ic»a cf ap) ci' oil.cr piiaacs uf the .^^lexican qae?>u./;. PL’EriiiMp-vi’ roi^ ppjc^^ii.'n:N'i'>; .rosmozs\ "\VliC‘ i the Pre-hkr.t lai.l th:> situ- ;iUoi' nefon' U-ii Cabinet in a tv>o- nour i-j.-.Uon, C:a:u.^\?)!er Lui^dr.f:, cl ihtt S^ale Deparli.'-e.'t. i.a' \t ihe ta'->iv: celli.'is ifi detai! of the precedent i»p' vdij-'h the ailadeiotratiopAs a'.-'tioa r,-i|i 3:o_ U h>(ppc:v'! i.i v/hen the cajjiain of un Aa/u;ii!n,i war vosjvi Wix:, tirdtired l;y Pr;si:jt.r2)l- rici-oo io Bluedeiu, Nicara.^ua, t ^^v- cLiro rcparatiou for ijv?\dts 'lo Iho. .\inericaa miiu.^ter. The {jw-a wj.> !udd Ijy rebels who hud not heon re- cofj'iiked by ‘the United )t was boinbiuiled by thi* Aiaerii*a!i .-hip l};z’oe tinu.’j ^liid iiii.'-ll:/ the Ai:i,?nfui r.fik’cr weat nshor.? »ii.-’ incii aiai Jjuraed the towa. ISTo live:i v/ero rdf. VViitioa re:iiiv.i.-: {hat ;;ny nf.’ii»;', wiiieh the tavo be consi-rueil by llucita a.^ :i railiinry operalioa .•?uriH*ieer io pro voie but in eveTyi.h);j,i; lo- il;.y, lie v‘iapha‘5!2ed that it was not .lio cf it paucrfa.j’*juilj:a u? the IJr'.itcd .Stated, to dcclaro o-a n ueii?;hbcr, especially in a ^r.inli roy-vioa of ihe oouiitry, :ure:uiy VL'-ri2 bv vtvU iHriiO. Ui'nrodiATiox Cl' Giu^[-:a i’vi^rosK. Tho rio.'iac:.t':i ine.ssajre iiiuieatt',! ■-•loariy iJuit ,‘i'ould v.'ar re.'-i'i. t'\e 0: b-od ?^aleii vi’ould r.^»t . .-alwl i:r- te';lilorlai -ii.u f::it iU- a':y |;uL’po.:c ’c\\-su';d bo the v.i'C^rauo!. la Tuexleo of lav.’ ard erd:-v. 'ihe delivery or ihe n:v‘. ;:a‘.re v.-.v • ?e iiH-iii-.v.i cf v.i.'ti abv^C'^l.iiiy: i:> of iho d::y. Cre.-.t, ei-av.J.--: .■\\rLrJ:i?cl ih-:* fr-ji;.li;-- iluiu^e fhra.'s'b^r. la f:.^v;ri.h v/biccd f.'r hr.;*...-- {?> I.o '• the uv.'.-:.: '-^'-e roa:b '“ho Piv- bi.-at v. . r'ld j'jr.iKd i \o r.:e iLM.u-rc:r. .':rdv ;.-r cl-.;:.' ..\u2j ho vra:i ; CONFilRI^K:-:; A'i' WIiiTi: HOUSi':. A^:ti’-^ ria.li-iniiu ^‘h:ve!y i:nJ So?! r.tor Swanscn, cf th-? Seriate c'vtix- rniitea on y'C':\-l^n Ke’alior.i; Vr'Oi?t to the While Ur.u..;- at (i oV.iocV for a coi^forence aboi’t the text of Um v^i;- ob.itioji whil-j ti^e lioiir^o dcbatoj i:. .^i,';;ator yhiv.vy did not tiling t^ie ficn- aie Avould an u-vii tomorrovv. Mueii as thi.' Avlaritie FicL't v/i!l roac!) i'svaipi^ \Vi;Li.no. ;l:iy fuvonooi:, ini. A-‘ndn.ii',lra‘-i^'n warded the ret:D-utio:, v..-sed ii:at tomorrov*- i;d5:h. be /cCiipied ia completion of o)-der.t; to *.he mum i mm. CKOflCIi BEOISATO. Groat Baraca-Philathea Sixakcr Wiil 11'; cstj i ^rian CsiuVch liedicated St •Speak, at the Baptist Church ! day--L;!f;,e Clrowd Present to ' Wednesday Evening. & liiso. litar Or. \V. \V. .Moore. 8rlg'f tMm 0! Wotk.. : • .‘.i.;;: A, li'adi;::;, fcreat Ba- *^111 *spC'>d: *'t " :: IJaptiat Cburc-h' evo;> o’clo:-la :\Iv. luid^'cr*. ccaie:; e C4;”o.e:c, \--l-.'ere h-j ay. Hi - t.5 :/iir i.i' L',;der cly- \.!:v;o oi' C5ily • i r.-.e \?.r:-.3.!.s C’-''urc.lic!'-;, .are Ic . 1: ror.;o-. AI! :av;?^lbc;-3 of . hi ir:-! (-t a!{ tho !>i loVvTi : I'v' ^'iVeii i:r, iiivitat::';! to uo j:r3'^?;.i': i: ih;? uiii d-j. Lu-'h ISc.riiC::'. i-i tov.'a e;-:-- ; TO il;',Vir ;.l 1 Li'bcT H-l r. i‘j :ie::r t’r's s'peaaiiv ir- 11 '.re.'.t tar.t iioey :3ot eonie efloii ar;d V. .I .;t v Sa/fhiy .nL-hcoi v^cr!:- ; ! v.Ji cf r.h;‘ priv- ■ y ’Iudvo.!! is a .'rjer'iur of ■•••■.■’■.•'.'I vi‘;j a’:f] a;..'avj^ j.Ionso? • : • h' -rr-} ••. SPSifflffii NESS. n!v!:j5,";:.J3 'Vinr'irr. Ti.-r! hi ;; ■2 ■ nr.?T?;j f?a;i7 i*—.^.yl :: 1>.- Foal .•> by .-I Sah-r^'n’ (£"ies. ;h> in'' CM* ■'.ront ihi: I"' t:* vl I-.- 1'-^ f:r. .1 •evfl •.-• d^: '? t - .'. : '■r:.h Vi- : ib'i-A j: . 1 ; f ■('rTT'MrNn' AT.iacu tsn;-’;;;:-;. !s c v.-r.i'-i’.T>cr ; -a^' cr- 'V.v • ^ the bidlc'ias hi the fvor/- e-'' the re\v,«5pn.pi'T o^3:cerJ. ard sh‘€'/tc^ of r:ni-aai!o>i at th> W’hite Houje ar.ri Ktate, War a-nd Njiv? B;*ndia}3: indi* l: .-Me: ' r=. r ' : i'.'.i V- ; ■' v*;.' : rr.'y i.; Lh? a:“*.j: •-J'd jiTf.U-e li'l pr;.vi.^; ii; f^r llu; of the iriiiitin as . voVa:it''‘'r) ' i:rii.cr, mcl'h r'scy oC ihe Pre.>i- OicOEiKS rOn AaUR!::S^lVi^ ACTiON. ::ry viarri.son I’uit ko c-'*A.-r.'. Ir.ai ).-een' is':iucd to ihe uriay i';-r a ;;.-•v v.uve ra:iio:i, liui ihat hi:. Jvj trlir.cai ravooJy had tal.oi .steps i-riiJerl iii thu l.'i Uenei-jl if? c>.u;r;/c' oi‘ fUiii ; i a:.alts, hnd tele;.5r:ipiiO'J tho vaii-rci.'. Ter irforunuion aJsout 1.: i.) be UocJ ;ip vohuitocr fovrc.i i-; «.a:w‘:; of necessity aad arranj^o- Mioai-.s \v,'«c heiiiK ij^adi.* with nuavh- ;ii.: 'iwjaship liwes lo ^'barter s}u;)s il\K: . porls. WOOD TO C0?.3AlAAi>. 'v thrrrisuij uraiouacud t.liat ■>' tiie ;.rii:y were u«t3d in euforviaj-r il: oa lilU-i l,-;, rdajvV.- r- VvJu'se tfrai i; • rl’i>. r ^if :c.a' ho.> this \vt v3?.> u.aild to irxr..-’ i'ay to t? i.T ihc jiilu- ,.u. a. vi'.-rcral Wootl th;-t haoi;ld ny i r;.-quiiod 5. frn'o i iN-ivIJ i'oaeh thv‘ie * ’..'ori-r- -i bu'. ’'.vouuJ i-e ill I*.■;;;,r..;•:..{ of f :’.ra'-\. 'i!..' j.’. ibi' li'::':-'.- oat d.-.‘ I'.-.u.t that, wb:'!.-.' ilv' Ai.s-j-i- :i.r y ‘;.i-ol:ab!y %viuii«.] b!of!-, I'vl-. is-.) 1't i-.i coair.i-'iv-.'^ v.’iilt ;ha L'.i i*, would n-:.l i'-tvi Af: 'is', i-i- K^ ;i;h1 XV'Mii iV‘"r i v;i * (•: - ■ i r. rv'-.'.C j 1 J';; ‘f'*'. r.dji'ht ho‘«i "i .h.- -u rx.na'cs. - \m::t :: •;! ^-4tn*h V/:;.-- b;,:->vc‘ L-'.e Heii' a.vO at h'.te h-.‘>iir t"-:;!;/:--., r.'-asi iVi'-wa ‘■-V ,V'i:a rest->'i:iio: jri-^byl-r^*-: tl:.'* • ■• i- *h.^} a?’-;v’1 ‘ b'-'.': . S.'.ics i:i er:V‘. 1^,.;*; I."liic v.■ ; -jh-.-J. :^y Iho ! ■■ . :. b ■: ! . I t-'. e- ib;* d I. : \ ■ ' . :vo ; ■■■' . ■' ;■■■.■ .-j . I ' r S.. i?.-' : ; ■ a’' ’ * ■■ ■ ■ \ ! Cc . a' ,.; ; ■ , ’ ■ ‘ '■ ■ ’■''5 LI H' ■ .r- . '' ,i.' ’ ' ■ .1. ; 'u..d o;:;;.?' ’.1 1' i .. - ■■ >: ;h:' !;■■ ; i,, obja:-?’ to fi".'■ be ;?ra! liaeria a.-; ah b'i.a- '(Jj-.tiaucd cii Pago Five.) H'bi-sion-SaiLin Ilirh ^^chco; iv,il IV;i» :in^rto-.T >J‘'hoo] n’at n i'r.r-. ]■■- c; 1 tiiuia.Jivvl :il. Tlic* ri>.aiaont P;}! Satururi^ ivnd fo>j:j.'b.t cr.o '.^f -Cje Ib.i-"- ei;l b*ittlei i;i r'nsfd;;-!’!;.! .'Th yc'!. TiiC iVso'tcan:.; v,\‘rc al.;..';!t laaicli- aad ea'.-b piayc.l \vh!} a t5f>;i to out niaU'n tho oi':cr*. ’T-h'- .^h-des »f hir-\. c.-s drew the playei-i-i from ilio bold aflcr tv:oive of brat'«; '-.bh tv tu'sl k'.ov»j; i-f oiraht to cijvhi.. In the ii;-:-t inrdn, f.i‘ lhi» tho fbi^t Mj'jiorufiJ to b>' ore .sided with Wiiistoii the victor;':. 'Ihi.s dijo lo tt*a fact that tho' vj; - itor.-i had j;'c)ltei) on to Love^s b'^nd- er.-; ai '.l wo]o hi?n fnr and u'!t(o. in the fourth ioidne: “fiod" I'owler was jjbics^'d iu ihe brx, h\-- i:;::ti'hie-N tuirliv'r habi 11h» (•Moa>y at !i: ; ilijtinjc the rs'a;;’ii^d?r (-f .hv* At several Ua^e'? th(. a.b 'J \\!'.r b.y to,*j })Ut «''ii “Ko’! ' v.v..-' 0 ;U;\l !0 th;' vht h ho. Vvi\s holdir.y., bove. r. I' I’s'rbn s-:\ apTn'arO:i to b-;’ oa to .‘•c' V/i '. V'^rhv''^ iLi'.d iHd ;^orac -b;,' b'Oul i't yjx liines! up he '••i.t iwo d'^^ubb’'-'^, tw\t >i:''.r!a.> ar.d o;ie Hie fealaro': ef the f-.i- Win‘^'.•.'11 w:)^^ \]\o H.’ae:p:hafr •^aoer a-a: llciil'n'ii* of P.; ia t]’:' li b' fivkb tlio i:X''i.‘lieal \vr-:b . r r\ r’'k‘:::ajj th%' br>:. Tho. line'*:;) ; ' : :l;; f -!b V-: ; iml; .irf;’. a’.T r,:'.rrott. *2 b: P; •••‘r:, :■ ; ; i’ov,-*'.-r, :• b r:’d pi Martin, e; Ib..-:':- { ! ’■-'"a, r i: i.i'.::' ') b p; - , 1^1. ; y.i.y. l f; \>'P-oa r I. vVir.r;.';n-.'^ab'''ii': Saoer^ c; r;ea‘^, ■' h: rie -ry^ l* b: p: f^airT- .':-.r.\ V i; 1 b: Vv’‘oathvaaiier;, ] Hv'rloa. ? Idtirris', c f. P. r r-a-V.-.-'oa « J.0 V.": .. S 11 a - n.'tT,i>ur;i:\rtoi'.: T.ow, Pewb.'v Mart!:;. Wr’^l'V:: !'c:.-;;e’v.na aad ?pL‘.;-v. ' ri:-,-;- out by l.ove, 2, Pov.ior I' :-..ra.a :‘ t'!'. : :d’ ; -\i I.OVi: 1. V'.'-Vb'i' i 4. I'*'..’ Tit'e dcbicatc.ry rji-;'\a"e of'the Pves- . .‘:yLr-:ia-!) C-hiU-ch v/hieii y.;..5 liyld Sua.- -l^-.y ai.'ji-;aai>’’ m elcve.i o’iloc!. ton- Lt\':ied by :'a-. V-A-iter V.”. Moore, pvo:;- ' 1 Tbe Tbr-olccfaatl oembia^y, of ‘Xivh-aead, la't^i'-lrd by ib;e pr.iicr, ■ 'i-v. i;, V/ivia' het^UL’fiib iater-. • ‘ii'.d hr fi:-'’’; a r;.-’bdja:-; ire;-t to ii-'rMi aar-.-c-:;-; .i 'v'^;0 avvii’ed theai-. of ibo • ^:':aort\;.-H.y -.-f ;-.lto-id- •a;.'. T.h= ibea'C *.f Dr. ^IooI'o^p, di.=.- •-•V';.:? ‘bVi'iolbvr Kb-;> -Jhe ■.■..•? .jC''-’?,'’ T'v; r.iab.eaiai was held r-t ths v.-ili of the ci-iaer \.y ids £11- vrt rjeoah and e-'ar:’!'..-:!- lop.ic. The ' ri Hvr;'-*? ,^-T, Pr-.-z. Sj^tr ibr ,:-r r.:'-d u-b.b-d i.-ucli to the beauty .■:::} ;c:?a-;b.y .cf iry .-I'ri-.b'':*; Th^ bri-i j-'viv'h ci th-j church :• r-'d:“:(.U‘: woi'k dv?;y by ibv church v-r; a hy "b? aa-aori Ir, Ih'j yor.r lC-17 wb-i^-. lijo Ccn-ip- -\-.y y'iv-'y.-- w*;ro erectcd, tho V- ,\. Currk'. ra:,lor of the r>'.:r-h llrehr.:'). held re;:,'"a]ar ':r?;v.hiv.;.^ ‘:'w'rvb-cs hove for th':; em- of the cor^paiv*'- l-r;achir»|? nr^t ia ihv opoa Wood Shv'd, th»n in t‘:e .Mio-'jr ic H-?!b ihen ia. dirdn" roo«n of the Hfiti;! and tho;'. i-; tJi« Uaion Church. Pev. J.b VA 3.5L'^‘aac; lic:airi& i;c.stor of the (a';'bb.ani ch’uri.h in IS'.'O and ’•i'cjch»-l a Sund'.i.v nb'-bl.s Oi'.',*h •''ih at r-.inpfviiy At the .• .■■].’■':' »’■.'■•;• f.’P O-vii-'i-xe J’ro.vbyteJ'j% • 7i’, ; • ; r.. •) u pciiiit>n i ■ f !'b'.;rf-' b'/i’t-^'i; Ti'i^ pe- -'b.'a(*d »y noos'b.*, lac*: vd^’i .'•■ f-Ivc-v:;; it; o.-n.i-i'bi---; b- Vri-'Aytwy z ' bi:c /“rc'uad vh.il i: iv-a: {.0.; c’n^e ly T’a‘‘-io;;. }i-;\vrr, ;4j,r roved r.:,d tlu' •'.’hurch 1“., Pv7:\ Of :.}:o I’!"'* h.-Ji ;.i>r r.'i';n;/Ci r r.f ihi.' o;b-' r.j-c livb:;^ o:i]y «,• o. .?ohn VA rharpe, is a a'Oiaher of •ihir, cbui\'h f'l'.l.iy, Ja Siiri r.oy, \i'>v i.'f bia.' (-h:;r. ij 1 c-.’itiV' •taUor' ; c.ap-ly f“> 'blii thnivb, raid ia la'-'.-.r,:.’ r-i.','':ua.:r p.'i'tor. At the i love ff ?'^srj [ho nu-iab.-r.ddr) .'f liie i-hinliod '1:1 I Re\. (iv'nMliu; r.rill'.a' be . .a.;:.' t)f th.'s cJiinvii, whu’h wa^? b.t' ! jri'euy.ed wl'.h .\b\mauOO. Dur- ;. r hii> p.'.stviviao ?'.?piuate tvaaday si-!)Oo] \vr's orjr:a'd:'ed u:idcr Xhc- eoa- tr.^1 of ihci a:aj i!:.‘ i-f ilie Cliursb, i'ojiroir.di^it le the ■.u.ijtc cf the b;-vv;i w.s cd* tr. IUa*!ia;:-t ''■a' .bar.'’.-^ 1 , ('"..'lix' v.'.? ::ar ".CKL ibb. Si ccaro-lii-’i wbh ?prbii;\Vv.‘od ;\nd i't-^-.y Tree:-, -.-i.tnxda'r. I^un-.c t!;i,i friatiid pa^.Ma-ra-e ibo chur-.h i-ai!i- l ac wa-^ jjim’I: cf whl- b b-; a.'-vr \)^:(‘d for Saadr-y t--:-b-.v.'! W'-.iy— :a d v.r.::' dod'b'aLud ia .b.:-.,. \-y b.ev. VA P. C'l.apoJ.. -V: (I'.o iba;? cf jtr. k'^U’ie's i!>:-i, [acre v^'v-.v' ;.'.0 na-abauv. of .’.’’a ..hur.-b.. i". i.a> P. .-a-. bo;r arbl :\Ir. b-Vi' V.-.:; b" a; ;• x^-b.^v ^ f i.i> i, ;:b.- b,-,.v:a ■ 'C\ tbr,- ->vh l.A ; a: : ;a-'-. V.'.'.:-- i'..* f.'v-r; ’a''t -'i- T:ijab-;;. T;:c’‘: ir. rab;'.--> ; ■r^,-C‘a the rarl:.-..^;' ; ; : .: 'f'T-a-'aa Hj/. Aii.v .'•'a~a•j'.t. ia.t/ji' The p’Vv^tU a: i'biy. I' a Ar::.;' i.i -..y.)s the av.-a'b?'’' whi"' Ma- i.a b:‘,' . .•• h;'.*a- a^ , ,;• ;': •• . • v , •■-.l.a*. I' . vf-a^a.'. ' "b^- - -ab. ■■,’ ,y \ ' \b f -i hvb' ■ •' '• '' ’ r'- i • v-t- ' ' '. V.‘-.r ,... ^ ;•» .; I’-;,' •’ 1^::'. >sr?y • ■'! :‘.ai '•:a,'.!a ihe prer?r-:e of idi the L'-aaJ;.uiu ra PajTi> ITi.r'hb) \'a'a*b:b':as ■'..'la .e -h^.’.h 7 - - :;r. that f\ci yi-.'.y ■^id^ T)ot hirri?BK j:uod-aio?ro'.v nor ^ood-day. —Kbmdcdp^ a-aC

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