!P Si. i NK. SHARPE TELLS OP HliS TRAV- ' pLS. |n'A£H and UPCHURCH FOR THE I STATE 5EXATE. Trip Ti^rough Marble Quarries in the SlkU uf Veroiwut Atsd Msny Other Interesting Places, Wc doubt if there ic any more de sirable place on the continent to spend a summer vacation than in the green sBouutains of Vormont. After two long years of haid toil without a va cation. we find ourselves on a busi iiess and pleasure trip among the Oieei; Mountains, of Vermont, and en tertained by the oflicers and their wives, of one of the officers and thei-: , wives, of one of the strongest cou cerns .in the world, ths Vermont Mar ble Co. We hear very little of this busi ness down here, but those who do riot feel interested, would become interest ed, with a visit to their plant. The Inain office is at Proctor, Vermont, in the heart of the Gx’een Mountain district with quai'ry possessions c'jv- trist^ a area of several counties. The towii cf Proctor being made up en- Ui'elj of the employes of tha company. >Vt were told that there was not a Gin -' family living in ihe town of 15,000 population except those con- j'.tctad with the business of the mar ble company, which business employs 4,800 men. The town has all modern cc nveniences at the expense of the ciimtany, together vvith hospital which gives free treatment to thtir Lmployes and a splendid Y. M. 0. A. built of marble. In fact they use, . iiiarl.lD thpre where we use biick and ’** v.Gon. /• The white marble drives and wal;is f la:d ivitb marble siab.s wir.iiicg around through the* mountains bring you in ' viuw of the Well kept homes, scarcely ii! vii'W of moi'e (him one or two al a Ti e company operates 481) gangs of J.3W5 night and clay. The iumlier re- f/jii'ecl to box theii- an:iu:il output for shipr.-.tnt amounts to tbioo mil'.ioii Itet. fiOO cubic yard.' of sihk! is us-ed fi.iily >!’■ the snwin^' of the marble. They have ten shifiiiig engines for hantiiivig their nv.n cars together v.'itii 500 horKOi-. They aUo have a number of the largest traveling craiit-s .uvcr hailt. They !:et'p a duzuij auto- I tu^iies for liieir use :in(i the ertor- t;,!ii'.nenl of tbeir visittas. VVc were down In r.ne :if Uie qn:ir- :ies ^■;50 fWi below t)ie ciilraiirf, fo!- lc>wsng this quarry for a half niilc vc'i; I'iin.e out at another opening on llif oir side of tbf moii:i;:iin. Tuo coirii>a!iy has c'Tices aiui .^toel-. >arii-. in ail tlu‘ Iar#;e citios in lae (.■lilted .Stall's. If we cuu!i, we would iei: yen alKiut that i-xiulavating j, j mosphere found then; in June aii'l Oe f li.bL'r. This is of Ticlt. the \\'o:-ld over, fine will hava (•> go lliere aii'.i I realhe it to apjjreciale it. On loaviiig rn'cioi- wo we;,: vi;i Chnmplain ti> riii.r.ire:.! aiul frou. there up the .Si. Lawrence, tbri.ugh Tho?.\sar,d IslaJ-ii.T and lake Ontario lo Ti>ronlo. {’ro;v Montreal II 'loronto by boat I.-- 4:v,> niilei, or 21 l.f.urs ruii. The i. leaving Toronto ii i..) (IC miles so'jthwar'd acros.s LaKe OnU'irior to I.ewi.-ton. M. Y,, whi'i j the boat lands an-1 you take a i:'>i!oy car lip to the fall'?. In thij Niagara ^■nlls literature we read that oi-.o tenth 01 tl'.e electric power g iior.ited in the l-nited Siates w.is made ‘here a! the fails. When you leave the falls, don’t £uii tc return to Buffalo and there tal;e the Black Hiamond Express over the Le high Valley route to Naw York or rhiladelphia. T.Nis is said lo be the best train in the country, making 4r,o Siler, in ten houi.=! thrciigh Allegiany ^ mountains. We would not close without saying that we were not only royally e".- tertained while at Proctor, but we were met at Warhington by a repre sentative of the Philadelphia branv^h of the Vermont ^larble Company, and Us friends accompanied us all the way around and back to Philadelphia, to gether with a side trip to Atlantic City, where you raeet life at its height. After fifteen days we returned home, to the best town of them all— Durham. T. O. SHARP. (Mr, Sharp once resided here and is a brother-in-law of Mr. L. C. Cferistman and son-in-law to Mr John Wagoner.—Ed.) The Democrats of Thi.s Senatorial District Met in Hil'sboro Last Saturday. Hillsboro, July 11.—The Democratic Cimvention of the 18th Senatorial Dls- tjict of North Carolina, composed of Alamance, Caswell, Durham and Gr ange Counties, was held here today with all of the counties represented except Durham. The Caswell. delegation, which se- ewred one of the nominations, w^s t-crnposed of J.iessi-s. R. A. Mitchsil, A. Y. Carr, J, A. Massey .-ind Arthur Findley. Dr. R. A. Freeman, of Burlington, was made chairman and called the convention to order at 12:30 p. m. Sir Joseph Harris, secretary of che Si ..?torial district committee acted as secretary and also presented the rame of "Mr. Krank Nat;li, of Orantre c'lunty, for nomination as one of the two senators from this district. Mi. Aithur Findley presented the nanK of Mr. E. F. Upchurch, of Yan- cein-nlle, for nomination as tha ocher Senator of the district. Both were nominated without opposition. ..Mr. Nash is well known tbrought out >he c‘..>'^trict. Mr. Upchurch is a promising joung man who came originally from Wakfc county and was most earnestly f upported by the delegates from C.is- 'vell county. The following comir.ittee was se- lotttd for this senatorial district; Mtstvs. Freeman, of Alamance; K. L. Mitchell, of Caswell; K. O. Everett, if and Joseph A. Harris, cf Ai- niigc. Quick-Witted Y'outh Life of Child. Tarbora, July 12.—The (juick wi!*. tedncss of the youth tod^y w:is dem- o:;st;'3ted. here cn tho street j::c; after- ‘ivor. last week whan Car! I? 'S'jribauai, s-jJa dispenser for SlacNair’s drug store, made a tlying grag and bare ly saved a little girl from being lun over by a ruuaw-ay hovs-j attached to a wagon, Jlr. Riosenbaum was stand ing cn the cornel- of Main and Church streets and the little girl wa-j riding djwn town when all at or.ce he saw the hor.se almost upon the child. With out losing a second he jumped fo,- the r)iild and dragged her, with l;er wheel tc .saefty, just as the wago;; flew past, barely escaping being, run down himself: But for his prompt aciion and leady wit the little "xirl W'-nld Jl^ve undoubtedly bee.i .seriously, \> il6t fatally hurt. Who Gelling the Money. This is directed to the eye ni uje !c.cal retaileiK. When nationally made prudncis ra’c ^idvcrtised in the columns of The fj's- ;. tell ;i demand is created '.light b Ir i,s among jieoiiij who are eitiu! your ciistomors or would like to be. The dealers who are aiert to let i.c piibiic know they have the.-e gootl,^ who I'ispliiy them in their window.';, who adverti.^e tho fayl bri:i;r this lijs. inc.c.' their Vi'ay. •\nd more important ti;in nnii:;ns iiiori is the fuel tiiat lhL-..‘e dealc.f I'C also fr.aking raslotner;., Tl-.ey are addi'.:g !o ilnli- uf i;-.’i:d will. A queer coincidence was the fact that tile L'utiawny lioi'ss v.*a^ bli«d and i the driver a negrc man, was totally dtaf. It appears that the nor.^e be- Cr'.iy e frightened at somethii-.g which be could not see and v.hich the driv- ti could not hear -and V..61ted down the' street wach to the surprise of the dusky Jehu. The wagon struck a post before it had gone far and the driver was precipitated to ihe strett iir.d bruised up somiwhat. but not ti.riou.sIy injured. The hors.i and wag- bii continued up .tho street for about anothej' block and came to grief when ‘hr; horse attempted to negotiate a ti,ni and ran into some trees, tearing the WJgon apart in several places. The horse was i-,ot hurt. If the Senate is not careful it will overdo the thing in the matter of sv.'atting thetr lists. ALAMANCE COUNTY’S Oldest and Largest Bank ESTABLISHED IS94. Every Young Man Knows that in Older to g-et anvwhsre in the world. HE MUST ATTRACT ATTENTIOX OF THE BIG MEN fur “THE WHEEL THAT SQUEAKS THE LOUDEST IS THE ONE THAT GETS THE GREASE.” Very vveil, young- men. start in by pHving your bills by check. Nolhing- helps a yojr)? man more in atlvancemetit in busi ness, tiiat! to be itnown a« one who keeps his biiSa paid — meets ail obligations and has a bank account,. YOU WILL RECEIVE JUST AS COURTEOUS ATTE.X- TIOX WITH A DOLLAR DEPOSIT AS YOU WOULD WITH A HUNDRED DOLLAR ONE. START TODAY United States Government Depository *'Nolu;sly vAii IV,.y water by | uj.' diunlw *>f i;-e wUh :in I !u.t a (iro|i,; you huvL* to | il (’Ut jrrailiial. !iki' men's ar.jl I LOl I TiSf CO. “THE BANK WITH THE CHIMES." Burlingion, - » - N. C. PIEDMONT PARK Opening July 13th, Commencing Monday at Casino. 0 Big Vaudeville Acts j 0 FEATURING BABY MABEU-The Smallest Child Actress on American Stage today. Latest Motion Pictures—Changed daily. Band Concert every night. Plenty of lights. Special Tables for Picnic Parties. Spend your evenings at PIED MONT PARK, the coolest spot in town. YOU DON’T OFTEN RUN AGAINST such real estate bargains as we are now offering. And the longer .vou wait the surer you will 'have to pay a lot more money thari what we are asking now for some of the most desirable propertiesin town. If .you are looking for a real real estate chance come and see us. Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Co. W. E. SHARPE, Manager. Burlington, North Carolina. WHITSETT INSTITUTE Whitsett, Guilford County, North Carolina A Leadiag BoRrdiag School for Two Haadred k&d Fifty Rtndeat*. Prtps-res lot Coliege for SoaiBess, for TMchiag. or for Life, Reisonfcble Sat**. JSsiablina.^d isss! la the biAithfal Piedmont r^gioa aear Greec^b&r», K. C. For Beactifa! C»t«Io2Q«. 7i«wa. Ac., »tiircs« the freiidcst. W- T. WHITSETT, PH. O,. WHITSETT, North Carolina ,1 liiiivP .fnrr' --i WHY FAY RENT- \ i Buy on our easy payKjeni plan—Convert your rent raongy into a home of your o\vn. We are offering the fc-Oov/ing homes for sale. It wHi pay you to inspect ihem be fore you buy !’i R «>'n i’viil ‘ ' 'i.rner .if Pari; Avenue ami i I >i':e Stveyr, Lm ity.i! I)v J-i(i fr, (! TarplL^v Stroo:, I, ;r GG iiv ‘ilir) {i lioon! Two .Story Divliiin.'—oi' Ki oad isnd I:vl;i!icl .Snec-t, Lot ii" iiy 210 I'r. ■i Room Cottaire-ilobane Str.-ii't. L-irg? Lot, 4 Bani^ali'\v --Just Conipleio'i ilon^her.i Streer, j We shsl! be glffljJ to s!io'v y'cti r;iiy o f the above homes. SliDARDKEALiyUEClirytll G. C. FC^VILI-E, Manayer BorlinijlQn i-: Nortii Carolina STOP, READ, CONSIDER. Did you ever think of the amount of truth in the familiar saying that “Good Advertising Pays”? Try an ad. in this paper and watch the results. I. PRINT .'If.