A PROGRESSIVF REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMEPJCAN HOMES AND AMEPJCAN INDUSTRIES. BURLINGlON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NGiaii CAROUNA, FRIDAY, JULY 3,1314. PHESSIVES MEET SiT. V’ ■ ' iTore^isives of the I'ifth Congression- at Dislrifi i.- Courthojse in Grensboro Saturday. EXPLOSi 'IS TWO Meet lg Greensboro Greensboin, July Satuifiay af- iernoon at 2;M0 oVlook rhe fii’ih dis- convention of the Progrersivo parly will be* held in the court house. The. coiiveiition wiJl be called to crder by X. WilihimsoJi^ Jr.. of Burl- inifiv-n, ch:jLirmnn of the diiitri^.t ex* e;utive commi^e national ccr.i- Knl:ecmau from ■ North Carolina of the party. John W. Kurieesr of Stokes Coun ty, and Martin Doujrlas will be the r^'inelpal speakers, and it i$ reported thfat among: otheri> to mcke suv^cches v\il] I'e Major W. A. Guthrie, of Dur ham; Zeh W.r.ce Walser, of Lexinj^- toh, ai:d i redell Meoi-cs, of Wilining-- to«. llrtrtin Douglas ^\ill lie nominated f:>v Congre.> from the FifLh ^Vi5lri..‘i ;t£ Ihe oppoju-nt of ^‘ajor CharU.s M. Siedman. Jrse Barton, a Xegro. Saves Ladv and Baby. Liberty, July 2.—Joe Barton, a ne- y:vo, probauly saved the lives of i-. lady Jirid her baby near horo y€r;terJay in riskiiifT his own life to ctop a rr.’inway hor«e. The Vi’Omatt and chi)d wove in i; buggy ri'turninff f>’oni Liberty and thi. horse becaiue tVip’htaned whon she raided an vtmbrella. The animal had )’un at looift a t;fiar- ter of a mibj and v/a.s just opijosite the home of’ C. R. Curtis when Joe Barton and Will Cji‘it*r. two iiej;;roos. j-’-iiw the run.'iway. They iried lo xtop t^e horse by wavln" their arnif, and C;irter struck at the hor^c as it was p;i'-^injr. This fajjivjr, B:ut»:i ,i leap a.'id caught the f-*h:irt‘: v/horc b? h'nld he could irct holii of tho ^-ndlo, when he controlled to a:ii- mal. The ;h': v.'a^ th{* r.insl hemic i;nov. ii i:i thi.^ ; fr* iuri. Til. Oii.siumiiion of V, hisSiiy l Oft. Waiihi !ftlo li^ J u! v —A i iwi ica ns drank !ess whiskey dr.iir.p: the 1:^ months t!i:ui thoy diJ ihe yen;- Le- but Ih^'x nior^ heer I's.u .'-,mol>c;i •liiore tig-arettes. lieports to the Cnumiis.sionei’ of interna! Revtnui' made imbllf todwy £ho«ed that vefeipts for the fiscal year just closed toUiHeci $S!!4,0ii'« less tli.aii for tho previjnis year, and most tf this deeUne was due to the mark ed cecrea.«e in taxs.^ colleeted on dis tilled spirits. Detailed statemiisns for Afe month of June are not yet avail- sblc. but in the first 11 months of the fiscal year there was a decrease of $3,734,857 in the income fros'ii the :)ianufacture and sale of distillad U- (juor. due in part to reduction in the nuns' er of licenses. Estimates on the June receipts indicated the total de cline in distilled liquor tax, for 12 months will probably be |4,250,000. j Receipts from tobacco taxes showed Sn approvimate increase of $2,800,000 over last year. This gain is due al- n’.ost entirely tc a phenomenal in- /«ase in the cigarette sales. Tho gain in receipts from fer aented liquo- beer f ’’/r.nd the like, was about $860,000. ' V’ — ■ . ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hardin and Mr. Hfccutt Way, of Ramseur, are the fruest of Mrs. Mary E. W?y for a f^v; days. The Pinehots coa!d hardiy expect Perkins to take a total loss on his Moose investments.—The Greensboro News. always consider the best guesser the best prophet.—Cicaro. Chiet Wallace and Ciiptaii^ .cnn Bie I'rom Iftit!rier Rcccivod at Ex- ploiici! at I'ii'e. Fire Ctiief and l-apfaln Ch'anotte, July. i.—W., li. c^i.tuia of fire .station No. 2, was ia- sLantly killed. Chief J: U. Wallace, of of Charlotte Fire Department, v.as s-. badly injured that he died in thri:^ houi-s; Fireman Randolph Erwin and Ciydc K. Tcdd we’-e ?eriousiy jiju'.'o-'J a;:d half a dozeii others were slightly bru'.- e^, by an cxplosica. of dvMMi*'UL‘c this mornir.t;’ at 0‘cl0s.'k, whon tiiey answei^ed a c;.!l to extiuj^ui-h t^anies in a barn belongin^r t«» J. B. Ilawkin.'i/a railroad and gradinj con- t:uctoi% at No. S09 South Cedar St But for the fact 'Ihat the chief v.her. he arrived on the ?cene to tiirect the nre-iisrhtinjfy ordered s-?veral 0»e- back soir.e distance from the l-arn to .'traiffhten cut a kink ia ihe hor-o lin-: wvenii other nrenien m?, h- ha*« Lce» killed and i?'.jured. Wjndow.-^ were broken a:vl wix.i knocked o!T the walls ar.d c-i]ii'jr in house;? for several block.' .surr >uad- in;c the scone of ths explo.'^icr,. A i.umi er of by.^l;».nlei s v.-ere sLi-uck by rlyir,>^ piece.n r-! timber that weM 'i? every direction, but norie Vv seri ously bun. Cari;U’d p.oods airi t’iher niaterial.'- in Jwo grocery ht-r i- r.ear tlie scene '-f the e'pl-vd>.r> v.-er." k:-.c.k- ect a hoteroiren >ou^' n:J.he fiC'Or;^ WHiTE suvtrc XMGED'MEOlATiON TMtS A RECESS; P.1AL CWIESS ME^ V«E8BILT TO DMAM W. ii. SandUord, Durham Ur:}?»:Kist ..*_!Tcs:.'er^ and. iUid Anrfoik. JTHi-. A li C lAdc^aie. KuiM ta Dek-‘ ^;k vemh Annual ?it!5.siqn of tht.' Norvh ^.'ht re a Chance ihat :ihe City of S:.U-; ur.d I'. ■ Carolina Associalioii—Held ior Ourhaisi >Iay Land, uu- Gre;-! : Plan^, ;he i^eiielu of ihe ^-vTvicl'. ^ Ni-w L'nivt-r.-iuy. OTHKliS .MAY ilECOvKi?. The injured were ru.shed to ihe I'resbyterian hospital where Chief Waiiuce died at li:?0 o’tkick. Kiro- man Todd a-.ui Erwin, i*oth t)f tire si.a- tic;.n ?Ct>. arc doi’i**: well and it is .“■uJd thoy will recorov. Erv.'iu a !:;:il!y lacc-r.;'a.d lijrhl arm a;:d a ^'up- ii"^ wound in his k-ft lei;:, while Tu-Jd has u. bad »>ruise on th*'^ head rud a bad wound th.i left .-houkler. i'ire' man Barnes was sent to ilic hospital with a wound over his left eye. but left the ho>'pitnl in an hour and pU:rkily re*'Uincd duty at his .statiOf\ DYNAMITK 02£ POWUKK. It has not been fully asCvM’tair.cd, as the owner of the barn and his fr^mily v.’ere (;iit of town, whether iiie e.KpIosivc was ilyiianiile or blastinj? powdei*, but it is belie\ed hotli were ill the small .-itorage room ten feet fran; the side of the hnrn. Mr. H;iwk- iii.'? h:i>“ been doir.jr considerable grad- ii'tr iind work of that sort about tho city, and it ia u.ssumed that ho had left a quantity of the explosive in the florajfe hou.se under lock and key, 11' i-!.-5erv;if!on for another contracr. SCENE OK WI.Ln'idSORDER. the scene following the explosion was one of confusion and uproar. A crowd had surg^ed forward toward the tive, but was prevented from reach irg the scene of it because of 3tt,eral fences. When the explosion occurrcd there was a pell meli rush away fror.i the place and several persons Averci more or less brui.>^d up. Mmbers of the police departmeiti li: swer to a call and kept the crowd.-; from crowding round the injured un til they could be removed to the ho.^- pital, which, however, was accomp- lifhed quickly. CASTS GLOOM OVER THE CITT. The tragedy, one of the nioit dis astrous that has ever occurred in Charlotte, has cast a glooip over the city, as the dead firemen were men of universr.l popularity and very com petent r.s firemen. The city hHll and the three fire stations were draped in mourning after the disaster. Chief Wallace iir.d Seen head of the Chr.r- Cor.tinued on Page 8. \Mm Drugolst In M : Proves ledeilpHt Success; In Session Foi- lwo flays i¥iii Be Plan Koowh Sooo {. •.i' A'urfo!i;, Va„ July i.—W. fk Saiidi- ford, .‘■aid io be- u .dru-ijjyist fnMh J)ur- iiam. X, . C.* w;‘u^ r»T&'-ii*d b/ Prrt*u- tioii Sleveriso:) ;;; Cum hovhi.'.O stici'L iasl rdirhi ai.-i jfliine CoC'ko.’fi, a r-i'.hc*' pi-city of yciiv. hold r-:: a *.r*.i-f nf t.'ic Ma r, iVhi:;', At t. iSar-diroru, apparcjUiy under :;;2, h-.iu hoard of the .'irl i»efoi'? n'ot r-.*j and wa:> intrcdui-eJ lo her last Sal- urday in Durham. They ioob a:i uu- ii. ii said, to Raleijrh, vrhe. the fspent the rdjrht at a hoii.‘l, o.y-v.- ’.•yir" separate room.^. :nul o:i Su;-- iU\y came to Norfolk. Here they stopped at a hc-.;si« ia -dai:. St?*oet and vi:dted :-o- noj-tf, makinjr applicatio’-i j=jr sU-iV catrancc. After .'ipplyi;:.!: al Val CuniLerland strict h'.»u~o .t'.vice ih(v were adniittt-«k in the mcianiin.o. Of- Occ: Stcvenjrvri had iearne>) oi jl,n cn?e and the p.rre^t Adlowed. The ^riri, v:ht r~- heii:^ -a r«.«1ro‘i’s department r.t beadfiuarici';-. clauTiS i-.ot to have harmt-d, and S;tndiford makc^ tho name stntvnicni. The jn’rl whr.s*.' mother i.^ a ui»o\v. Siiys t‘;at she wanted to Icavfj L^ur- hani rir:d jret away t^> a j.'Jaco and v*;:.s perfectly v»illin«: to come wiin a‘-yone v/ho woubJ take iier ^way. She says sh^: has lEriven her n?.«thtfr much troul'h* and that her m‘»lkcr df.e-s iH)i want her there, a»i...-r-.vx-, When Sandiford was iwou^rhc bcf'.Mv U?uii*d Stai..!s Comroi.-sioncr P. r>. .Stcv'jv.voa Ihi.-i aft’r!U‘jj'n, at the »c- (^uesi of tii.^ dc'feuse t^;c cis«,* was cf..’iti.‘iued ur.til J::[y 11. rji.difotd claims to bs‘ weil cajDiectcd in Xoj'th (.’arclina ar^l experts 1m.* ai !e : • }?jv( i ail for hi.i appearj.nve. lie kas wired to his father at nui'ham but ha- not yet i'*ceived a reply. 1 .V.eoialo:.s Ajr indt^niie Ueccei->» i Aia.L^arr. ('-■ii-.. Jaiy L:.'i5i'.dci* :>a (k!:ria. c/z hvavA . -•i.-.y :..;-r::u.r ed the vir:..;d . niv.t , f-f -;h* i.eivv.-;: ilv r>:be«J ;• : The an'; :v;-i..iacl v'ki!c modi'i'J;.';: w-r..!',; t,;v:e i idif- v-'iLe recc:^.s i.J:-.- i-iit* cl.'. elTcirls l.-y rej.;\-v--;;;tive'i of I'r': two’ eltsffiii: ai-.auai ?^i~-sion uL the . v 1-ctiw‘i' Carri-:;-.-' Axxiaiion is ■ I'lrii;:;.-: ha‘.\: I i:.i: iield here ii»d.iy and vca; .'.'iV'-’-’. j este*,} j’j t.hr- -aiv 1.—r»ieLli6riici.'j in . e.ipcciaiiy ■ inter- s Jf-sj’ ca I I b «t-. T; ■ i n i: v : : f-.ilj '.A intei■L-.'-t. n^ •■Ct-^ • C.>k i£'e h'j.-a char.ce-t-;/lau'ci tl;-.—'rt-ut. .•’...■.ii-'-J Ivirkbij: V.) ihc- advi>i”..-;':jjenr«^uei:v.tii^.' V--W--r^\iy which vari::.d !;>' . v>! t-',0 lliial Carv i'_’; | i.'ap.'tOr.;- t)f tfu’ ‘.-ili.Jrc’h'j. 'L'Jl'Ca- ii-.-. .y.-!:r.«. since the- coui I have* this mt rah.ir ; I I Je.:!nud liiai ihe Soat-ier]- Mo:hodiotc: ■> '-' ■- the :-in>:n:r • :'! i.--, ^viik Va;;d-;-i!it: Ar:!eri“a ■ ar.d devotional orvercUes,: Lvrsiiy. i r..'K .ed I y U-iV. ’^;;TiaM !i!chirr. the ■ -O: oour^v' will be knov-r. t'Ki pki‘..~ of ih' couimij?7ioa a»>- >:>ii);ed to settle this proncsition.” ajdres*: t-f weicjiae ot; behaif efjsa.t^ ei-e oi the proinkieju iv-emver" :ntf luni: carrieis cvtmade by J. M.iof the 3Iethodist Chuvch tnda^-. ‘\Wl ! Me-'dca:-; fc’.c;;'.t ’ ta solve ;hc lor- nal rrc-biej^^^ f :ic!-:u:o, the task of- behali of the mod.atio!' v;a^ ; • y-rt -Oi-vk;ded, ‘ ‘ i-'i^mercr. thou?;h an e=;>.i'..iiaL j.-art e: had been acc'c.r.plishej. ! '• The amba?.-advr .-p • -c at a i'a'-.cheor. j;iven by the r/.^uiatDi-s !o iiov»\':- pnpe.! corr"sr;fa:!;ent1'be ar;d liuurta de!‘-ii';:ii‘.)’is v-ci-e ? .:er;i. | and the remarrs Jlr. ;>aGama. Vi- ter carefui reviiir,::. make puhlic ■ later, constiiu:':-.;- a foi-mai slateniei»t O'" the mcdiat'i^.i; 'xvriz thus far. ‘’it is a scur.'.* cl' s;:tislaetio-^ for^ T^o,'' .said the ;-via--;uk»r. i-e at»)e 1o fay that c:.e 'V th.e •j.-.scrti. ! pointi 01 cur proirra:!’., that dealia.v with the inte2-nation:d .-id:.* of the \irtually settis-d. Ti:;s do-:-:' ini- piy ihat wa hvaie wjrh cdr tas'; t..'iicluded, hai v:e leel ?hat s.. fr.r VC- have averted v','u-. \Vc ’.ave cs- tab-i^bed nk'-ro throuj^h ag-rcemcnt be tween the pr.r'Jes mo?t directly intc'*- t.ooh. The rf.'tpon-;.- \va.^ mad*? by C. jaftci their 2-n;;etir.^. ar.J ni anrouiicx - c;-tfd iiv.ii i?i c^>^r;plc^e hanrinay with ^ :i. howai'd. Ther^ followed th- ro!i^mei:t." ■;!-hoi! Jvhii C. and Dr. •i'ail of offk-ei.'.. i.he rob call of couri- i T. r.»urham are member.^ = f rhi»' : ?r.dit..c«-ar:d aJjoa;r.nK-*::t: {■;»! di.'i-: f.diiraiioKal rrcmmi.?K:on and if there ■ ar:y cJ>a:ncs to brizig: the bi^ ’jairpi- -vl J ;l Liie ci ■.-iiy tc. Xorth Carolina, ” l,c iook- ii.vrtial c'ranfi-.teL* Vvas read an 1 ihe.e^' afrer !.y these f.vrj men. -atln'j: c.i deleg-a'-j' tot>3; pine..-. .An "Ir -,yr,.s ;y.-peets Trinity J‘ol!ei:c .1 s was n.ade / Pc.^ti-'jasi.-i-V. F. :> unir.ue po.^itior: in this con- C;‘ow,-oi: and one by Rev. I>. H. Tut-irf-i:: 0*r the .^eat cf the-reat methcdi^t ii!e. A talk discu.-=ijrt was t:: Ht j nnivt-rsity. It r:!roudy has an eadeu- ■ Hcv. Oui- -Ustjcialion Tan .Aid the | meat aad a plaat, as we]] ss :: Vv.,--;- ' •.'.-parumeM in rd.t-:injr ;hc' kara! jic- , f,a-‘.;hy, a:id all r.f T.hjse ;!;vcry ^^crvii-e ir.eatc.^: ' tbir-^ vouklhejp i,j biin^ri the ij'-i- ’.>i' the i^'^ud'Ii*•c I‘..'iiiai-! rt'.t^ni." i v.*;-s;ty Trinity ('oilejre a."!.! I'ur- At the ev .-c. ^iua at ^ fViock were ti-.e^e any iaclin^tinn aa •tiG c-rrkw-; i.viil malce their "ej''rts. : ti e *'f the '''h’'r"k j ■ j .-iddrcose^ ■’.vill b? iJiade by la LI, il r ('.n(n';s.‘5!«>n to so.** ; iltDncycuit. v>5\ ‘-An iduai Carrici T. Thr* of this ,• i A - ??mith •> ' **.\a Idcai i'alrun:'* \V. Tvh->y '.'■■a.:. - tl-a* -. The I'all of Love ’faUos Vt>Lin^ iJj/l to i.over JR Wes’. y!ii:abc'th City, July 3,— .\ uip of many hundred mik-s aU)ne. amone; iti-nnjrers, did lioi deter .Misr. kiicy OnI>, a pretty iiitle country niaidea of 'V.squotank country from slartinft' yesterday aftorn.oon on a trip to t.i>- lumbua, Ohio, where sho wiii marry her sweetheai't whom she has never scon. This marriag:e will be the cub mini tiop. of a romance which wa.s ho- {run by corre.spondence about a year affo beiwcen Miss Only and a, g-e::t.ft- n:an ia Tipton, Indinim. A mutual friend i»:troduced them by correspondence and they have written to each other continuously since then. An exchange of pho o- grraj>hs convinced them that they were intendeif for each other. A ie\y days ago Miss Only recived a letter from her fiance enciostng- a ticket to Colum bus, Ohio, and a piece of red riDot: . whirh she was in.structe«^, to wear whea she arrived in that city rhat he might identify her. Miss Only is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Only. in Jthe Four Forks section of this county. :>he is a trimmed and retirinjr counti*y girl and no one would suspioio!i that she would undertake a journey that stout er harts would quail before. *h'.' suatimoiit ' of th-j uovernnKa't of Uu.' I'rdu^J .‘-^iates Lhat it U a jirinci-' pk* or .\mc-ricai’ policy to ha ' - our' ’ .itio.ia! proMti nis aL\say.; 'rivca. a fail iL'Xanii.ia't}*;') aiui scttloil wniiou' f^.T-' i k‘;a i'lU'! fd-iuacv. 'V«.> u;id-;'s;aad ; ''hiu if siji'h a rt’^ui i.- islitair-v'-i *A*» ■hidl itav^• ficau’d a mure fa\■•’ad.ie ' at ;T5o.-:'h'-i"-- ia politics ia. .Snicririt.” ‘ (lan'a* call^i-d ;nloa(v»;! i»j tlv' faia 3.hal Pivsidcjit Wilsi'f; pcr.~fa.aliv * : ‘ j h.ad j.jiformod the modiaios-s hoj*:M-c' tlujy icfl Waslnr.ii-ton th.'st tlu i.nly way i« solve MexicoV jfroid-aa was. i “to aid the rontcndi’ur nai li's i,* M‘\- ; icc t--> rcatdi an airreenit^iit an.or.jrj lkcm-olvt'. thu.s cbtairdjig; a Mcxi^vin Mdui.aai of the Mexican iucsu-«r '* ■ ■‘Oiayniiaitio;: a:al tliv ('o ^*rdip.ate -lit-.. . .v'hivveniLa;.;.*^ Ta--. oiTicnri : i d a.-;- w.ndd rrakc Fntrliain or..-* ••S t:a.^ li,;rja; de!c.u-a’.«.'S wd; he* ei-jal ’d and i.jp- rducatioraii cc»;t!?r.s of lh{* South.- i\ -‘. i.l a'c m' iiH.ctiT\!.:, u\: or^ian v.-ill ii.' :ol«*c:s‘d. T!.i- devol ir.:;al c:\« r; i-fs uf y IT’ a. ni, v. Ji: ^ ■ ■•la.d'i-.-lv:) ' y Kcadadi a;al ‘ ‘iM'i-.i-’:':ai larui, and ih-* IKirhnm nebjdo arL* bKj;.- ia;.’. :*orv.jual wiU; n ercni: dr-i! of i - :arc>’ in th-? annouareinoi’t of thv • j.da.H' of ;no f-.iTsipn'- v.’hiah. ^••chL‘dub‘d t:> h-'M :• . ra’Cri ii.-; i y \ la;i;;ai ' /.L j'k--0 ,bc’.v-’.'a'a. ■ ’’iilccK ri;j:ean- !'ih wii; rj*cak. lb.* Wj’.I !>i‘ ri*ilfivvi.'ii ' V ;ii. ::ddri*.>.. i-y a !■« ;irc>vn;aii\ .• nt ihv* !*cp.irtri^'.‘*’:. The s a-aii’u .dsc." v.ii) bi‘ ihc , Jk‘ With Vivn Tin Wo M-.'t /■-uain."' ar.d t’ic }.**;, ilict;m iiy C rap- bsin liu: '.. :h’ ‘f /a Chauflfenr Out on Baik Ashc-viilc. duly i. -Frcil -i. Wad- i.an.-Jcrru Ciiari;v of Uurhatii Po.'iioHicc. ;?ai!:a:a, Ji:iy i.—J. Othi> i.a ;s:'.n.i .!ooi; chai;TC of tiio JJui-navi Mii-ioifa*-.* ;laday, and has been shou»i i.vlt th^- : v.orl- l;y fnrmor Postma.si'jr J. A. !n i;,:unC!- ih- ^ f,,,,;, ,!,e , !,ai;’fe..v iih.. ii,„vv . u ve:ik-u (iiat the vou-.sv of i,u-di::.ti..n 1S'.uuia niiihi whif cajuu to jjrief hciv M«a;day, iida-.i from ilie bt*:.^ijiai::;.'. The spcech served alsa as a defi- nitior for the world p:enerally of the hitherto unsettled status'of meujatiou. Ambassador i)a Cama and Aliaister Nacn h.ad pkmned to leave toaij^ht. but found mani' details to arranpv and postponed their departure until »o- morro i^Jik-. Mr. I.ur:.‘-'ff>rd recivivi t ici..*- Liao- yi?.-N‘i*'.iay tflii:-.;:' hini to tai.c .ciakip' '.if til? o;licc on \hc iirst of July. whi4*!i is iih‘ be^jrijiia:i}; of the fiscal M-a:= velor.scd iimie,- a bond of i‘^pf'runeni. and noti- t^c bail l.oin,:;- rcliicoii from |'»:nmis,.;i():i had whid. u-us ..Mfrinally TV re- Th.i commission nvrive'i il.ction of (Ko bond f.>..,wod liio o- ti-e first trails. comnicndati«>n of tlu- solicitor. Mr. GileSt who had beeii in the That Charles K. S.htoIs. tho y«ins ^ •' "-iii iv^unne tha practice of law iit L'arha--: ;.and h-'.' already locatcd oJlices. i-u.-ijnoss ar. who is charired \\i h vriminal assault, is preparjnjr \vac:c Tho WashinfTton jrov,;‘rn' ,i l.tjtor for his iife was i-idenc-' Lunsford gave a meat would have preferred that thel^d todav wiicn he r*nained tho law j ba>ement of the post- '.•rm of Jones f- Williams to be asso-! -Many employes of tlie fiat' with Judp-e i'. C. Cook in t!-.e!'^“‘' P'-omint.u Democrats and defehse of his (,.=e. ; Uepubl.^ans, as well as tht defeated CKndidates, attended this baritjuet. mediation board remain here w'hi’e the constitutionalists were urii-i-d to act quickly or. the invitation aii-eady extei'.ded them. The mediators tonight formally ac- kjKiwledged the latest note fro;n tJen- Valuation Order Issue.!. Wa.-ihington. July 1.—-A. physical eird Carranza. The answer expresses , vakniTion order is.-iued today :>y the. Pas.-iOiiKer Sation for Betsy, lilizabeth City, July 1.—The tirst lioproeiation for Carranza's friendly llntei’State Commerce Comnsissi 'v. re-i \nrfolk ? ut.hern passenger train will sentiments toward pease and ’= cour-■ i.uires railroads to take inventory of,.stop at : .e new passenijcr station at tL'ousiy phrased. It wi’l be pui)- ':’-!! materials am! .supplies some time , 10 Misses Claudie ar.d Lessie Gattis Her. at home Wedne.-aay evc^!ng to quiti a large number of friends. The evening was very pleasantly fper.t in games and music furnished by Miss Marion Kirkpatrick. Refreshments, consisting of cream and cake and fruits were served. About thirty-five lie tomorrow. The .American delegates today .'c- ceived word from Washington to Icav;. her when they thought advis able, but tiiy will be the last to go. The Huerta de!eg.ites received formal instructioiis form their government giving them plenary powers to .liseuss internal qiiestir.ns with constilutional- The H’.ierta delegation is anxi ous to know when and where tho con- | property of common ci'.rriers. frrence will take place. | No protocol has been signed indi-|l-03rd and delegates probably will be oM. .k Saturday. July 4. After durinj: April, May or June of each that iate al! passenger trains will yea* and adjust the inventory to June!stop ihere. ::0. For the year lt>14, the inventory The new $i,TOO station located at may be taken any time prior to Sep* ' the head of Main street was com- tember i, I'V.t adjusted so as of June pleted ihe f>rst of the week and the no. koys to the building were turned over The commission also is.>aed regula- to the railroad officials. The olTicos tiot s lo gov«>rn the recording and re- a'^e now being moved from the old porting of all extensions and improve- station in Pennsylvania Avenue. The nients or other changes in physical. new .station is a handsome and com- r.todious building, said to be the nic est i^taiion that the Norfolk Southern has on any of its lines. Its dimen- cating when the .American forces will j in New York or Washington, to- be T,ithdr.A>vn. |^ay's luncheon was in the natcre of ,As future meetings of the mediation ^ fareweil. sions are such as to insure its ade quacy to the needs of Eli'sabeth City for years to come.

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