A PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO.THE UPBUILDING OP AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTEIES. ■gWjgH BURLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 24, 1914. OIMEMIIIKliT PMHUMS.; SCBOBl m CoM««Bcement Exercises City .Gr«d- I ed Schooto rf Burlington, April M-May 1, 19H. Progriim of County Conimenc«ment tu be Held at GraSum Saturday-^ Address by Clarence Poe. P, B. Fleming, Supt. | By Pnif, Boliertsoii. ’ Burlington High School Class of 1914 Commencement Exercises Friday 'evening, May the First. ;a . at eight o'clock. School AuditOTium Class Motto—“Omvaid. Class Co!ors -Red and White. AiJlass Klower—Rose. CLEAN UP DAY. Proclamation Issued by J, E. Moore, Mayor of Burlington for Clean- L'p Uay.s April 27-28. Head the Warning. to Oass Eoll—Ralph Manning Ho't, ■esident; Annie Gertrude Ellis, vice- president; Mary Francis Dameron, secretary, Mars^aret Emniu Johnston, treasurer; Annie Susan "Walker, Flora Willard Smith, Sadie Vatxderford, Blancise Catherine Thomas, Mary Lor- f r^ne Isley, Sadye Alberta Trollihg- &»^'Walter Pleasant Smith. iJ^April 26, 8:00 p. m.—Baccalaureat* feiermoi! delivered at the Methodist ^'Episcopal Church by Dr. S. B. Tur- intinc, president Greensboro Colleije ■or Women. CONTEST EVENING. ‘•Burl- Cliamber of PapeTfi on “Oral by contestants for the TuesdMV .After- April 27, S.-OO P. M. Contest No. I. Papers on —. . gt«r” read by contestants | ;e given by erc«. Contest No. ygierxe,” read ?nedal given hy !»ooTi Clab: Contest No. -5. Selections rend from the Bible, by contestantiS for f.ho $10 sivcn by the Rev. M. W, Buck. , Contest No. 4. Annual Debute. debatot^vrtiri^ awjtf3e'I thfe' iohn Benners Gibble Medal, j sriiia- ^nently established in the liur!ir.p:ton Hig-h School by the Rev* Mr. CAhhXQ in i914. APRIL 28. 8:00 P* M, JtfwsicaU in charge of Music Teach er, Miss Benbow. I What promises to be a great day lin the educational progress of our j c6imty> is the County CoJRiHehceJnent I which will be held in Graham on next (Saturday. This fmal exhibtiirv^-), awd (jionsuniraation of the years worit has been in the plans of the year from the beginning. And so teacher and stu^ dent, patron and friend of the cause all have been working? toward and lookinp: to the County Ccrhmencement Hence large crowds are expected from the dilferent communities of the county. E%*ery mode of conveyance will be brought into service—the wagon, the buggy,, the carriage, the automobile, the float, . the freight truck. Several people will come from out the county. Some of the neisrh- borin^' county superintendents have reported that they will come. Some member.s of the Depanment cf Agri culture will be present. Several form er citizens^ of the county wiU make it a ?euj4on for home coming-. A larg^e rest -room i» being fitted up iiear the court house for the ladies v/ho attend, j The ifeneral program which folJovvs I suggests in outline whut tho day holds I in store: i 10::^0—The Graded Schco! bell ■will jrini? for five minutes and all students on the school ground.'^ Com i men- respective namters. i 10:40—-Grand parade of I denis, arommitteemen und teacherK, led by the Oi'Gidii Bani.1. 11:00— Literary Address )»y y]Rr- pt-:'e Poe. Ksq., T'Jditor cf Th»* {*ro- gre;'>ive PuimeTc lli:OOPreyey'.tution 'erti!ic-ates of Graduation. —'Dinnt;-.r. ,. .^-1 —Cc4}t3st-fi - ih-» ’Rsc-i tv Decliimatiou by sri-aduate?:. ■”;00—Fiehi Dny Exorciso.s on the scho^l !o:round:« by the Graham School and tho three State High Schools. '■j:00—Exhibition of FIohIs ;it House S(3»ar». The cxhibiiion of Schoo! Products will be shown throupph the day. United States Troops Vera Cruz to Reinforce Embargo On Arms Restored I h-ive named next Monday and Tuesday, A^ril 27 and ^8 as Clean- Up Days for the City of Burlington. A!! citizcno arc requested to place I their pans a;Mj trash of all kinds on the curbinjr of the street in front of thr-ji- homfs and the town \vas;:oi!3 will be iised in rtjmovins such cans, trysh, etc., from the streets. 1 s!u'.j1 depend upon all our citi- .^.ens to resporid in o;jr efforts to clean up Burlington. P.eniember the Days, and especially Uemember Whai You .^re E.xpectea to Du.^ This the 2Utdny of April, 1914. J. E. MOORE, Mayor. APSfL. 29, 8:00 P. Senior Reception. M. APRIL 30, S:00 P. M. Class Night. MAY 1, 8:00 P. M- Graduating EKercises at\d Literary Address by J. Moore McConnell, Pro fessor of History in Davidson Ci[- leRe. Six .scholarships have been sc oured from coUescs and universitio.'! for worthy members of the Senior Clan.s, desiring same. Double Header, Sylvan and Burling ton. The pi,ople of Burlington, .Alamance County and visitor will hav^ the p!e:is- j3ce OTtnessing a double header at the 4-icdmont. Park Saturday between SyKon High School and Burlinfftor Hijh School. The niori.ing game wil; be played at 10;o0 and the eveninjr gaiae at 3:30 by the same teams. Oak Ridge was scheduled at the Park for Saturday eve.ning, but the Jtamn was cancelled, thus both gamer wilt be played by the local boys and Sylvan. This is the day the County Com- mencement will be held and a large ettondance is expected; Love wi” \)iteh the morning game and Fowler the .second Bsme of the day. Jact- will umpire. Tha Burling ton line np will be: Norman Garrett Sam Bason, George Fowler, Walker Love, Cerl Martin, Edgar Henderson Butler Loy, SiJus Wilson and Van Winningham. ^ « « • 0 * COMPANY I READY- * ^ The Comraandiner OlRScer of Go. * *■ 3rd. “Hoit Guards,“ au- * * thorijses the stAtemdnt that he * » iiis compftiiy are ready aad * * wiJUssg to go to Mexico in thtt " that their services are need- ^ ■ ^ ed by U. S. GoTeruoent In * * fovdTig it« issniea Cemnd * Hoertft and Mexico. Delightful Socioi Event. 0):o of the most enjoyable'socials of (he season was lh« Rook Party f^iven hy Mrs. E, L. Morgan Thursday ovGDinK, April 2‘.ird, in hontir of p:5jl of the lady school teacher.s who are soon to leave the city. Progress ive Kook wus played by uU present with greatest pleasure and delight. Refreshment?; were served consisting of creiim, cuke, hot chocolate and mints. Mrs. iO. L. Morj?an proved her.'^elf a most admirable hostess and •intil il o’clc :k her beautiful lioine on We ^ Davis Street was tho scene of iveliest n^crriment and social delight Those present: Ulisses Taylor, Car- •ie llornadiiy, Hyrd Dailey EUznbeth Hancock, Lola Lasley and Ada Bell hiley,- I'r. C. A. Anderson, Clyde Horna !ny. Dr. Spoon. K. R. W. Damo’on. rio(?er (hint and Paul Morgan. Mrs. A. L. Davis came a little late 'id added very materially to‘the so ial pleasure of the latter part of the vening. Each of the guests cxpre.'^sed ^reat delight with the snccesji of the rtertainment and the event was pro ;ounced by all as being one of the enjoyable social events ever \v\t lessed in Burlington. The more enthusiastic adhfcrents of R. are still expecting that he wi! top by, on his way home, and spank he {Mexican situation into shope. jrci*;i8boro News. AU the ■wars of coTisejuence waged .y the United States have started in VptiL Many people would discern an >special appropriateness in & war ;tarfcing on the first day of this nonth.—Greensboro News. Governor Colquitt, in view of the levelo^ments of the days, is loultless weariRg the smile that wont ome off.—N^ws *nd Observer. The word» of* the Frdsideat, "tlie ourse I imrpose io ptttsaeT^’i^eve jonsrreas any on^^a teacfi iif ^^eat in matter. * '‘^■>->GrdaQabo»> .News. ADDRESS OF !^. i HUDS6N. An Inlcreii.ting Address Heard by an Apj^recjafive Audiencv Wednesday Night ai Baptist Church. GOVERNUR CRAIG MAY BE ASKED WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT FOR SERVICES OF I Kuurs IN MEXICO CRISIS Founder of Work. Iro gJeat Hai-iica and Phih-ith.-^'i -rr held WeJnesday night id tre I:5aptivt Churi'h at vfii-.-h iitnc th -* A. B'ad.-or:, founii- ^r- of tho ijni':ic:3-I\Si!aj;liea «)rganixa- ‘ion V;-iij'. the chief speaker of tho evevsing. Mr, Huclr.0n .i3 a man'whoFt' s5nf^hair Is becoming siJvfiry from the passing years. In liis ijddft';^s Wed nesday /iii?ht he gave the history of !.he first Baraca Chjtss \vhlh he or ganized at Syracu.'^e, N- V., twenty- four years ago. At lhat time he wha an ordinary business man being the proprietor of three departnicnt stores. Having ol>;-^erved the large r>iimber of r*ien and boys who attended ehu?v;h and never took any part in the worship the idea struck Mr. Hudson that there wws something for thesii sdlers to be doinf7, thus the organi/atinp. of the first Baraca Class was formed. Mr. Hud^'Ou gave his experience hov; jif ter becoming a tDhristiiin he decided to will one soul for Christ later making the number ter, and then one hun- dreii and now he is endeavoring to make the numher one imlfion. iMr. ilu«(son w.'i.s cn route t-’> Durham iwVtcMc' lie will be pro.'^ent at the State ir.j* of the Karaevs and PhilatWas 'vhifh will be in session at that phioe Sunday. According to the in.structions quite u iiJimber of the Rarara «nd Phiia- thea Classc.^ of the towr; went •grou pes. TK'o services were opeiK'd with a followed with a ]n':jyer by Kev. Tuttle, the speaker wn.^ introduced •'V i'ev. Kendail. Tho rneeting w^as under the management of the City Union of whicl> Mr. M. A. Coble ni esident. A quartette was rendered by .^^essr2, Amick and Amick» Boland ar.d Robertson. The entire evening was largely enjoyed by a well filled jiiuvch of Baracas and Phihithea'J and a few visitin^g friends. Washingtor.. April 23.—Within thc‘ ne.'Ct 24 hours it is believed orders will be sent to Governor Craig asking for the services of tho State Militia in the Mexican crisis. Iv. fact it is slfiled upon high nulhai-ity that orders have r.lrc-ady been .signed calling upon the Gov-enior.f for Ihe aid of th?^ militia of their states and thiy may be flush ed to the j^over.nor.s before morniiio-. Hundreds of letters have been re- ■eived hero from patrktic North Car- >!itiians asking that they be aIlowel to enlist to help out ii- Mexio. All of Me.se I’equests hyve been tinted over :o the War Department ;i:id act,jrd- to tho present outlook quite a "un-.l.er may be allov.’ed to .^crve. lAir unlc.'i'i ali si(fiis frjil w! arc in for :i ii>r,ger stitie tha.'i svnv »v_t.fcc-'c> vhe;-. \'era Cruz v.’as (al-:ci? ovor t,y ill e A;)3crican miirincfi. Tht, Coiiowing Mey.ii^:sn War .sur- a list of '^-hom jjivcn oui by the psrision office tonif;'ht. reiri-lo in Nort||,Cr.ro!ina. They i-re; E. Kiley iiltckwe’der, China (Jrove; Jarr.e.>j K. Brown, Concord; .Samut'l li. Dav-j.'i, HiJl.sboro; .John Cui'li.',. Bird-,own: Benjamin J’ritciielt, &m- cca; Ancil/ Rofjers, Murphy; .lames M. Sweat, Waxhaw. Hayes-Casey. .Mr. LeRoy Hayes and Miss Sarah .^:*sty were united in marriage at the home of the bride at ten thirty Wed- lesday nig’ht at Goldsboro. Tlie bride iiid grcona came to this city and v^ere given a royal reception at the liome of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes, of Msbare street, Thursday night. After spending a few days here ‘.hey will go to Richmond, where they will spend a ^ort while before re- taming to Goldsboro, whers they will make their hame. Mr. Blayes has many friends in this county and town who are glad to leaia at his happiuesa. The way to guess what » ConstitU' "jonailst eluef wiU do i$ :to gues* tlukt fie win do the reverse of wliat a leas- >nable and fair-minded miut ii: his place woold do.—'News and Obaorvey* • C*hifftain. Vyashingtoi'., April 2:.'.—President Wil'on today issued ihe foliowin;^ cumrneiit on tht slaiement of General Carranza: "1 wish to reiterate with the great est earnestness the desire and i!ilv?n- tions of this Government ,to respect in every possi;;ic' way the sovereignty and independence of the people 01 Mexico. The feeiir.g and intention of the Government in this matter are not upon polilics. They go inuoh deei-rr than ihut. Tfiey art‘ l a.sed u|;* on a ge'.^uine friendship for the Me.-v- iv'un poopie and a profound intei-cst in I he re-estabiishment of their consti tutional sysieni* tduc * Mtixjcai! n;unicipal authorities to rv^ume their duties and take up the early admijnstration of the city. He j'e])orts • negotiations fnirlv success- nil. . ■ ^ U] wurk in the city is still stop ped and no business is being trans acted. The public ser\*ice utilities havv stopped because the employes .•el‘u.?c to run the eventual risk to the?:r.-;elve.>‘ of re.«.u?nj,emxjloyment. of nt'ccs.“.itie.' may \v;il Ijf held steadily I'dse tiiis oi'jct . in vit^w i’lw; ()nr- :.-ue \ with eonslsler.t purpos:-, f.;v a- liiis ilovejr.in*?:-* i-onv'eriiud. “I^ut we arc diaiin^r v.'ilh fi;,'..'-. Vrhi'vever and whenever ihe d:xnitv ci\ the- Unite:} .S'ate^= i.-i fi'juted. it. i tU - nnv>,r.;x: . ;;v the r;;::;-.'., i-T il.- ili ':.i;s I;jvuued, o>- it,-- innij'j... ;* 'v • liUiTe'! vvhvvc it )i;’.s she right ta ;;c- tempv lo e.Kerci.-^e it, ihis Govcr:irr..*f’. KOOi) GETTING SCARCE, "'-vvy little food supply, has been c>n.rt;;> into the city and it is thought ilr.ii. jn ii few days the question of f-'CH.'ing the people of th‘i city will be come parr.n'.oun and that it is possible the L lilted Slates wilt be eaiied on to fun■^!^h fooJ. The watci' .‘'.upply is cau.-'ir-g anxiety. ^ muti v.-hh ih' ■ .-jriiiaily with ('e!’err.) * t»e nr;-v/ con- 1 ATTACK NOT KXPLCTK)'-. “.ihf farce.s are di.'^posed « ri':o rainHind, and whi.’c .•\f?mir«sl Ka';:,f‘r th-:! r;jru';r that they ;ii-e pJ'epar’?ijv h:; ruMs that iv -ioiibtfi;; thi'S I'rA.^ i.: anti !ii. fie.i-.-r ih:.i i;:iy “ihe ;;jul I’at.uzeri ^■ynvcri uxn\y .-t 'll a. m. The Nash- vule urriv.eJ at tho .srwne time l»ut f i)HH’ceded down ii:o coast ” iMOUK TROOPS roil HtncDEIl. Wushingtoj/, April 2:i—Three regi- of infantry at Kan Prancisco and the artillery at Fort Riley, Kan., were ordered tonight to report to Bri gadier (Jenera! Bliss for .iervjcc along tht Mexican border. A l;rigad€ of infantry and'some ar- ti'ievy win l»e dispaUihad from Gal veston to Vera Cruz to co-operaie w/th the navy there. Secretary »arrison*s statement foUcwa: *‘The Departmeiit has been in re ceipt of many telegrams from places :iior-.iv the border showing appreheu- t^i'in, and t'O relieve tho ten.-don I have orde'ed tuiditional troops to report Lo tJoiiora? Bliss, to he distributed at such places as he iinds ndvi.^ablc un der the circumstances. ‘*TI:rec regiments of infantry ai the presidio t f San I'VrirJcisco will r:^nor(. U> General Hliss together witli s.nnit ai tiilery from I'\.*rl Riley. ‘'Und;‘r orders from the Depurtmeni '!Tn> niufsilions of war will :Jt pre^ei:L nrTinitted to go over the border. *‘A brigade of ii/fnntry iVJid nrlilU-ry will be dispatched from Gai- vi.-'lon lo Vera Cruz to o(5-oper:iLe \vifh the navy there.” troL it now do-ihr-, , Haei'ta iri tne teri il''’'j nc (r/v. v-oh- j ‘ ■ —■ — ■ irol.;. Thnt he does i>>t ri;rh!fui!y y ^>yn;a!s tonight j-aid lit coiiuol it diics not ;tiv.'r f.u-t, lh:it ; ““'ccted .Afjnii!.-;! Badgur to desig- he docB control it. i thought best “We yrp iiowcvyr. onlv I “^oops ordered .wLlIi thoi;« whoiu \w conmiiin.ls ;U'.i! ^ I'‘'*'‘ei'd from G.ilve,stoii to V«ra th,« v,-i.o I.. !;i.s .support. Wit!, ™-''t>CTat-‘ with naval forces, 'tht'.st^ tt-i> must d(;Mi; They do no,. iawj'uily fepresi’til the peojiie of Mex ico. In liiat fact \\‘e rcjoico becaus*:- our juarre! is not wiilj the Mexican 11)eople and we do not desire lo dictate their afTairs. Mut we must ojiforoe our rightful lemiii5ds upon those whv‘m the existing authorities at the place where we act do, for the time iieing, represent."’ After issuifig this stJ‘.teinent the S’re.-,ideot canceled the day’s routine efjgagements to devote his attention l‘> the ^^e^.i{•an situation. THK DAV-.s HEATH LI.ST. Those killed in tod.uy’s ware D. J. Lane, acamar.; E. H. Frohlick- .stein, ordinary .seamai,, and E. C. Fisher, ordinary .soamati. Anfi-.American Urots. Diego. CnI., .Aprii —Te!e- j.vr-.^shie ndvices ve^eivcd here r.t p. r.t. f7-.nn Ameri;u',n Consul (uiyar.t j tell cf ar.li-American rioting *at Kn-1 -scn;;r=la. Hle.xican feclerals and the 1 populace, according to the reports | wer^ attiickiiic;: the Anioi'i-'ans. j Ihf Morit->r Cheyenne n-.AV iu ihej ."Vwi Die-'{» hi.rbor will lea’.'cs iinnv'JL- '■ ;'U-!y rush ordciv: fo?' Uu* M*x- V.';.shii-,nu>n, .April i'!.—Private ad- vi,-e.s reachiii^- Ium'O today in code I'rom .Mc.vicc) (^ity, di.flc-io.sin;' th.i! (he 7M t*> l.OCO .\nicric;ifr:; there wore in dan ger, Slava bucn communic.itcd lo Gov ernment oniciais. The du^pati'hc's. v hi'-ii were from a soiiii'o if uncnie;,;i„r.erl i;iistworlhi- TV-, ai;i biire U)i;;iy’;; il;,t;-, set f.irth ili;u r,u-!)^: of -\UiXJC:ut.s wore fornjins' fr :ivt i-A rii(^'’ir:; n dt>iuos'.Htratitjns. ih;;:. Aiiii-ri,-:..i: tho .streets liaii becTi nm! thi'oati'iied with vi^i- 1'. iu:ii u'oro ooricoi'.tT'at- al. t!:'' lor cnotii.tl |>r'-- .'tioii, if",' (; MUST SURRENDER TAlMPICO. Brownsville, I'ex,, April 23.—Goii- era! Znmgozx., federal eomniandt !' at Tami:ico, Mexico, has been ^^iveii 2! hours to surrender by General Lui.-, Caballero, commanding the constiiu- lionalist forces which have been bo- ijffinfv the city, according to a mes- asfio siven ont at constitutionalists rcadrjuartors at Matamoras tonight. This was considered here as dis posing of the report that federals and institutionalists at Tampico had unit ed to oppose the .Americans. Xt was said by constitutionalist of- ncials that the American consul at Tampico and the commanders of the American warships int he harbor had been notified by General Cabaallero 3f his ultimatum to the federals. The dste of th« nltimatnra was not given, but at Matamoras ofRcials in- bimat^ that they expected news of a battle late tomoimw or the next day. :Vprii i','!.—Adniirul l!.i(':;i'v tijp.i.^hl reported to the Navy l>ep;:’.lrnc”!t. that tbreo more men had i'Ocn killed -:inj twenty-five wounded in li;c iiplitiiiff at Vt'va Cru/. t^r-vvetary Haiiieis tonight the rowr in this statement: Vi'.-iv..; Proi)U)'i-!,; ' .!; r.,, !jie ho:iJ;illes of :> .'.pt'i;'!;;! on o(h^ of ib.c i:.c ni,'.."e lo the vvuiiM i-iforniativi;’, i.. how \c> m:ilv nuji’.cy eninijrh lo p.iy fnr ,i t’hit'k,?;! at the piit'es now prevailiiiq- in llr-.ielp-ii.—Newvs and Observer. CARRANZA'S POSmON. PraddoBt Teaterdsy' lismed Fff«a] in Beply to the Kebei :..4tW MEN L.\NDED “Admiral Badger wires tonight that hiiidcd the battalion front the Min- ■.i--:;ota, Michigan and South Caro- yesterday afternoon and that the Janding forces now ashore totals about 5,400 lUvin. The Minnesota, Chester, l>rairie and San Francisco are lying in the inner harbor. “Admiral Badger reports that as a result of de-sultory firing which con tinued about the city last night and thii morning three more American sailors were killed and about twenty- five wounded. CITY IS OCCUPIED. “The landing party now occupies all the city and outposts have beeij stationed on the sandhillsi the fiear *ho have been engaged inconstitu^ ing defensive works. “Admiral Badger, in commaad on store, is making every effort to iu- * .\ATrt).\AL ClTAftD A PAKT * * OF U. S. AUMY IN Tf,ME ' OF WAR. The United States Senate and * * Hoi: of Kopresentatives in ses * * sif^ \,.j(iay passed ai'i act deiiring '*■ * ni e clearly tho part the Niv,.i nai ' * G:;.ird is to have in case of wat. ’ * 1’he act says that tho National • * Guard is a part of the regular * army of the United States in time * * of War. » The Shild Weltare Congress has commenced its session in Washington. Its possibilities for the child life of the United States ore practically boundless.—News and Observer. To be.able to confirm whatev^ oce pleases is not the work of an intelli gent man,, but to be able t^ .see that the trutli is tn»a and that t»e falss is fslae and to coisflrm, is the marie of an intelligent man—Swedenborg.

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