TT'TTT': ^■'.-7-'''^'‘^-‘ ' ■'■■'•■’*r. 'Z A, PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSP^'ER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AxVIEPJCAN INDUSTPwIE: BURLINGTuN, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1914. Wilson, Wilii Clinched Fists. Tells v ir- jtinia Editors Great Boom " ill Come with Remova) of Do-bs, BIO COMPANY FAILED The H. B. Claflin Company, of' New York, Goes intq HanJs of Receiver. JUDGE BEN S. UNDSEV RMSEVELT DM CANBIDATE; riUILTOi HOTEL BURKS. | S^I.EItl, MA$S. HAS FIRE Mr. Erwin A. jJqH Gives Us Sgme-in-I Hinebaugh I’redlits iioossvelt Wili 'ijni- Mar. Dead anU Several li>ju|ed jiio.v Than i,000 Buildings Destroyed teresting Facts About Judge Lind- ‘ Be Ncjnij-.a.-t: by Bclh of Ihi' ■ , I • ^ _ sey also Lettfir from Roosevelt. . xh ‘ Kire Which Thrcal.’neci ; . Iht* f’lniire Duildin’^) 1 j - i PresWerit Talks To EditorsiOwes Thirty Siilllflii ildllarSi A Great Moral Asset lepublican and ProyresslvSii^ss $[5,000 te $20,000i ill Old Landmarks Sale Washirigtonj June 25.-r-U:^dtv a “hew constitution of it'eedom’’ for Wj* - Ine'ssi gi'/tii hy anti-trust lejri5‘a‘:on soon to te tassed by Coiagress, i dent Wilson today proiiiised the cojn- trj- the &:rei'.stest business boojn .11 itc history. This was the Pre:^idGjil*s final answer to opponents of trust leg islation :U this session of Cong;iess and to prophets of evil times, deliv ered 'with tcterniin*2d expression and every v.'ord pmphasized with clinched fiSt. “We knc>v what we are douicr.’' the President £uid» ‘Sve propose to do it under the aavice of raen .who -under-: stand the business of the country; and v.-e know thc.1. the effect is goin{r. to lyV exactly what the effect of the cur- f ,ncy reform was, a .«5ense oT relief j and aecuriiy.’* The President spoke to si group of Virnigia editors at the White House, but his assurances were intended for the country. Th^re was every indicn- tion that the speech was meant to he o»ie of the most impo!*tant of the ad- iministration^ News of the failure of the H. B. Cjaflin Co., in New York* had reached the White House earlier hi thti day, but the President did not mention it. New York, June -25.—The biggest mercantile failure in the. history of ii;e United States was precipisated K'day when receivers were appointed r-or the H. E. ClaHin Company, of thjs city. The compar.y, it U r.ated, owes more than $30,000,000, which at th« present time it is uiiuble lo pay. Its assets are said to be 000,000; - ■ John Claflin, head of the compahv, and Its chief individual stockholder, is the ownei* of a chaiii of ne^u-ly GO other dry goods enterprises rhroug:h- out (}ie country, which are involv»:J in the. failui’e. . Receivers for seva;*sl of theso wet’e named today and ?‘milar . For the benefit of our readers wti r#iative to Judge. Ben. B. Lindsey, v;hich Mi’. Holt has «ive:i us, and iii- cluding a .copy of Colonel Roosevelt’s letter to him last year, when his ene mies resorted to all contemptible nleans, possible, in bringing false charges even to defaming his charac- t^. ^ Colonel Roosevelt voluneered his qers'ices and was in all readiness to gc to Denver to make a campaign for his re.tentioii, should this have been necessary. HisJetter reads; Was'iiingioK. Ju the! ROOSEVELrs LETTER. aTion, i». was announced, would 1>. t.ken in Jic ca.. of the rest. Their i t^idnsey: btisir.esd will he continued uncle'’ the I 7‘eceiver’s management until their ii Will idea of either t.fri'?uading or i'oi’C'ii^g iheTiepublican.i u> noniinate Thcodi>:-c I^pcsevelt as iheir pj-e^identla} canJi- iiate i.v 1;U'- ihf leaders^of the J'ro- pju’t;; perfeciing ovcit*n- sations in viiiu;-.ily ail yf the' States. Th. third party wiii be represcJU'jd by a candidate >si r.early every -on- 5i;res:s district ii: Xbvember, and thus giving evider.L'o of a nation-wide or-r garfization expi.'-*:- to be in .position to eifect an ahuJ;^'amatio:i whtreby -Vlr. Roosevelt. v.-JU appear in the field in l&lt) as tin.- rit-o'ror^^ive-Repu'ii'can v:\ndidate. It i;i the (.f some leaticir^s cv ; Mh parties liia: me tv^'o or;>:ari^i- tion.=: will anniluaniate before the next I have been reading with keen in- ;.ational ejecuor. mils around. Should jterest, and with even keener indigna- ,--uch a joinin'- "f r.;n:e? hapneii ?co- nar.cial affairs have been adjusted, jtionj. of the assault which is now be-, ores.^ive leade; > ;;!■(! souie Repulili- ^he i: -^e d i-'vora 3,000 to 5,000 banks m all]''‘S’ made and those under ,hope that the two part:e will * pans of the United States compose and with you in Denvei'. ^ unite in nai'iii.u Mr. Roosevelt. Jane 2G.—A a-avelin^ r r. li loit bis life, a J^r.c-man v-.'a> tlan- burned and four otho‘ .- paiiiful injurie:'. ihis ii:: p Ir. u fire that v;as discovered i.. ’.I'f (/uilford Hotel, soon after ihrocr ;'s!':ck. The fire originated in the i'nilfr ru(^n, ard a.hhon.i'h mainly lihsrd there the building filled with sn*.o';e and heai. There weri* m:i!'-y ;;crilou- escapes, li'.c dead man was H. T. Coiluia, ol Sciien':. Mu/--., J-;ne 2C,—Xeai'iy half* r/f th- “c!.| v.':*.ch dry” of Salem, rich in i.aiidings and tjaditioj'.. v'as luday and loniji-hl :vy t'cat c-.-iunau;d Ic.-iScf o2i>,- ''0''.:.buildia-.i'S, l:\~ '.■U-iiii.ii' :■ of manufact'irir.g es- .-j:d made 10.{.*00 Of the lire c:-i^inaied i;. th>s Korn r’aciory on ihe \vesi side if ;’:v fity a-^out Z u'cluck this afiern >j;). k)0 «-)2rid Street, West, of Phiiaclel- arid .-v.epi ;hi-i-u;:'h iho .hoe and leaTa- phia, traveling .salesihun for the Lan-. ;;lcrs, T'rcrey S: Clarl:, of Xew nritain. Cor,)). iJd. Giec-sor, iireman. wa- painfjliy i-iirned, scalded a:;d brnised when the concrete kit-jhej; f/>or fe;i. Frank Shaw, Mreman, fell V'i:h the crncrc-te noor. r.,v.-irh abiT.sioi; cuts on t?v.' “It is much more than a matter of ■ There i^:- no pro.^)ect at all of u:: . . W j aniatgamat:o!\ ol tne two parties this STU07«G SiCXS OF REVIVAL, think it is appropriate, in te- you,” the President said **to say just a word or two in regard to existing conditions. You are lar^^ely respcnsib’e for the rlate of public opinion. You furnish the public with i^ormati.>i iind in your editorials you furnish it with the interpretations, Wc are in li»o presence of a situation ^\hich iu' variously Ir.tGrpret- ed. Here Washington, through in* strumentaUi,ii'.'j that are at our dispos al and thrtmgh a eorrespondonce which comes ^n vo us from all parts of the nation, we t’re perhaps in .i positi.‘n to of the actual condition of bus- ines** better than tho^>e can judge who are at any other single point in the house, and I want to ?ay to you that k is a matter of fact, the signs of icry strong business revival are be coming more ar.d nior..- evident day by day. BCSiNES-^ NERVOUS TEN VEARS. want to suggest this to you, Bijsinetvs '"as been in a feverish a*id, apprehensivo condition in this couairy for more than ten years; I will not | -Slop to point out the time at w'lich it began to be apprehensive, but di:i - ing mort than ten years business has been the object of sharp cinticism in the United States, a custom growing Therj gej'llenen*^ t!ie 1-idk of the C-laflin creditors. They hold notes aggregating the major por tion of the liabilities. These notis arc said to have been issue by th's variou^^ Claffin stores, endorsed by the IL B. Clafiin Company, and ttie proceeds used, whesi discounted, in iV naneing theU-needs. the courage and the knowledge ! Oi-ganizr,i!(,r. Iwv The United I)ry Goods Corapany, aitc render. such .* position that the e.'indi- K;,t'(i0,000 corporation, financad sev-' “You attacked evil in the concrete,ior will be "nined and oral ye.'.rs ago by J. P. Morgan &|not merely in rtie abstract. Plenty of J^'og!"essives hope to put up a C.I., to take over c-thar Claflin intor- people are willing to attack it in thej^’’®"* Repulilican.s who esi.s, is not invojved in the i^uliirp. abstract; for no courage is neces.sary i"-'® now disposed to make terms Xc'ilher is ihe .\s.-Jociated : in such a diiTuse assault. “listen *o rea::-:!i." Cu.. owned hy the Ui;i':cd Hl'j- “But very, vi-ry few are iv-ilii'ne' to: "’J" Rt'pr:‘-eiv ■I which in owns o^.e-baif Iface tho intense bilternc.'is of counter-{iHm'buuyh, liiiui thu James E. Taylor, of Chai-loti2. lr:*v- ciing I'aU-sn'ran for the Goodyear Ti:*i.- ■:'c Rub!-or Company, puffcred a snruin- '.'■■i ankle in jumping. Je.?.-e r*. Wiiliams, of naltinvv. c-. mere local interest. ^'You are one of the men who has | done most of the moral awakening of the^ e and pos.sibly fusion i\.\ mie oiir people. When you WTote ‘The,^^' States, but as a general prop-^j,[i ih.;i leg by a vvi:idow screon Beast and Jung-e,^ you rendered a ser- i’j ogressives intend to go iV.lling t'» the sirec-i. vice that hardly any other man v.^ouid in the f^’ thcomii^g campaigi;. Gec-rge Cuiloway, r.egro pcrier, v-'as the courage and the knowledge j Organii:rttior. hav.- •;c-n whippei ^ overcome by smok ’ after calling through the halls. Tlic fire loss ijs variously estimated a': l^roin S15, $20,000 and is fully '•;.vercd by insurance. C oi' the II. IL Chdlin Co., and tho (ith- !urgt> stores, principally in Xov. Mr. Clafr»n, who was president of lioth the Jr'-. '^oodri and Associated and Mercliar.t companies, resigned those pti.sitions today ar.d it is understood That when the H. B. Ciaflin Conipany is reorganized its connection with bfth the former companies will be sev ered. Cornelius X. Bliss, sone of fh;' hiik’. >Tew York dry groods merchan': of tniit !’ame. v.*as elected to succ«ied .Mu Ciatlin. attack which follows upon assailing ■ Congrtf.s.s committee,' evif in the concrete?. ] thai Mr. IJiJO-sfiveli will l.c named i “You stand high among thoss fewl'^"^ r>iL-i>idemiaI candidate in lOlO, who are willing to render this ;grcat jL.Kies that «rt' £iostiie to SHIFTIXG CAUSED FAILURE, -according to Mr. Clafiin thft failurt wiii^ dite 10 the unprecedented shitting cf trade centers in Xesv York City wlis h compelled the concern to rely mainly upon iife retail stores «n oihcr cilies for its proCts. ‘'Their rapidly extending l-usii^e.-^.*,'* he said, “occasioned largj capiia! re- t^r.ireniencs which we i;u’.-e not bt*en able to meet.’' The crash came today after vain escorts had been made by Mr. Claflin service with v. fine and high disregard of the cosjt to yourself. Any one who will tarn to your book and read the character cf your attacks upon the most powerful and sinister leaders of the political and industrial overworid and underworld will realize why you are yourself singled out for ferocious attacks end why the attack upon you is made with svich iTi5:enuuJi j.-L*r.'cr or mis represe.!) t a {ion. “The most potent ally of the bad man is the foolish good man who per mits himself to be used as a tool ir breaking down thn only good man of whom the bad man is afraid, thai is, the good man who is not a weakling, v.*ho knows how to hie and who does the pt’.ny in power, I “If he lives, Mr. Roc.-^eveit is cer tain to in: r,an:cd by the Progres.sive^i. T:»o Rejjubiicans, if they have any cx- * poctation >r winning, must accept liinn Otherwise there wiil bo a repe tition of the result o: lUlJ. \V*.' are going ;;b(j:id with our v.ork ol oigan j izing and are niakiv^ progrt;.^s “It my opinion, based up-r> ro j tura.-i tliiii CMnie to cur hcad}uariers.. Hie Curtis-Thornton Company Kig Bridgf Conl.“acii?. . The Curti.-^-Thoriu-T!’. rom|'ai!y» of t'l;is (ily, oi.iaint'd ,onLractXrev’ciuly for fullo«vvirg brid^v.- iv, this sv'i'iion tile ! Surrv C';iinU'. »-oi\tVL‘\-t f*u' .?i:\, im? 1 . ;piicc ai.xH}*, I Uur;:e (’(-ai-ty. oitc, cjr.U'act ;:bout W'aUUiga ;‘ounty. vw./, c.:.rr;u’i price ,ibi>ut Durham County, two. ocr.ivacl pr’ie v-’r viiar.ufiue:ur;j:g di.>J!)-ii.‘L ery hiinciijfc pnUi twj nillcs •uj--r and half a ir.ik^ u-ide. T.nv-e.’-r curried by a sti-or.g nor.ii v.-i:r.] .■'ti-rtec' nres in Xsvo otbc^' ; the ia^hioiiable re.-fit!c-;nn.i a-ij:ic=-r.i lo i:ie L-dfay^-itB sli’eoi t;J;d u i'^^ar.ufa-jturiji.u' and a-;''.— I hoi’7=e district on ihi per.ins’.iiar. *u:-:d'rd by Painicr’s Cove, bput]; lliv- . i,d rhe w.iter froni. Lkii;; i?i till' evening braj.ds kindled u louith jirc' in the plant oi th.'.- Sa le:'. Oil Co'npnry, ii ^ticc? The oil hltrw v.p v.'ith u te'/i;';* r./vi sij.'.vv;-*;-^ r,f iv!] ihii’alei'iiiiuly a :.'ari of the thar before hr.d not ^-een in imn-’ediate iiar’ger. This lire, however, was caocked uitej it h:*-d destroyed ihe oil ‘.'a!n]}any's nlar.t ;i.:d house.’. Vvhea the lUxnrj.i \Scre believed i-.i ..o M;ler co,:trol a: IX o’clock tor.ight, | a" i’!:c a: :1 iilj;rary .uindi)!ai.v.s h -. i c.-ci.jjcvt d-r.-ii’UL'tio;. The:?? in- .•)L'dvd tin* iV.ii'U'ly .Mu'euan i'.-tituv'.', cu.>l'‘ni hoiL'_‘. \vhei;.i X.i ibai iei Iia!.v*.h'v;vSif .:id much ’k’ bi> ii’.vvi'ry wM-k and “Jhe Iiousl- uf efi •.jjii’ie^’' CjUiUi* lur.iouri by the novt I Ai. nudrag Orange County, j price about !^4,S70, David.-tn; (V-untv, sever.. cof»tr ithat \ve will be sirongei' numencaily j !a the uext t t>ngress than we arc in the presen’; body. Thiiig?: are comir.g our way.'* RepublicaiiS who are v. illing to com promise on Mr. Roosevelt, if ivy so loing they arc assured of victory, are hopeful that the ex-Pi-esident will j price about sT.()00. Thi.s company also has coiiiracts for .s-ix buildings v\ various parts of ihg Stat:?. « u;t nre \v.i> r r, nov far f.oni the IVa- j i;r )y, but it Wi:.-, iI;o-a:.:ht the ! i-'uldlrg ar.d its vrduublc ..vU-jcti>n of inrio.s wonid be saved. "The Houst. of i?even GabU . " a!"" wa?: in the danger 7A>!',e. beverai buildings were (lynardted and hjie tonight it looked th«.>agh ihe fir-- had been checktd. Ka favai- had ivi*>n rt'paned up lo midnight, b.u In the Ci)Mri,s:on it v»*as impO'silde to delerniir:o the casualties. Some injurevl pei '0?:s were received at l>eath of Mr. William Johnson. XhousaiKl^ of homeless were cantj- ed o:’ Salem common tonight and the iir. 'William Johnson died Vvednes- 'policed bj' militiamen, at his. home near Bt^thJehen’. ■ iis-.5trncrion was dne t- “The forccs of evil always'heartilyhimself this year so as not cluircli and was buried Thursday approve of that innocuous \'irtue|^‘' interlero with the fnmiaiiov: oi | l^^eililehem. He was (>.2 veiirs, -i luo:^ which is wholly unable tc do anyth*:':: I to nomination cf Roosevelt by | and M days old and leaver in volume imd growing in particulai- to induce J. P. Morgan & Co ity: and as a natural conseq^uence, as the volume cf criticism has increased, business has grown more anxious. Co2)tinued on Page 4. other Wall Street bankir^- Irteres^s to ! him money to tid-> ov.^r his onibarrassmcnt. These bankers, it wa? Continued on Page 4. Lrroai iJt'^strnccjo}: was »’.oor wri.iei* •>ri*s^u;'t‘. Starrinr: :-.bouv 2 o'clock this aiir-r- wile as a result of an explosion i: efficient again-vt wickedness. The on-Parties two years hence. iwo chddreu. The funeral will be’ii.e factory the Kern Leather C-x. ly good man who can fight is not only j These republicans want the Coionel j ■■t'tidr.i.-lod later b\' Rev. J. . r{olt. . j^.^t i-;u'.t o-' bi.-;torie Gallows Hii'. an idealist, hut in addition is a thor-p^* keep in the background lo? irte j oughly practical, efficient and fear- j where alleged witches were harge less man. “You are being assailed because you Contiued on Page L presents They express the fear that' jf the leadej’s ha\e favored a*,v s-'irt 200 vears aeo. the tir^ .t*rfad ouii-k'v I ' i ' r . . anyrhink libc a general assauli by c.f a priniary until the fhii'.g wa?i - r}.roifgh the shoe and iearher mai":- him on Republican candidate? in the j forced on them we would r.oi; have ' fa.-turing districts, then south t.i -.he Continued on Page 4. i'curr. of ii.—DurhiMi Herald. Coniir.ued on Pauv CHAUTAUQUA ^ ai" WVm Begins in Burlington Ticket good for ali entertainments, $2.00. No season ticket sold after Saturday. i i 4- PRINT

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