A PROGRESSIVE EE. tbLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMJERICAN INDUSTEIES. BURUNGTOK, AUMANCE county, north CAROLINA- TUESDAY, JULY 14,1914. CARRIERS THANK THE PEOPLE Carriers Thank l|>e People of. Burlington for Helping Enier- tain their Convtm ion. Moral and Material Help Tlie Rural Carriers of tJiis County, wish to thank the business men of Burlington for their kindness and ma teria! assistance in helping; to enter tain the State Convention of Rural Carriers, July S-4. The following contributed to thio, n.'id we wish to thank iliem: J. M. ilAYES, Chairman Finance Committtir. W. D. FOSTER, I'.hairmah Arrangements Committee. MISS BUCK ENTERTAINS - •V. At Her Beautiful Home on Means ' Street in Honor of .Mr. end Sirs. E. S. \V. Dasneron. Very Novel Entertalntnent The Holt-Cates Co , Burke & Wil liams, O. F, Crowson, J. I. Scott, Dr, J. S. Frost, Foster Shoe Co., Spoon Hornailay, Dr. J. M, Shoffiier, Burl- ingrton Hardware Co., Smith Fui-nituri? Co., Alamance Loan & Trust Co., Holt & May, J. M. Tisdale, Burlington ?tore Co., W. E. Sharpe, Central Loan & Trust Co., Coble Bradshaw Co., Ed. ..L. Bowland, L. C. Waliier, M. D., F. J otrader, L. B. Gross, Siandard Realty & Security Co., Freeman Drug Co.. Eman'iel May, The Grotto;, Pate Pjinting: Co., First National Bank, L. B. Mc.Adams & Son, J D. & L. B. VS^iitted, Thos. I,. Sellars, J. C. Bu chanan, J. A. Isley i£ Bro. Co., Pied- jnont Trust Co., B. Goodman, I. Iviazur, EUis Machine &: Music Co., Florence ^ Waiker, C. H. Cart?e, L. M -Squires, J, M. Coble, J. Stewart, Jr., J. Zeb WaUer, II. S. Cardwcl-. Piedmont Railway & Electric Co.. Can- Kitchen, J. T. Did-., Porrmnstei-, :;t Mebane. Let8t‘r Carriers Thank The People. To llie Editor ar.d inc tJood People of Buviinjrton, Alamii.nee CcuvAy; In behalf of the Kuryl Letter Cuv- vi'-^VK Association cf NorlU CavoUnn I lake this naean.s to thiink the pood jjcople of Burlington aiid C:.ur.ty, of every name, of every de- lu riiination ar.d of every v;a.lk in life, fi.v the henrly welcome aiul the splen did lljne you yjave u b.\ your ciiy at our ]’ece:it State meeung. in»ieed. it all wo eould or expect. The e»5ti;)'ta!!imont you pave u:“ surpai'.sed ■A\ rust r^corti?^. We tvu.-t Uvit we h^d nn ii^nucuce for AO‘'d aiid rendor- ‘Oii some help to you. Muy the Ble.-^?- iiii;? Ol Coci abide with you, all. D. HUNT, rhiiiilain of the Riiral Letter Carrier^' Arifioeiation of North Ciiroilna. Oxfoi-d, N. C. EXECIillVE mm MEE1S T*ie Ecxcative Board of the Trusteed "jfeets in the Collegt' and Trans acts Quite a bit f'f Eiisiness. Buys New Concert Piano On Friday evening, July 10th, iiiss Helen Buck entertained at her home oi^ Means street in. honor of Mr. aiid M?-s. E. S. W. Dameron. The paicy was a novel affair and was enjoyed ;.y twenty-four invited guests. The company arrive.I at oight-thirty, attired in traveling clothes and carry- ns" traveling paraphernalia, consist-, ir.g of suit cases^ grips, umbrellas, l.at-boxes, bii'.d-cages and the like. .Soon after their arrival the train whistle blew, a&d as be’ls were ring ing, .they entered the. hall en mas.^e to purcliase their tickets at the ticket window with money provided for them by the hostess. They were ushered into the parlor v.hith was equipej. as a coach, tne chairs being arranged accordinglyj and th.v walls bare, save for Railroad Maps and calendars. iir. John Lasley, 'he conductor, ap peared most di.iTiiified in hi:= uniform, and kept the guests constantly in cr f.'-r. ilr. Summie Sharpe j)layed his i'..le as train boy (train butch) mo;M interestingly as he sold papers, niag- r/,ines, candy, peanuts and pop to the as they journeyed. The many slops were made at only In');? places Sir. and ilrs. Damci'^i h-.id visited on their bridal trip, and when the ti'siin stopped at the vari- ■ivs points of interest, the guests wer>' pi'c-vided v.'ith appropriate ainucement. .'vt Waiihington City they visited a uniiiuc art gallery, at Phiiadel- (Mia, they visiieil the Zoo, at which time they tore ar.imale out of paper, and tried to dupUcato thcii' natural rails; i:l New York flly, they left 'n-- :;r.d were (iirei'iod to Coney If^l- :ind, winch pi'ovcii io.Stt* a trit> a.Kuni'l the !’oii«.' v.-liuro ib.----.Alaiv^hai'. jiinK and !>u;nniio .Sh.arpe ttvveii “(.'o- I "y l.-;ian;l ll’.'fiv.-hnK'nt;-,’’ i’oiisistia; >ir I'oiU'V !: land vcd h.ily, a!i l:i;idf‘ ill fn'ils, lanily, .'.m’.h-:! -.leann-.H, nu-ion, ice civi.in itnti ('ink Lv;in- 1 The !-oo;h was l.ciitnifully iln r.atwi in lapi-.-li ivcrt-j’c par.cr . eU'., and wilii the n'any eU".'- ii-ic illiiniir.alio!iB th^’ yar'!-- appear^'! i',.i iiniLatii*:: tni a siii-iil ?crdi . I'.c UTl at ;■ vcl’v 1. Ml; :•:>! were ino.-t efV.lin.'iiisLii- (n-cr ihe od time they decSaied tl^ey had. REFOBM OF SPELLING 1 KIDNAPPED GIRL CAIiOIlT TWO WOMEN ARi: MISSING Dr. M. E. Fulton, oif Davidson Co;- |>.eltie Holder, the ICidnapped Girl of lege Advocates Mucli Sitnpier Spelling in Schcols. Tarboro, and L JI. Pe«y Caught at Lexingtou.. No RadicalCiiange Necessary! Pair Held in Lexlflgton . ••• f >;ormal Girls to Mccl. The State Normal College .Mumnae A&sociation will meet in the aaditoi - of the Graham Graded Schcol o!i Monday afternoon, July 30, at four o'clock. Ijvery Norma! girl in .Alamance Ccunty is urged to be present at this meeting, Xf you have not paid your Associa- tior. fees of $1.00, please make special cS'ort to pay it to Miss Julia Holt, secretary and treasurer, before the t'Oth. We are trying to raise our pledge for the Mclver Loan Fund. smemberuSh taoin etaoin etaoinoinn The City of Greensboro ha;S had to j,ay out $60 for damages d&ne by a rsi.away waterw'agon. Virginia anti- p!'ohibition editors take notice.—The Greensboro News. Did the driver get hurt bad when hi fell from the above tefciibed conveyance? The man who docs ryot support tho ticket ncmed at this week’s fiemo- trfttic primary should have no say in the primary to be held two years Kince.—^Durham Herald. Walker HviShi. jli*. (Jhavles .A. -li Itiiji city, a;iii Miss Eva Height, of I rcen^iboro, were married Sui'.day morni'.L^r at o’clock at the home nf Rev. H. I', i'.oiintrte, p.aStov Oi" the C.'hvisti-’.i (,h:;;ch. .-V large number of friends if.i’.ded the wedding, iliss Height is wil! known i;i onr town iiaving been milliner for Wbi’.- tfld Bros., for several seasons and m.ade many friends while here. Mr. Walker is one of our town’s ;nost prominent business men, lieu;;’' cannected with the Kej stone Finish’-p- Jliil. Mr. and -\(r5. Walker left for .A,.'h.- v;!lc, Henderson and Lake Toxaway for several days. They will hcr. Those who attended the ceremony from here v.-ere: SUss Ruth Brcwning, Pdessrs. Clyde Hornaday, iicn May. George Isley, Dr. Hc-rnaday and Mi;s Ruth Dameron, of Durham. Eion College, July 11.—The Execu tive Board of Trustees consisting of Slessrs. Kemp B and J. Paul John- con, of Cardenas; Dr. E. 11. Morrow, of Burlington; Dr. J. W. Wellons and Dr. C. S. Watson, of the Hill, with President Harper, ex-officio, held a called session last evening at which rcutine matters were discussed. It \vas decided to purchase a concert grand piano and to install it at once. The college Wusic Department has grown to such proportions that this iritrunient seemed a necessity. The board voted to accepte the magnificent i.istrument made by a well ki own Chi cago manufacturer, an exact reprod'tc- lioi) of the concert grand used in her lecont American engagements by Miss Mrytie Elvyn. Miss Elvyn used this iype of instrument in hsr perform ance last winter before Ivai.5er Wil helm and Kaiserin Auijast and sever al others of the royal famiiy of Ger- mar.y. The instrumen; is fc be placed in the colleeg auditorium where the I'fetilals of the lusic department are always given. The mid-vacation numbet of the Coih-ge Bul!etin is jUst from the prea^;. It contains 24 half-tone viev.'S of the collcfte, depicting its life, and •sririt from the organization and Je- partmental standpoints. There arc t' o contribtitcd nrticics -at --r.re mgr' it— 0115 being Dr. Tagg’s baccalau reate sermon before the class of 1‘9M I- the other a new.-ijjapor impr.;? ftionistic “fcoop” m ^he coilejje tis the inteliectual ccntev of Alanijn:-c coun ty. v.'i’itten by *‘Tht^ strcller, .nc , n- tl'!-pume of Jlr. J. 0. Barrett, which Mtic^e ajipeared in the “I'onvard '.x'i- tlon" of The Burlington News. I'rcs- idenl contributes two nrti- :.s, entitled “The Jh.kinc; cf Met.” d “The ContiIbutioi's of Co!lc!;e Life.” The most icnnir'.aiile item of iliB i.umiioi- howe'icr i..; ilarshall . ni!fno^:i-;ii:i in liis own ha-jd- v.rii!'.'^- orj the Klo:) writbM ill :.i ;-.v:iauori of what lie discovcr_-d : ti' i.-n during a rcccr.t virit. it wiil i,c a delight for Baracas and Phil.i- jiici.. C'Verywheie to i cad thi.i nie^.-ratrJ ii-iir.i iiifii- founder. !Mi-. ''i. K. Win.'tcn, fornur gc-ncr.'il .f-cicii’.ry of the V. -\I. C. A. for Tcn- ris-'rco arid at this time financial s;c- I'ciary of the Blue Kidsie Keligio.iis Snmmer Cor.fiTcr.ces, ha:i been eicct- tu publi.'h;...;; :isti;;n Convention. He has accept ed ar;d will have liis ofiicc located hi 1 jiuSdishir.g house here. He is to ler upon his duties Sejjcember 10. The New York Sii:'. is calling for a limitation of the. Presidential ser vice to one term. That is a matter that must await the slow process of constitutional amendment, but the fc>t li, in the abseitcc of the recall, would like to have it no I’0X0 News. I'rayor >iet*{ing’ VVedne.sday Nigi:i. Prayer :\Ieeti'i«-. Where ? I-'roju. Street Mathodi>^E Church. When? Wednesday, 8:15 p. m, ilev. D. If. Tuttle will speak on ^'Thj Y'lfte He^t Men cf the Old Te.sta- meju.” Special invitation to Ri^hop John C. Kiij^o will f.re^side .'•ver the GrccJisboro Di:^trict C3rif^>r ,:*nce >vhioh meets in Gibsonville, rr-day ar*d Bishf^ wil The Bish^ will preac h on^o each d'^y ai 11:00 a. ni. On Sunday at 11:00 a- m., he will dedicate the new E. Cnurch and in the ufternoon he wil! jtreach and dedicate the new M. E. Church at Whitsett. The Pemocrats of the Senate migift agree to one or two business men cn th*" reserve board and then ha^e ciiough politicians to prevent then', do ing cnythiiig.—Durban) Herald. Chaiiel Kill, July IS.—It takes the iiverajre Italian chC’.d 1,200 hours to Uara to spell; the Gorman child 1,J500 an American child 2.300 hours. Dr. Ivl. K, Fijrton, i^rofessor of £n^~ Uyh at Davidson College, and speaker from the Simplified Spelling Board oH New York, gives the above figures as his chief rea^son for advocating cimpUfied spelling. He addressed the Summer-School Saturday night on the iibovc subject. The ohaotic and illog ical rules of spelling so bewilder tho child that it takes it twice too much time to learn the fundiinie«tals ot' ed ucation. Dr. Fulton stated that the Board proposed 300 logical changes in spelling, and that they are workin:^ for a reform in spelling and riot a re form of spelling, and liiat oj)position t -} this move is mere prejudice and in ertia of custom. Already thirty col- and nine state iegislutures have endorsed the move, and s’.ah publica- ?i:/nb as Current Opinion, Literary Di gest, and The Indeije»'dcr.'t, use tho itimpllfied words. No radical chanpres avG made. Typicol chanfrc.- are thiu for through, dout for doubt, dlscu;. r-r discussed, dred for dre.'id, telefonfl telephone, prop am for prO' ‘gramme, and catalo;|: fcr catalogue. J he principle is to drop the useless .si ient letters. Dr. T. P. Venable, >vho was pelled by poor health to resign from i.he presidency of thij Ihiiversity this ^fjriag, addre?.^cd the teachers Friday ’.Tr.rhl on the subject, “The Upbuildinjii: of a Nation-’’ He tlisrusscd the re cent wonderful growLh of Germany. I.)r. Vci'j;L>]o attended a Gennan L'lii- vor^ity Ihirtv years Xipo and was in f'Vcral cla>=.ses with the present Kaiser .f lie t.por.i th;.- ptu;l year r> tl'c K.Mipire and Ihvt v.*or.K‘il'u! t imprvH; cd him ir^ carly. He “Tlic reason ihe \v»)‘h!ci fid vwih (>{■ ]crn':in'y due to the iact i i ; hi.' has liad jjn.: fij'enL mini a’vl '•ii. he ha* vninilii'i/jy uso^l i.- the Loii'.-h'sr, Whon he mei-l>- pi'oh- \vu\ tr. he solved h,- m-HvIs Vur his Thnv j.iv {:r;u4ic;;ily no '.1 (.ifMTii.'iwy. Shf ur.Utr.iii';- (U.\ till schttu'i sy.-;ioni \V. I !h‘ 'wov'iv. ]•]. i,. .Sl:MT, i:Jn{rUHh i;‘ncher ii; C'olie>.''e, .'-■aid i:i a ie.*'..u-e Wed;'.i:.'day on *'J;ai';ei-; X-a, J: C-nrr-'tna':^ nrj>i Ivlar. of l.eiier;^,-' ih;'': Jlii.s i?? deciJcdiy iu;i: a liteji'iy j'jiti.'. If it Wei'C it Woald be i:npo,’^^:;i? for 13 lo h.'ivn aliowod Nonhern T'> iiv.'vt* Vl.Jixr’s body to iis present jiiare in Salem. iU* charx'-d lJu'-' pet‘plc of the State \vi:.h nejilei-l vx tho v.'ori: of-the authors of iht=- Si:iie. l:i .spite of this nei^leet it is the oiuinon of Mr. Si;air that the au- i;?er of ‘Toe's Cotta‘‘*e at Vordham,'’ ii;h; “Wo Walked Among the Whis- p->ring Pines’" is sure to stu'vivc-. I.'omestic Science, a new course the Summer School, has been Mar',e:l •ir.du-r^ihe direction oi' Mrs. J. S. Cuw- >-ingham. oi Durham, who v as at oi'C time- Goverrment Demonsuator in tlie Department of Agriculture. This course will run for three weeks anfl v.ill include actual preparation of sta ple dishes and lectures on the theory 01 cocking, About 75 are h) the cla •«. The Sunnner School is rapidly be- comi::g th^ largest in the South. The !• ?’Strntion has reached j’.'}) and is still growing. Last year the i.umbnr v.as exactly 500. Two years ago the total was 4C3. Each year for some time has seen a larger number than ever before. Probably foui**fifths ot the enrollment are women. 'ihv Atlanta Woiaen Who Disappear- t'd at Xew Orleans Have So Tar Covered Irackt. Raleigh, July • 13.—Mrs. Charles E.CSS, of Lillington; attorney for Xvlr. W. H. W. Holder, of Harnett county, whose daughter, Nettie, 12 yeai*s of iige, left home with I. M. Petty, Sun- clay, July 5, and \yho has not been bciard cf .sinc^ was in Raleigh yestei-- d?iy and states that the parents will probably request the governor to of fer a re%yard for the appi*ehension of Petty. Mr. Holder, the father, has just, re ceived word that a couple ansv/ering tbt description of the two were seen ii Wilmington, the latter part of the v.-eek. But an attempt to trace them has failed. Petty, according to the story of Mr. Ross, vras a widower of 50 or CO year‘s. He has been an itinerant music teach er it’ Harnett county for a number of yoa> s. He has beeri 'j.'jj;’a.ged as a music teacher for Nettie Holder fur the ^-a.st t^Mve years. He represented to th'J family that Nettie had unabual music Uenl. He appeared to be a firm fiiend of the fami’ij, even assertin'?: ti.-at as soon as he had put ihrou'^h ^ U'rgc lumber deal he then won- No Clew to Wliereaiiouls Atlanta, Ga., July 10.—Information was still lacking here tonight as to the whereabouts of Mrs. Eloise Kelnis Dennis believed, to have signed a let ter receive^ here saying that she had murdered her sister in-New Orleans, WiiS p'-eparing to kill her brother in San Francisco and then would eom- n;it suicide. Police olTc:al.> in San Francisco, Xev.' Orleans and Hoijston, Dallas and 3a:i Antonio, Te.\., where Mrs. Den nis and her bister, Miss Beatrice Nelms, .planned to visit failed to find any trace of them. Mrs. John W. Nelms, mother of, the mis.«ing woman and I'ecipient of the n,y?tery letter, continued to beliove that her daughters were the \ictims of i: conspiracy. The had a draft fo“ Sl,3;)0 cashed in New Orleans on -June j.l, after their departure from here the ptoceeds of which were to be u:ied ill completing Ble.xiean investments by Mrs. Dennis. Warrants Issued For Grand .Vrson. Greensboro, July li.—ilrs, irij, on, he intended to cio something ■ Thompson, a v/ell ki'own young wo- for the girl to better her advantage.s.J r.;-.n cf this city, is uvider guard at He had frequently aslrcd the moth.jrlSt- Leo’.s Hospital charged with ar- cf the little girl to let .« r go withl™'"'. ai:d a.? soon as she itcovci-..; from him 01! trip.s for a day’s length. Oc- ■ J-.uiro.-atioi., caused by fire in her room casionally she had permitted this. There had bean nothing to arouse sus picion in the conduct of the man. On last Sunday Nettie, v/hu plays the or gan at the country church, left the church afl'jr services in the huggy with Petty. She vvas ^eci\ Inter injh-''-'- Jiftornc-on ii; the ; ame hur;;j:y. Thej Win' piirenl.^ were not in\eiisy when she tiid i:ot roliirn lit ijight, siucc -shi? had bcci' •r. tho habit of ji'oirg tfv a rviutive’s home r?-r Ihc rii^^ht occa^■icH^:u^y with out aniunnuMiiu: such iiU-jiUiou. Uc-r ci.rly thU rnornii’f:; v;c.rraulK wiu he i-vrvc-d oij her. The Benhow buildin)^, in which th*' f^rc Wiis d‘.'^covered, ».•> occupied ai;;.! trneutb, ar;d the fhur'ce again.-: !u; i.‘ :i capital felony u;u!er Srjtu.' li'.e {ir;fnK*-'. roiivhcd li-. I'uildii jj; tl'.is they i'f;U5id V.r. Thoni.pi'-i’; lyifiL': u.':c'>i>ci)us o! ihi.' ft-,:;; (if he!’ ni. t'cj.l cUkhj: v.jndiv; vioihsiv' har.fi'i:* t li the w.iii.' uf tile 1 I'in Wi/je i>: f:iilurc in return «iii the r.cxt day*^'*'‘ p' '"*'!''- M cowry »'l t. iirc.u.u'ht i’;(juii‘ies and the le^fult Irjci; Lc tl..* tiiHC!Overy that sh,> hau not: been [ ^ i-eoJ: in l.iiat part of the (‘.vaiitry .since I i n\- l.'is'.iv/.i.L !' f i'Tn. ^ fur.di’v afternoon, when sh' was i/i S^o i u;{;« hiiio liO?:.;:'. tho hut^.cy with Petty. Kvery effort was used liy ih.i; p;i- r-'-vis to loi.'ate the couple. Mr. ix-tained ;is lawyo' :;nJ ?u; 5>: con- c’jclitiji; ihe search. It wa?- liV'Ughl IV-tiy might liave gonj to Fay- c?li3villL‘. fjiJt he had not been lo cated there ycsterjiay. The search v.'ill conUiuie. TJ'.iv i;)o:T;in^ji-'s Giv>erI'i-oro Xev.-- :"ise.-- ine iiiform:'.lio‘i that ihc p:Jr w'i'w:. c:i’jy:hc; in L::xios;-t.on ye^iterdny Chief of Police W. I'. Thomu?'^'. :.r.:' .;i\: h.f'ij i'or inrovmation froir. 7'.'' - Uncalled for Lctlers. The foliov.dng letters remain in the p ^stofnce uncalled for at Burlington, N. C., July 11, 101-1: CeiUlen^en: A. S. Cheeks, Knthe : i.nuifcr, W. S. Ray. I I.iidies: Mi's. Lula Covington, Mi^s Shepard. Persons calling for any of the.se let- teri will please say ”Adv»rti£ed*’ and give date of advertised list. O. F. CROWSON, Postmaste*^. There ought to be money ir* Gold Hiii consolidated. It transpires that a good deal has bten put there, first ;ind last.—Greensboro News. Congress may want an excuse for bteakiag with the presidant, but when it tries to it had better be certain that it hct.i a good one.—Durham Herald, 1 i!»at ro.Tuil'^d ir. the i-- of .Vi:n’ani-'- A>;’ liiomp. '-’: ‘r irsi I.'!- - a U"' ]:o\- aflioi: i,- ! it: J;;.''. !’.* .'.dvain.\;4c.~ ef Jhc Pjirtfla P.vt. The, vl.- .Vori i- -.I-Av- i!'. ihu ti.i!^ ard Ih.i rooplc rci-.i'y Know v^-;y lilllo c'd-ivvc :u.;i h::vc 4.0L r i:;i vali.t' V\c 1-c-l^-v^- ih::l as v:;itu- .•‘i;;] cci:vc*ucJ.fc ;m.v lh.it it will t=i; u.-eJ mor_‘ :»nd more. In the d;;; comir.g whe-.i the busy fi\riVLC*v W.H L-iic- his Ids jjUi^u-r ;..id produ;.-- f> njari:o' !«y Parcel-^ F-xs-;. while h?. and his loam v.’ill jro c-n with t-h ■ woviv- on the farm. Th.! i;- bis time and that of hi-; tt-.nn will i-« i!'UL‘h g" -er than the tost of seMd- iiig 1-y -s nysicm. Ti’ -...rchaats of this lo'.rn will iir.d • hai . .e system will hj* of great va;*. to tJit-m. In this cou:i-y we have teie- phones, almosi ihraughoui the coun ty. It has been the ci.stora for ih'-- farnKr living many miles from town, if he wants an article to hitch up a team and come or send airer the ar ticle. To'ilay he con call x\(: the me,'-- hant and tell him his wants an».: \\ithin a few hours ths u'.ail carrlj’- Wili deliver the article at his door. The Parcels Post is a wonderC::! convenience that has not y.'C been preciated by our people, and when its convenience is appreciated it will b^ M /' PRINT