A PROGRtiaSiVE REPUBLICAN NEnSFAFER DEVOTED TO TKE tJFBUILDLVG OF AKEKICAN HOmSS AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURIWGTON, AUMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1914. Siatf. Lihrnry Con'.p. IEAH W M WNiUt A Short Sketch of the Life and Death . of Mrs. Emma Harnson By A Friegd. Mrs. Emitui Harrison McAdams vras born in Caswell County; North ^^Jfohna, February 14, 1851, and died at Salisbury, May 4, 1914. aged 63 years, 2 months and days. About IG years ago she along with her husband, James T. McAdams, and family, consisting of S sons and i daughtaj*3 and also an a«:ed mother, moved to Burlington. Her husband died about Vj years ago. Soon after the death of her husband, Mrs. Mc Adams was received into the Burling ton Reformed Church by the rile of bSptism ar;d confirmation. She was 11 wonxan of rare good judgment and for the time when she was reai*ed .^lie had a very good education- In the work of the Chur‘2h she soon becatv.v; a leader, .serving teacher of the primary class in the Sunday school at one time, ami for a long while as ?'{ liif Aid MU- ry Society. On the 20th of April was tiiken to the Stokes Siinitar- in Salisbury. The next day she sent to the uiuiersi.i^siod a post cai-d with this verse upon it: “Now is the 1imo j*emember a friend Now is the tinu‘ I’oi- a greeHng to To some near one, to some dear one Just to cheer one. Now is the time. it was the of the writer to visit her in the hospital and pray for her after she had had an opur- ation. Her funeral-was conducted ii> the Reformed Church in Burlington, May 6th, by her former pastor and her re- ere Ittid to rest along &esid6 remains of her mother in Kne Cemetery. Her many noble qualities and fine 'Christian example will be remember- and cherished hy those who knew J. D. ANDREW. Plan for Enlarslne the Army in Mex. ice About Complete. Waahington, May 9.~An entarge- meut of the administration’s minitary operations Mixico is now momentar ily expected in Wadiington. Though not officially admitted, it is known that planis for: reinforcing the Ameri can aiTny at Vera Cruz to at least 40.- 000 men, and for mobilizing a second army of 00,000 near the Mexican bor der, were perfected in det^ail' last night and today by the war depart ment authorities. ' Necessarily the plans involve the c-allinjf. out of the national Ruavd. This step is much closer at hand than at any time since the Mexican .situation became acute. The ten.;ion and activity, in ofiici;il circ'es has .steadily in«rensel .since tiie receipt ThuvstU'.y i'.i?^l'. of a cipher dispatch from General Fur?- ton at Vera Cruz: The dispatch !i::s not been made public. l;ut tis contents wore evidently cnnsidcred of the hifrli- est importance by Secretary of 'Var Garrison, and v.-ere mads the subject of .. lOTiR dttinff of the Prosidcni niu! his cabinet tods5’. Neither thf- di?ci:s;cd r.or the ;e;iched rt ili;: c:^bi)xt ni.>c-t- ir.g^ were discIo.?e.I- But amon^ the icnowii facts Y.'hicli, in f-;irt at le:ist, account for the warlike outlon!; are thermo; GIUDllATf KECITAL Progr»in of the Musi of Elon College by Masic Graduates. Interesting Propam. The Builders and Contractors of tl State Will Hold Their Annual Meeting at Cliarlotte, CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Syl'an and Either Gastonia or Ashe ville Wil! l»lay at i'iedmoni Park ! . Eio.n .College, May 11.—Al the sec ond of tne spj’ing recitals. Miss Wil son, director of the music de}-ai*tmeni, prosei’ted three graduates in niano. Mi;-‘s H:;iiit* Bolle SmUh, of Elon. Col- lew- N. C.: Mt.s Ethel Barrottc, of Ohio, and no:’Jn>je M;’. ■ T \:0 an ii'.leresiin^:,' v^iricL-iy ot’ i''.'.'..;.';.-’ nnd lia-ht was admfi’ably xjlayea u!jtl. gave n’.uch pleasure to iho;e who, love and understand nrj?ic. : Sniilh has a clear a?ui sure touch. Her. interprt tation of Chanii^acle^s “An-: lumn*’ 'vn? aroo«l av;d the Sehuniann •'Dct L:;sti,;-e ful, be- ir.g received with much entlvtisiasm. Mi^-; R;>i-rett iv.xdi^ her ivuo solf i.. ‘li.,- Lisi't-Wagrev eompoi^itions. She commar.dr: a ringhig tojie of much l-cauly which showed to advantage in thv P;u’;rev.-:4d and num- i Hv ;• v.n.^ c::”e!ichr. Ssvrotury t;f I^iyan ai.:'(>ur.c cd that Huerta, acting Ihrou.trh the thri*L‘ South Anioricnn dliilornats '.om- pri.'jing the inediation board, had pro tested ajjainst the landing of GoJ’-cral f-’uiiston's brigade :\t Vera Cruz as a violation of the armistice xvhich •‘Farewell lo Geneva” ''■mh wcH brought out in Miss Masou'.s first number. She plays with a delieacy of expressic»n alunys delightful aiid snl' Ext6!islne Preparatioc. The contractors, material men a-id architests, in fact, ail allied interests, who have to wiih the construc- cioiz and adort.meiiC oi‘ huildiirjfs, arc lookiL’g forwarJ v.ith consideval.le a.;- tlcipat.io:'. lo i. •> .. i.-iiiion to h-j ht-ld (!iKii;otU\ V'..'-’.‘.‘."laiy iiirJ- Tiiurs- May *iT liv. • i'Ik* e;.ler-Uii..:iv.- 5 coni!'{;ilicc‘, iu;- Cor v.\j guida.v. V ei' I'.:, chairman, L. L'. i»erry, app-.h hy ihs.* North Car- ^!ifia BuiUlc'^'.'' rliiit-hangc and a lik^ jornmittue, th(i ieadeiship of II. ^V. BaruilL. : .‘pointed by the Balld- i'i'S' K.'Iehi • n.L* • « ? lij'i? buy- iiy engaji'eJ ri'iii.rii-.g i,.:- the onicr- Tainmei'it- of i.'':* vi-riior.' -.'h.j vil! Charlotte a; -l-ial 1 he olVu’W.v -S Movih Caroliv::'. i-.’iL-han^o II. Pi\;h{, ])resiue!’i, •i' W'iiisLor;-!:;.;' .1. ’P. Salmon, vie?.- {U-esidonl. iJ-j.-i;;;!'!;; IJ, C. Feuoral, y GreL'.'js)>oro. The i^ C’harlotle K>:ch:.n;;-j i.; oirk'cred f>y -S. N. .Mi'('^ti.s]ah!l. H. I' , ov-;-,.-,'! Uann, vice nrc^iaeul; L. Vausrluir..‘ . .-■jjcrfrlary. J.on 'J. Cruse, trea.'Urer. | ly Evenina. TRIP PBOVED FATAL Seven Boarded Train for Ride to^ Hillsboro; Two Killed and Two. Seriously Hurt, Freiglit Cars Piled Up. i The baseball team repre.senting the i Sylvan iligh .School, of Alamance; CouTity. and ihc teaj;i of eiiiicr tiic ; ^.^asio;:ia cr A.sheviTic Hiirh Schools j vvlli CTO'." l“?'.t" • i:i. Pic'drno.*;* I'ark^; \V:‘d;:‘.‘.-.'iMy af-U r;ir-;..‘u ' .‘hv.’' *;s.) j ;,.u5 ; -y :.i \o cie.'J'.'i* j h vv;!: iriake 'vln* ii-jp i-i ' :i:> willi .Sylvan. j Thi.-' li'ame in jiurlinii-io'. '•.•■id iic ' the gan-.c of f.i:-.;; pr'jliini‘>aj'y relate | I'hi'irihioi./.hip ,Sef=or. l;.-: aiTang'’--.! Ufi' ; ::y Ih-j alv’.u'.'.i atr.i'-iiv asocituioij ri . U:nvc-i‘~ily oi' Xortii Th^ i l ihix gauK- v/i:l ivj-i'v-; V,'c .■.‘••I the 1;. ih:- Ki!! *^ht' Commoncemcnt ProRvam. We arc in roccipt of Uie following invitation: The faculty and .sc*ni.r class of Ca- tabwa College rnciuest the honor of your presence at their .sixty-third an nual oommencement exercises. May 24 :to 27, lftl4. Sunday. iMay 2A, 3:00 l\ M.—Bac calaureate Sermon, Prosidoni J. I). Andrew. Monday, May 25, S: 00 P. M.—Con cert by Choral Society. Tuesday, May -C, 2::>0 T. M. —Art e*xhibit. 5 to 8:30 P. M.—Alumni Banquet. 8:00 P. M.—Alumni Addre.ss. Rev. Clar»ncc Woods, Thonuisville. N. C. Wednesday, May 27, 10:30 M.— Gr;jdualing o.vercises. 2:.S0 P. M.—Comr.ionccment Ad dress, General Julian S. f':irr, Dur ham. M. C. Sz-'iO P. iVI.—Drama “Coilo.ifc nays" Under auspices of Senior Class. i l>einocrali£: vs. .'\ristocratir Audient-. "‘It hns been a pleasant part of my unpleasant business to address gath erings of university men and *mob3" of working men,” writes Lincoln Stef fens, “and I have noticed that the questions put to me In a university cluh are ‘easy," whereas those throwi fit me in a labor union are hard^ like brickbats; they are searching, fundu- Tinonlal and land with fearftil momen tum of knowledge. My subjects are politics and government, business, fi- 'V.an'e. economics ai^d philosophy. Xo nr.atler what my theme, however, I ha'^e t'^ be on my mettle at Cooper Union, whc-re at a college or before an uptov.T. .'i’.uUenee, cross-e-xan\\ni'.' lion by the audience is play; not even rr fine spvorJ;; it’s a joke. And other university men will testify to the same effect. Profei^sor William H, j^^'Taft, for exa mple. He addressed Cooper Union once, and he has ortc;j talked at college ineetir.gs. Ask him which is tlie raore comfonable. The dilTcrerce ir. essentia!. “A donioc-ratic audience has the ha- ptii.ing of culture; an aristocratic auiiience has the ends ot an educa tion.—Harper's Weekly. Ar.d if it seems wasteful to use on some old out-building, white- is cheap and very efficient.—The Greensboro News. agjecd to pending the moditaion pro ceedings. Advices have reache^l tl\e adminis tration that two ncrr.i;ui warships, lu'aring arms and amtnunitioii; '•on- :--ig)u'd- to Huerta havi? ai-rived at Puerto Mexico, a po-t six hour.i run south of Vera Cruz, which has ''ail '.:n?i;'cctinn with I^Iexico City. The situation in the vicinity of the «'■ Tftn»£ico is daily becoming more perilous to these prop erties and may necessitate the land- ing of an American fone to prolcct fhc wfllls. Funston's bri2:ad.- sailed from Gal veston the aCtei-noon cf the eveiun:.’: that the n^odiation plan was a:rreed to by the United States, and had nol actually hmded in Vera Ci*uz \yhnn the pro))osal for an armistice was nuide. Th«! prote.At is regarded as an efTort to haniiicap th« work of the mediators whose ftdid haf^ already hc;on much limited by the refusal of Gtmerals Carranza and Villa to enter the armistice. Hence the view pre vails here that Huerta’s latest move corroborates informaiion brought frtim Mexico City that the dictator is attempting to force the Unit.?d States into intervention. If Huerta snsist.^ upon his j)rotest. the upsh«»t almost ceitainiy will be an abrupt er.d of medial ion. Furr.s- ; ton’s men will i-ot he withdr;;wn. ’ On the contrary it is l«;Ueved that '.early action is to be taken to rein- ) force him on a large scale. The pres- jent force under Fun.-^ton is ample to ‘defend the city, but it is desired by jthe military authorities that Funston I have at his command a suflicient force •to advance upon Mexico City should Ihiorla's power collapse before the I constitutionalists armies arrive, if j Huerta be suddenly oven'hrown or itlocan-^p. a rei"^ of n-)'i?.rch\’ and ter- j ror in the Mexican capital is fore- SOO*'. Whether steps are Ueir.g taken by the United States naval forces to pn?- vent the landing of ammuaition of war at Puerto McKico could not be liscertained tonight- The fact that two German ships are now at or a'ear that port, however, is known here. To prevent the landing it w’ould be ne cessary to duplicate the \era Cruz incident and seize the custom house- ' The imminence of the call for cit- |i^:(^n soldifry became known through itho fact that the War Department jin coir.niunicfftion w-jth the Governors ^of New York, Pennsylvania and Ohl^t. 1o:;t distance tclcphono. Kxnci ; n-format ion was olttained as to how 'quickly the militia of thc^o conmrjsinr: iv.'O divisio‘'.s or -10,000 rof^n, rould be mobilized r.'id sent to \'-^r-cntratlnn earnps at the *ienboard. 'It is said similar infoi-maUon was re- que^.*?d from other States. Theso in- ioninrs nre .'^;irnificnnt in .'‘S much as fher pore unon the subject of v.\ov- linrr the organisation •without thf; do- jJay of rec ruiting each regiment to full iwar strereth The full prc:.:r::m was as f«»Uo\vs; Chiininado Autumr. Schumanr- .. .. Der I.ustige Hauer Miss Smith. The pr^'j.'rran-; f«'r ihv tvro day.s i.s follcv.'s: Wednesday, May 27. Urder of bu-irie'^.s. CcmniiTteu* mec-*!- iaji at local eX'-hai'igv rooni. -M We;-l Fifth Street. x-i'.'.'i of the S::;’-.? :• uw SIli:-* , ■hi-rh v.-jl: >;-c r.liiy-fd .\l • \--r Ml.V: '.iV..- I-:, -tl.'-'!;: .. J:: will :e ■ l-'.ri.y Uijrh . ih-j S/hoo-. ■ rr/i-j I.- : -I ;y i'; i‘icdrijoii; • ?ovver-,ir de Vieni'.*,' Wagiier-Lis^t .. KI.m'h I>ri%ini Masfonet Aragona1?e From Rallet Cid.’^ .Miss Barrett. iijiOU A. M. tJnlcrtpinme:'.*. f-mmittee. (.onnniiit-!*. Fi:;aace Bendcl Farewell to Geneva Urockway Murnmnii>r Water Miss Masson. 11:00 A... M. Lj xe c u t i \'e c o nmi i 110‘;. Committee. ji'av'l V/ii: : C UV'.'!;»y-livc' CCIi’.r. Il i-i that a iiii.gc? rroud of Burlijig- ;10;i p'jopj-.' v/in ihi.-- gaaiL*. v.-hirh \i> !K' in ihvir t.i = y i;y t^.-o ;Vi.w,i!ir.u leanis. C'>ach T. i Tri‘'iciuircJ of ihe win jiunj'ij-e Ok* g.';nv,‘. "i h;* ,v;ir.. • v. ;il 11- !aa v.\-)l Vv-'>rih \lu‘ jprio..'. ;iid vi'i Ih- a:i xco!elM u^ivt.-r- itisement for Uuriiagton. liringnig lO the city from thirty to fifty dilFrrent yonno- people from va;-ious parts of ihe ^?lal'-^- .\uditing Chopi?; .. .. Noctu'’ne Op. H. No. 2 Kme^rer VaUe Miss Smith. 2:00 P. .M. Gen'!-tl rontraeltn(‘unusjiLl'.^e. >u!•-coiiiractur.':* Comniitlee. Fiiderew.sixi Melodic SindiiijT Leggiero Rauhmaninoff ffumere.s’que Miss Barrett. :5:U) W M. Legislative Committee. C’(.»nunittee. ]^ M. (,‘on> rucl ion Lorium. Exposition at Audi- Godard ISn xonn Rogers .. .. Miss Mason. Op. no .. Etude P. M. Dutcii Luach at local when till local members an(! vi.silors ’oIIoge NexI will be ‘.-rspected to .Musical Festival at Thjrsday. The people of Burlington will have li 1‘ich opportunity to eajox a most, de- liglUful musif;',i festival on Thurslay evening ;;f this week at Klon College. The occa'^ion is to bo the oei'tificau recit;i! n'* Miss Frankie McNeil, Ned- erlaad. Texas, in piano, and Mr. M.t!'- maduke Wodwavd, SutTolk, Virginia, in voice. Miss McNeil is one of the most ta!- t^ession ented piasjo fujiils Klon has had for several j*ears, o.ml Mr. Marmadnk*' has a marve’ous voice of rare and su perior richness. He had boen heard by RurUngton people sevevai times within the past tuo years, in both thr Christian Chun-h and the Clmrvh of the Holy Comforter. The exercises will begin prornpLly at eight oVlock and Miss Wilson will play ^Ir. Woodv-'ard’s aceompani- The liai'ai.as and Phiiatlieas of the i fiefoi racd Cb(»rch will serve refresh- rnents h'aturday ni^rlit on the lot near Plaid Miil'-' :it thr> (‘::d nf tlie ?lre,-t car jine. Kvoryl-oi;y i.-. tt>vited to j C‘im« a’,;d ea\*h is expected U> hring a pt iiny f«.r ea*'h year old the doi;»>r is. For thf* old nir.iil.i and iiach- i elors small .'vu!-..- h.ue been made: iand will he faiaished. sf* a.-; n^>t to niakv any hhow. 'i'l’.e pnn-eeds wi!i be I :;rivca u» ihe hnil.litiir fu?4l «u’ the ; par'!;!umv. i rvlc'-':iv. v\', \V. Hrnv. il ;jnd . M. | jCoi*ie wiil . |/On*l unnnrrow |ji tiv.- viiy exchange .m buslnesi;. ' Swat the dy by the miliinns '\\ithi Col'le’s pivparation. , pronipUy. 8:00 P. M. lJi.*Ujr'-. t'» evpositior' lUiYi. Thiirstlay, May 2?^. Onior of Jiusiness: Mr?’, i'i. C. Simpson was called to •Vuditor- ^h-eensl)oro .\^.oiu)ay lo alten5 the fun- CTid b.r ^.slcr, Mrs, I.ik;v iOr. Post of its !0:00 A. M, Welcomiri*: Addre.ss an«; Solwyn 2:::n I, Ku.-ire V t:;;o P. M. '•-ossron :;{ : li.. r»;00 P. M. Sp;viai t'!!iei*Lainn:>r:i;. n- Woiildu’t Work (H\ rtime. A iMHJi h‘ Pe>ton phy.-i !a:.s v.i.:v Miss Wilson will pre.seni. her cer- svrap]u;'.;r stories of theii' odd expv*!'- tificate pupils on Thursday eveiu.ng ier.ces, says The Kansas (’ity Si;:r. of this week. Postum Fame ( Suicide. ! Saai:' iJari>ara, f'aL. May I*.— With ia buruH from :i riJle which he had iUiMec.'S ,corcealeJ, Charles \\'. Post., millioh- 'aire mar*Liraeturer of ecro.d fo,>ds, 'killed him u’f ai his wi:ilL-r iunr.e iiere I early toJ;’y. invading ihe mirse whi> ItitMs aiiendirig iiln: iu* r>.- ;iusned frcm the ea>t a fcw he wr.t to his :;)>arijnv.'.l, place.i 'the n'iu;:/.ie of Ich riile h: In.- ard )5ulh'ii Ihf? triggrr with a M.“. P».-l V.Ms C'»!;v:::f.-s-ei:l vhich :i;ve.->italed a nnijt'r PelV.riiiri;- here recently iu; scv-mvd 0';e. of the worst freight v.*re-ks if: ili'j histery of ths SouUieri: Rail- y OCC.UJ red j;ear Hillsboro Fi-iday al'oul 11 o'clock. The S.Cetie of '.•(•.••u i,-' at wiiai is kriO.wn as. -I'.' cut. v.-e>i e-f the ICno • V .;i!'d aii'.'-ji !\Vu hii!es Wesi of I:-;*.!.', v.-f-.irh .-c.-i.v;! i’i'eiirliL, and :-ov.-,i giT.dv.'. The e:;U.'^e •:!' ti.e v.f\e-; be shiiL'd ps^s> livv.y, I. ;}iOL!;:r:i tiu;i thy Irake v.v.~ u:.r;i.'cii wi;li^ '111-. U‘ V. L'i o s'.-ven ii-.-y* f:\-in Gr.;- iiuv/ r.^v-jv ;,i d P>:n'‘i:-.it.iri foi- C-. :■ their w:.y to Hills- v't-'v x:'i ati-.-ad i; i'.aseVdl e'arir.‘ there rrlc-i'ri'jor.. l*our of thc-se '■vc (.i;r ';^i-d'';) v.'i'h lamber. TV, '.) v/i thera wlto 'i wi'cCi\a.Le •■arly Saturday ; hv'ii' I.:;re Uurnic-,' \-thnr (iih’ii!'. The ihlrii. . I- :!• :. ij-d-rh!*crii:g fariU :,j>iy !i:ji;re j. The o'J:er v.-;;h Irjurie.-'. V tu' * 'til-- ’.vve>-‘: rrv*i! tlie en- ;i'ijio and leii'der putied loos-e iron', the train and stayed on the track. The •:*r;tr:.Jie-.':’ wa u;;a)'!e lo ^:lop the v\> V're i»:til lie iiad reached tlic stalitu’ lirj lira^a^ iici'''^,’ out of e'--r:nnL.-/'->!*. Th».-fv jio roDr.-'- '•j- i!v \t I. ilj-.-t rvpui'tcd- X^.-nv of irai: 'j’e’.v was JjcrJ. The ca- • '•‘•t' ;’ijiiae the oi«l i whi.li v.er*,' i^‘m»':i.-he({. 'ih. ' u.p. •.•ly j'..’.- i- M '.V.- S'-.aht ,i '.-’airn ajiienl, states that i\ i.- the wor.-.l wreck he has L\e}‘ sec . Twenly-ihree ears ail heavily l^r.ded. arc de.^troye} ;nui th« jrf-ods ill Iran.ii seriously dajna^fcd. S^.-vcrai Jarjie oj] tanj-s contairin^’ /rieie f=:l v.ert^ amon>c the cars urerk- The is s'tanding h*i pools and I I-'hii';-: fkiWM. (he tlraii*. into Fno riv er, nit inlnji- ;t l>Ia‘b suiTace ovo' the Wal-a.'' far i as HiitmiockV iniii. hunired yards of traci-; '.vere t'i!i|deteiy oul (jf conmnssion. The v.'iies wt';>* brokej; up ! ul havt* tenip^rariiy. ! i-.rir»>d ui* ;i!ai aa 'ipcrator in on ih»‘ jol) at Use scene. A work ti’i-iin, \v)lh a dcrrick, is clear- i;;g ihe track, thr*i\ving tiudvs. cars aati tank down the ennSankfncnl. Passen^'evs from the X'.oO train Waiki'd ir-to hVllsboro, where they Wert* tra;’.sferred by the r.orn^aliy oust- hound train, wn.irh r^atnrthty came oidy as far a> iiidsb(;ro ar.I relumed t»» Goidsln’i'e- ;\hiiiy if ihc m’k! suidiei’s on their WiiV frora l.l\«' rvunvjn at .JacksonviUe. airived om the S:aO train and w:i!ke.I fr'*m ihe S'-ciie ;f ihe wreek intt. Hillsboro. . 0:-,e i.‘ar, near ilie fri>rl, was caught, i-y a lifl-.ul rail. This car was fn’ct*^d fi-om the lr::.fl-| earryin.ti; the r..ii vvini il. heiuiir.g ii al an angle of ai-(fi:l !"» dej;rei'.'-.. ■‘I 1 is .la ivlt-a nbr vnj ;nncwig ini'r- T'.i'fpU' ihai Vney shoull make their iiiM-.’.- e.n.ni. (')>■'{■■ pi'rscn I have ‘ jr :'--.ysvir; bat ray d'.Uy • • lay i.ei.wiil'N';- is nujrh nu^ve iM-arly xrr. ri-.; i.i :::ying l!u;i. i have happ;.--i!’ i .niay.— •oai.- Siv'Veasoii. NO'lICf: OF DISSOLl'TION PAKTNEUSiUI*. Notice is hereby gi\cu that OF lo be exe-t.‘edii:^c!y ju rvoas. arjti Mrs. . Post. ‘raia.e*! inn'Sf lo a’ when OJ-ie told the following: ‘iL*:;d hhv.. M cail('>; ae.on an li).~h patie-.i ef. y\.-. P«,>: ar.-s.- ;,i his nsaai hoar :nine t;> : Cl- a new baby. I foa^si f.:** ra-.roiaj;-. had hreakfasi ;;7u; iinaat {i:ilti*red up— ;irae:-: ;in>i louiu-ed aboin ujilil iO «>’j]oci^ ■\ejh‘n the.l'luc- ii, What’s th«-' raaK part!iership hei;ei.ofore ersisting l.e- v\i:h I asked the in-.ilu-.'. tween (7. i. Brov.-n i.nd Ralph C. Isley. ’• ’XciV :l said -.he p.oe;.;. trading under the lirm :aune aad style ; Ve see, he was christened yesterday, of the Burlinjxton Motor Compa.ny, has : v. I'.Vu' Vri^;. tladtly v.\is howlin’ been by consent dissolved. The en> him the wVle:!: whittle bJcw/'* tire busine.-^s of the tirm h:i? been ' turned over to said H:i1ph C. Isley aixi he "will occupy the t^an^e bu-lding aed o.-. x.‘ ..•ontii'ue tv> cer.duei the en.-rir.c^^JS. .Ml V’in (a-^tits due said lirir. shruld be iniid tv^ .'•.>!! v.'- ;• bdiu or Ins agent. denee of This the 0th day of May. P’! I. The re vu ii* I. P.ROWX. rekilive^. r:e.‘. K. C. TSLJOV. was scrvctl fon-ThOiHpson. :.'V ?, at S :a. Mi'. ■. 'i Miss Tli'anp- ;'a'.'V raairiiil the i'esi- -'.ir. George Moirov.'. i.^v ^ fev. frler- ar. .\>i elegai-; 1he homo of . e excused hi-nseh' leUiu^r the nurse ! (k.’y -It {he time iKal h«* v.-ish.'d i‘ l» his ap:.r:meut to lie dowa \V^;.r in : pvaed iher: is a matter of I T.re. was heard; Mr- Pu.*; a” ] a narsn- ;i;:-fn.*d to Uil- a} ::. .- m-.-;;!- iipsu.irs :uiEl tiie aiiilio •- :.i\e ^!rc:•'i•ed «'i i}),' iloor uoml. M'.-. the la;- ■■ ti'.-'V •. r : ; i W hi ’.v ?.!r. l'’o^4- '.'S a the i:.s paa^.-r.-; .a \v;i'- t.-la.a' l-y lb.a;a he had iV.;% Vwaa ;‘f p-ai-a tau'ly, a;‘.d : a\ .'a '.'-.r :a ;-h.---'.:i\-e:;s!'‘'ri-* W'Vv-a Ohl I'.ua '’‘Mp'v ;i» ieast. I.ihav- h.r,c i«> T, lv.--Cre'.-a'- N*e'. . '1')'. • .'ad K* i.a u;-c. ns that f’t'.’a ; ..li :a- army have e,«>l lo.; in :r.e . jiilf. ia ev;;-~: a v» New.-. i "i^.a!; ."I arxa ;o r,‘‘.j.l;j- .-••a i-a- N'.ft-l; ih.ii G;i’C;s- ;•••-> ; r.-r.oi'fi W'O. >. ^r:Ia •'L I he Suidc Joura.il ;i{i- dae Ir- I:,-!; ( f e, a;le Knin.i.,-tt3a. fadier of thft graaaa. •i : n. C. ' ... 1 enicna Aitaoin etaoin etaoin shrdind have the lest wld.es of tluir raaa.y Suptise Villa shttuhl “cail" Mr. Pry- ^ an‘s expression of undying frioi-.d-.. ship by asking that the embarc:o bo | The no!iti:\al death of Ctdey Phrase lifted some more. If Villa is our i.s a story that scents to have been friend why should he not- be well-i con£idjrahIy e.vaggerated, here and armed ?—Greensboro New’s. there. ;• ; i.aa !;a'. i- ; ariu . a. t : •• icai- X». -sV.-;. ( ie.ver •d.-VfU; tvran't s lire. are '.'.ever punish- S.: fa”. ( ‘'aa-ad.* riai rt-.'Oivaaer.d iorvention to Mexico, as '.v-akin.r most siitisfacunajy.—-Cl iver.rboA' News. Something is always wante 1 to in complete fortunes.—IIo3*ace. A litUe thing comforts us because a liit.le thing affects us.—Pascal.