If, ’ ,? - -V... & -*r Ts'tls. llirA' ili. Fcut’.'J London, Aj>n! ib’.- vj-lft’s Vtrvs,' L '.wU: tUscC'v c-'y of Ir'..' ' • ' io'jw b’w;i::rin;j:, ;!>:•'T' iv? j !r-r /.u-v . ' ■ : .! -Prof ■^:^:0V v-':::’.c-'.'i c." - 'J'; Tho kr.y.h of the. ii?j^ide J l;i.u liie Width ‘ZO. 1h« ri'.“ 1:? vUrided • into tihree V..v-i O', the :0'..'V iVi.- I- ::iutle vy '.' -Vl';..'. yro.iiltc !-'.U:-noni - ' •., $i;r-V’l-'r-Lv r •.; i:; • :;;;'.c.. h:;:i v-A"r:' s • ■ • M • ■ I.'.’./ ■-, N.'h'vb . Li’-u’;0;. i--.^ •• t’ -;-ir • k:n'.'- :• ;.•'- Rciiourees the i'jnteii' ' '1;.;' V." v'- CJi' I'.V,*-../ •.■..:'C ; '.V ..I.:'- ' ihi-ifiy • 11; i.' ■' ‘ L* -rvUijjiG . iliv :•' v,- •.. i ^ -'.'.I j- f-f is-v: ./-'v • .• ; '■ I--. ••:•..• •■ i!v:* .•roJii ' .-* •;••.• . . u _ ■' ■ /v.* j'.' \v\-i.'a \ ^ ,• • ,• ■- ■ ■-■ ■'• ■■'' ■ ■■■■ ■ c.::;.:.:: -•.... .. be r..' : • • ‘ TV j CHURCH directory] HOCCTT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHUKCH, ' Adaioa Avenue and Kail St. j iltv. Jas. W. Kose, Pastor. ! i (>vory fourth F jnday at 31 I a. rn. a:iu 7 p. m. ;S .nii.iy Sfhoi syery Sunday at 9:30 T-:;a p. -•;V r V-’oc:--':. r.'i VVcdnesd:iy, '-*• Aid irockiy rU'sc Sunday af- iv/nC’O.-i. . . j:..:; i ■ 1- -■ .-ei-.;; C-.. !-Morning SemoM at 11:90 a. m« 'No services on third SntuUys. ’ Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Prof. }. B. liotsrtson. Superintendent. Xeaehsrs’ Jleeti.-'.g Wednesday, 7:30 p. in. (Pastor's Study); Woman’s Missionary Society. - Jir« T]iui'iJr.y i.'j «vej'v mu*r;th at -3:30 jv.. m. 1^. C.B. Society, soeo;;d Til Ursa ay in overy inor.th »t :j:f;a u. rn' Luthfrr secot:tE a:vj fourth .^’jnouys tit ,';:0C p.' m. Vi’>iperf at 3:"0 p. i;;. 'ii.f Kill.? of Ali Laxiicives. Fn.- f:.j.':^tipEr.ion, use i'.;-. King’s ■*=■' ’’ 'i'^- P:iU: of '■.. f-ys they ave ti;8 ■ - ; ? 1 r.ey r.-'e a L i r.n- fair.ily .-iT^a I plva.vs keep . ■ {r'.' t a £:'d ^ct rist; ;;■ l.v , i!.. K, & i , , :„ ;y invitOii. \:: rf J C'£ycb ./■r. A. ..'JO, :) iiii'-;?. . ■-. L'.^ I... v_,\ ,j ]■;. -s:;- :;;y. 1:.' . ... c-ji.t'-'h;: i:. Nt-,'v-:.-••-u:.}-■=-.UO y. r.;. ; i\:'A -Mic.=io;;Liry TujiPuiV '‘ht* secoi:-i ; , I. ?r-ife - c. ' . A. r -- ^ :v5. ■hvi:^\ : i'i r-i*ch. /jjidcrsG:: ii. -i ; h>i-: iM' • (;:t. :■■■ ■■: ■ • to ;v .-•.Lij'iriu- ^ uiti! r . . : ;.•• •• ■. ; ;,.1 i-.'S-? «' C.V. . ’!'• '.t’s y-'JU'-’ n- ' ..-v.;, *•■.' despojui'- : ■•• s' • • •■ V. i'.u-n r-w'.i;ri i:\y-. S'.‘. Miqvlvovt-, t>y iw.lr.;-- ■• . i.’:- i.u c?‘." I'-i.-r.vcif ^• ! • I'-.-fP-w •■■‘.Nl- -i *•> O'. i. • ' .’i',: i- •• ! I'll t, • . •: *•. ..1 ^ sc •: ,i" -.i-j? ■. •• .1! V t ' rii {> -..' ii;> 'I, i .-t,;. ,i- '.'i. i\. :,l c. lit. W i't‘: • '.i -..l ; . ! - .,r i’ . I . :!:,• I V. a ! ■ : i:'; ; .1 ' n-! * w;iy. i ,U- ‘i -1-: ' ;■ hi ir» i'cfi !(;i>::'. V.'.* liu'l t'v- vt':!'’.-; .‘.V’- i: \vi‘ ihuu^-rh v;- "fO'.i!-! U'M !.ul v.- ot>uil i:nl furlI’o*- !.u-\ i;' nie.-jri.s- “Whi'U v.c* IfTt tlu* .-iio V.. iuti bi‘- twofjii u.-^ and ilu‘ Temple Seti i., flcareil many years a>iO by ManeUe, a j^paco cf al'.oul a(» :«elor.s in lepjrth. covered w'tli .‘^ar.d, not to r^peak of a huire mound (if ruhlish cominjr t>.»’ i M;jnetU*’j» excavation. This was ear- ric*{i away by the Sorvice des Antiques last ?ummer. Nevertheless it was certain that we should have to po to cart away tons of rtibbish. Therefore it was eonsidei«id prefer able not to wcrk last year, so as to have the necessary means for work ing: on a larg:e scale, when the clfiar*^ ing of the Osireion would a^Kin be 'at tempted. “The fact that we employ diJS' men •nd boys gives an idea of the size of the work, the largest ever attempted by the Egypt Exploration F und. The Temple of Sett !. bears the characters of what is (tailed a Memnonium, a fanerary buildinj^ in connection with a tomb; &nd since it is dedicated 10 Osiris it shows that the tomb of the grod must be somewhere in the neigh borhood. What seemed most prob able was that the doorway discoveri^i two years ago was the entjrance tc n passage leading to a subterranean chpei under the temple, such as is found at Deir el Bahari in the temple of the Eleventh Dynasty, “We should never have cxpected what we have found. Between the doorway and the temple is a cotxiplet« sanctuary, evidently of the time of the Pyramids, very much ruined, but built with huge matenal, such as is probably not seen anyvH&ere else in ^eypt. It is rectangular; the en closure ijFall is 12 feei thick, and coa- siftt« of two different casings, the out- *r of rough limestone, tiie inner of large blocks of hard re£ aendatoBe very well joined, with granite dove-i . ; : •• i'.uui';' I-.-.'.. .T'’l ■. ;i ti ■ i. ; WU.-: /.''.fij f>i.' f.iil;,, .‘k:v: •' ;i ;V ' .V \‘ ;* ■';.y i'. ' ; ' if’ n’,i‘. Vi,;.' ci:' ;i iiaiK i''-; ••sui-rH I'i;'-, lii.’;.- i-:\y i'-v’ ;t lar*^o ^;’:;J«-Miy; I'., n.vi *iuythini.v I '.' iil c hfipi*-.-. ,i'- ;}»lc I.) -'-liiK*'* will huJniliut.- ;,:d Ivvh} vvvic* hi no wi>y t*i jf :iu' « rinu* i.>--i*f jrv^ut oiio.- n5!ty-t{' ii niurtior ;»r :(itoni|Jtt.'il niur.it-r iho jrcnural [viihlio which .hankt-rs inr j^oro innsl have ihe natnt'S. And .-.o it used tt> *)e thought the irenoral public niUi;t have all tne details of a div/>n‘e suit—biit that day has pus.serf, and the day wiU soon pass ‘-vheji n;v/spiipt»rrt han^c out on their elctheslines the soiled linen of every pt»Jice court visitor.'—Everything. \. . .. • • . ...; i’ II,- II ly u'l * l;;v i!' r.'y lhi ' I'' •. 'A I,.* I ...i: ;y tric.i >: I,-:. • 1 • > 1. ' ' '.. 1/i J'.l: ’■ ; \. JlLii.y : . • M'.'.nl- s..- i.y i'urcv . ’•1. Vi.j ihr it;. .i u-M- ‘.-ir.iir : .-Mi .ir,.,; .-.0.,-. Th^ Undisicovered Country. Could w« bust know The land that ends our dark uncertain tarveU Where ]ie these happie.s hills «nd meadows low, Ah, if peyond the spirit's inmost ca* vil. Aught of that country could we surely know. Who would not go? Might we but hear Tne hovering angels, high imagined chorus, Or catch, betimes, with wakeful eye and clear One radiant vista of the iealm be fore us. With one rapt moment given to see and hear. Ah, who would fear? Were we quite sure To find there seme peerless friend who left us lonely, Or there, by some celestial stream as pure, To gaze in eyes that here were love^ Ht only, This woary mortal coil, were we quite sure. Who would endure? —Edmond Clarence Stedmaa. 1 \ ou i an’i Sell (ioods IJ You .Vfi- Sort- * M 'i'lii* H»ss* * You and iIjc Ik>«s niu.-t l>c •;!. Kootl i.t.-rm.'?. (»tu‘ of tho fooiish thiugs that some Unns loloiate .strained reln- tio’js botwcen theins‘lve.'? and their men. It’sn oarly always the fault of Ihe mei\ ihcmselve.'^. Y’ou g-et sore about some petty thin^, and to use the words of the Chicapro domine, it becomes a “hurricane in a demi- taFse..’ Without harmony you can’t have your heart in your work. To be sore is to be inharmonious, and tl)e m&n- ly thin^ to do is to clean «t up. No employer can help litit inspect a man that goes into his otfice a)id - : - . . : 'i b: : M- ;.;v vT iii.' ry to co:.'.-i:-i ■. ."rair-:'} wilii ihciir-;’.- . • ci j s i'.> h:-'Tl- : V'fo^ I'.ie Tiew di-.cov- • cv.y, cun.'i/ ro- • licvcs. iiKh troubkc. j Croxorc ii Vi'.'i : f:il ! remedy y-:t uior rKidi:'!;.'' t-->c frv.-ic.r,i f.;' ijric r:o:j a!id crp.ir^; out all :.-oi'i.r.-irM.c; in;-:)uniicy -A-i.ic?! ■ cr.ui'c it is cKtir-j!y iiiicrvn* ?.U oihcr it I iks KOI -M-lj clrc vwr v.. ■' for I'.'c p:rr; 05c. It iicl.-; Oi? pr,;;- •ipic ''f c.:it Uio poi.soiii; iiud n.-n'.o\ iriir.tijc c-.iv .■ It . r!j;l,{. in ljij0:3;.>h 'vvylls, jrc'r'ibranc.': .'i.id i:l:c \s-atei* i:i a bpoupe. ui.-M’/r. p ‘makes li'.e l-:idi’.t:y:i ^ifv. out an-'l ?'itcr j away, nil ’:’nc uric noM and from the J^lood. nnu ka'ic.s tlxc kid- nc3'’s rn;i unuary ovi^aii'j :2n, £tron?, bc.ih^y nnd wcH. It inalicfc; not how )or.,q you liave yuffcrcd. liow oM you arc. or wiiat you have I’.'cd, tl;e very princij^le oi CroKonc is Fiich, that it is practically impossible to lake it into tijc human -system wltiiout rcsaits. Thcr>2 is rothinjj eJse on enrth like it. It starts lo wo.fJc the ininute you tskc it And relieves you tiic Jirst time you wsc it. If you r^nfTor viih pains in your back and si.lcs, or’'ave any sii^ns of kidney, bladder »^roublos, or rheuma tism, such as pu^y swellings under the eyes or in the feet and antics, if you are nervous, tired, and run down, or bothered with tirinary disorders, Croxone will quickly relieve you cf your misery. You can secure an orig'^ inal package of Crcxone at tnfiics cost from any firsi-cJass druggist. iAli druggists are authorized to ^er« son^ljy return the purchase price it it ««£ in a single case. i:i:FDn>:ED curnCH, ; r ..c; i '■ y. . i.:. , U’ njl Brvr: k Building, ... ,bn;g says, “If I’m going to work for you I’m going to put heart interest into that work, but until this discourage ment of mine is cleared, I’ll he a half failare." "That’s the way to do it. . That’s the way feliows have fixed it up with me, and I with them, when one »r the other was down in the m»uth.— Sonthem Merchant. The Perfect Prayer. Dear Lord, kind Lord, Gracious Lord, I pray Thou wilt look on al! I love. Tenderly tMlayl W:ed their hearts of. weariness; Scatter even care Down a wake of snivels’ wind's Winnowing the air. Bring unto the sorrowing Ail release from $«in: ILet the lips of laughter Overflow asain; And with all the nrndy O, divide, I pray, ‘fhis vast treasure os' content That u mine to-day! —J. W. Wley. (,'heck Vour .April Cough. Thawing fiost and April rains chil! you to thft very inarrow, you catch cold—Head and lungs atufTed—You are feverish—Cough continually and feel miserabl®—You need Dr. King’s New Discovery, It soothes inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clear.« up, fever leaves, and you feel iine. Mr. J. T. Davi«, of Stickney Comer, Me., “Was cured of a dreadful cough after doe, tors' treatment and all other reme dies failed. Relief or money back. Pleasant—children like it. Get a bot tle today. and $1.00, at your druggists. During the winter months impuri ties accumulate, yo’’r blood beconKi impure and thick, your kidneys, liver er.d bowels fail to work, causing so- called “Spring Fever.” Y'ou feel tir- m), weak and laxy. Electric Bitters— the sprinf tonic and system cleanser —it vbst yoB need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowels to heal thy action, expel blood impurities and rastor* your health, stren^h and am bition. Electric Bitters mxlces yoa fw' ik« ew. Start a four week’s irckwinant—it will put yan in Sa» (h«j>« for your sprine work. Gi»r- ant^. All Draggisti. 50c. and —H. E. Beeklen A Co., Fhiiadtlphia or St. LsDii. 12. vtrnon, , '1 h'iUAN (.'HL’l.-i' 11 ' i , ^ ^ - ^ i u :■ . ■- CL i.d i . :'■■■ i f j' N'/f ; . .jOihi'L' 3 f - i'-.ts:-acizt i.iyT-L i Rev. Donald Mclvor Pastor. .S.trxict-' o\; ry f^undav at !'i;00 u. rr.. :\vA V:-0 p, m. a. iv . : . .‘-ui- ' . ,■ V- d. v--..y m- T:'.' !n. '■ 'ru:.'inv :;I. .-'i'. J. h. b i'jiiiUUng X. ... 15APTI55T CHLKCH. Martin W. Buck, Pastor. ’;:n(hiy ',V>rsIiip, 31:00 a. m., .inii 7:!30 p. m. 'Mndj-^.v School at :i- rn. ,T. L. r’l'jlt, Supei'intendent. Pi'iii.stf ami Prayer S-;rvices, Wednes day. .It, 7:^0 p. m. (■.fisriat! (’u!tiire C!ass. Saturday at 3:00 p. m. I 'hurch Confprerce, Wednesday before first Sunday of each month, 7:30 p. m. 01 oijervancc of Lord's Supper, first Sunday in each month. ViTonian's Union, first Monday of cach month. 8:80 p. m. Nofiollf I Hf;Stern THE MiETHODlST PROTESTANT CEUKCH. East Davis Street. Rev. George L. Carry, Pastor. Services: Morning, 11:00 Evening, 7:30 Prayer Meetinjr, Wednesday evenings. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Sccietie« every Monday afternoon after Arst Sunda;y in each month. Sunday School, 9:S0 a. m. Jf. G. Sog ers, Superintendent. Good Baraca and PhilathM Classes. You are invited to attend all thcaa ««nrieas. aiay 23, 1913. L.,'uvc VVinston-.SaSi-m: GitVJ A. .vi. daily t‘ur Koataiky aiid in- t Connect v.i'.ii Aiiiin l.ir.c iraiii.s North, iCaat ami West with Pullman .Sleeper, IHtiiiiK Cars. J’. ,'.J. (i.'iiiy I'm- AJ/tniiisvilie, Koaiii-kf, (ho Xurth and East. I’alhnan Su-v.-l Kiuctrie Lij^hf.ed .Sletfper Win.slcin-Salem to Har- i iabur.er, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cais N'ciith of Koanoke. i.-:00 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Martin.svi:lo and local stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salem 9:xo A. M., *J;35 P. M., 1:35 P. M. Trains leave Durham for Roxboro, South Boston and Lynchburg, 7:00 a. m., daily, and fi;30 p. m... daily except Sunday. W. B. BeviU, Pass. Traff. Mgr. ■ W. C. Saunders, Gen. Pas. Agt. S. CHU«Ca SOBTH. FKONT STRSET. Rav. D. H. Tuttle, Paster. Preaehinx every Suniiay momSng and svening. Sunday Sc^mI, 9:30 a. m. W. E. Sha^, Superintendent. Pisjer ^rviee, Wad;e«da; evealn^ at 7:Se o’clock. Ep^erth 7:00 o’clock tttrj Ss3&y ev«r.in|i. M. S. CSVXCB. aOVTB. WEBB AVSNUE. Kev. Oblette, Taatoi. Preaching eTcry' fint Sand«y at ll:t$ •i m., and 7:80 p. m. Seoosi 8as- at 7:30 ]>. n. Ssatey Sehsol every Ssitday at ].• H. F. Moore, Suj^rintendent Bwnrbedy tMSseiae. FOR ali kinds of Ckimmer- ciai and Job Print ing. call or phone UB MACBDONZA LOTBSEAW CHV3£H. Fi*o»5 34rt**. S«r. T. 8. Smmt, For Weakisess aaii l.dac«f Apii«tlt» TheOt4SU!Hlud venmtt goSfc, SaoV»-;'S TASTKLRSS chill TOKI&Mvmob* alalariq etitl bulldjs i^p the nvvtrm. A true tonii A-justt«c7. For «tc:i childnia. SOc. Slretigchens Weak and Tired W««ee. “I was under a great strain nursing a relative through three months' idck- ness,” writ«« Mrs. S. C. Van De Sande, of Kirkland, 111., and “Electric Bit ters kept me from breaking down. I will never be vHthout it.'’ Do ysn feei tirsd and worn oat? No appe tite and food won’t digest? It isn’t the Spring weather. You need Elec tric Bittern. Start a month’s treat ment today; nothing better for istom- ach, liver and kidneys. IV great Spring tonic. Relief or many back. BO^ and fl.OO at your dnigirists.