■==*5 By Any Foreign Na- No Interfe Laoredo. Tex.. June SS.—“Cor.Ptitu- ticnalist leaders who have .sympa thy .of all of the pieople of all I>lexico, will not allow the dij^nity of u.c na tion to be lowered by the interiercnce . of any- foreign po'.vej in the interna' affairs of the country.” This ti'^clara- tjcn was made by aeiieral Carrar.za at a ■ hiuiquet at Monterey Saturday s ight, accordiJ.ii to ti’avelci's who- ar- .riyc here today. . . it >-.-jici,.as$oj'ied rhe Vnitod Sta'LO* \va? aysuinh'g* a ^ • icrial attityoc. Ti-e' Mexicnn? ^ ^'ho attended the thf?rod hiiii is said^ ^ "‘The coiistitiuionaK.Sv jriove^K-o: has :ix'W proeeedea to such a pciru/’ the hvst chief IF. quoted as. having’ ?iud. ‘‘that the party has nothing vo fear ^ oiccept from the Judases i:i Its. own innhs.” Ke m€nti^ned no nances. (’nrranza, those who --reached here tonight declared made nc reference tcv inediatioi', but other cojistitulionp.ijst ItTtders ivho spoke at the Ipancjuct ex- orc??ed the view, that by intcrnaiion- ai custom “the good ofTues*’ vrere ;;5:ricilv defined ai’.d wore ;.vr.r.i;od to f.Tinc'in^r together the pr.rtie? in dis- j^.Tinc' : L-te. The mediators, bcwove:*. thvy ?a\u, TiOt on'V had irie-d *o bri;-^ir. the- (ils'- i'*:l oniy had tried to bil:Vjr t]; * together. huK haa aifo aitomiH- ftl to dictate a poiicy cn -.vhich they v.-i it, to ai;ree. Governor Villareiil. sf .s’vievei-*!'^. iVi'-uod the i^ciioTi of ’he I'lu-::- . in thnr .'I'-ie i“ •'I'uvhes ar.u bi^r?iir:.c ’:H' ;onf^;-L o:'j High Point is Out-Growing Self. High Point, June 27,—This^own is becoming an immensely scattered 'une. Av lii«f icfiiuential secticn grcv.-^ to ward the north, so does the manufac turing sfttlements toward me «o’uth. To thc^c who have not been in South High Point for the past , few nVont-h? ^the buildinti growth is woi:derfuL Fnc- tories of diiTerent hinds whieii have been locnted just ouljsid*^ the incor- ‘jvjrate Tnnit? bccause of iovai, laxe?, ‘and fov o;her res\scr:5, have been the ^ cause of innumerable ■ homes being ’tv-iii all the way to ihe tovv’n limits beyond... . Especially thi5 .:ruc of ^rbe ai:d i^outher.’^ part of ^ Third. Ward, Vvhere have been erei.'f- ed ihe Hijrhland and Pickett cotcon ii.i'i.i, ihe Mt*;.allio Bed factory, the Gl£?be-Parkc'i’ Furniture Co., Southern Kcvelty Work, and several others, be- sices the impetus given to builclin'^ by ii'.e new belt line throuirh this section of e ver a mile built last year by the. Southern ir. connectin'^* Its main line and the .-\?hebcro road. South-east Ilig-h Point is srrowing as rapidly and ihc sectfcn ahvays known as i\3ace- doni-A is siretcbinp: out beyond the corporate liniits in the dii’e'.:iion of SpviiijxfieU. The silk raills, thti South er Chair factcj'y, the mirror workf^ and other iiidustries have done riueh to- waid iht d«v clupment of this scction. in r.]; t'jis southern ahd \\es-tern part of llir:h Poinc jar.d values are inrreas- iPC f-.nO nea^ rc.'idertlal cotta.i^es arc foiiowingr fa.^t in the wake of many varied l.odusrric>. cio. I bt Only One -‘BROMO QUININE** To ffrt the RTOuine, call for fiiM TJRine?. 1 TIVK BKOMOQUi:ciNE. LookforsifiTDa K. v:. GKOVU. Cures a CcKI in Oae Day ! COVS^ I » ■ KITCHEM ECONOMY One burner or four—iow flame or high—-a slow fire or a hot one. The Oil Cook-stove means better cooking at less cost. No coai, no sootj no ashes. In I, 2, 3 and 4 bumer sizes. Also a new 1914 mode!“—4 bumer cabinet oil range with fireless cook ing oven. A marvel of con venience and efficiency.^ At dealers everjwKere, or write direct for catalogue. STANDARD OIL COMPAMY .D.C. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE N'.C. Lhsrlcslon. Character Building on the Right Plan. . Takin" as his sci’ipture lesson the eifrhth chapier of PauPs epistle to the and basinc: l:\z r.crin'w-n C'. the text fou.id in i-voinans Dr ?C..C* of the M. P. Scr^w^aiy in V/estmir.iler, ’■n ;r.\ aveiajrc ?-ivo co.*'.i?re:i‘at;o:; /w:-tt^rday :;T -race iJ. P.. Church/ - It was :>:ie of those simple, iJir.vjht- forward sermon?, full. of ?trorj? ad- raor.iiioii and profound earne.-fini’^ss. Ke i'.ipi esscd on iiii Jieai-er> tliij i\xO. thut fiimply because God Iras. pla:.j..^l it peoi’.lc may bo .saved wouUl i^o*. .-^ave then-, tiil rlr5t;thcy do iheir part in c.onfor2nin;4- ihemsolve.,'? ;o l:i? v.i!l. The- tentrid theme or ih::^ di^courae was, *'Our in.Lifo/’ :ipd in his SQnrion:he dwcU at le.*;g-i]j on the im- roita^'.ce of rij^ht character buildin^% ‘Ut is left to u.s to detcrrnine which y.'c wili choci'e, evii ov ris'hicous f orces. Hoth are here ani*. it ii a fact, that wo cannot iiavmonike wiih Vc:tb, and 'V.-’icn. one tho.''.=c.^ t.-:c ovil hr- t-har.iu r'.r i- •ur.denniiicd and car.:.c/r. stand donrir-ant t.f, whc.\ it is ecjUijipsd w:'V ^s. 6V>d hr.5 j’hKn:eL] live? thr.j coiini. fnr >,o!‘.:cthtro'. arii it bchoov-13 csery one of os lo do tbai for w'iik-h v.'e ai’t? intended, an;) Ui :•> ci.: ir.g I'onforni our lives to the inl.’.Lre oi‘ t::o .Sc:: c’i God. 0^:* own rhnr.u- terfs mu.'-t i>e .^‘utped by i-y. God. n.-a- irivcn U5 the facujiie? tc. nsc-nid ou: character}!, bu": dees net sriv n.- chur- i»ien ai*e. fjrocd ^vhe.'i they me capablc cf doing '^ooii r.:id then i*L. So raany cf the people are eaji- nble of doin.Lf /rood, but in their ^?j‘eed for v.'oridiy j^ocds fcr^^nr ihi'ir rna- lual wi-’fars, wa? in ?ubsianoe. a j'^art of uhat tlie .~pcake:* saiii ye.Ntt.-i'iby. 7 ho minis'or did not fail vo siress the fact that man’s hi»jhe.>:t puienit is the ^eehinjr of piloaiVjre and that too oiteii tha pK*a?ur:ii r.obpht are the ninds tba: produce evii en'ect.^s. lie i.'.iii it i- tvue that some ple.i^ures huM' p,'00;i c;Tcot and sound f^ood, buf ^-L'n nvj.i n-’t h-t i.-'ea/uro:' -t..-nd :;'-ovc (.’haractci-. Th;’ pii'tn^urc*.: ihat .!’oy .''h'nih] finsuo :r^-o x:io:=c t.n;t up> I’i.ai :i-.ior aiiJ nvr’d thv'sc that ;::ar i'.. Ti’.at the Cii5i>'iia'! r'cilij^ioi: i.-: •• rv- r.frion of warfare and that Ciiri'-.t’at:- i.he cvi’ force.-- wS‘i ;h are ;rev:,lcM ii; j..zr land, '>v:>:s Uu' v n'^'iv 1.1'r. {ji I>’r. r\>rliTH*>. In his dt^r»n»ib n z:' t;}iari!.c1er an«i in tcriitn.- hr-u to niiti iio'.'d ^ovn.d movi-.l rni-n ''■■■'nh the ‘M'ihtt'Otrs jtji'c-es cfomin't-ic, lu lin-i );vc*. i e s; ci:c •■!.!'(? re’aiioji 'jC ibg b:.dy aii«I rniiid aial how crood hcalih Xhv rock bottom of j'ood rii.naci‘-r. !io t!vi;!;irc-d ihai the nund ar.d :^ody arc so .-‘loscly related that the body bo riTiCtcd wilhoul Jilic afToct r,n lij..' r.;ind. A n'ood ndm! h ^’Jve c^~ jontial thin;r in boildinf: l’'ocu .nnir'ic- ter and iho oorrect cliocsinf:? in life i? itcpendi-jil on pooii thinidi-p:. In J>r, j*\n iiae.-' sail i.'nu people who have an aim in life keep it constn.nily bofiro thciir inindj and ptes.H on.ward toward their j^oal; thv^ii JoNT :si: >hoi?id men ha'.'e the innit-'e of Christ before their mind and i>e iran.^- formed into His likene^^. Dr Foi’Iinei^ spoke for a few min utes of the work beinsi' done in the 'rcininaiy n.t Westminster a!\d ho\v tliere they were tui-nlnfr oui irjeri for me ministry. He said that the younc: men i-ecdod assistance to grct throuj^h (J;e '^■mir’ary and ir. iieiping- them at tV.e se'ninarj* they (3id not want i,o be- eomc too b.eavily in debt. A f^ollee- t.'on v:i\^ taken yesterday to hcip (de fray iho expenses of jour.ji: men who n!e attending' the sejninary and a ‘good ly ?>:m vv’as realised.—Greoi'.sb-jro Xow? of Monday. Carrar./,a i-ays the rovolutioji has ro- feived no pecuniary asisisianc-e from forcis^n governments or citizens, and v/ill rereive r.oae. A.s lonj^r as it has the sevvies of sueh a fiscal expert as Villa, il w'll need no cutstde help.— Grecnsbo'.-o Xews. Jntere^rcr-i Party—say thi.^ lioac cannot up?et?’^ Im-entor—“It’s impossible. The tanks are t)lled with riprhting .^uin.'* —BblTaio Express. .>rawford—“When do you ccr^sidei that 7r/an is old and should retire?*' Crab.^hav^-—“The surest sign ih when his friend.s have a meeting and pre sent him wth a fro]d-heade3 cane.’"— iuck. company. ■*‘In view, of the company's financial conservative man- ss’e?«er;t and physical eonditiu:’:, the vjLii:g; r.rusiecf= believe the tirni ha« to?r.*e^ whc’i they may properiy and kaft'ly tevminaif! 'die vfStjnjr trnst. In ;';:rrondcri.';,? ihoh- trust to the stock holders the ii’usioe:: iia'.e ti;e s::tisfaction cf report‘ii;5: a i^'J’iitiiyinjf deveiopmer/; of ihs sysieni of ruil- ruadr . coiacddc:.: v. iih the e.xtraordi- nary and .^ifrau:;y • incrLnsinj^ j.v \nvth in ijopiilaiion* i'ldiiirrial development and wealih .-.i the {-ci'i'itory ?ci*Ved, a dove’cpme :t lr.i,:_'-t:ly due to the activ ities of the ?ouihc-rn liaihvay Company. Ui prom'jtraf^.eoinrr.oL'co and 'adu;-t.ry along its lino.'.* Southern R:*.ilw;'.y TruM Kad? ed. ■. New York, Jur.e ;)0.—^^The Soi-rhc-i-n tiaiiway Comi^any, which has been controlled by a votii;'^ frusc ment sinfre. wiU bo-handed o>ei- to the .‘^harLJM idurs July ‘U no'-i, a;-- v.\'rGi.ng- to a issued today by t!ie survivinu r.u.v.ve.s. Ti\eso are Charles Lanier ;. .d Georp'e F. 3:iker, with thv i.\ - J. ?. Moi-;:an. CN'ni- pri^ed the v«n;: In a not’vo i.-- >iO'.‘i-:hoii::ri-^ :..i- 'iOnncinj? ^’he ap; iv.a-.-hini; di^soiurio.j., ?i[o-ssr«. Lanier ik.u-n^‘ : voth\'x uacier ti.v vot- np tru>'i rc:2L't;Pi!j?ii. have represent- eu certificaie hoiuv;’:- primv.rily iVi xht cmir.alion e* the L'cra-u of div&ctor-^ in vonn:.:, i:\'. ’propositions "econi- ivc’;ded by the bra' .' ol* directors loi the provision f f licv/ capital foi the ♦ + ♦ * + * * 4:- •ft * 4^ In the Reach of Almost Everyboti]'' , A haptjy )if.r;u-is ttii-d..si.>'>'.-1'You just ;>ro'.'uie the- h;',;'i'.incs5 i\.>t v\> ;..ruvi ;e .hinje. inid nil !ie !;ap:>;.. Y ’J yiic: L a lincll of iL and ^ve liiCiius--' v.'.; S( kl il N).y(u:.,. Any- Thitvi that we ad\'i?e you ni !.;iy I'i’. coLirili’:.’, !;AVr: c;' su burbs \vi! prove a,^=TOf^d irive.-riiierit. }; Alamance InsiiraEce I .1^ Rea! Estate Co, W. E. Macager. J; Borfogtin, . North Carolina. -i' V V‘'i”* V V V V V s* V V V n* V V v V V V * * 4- 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* . ■ «§" ih 4* 4* 4- In \Vasiu;vriiMoiitiny nit'-ii “me- j clation aad the ivvolu'io^'ary .vtuaiion in i.Icxico .'ofirri-u ij bj in a scunowbar unsettled i.:a:o.” Thv fulk.s tn :he province? bar ii ::.rured out tha. wr.y, tut*.—Greensboro ov.i. Win.'-'to.’j'Saion shortly u» have tbo r.'x>* i o:'.i;ti:V.l i’y.-lem of i street : i ih-j ^oul.h---inal i, ^ L\>di'::=! Grea/j^'bc-rti in a^-d tiidhb-v ^ n:e Just ;i .‘'In.^io better i.; tbtO int'rai- ; linu-.—C?:oeri'-b'-r«> ^^cv.,•;. • ’Tis stvarvcre UiC mi.-er ■b;:!:!'.’ bbi ca- i jeor «r.iploy : Vv- L*'-iK ’.•i.-'he-' h*. ciia ?':c-’oi' i.'v. Iv;:..: Vvo'.sUr .‘i Mr. j.IeU-.-i u.'aii:':' {his i-.lj..'.t 1.1. ab'O, fo!' \ ody , vb-cV~.Vi’'^1^oor'l X'w;-:. ; The t-: v.'i 1 ; {o11 :^een)^ tr Inu .’ I rok- cn r;ow a'-d if J. i'luvin* just • . ! biosen up a little tho voun-ry i> sav- od.—Ciivv:-ns‘)oro New^. There ne doubt i.ho u-e:loV‘i dis trict «;ol!‘‘'toi- Was preseal in spirit -•il the nn'.'tir.K,’ of the Ijeni‘'»er;iiic ex- [iiiv'o i-nonniUc.'.—ibx-'.-'ii.-bi'i- > aov.'s. \Vc dou'; r::re whether i' i.^' -.j whit-?., way, or a I’leen, blue, (r yc'llos*' \\*ay, b*!t Elm .-iioet must l.o ik'ecnlly li;j:hi- ed, aJ'.d tha'c i‘cforo Ion;4‘.—(.•revn.-’ oi'o News, Coliniro ftoospvelt, posf-ibly. sas> poets lhai his [*hysieian who s.;sy-i ii’at unle.'S he eschews polincal ac- livif.cs for lour mornhs he nsay i L-oine an i;ivalid, or hi.s mind al?cc:ed. nas> been forrupted by onemies of iVsO Armap:cdtion arr.iy.—The Civjr.sb'. iS’ews. ‘I a^stu'e you. niadann th^si.' ;./Le}^cn knives renrosont the- ^reatosi \a]ue ofl'ertd at the price.” ‘They cei'tainiy look nice and very rheap. The only coaestiov. I'’. \\[\\ they cut'.’" *^\h, madam, if you ask me ihar I’m bounl to say that they will not; but tinii is ihtdi' or.e favli.*'—I.'iadon Punch. Unclaimed Letters. The foUowng’ unclaimed letters remain in the postoffice at Burlsngrton, June 'iT, 1014; Genicmen: W. J, Dennis, .^r., R, M. P. E. Sharpe. Ladies; Miss Tishie Champon, Mrs. Lottie iiomcwood^ Miss Dora A. M. C. Le, Mrs. A. D. Parker, Hiss Linnic Poe, 3Irs. J. H. Smithy Mrs. r'ai:nie Wade. Persons calling for any of thes« ifttters will piease say “Advertised" and give date of advertised iist. F. L. WILLIAMSON, -CKKOKACOLLECE GREEKVILLS. S. C. A ;ic';:o of' Rei:n?:■!■!e^'l^ iiisi-nction ;;nd Ch:.ra;-t€;- A H'-kIi SiandEi'-d ','^'li?rg'c A L-ar?e ^'ind Ah!& "o.culvy .A Sf.!f-c' sti.'d.j'U Horh' 0 1 1 .'n'Ih',' V;iue Rid.i;>-. ;'(-'ar a:io.'eSe:-leve;. B i i-Tiiird;' ;.jki MoJeri;!v E' A ol Ai'-? ;jid '?v-:rsi-- Lirihjirif; to fi)(> !)f A. an;i B. Ped. A C^i\]se'’v;!tv-.r'.’of ni'is'■■. ii:iei-irig'CLt-.idin.sf t!u; Iieirive oi'B. .’ru>-. oi An. -;s. £pf rf|p — 19E.\L COLLEGE FOYOUNG EEV S. C. i-i ;JD. !i. b., GSE£KV!LLU, S. C. READ, CONSIDER. Did ; ;>U ever think of the ?rriOunt of truth in the familiar s..yingthut ■‘Good Advertisins Pays”? Try ail ad. in this paper and v/atch the results. CLOTHES ARE A MAN'S CREDENTIALS X YOC JL'i'iCE \\‘Uy \is;:or i^y J:is nc tv:‘-nal appc-arar.i.c. So :bes everyone elsv. To be we.iI- t1rc^.:clJ to i'^e well received. (;oOi)MAN'* SC ITS will jiJi y;'u *'in rii.vl«t" wborevor you }iO. Tlit-y aro iho oa!ward exp}esion of substantiality ;in«l jrood form. There is c-hfiraou-r l*afk nf Them—and they will bad; you iv> wi*'. ajjywb.oro—under any conilitio:.s. A' lo the money's worih—they’re popular pricei—losxin}.- all thoy nun-i T.o be hor.o.-t ouaiiiy—and not a tla'Iar n^orc 37.25 :n ?22.r>0. 1 B. GOODMAN The Home of Good Clothes BURLINGTON, N. Carolina. r V PRINT I