A PROGRESSIVE REPUELIC-aIn 'V:1‘APER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN A;VLJ AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BDilLlNc - AL4IV7ANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1314. MTAygilA IN FULL SWING MB. & MRS. 6ANT ENTERTAIN f‘hc Chaiiiaiiqu:! !s Pleasing Two B*s' Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kt*nneth audi(*ncejt 1-very Xiay—Past E.xer- Gant at-Their. flatn« cUesi Extra Guod. St reet. million DQLLSR fflSlERY C9NFERFNCE AMMST MOZE to hold »raep.4 A E.4T BUSINESS FORCE A Givat lo Be SLc?v. n tlan:-— District. Conferc-iuv iu SASsioii.;;.: CiiLrth rha’ituur-u:’.. io ik- !r»:c Mcrchar.ia Trade- Journal, or DtrS. Uift' i’rizi.' iur Soiuebcdy (iiJi'i'id • lil!'a/>oro A£tOj:l.cd litsplution?' ior Ut ;d Jtily 20-^f; :A \ irjfiRja .>i?5i:fs. t'jvva, (jives Some* In- by Manufaclur5*rs. Better Kavys. . lJv‘;ich. i'acis to l'». targe Crowds in Mtendanc- Very Elaborate Occasion Ihe Burlington p.t'ople arc- in the Tlie ‘‘Onic- of Mr. and John Q. oi* whai ^'jroiiiises to tlic i> s^jcne oi boau-.j i delislufui week cf th..’i‘v V.i.^tcry, o’clock tauquu Week/' 'ctn'.piinientaiy lo Mr. ;:n,i Ken- r.flh Gant, v,-ho were married June iT. The house was beautifully decorat- Last Saturday the Cixauiauf{ua cpeii- at 2r:)0 m the al’lornoon in the teiit belor.g'ing to the Chautauqua, t‘d. In the pi'.rlor ^jotted plants were? -Jie Epi.scopal -hurcli. rho(icder.di-0!..i |ti,e.super5«ter.donl for the w«i-V j, . vre.e ured in xh^ hull; sweet Medico O. HamiUo.., a South- P^-"" bv birth aiid a resident of Kan- ' ' who has spent many years ip. ■ "'ere sha.icd in pink, the color ^ work,. She has already u-on hc-r ^ ^ •»'f‘sweally carried oat., ay into the hearts of the pconlis by. gues'.s were veceivcd at tho sweet disposition and her ii.!er.-’ i'l»r.r door l:.y .Miss Jessamine tiant, lecture?. The McKinnic Operatic''vearms P‘‘’k .catin and lace, from any Tva? the musical attraction .were rarricd to Ae iecei\- ay and Sunday. They are >' K l'"“ t*'® parlor, corapc.^ed of ir, Fole and quartette run!- J- Q- Ciant, .Mrs. Gant, Tiiey s-Ive repeated encores lo woavir.c: a gown of black chiU'.tilly Tiumberi and charmed tha audi- ’ace; .Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kenneth Gam, .,1.^. csh. Mr. Elsworth Plumstead im- '-a'-''- wearing her weildins :h-c-ss, a senator, t:ave several seleer.ions, -ovefy diess of satin rose poin,. lace of V.hioh was delightful. Mi.-=s "ilh court tiain of ivory satin and a ikon's lecture Saturday was liianiorul iavalier. Hr. and Mrs. Joe Wordsworth and Oeniocracy,” unrl Oant, Airs. Gant >vearinj^ vvuile dress, Sunday I'ipht she Rave a'splendid -’'I’’- Williana lirwin. of Djrhii;-.i, with on tive follies and feeds of tl\e -‘'rs. L,awrt-;:i.\' ilnlt, Mrs. Holt gown- , showing Shat thi-; is a “Ra;>; Tir.e ei in wlute luce and peai ls. iie.^sr.s. Age,*’ a.id that the people neorl cul- Oaiit, Jr.. Koj^er €..''inl, t.ecil |ivat:ji^ to higher plar.es in ar’. mu- t«ai'L, i'.tswiEi uanl, Russell Ca:;l, and literature. ,;,ii (lata,, W. .A. lurwij!, ,Jr-, anci Vij. Roy Fred Carter on Sulrr,-iay r:. K. E’owe.-i;-.. of iHirhani. gaVe a locture on the *Tanama the parlor iiic icucits were 1,'anal and Panama-PaciSc Exfjosi- os^eo:-ted int^Uhe hall by Mrs. L. Banks This \v,s beontifully iUustratcd : V. iISii;n!son and served punch L-y Mrs. t'ith enlerlaifj;)!^ and instructive* viev^T, I’rwin Hoit and filry. J. B. Weatherly, |)f the eanal aiid the ^;(:J-?lery in Cali- ‘t Ait^nahaw. fvlrs. WiUiaaiyan wore |omia and t!ie exposition buildings. ?\Ir^. WeathorJy wbiie The exerc'i.sos at the Chautauqua -'h's. lloit -\vhit; .‘■uilin and la^'c, p:irdav ovciiirirr at 8:00 oVlocV v.’cro Corinna Gant showed them ^•.'.^coedin^lv i: tt*rr;.!.inr’, 'Mish- in,xl ini** Ihc uir.in^.'; room vhirh Wi? (ler.craJ I'ivo.t:* ‘har;:(\ U;.. o;iv.'t‘r cu licauly. Tb»r JaHlc wnv: I), II: TutUc Ul-.. M. W. Bum!;, all i:.d.vn wii’.' pi-ik sweet thv^ rovia- ado eX;o!!c''.i Vuii l.o ;; )ay- o'l iho tiil-ie way of oii,.i;y kui.‘, a ^irt they III! old-f.ishi >u- to t'Kv Ii’. ide from Ijer trivat-prrent- .seriuon.'^. Miss Ilamflior'i nijul'* a ::uatv A mimitiirc bi'ide .\nd j.’rrocin plea for the :nor:sl v-’difi. uhilc i \ \svdd;»iu: array adorned the lai^'e. Mr. Tuiile ar,d Kev. Mr. t ori^istiiijj of salad f-ivonir f..r Pr.'hii'ition aiul course a’ld im- va>re serve d by aw En|'n\'cmoMt. All ihrse ‘id-i ^i;;rj;aret :>nd Hessjo l''rwin, of t)ur~ were well reeivwl shnwin.i^ Ethel WiHiams'on, of Saxapa- at the ryinpathy of the eoTiffrei^atioii i-.sv. Mitss Cuiiinv.i (laiir vvov-e hi.'r with liieni. Thi* attention was ult-sinaid drc.^s of i:ink salin with tpioiidid and ;he iar^jre casiva.s tent ?Iis.s iJt=ssie Krwiii \>ui-o bro- yii£ cor.ifuilabiy fuii. there 'voulcl' ^ atied cbilfon. Miss I\lar;raret Trwin lavfi been an oveWluw rneetinir Inii, io clotlujf j^old and l:u-e, Miss ^ii! and $10,000 FOr iflO Words Pass Very Strony Resolutions List sf Prominent Speakers Chaufaaijua iipjifts Town pubiicatiun of -‘The .Mii^e.i; iJurhani, June 27.—.^t the Durha’ii J.'olhir Mysiery’ Isesii's fori-iy. ,ii.'. i Distri.-j Coafi-reace which ca;:i-> W siory wi!( ran .for 21 cor.i-c.-'u;i‘.-j ’. close f/; Iiiiisf-cro yesierciay ttfife;'- v.'ceks. The jjiclaj'S made rrora Liiejiioon, lesolatiu-.s r,jlat’n,j to tav vhis- f.twy V,-:11 be shov.-n at T!-c Grotto ■ i’cy tr.;:Tic Wl-' j i.ar-scd. l:i fact ihr—. To-'iisiht, Taes'iay, -lune 'M. jr-'splctions v.c-.o ar.ioa'i’ the ri'.-.jsL ia- Kor the solution of this ^iiY^.tc'; y: toi esti:jv feature.-^ "f uie l ariiani. s'.ovy SIO,000 v.-ill be. given. il>;stri.':t Coafere:;ce, wi-.ich ,ias prt- COXniflO.NS GOVSSNIKC THE I'i’ K‘-‘’ i^'-rry Norm. CO\T'‘''ST‘ ‘ L. pavi., >ei:retary ii the Anti-Saiooii League, ipcke before the Vhe iM ize 5>'10,GOO will be won by t:ie iDiin, w6n»an, or child who' \n*ites the most avc*eptah!e .solution of the I'lysiery, from which the last twt> reels of motion picture drama vvjU be rjtr.de and the last two chapters cf the .-lory written by Kaioia IvIacGrath. . Solations liiay be sent to the Than- hou>jrr Film Corj^oration, either at Chicajco or Kew York, any time up laid-ni^rht, Deceinbcr 1-1. They n i:?t bear postmark r.ot later tha--» t.hal date. This allows four weeks afrev the lii-t appearance of the laM. L medicine, liim releases and ihree wee.s after, desire to pul our.selves on rec- thc last chapter is publishes, in which f,,vuring: the S;ate law propo.-=:- :o .submit t^oIuUons. , Executive Comrnitxc'c of the A tjoard of thrue judg'e.^ wili (>ett*r-| Xoith Carolina Anti-Saloon I..e:uTn(‘ njir;e which of Liie. many solutions re-* to prohibit the deiivo-'y of Uiuor for c:.‘!ved ih? arcoptable. The j (.yera^e purpos-^ri are u-Uid to jidginent this beard wiil be abso-jiearn tliai, in a rcvi nr decision hanti- luiw* and ri"a!. Nothing cf a literarj';^.'fi down by .!;e .Suijn^me Toiir* fi'om Macon County in the oasse of Smith %'S, Southern i^xpress Coiripany. this Jaw has been upheld. V'-'c, therefore cvnfcrrnce on the progress that i.' l-eins iJi*ade in the ii.^ht as^iinst whis key the Stste and in other Auctions of the. country, ills speech wi-.s fol lowed by the adop icsvof the followinj^ ‘•Lsolutibns: . "We, the Durham district Confer- e.ice. de:^irs to thanU the North Caro* iina Tvfedical Society for its leceiit ut- Ijrance, condernring the u.'=o of alco- hoilc beverages in ar-y form. '»Ve are uiso glad to read ;hcir statemeni thal It IS no lonj^er ne'jc.''>r.vy in the nvac- : c will be conE^ideved in the de- t.i.sioi:, nor ?ivon any preference in the teU’ctii'H of the "winner of the Oi the uncejtainty of the weather ^'ho Chautauqu:> has the moral irjr and approval of aU the n»in?r;icr:: n the city, which is a valuable el o any entertainment, especially one iependirif? iar support upon paid ad- ;iIs5ions. Those who have not had he pleasure of atteiidiajj some of the essicns wiil miss a rare tr-i, unless ' hey do so. The Dispatch heavtily en- r.rses the Chautauqua. Williamson woi-e lavender laee. l-'or the oeeasion about one h* ndred ;i4jd fifty j?ue?:i:'rf \vere pre.-?ent. ^.’0,(-0O The last iwit reels ; the next Genersi Assen)- jwhich w.ill ^ai\e ihe mosL aeeeji:aT>- [_{'.- to v.ci favorably C'-; this nv;-=Mire sr-lLslion to liii.- n'jy.-.^..ory. Wtl! be pre- v.e re(ine.;t our prt'sidinj.' t'Mt*; to r.tt'd in tho theator.s hav-!if!; thi.s fea- : t.hiri nioniorial. V/e urr^^o our [tare as roon as it i. practical ii pro-. .,e,lhr.m;jhout the dislrict 1 i jduco same. The story corrcspoitdine: thoir inilucn^-e to elfvt n)cn:b;.rs !o ;t.' liK- nx.iien pictured will appear Ceiieral Ass-nibly wiiTi will Itiic I.ewspajieis coiiHridcntalJy, or ' ;'.i.r.v (jiis measure. after the apiiearaiice of Ihc pic-, th-.t likelihood t.ie l.arc.-; pi'a'.'iii'ai. With the !;:st two . ^ r-'c;'.t r'.av.;'!0'!s wiil take aisiori ;.poa - ,.'el.' will be vhov. j; tl;e p'ictures ut th' r;‘si>b,il iio'. subiniltiair natiftnai v.-inaor. his «!■ her homo, arut other: [„ -,'ic Stales, and liiere- talei c inij; Leatiires. It i.'i u.iiiei'i;l()o.'i : \ve ini-n act euv .-^eo'etary to send that the newspapers, so f;ir, as prae-;i| o acce!i^f>aayi.nK l^c-tiiion;’, .■^:;caed iiy t-ca!, in print;*;;; tae last two chap-' .(...j „;ir preside;:!, lo the Sen te, s vf the stu;-y by ilaroid M:.eGiath of Kopresentatives. will also show a picture of the^suc-1 a.-e ijlad to aota tlie acti.in of ci'ssfu! coate-'.aaiU. lit-niocratic C^-r.venUoe, .'nne , Seluticns the laystc-y raust not for the stri-;i ei.fone- u,.> more (han ]0() words Ion- Here' of y;,.. prohibilicn laws, wjr.i jare s.,',;.- ,)ue,-lions te be kept in mind |,!,e that ^^evideace ia.ii- eutej; th:;i dunkin';-, drunkenniv.;.s and the crinn:s that they brin^ are rapid- On last >iunday broken beer tes were strewn fr-era 'lie clll ^ nin- ry corner n.early to the Epifc^'-pat ■’hurch on Oa\is Street. These bot- les were nor purchased at tlie Bull j vote of 84 to 21 and sent r»a.sses the Lever liiU. Washinttfton^—'file House today .subiitiruted the Lever bill, for rejcn- littion of cotton exchanf^es throuj^h prohibitive taxes, for the Senate niea«:ure proposing regulation by r ciin.^* of prohibiting: the use of the inaii:> and tho telegraph for so-called *:anjblingr transactions. Tho House put the? bilj throuj*:h un der suspension of the rules by a it to the with I ho the mystery as an aid to a soJudon: 1 What bot'Omes of tiie millionaire? - What becomes of the $1,000,000? -:5 Wlion\ does Florence marry? ■i What beeomos oi ihe Russia)^ cnuntess? Nobody conected either daeetly or ii.diroL'tiy with ''The Million Dollai- Jlystery*' will he cotisidered as a eon- tc.^tant. I Read the .first chapter, which is pro- ,diiced on the last page cf this issue. Sat Cafe, iii our opinion either, nesth-: ^'onate. If the Senate fails to agree r w'ere they shipped to the parti.’s|to the substitute the'differencp.n will !ho broke them upon the sidewaUclbs taken up in conferences, nd street, but to oar way of thiukiri: | Se.-.ator Smith, author of the Sen- hey were broken by the persons who ought them f/oni the seller, drank •rapty and broke upos^ the sidewalk ate. bill, is no cainpaigning in South Carolina, and consideration of the ^labstituto may be deJayed until his > attract attentioTi, and they evident Ireturn, though Senator Smith, of f sueceedeo. Georgia, or some other Southern Sen ator may call it up in the meantime. Beth the Senate and House meas- Examinations for Teachers. Examinations for teachers v.111 be elc at Graham Thursday and Friday f next week. All are urged to be Liars are always most «ear.—Alfiori. ures aim to regulate alleged evil tices. on the cotton exchanges which the cotton producers contend keep dow'^ the price of cotton. Saw Cuts Jnlo Skull. Kt.ilesv ille, June 27.-^toopin,^ to clean away tn^.sh which had accumu lated about the big circular saw at a inill in Sufcar Loaf township. Alex ander county, Ralph Kerlcy, a young vhii: man, ventured loo close and a severe gash eight inches long was cut in th» top of his head. While the wcjnd penetrated to the cavity of the s!:ull and exposed the brairj, the vie- tim £>^ems to have good chances for vecovery. Ilis condition was report ed favorable yesterday afternoon. Af ter the wound was dressed he was re moved to the home of an aunt w^ho lives near TaylorsviJle. The superfluoii,«5, a very thing.—Voltaire. The young man who wishes to avoid cold treatment from the girls just now must treat 'em to cold stuff.— Greenboro New. ly decvc'i'.sin^,'.*" In order that such en forcement r.iay be had, we urj^-i our p'.'opk' to be vijyilarvt in th? election i If the jfood nvinisiers of ihi^ tow:; Vv'cre a.^ wiile a\v:ike- in their nclion.'; as they are in their talk, there would be Ics^. blind tigers and more law cn~ I'orccnient. WhaL does the law break er and even those whose husiiics;-. ii is lo enforce the law care aboiU law enforcemeni, just as lone: as those* who are rbnnoring for law enfnicr- nient do nothing but talk? It action, gentlemen of tije pulpij. Cul!epie4 Jui'.'j I:!','.—The S !i>ti.;y .;choo! ch:;uiau'i'.;:i and .'nho^i'. • -.i' T’'.;.-lho;ks iii-ld i;:-. the Uirittd .y Chri'-tiau church will !-e held ■. Beach, -July :;0 , i\.v this purno.^e the >'n:-isTUJ.;- .,! av.'j I’.as i*.^n>ed the tents and iuildint:‘s an:i gj*oun;ls of i:. .hurcl;, loeaied at Vircr? .?:s L'cacii, \’a. Tho wili ])old .:-::;utauqua the :*veek pvecoedi-j.ir- ih-v; liave !,:?en holding such schcoi i‘*vr i!ie few yciiv.^ and expe.-t to o:n‘cII as inar.y as I’.Oi’O dcle^ai.e;'. Thir= !. the first institute" of h-. kina hc:d t.y iho Christiavt church as ha.-^ b-.-ri; ''latev! -,hove. i:ai il is expeeie.i ‘.hr.’ as n::;ry u. IjV'n :!c:cjrates will bv enrol’ed. Tho -f icUvkL-and s^jeuk- fiT in ;.he ( hri.=:ia i chautauqua h\ 1‘iudi'. niany di.'iin'i'uished —-ne*. iheni: W. W. Staif-y. Suf- Jolk, Va.: Dr. A. W. Li£*:htbourre. I’o- .'vr, I'Xii.: Rev. (ieo. R. .Stuart. ovanTol- , i: l and Icmpevinvi-o wovk^i , Rev, Cty]i-y Smith, .h‘.; lh\ Martin JSu)r- PUM'b'jll, l-ake'.iiii;;i. V.: t‘. VV. SpiViaian, Kington, X. C.; I>r. 2\T. , T, Ik-rvelk Ik\yio:.. I.ir, it. r^ei.i.son and 3Ii Denisvn. Nor- foik, Va.; 111-. J. 1’. Lnni^tt, Itr.yt*i? . 0.; l-’r, lUiMron Ein'j«!.e, Kriv, Ph.: Misa Eli/-aboth Harris, ^;ew Yor'. City: J-i:', C. tJ. Rowland and Mi. _ K/V,'‘ar,d. rri.nklin, Va.; I':'. . T. ”uiii,i‘'-i, Wa.veriv, \a.'. S. 7\! a;i-I lU'V. Xorl'oiln, />r. \i. I.. Moirr.. 1 v)ro. V.; v.ilh I*r . 1. •''Uiu.l;L. Va.. ^;nd A. li. Kc»iuli. 15uv- !Iag':r;:t, .\*. »•- tiu.- In atldUs:-'.*; To liu-.-'* .-/-eiikjr.s fn..v monibc:'.'- of thi* Kin;-, facuil.y will in ;h'‘ j)r»,i. ikv 0. is M,!^*.‘hi!ei] l-:« ine cor;'Jc:»Liwriai .c.'rinoj; and’ivj di - liver Iii.-' lamou.' leclur*- ou '‘A P'-v-- ciil )):»y Mcssaire to the CiiurvK id ihLj Fiiujvi*/' ])r. ..I r. Newinan, wh’, ii. a pr^'fes.-iT:}* of liil-Tjical literature iii the college, i.s to give a l'‘‘ct'jro *1; l.ic ■‘‘niiili:* in the liome nn^ iilii.''.' !'r. \V. Wii-L;’‘, ;n? . laa fr^pfes.’^^n• of philosoplsy ni iho *’..llcpe ami a jnombe:- of the lesst>n 1 !.mi:iiltee of ihe Intcrnaiio^nl Sun ,(>ay School .\s.«ooiation is to dehver two le:ture. tbr- “(^rj.'-aiii-ed Adult !. ; fiible Ch^s.-A.” President i^arper is to spc-ai; three His i5rst .-iddvess is to be cn- liLted “Tho Prepared Toarhev." The >ocond, "Problems cf the Youii*: Peo* pie and the C'hiirch.’* and the third is , hrased as ‘'Conserving Cln istian ;*:nerp:y-‘’ Tile ha? said niany times. L readers that business, real, true.. fU::ui\:ne?'.tr.f : iL?:'}i5t.'S.', ’Or:.':!:'^T.s of inur'e jhai shocks of good.-', inur.- c-A.c.Li-V!!::. niujil?'. raiiv.'uy sy.^it'ms :-7id V. h-oIe.-'a!.e houses. After ali, tjio Vv-:-y four.iir.iio.i of all our business i.-’.- \:in- ->ne!'; and v.’onic:. i,i it. and r%-he>? ;!sL'‘.a';d uo;ner. iiave bee!', ;'r‘;ii'ed and ir.spii-ed u:.d lifted up and ni::d-i appreciate iheinselvcs more ."u-iiy, i;nd lo recOKniine their ov.'n ii:- divKiuai responsibility, that comvnuTi- i:y has bee;. b;jttered. COMMUMTY PUOi'n. Hut li has not i-t?en made nieseiy a IvJte* oeaauniLy morally and intel- !-ciiia!ly. k has been made better in a business v.’ay also. These thinjrs "•f,.:-;; toiTdiiivr. ii?id it ls inipos--:il.*ie to f i.-L’vr c-.-nmniaity intellectually and !'.r'r:i!Iy not at the .-Nume time hee ler trial f’oinmuniTy cornmerL'iaily. Thc' niai; vcoo-is ini.de to think n'iOre oi himself, to ajjpreciate his own in- divi.iuaiiiy more, is ijourid To wa*iL lo tc;ke i'Ctter c:;re of ijirp.seii, i » cImiIk- I • jn.-.eir l.’-j;I.?!• I') Ivuild a ^-ctt-.^i hou=r V' it!, lo rj.h* in :: l.-ellt^r cnrringe o:' an:OTUooii^'. ;,.i }|o the.-e in> Vv’lM als> tliiiii--. 7norr» r.f hi', faindy, }.:s children. n'.'':’o f '.'•.•iiM:-iVs ;o:«i hi> eonirjv.nri’y. .'■;r i '‘ h’. .: hd*‘»e;' ihes * ih.iiii;;? he > v-oj\h nn*:.* !un>se!f. his faiTwiy, his t 'J-i: I4i - and Iii?. i.-otim- ‘.■■y. ch;«.i!i ny»* f^xt'cp’ion ■*.(> rur . 3 ary coniinutTity whcr.' ■; a- rcc «M tins hind }»as J'ce'j v.'cai-iin,, I'T a r.’:r’i:5.‘3' e*f y«-\ >•. and you ■v'. iii S::; j mat I'v* w!ioi arn:-e of tiia; ''■^.inrnn''i‘y ?: \vo tni;-!n tile to rif'.rr ti:w:s ivali-iu'd prrs'i^ii’iy nr.'.! ■ •u;:hi y* '« ' ! .'i i’i" >.'! i pii'.'i'iid ;k-- ', il■} of tli. '«* irsuch whi.-h *'an bo trai-cti i:ac!-. dirj.'lly to its source in this ^real (‘inkutriuqi-a niovern"!::—Ibis inorai. ’.ias intclle.'- r> lil'.TViL Mi-iCCHANVS. I]:;-' .-(f.er ali Hit- pai/.; that v\t‘ wish 1.1 nn:ive in lid:- insi.-i..: should t»o of airci-l .;r;s :;pe i^:! lalere.'t to evo>‘y J'to.ii mei'j'l'.aiit. v.'ho.se bu-'’ii'iesi* si;c-:e.-'> depends i:jrp,ely upon tlieir *•. ninninity development. Under>tand ij'.at \ve§i>c;!k of business in the bro;u; scr.."e of the term, asai !'ot in the lir- tje nai'row sorise «o i>a"te?‘. as ihii lerr*'. is ^o 'if:."*;; ui-dersiooii, >r ra' * n'.:>ij[;oeisi»>od. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the kindness shown us during the sickness and dt^.uh of our mother. ^^^.y Heaven’s riche.st blessings rc.st upon each one of them. J. M, Shaw and Wife. Card of Thanks. We wsh to e.vtend to our friends and neighbors ot»r many thanks for their kindness and painstaking at tention rendered as during the recent illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. L. A. Boone and Children. Lightning Strikt-s Woman. j North Wiliceshoro. June 2‘7,—'I'^iJ.rs- i!ay afternoon during a heavy storm ■ Mrs.. W. V. Williams at I’ergasoa, «Vi ihe new Watauga railroad, was ?:ruck and it was reported fain!iy in jured by lightning. h is said that she was sittinjr r.ear :i hod by an open window ani the ! lightning .'.Imosts tripped her of her ;clothing and set it on .tre. Tin? •t." was also set on i.re, but neighbors be ing present it was soon extinguished. A doctor, was rushed to her aid from Xorth Wilkesboro on a motor car but little hope is entertained for her re covery. She with her family had only rr.cently moved here from North V, ilkcsboro. Mr. Williams is the railroad .-^gent at Examine your thousand dollar bills. Washington reports that a bad one is a-loose. b:LK!MA; voLxr. mkx at ik)mk. Ju.-=>t now iht; i'.uesiion, can 'we keeji the young men at home’’'' is a oiiestior. receiving the attention not or-.ly of pareins but of educators and I'lnniit^ss men CN'crywhere. Kut we Wiini to say to our r>?:idt*rs that in our opinion nothing c;ij; be done that will luive a V • 'liter tei»den.cy tov.'ard ejius- tj.g mo- young men to .stay at home in th'- .;aller towp.s and in rural com- niu: ; :.:s where tht-y should be, than to ;-;ve then* ihe right kind of broad bu?iress tenching, just such teaching n-i they have a right to expect from this great lorum, the Chautauqua; just such teaching as ihey have a right tx> e?cpeet there in your conx- munity. Ready to perforn).—Motto of tha Earl of Shrewsbury. Drift the natural away, it returs at a gallop.- f I What wis the Carranzaz finally be ? PRINT

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