WILUAMS GUILTY Or MAN- si^UGfirrEB. if nO'VOUDMI). HOUSEHOLD HELPS. ' loir Be«aiMd M Ctel; Abtat H«K aa Hour Befate Beturiue Tlu^ DeciraoR. Charlotte, July 18.—The fate of H. O. Williams, who has beeii the de- f«EJant. in M^klenburg Crinunal Cou*t for two days for the admitted Biurder of his friend, Dillard Hooker, May 17, was turned over into the hands of the jury last evening at 7 o’clock and after remainin^r in con sultation for a half-hour, a verdict against him for manslaughter was rrturned. Sentence mil not be pro nounced until this morning. The trial Tvas finished at 7 o’clock so far as the evidence, the addresses of attorneys and the charge of the coiirt were con cerned. It was not the gcnersl hdief nUGEDY BECOUNTEO. The tngeidy in wliich Williams >>ne of the prlncipaU occurred Sun day afternoon. May 17, about 5 o’clock at the Williams home on the Wakefield farm east of the city. It was in evi dence that during tlie greater part of that day the defendant and his vic tim had been companions arid during: the early afternoon had made a trip to the city in an automobile. The supr Ijosition is that on this trip they got their hands on Mine whiskey and af ter they returned home, they went .down to the little Store run by Wil liams and drank some of the whis key with coea-cola. In the store the j trouble began. The two men tusseied | freely and good-naturedly. There was j ,i«inj tius shai! it be a true Home, a i model Home, and a Happy Home. Th«k Needed—Hiiaburis ■ Husband; Wife! You want a true to BUnc—Hour Miidi •'S^PPy home? then Jt is your for SpeM for i'svtm Tools. j make it such, and YOU alone. In these days of progress and won- ■ MOORE. tierful invention for the kelp of all; ^ branches'of farming and manufactur-j ije„ .. en first taught letters for some ing. when we see machines of different j wrcxch’s aid kinds capable of doing work hereto- Sonje banished lover fore consigned to two or three or per- | aiaid or some captive nttbing in the conduct except a der si: e aiiu a disposition to Josport them- 1 selves, but from this mirth-makiin=: h a do^en hands anc: in less thanjxhey live, they speak, they breathe half the tirae required by the hands „.hat iove inspires, how much better than the old method Warm from the soul, and faithful to and how much more can be done its fires- ami at less expense. But for this tim_- The virg-jn’s wish without her fears impart, E.'icy.sc the blush, and pour out all the heart— Sjjteti the soft intercouirse fT-oni soul . to soul, Anti waft i\ sig;ht from Indus to the tet us notice the w'onderful improve ments for farming as this little talk i? especially intended for the fanuer and his wife—We pass the field of s-cnie gdpd farmer and we see tUere j a. reaper .cutting and binding and diiwping oif the sheaves of wJheat ready for shocking. A few years ago . pole. t^ope. ^|r icve v;^?t iilji'ai'ies; doubt' yet there I : out—• i L r.less ho u:^e them wisely, and, deed, [;K,-..nvs he hi,t;h an of what and how to road. —J. G. Sax( xc. that the jury would occupy .much *inie in arriving at a conclusion, the., . , i > . . , , I program miseh;ef and tinaily malice I. . , i • evidence point icg strongly to second ‘ .jit was cut by nand with cradiies ana , • ^ ^-,...^1. 0.,. jwere born. Alter a friendly encount- dcgrce murder for which the State . , ■ ^ ^ «er in the store, the men came out in- asked a vei-dict of manslaughter.} . , , „ . ^ - J |to the yaru of the Wilhams home and "here was little idea entertamed *>y > . , ^ J ... ,!the mischief wai? renewed. Tney fiji- thosfe \Viio have been attendants at | . , ^5 . , ■ .cl. . .V J grot to the point where they were coui’t during the two days that the de-i , , X XT. mad and they had to be separated, icndan would be able to get even the; . , ^ - .... , .’acc'ordinp- to the coj:tentions of tiie benent of a new tna! and it was count- ; - . , ♦ j'eitndant, the State not having trieo ed a hopeless thing for him to receive f , , , *.;a .«;how that the'ir con'.ings together at j ^ ... , -any time were other than friendly j . - . . The court was busily engaged ^ur-; ^ ^ or wnl very soo,)jSucn duty the subject owe. the ing the g?.-eater part of the morning |, ’ P''' mtrt.hinery. Often ii is! prir.c;e ‘into the house and upon the bed tho i » vitb some testimony that the State' ^ ^ , iiht case uuu lie pays out money tor !.K»*cn such i> ^ ^ J. - . . , troubit? wr.s renewed, Williams shoot -] . . inserted tendmg to show the physical i. ^ . . inn ica iniit iie could lor a tmie at! band* j-x- .r xt- ^ 1 X , iriend four times, one of the . . j condition of the defendant several [ . , . , wjiliout, bat let us Iujm about i And whe?j ^^e> for\v^7•/^ , : . 11. -«*- > wounds being niortaU I l -c peevi\^n. hours prior to the shooting. Wit-j jauu ■;iike a w^lk through and arouiiu i sullen, ^our, i:v house laia titehen. How about | An not cledient to his honest will. i»ip;-ovcmerit£ and labor saVer:; there, | What Bha- hui a foul contenOinff reb- do you iind many? j e!, to her iovins \l verdict of acquittal. I cyvies. Again we pass that same j rieid ,aiid we see a steam gang plow { tiear*«g up the ground faster than a! ^ t'ettet with them or with- do;:eu leanis and as many men. Now we ao not see this on every farm, but! ' Liitiiii \^iseiy, ana, m- cio ice some kind, of labor .saving’ i.u\thiner> on almost every farm; i>orin nientioi.ing or .catling ii farm; ; o\v, ci' course, we know tiiat tue | lai-.hitr lias paia, or wiil very pv): jc.r ihis mat.hinery, Uften il is woman ow’eth to her busi nesses testified that he was seen as i early as 3 o’clock in a drunken con-Speakers ditiou. Some other features of evi-; usnce w’ere w'ork^d in by the State j I crder to dove taij some of the tesii- j mony which was brought out the pre and DeJegates to ChautauQu^i. K?on College, July -JO.—Quite a lar^e drleErntior, of Elon people jcu thi morning for the Chautauqua und *"^' coding day. It was 11 o'clock before i the evidence was concluded. :it ^'irginia S Bcach ;:t eisriit o’clo.‘k Tor.ight,. In the THE JL'RY ADDRESSED. j » :'■«>■ were I 'r. .J. W. Vvellor.s, Dr. J. j -Mr. C. W. Tiliett, Jr., made tiu-lO. .Aikir,.-«nM, l>r. W. C. \Viel;ei‘. j'r-p".' Lind he ad*!»^' ^ - Xewnniii. l‘>-. ;:nd L'. E. ' hour. He ! Amur \Valj.on cf s-vi-l'''- Ki;v. J. O. C»x, M;-. We know chfit t;fter you hi'.VL- !ooK- | JTi'areies.-; traitor he conduct.' ir.:'.kinjr niueh ; II-. Vri'iii'.nir'.! ra.’i! iVaid Vne defejui- orK.' 'f>oi Ixr ch. Mv. TiU llo. tJVi- cummcnt- j ftv.-i speech to the jury dresjred that body for a; hunjr c’o.seJy lo tha^; part dc-nL'C ha\i:ix' io do with of WiUiams Ii: i*i.> own pricr to rho sh'>c Out '>f the «'f ilr- . ’ whicft tiU' iii, tiial c-;il of th;^ hDU-'.‘ i.nsi called b^-.ci\ th:*i. sli- \v. ant Y\;‘.s ^oi.'jr t hr l:;;;.l ;iiroaly .1 loll niado a (.-iipkai iv! the ev'id;:ncc cioiirfV mi -.jju*:: -I wi'^h nr.ii wv.h i:lV *,{Mr .If.'hn A. Mi'Iiac folt .'V.ed Tiiieit.. hii tii:; fir^r Si ccch of (he Af;'. with Sic? -OM^rai of the ovidt?m-* whi.'h the ii.- trociuced ar.»l batt-Tod upon the iic«nO« for thv.- State, il'.' t‘:'lar.v;«,'vl tip- ;n ihv i’^M -KlLuVsi Condi io .show ih:'.l VViJJianis wa;-: iV-Iutwi-'il ^ into Kis ;v; i Ixni.sc hy Hooker, who 15 previou^!y had been tiaj;^ing at him and whii'i lying on hi.s bed, Williams wjis attacked l/V the dei’ea.seti. 1! v.-.iS then, Mr. Mc.Uae arjrucii thiii iho tic- fendatit wretled the pi.stol Trom ihe hands of Hooker and shot him. iiji-oug'h -sev'cr^ii av?'i*a^e farjn | • * .*• 'ir .u J - .-I. • • -r.- . ;noi:ios you wiil have lo say thy.t very! I ^cr.;'o{ of Methods lor Lhristian WoriC' I lev; iabor Uiving devicej have been I to the xarm kiti.-heti and house, t = y you may say the iV.rnier ; {.’ai.i out mu’^h iov a fa.'icy pi:ir hordes or aii auio, ccc., etc., that lord? —Shakespt Merchani Gets Protectios Is this the Spencer National Bank? This is Goodwin & Company, ofSpringfield, Mr. Goodwin talking. A strarjrer has just offered a check on your bank for $30 in payment for some goods. Says lib name is John Doe. Has he an account and is he good for that amountK” By telephonin-^ to the bank, the mer chant can iilvv:?y.9 protect himself irom loss by worthless checks. ¥.l:ai yon telephone—:r,nile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY . .Ioh:;si.ri u . U. At' 1 USE ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE. j ihe antiseptic powtier to be shakcji in- jto the shoes. If you want rest and jcumfort for tired. swrjljpi, jit relieves corns aid bun'oL’ vf ;>ii ., i ne iias provided ^onle eoavcnicnces tor i .. . .vir.--..' ■* js^'eatmjr feci, ni=e Allen*.-, Foot-~- fv ■ ’ laithlul wi-e. Oh, yes, pc"h:.ps he 1 ^ , . prevc>nt.-i ]*!isS>r i, jinl fitr a len ctnt pan cleaner iLi. f-TV KeateT, oi’ -sonie iUch Uiii" I -;.y, vcur L'vcri. Mr, II i;.' ; \ I’.y r.iil i Shoes t'‘ ! i c^A-ery i Isolj vr.c h I.!- • S ■ • :JiL‘ (*h;ni)MU, .’ii the J'3ih v/ ].) th'.; ■iuW ii5 -">10:1 I ;-a -,vi;| hokij-''^ iiui! if th.‘ v’huivh ^ I -’.liinn Hcaeh. ll 1m exr^cetod that will lie J.!' 'Cat in ut- •);! !hf v-c.-'.>:•.»!> ;3JHj it j.-; al.^o \ 11.\ i I that ihi^= ri'(ai;Lauiua is to be a {>t*rm.!»ie;a feature with the Chri.-^- tian.' fron) this time on. \VILLr.4MS VSMOXED, Mr. Piunin^er Siewart made the next address to the jury and it was the lengthiest of them all. Mr. Stew art spoke v-ith characteristic stress :.r.Q delivered himself in no»half-utter ances as ro the character and con duct of Diilard Hooker, the deceased. The concluding speech was made by Solicitor Wilson who summarized evi- lenc( and drew conclusions therefrom. The State asked for a verdict of mur der in the second degree >ind it was 10 this poiJiC that the solicitor lirst addressed l.imself. The charge to the jury was begun at ii o'clock and Judge Shaw conf.un'.ed a little ]c:'a tiian an hour, Vi'illiums, the defeiuia..v, sat wtiL his .eye copttaintly trained upon the witnesses tiirough the two days of the trial. His v.dfe and I'hiidren who have I'emained at his side have received very little attention from him. He has borne himself wi^h eminent calm ness, manifesting 00 siiporior amount of interest int he proceedings one waj of the other. He is a compara tively small man, with thin fac*» rath er crnaciated by confinement in prison, and with a sandy misstache. His fea- Tureb have remained uniformly norm al during the entire two days. There has not been the slightest evidence C^ncai{ed for Letters. The foilowir}*i* lotler.s remain ihe pjstoiMce uncalled for at Burli.sgton, y. C, July :?0. lOM: ^ifiitiemeiK Robert (iolding, Andrew Jo>i*e, .r. M. IJjsderwood, Tom Wick er. i.; die^: Mis. .K R. Dillard. Mrs. A. M. Hi-ks, Miss Mary I.ivinger, Mrs. Josie Sl;wc-irs. Persons calling for any of these !e ters will pleas^: say "Advertised” and give date of advertised l?st. 0. F. CRCWSON. Postnmstfc^ J. i'.Mn Tf.eio wa.^ scarcely a dry eye, and r.c'f} a dry throat in the cafe El Globo. on that historic occasion.—-The Greer.^boro News, That was Minerva's owJ that visit ed the Senate gallery t'other day, and he w'as in search of the very latest novelties and profundities of wisdom. —Ureensboro New’s. J.ogical consequences are the scare crows of fools and the beacons of wise men.—Huxley. The ragweed is an humble plant, but the powerful auxilitry of the health resorts.—Greensboro News. dent, ajul j I'jinciiig I Siioos. ; i ir\ il iiJv ionjc- .{jiir.ic r i’.jjd >”L‘ i.ow yoii ;1‘ Looi'.iiv.: wilh iiidl' fs, ih'ja your.-:-.‘:L ^ liowii ii:iu thv.t u;) a a '.■i'* {-j.jI. .'vo:i . lir.;c’ i-ij-.-:;;.: ihc v.’-.'i.k i-.ir.cs Wii.-h '■h.y. ’ '*! wiih a 'Tood Ih.'x ■j t ii.-'h'iv'.', {:^t lo *11*1. jj 11; .0 v. iihoai r\ itJi;' ii U 11 • i’'t ri eiSJUVV ti • L.; UK* !oJUr i, , .'tTub, worl-. vvorlc, and .u.i ,• i.^ f\:))!,:lod on Lime tco. 'iu.vi, alter cai eiully carr^- - ihL* abcivc worJ-; for one wc;?k loc-n*ed • 1 ihijjk you would favor aoiiiC itnpJ'ov?i.i'*ntsV Yea, you v r- •,".tp.ly w»uld and you ought, lo be kcnt ■I', iiie work until the'work of youi' wife* hii.s l>o:*n l^Kht'.'r'.ctl by i>ujition of WiiLer works for the hou.‘v iuui kitchen, and with suitsthk- ijit:cjiiiifry i'or the laundry work as well as many other much, needed im~ I'r'.vt n'.cnls. Oh! but you say it will vO:-l too much. Yes, oertainly it will •:cu>v somctiiing, but not so njuch, for a vi*ry satisfactory water pumping outfit can be instaileci for from $15 I to ^50j depending on .surroundings, etc,, rnd then Mr. Hubby, how about that expensive machinery'you i>ought lo use on the farm, perhaps you need ed i:, no doubt it is a great help, S3 will these things we have named for the kitchen be a great help and by r.uvchasing thorn you may add heaJth aiiti happiness and many days to the life of a faithful wiff., for it is certain tr.ai many are ihe wives who under- j mine their health ai^d vv'ear away their hves in the drudgery of average hcntes, ;rnd r.cw. Dear Wife, let me :ay lo y(*u, don’t try to boss Husband, dor’t nag him for by so doing you will i urely kill his love ar.d respect for you and you will also prevent his pur- ci;aslng many little conveniences for the honto, but above all, you will make horr»e miserable, and finally incur the puvishntent of the Almighty—But you ean help each other. So, xFusband do not forget that along with farm ma- chiKory to purchase something*for the hen and house, and then let w'ife chow her love and appreciation, by economy and thrifty hoti^keeping, ot---. .Ju « Coi iViOiU f'.r in X.>- ; . th^_. irreat.o f the r.g-c. Try it ti, i^vWjier?, t.' ubs-Lituti-, For f- ■; .‘iriilrc-.-s Alien S. -V. . ■: 1 trial I.C Southern Presbyterian College Red Springs, North Careliaa For Yoimg Women. Important advantages for the dev elopment of riealtb, Characte)-, KnowJedg-e and an sttrac- tived an Persor.aiity. Completely equipped to afford th'»rough education and tni6 v^hriStian culture. Handprint*, vve’i-appointed bui3dinrs; •ar.^e. v.*ell-ventilated sipping rccms, all conveiiieneW Abiti ivsfructors o? Cliristiau character and rtiineni^nt A Ioc;^ti0!i r.f.:ted for its healthfulness. courses in the cln?sicsai;d sciences. Art, Ezpres- sicn r'erfagagy, Domestic Art am Sdepces. De.ari ee of & A. Conservatory cf Music. Conducted by comtietf-ni, hiL;''.-'i.iiari(?4 ins’ruct''-rs Covers fully the b.rf ,-ii (,f a ediicatinn.' T :!is vi-ry modoraic. I'i ;'!ustr!'‘fd (.•atal'-Ki’e adclre.'ss SSi: C. G. VARDELL led Springs, Pre'sident, L til Ctvrolinii ac3raBs»ss5Z3Ba :sj;ss^2atSBS;.- frcfi’£s;onal Cards Dr. l. h, Aiie; Eye Speciriiist Office Over p, Burlington, ' N. U/hoR Vniip Rsfifif K ilifsht iiuoti iutii »)!«"• Id piem !s igflt. if You Hav? ;'rv r? t.. ■d Skin Do Not Delay uiuii il is foo kic but Older HI. I* \ S. >\ . A .cu t . If, V Spoon & tlcrnKdii> Veierinariafis 'liii.v .)U(t !,iUr,. Ci,j,[,p{(7 II.- SI. fcsi,!...,,., 1 -f,. C A. Andersoc M. D. Otece hours i to 2 p. m. 7 to 8 p. ii.. First NationaJ Bank Building Leave day oallsat Rmdk'-.s Drue Store. John H. VerDvio. iiiiii ' -.(ijisi-Ui'r ..I ij.iv, Budifjgton. N. C. Office 7 and S Second floFirsr Nat’l Bank Building ^er-- ’p)’,:>ne 3 3 7-J Resident 'phone S3T-L DR J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Biiiidiiii* bU.RLlMGTON. K. ;t 0 - D A Y ! M HOI tsiiirrs nof a i omplete and Positive Remedy for Syphilis, Eczema, Acne Erysipelas, Malaria, Rheumatism, And all oilier Forms of Bloo^ ard Sldn Diseases. Hot Sfirings Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Eiood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the Market. Full Course freatmcBl—Three Bottles—$12.50 Single Boiile $seo Write us your Troubles. All Corre.spondence Strictly Private Dr. Walter E. Walker Sellars Building (Up Store) SO-J 8-10'a. ni. Phcnf.s Hours Sft'O 7-S p. m. Only One “BROMO QUININE” JO Ret the B-enoine.cftll lor inV name. LAXA* Trvs BR.OMO QU ININS. }«ookforffis;Ttfttare o* R. W. Care* a Cotd ia One Bay. Stops caugh .aud aefidach«. acu ^ork«: off cold. 2^c. Hot Springs Medicine Co., S27 1-2 Central Avenue. Hot Springs, Arijansas Old Newspapers for sale at State Dispatch Pub. Co.