mm Per.rcS'w* AsjiaUs Anii-Trus? Bill. Atlantic CLiy, X. J,» 2.— Branding the Cluyro?\ anti-trust bill as ‘‘legislative n'eddlin.^; nin riot/ ier the business of the big monopolie:^ ths sniall i:idependei\tJi. ^ sort of trade I refer to,*’ said Senatoi* Penro?o, ‘*is ordii:ary me!*- Senator Boiei? P^pn'sc, in an avUlre':?^ cha.idi^tnj^. It hius iiothin^i- to do with here tonic^ht a: ih^ t:a:ui,u;^n which coi:- ;hc oi' >^e-t-alled U'ustrf or do- cii’u..';: tht eilili-:-.r.r.'M\\ sc^'.’^ia:^ of iIk'- Nailoiii'u C.-.'th* iers r.c-'tiile'.l u ; entiie aiUi-irL;^:. pro* c.i Ur. .*. uinir^haraiio: V. .Tiu. ".1 iK^ir.; r.;.c--v‘ 'i,y l\-r- vo.-. •v;'sJ • rho ’••.V. . *i;rc c:r' ;h;‘ r;.’.-;iuL- .* •■:ul':cr liiiiu whii'ri l-iU •i’Uri'ii;';: o:‘ r.’ -'. -u: • vi :■ ■ •■. lirv-' '•- :-:\i ill.'.'. f :i:.- vUi Ci-i :.!h1 ueait.-r* :;.ul w : :; ■ -V. (.'oinpoa.ion. The darijix^r is to 1;.- cr-iific:> y :;^vr:s.-v. bij.'incs.^ v.-;‘ lie oi' :.ny niajK?:actai-er. ,:;u li:.- v;hi-:h niOr't thi•er.t^n'-. .'1'. V--. -••'•f ihe biil to,. !.:v - Ll I'-.Ll. This c:\siiy ciu\ i:o j-'.'i-!‘.-ti i’i :-';.Jhv.'-r-'l-> kilk sLv..:Ov oT .th. bui^- V'H.ri ^ j :yu’‘*v.' /•I'-'-. iivr.; I.i" - v.I'a ur.L- -h.- I'Uir. L-: Iv;'-.. i.:)'-'' -;'.i O'llii ho’:: t'o^- :!k' which i- V.: S■:^ i ' wh:,-h i> 'I'sV^-.'^ary ; •k.i.i c-i' tlu’ i.i- - I - nr. Hundreds of helpful ideas for the woman who sews at home will be found in the New Spring McCALL Fashion Publications and Patterns McCall Book of Fashions hllea 'v-:!-. thtf entirij Spring sealer’s adva!ice styi-'s. only 5 cent? when boujrht with any !5-cent patU'rn. McCatr^ Magazine the r^'c.-»2ni/-J sf\‘le aulhorit>'; a horn*?- enlertamor; a hou^’- keeping giiidc; a family Tr.o'ipy-savcr. OnJy 5U ccnt3 a \ear wi:K c.ny i3-ient PatLern ircr. McCall Patter TIS arc supreme iv: 3.ccurarv, fit :ind s:mplicitv. Erif=v ro un-J -r- stand cati'i easy to mu!c.e. A’l tKjt !••• pap-^r pj'.tterns for lU ceiits aria 1 cc-nts. nisicn-.'s I *\So th;il Vi\ i‘ tioiiai trade. IN0£PE\DE:TS powerless. “The e??entia] nature of this meth od Oa i:;cjvasin^ the market for the Ainericaii nian'uiacturei's is thz-t peo ple ;:lrt‘;'.uy o-scabiishovl in a country '.vich thi.- cN.-_\Utivo ana scilinji; orgair- a: Wi i'i'. can t;ike ' i:)) ii.ivi ;ju-y. a -,ev.' va^Dy loi.s ex- i^ec-o.-ku-y ,for ilw c.s- .1 «.-i’ liou-'-j lO i:-! q;ic.''1 >r'i; j.rO:';; o.i : •heir -V-. :i i.'i' yoi'.r-> • I. .. .1..iT^r'ir.r> t-i-b:VL-| '.ii c'f. :iii ^'! • -• r;.-y p-'w.v lo (h:.;. ;U‘ V;..-_ e:*Ta:-!i-:i j •• f - V. . iXU-' ■- ; ; V :• .-i:;-! W: r-iViiVsi v i ■; I A:‘.; -iravis. 7h:-y ; s'/rc'*- •--’••■ LtC'ih^i "V.::'" a'.^ • th:: ^ ; i-r • :h.-' ■ h'i*" •-.’i::; ' iu:';’'-;iViv;-a»vr has • ih ' eapiial •r.w'!-'i.'-e- vvhiL'h pui iii;;; | ; -■•.''i-.i.-j-; U: a-To)"'; ;‘s iar‘”e trj-ir.yi ir >c.-V'\ .-u ifvvlioi-y ■ 'r.r'. '.‘rv .-i rf ‘.•(•li'iiirKTat-’v'ii '■•r ^ I’ • - Iii'-t';'. vcars. DR. W. W. STALEt AT ELON. ist deputies. The votes of these two groups uiiited would mean a large plurality, but far from a majority, of the (500 odd members. The attitude of the aiine or ten independent parties which malve up the remainder ^vould always be diiTir^Ut to predict. Thu.^ no one cu.] tall whether or ;u'l tht? new i!ir.i;^Lvy wii! hoar a cUs- ■ The SocIl;;-i;.,t n :‘^o. oV’oc;:, 1. ai*o wiih xlvAv Dn::-o-‘ I'jiat cl .luO wh'e:? ' ;-:;t :'C, inUvh-c'T jrroVr'lh of..So-.- i th;;;i!js to clevo.r ro-j .■‘i.i,-:’.’. I:.-.Ai all ovciit?. Iho iio-j wV:i furni ;i’i i;;vii»i'i:ar; ’ '■ ;i-£ ■' j . wJ* I:K- v.vW Oov^.'j;-1 or*>ba!ily be prf-Dio W-c-.tU':?. . '.h: :f;.’.\'-y.:;r railiir.ry The*'! THOROUGH TULVKING THE SUB JECT. i Ai'VAXT u;.!’. .; fi:-.' r,'J''j;r : froni 'ni'y- : l\:i (IfveJopme; t ci* :1 can arford to c?: ^ r- ; !.cw (iisiricv lilT.yv:': ::h the hill undev -•■Jii- . I ■•. I.'. I’avor cl' ra.lLH'- .: ths'.;r:'.j . i.wo yoar^;. mayjw •. , t'.iir'viJii-'.of ti\i* vc-tr- T.v^;‘ovV ;; real nitijor- ' r'. r . >-cu.:v!'-jr tho proi‘nt lor;g;,-;' •': ri ihe ia;v. due ujidoubtedly to attfri;d'j ~-f Gerniar.y in the mat- • i-r.Ms.^u-i'-T-on'ciine. In sjome \ iiave rih’eatly t-es’i -» iu llu' 3vaJS- . ;Vi» cxpi'o.'-\KioJi of opinion or: v:i* ihj i-VcJK;h people to re- ":irPK-’i canin’* until the daii- c:'o;b. ?s paji^c’d. No one ho\v;‘VL':*. tl::U the French :r.;' Miiuianiorilaliy ideals of J’he J^ormor Prrsident of Elon Col lege Delivers iiie Literary Ad dress to Large Crowd. nioa Cnilc.^-e, Ju?;e 2.—The af;dress ' c .'ore Cho literary societies and yis- i^ino: I’riendy wa?- deliviTred by ill*. V.'. V,'. oi SLiriuik, Va.. thi.M 1: ■*- I u'.-‘.?:n5r.cs''r.i cifov: araJ nrady :i Inr:-! ;• i:c. n -rUio i'. • Lf-y Sx'.-:: yoar;* pr^:--i i ^ Colic:;.:, ai-d liiv^y \vi-r-j > (.r ;ri;ctivw^ developint-ni.' • lila *'Ti:e Con-! f Tv;;ii/' a‘Kl sp^^V.o ii: pari :x? : !’-vIi-jw,r: i '•Ti ii-h i;' iarirer .ihaa iIk* ei-. rion-i • y. vav-',!; r vhcit'. Jie univcv>=e. cir.d. c.•.’or *Oa:i'i';£ar.iiV.': in lliej :5.‘ ;i:ui i he t i. riaiiity is rcassui'ing*. whe?’ . 0 .ro:i>;dfis . :lie two other prohlemrf the r'.i.‘\v 1 jovcrrimeat wjII liave nio'*!- 'Dk* rirsi t»f the.-e—and the r.u^ate-t {-r all problem.''—is ihat of c>'tr;bl:>hif:_5- it--: i nr.nt;;.. ^ cavs ct' vcjih'te ^I'portiai:' ils !osse,> ua be^ruji to tell on the rc'sourcos of a natinaliy thrifty people like the ?o that the question of the ; ;'.;bL'et is becnrniri.r.' iicute, Thi'oii|;h •'V.i the country tht^re i:- v.-ide- -pr-ad discotile'-:: vcith the -elf-inter- •c.-tc\I method? of poliiieian'^ in fjen- i-ral Vv-niih n»ay pre.-atro radical ^han.tre for ;ho I'^tfer. The :hi;«! ”-reai prob!“:n the in- Cx.rac tax. n t^robiein with v.hich thi.- \:Ainrvy is ;iot unfumiliur. Toprelhci* ihe.-c' icobifcni.- foi'm a ;rronp of the alTi'V.’nost importance to the nation. ti::^ trade boconjo* ll'.c l e! ro.-iiI‘,*of ihe biij ir.r-lead of curbin^r th.-* iiu>i;;es* and; iiic inu‘j|'r?'der;t i- a-n:- wouui have ' i\' Ic \'.uili! i(*r ti’v' i c;f il’i'.’ iii.-i* nu’-ncn- a.;'.;: a*' ;uL'.itior.:i[ on ihe : •; . ] lU- An^cricar: nr^pjrac- ii:r.'r. .-li’ .ai'cd \)u- l.m;!',.' Trath (iie.'',t y\-; A.c 2.-'.t V..''a:;‘ai: Ly h- are tdree. j=ou;‘.:-.- cf rrallt. u' niaauind -u.d'Ch: l~i. .V.\ ihe ]-;r.y.,-ic;il i'ci-j';c:?5.are (ic:-b'e:i fi-onj ' I'ni- uviver^'!.-; all bunia;; p>:y- hr.bvicr.: • .soicav.- iVoni 'incu:;; .and al] 'h^o!oc-y^ .'rom Chri.-’t. I . •‘Sl!an.'.'e il.a Irw i f ^:avj.:.tlva \va;- j ualii I’J,) a'j'o - Secrttary RSTlic-k! Anai.vzcd Mental Attitudes in the Unilcd States Today. Cha/.L;-! Mi^:« June liofh coni- ;::;'ace;/.c:: of the Univo' ^ity closed foday v.iih tiu- ai:;u:al address by "^>1 iUintn. C. liedricid, Sscretary of •Conimerce, a.dJj\si of GoverriOi" .• •i;/ Co.thc-.f'i-a-i:ati;.^ clasii anI ihe 'vrrir.j^ cf dc-i^rees in course aud h-.-n-jrary de^-re'.-^. Of t)ie l^Uter three r.ivT. v.eic- v.rv-i^ort-^d for the (le^'vee of ::octar c.f ]av,-.=:. bcinji* judjre W. ,R. .Secreta)-y ^'a.T'cpJra.-* ijaaiei-' aa-(i. •:^c-r:-v."tary Rcdiica-. :,.;ve!:nor CVai:;, ::i i)e;.rinnin.e' hii>-a-j% ■cirojii- formau:' :i:i.‘io.;:r.ced.' thaf liu- warJ- K. (-!raJia;a had-'Ic-en t-ic;i prC'SMen,-. The annouaLcnie-rst-bi c-.*;.-b- L^tren?’ r.viphu.sf-, iho vast «5sembUi"'- ' at the r.un.e of Graainn. ■ Seerjiavy nr^o;! . the need . ; of .ib.i.'.-jir.*:-'. rie •d;sci]>:.setl in a j.'road v/a’*!. coiulitlor; of th.p Uav, • ii aitou’ether proba!)lc? that sev ••■, -j.'; E X C U R S f 0 N TO RICHMOND, VA. VIA ~ SO IJ' ‘ ■ H E R R AI!. W A Y ■ " Carr'e!" of thi; !,-j. th. SS..09 ROUND TRIP, MAL ■R ’UN 10 00 A iV!. .•'■mi’ i- ' ■ X-^ ! : f Trip ic f/'i cr aALTlMOIiZ. ••GlNl. Vi aSH.- D; Pi MIs5 ir. Tl-. Rab J. JOMES. .A\;cnt. , Nar^h ^aroliiia. -M AM KACTl UiJ? MUST KE I'KKK. = ’'rh'.- nuuiafacturer rauvt i;> xi'i.'-.' 1(1 choo^‘ tin- mo.^t'Intelliy-cn* |a:'ii O'n'r;:-.t!,- a-'tM'i- foi- the ircrca.'U •■; h:- abron.d. He ca;i;;‘it V.'. .•'■x' iiut-'.u-; \vo>'k for him in: I :•••'> !.•' ”:v‘;-s fhv-n ^^{?-,'cial protect’i.: r-:.:r;i. If he n*i in position to j';'' S', rbicv w!i! wc-rk f‘>r the fori'ici j nr.»:i;faciur‘cr av.d our p»>ople would ;'b-'-'t t uij!j:’.c ib;c .'-=crvice.' ef the | cc -=:;l third rate foroi.en jobber.^ i;;:ia a.'\‘r'.t.'. V(‘c oUi-'ht to be i:i po-^r- 1*1 ’ in .-fcur- the .'•or \iccs of the ^■ery .: ;. I i.aTjw i‘.- tiU j h .rui.*:: v'f Mini'try wil! occuie l*efore i-.b- i.■'.‘•Cf.ramer- called upon rn settle ilht vn c;i. reach anythin'.’- like a static \ cv-.i'-iil i ii'i.- -I’rcs.'. 'XK\:\ sTKKE'f IN nvniAsaros Kid- Tn!; ■i !ia[ -:i; b i :.'i j.-r*. \ tv‘-i tiv iaw lin.n - tu-r 'uir jaws firc-ci'ibe ’ t- ih' yanio to cin.'ua nianc eycli:.?- tji'’ vc-iiIt :> ‘'.St rjuiri. !i.i;;’.«.-!y iilnsr ;-a* i«.ri of ’•■ !v-r l!ic anpli- i-‘ {!• .rv,’.-;’i.‘ c(‘r- 'if n;;;. ■ "d wh! w!k> '.'Very •k 1» \ an- 1 iii.- :h' )■ ■’• STOP, READ, CONSIDER. Did you ever think of the amount cf tri :h in the famiiiar saying that ^‘Good Advertising Pays”? Try an ad. in this paper and watch the results. . iia: th“ wh' a-A -rniaiv v'i;; ‘j.-- tbo jM). s-A-h; i'. ■ "c an.-.; v.ivi ■a -J- :.A :'r :A'; '. t.V' u-T4,'-ry 'i :y InA'-an.^e .•:-a‘ai' a. naiy v;.iV;‘ ;:b')nc‘ aaaAi.-;; wi.'hes ■/ ;be :-alAV.-ar-:. aad •.■i !\-fii>a ii I'ii'i ;o l(t ^•o v.*..a!i i't' to a-; cor.:p.-:i’jw i h:ir:Cf.--. .caa'. h.t* niala- r;a a;j“ree- a :nan. •‘.vhn -v.-.t:'.- the a-n.l cjcaa i > pay him ft'r has iiaitcr ia* vo- a. ;:cenifi t :-s s.Vfcn hir> ay da,y ia.-io-fi nr’ a.nolh- v' nvi'', > 1 ,'.‘Au-'0 ui'at. a'Ca'!!vat^on arai---: tha ccpayciiLOr. ’■rin--; i-'anaari.-on may s-’-an ,,b:i;2d : vAu-.i broLJtrht ncwa to :he last i a-ai'v':- ih-.r ?amc pria.-:v!v which |v.'-.a! ia--..-ven: tht‘ i-:n’ia.iaty o( iret- t- •' •••a^l^'V.■ai!^ j-'Wcr-t ciiM:; itad at a ccn.xl:\ hour evciy nana'iia-:: ic^ the rriacir.jf that uadoaies thi. bill •cl irai >1 un 1 c>*fv;I vr .=;irj-.i ~ acar.]i:-. It js interference wi-ji the fa ad.:';!'.- ■ !a’ pianciplcs of thv .'^imnlest f ransaciions and -is leu'ij^lat- i’.'C' vaor!d:5:'r ^’na -iet," a-vail!c IJ> Share of the Proof th;»! ney Sufferers Da. aaciic V Kidneys weak ? i ijsi v'o.'^scd \v\h urinary 5:ls'' Want a rciiaide kidarcy r^n-jj-dyV Uoa'r Inn e [r, -;io] far. Us«' wiiat iJur];n”if-H {.eojiL- ier-oiuinetid. I'v- ery in ?.lar;i';j:t:>ii ha-: its ct:r^e. i)e:«‘'-^ '.ne i!i;rini;:-l'-a ^\.>^air^^- cx- prriei’c* . f.'.a .'•]!••.. Loy, itb'' Dixji' St.. '. :i j:. Say.- I.oy: "I ."a‘- rhc\;Ji'a::ir. My (aie!. ;ind inn- .-a.;,-;' a; d laa>e aa.d Uie iAHn‘:a-- i i.,y ;c-,i'iya wa.s irri'.irular. / didii'i >!'.•«■;! •..K:ii-i;y. I fir.adly ;_>-ot D'ai.'.': Pi!N. rrmti iiic I-'ivc- na-iii !nu;j‘ llu.. nntl }!;ey madt* nn- well. Knla-y i'ill.-; iJu* K'taj. ly 1 i\rr u.-cd. .\ll bai‘.e .-aid anun*. im ui In orm.f; siiil livilvis C'“*>d/* ?.‘v i- it ,!y >.;;• ,,f aa-iay li :r!- vbn ii.iv. a'l'alvfuby t-a- iMan'.' jud'.y J'ilb-, If y.jur -ii‘ y.-ai- !.:.!;,ey.' I.uib.oa 1 . iUij'ly :i'v, n k'tdncy a.-!-: :.i>vii;riiy 2\;r iK.-a!:’;- ibi’ i.uu‘ liiai n-.voV 1 advi'il by liojnv • >a ?:-torc, i-’twii.r- iiairai-n -\. V. I.aroc- • ICenu-in- HEDFiKLU Sl'KAKS. illastraiin.r; by the training; of the athlete for a .^rrenacsns race, tiie train.- Xewtaa. .-aiiV :;n annie fail; that • oi the studer.c :n as to c'lcctriciiy urikncAvn liU IT’. yea» > . •'I’^t-’d. he that the .graduates have a^o wh-a: I-'aan- !in ;'er.t up hi^ !;ite. t-'oi'ie lo the bej;-in.nine: of the Xiit^?e ;:ri.'al truths wiiich have char..G;-jihe.tiue^ticn ha.s been asked, ed the world, v.'ere locked i^p i:i the ‘rcad\’?'' •‘And/’ b.e decUir- univcr^t- ii?l thes.* men saw and ip.--*'‘^^' awa:t tnr* word We tcrpreied lh«*?je law:«, ^ Itave rixht to eA'pect from you the *'Jr ma*: ‘;i?C‘W hi.nijieif hi- \vo:dd b*. 'A‘-'U!t;' tioni trained minds, we as- frce. i.’ !ca.ra!'.;.r all v.hf time tliat. yoti can. think, and think itil ri. -as r.-it'aa’^ ear farabsh' --''r.::i”hi. ar.d thnik iar; Iliac you havfc niun i^heubt k .-av. Thi; national, aar d. in mind a? to d\s- r.n'r*.^ a«rc* the si)L!s"jes of t!‘Utl of ua- put •.;.«ide the superficial told valae t-) ma:;. ilere a Tnrb! i:.;: > i of th^nriht and ^ra?i) ami util- mneh exylored. Cov-crnmenis; renitits. nf'T ij^noiv thi.-. scarce et truth. i .are two "Je-.a? Cb.ri^a furnir'hed truth e.-’‘yp'-‘- thou^-ht, one beinjr ;;ential to life as well a.' destiny. and the other lociii ?nan leaiaied or iiierary until he thi-ikiiV'. Oa.e i:= pro.foua.d and the learns of Him. Moral and spiritua! ;sui'-eriicial. Between, these iruth are not found in matter, and-^"'^^ phases oi thoa.i*;h there U what n»t much in ?nan. A>' nunhein.alics ;editor CEil!.' “the irevita’ile co!.- fusi fail without the f'ian^Ie. s;‘ ed- '^“*"^ 'dew th;.t spring-s up betw*een uaatioa nced-^ these three soitrcc> of' -I'^d expediency, between fruih. ‘iucalism aad jeaiism.** Kverywheve *'Thc discovery of truth i.-^ a lar;^c ®'' the.*^e two methods of thinking part (if the v.'crk of the wnr^d. ll i.-^ ’‘**’0 disco^'el■(•d, tyr,^ eriticis;n;r the half ac; ivmpliahed by faith veaitures. pa-Jother !oni;n^' toward Jo li'.'.'n invesujraiion tind con?bined eX- r-enditnrcs. (.'ohinibu.'- had his theory !Hffi:ri‘ he had his fact: and his pa- tie’jt ii'.ve.«tia:alif»n.H kepi ajlive tin* lire of Ins faith; but the tiiiair souL'h', v-as foinai only when b»ya] help crr.j , i.iavd. with persv-nal eifv»yts. The or- . Uat izcd uitiverso su.ajre’^i> h:irna»i;«- Oil.-? ci-nibinaiitnjs for ^’•reat end.-. • The con'ine.^t if .:u(h ha.«: l:':iia-j the completed ideal. Typev; of such vhi?iker> are Annul iri every conimuvj- ity evorywhtTia Fnt* or said tb^ure ne^^er \va.^' a tir.-.e wh;.‘!i men were more needed in tn.sine*- .arl fuablie life v.'ho could di.-cern ,.t';ir the lath of truth *and c-’uM V. iiii lui d 'Tijid without rMvju'iici- wafk t!ierein than now, Ou.- public :tmo.^phi.‘'e j.- fult of the yelps and howl.*, (.f the liti:«' thir.ker«. * The na-a ri •urn J:ve la.^i -lia.' 1 fr-rnicd man and tin* v.a.rhb Tru.h is wcn-thics.-. tiil ii i.' -atili/./d. T';v cad'h^riri' i.- lo: t iv. the ^oo-Uvo rai.^ed in the innnniaia i.- only a va-*‘ai'C'‘^Iht).*; atal the incidental i li!l tnhie.i -'ir.d asi-d. I''\e hnndrail ^b> tijc impfjrlani. Sec ond sexenly n’.iliion i ;Ta- Were niracMi >^'’dn'ad enit red vn a b'njrthy in' ihe I'tdi. d uud ,pnbhe problem^: W'.r;h si .'nO.ontLtjOn. j]y ;e-li(»a ‘-''day atid iiiu.^tratod by them tho itf tru’ii ca'.; be'.; i*.U’, :i Wn.'l:iiar : nn’th'^jds '■! ti?ivJ;inL;. )>'.i-Jerrin':: ■ ov.a-.- an\')r.;r nion. Ti'aili nni. t Ja»5 h^i‘'-lativa, to pf.l.aiea at hom- On ly }'■■■ i,;iii/.(-d; i: h,- | aiipo*,--;!!- a^ rn;ifi he ijjew Inna (^ach ilJus- ed. ,\'l i •• an; . '■ »n;;rv in \i.- a.a- wl'iiv'h b’,-ih .aiowi'tl the dn!'>;(-;- wlaa: a,'llla ia-. nd . I.-; i: v.^-av nad ihe r;eces.-j. ira-a-1 I, . avne' ;d rni: 1.1. ; Idia Jna:-.'h‘[ i - iatf.' '-air.l.-. “'ri-n'li aork- ia,.-nil.'is of iid.-i i -hi. I:ar. ■: aa«i tv Ot b'O^-.iauT ai a tl'.e*ary br.-u-n* t|i. tn- iavh Km: a* to hi - ;:. idi»a:.-e who;; h.‘ a )at;iodi' a- wi'i’.]. ^^a: .aai; . il) t T^Iilbara -Wlnai V lar ihv ' i 'a'l'-s, l;::ak i Try MEiaXNE'S Tsrasiacti! &inpiiui!!! For DViF£r.S;A or =slLfOUSNESS aaAaANTiaai b> Tiie laraxscuns lo. Naa;ANE. N. (, in tht^ AnotiuT Chanfre of .Ministry French Republic, T!'.e i-e.^ignation of the I''rc;;oh Cab- inpt, rollowing iinmediately or. the first meetinfr of the newly elected Chiimbei- of Deputie.«;, is to be inter- pi-eted as ?. confessior. by the Kauicai party that a majority vote on its measures ■would be by no means a thing- assured. Before the election the Radicals had made a party deal with (;-;ri of i(i Is .StiicidL-. Sho:i:ir.U)ah, J 11:10 'J.—Helefi WnTnifk, the- pveUy i-ixLOon yorii" oh: tluuirlilc-,- f t All.orf W;\niick, s\Val)owtt[ jtoison tiie street ar.d dieJ a half hour aftt-v her romnvai to her hoint’. She v.-;is in lovo wiih a ycun;; oai'ber who was objected to by her parents, it i.^ .said, and toiiisjht un- pliMfams'.ess i.^ alleged to have result ed beL'aus-j she had an appointment '.viih him. She ieft tht- house, went to a drup store and took the poison with in a si.iuare of her home. Physicians jn vjv' A princess doesn't object to being kissed by the right fellow. But she will say that he is no gentleman is he doesn’t pretend to 1 he tries to kiss her. .'V-; I'.'a;.' 'ala i' lakc^ iu i ia:,- 5.;' e.'. an *, in.- iaii,:se i on ;; v;,. , Vlevniai y a.nd .d;; :•;•• 'nalrl’a:' v.-ar i-.i i.! • as w 11 a:, ‘.icuaia aa^l ia> ( .‘'■..•a,'.;. \!r;.•‘d*^- :7.Mia,(i;!;» 'i'J;‘ l’;d'.'d li\'-.' ia d;y : 'rri- i ; y. ‘•'i .aa-l:i;'\' .lost-p!'.;., . laaaci.'- h ;' b.iiiisia. I ;dc'ilii.! fr.jn'i tin* a-iiVj.-fr.-^' iV..'i-i a.avy aa.d ea:h pi.ida- ap- j.ia’\al, ;i"d the .'il;dsli.a-'; l^atu-a.'- .-'I u:'>, •i.Af'fib'i’-'a ^'ii'^va.a', Ua\ i- fu;* ibv-ii' .*.\ S;doi'):U .‘S Xaii'ai :a r.*--.a'.‘ Mi'a-iil idv;a'? iiit? c!':.-ii.‘.;-ii;^' ilu- I*', in^hi af ih-j world. We must n»; d.'.V(.'i,d CM'. ^hoI and ?]-,e!l, liut i*a iratli TO • rai;>fora.i tha* world. Truih i.'^ ran .. ■•iTv>ra.'.ai'. l.>ai a fransfc.j iner: and .'c'n>l;:rs nua-t bv- inrerpri;te:'- ,f truth i » r-ihors wherever thi-y eo; nt t .'-ini- idy at ie e of Vi-^Wo.y aad ?n;;a, baa o'i .it'- Ur ( ijrisi ’’iiie conijue.-a v'f : rnta. i.' : ;>M;r.pIc'vf‘ till it eaptuvc; tb'i- b-avi a: d II'-La.-'fi'trn'js tl'.e Hfo.” = !db-J i i;'da•^ ■a . ■ \\:-y w ii a..ei;t.vr,i--: sa a. .1 ■ a ■ • I ,ri !; e -a:- a (niir.-'C, to thv L'niied .Stau-. ■I. wi:h-'U.. !;ow- la-iia.f-. in fv!- li- v.v%fed the \h-.r ! ja’ ;a’d i" i: V,;,.- not th-.' f ';-i'- r.'-r will y'-• '■ ’ •• > ^•i b tb-.' .• a .rmic o:.. ‘--''■•'r jntrp. -ivsfa-a:.- ia- Ha-;, i... :ii.- . f:.’aiat^ cf ij,;- h-mv i.j r‘p|-,-; ;;;i',-;jy f..;' a!^ iUT i'-.aipi'-; i-v ih;- (;m:ei : *a' Mica idvV'fi;' ar.a nv-lin-d.'. ;ii:i*.aa.‘ thctn ;a'- ^iadl :.-ad a t.a.- nat:;.ar! life; lo luajnn.-r thvui v.aih ^dnidiy hatni lov.’ard real ';..if-i^.»v:,rr;a-:iert in a inaj wh'.i^v law sha:l be the n».'.iph‘'c will, a.nsj j - wbudi z!'.e peof ;-?'s will sb.ail be tha. b;W W’dcii {ii; .-h:ili ciu'er;‘ai:y «-.}'.ev,-’' I XO RA K\ i>i-A, ill: LS. Iba Cliarle.^ L-a- Rapeia dean cf th-? errimnr.e school, in pre.-^eaaiaiT condi- fiaje.=5 for the (iar-.a-*.'!- :f doctcr uf >aw ‘•J have tht‘ hi”ir jnvsen; f-.n- !he deare.- of dt.ctor ei i;a.vs. WiHiam lieyaoids AlKai. hidj^c -f the .Superior C.-LH-i. of N’onh Carolina. us- froeiate jn.-tia.* of t!.c Suin-.^me Court, of Noita. CaroJina. .-^ircc I-Mu; a broad nuadeJ eitiMcv:, a capable jurist. ‘‘I baive the hon.or to pre.->ent for ti'.e dc^n-ea of iloctor of bnvs Jo.^ephus editor of the Kew^; and Ob- Siri'Vcr, lor 20 ye:;rs; .^eci'ctary of the Uni^etl ^itates navy sinc'e Alarch, in Xorth Crirolimi a.r. active ed itor. at a.'hinc^tor. ai* efficient mem- '— be." cf tiie rabi-iet, Okhihoma Needs J 2,000 Men, have the honor to present for Shanikoin, Pa., June *2.—Pbstmns- the dc«;ree of doctor of laws, William er Edward Baker received a commuri- C, Tledtield, member of Congress, 1911- ication today from Secretary of Tiabor Ki; secretary of commerce since William B. Wilsot;, informing him ^Jarch, 1913, distinguished fyr his that the State of Oklahoma is in need iar^je iind active knowledge of busi- 12,COO to 15,000 Tti^T-. to liai - . “C3o lli« Uiri«; wise in his advice vest its crop and asking him to give to President Wilson.” names of coal region men wanting po-1 -- — Ab.vays keep your iiOart ^.ofi^-r tinia • head ana ijeople ill be s-na-y yon |:c. And they wo;i*i jia*Ne • ;a;a- ihe bat to bury yor.. ..‘ithi-i. V wi;-c i a nuitt wb.o !;no.w.=: l>ai he d(»i-.a-'t know anyihintj: about women. Vi>u never saw a woman huntinc: a , a'ilrror lo ^eo if her nioraU were rii'aijrhi. T« Car6 s C»?d in 0«t tJay ^ LAXATIVE BjROMO Quinme. It Ot»5p j 0^^ ‘Iw