Wm m If yoi^ want something good J ^ to eat and want it QUICK, call f Pettigrew & King, - Phone 380, H "Tlie IBen Who Deliver The Coods On Time.’’ ^ * Pettigrew & Kin| Barlingtoo, - - - - - - N. C. T' SPRING AND StIMMER CmiHING. In ill The Beautiful Patterns, The apparel equal to the kind that comes from the finesi of tailors are magnificiently re presented in the Goodman’s Dis* play of Spring and Summer clothing. You are respect fully invited to in spect our clothing. A big line of Gent’s Ox fords for Mens and Boys. B. GOODMAN, THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES Burlington, N. C. Don’t Get Hypnotized by some HIGH-PRICED man who is PAID to come here from some other eily (at big Railroad and hotel ex penses) when be tells you he is “Direct from tany the factory etc. ELLIS is RIGHT ON THE GROUND ail I the time and can inove «b»oj«!E that he can meet, match & generally sell a better Piano or Organ for same money and less. Our HOBART M. CABLE Piano is an old reliable make uses best action and has '"EXPOSED PIN BLOCK.” The STARR TRAYSER, CROWN, WEAVER and ORK have -EUSHED TUNING PINS”, Xall and let us ex plain. We give you a piano for §250 that these “Rai?- Road troters” K '.VE to get $300.00 for. lEliis Mch. & Music Co. C. D. ELLIS, Mgr. Burlington, N. C Aaerians Are Rep«rtr4 Safe Now at BiMffdi, Wa^mgton, Aprit 24.—Safety of Americans reported to be menaced by Mexicans' at Ens^ada on the west coast of Mexico was reported to the Navy Department tonight in a relay ed Wireless dispatch from Lieutenant Jensej!, commander of th* monitor, Cheyenne, reporting his arrival off En senada. _ The Mexican garrison and populace were greatly eXcited by the appear ance of the -American man of war. A Navy Deijartment statement tonight said: “Troops (Meyicin) wevie hurriedly stationed to resist an expected land ing aiid four field guns were broujht to bear. Lieutenant Jenson s-ays the commatiding general has guaranteed th^. safety, of Americans and thit. as an addition! precaution the American consul yesterday sent all Americans to. plantations five and ten miles down the ibast. He reports that 50 Amer icans desire transportation north. The telegraphic communication was inter rupted and additional trxjops are being listed by the commanding general.” Secretary Garrison to Go to Work on Militia. Washington, April 24.—When Pres ident Wiison signs tomorrow the bill to “provide for raising the volunteer forces of the United States in. time of actual or threatened war” Secre tary Garrison win go to work in earnest on the State Militia. North Carolina’s quota under a call for ■ 250,000 would be between 5,000 and 6,000. The various State author ities have been requested to investi gate and see just what they Muld do in case a call for militia is made. The new bill, adopted by the Sen ate today, provides for sending the State forces bSyond the border of the United States. Immensity of Russia. Merely by way of suplementinf^ the regular appropriations lor the Russian Army the Cpar’s Government has added 860,000^000 io the usual estimates for that great engine of ir. Europe is gravely discussing extensive changes and improvements in the equipment and organization jf the Russian artillery especially, and Germany and Austria-Hungary arc carefully noting the reports of the massing of Russian troops near their frontiers. All such incidents direct attention to the huge bulk of the Russian Em pire, It is by fa:r the greatest con nected territory under any flag, Tlw only empire more extensive is that of Great Britain, which lies in widely separated part; of the earth. The population of Russia's vast realm is much greater than that of any other country inhabited by people chieSy of European biood or origin. The Kussian standing army is by far the lai'gest in the world. The Russian revenues are also greater than those of any other nation, though not larger than those of all parts of the British Knipire taken together, Russia grow.? the biggest wheat cjop !!i the '.vorU! and the htrgcst ryti crop. **t SHOT; 126 DEAD, MEXj(CANS. OlEcihl Report 8 Sti«w That Thns Far . There Have Been 126 Mexicans Killed and 321 Injjured. Washington, April 24.—126 . Mexi cans have been killed and 195 -wound ed in the ^ghting at Vera Cruz since the Americaii foi’^es lii\ued Tuesday. The first official announcement came tonight in a dispatch fiom Admiral Fietoher, made public by the Navy Department in his statement. dispatch under date of 4:15 p. m,, today was received by the Navy Department tonight from Admiral Pletchei* at Vera Cruz and showed-the list of casualties of the Mexicans as 126 Mlled, 195 wounded, rhaking a total of casualties to date 321. ‘Admiral Fletcher further reported that 4it 8 p. m„ today he informed Ad miral Badg'er tha^ quiet prevailed throughout in Vera Cruz and that af fairs gradually are being straighten ed out and confidence restored. The^ city council, he said, had called a! meeting for 4 o'clock in an endeavor to retain present municipal officials in office. '‘Admiral Badger in a dispatch dated 4:25 p. m,, reports that 800 refugees arrived from Mexico City at 2 p. m. today. , A Jjittle Bit of Beauty. little bit of beauty, and first thing that .we know The world is like another place in w'hich to come and go. A little hand, a little face, A picture or a sky, And something seems to change the rules That seemed so hard and dry. . A little bit of beauty, oh, it's very hard tel! How sweetly and how suddenly it works a magic spell. A .figure in the distance. Ora near face in.the.throng. And something seems to bubble Tiiroufyh the spirit like a song. A little bit of beauty,, why, it might not be a thing But bluebird floating fieldward on tbe' ■ niagic c f a- winp;, A little band of children : Playing hi-spy in a lane, BuUy news, these days, for invest ors in Mexican jjroperties.—Giflens- • boro News. Carrftnaa has heard his master’s f V05C«, and he'will promptly subside. —Greensboro News. Pretty sw>n a^i Mexicans will look alike ^ the mm behind Americaa gun.—Greensboro News, We are doing this for Mexico^a own good, and it hurts? us worse than ix does Mexico.—Greensboi'o News. Kentucky Offers Full Brigade to President. Horrors! Keep it from Joi^tephus if possible.—Greensboro News. War is, in fnct, a deal like work, only-inore'80.^—Gireagboro New?. First Ex[K>dilidiiary Forco Off tu Mexico. Galveston, Texas., April —Twen ty hours Hfter orders to start for Lht? front wore received from Washing ton, t)ie expeditionary force of iho Tjnited States army four rejrimonfs of iilfantry, :^400 strong, r»a?iy of them veterans o^Philippine ci;i\irait.iis and carrying 12 machine gins, sailoii for Vei*a Cruz late today. The j>ixth cavalry and th i J'jur^h artillery batteries did not i*ct av.'j.y bei'jiuse there wa.s no room for tbein on the four available traii?ports here, but will prol>ab!y Kail ti-?mon-ovv abOLird cr-mmercial ^^tt?;ur:t'rs. l1u‘ men who s:ii!ed today, with those are to follow, compn?e the fifth bri- roinforccd, tonirtianded by Drij^- ad:er General Frederick Funston. They iireu lie'ill Vera Cruz sinuotlnis Mon- ;day. It v.jis a .'^iripped fip.htin-j force iliu! todi.y. Kvery ounce of it'iu-:.* »h;;t c'oulld i»e crowded w.’.? |.ut on iho transpi^rts and ci;.h 01 the four yefxi’uert.-^ ivas to one is:nhi»Ljni-e apd tbroe wajroju. with nm?es. The iran>j)orl .Suj:;- ner, carrying the fourth and pnrt of rh./2'sth !sif;?i)try, wa? the fh-fil away, h:-r vail:^ packeu wiih nu-n an! of- rls-or.. the I>ai:d playjritc '"Aul-.i Liirji.: cvnt'.” the niea checriiHr and thc-ir wives and sweethearts on the docl. answering the farewell salutes. The ^leCIeilan was Xhv ^:e^■olld iiTin.-^port away with the roraainder of 'he infantry. Mext came Coi- era! Fnnston’s transpod, the Kil patrick, where some of the ofHcers wives danced on deck to nulitary mu sic untiV the transport whistle warn ed them sailing time had arrived. The Kilpatrick c-arried the .-ttventh in- far.tiry. The last to bifve the dock was the Mea«Je, with the 19th in fantry, company E engineers, and the telegraph and telephone operators. Preceding the t):^n8ports Vv'ere the torpedo host deatroyers Flnscsr, Seed ^ and Preston to act as ccnvoys. A Gieeni>f>orQ Youth Received Wound in Vera Cri»z Skirmish. Greensboro, April 25.—At the light of yesterday evening* Mr and Mrs. Julian B. Bowden, the mother ai^d fathei* of Platt C. Bowden, n ma rine wounded at Vera Cru/ in the fighting of Wednesday the 2;?nd, and their cjilldien anxiously aivalred furth er news ES to the natuie of their sf n^s" injuries. Their only informa tion was a telegitkm from 5sec!*e(ary. Daniels, which sta-^td theii' son had been wounded, and they \vir«d for fu’l- defai^s: and fo! his co:vJit>>;n. It was a httle ovri’ a year a^ro that r iaU took lojive of his relatives to enter the -servjc'’.^ *f Uncle Sam in the Navy. Then he was only 19 years of age and his parer»ts had to sign papers permitting him tv onier the service. He was 20 yea.*s last No vember and is the third ciO.e.u of eijcht children, for of whom are !»cys and four giris- His mother received a lettpr luit week written on the day his ship, th^* Vermont, sailed from the souiheni driil grounds off Chesapeake cap;;=;. The letter merely announced he wa; leaving for Mexican waters, sent an affectionate fareweU and other brief words of a private nature. Froni that day his family had been anxiously awaiting news fi-om the scene of ac tion as had thousands of other faini- !ies who were represented in the crews which were rushed to the at tack, and his family is one of less than 50 in the United States to whom l.he news has come of killed or wo'jnded ^ons. Bowden is the first North Cur- olinian to suffer injuries. The Bowden honje last v-a.s a home of anxious and prayerful wait- irrj^. The parents, tliough, .showed an outward and even a marvelous cahn- nc.'^is, althoujjht their words displayed I he intense anxiety they feU for a lov ed l>oy. The news was not unexpcctod. The parents, advanced to the age of gray l3a!r. lifid ^vrinkled faces, said they vv'ere rjot surprised. When they gave up their son to the country’s service. .Airs. Hi«n«en ,9aid, ihey (fi(i >o Vv’ith the kiiowledge of the peril he would underji’o should his service in action be required. •‘He had been wanting to go to the iiavy for many years." said she, “and he cou!(i not go until we signed the papers." Piatt had been connected with Th. U:-adsTreet -ofp.ce before leav irig, ■ • ■ . formerly v.’orked i OfTice. Mr. 1. . . :n i a eabJnet maker, but ill prr^scnt is confined at home be oausH of illness. Both he and Mrs )jo\\rh'n show ?n their iaces Lo ijt* >eo p-e of strong characters. Thcii- home is a uvo-sioi\v tiv.'el!- ij.'g locaTod at 1;>G Lexingion .A.venue, v.'zih r.eat surrounding.-;. ii is a lyp- icni X: rih Carolin.n home. Ln>c i vcfiing the- family s; i in the lwi;i:^'jn v.'ith cheir fvcc"^ iw .l he.'irjs I'j'.vtird th»? souiiu'r.i s.ky, tht- }an»p.s ):ad nor - od. In ih«j neij;hbr,rhood iho J'liltii-e:; ,ycrv piaying the games North (’aro- lir.a fhildren play in the lovely ever- ir-g vi a perfect spring day. The moTlic-r and rhe fatlier with tlioir re- ti.'ildren gronp%’d .-il-vi;;: J-ivfn •Tti farav.-ay g;./'- :Voni thoir ^ycf. ‘*Ves, i J.ncw, he- fou?..h5 for his oai!-;try: bui it’s feavfisi," raid sh^?. T'ao .More Names to I.isl oi' Dead. \Vnshingr,o:i, April 24.— di.-'natch from Admiral Badge;, made public at. the Navy Department late today, adds to the list of Ameri^:an dead at Vera Ciuz the foilowing: l.nuis Frank Boswelf, chief gunners maie, home address Coulterviile, 111., next of kin, father^ William H. Bos- : v;ell. Randolph Sumincrlin, private ma rine corps, home address Willacoo- chee, Ga.,' next of kin, father, Bcrja- j min F.' SuramerUn* And something seems to happen Jiist like suniiuer come a^ain. ^ A little bit of beauty a: .vi pass iilong the street And suddenly the bitter of our Uvegp is turned to .sweet, A little glimpse thj’cngh window-^ Of the sould on face of child, .\.nd somethijig lays a calmness On all passions dark and wild* A little bit of beauty, and we no'^^r know at all— Tiie sunlight on a blosisom or .r vuie- upon the wall—~ A little thought uplifted By a blue after lain And something seehya to happen That can never coiiie again. —^The B'enttown Bird. There are many rare aiiilities iii the woi’ld which foi'tune never brings to. light. Green & McClure GRAHAM, N. C. Phone 251-L We are Just in receipt of a Nice Display of New Furniture, which we will take plea sure in showing any one who is interested. We carry at all limes an extensively large stock from which to make your selection. Purchase from us and if the bill is suffi* cient we will deliver the goods. We buy in Large Quantities and are able to make you a close price. Come and let m sitow you. Green & McClure. GRAHAM, N. C. * ‘ii '•4 *■: :* FROM VIA CONFEDERATE VETERAKS REUNION JACKSONVILLE, FLA, MAY 6-8, 1914 MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914- SPECIAL TRAIN DURHAM, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY fiiiniei- Carrier oi '{i.e Scath. MONDAY, MAY 4, LI-^. as .fiiikiivs; i!orxn TI ; ■> 10 10. ('lO iV3 JhcUsonVi■ iv;'' J lifiif'S nil:! Schedule in sajv.e m ii'tC'.'iiu-diHtu £>t;nions. Rc.i! ’■! t.np tickets for fhis '.c-c::sicp vviii be pood or r,-'- g'jlar irain.s, and will be c:i sale M.-\Y :lrci u> 7*!' final iirrit MAY 15tb. If-J. or by deposiiinsr licK.c'in unifi JlfNETh 19lf b. extended Fp.cial train will consist of nice day eoaehes, standard Puilmam Sleeping ears, also Tounst Pu'Jtr.an Sleeping Have jour reservations made in advane" For complete detaiLs reservations, etc., comrnunieate with J. 0. JONES, TraTelin* Pissepgcr Afcat, gg|ejg{,^ Q .Sch*'uuif o! il Tiii in i.ii'in! P. ■■ Hillsboro P. Ni '■ Mebane i^:20 P. “ Graham ■tMO ,\i. " I’lirlin^td-: P. M. “ (.;rc6!'..‘^hdi'0 il.-a P. M •• Hij-h Pw!;t