PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN' . ‘ SPAPE;.; !j£\'OTED TO THE UFBUILDIKG OF AAIEKICAN HOMES AND AMiiiilCAN INDL’STRIES. BUSUSolfe* iLAa.tJiCE COaSTY, liOSTii CASOLISa, iCESaiY, Jl'.SE23, is;4 CQSK AKID TOMATOB CLUBS Jnterestins >acts about thi; Clubs '.n Alamance CBunly and l’rizi.-s Offered. TeSiJiiers institute July 20 There ai-e in Alamancc County Tomato Cluts with an enrolimei;t ■r.-f 100 membc?;:. Miss Flora Patton h:!-- ciiai-ge oi" the clubs at S\ve])sor. 'AW and Spvintc. Thcne clubs i;uni:*cr ill Miss Eunice o«5.1 h;is hai*jre of the clubs at Fn :ncis:K. and Oakdale, These clubs ‘lainbev 1»> )'jiembers. Miss Mabel Mooro * chari,*e of the ciub of 10 at Sus'^i'a- haw, Miss ^fary McVey the eiuh of 14 ut Syh:ui, Mrs. McP\ir!und the club of 1-! at Mehane. Mrs. -1. D. Rosrj'the cl'-.') fo 14 at Maywood, and Mis:'. Mary White the club of v; a'. Hawfieldrt. There are 85 boys enrolled in the Corij Club I') this Coiuiiy. This i:3 the largest nun'iber yet enrolled i!> Ala- CoiuUy. The Alarat.ncc FVir As.sociation ofFerijiff handsome prizes to the Tn.' tr.Rto Club (;'irls who exhibit woi^v at the a.'T aru al?o Lo the Corn Club Boys who h ivo exhibits, besides the prizes gi-.esi to the club girls a.nd boys the l-'ajr A!^>:oo5aMi;'. wU! iriw a number ( T prizes this year fo:-, school cxhilit.-.. A list of r)ri/’r::> '• wiii be published soiHi. nnd it, is hopc;i ‘ Ihiit all the Sfhoohi in the county will * utte:;d tho fair 0:5 !-*ducation:d Thi:i is ih.; !;r;-t time tho Fair h;».s ov er had !; :-fhool feature, i-ot the CffllOEESCAy WEEKS SaCiAl EVENTS (iOLD WAIIS GIVES ELON $5fl0.00|sES VSSf! filSlliS iiTIEil The Sj-'iendid Ut!Kr!;ioii aiid Heliiiv;-.::- Sf-.ny iMi-aSBnl =n!l l'ro;;i;il).o K»it- C.r.-.-.t j..:v ,i... ,.y 'llu-, !iana‘.,’s : .vr.ij.'ci; ;i IK a; is; ^ is 5,'si‘ii i'ur .iiy cf. Ihc Children l’r;>vv(! iCx- iiurirt I lit-. :.r Sl-.’.- i.adk-f^' IL-.',! -j.t ■ \ht- a: c^lirnt T/ilniiii. I-, - j i.Jon foiK.ii.' I !i>- rs;:Tj.\. ■ i PrograniFoHotfing Oi)Q of the happiest days of the ye;u- in our modern chiin-h work rhii drea's Pay. On. that day the v-hilu.‘-erj are. in Inrge ‘;iajoriiy on the •proj'-rnm. The ch'I'Jrc:.: v.vrt- prepared for exerci^L-:^ hy M, B. Li'.^uo;*.y. Supenntesiden; -:.f ’ho Cradel Ro!l 0:* parcme;':!; Mr>:. J. ?, M" ’. Chester A. Smith. Thcr .ip:e;idid rc!> uition oS the program itroved the ev cellency of ihe rr^^ir.i^:^^ The fol’o’.;.-- iiig wii5 the program: Processional—Rriqrht Bird.' S';:.!:: ing in the Branches. Praycl*—Rev. f>- il. Tuttle. p'-\sK»r Prayer—Respor.''.s by Chibh Welcome—Foj' KJd=r. Cradel Roll Serv’co^—By Viola lUi- Rant. .41pha Jrc*h\?:d. .Tiilia Viz'irinia Pa’v Bra'Jsh;;'.\. Crai-o Kid- er. Eider. Ri’citati'.*!; «r:;i chiM)-—Caliuri.'u* B'Jlba.*:ah. Moliii S'>U- -'''rtiuai;.-! So:r’:—Thr* eliiMi.: •. :-rv sirr.ii-.c f • ■ }‘-,y loday. A i'lo'.:'! ( I.v •rhi!':;\nV l^iv ‘J-ii-*’-- • Avj: Ii«*ritr.rro. ■ f’criir.rfse ilyaU: -3>y Wi.haiii ■•.n-l ■..s'i-irv.i Sharpe. ‘.c'.’y hi Various Homes school.s n»aK'-‘ ’.hi;s dijy mo'-t ressful duy i-f hc \\cl*U. Thf.^ Toachi-:. ’ rn.-iii.utc for Aia- ’;U;:ru\ Toiinty '.r'ill li-* hvid ]\\ CjTh: lO •Juiy 20 lo ::i, inc!u-ive. Mr. A. T. Alloti »f '^!;;lisl)ury vvjil ‘or.du..l t)io i:;- ^■Lilatc. iiui:ihai'dl will a:- .-ist him. Tii»* followliig a.’^nouaccnK*’!- has ju:-l be;*!! rept lo the Ivachcr.s nf lh‘? {’onniv; Lvxy Lee- ‘—C;-Laoorer>-. I TKc (iCivi-ii't: lo ^and I.- lu :i.i SunJay S'.’hcv’iF;-: ;r. :-,'ciUli'.;; ^ai v atuve. «r *v. K. I’r:;tc;'. if5'|. y,. -. v-.urhrj:.';'.’. v.m*.- if \V. fCi, nk*.l iilii. ::r.d iijrio:’ u.’. ihe ai llawiiolds t.iiutvh. ^file w;:.-- LT yi,-a*>- (if a«/e utui c!i?i'.i;v.-. wa.s a isa-iiibe;' ‘'I ti*e''-': •S'; I’roit .;tai;t (‘hui'rii. Tht‘ fu v;.:' i. f,. ("vkrvy ant! ir;-}ianj. A*. C , June I'.Hl. To tlic Teachcrs of Aiaiuancc t%>uuiy: ihe Ai;iJ5!;uK'L* Coanly Teachers* In ciiSiit,- uilJ !,t hfiUi in c;j;.h;uii, July ..„,„i;n-to.l l/y Hc^v. 20 .-1 ..i .‘'■(rUi'ii n«)7 i-r 111" p .^, willuiiii.-. I’ubhV ?t.-h fol Law reads, "Ail ptinliir ■ .s.iitooi lea.-hc; tJjc iatale artd aU ! liigJi rciicn! ;:r.ri jiraded si-h*>r>l It'aih- The Twiee-A-Wo/c v.:,;d ; t.TS aie bvreby required to attend !he 2;t'Ws 1 :ili r.t-»‘the y ;in«l i.iV:wna)iy .-umo {eacht r.-v' institute o:- adjuijiiiig counlio.-?. Wo wili ap:u*e- accrcuilet! .-uniiner srhcoi coiUinuous ci;',ie oiir f' ji'ads :i‘d readers effort.: ly for a term of noi Ie.--s than two thai v-'e s:ei In*.- !:ewj- Ser.d u;-. viee/{>) lb-' happi-niij#:'>, wlint does 3:ot in- eti; -Kid fiiihirc so to atLe;v! such ir;- icr^'st you, may 'Merest s»mk' ojk? • ".t\ >litule or sunimt-r school shall b.' let u.-- I>e iho jisd'-re ci wh:'.l wi’d be for debarring a^y teacher, s’# i. 3-'re/t lo ■ ;:r ■".'ativrs. .■'end the faiung in any ef the public .school.-:, , r-ov.s hi:if!i .^v.'hooIs. or gv:id;id .schools} of the ' -State i«ntzl «uch teacher >ha!J h.tve at tended as rcriuired by, some cou-'- iy irstJUUe or accredited school as herein prorided fov," Thursday cver.l‘'’g ! 1^.- 1-, Byi'de ]>ail«*y the th:irn'.iag fvst- es^ a1 ro»«k party :i* her .i\om-.^ Ur.ior. >tro.^.. honor of bL*r -‘.ui'st, Miss Ber:::ee Horn:^d;iy> \Veiv{o:s. Tlv." very ir.fMi i'.iai and V"-r.> erj j; i.iiU. li-c.^ides rooU there were sever;:! vK-al ;ji;d instruir.eiil^tl =elec- tier.' give.'l. The gue.^t.-i were t!'.e u.-.h- cr^. grAoin.-men and ].»ridcsr.inid - of th.* i-amcron-Lasley marriage a'ld Mis',*'"- Dettie Van!} AVard, Lou Obi Tatih' ivid Olive .-Vbernaiiiy. of Gas;- touja- a?'.d Mes.^rs. Coulter, Uoug»aS:: ami Horr:ad;*y. Delight nil reirt‘-^h- rJVe’:is were served. :}• * » ?diss 1-^'U (Ma Tutt'e ei'.tertiUiicd the Kmbruido! y Club ui her }iome or. Ibivis ^^leet Thursday mor-iiL'g t.‘ '’0 oVh.ivk, in honor of her sister. ?Jr>. L. L. .Sloop, ci Shelby, v^’lio is visillng her.'.' r>^.*corati >rs of cut flowers were u-c.i. Ir.sieau eaib; oiiu riny. Rooi: v..i.i p’iiVGcI at several iaiL.s. Ke- v.vre -vj’ved j.i V-Ve coui -'o.', i.a '-ivir' liji- •liJsi lai/nd-:'-*.' ther^- v.-vr:* j.-re'-' ' -f .he * e.'.-'. fi'i 'bei- va'.'i.U M'.. Jd K11-: T-.!TT:i‘. i'*':;,; Ti' Cuil^'ye. r^’id K:-’ -th TiitiU'., vviv' ha.> beei: i..';a'’b:!'- i: f•.*:T;':a C'olicj’:-. Mi.-'.; Mr-. T\r.{~ sister. >f Wnis'big- U. •: a;vi 'd!.-. iK .’r-‘V.a:jvt h-,- 3 v.‘) i.I;': Mrf '.‘V a;;d l..\:!-y I'f ?':; ■»"r-ville. v'::, » % ^ d:>.y :’i’is?r;iO'};’ " : ih' r*-'r'.ilia ii.*‘ b-.trr,- i.>i ]K:vj, .'Ti - Th-;> h'»ur.- .^;.f .i vvit’i r,. /.I ; '.-ir;'i'l’id-* Vis-:' ■ m’-.I.Vm iV.'-*-- ' -'.-S- \ t V/ • Oil -arge Scel^ Wise ilfcir Mm:' ■ { Bsgqes snf: Tonic Xew York. is .-‘it: i in'the fir.;f^:.iu? vii:-iritL tu ha^c V-.en the creaie> • is;'-:sf^-r of go!j e‘>.i * made .betv;;.-.’ ’ • •.■birva'-uries Oi- .-urr- 5 daring the wc-c .s. wb.en >' lo OOO.Oii;' hi- pr/'jioi... . ■•■..:' •-.• \ . : >;u»nvasury h -. .. The gold ar.d ci^ir. eam«.- i'nM-' oiher Ira; th:- UiiUcvi ►-tale- ti’e:i‘-l:ry, :u:.i Ojv.^ >iu?.r.'ie;;t, V. v.\i -iaiO, v;a.s t,r--r.!;:ied by ibe fael for the ’as: weeks ibu^ ewuriiry has beer* Ic-ru.-:; gold to F.iirope ';n large s;-alc. ^'iiue the tirsf of May S'-3X'>0.000 iiar". gi;;5.» out, and ihe i.egiiiLiiae; ef the year IJiirlvcrs say lhai little if any oi‘ il*. gold Just shipjied here i.s likely Lo be needed, as -he cre.n of the gold .1'- i!,v%v was re:ivl>'ii e;i! ;V in the ni>*if iri Confercnci'. 1'; ': i'uiha.M ITi^trit t (.’wnf.’J^. M .11. rha»'.-i‘. n’.tcls tvrio;*- rov>-, ,]’jne i.i Hillsboro and wiii be in sys.-^i’'}! for iiiree days. The rror*.- Stre"l M. 11. Chureh. '1' LhU 'city v/iU Ip : ».‘i)ris_’:ned by the I/, il. T’llile. ar-,’ ^y Mr. Ce'.rge \V. / ■: ih'::y, V. V.', Atv.-;i.-.;. Vi'. ai'ri W, 11. ^lji;r;''-. d'!c* L’:;.- • '■■ ;■!,; i !’ \;u- I'li.-i.ri.. i':.-; - I- >' tt:,- «-V.i.r.- ‘^.'•a’.!, fir.r;-«hi] j;ihI :-rii":iir.'l im-M- li- • ^hf r-'i ivh. As shown by the c’oclo.^ed daily schedule tho institute will be a !*e:il schooL Teachers are asked to prepare lessons assigned in enclosed bulletin and be ready for work Monday, rfuly 20 at 10 a. m. All teachers will need the follow ing books for the institute *»vork: O’Shea’s Everyday Problems in Teaching. ?tate Ballot^-;—An Outline Course of Study. Stfue Bulletin—How to Teach Read ing and Civics. Ail ieaehent taking the prlnjary work must riare the foliowii-ig books: Phonic's l^rill. Howell Primer. Graded Classics f, II ami I.U, All teachers taking the advanced work must have the following books: Milne’s Arithmetic II. Fourth Langu?ige Reader. Our Republic. Essentials in English. Dodge’s Primary and Comparative 1 .-\ wide a-wake a iv^rtisv.-.- lin The Twit’e-.\-Week Di.^patch. I.orik jup their ad* tlikI the!', makv a rush. Geographies. If you have lhe.>e iuioks Ining th':*?n. Jf you do not have them the '.''ok store here can .supply you, Tho regula*' examinatiop: for scho*'-! tenchcrs v»*il! b.e he'!3 t)j‘ se,'on«I Thui'sday and Ki'iday i»^ Ju;y, : - • quired by kiw. Thi^ rx,-epli‘.n v.-;!; be mijcie: The e:vaiunation ori Theory and Praciii-e of Teaching wiii be held at Lh'j clo.'^e of the institute togeuicr with the regular in.stitutu examina tions:. The e.saniijialion on Th*»ory and Practice will be based on th3 Readijig Course of the past year. Jf you evj)ect*to teach in the fural schools, the high .schools, or the city .schofOs in the county and liave njt met the i-ejuirei!!cr!ts of the law In- attending some aeredited tfumniov school or institute, we shall look for yoii -7iily 20th. Very truly yours, J. B. ROBEKTSO\. ... \V. I.^,.^:.y 1. -l.M.s...-: • r!..^ ;-.l \w.- a:! T*ar\' ’''•■i*'-..I;‘y .ifi'': ;«i •> ill L ':'..';. r.a:elh;u ir. li >i:o- of Mi-' V- llMi-n:iih.y. of jp, v*'h ' a.-- 1 riib'i hia;»; ai lier ilasch- ii>a:'ri;'gi,‘. r»ie gue.'^ts v.Xiv ill** i'l-viiy brrida! moiv jthai; : i';'.;died. t.* we:'h'> briib-*. Kefrv^hmeal.-. 0.' iced '-oa :iivd sar.dwiche^s, cream and eiiU->, taiiu.'-. crystah:^e(i ginger and saiti:.\ almond.', wvre served. Hyrde i>adey gave several piano ^^e- b.'ctior,.'!. • Resi'les tiio mon'.br-rs fhoro wer;; j;-rese'i'.i Mrs. L. L. Sloop, of Shv’iby: Misse."' i>yrde Paiiey, b'bv.nit^ Flobert.'on, filmic..' ll«>rr.aday and Ada 13eile-L'^ley av.d Mr. Jah'.'. Laidey. In the spacious bascnHrn*.; of the Melhodi->t Chun-h Thursday eveiur-r, 7i:!0 t(» li>, a banqia-i was .--.'rvi;d hy thj ladi-.'-s vf the low.i the Chau- cuiivaa gi.iai-ani ^:s, tl'.eir wives and the lifkcr-yeikr.". Thv- ileke:->-.’'i'.--rs, forty la ;-.isr.'.-ber, •liviilea op a:vf»rd- ing '\':*.riis. si;iriod iiu{ at f. L.r oVio'-i., n;ak:i‘g huuse-:o-houso -‘Aa- va'ts iif ihe town :■» se'd tho ti kc'.s for 'he (.'haiU.rj^.aa, whicii i.-- to oi)en here Saturda.y, June 27. a^'.l I'^^aie throu.^h July >;'d. The>o c^aKva'-^M-.- c'./vcrcvi ihe entire ti)Wr. auil rotu»":'*ed to ihe ;-hi:rch 10 paj’Take of the sup per and tell their c:»perier.oi'S at 7.Hi), d.eiightfi:' supper in. two«i wa.' served. Mr-s. V/. H. Curroj’ bi;ing in charge. Mr. J, L. Scott a.eied as ma.sU'r of ceremonies .ind calied on many of the genllenien and ladies for speeches after supper. They respo.m- eil with a good wiii, and their wit and experier.ce» of the afternoon made a •1 merry recital. The total number of tickets sold i.-'i the afternoon ^vas and the guarantors feel that that 'va^ a splendid result. There is no fear felt that the entire 700 will not- be Mr i!:ii:r-.s rrdeii. j r;-v5\'-.v-;s. C'dit‘'f -f Th-J j Xev. W;*.' ai: applie.c)' j i-> t;I.- I'x'V.' • ;:i ' v.’i'nt anniliei-. : "•] \ ' uwilv.l I i;i. il‘ it»f 1. Vi!> .'i;n efu'ly. i sli'»rl whil *. [:.!;■• : ■ivb-i f ; \vhi‘'h hail ap^lii'.l. . .‘. I'i*!! • . V ! '(Av •. v.‘a:; inuted It* i-i-M ar. I i:--\i wl.ieii he a«*.'ep*rMl !15 i ’ i.i.iiij; laaiiacr. Dh' rv‘\‘-'ai’d v':.s Tho ^^iiM'rver rhi'ci'- jrtiiiy ji’iM.i i:‘. i.he '.’ua'.;r.xuda'.i-':-. I ji-ig i.a:..led oa* lo both v. .-jaai.i j Slc'hv;;;!’: aail to I’osimustt r r:r, ••'-li' I nUy in i^Limoada- iiui-.l;. j Ih..' Logother n.ovenjeiii of . liep;;!Ji.'a?'.s rnd l‘?*i)gfes; iv*-..; .jut-:- ijsg \ i b *uccos^^ 111 liufieom'ie C'>ur,- ty fbe s/drit of union betwccr; (ho parlies i .said ;o I*:- st«;Mig. evea t:\> v'cir:-’aii I’vopublieao, (.'olonel Virgl! S. Li)-].. :r js said, hoia;:- aineag tive :-d- '^:e.ue^ {:r.sru-h a movomeai. I’lei-idoi't. A. lUa-pci-, ef C'oP.r'go, annouaoes ;v gjf\ of ;.*r:ju .'dr. George W. Wr-tis, of Puv- i.. ; .. for iha recei.ily'Coast: LJcted i.f.- .•!.>' ilai:' oi,' the coiiego. ^:•e^ldcnt v'v .'’I ^Murday . he-’v \ :h‘ oL llioa iad vii-.iag old. f.^- .d-. 1.: the current issue of ihe Ch.-l.-iian Sua hj iTa.-; the fojU»wi):.-r ‘.t; .-ay ;f ihe ivip: ‘‘I i-alled I'po.'. n'.y goixl f» ie ;d. ?.Ir. Gvo -.rj W. Vvatc;-, a noted Su ;day Wfjrker, a de/oted lay;ae:i ct ih'e rivabyi.:-rian church, a distingu- iithod phiUinihrypi-it, His benefa-j‘- tiors to Duihani and to the ‘ranssr- ou^; cO'lego.T and semioaric's of h],c chiiVvh would !:]] a long space. Ho i.- a ;i.h nii-.v, who.^e u-eakh has beeu a 1/. «t'- him ;:r.d 10 th.'j world. Ib.i h'.c'La:.-.)y .a/..'.. Lis i’ae.e.-t h; ci.r "“'Ion aiid iiad her !:\teSL va.ta- ja'.;-:.' ' hi.' {•*,-: Ur I w:-.s u.'iiere. i !r.V' hi' privaij o«Tieo. W;:' eiiat'v''.’ f-'jr '.ca mi;:a-..',s of -.h^- tldi’g-s i'.n whi'.'h vlloa aad ho rojoi.-.:'J ’uy ho"it Ai h doraU-’f^ '*f -’“/OO to \y.- appMvd io 11:0 raec::r!y vinstriJcted !.-*;dies' }ialh ihis r.i •■'•U'! glpd.'o : rol ■")/ i;'.'.;: if 'roM-^r^'idiy. i ul i-l '5 io.avu-e ■i ih • •,'Ourc'.- t f \he gift, jin.'i mar'y j biy.:l h-:*a£l amor ;.-' our fi icings v Ii1 t”.M ' :icw for l'^7’’.Tor saoririr’o b;;- ..avLi-''-* ’’lb' '-raciMUS re’-figr’ -' -.t Slo : de-.-i\-- '.hi.-: gre..L aaj go.i mar.. ;f r.d rii.’h nieo k: ov; li v/ :/t i;.se v.-^aih a;: !jia\h-‘r Wait- dco' hi- V V.- w--'..d ;d’ T; o; j»ray- ing ’.I.'' M J udi-if'y t'nir' hi;! rap'u} y •» ■ h-.' '■i il*'.- •’-.t.’i-, but J ! i> I aia.i;'. ■ f neni \e.i -1 ur. fa‘. **s ■•'N\.v.’l'c’!ly .'i-.-ia li.. wot !»'.*• ■ i-M- r?.;Li;-.- *r rviv .- ;i\e the ra il y«.na.;r i.aia .!' Su,:-1 ly's day .- pO’.V; ’ p;-.-...: fe.- 5;. i v.>iad \.-i-y '..kKh .• U'.iU,- i,iuii i:e\{ !i ;iM«i i*-- i.'- a ' leatt-vl liiai teac!’.e> v\iih - i'-iV I aT.ow eri-r t-.;-.' ■ ha'.e a i aw :v-‘.ija ;■ •.“ ;!„jrha^n .^a::. si'dd. ' r.Ufabo;' d. .a- ? ... ;y V,■'.«••: .'Oja yes.o;'(i.\y. r;a.i • U.'.- bor.i n*> t?anvass a;ad-.- vet ia (.h;! ;. :>i reJloirc. Gibsoav:l;o. liavv 'iiv- -' r.iiJ Mcl>aa,*. ail i.e.v,’ e'i->T;eh :■> •••!'..) good »b.-lt‘.aa.lior.s. *. -J: Mi>.'i'> Mamie .-'id .''iidie I ide e!.Leri:;i •"'! Iho Ca‘-a-:':aa v"'\. :he Cb..!sii.«.' ri.r--; ': ai theii-hv'n:-.-last Thur.-;;'-.y f'i • b;.-; '■ eigii- ‘'h-ve:*. .Xb'at Ll”» a.i.";'’ • Wv-':-.- ;r-,-.-L-;.?. A.' .-r tho r.-'.dar f.- iao:'..' ir.e'.'tha.: the ^.la'-Is wore d.-I! faliv fati’i'iai'.fd with rea>lin,;i'S b\ Rev. Kor.ihd] :\y,d 3Iiv.s X.?llie Kloudn-.-. Mi.-s Si.dio Tri-rdagr fui idshoa music tii’-OughHK ih-.- evonia.g. lec.> and ca.:e ro .''-‘rvod ar.i every n^oraont of llu- 'ira-' was ihorouirhdy i^aioy^a. » MIrian'. Wihlanu. vt*ry pha=- antly oiderlained the .-\nn durJ.'oa Chis. of the Baptist Church at her hon\o on Bioad Street Fi-iday even ing. Rook and other games were play ed, Music was furnished for the oc- c^^.sion by Miss Miriam Williams. Cream and Cake were served and the evening e:ijoyed to its fullest extent. ib*jjU5;’r:v.''*• i rif:”.! t»r Kfdeefn Vv'a-id; ►!!;:•;■ lI”. - Ssa a* a-.' o‘i.ay *a;led i.'p-K hi.^ f*’ai:c cCi]Ua;.uUe:' ia ibe Sfa,:0.o ‘ > u-- mon t I.! ih * j.'ua'x i.i :’*e »..’rty pi fona ealli'ti- for ih“ o\' •?ati i; «*f ccrrapti.^a., V'ainj a' 1 iria.’idae ralo in .\mcriea:'. j'-iities.’* aail «aVe«.'d f\'Ur biih- ho .-'aid '.> ) ria: a^-r. tho ac'.iie.l )w*forms. “If ho/' he *'lho !'eaiocrjiM..- pariv Jeaee.- Ihe cauairr laader ib..- a^aeaij'*.* r'w. ‘ .v>aem wao ih - d M>r oa- 'n i.i'- fi'.aifdaioat praeii'V s in o!i':aa:t- iag - ' .■a:r.‘-.x ('v:.;.--aa,:a.ea. af ter lis sole’Viv p-:»n-i'se 1.0 ih;' j!0..;'/e. it aadoub’adly ■'vl!! aeei-iv,* v nat :»>a. •■'Mo : .'r.alfi- Wi.aibt ;a-;.U!;-.- i » >;.v I'm* .i;:>ag)i; ;! \n i^e p^ra-ii c-a-.-ap. ti.-.i !a aaiia'-i.-a-ry.'' ::d .ea,:;! .ir ^ >v.\ a, “Ib. t.’* i^e a:-aa ia.iu-ii. ji'.aivia;:;-,; st'«-a> io ft-fi .haigOii ..U!' :hv* rv-poa^ibaiiy »’f prop i. :|. ‘ • y 'aea.-aie aat^ urgl?,..- i's j ..;a-, 1 propose, iliorefore, a ro.^- aUiiiivi eh.irgiac: the convodtle.' privilege.' a«;il oloe:i^ns viih ,av.y in the hoiu* that it may meel. viili sympallieih' co-operatior.." t Ooath of Mr. Rohorf j. Scotl. Mr. Robert J. .Si-ott died oij^he ISih and was buried the following day at Haw Rivov. He was o-> years of age. He. a Christi;ra man and lenves many relatives and friends to mourn his death. The funeral was conduct ed by Rev. H. G. L. Edv\%'irds. of Gnv Xe'.v Vvi-a,. Jua.e liO.—raoni cui i- Faih;-!- Tia'.c':- Chest from ihe 'iK lab eled iSa' ciirae th.o basc;i;e ;iaa p..!-.. ai'e. 'I', ae .-^ure they iook «:i:- I. ; a: r« .••ii-rh*. !'s iho* iha:, : e: it is.ihi; frgraa* of the- w. variivr tha?i the ef the garn.e’ t ii'elf that nutkoi ihffm seea: a pa”: of Jx* fa.~h!0':is oi’ 3t'14. Then the v.-ere uiul c-jTo.- prevsed, a.ow iItc; h'.rgcr the Waijt the p-rcuGor the v.-eU built woma.a i*. L: fact, pads:, have, been woir. by naturai- ir >j»aj'-w:::*^icd woiv.en to make *ih.-r.i appear largter around the waist than nature really iritea-.l^d them to I;?. Sashe.s are v.'ora ^vith the.^e waists which Tie a- a lu’v iine i.*i th-? baek. caia'irsr o: addiag the bustle ef- fc-.a \.h»'h. ;\1:-'o t". pan of ta.* ra.'l'J-.a:.-- r.i.hea :!•••=,» v%*i;b'T- v,*'.av warrj bi'fiii'e- The of ti?fse a2t.S'..: ara r-'.v'.;y a; I iv v.iih -Ik- lov.g al- thougii s. ?a.' CiVo .'"la :e v. :th ?.e«ae^ of aufil.'.-- from hem to ■^'■ai.-jtliae. The lor-ir tuaie.s are be-',..- i’-..-, i_. ^ ^ -■he> r ar.d ihia maLeriH:.' n i. a: -- ev-: : j'ba--'a''..'r ir,:>Vi :h-'- hc,vie:' * .\ dra r’*op; >vhr' "> r^fii'ie stripe is made wltii ;. b'.v- ■■a*'.-'- Taa-raw* u nd^raki. '*■’ . ’nv* '"V '•'■■lb Thc' V Mst i; ‘ '.'‘h a -■ ■ vr\'-- i"';vb--' ■. c;l, y - ■, .■ ■ i . ci‘.v\.y VvhiU’ is w*.-;.. ;h“ »: U "wr.b'^* ha^’gjae f‘.--a- ah.'a.'ldva-- i.£*I'’v .'h'- • i a civeular capc. ' .’•'a 'h.;.' V.' a W'^-iai a eh:- na i: u • r'■■vi' XV;' hat ''■** le^hi'ra. '*’0': '.iJ i* * *h'' ''a'’*', • '! a.]'h’.-V’ '.'v ". ' hT -.'JV-i'l n-..'.--’.' . .\ ■•.!'.••.•• va-teah ^ f Mi* -’ ^ i.a- fi,-«[• r.'-ji. ris*'- :-iid fi-.le- 'v- t>>p. r-.O'ts'- wbieb. a. ! !.;; k '-eb e *l'>- bi'O iiraba ;a- ip-a'ide\n i-f lbv,ver.- *',.l:’a:r wi*!l tho hai>' beacat}’.. u ' afv.-i- \ - vrear wi‘!i thi’. M.'tnie ’.eg'i'a’ji hat- v.:'> ;• :du-er - dy r.“-oal:, I’.eaJiet l pi,a't e-’ge.h Thci ihj (‘o ib.aiM'N.,- w^.•’,^• r.a-*-' \vo; both i:'. jl'.'plh ‘aal; a.- the.v ds- sCi'.a’iod. a:»ve a i'io aara-tnv fnoi-ine silhouiite. Thoje ;a e always rcca dua’*-. nip'^ l'« t^r\^ai t:r wot-k-er.ds ihe .'•o:»atry ary Kucdenly phia.a^d a::.i if s i,la-:!'es a.j'c not in coi'.dil'ioa foi* a ■ •■j'eaey tl;e r.!ea.-*’.av.^>! .•. tjip T»{'iled. Mj.'h. ai’ oc/a.r’»?a. a jalk ih'css; light ia Vv'ejght. ai:d i.liiy aia!e is appreciaieii. n rbvr :,■- i. lia-.-.* i-a !;e iiiuridered, simule -Ui. fits it for all sorts informal r*f- fair.-i, wlrile raore dressy nia..-j-i::' will allow of its a.seil far more formal occasio;.-. The iVru^t.aii.ia is a ;>niar; o'inaipie r,f a dvess lo i!:! -.*.a'b a neo.i —ia \ bae f-.ub.Thv svai>; ha?f tho raghiw sb.oabier Lae wiih si*!- in ylcevc.'s. The rivers :‘f the >e,ii.-r turn ba '. from a vestec- of ao:, fullor ;s g.ath'.'rjd up oa. a sitia--- cor' .;>.•» ^k;rt i- aa.,l.> v»i-h f-. :n , Aia.a-ed b.>w».r ;0c;i0i a 'a P.i- o.ui.a The while ir.u wora with ihis dress Is cf tl'.e stylish tricorn ,lsaja* —v.a;h a sirgic wlnte rose, and prcca leaves .-sci i". oaeh indeatatioi; ai the froat of the hat with a b^r.g foaiher exteridoil f>-oa? each. With the reluming fullness of the i?kirls, accordion pleating is enjoying unexpected favor. The lower suction of the long Dutch tunic skirts are ac cordion pleated, and soaietimes thf; lunic itself with a plain lower section, A charming blouse is made of accord ion pleated chiitoa, which is set on Continued on Page 4.