A FBOGEtBSyVE BBPUPUCaS NEWS?APEB DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OP AMERICAN H03IES AND AMEI^CAN INDUSTRIES. BiliUlCGlbjl, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA, TUESDAY, MAY 5. 1514. stac CoWP- imaPHlUTHEA. jllke City Union of Barscas and Phi- *X ^ Idheas'Met' Sunday at the Baptist Churcn. 1- i- CoveDtiOD Ideas. \ cy \ * \ The City Baraca-Philathea Union bdd its re^lar monthly meeting Sun- i^jjj*fternoon in the Baptist church, president, Mr. M. A. Coble, pre- iding. There a large crowd in *ttendanee and the meeting proved .\ery. inteiresting. The roll was call ed by classes and they responded by rising. Several classes that belong were not repi-esentend,' while others l\a.d larger delegrations than before. Reports were heard from the diffr- ent, committees, although some of them had not organized. Most of the meeting was given over to reports fjin the Cohvtiitiuu delegates. Splen did reports were given by Messrs. A’ernon, Spoon, Holt and Stafford, and Sliiises Walton, Cates, Coble and Rob ertson. Kiss Cates soggested that "We carry out one suggestion of the -Convention, that of holding a fifty- mile convention here some time dur ing the swrsmer. This would mean a convention of delegates from all the classes within a radius of fifty miles, nnd would prove to be almost as help ful as a State Convention, with much the cost and troable eliminated, ^is 'tt'as well received, and the plan ^ill be looked into and carried out if posE^ljlej. The pre.-jidenfc urgad all classes to organize “Secret Service” committees, as the Convention em phasized it so strongly. It is hoped this Union wiil endeavor to carry out many plans and suggestions of fered at the Convention, and that it ill be the means of helping all the tiasses to do more and better \rorb than evei' before. Hie classes be- lasignig seem doopiy interested. The next meetiiit; will be iield at t!ic Pro testant Church at four o'clock the i^nday ia June. GuiUH mm I HISS sMnH nfEfrK Mrs. M«bane Entertains in Bongi- pf Guest, ^rs. Kernofde Hostess to Priscilla Club. DelightfHl EveHts. Graliam, May 2.—Thursday morn ing at 10:30 Mrs. James Kerr Meb- ane charmingly entertame'i in hono;- of her mother, Mrs. Sank.s Holt, cif Graham, and h6r .sivstcrs, Mesdiimes Victor M. Graves, of New York, and P. I^. Norcross, of Atlanta Ga. The porch and house were beai!li,'iiliy decorated for the occai-ion in spring flowers and ferns, and Mrs. iiebane’s entertainment of her guests was of such a nature as has alway.s given her place among the first if Alamance county’s hostess. The i.ivited guests other than the guests of hcnor were: ^•'XuociriiTiss Hsi'ry Spcncsi** tinsville, Va.; Banks WilliamoO.i, of Glencoe; Jas, N. Williamson, Erwin Holt, Finley M^lliainson, J. H. Hoi and Misses Jessamine and Cox'rinna Gant, of Burlington, and ]VlGsd^.nies Lynn B. Williamson. Frank Tvloose, E. S- Parker, Jr., J. Harvey White, Edwin D. Scott and Miss Mamie Park er, of Graham. Refreshments con- sistinff of a salad course and tea were served. ♦ ►- * MrH. J. D. Kernokl^, was hostess to the Priscilla Club on Friday after noon at ;i. Tliose present besides the members of the club were Mrs. James i). I-roclor, of Lumosrton, Sfrs. G. W. Denny, of High Point, Mrs. Jim Watson and Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Giaham. Ices and cakes in pink and white were served by Hrs. Proc- ton and Mrs. Thompson. The club meets next month with Mrs, J. A. i.ODg-. Miss II»ttie Belle Smith Entertains in Honor of Guest from Greensboro. Charmisg Hostess. Simultaneous revival services arc cinjii; conducted at five of the churirhc.s I city. The chorchcs engaged i:> work are JMvis Street Baptist, Es Christian, Front Street flietiiodist, pJavis Street Methodist Protestant, lElmira Prosbyteiian and First J^re.'^ jijyterian. Visiting evaiigeU.t.s are [working in all theSe meetings. At each of these churche.s the night .«er- Mcen begin at 7:15. Because of its centra! location the Fir.st Prcsbytei'- jian Church has been selected as a place for Union servircs :»t 8:^10 b’clock each morning. ! Cam}* of Modern Woodmen of Amer ica l)rHanized. A local camp of the Modern Wood men of A mericii \va-s^ organized at his place last Friday night in the Masonic Kail. The Graham Camp, ifty-four in rmmber, was present .-vnd asisted in the work of instituting the camp. The following is a list of the officers elected: J. R. Hoffman, con sul; V/. Montgomery, advisor; O. lleritage. past cons;iiI; A. W. Cole, clil^; C. B, Way, banker; C. C. Cates, -SfWjjrt; 0. G. Fnucett watchman; B. i?.'''i^ipes, sentry; Dr. H. M. Mont gomery, camp physician; board of trustees: J. W. Thomas, J. H. Wright, Dr. H. M. Montgomery. The Modern Woodmen of .,^merica is the largest fraternal beneficiary organization in the United States, the membership numbering over a mil lion. This nev/ carep starts off very enthusiastically and bids fair to be come one of the leading lodges of our city. Senatorial Personalities. “They say there are on!y eight gen- ine jokes.” “Yes,” replied Senator Sorghum, “and I think I could teU who they »?e if courtesy did not forbid per- nalities in ofRcial life.”—Washington Star. Taking Ka Chance. 'Why don't yon enter the race for mayor? Vou could be elected with -whoop.” “No, I’ll never enter a political race any kind. No r^in^ up of the, for me.” “What have you to fear?” “I was ft memher of a male quar- it cnce.”—Chicsgro R«cord-Heratd. HcriKTt Austin Takes Own Life. f;harIotte, Jlay 4.—Herbert L. Aus tin, cashier of tht Wachovia Bank, of High Point, committed suicide By' shooting himself throiigh the temple with a pistol this nioinii;;' .■•■i.oyt 10 o’clock at tho home of his grandmoth er. Mrs. Noah Tow'nseiid. at Hilde- iii'and, s::ys a special frcni Hickory toiiigiit. .Viistm, who v.-jis about 2;! year^ old, rtiached Hickory thi-s nujrn- ing ;iV.out 7 oViocl\ jind afterwards walked to the home of his gland- mother at Hildcl.rand, about five miles from Hickoj'y. .^fter gieeting his giandparent affcil ionately, he re- J'u.‘--ed anything to eat and h'CjiI into a room, jiresumably to rest or sleep •I while, Mrs. Townsend heard a pi.s- tol ,nhot and going to the room found her gr:in(ison lying ou the floor, dead. HIGH POINT YEKSION. High I’oint, Jlay 4,—Herbert L, .\iisiiii, the young man of thi.s city, who conm\iite-;l s-'iiifidt at ni«.'.kory this morning, wa.s until a few days ago as.sistant cashier of the Wachovia Loan ;tnd Trust Company and was at tho head of the Piedmont Organ Co.. and connected with the .A.ustin Mu sic House, Two weeks ;igo he mar ried Miss Smith, of Jamestown, and seemed happy, returning from his bridal trip lijst week. Worry over busii'.ess and personal matters is giv en as probable cause. He left here on the early morning train and had been in Hickory only a few minutes when he tired the fatai shot, seemingly'a ‘ prear.ranged affair. Tho deed was committed in a few miles of wheie the remains of his mother, where his body will also be interred. Board Re-Elcct Officers. The Board of Aldermen re-elected the officers of the town at their reg ular serai-niontiily meeting Monday night. The only changes was that of physician, Dr. L. A. Walker being elected to take the place of Dr. W. D. Moser, who declined to serve nn- der present conditions. Dr. T. S. Faucctte resigned hi,s-con nection as a member of the school board. Mr. J. M. Browning being elected to take his place. A compromise was accepted with A. B. Hart to settle the debt, w^hich they hold aga^st the town. The constitution of a country being onpe settled upon some compact, tacit or expressed, there is no power ex isting of force to alter it, without the breach ot covenana, or the consent of all the parties.—^Burke. If curs bite they mast he kicked. Elon College, May 'j.—A social ev ent of rare diversion was that last evening when Miss Hattie. Bijle Smith, at the home of her pai'ents, Mr. and Mrs. \Valter L. Smith, en tertained a number of friends in hon or of her visiting guests. Miss Claire Henley, a cousin, r.nd Miss Annie Belie Harris, a friend, both of Greensboi-o. The social evening, which lasted from s to 11:30, was blended with v '.ried pleasures for those whose p.ivilege it was to be pi-eseht. The guests upon their arrival were met at the front door by Mrs. A. L. Hen ley, che hoste-ss’ aunt, of Greensboro, who escorted them to the purluv Where a general exchaiige of social greetings took place. Be^des the ho.stess, there were, present five-youn'j women and five young men. After an hour of pleasant conversation, the young women, by a novel scheme di rected by Mrs. Henley, each chose a partner fi'om the young men. Fol lowing thi-s the guests, by couples, were invited into an elegantly spaci ous room across the hall, where ar rangements had been made for cards and other indoor games, the game of Rook being principally indulged in. Following the gaiety which accom panied the participation in game^ :ind just ps-eceding the.departing hour, Ihe party was served to a delightful repast of peach cream, cake and mints. In serving, .Miss Smith, the hostess, was assisted by Mrs. Henley, The p’ueats of the evii'.ing were: t'laire Hanley and -An:ne I>elle Han'is, of Greensboro, an d Leona Hilton, Stella (.’ox and Vivian Hufi'- nian, of the village, the young men being Messr.s, F. M. .Aycock, V. P. Jioatwolet'.fBegfr-~»tr-Wiw*ie!’*tf.- E. .lorgejison and James V. Reynolds, of the col!G.fe. Before fl^partiiig each guest voted ?.3iss .Smith a most charmin.g hostess anti gave her full civdit for the splendid hov.r of pi'emeiiiated prepa rations for such a succe.^f-fLdly de- lijchtfu! i;vi!iun;j. QUTJUKjlM WEEK, i NHICiUI OEVELOPMENTS. Chataui)ua Week For Burlington, N.; ?eneral Opinion of Officials That Med- ■ ■ I . .0, Juiie 27th to July ; iators Have Touched on Vital 3rd; ' jPoints on Controversy. Large Crowd Expected. Huerta lo Straits. This city will £0021 begin to assume ;. Washin^ton^ JVIay -i.—Mexican der a gay appearance for the coming i velcpments moved rapidly her« today with an evident tensenc:s3. in the dip- ioniatic and tlie .m.iUtui-y situations. The South American mediators held thret* ses.sioiis, .stiUin^ ihroiigh Sec retary Bryan that General Huerta h:itl i-.nrned L>e i!\Iiiio an on^i- nent iMc^icaii jurist, xind Aug'ustu (javLa, uiider-Sv'cretary of JusUce, us: two of his delegates to confer with the hiediatoi's. _Mr. Bryan did not ia?t year> It is so lai*f?e that holes ! the mediators as to the ap- had to be cut in it to reduce tho wind ; of Amei’ic-an dolegai.^::. Dressure o’l it. ' ‘ A hundred or more of blue and : „„ CKL'CIAL qrESTlON, white flags, announcing the date of ' ®"''oys co!i- Chatauqua. will decorate the tele- i Secretary Bryan led. to graph poles of the main streets and : something more was roads into town. :di.scus.sed than the mere matter of names of delegates, and that some of of Chatauqua, according to plans be ing made at the Chatauqua headquar ters in Swathmoie, Pa. This year in every town in which the Sw:>throqie Chatauqua Associa- fioR cofidycts a Chatauqu.i, a iaige banner 3 feet by 20 feet, will be .strung across the business: .section of the to'vn. This is a larger and better made banner than those used tors would limit their effoits for the time being to the settlement of. the Tampico incident, which is responsi ble for the Americans being in V^era Cruz, have practically given up hope of interesting the Constitutionalists in the first stages, but also had de termined to postpone consideration of any definite plans for settling the dis pute between Hueita ind the United States. By this procedure the medi ators would avoid the problems of a quasi-recognition qf Huerta or of the elimination of the Mexican dictator and conditions precedent to mediation which diplomatic skeptics were earlier Sure would wreck the negotiations at the very outset. ' ■ A sinipie? problem, that of the de- ii-ree and -nature of the amends lo i.e offered by Huerta fo^’ the conduct of Ids .i'ei.ierais ai:d subo'i'dinates at Tani- Ijico ar.d Vera Cruz, v.'oiild be for nied- ialovs xo solve and success in this pre liminary effort wo’.ild cof.tribule grear- iy to The chances of woi-kin^ out a “eiieral settlemeni of. the llexicar. imbroglio. jthc crucial que,stio;is were being ap- i l)roached, V.’hile no ofTitlal announce- Literary ,\ddres.s Friday Night, Friday night the itradoating cxer- of the iitirlington (Jraded 13chool were held. The auditorium wa^- fill ed to overflowing with frionda and relutivea of the graduating class. The rostrum was adorned by beautiful dec orations of red ami while. Dr, J. Moore McConnell, professor of Hist- ry of Davidson College, delivered the nnual literary address on the sub ject of “Educational Ideals.” The ad- drc.--..s wivs full of good though de livered in a rasterly way. Dr, I’. H. Fleming,.Superintendent of the School.^, delivered Bibles to the i-adnating class, giving the begin ners in life some good points. The following received scholarships: Ca tawba College, Sadie Vanderford; Trinity College, Ralph Holt; Normal College, Lorraine Isley; Uiiiversity of North Carolina, Walter Smith; Eton College, Blanche Thoma?: Littleton College, .\nnie Waker. It the close of the exercises. Dr. Flendng in a few well-chosen words presented to the principal, D. J. Walk er, a handsome ring, a gift of love and regard from the graduating class. Immediately after Rev. J. B. Gib- ble in a few words presented to Dr. Fleming a handsome oak library ta-i ble, a rocking chair and a purse, gifts friends of Dr, Fleming- These gifts came as great surprises to the re cipients. Thus vrinds up one of the most: de lightful commencements and one of the best years in the history of the school. The superintendent will not return as he has accepted the call to the pastorate of the Fi-st Christian Church of Manchester, N. H., and will take up his duties there as soon as he can finish up his work here. Many of the teachers have been re elected and wll return, -while others ■will not. The successors of these will be elected soon. Of all that is'written I love that which the writer wrote with his blood. Write wtih blood and thou wilt learn that blood is spirit. Nietzsche. Hundreds of small banners for use on awnings, fences and the like are to be sent heie. jaient was made, it was generally un- Hundreds of small buttons printed ; derstood that as a result of the un in blue, red and white will be used j yielding attitude nf the Constiturion- sellers to “tag” boost-! alisis, mediation for the time being would be limited to the flag incident at Tampico, on which President Wil- ers of Chatauqua. A neat pennant printed on good paper in colors, bearing the words .■jon's course v,-as justified by the joint "We are Boosting the Burlington, 1 resolution of Congres.s, North Carolina Chatauqua” will be ' Kepnrts of the de.spf!-;ite coi.dition placed in the windows of each hojne ' of Huerta at Me.xico City cotitinucd of purchasers of season tickets, ' to cii-cidate.. and wlih such cii-c.n^i- Before Chatauqua opens, an adver-: .sunitial detail froai atuheatic ?ource;; tising automol.dle will roll into town, ■ as to leave no doubt on that and, during its stay will distribute ’ 2,500 or more Phoro-Ktnvy Booklets, JULITAUV SITUATION I'KOJH- which contain the coniplete progratn NENT. for the week. The Chatauque Coui-: At the same time the miiitarv a:=- ier, 2,000, of them, wiii follow, i ped ^f the situai.ion ngiiip, bt'conic ^howiiig pictures of each of the :J1 | increasingly iiromiiicnt. General. Fun- events of the week. ' ;;;ton reporti;l rent-wed doma::ds 1a- T'.%o kind.-; c|. window cards are to, jiexic;u7 Federu! oiitpo.'^fs for the sui^ he- printed pictiires of leading ix-nder ol' tho v,';;ter'voi-k-.'^ supjih-inp.' attraction.^, and a hundred or th.-m : Ci-u:'.. Xo shot-; v>-i-.-e flrtil.'and placed in the store windows of the i tf.c .Mcxi;-:ms fi.ll ha.-k, Ck'neral Pun- insrciiiiiits. .',ton voiced the nvo'.-aiiing sjiirU i:i 1,000 «iicu.n-s for piacinir on out-^ -uartc-i-s’in i;ituiri-:sr f going mail will be dis-t-. i!'i;tcd by the ■ .«te|is ll-i- U,:;tc!l’ connnittee, . tenjplatcd in i-f fii;- rhi-e.itt^jji;;;^- Bcsiili;.- all this, there will con-. ,,ouv.-;c. sidevabk. display atUeiii.dng the -n«. l\,i,rth ;i.k1 ,dxtb bri;r.id,-s ol' newspaper.'. ' j^ho socoi'.d tiivisioti of the army wuh This Ch;UaL.!:ia wiii mean a ,!;reat . i,e;!,i,;uart.,'is at 7oxas City are iioth deal lor the L-onnn-anity. ia fact for ' ,.oa;iy ;,„d cotdd i>oard the four trans- the entire (ounty and the cii!-/av.'-who ! puvt- ..‘iio iiack at Ibih'oston i-.iday if have nuide this attuictive eve.it pos-:-mo-o ireoiis are i.ccd,jd. «1M*5 for Burlington and conuiiunily i - - tiunestly ^^oUeit tho entUusia^'tic co- Hl'KUTv IN STUAITS oporation .)! all our people. ^ \\ord xhat JUktI-i i- in Why not n:;»ke (iialauquii weel; l-jvini .•omit ii! ovcry po^>ibie way 1'ur tlie ! q..,. aispatrh for a loreirrn iniiuHttr uphiiildinjr of ouv eommututyV --ir ;\rexlv;ft Ciiy .-^aid I'riofiy of llui"-'tn: Biirlin.ii'iiH) will ope;', wide hot* u''UeS | desperate, i-ut *ha\t‘ ih> ti- ar.d wclcoaie mo.~t eordiiUly all wlut tail-/’ Another, thn.-ai^h dipl.ip.v.uif come, and eood limt^ is t-> vhan‘.iv‘is, ivr,onod Mosivo CUy every wardly i>uiot anoi,hc,*i* ri>- The rolLA,’iii.£r are the j 5,, the douhi.fiiJ ijiiituJr of ihr whose co-operation with the Sioretofore ioya! to Huerta. Ip.- niore t. A?is0ci:it:0!’i \i:\.w foriUiUifin ;ds(f catnc ihat the na^ir- made po.'?.-;ille thi= wtrck ol joy- b^ivsven General iilanqiiei, Mil;- ous days: ’ ister of War, and Huo.'ta :nijrht I'Wi.p' John M. (viok. J, W. ^?an:iy, Clia^. ■ tjiar.iiuet to the fi'ont i> ease ol’ IIiLer- \. Sharpe, t,. Brown Cox. J.V'. W. A. iiiuch as Uuorta rose after Hornaday, !.. J. 'iouii^, Dr. J. P. collaji^e of the Madero repinu' Spoon. . K. Sharpe, J. L. Si*ott, (,. Dia;; rauwnK'in. C. Fonville, Dr. W. D. Moser, I. J. Tho MiniHtcr at Mexi.-o Ma:!ur.^ Clyde E, HornaiJay. FreL'ni.-in ^ notilied tht- State iVnnnmo’i* Dray; Co.* 1>. li. Fonvilie, W, I". , tluu Aniericuns thert’* were ia no way ey. J. C. Staley,. S. A, Steele O. ; ii:ii-ra:^se(i or in dan^rer, but that he White, 0. I- bhoffner, F. L. Winiam-| them to reiiKiin in elo^e quar- son, -lame^i K Montg’omjJi-y, Vi. ter?;» ami avoid (iea\or.5irations anti) Baker, D. E. Sellar^j, B. \. May, leave. L. Bolaiv-i Co./ John il. Fi.v;. Burllr.;^- : — ton Coffiri Co.. Emanuel .May. Or. J. : Si:CCESSOK TO KOJAS. S. Frost, Morrow & Bason. Ine., M. Thi.^ situation ar Afexico City HCERTA DELKGATES SATISFAC TORY.- The mediators expressed satisfac- lioj] with the dass of chosen i>y Huerta asliis deiejjates to confer with them. The appointment of Rabaza brin«--s a hig: man i;ito the proceed ing's. Kc id one of the eJosest advis ors of Goiieral Huerta, aad. it ha';? i-een said in jMexico that he Avas in the combination with Huerta and Fe- ■ ix Diaz which disposed of the Ma- c;o.ro «;overnment. The other Huerta Soutii Anicricar^s will constitute in- ciele^ate.s, Seuor Gai'za, is a youug lawyer, .'^ycretary to the Vice Presi dent tiniler Poriirio Dia/,. The tnecf- iutors will continue in complete eharpe of the phin*-; of si>tt)L*ment and v.m-I not takv; tho deieirates fron^ the dif- terent p«irtie.' into any general coun cil with ihpni. The delegates will It rnerelj' advi.«.>r.-. while the three tornationnl trihunrd trying tryinjr t-.* work out th‘* proMf-m. SKCUKTaRV KKVAN PLEASE:). iSecretavy i.’vyan expressed sLtti-'- iiiclioji lod.'jy -w'y.'it the mediati'jj: p ctvciij'.ir.'. Ill: v.-‘:ir -o tho White :ha;.Sv- Til' a coMlVivnce with do’it Wiisoi:. ]>urirski‘ the tlay li wa.s ;.t,iT!nUMLv.‘J ihiix I‘; t \Viiin i.'lanned to lo IjitHjl.lyi. i;n and nie*.-t tho which is l>rin):.in^ bud' ihe i*odi*''. o;' ilie An:eiicau marine; killcil at Wvix Cru/., and deliver a : adthcrv. ;’lniuUi pul.la I'U.^iuc'.".' re* ((uire the foniinacd prot-encc oi’ Vi\'y- ideM ;ji \\'a>iii?!^loM, lary l>anul- wi'l .'peali l"or him. ___ __B. Sniith, J- O & L. B. Whitted. J. j\Jded iiViportai\ce to the summoning; of appreciation from the pupils and Chester A. Smith, Jos. A. Is]ey ; Joaquin i>. Casasus from Cadsbrirf. C. Buchanan* t. L. Morgan, B. Goo(i- ; was believed that hi-> real post waj^ & Bro. Co., Rev. D. K. Tutde» city Minister of Foreign Atfairs at Drug Co., Eusrene Holt, Dr. T. S.; Mexico City to take the place of Ro- Faucette. Lawrence S. Holt, Jr.. Claud The ^finister of Foreign Affairs Cates, Erwin A. Holt, A. L. Davis,' Vincent H. Snyder, R. W. Malone» C. A. Waiker, J. E. Garrison, J. M. Browning, E. S. W. Dameron, E. H. Whitehead, John K. Vernon, R. J. Hall. J. K. Bridgers, J. II. Coble, Burlington News Co., t*ai*wence S. Holt, W. W, Browii, L, Banks Kolt, K. K. Lively, Green & McClue Furn. Co., W. H. Carroll, George W. Hatch, G. Scott-Hunter, C. H. Walker, Fos ter Shoe Co., George G. STaarpe, L. Banks Willianison, R. N. Cook, J. W. Cates, J. E- Foust, J. A. Hall, W. H. May, Rev. A. B. Kendall, J. Zeb WaUer, Dr. J. E. Holt, E. S. Parker, Jr., X B. Sobartson, Burke ^ Wil- iliams^ Dr. Walter E. Walker, h. L. Patterson, B. L. Holt, Rev. J. B, Gib- i5 in direct Jine for President under the Mexican constiiution, so that this would bring to succession a re garded as particularly strong in case Huerta disappeared from the scei^e Casasus was formerly Mexican Am bassador at Washington as^d those who know him v/ejl, including so-ne of the mediators. in high tor^na of his fitness for the foreign minis try and the presidential succession at this juncture. TAMPICO FIRST. The understanding that the media- AMl'SINC. FEATLUES. Thi.*ro has hw-n amusini^ ^V-;ucires lo ii.u'iit'L'n the a^pcvt.-f oj' ;)i{> jnc>th'atJ03J proi'eetlinf.,. Vhj/ '.Viodiiitor.' hrvvo liccn rei‘enini;- a nun^h*^',’ of it‘Uer.> apj»:rvlivj lhi*ir nnu'f-i\ and o;Verin“- advicc. (.'Uv'v ■ ter nrii'srd ihai Tlu‘uh«v* l?-.)c«stn'oU lh\i w.an ’.* up i\ provisirnal in A]t»\u-n. ivai'Ki'd liy Xorth, South :u-d ( ontral Anierit.u. and thai thi^ Spa?il>]i repuniics ih“uUi invhu-s' him 10 ui’.dortako the ioi.al dirtvnoi’ oi‘ afTair>5 at Citx. Ar*i you o:io of tlio.se persons who Wert- wo’idcring*. tho other day. VTheihor spill,ic evi*r Would airix'c’.'-- Gi'oeiisboro Nov.?. PrDgrainwit* oi‘ AVhitsolf Comn ble, Lynn B. W01iam.son. Saturday, May Khh. doc'lamatio!: Contests by Dialectic nr.d Athsniav. Literary Societies. Saturday night. Senior Clas.^ exc-r- eise. Sunday, May ITth. 11:00 r n„ Sermon by R-v. M. W. Buck, F:.'.:t Baptist Chur>,‘h. Ihirling- ton. 4:0 ' p. Til. V. M. C. A. Address hy M. \V. Burk. Burlington. Mv>nday, May IS Comn^encement Day. 10:00 a, m. Literary Address by President E. K. Graham, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hil). 12:00 noon. Graduating Exercises of the Class of 1914. 2:30 p m. Contest for Senior Ora tor’s Medal: “Character,’^ C. M. Wood ard; "‘The Res'tovalion of the South,” H. H. Perry; “The State and the In dividual,"’ i. P. Harris; ^'The Rural School of the Future,” R. C. Shoi't. 6;30 p m. Band Concert on the campus. 8:00 p .m Senior Contest in Elo cution. 9:30 p. m. Reception in Society Halls.

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