PS-s'" Si ■ s»*.t* #L PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE ^UPBUILDING OF AMERIC^’ HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNH, NORTH i '^ROLlNA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18. 1914 V I WILL REMAIN IN Japan Will Aid her Ally Only in China Sea -French Loss at Dinant Severe-Montnegrins Are in Bosnia-' Great Britain Moves Forces Silently. leen efTccie't in ordej j,.-«cers ha-I Vi'GKO iaiL.S EXTISE F ASIILV, liiat unT.ies >iiav t\yo —0- FRENCH OUST GERMANS Wounded Germans Reach Berlin With Story of Briliiant Sortie-Batter- ies Captarid—Teutons Outnsirobe-red a/fii Their Fees Strongly En trenched—Fought in Hot Sun—Fight Between Ships—French Loss Is Heavy—Austrian Fight Montenegrins in Fierce Battle. That the Germans are forcing war through Belgium is indicated by the Brussels report that Gormar. cav- ital; that raeacures for the defense ot airy is paroaclAng the Belfrian Cap- Brussels are bainp: hastened and thnt the seat of Government has been re moved to .Antwerp. The British presa bureau ;innounce: The following statement was issued tonight by the British offi'.-ial press bureau: “.\ny action Japan takes agau'.s* Germany will not extend b2yond the China seas except in so far os may be necessary to protect Japanese , shipping lines.” that any aclicn\ which apau may; take against Germany will notextend HALTHM BRITISH, beyond the China Sea, ecsept for Boston, Aug. 17.—The White Star the protection of Japanese shipping-^ liner Marquette, with 113 passengers The British War Council has deeid- from the European war zone, arrived ed to escludo correspondents from ^ tonight from Antwerp. She was k- tl* forees in-the field and it is an-1 baited six times on the voyage by nounced that the French War De-| British warships. Three times she partment intends to take the ?ame ac-; was brought to by shots across her tlos and probably war correspondents j bcl^^, the las,, time \\ ithin a --.Kort dis-- ' in Belgium will be ordered out of that I tance of Boston light, at n o’clock State. l’-0Ri)jht. The German Emperor, the Crown I ® Pririce and two ytber Inipreial Princes | , are now at the great forltess of' ' Mi;«iz. The Emp«ror’s clepai'ture ) fron\ Berlin for the front has c-voked ' enthusiasm in tht^ Gerrijsn c:ipi‘tai, j The Brazilian Government has i:-i- sliucted its ilinir^.cr at Berlin to ask for expianatio.-is and the punisii- nient of those guiity oi; the alleged attack by German soldiers on liern- ardio Campos, ex-PrL-sidont of ihe State of Sao I’aulo and his wife who art' reporteti to have Vieen beaten and ' foi-ccd across th fSwiss frontier. Several •■Austrian Army corps, ac cording to advices from Vienna, have invaded Russia, and the Sussiaji ad- vai ’e in Galicia has been checked. Brussels admits that the French cas ualties ill the fiehting betwesn. Na mur and Dinant were heavy, as the Cermans wei-e strongly entrenched and their artillery caused great havoc. , The British official news; bureau says the French fleet in the Mediter ranean has made a sweep up the .A.driatic as far as Cattro. Four Au.s- Irin warships are reported to have been sunk. Montenegrin troops have crossed the Bosnia frontier and oecispied the town of Tchaiiiitza after a lisi’ce bat tle. They are also credited with cap turing eight .Austrian bl:>cl:houses nnd several villages. The British military and naval movements are still shrouded in mys tery. JAPAN PROTECT EASTERN SHIP- PJ\G. San Frar.ciico, .August 17.—“The Japanese fleet will protect American and Japanese merehantment in Asiat ic Waters,” declared Y. Numana, Jap anese -Consul General here today in discussing the possibilities of hostil ities between Japan and Germany. “.American trade with the Orient will not be endangered.” ‘‘Japan is 10 times as string in the Orient as Germany,” he added. —-o-^ WILL STAY INOBIENT. London, Augr* I"?-—10:32 p. va.— TUKKS IX GREECE. London, Au^. 17,—-3:10 p* m.— I Official dispatcher say Greece has re- ctiveI information that Turkish troops Jive crosring Bulpariitn terri tory and marching in the direction of Gieece. The Iieiienic grovef*iment in consequence of lbf?se reports has no- tiO.ed Turkey that if thU news shouid Ije confirmed coiTespondiiic: mnit.'ir}'’ :>nd nava! luejusures will be tancjn Ln\- liit'dlately Greece. —o— Berlin, via Copenhagen and Lon don, Au^. 17,—2:15 a. m.—German ^voLiiidcd %vKo have arrived here teU ox the at Legarde. The fighting: Issted seven hours under a burnin;^ si.n. The Germans were opposed by fur superior forces, strongly entrench ed. The German artillery Tire was brilliant, two danj;rerous French bat teries quickly were taken. —o— FJGHT UKTWEE'S SHIPS. German, troops bi*eaking through their lines and putting tbeiri to fiiffht. At'STRlANS FIGHT MONTENE- GHINS. London, Aug. 17.—7 p. m.—In a dispatch from Cettinje, Montenegro, the correspondent of Rey^er’* Zs^e^vs Agency says Montenegrin forccr. hav*^ hfien engaged the last two dnys with a strong; detachment of Austrian troops near GTahavo. The Monte- r.egiin casualties in dead and wound ed were 45. On Auugst 1? the Aus trian? attacked the Western frontier of Montenegro from Krivosije to Gra- hav£>; at the sa»75ie time Au5trinn ves- h'A9 Vcnibarded Iho Montenegrin po sition at l.ovii,;;i. worK in Paris, August 1-i.^—The cffice j^'if.tes that twc> companies of tiie -'Sth Bavaria Infainry was 5iu'priiH'?%i by' Trench trooj»- ui Chambley nnd pur to flight leaving- a *‘fairly brsro ni;m- bor of dead and wounded/’ —o— Rome, August 14.—Officiai ridvices from St. Petersburg confiim reports of a disastrous defeat sufferc-d by the Austrians at the hands of the Rus sians at Tusora on the river Dneaster. Four regiments of infantry* an.d one -f cavalry were cut to pieces. ^ts Fire to Bungalow and Kills the* LateV he. left Tor SoriV.g Pai*is, August 14.—Field Marshal coniuiancltr In chief of the English field army, iolrio'' Gon, Joffre, the French commander in chief ut headquarters today, accoi'ding to a report received here. The locality was not nientione'.l. A large body of French troops have entered l^elq’ium 'and are mai’^chinj; from Charl-?i-oi to Gembloux, ten miles northw;?t of Xa- nsur, an official announcenvj«:L say*', MONTENEGRINS CAPTURE VIL LAGES j London, Auj?, 14.—A Central News London, Aug. 17.-5:0.5 p. m.-A ' Brussels says that it dispatch from Rome to the Exchange report^’d there that Gen. Von Bm- Telegraph Company says the Monte- ncgnn troops have crossed the Bos nian frontier and occupied the town or Tchainitza after a fierce ).'\ttle. The dispatch adds that the Monle- ncgrins have euptuved eight Austrian blockhou.'?es in Herzegovina between Bilek and Trel>injc. They have also occupied seven villages near Trebinje and have prisoner. —o— SEA FIGHT eONFJUMfiS). inich, the German co»nmand‘.*r of tn_* forces in Belgium, committc'l «>uitido after being rebuked l>y the German t.'cneral's .staff for hU opei-Jitloo? at Liege. The report is doui.’tcd h'^rc. Q„ Ki/fed by Bandits, Pay J{«!I .^Hitsing, WilliumKou, W. Vs.. Au'.:. n.-Joi. ^;heltc!\ paymaster of the Gl*..*n Alum taken 12 .Austria^, oiTicors K'"®* *-"i™- I Virginia; lb’. W. I). An[ick^ i.'onipany ; phy^ii:iati and F. I), Johnsotj, corapar.y ! electrician, were shot to drath tndr.y -..;r ! by bandits who tcok the nay ro!! of navi! ‘‘'"i escaped. j„ .; ^ The (hrce compar-y employe^- rs;- ctrivod tile money from a XorfolU S Westtni train at C!en t'larli.-d for Uio mines three .'nlcs a-.'.ay on a velocipede car. Tra\eiinjr ,s:ilos- mci; vvalkins' to the mine, found the car, with the pay roll goiK' i car, ’.vith the nay roll missing i fron: the station. Two of the [u nu—Confinnatioii of Ihe fight in the Adriatic is given in a dispatch fiom Ccltinje lo the Coj- rierc dTta today which says thtj Aus- trinn liaUle Zrinyi and three other I i;ittieship.s uh£?se nainoii could not be ai'cerlaiu wore sunk by the Fi' fleet- A great number of French aiid Ei>gljsh wai'ships are said ^:> }e pa- tro!Ur»g the coast. IMMIGRATION HALVED BY WAR. Washington, Aug. 17,— VVar’-s eiToct upon immigration into the United b'latc.'? was indicated today b;/ official figures showing a decrease of more than 50 per Cfjnt. in the siamber of aJiejis coming in during the first half London, Aug. 1S.—2 a. m.—A Paris,August compared with the same dispatch to -The I>atly Telestraph, |• ffays: mie mile men were dead. The third, monuliy wound- eI, saiil they had bec-n l\y fwiir Italians- were .sonr from here and Hiucfield. 0 Boy Hurl by Automobtle. Occ«iiiants as T/uy Fk-.^ From the Burning' -Mructur*. . ^ Gree Wi?.. Ava. ; i with a ha:>i to- ^.ar^ce of Mamah liii'.d negj'C. .iav' er.ded- t?>a r^*. 'Boiiton Boi'thwJci^, forii:?*'* v.-in IL Cheney, of Oak Fj'an'u' Lloyd Wrigiit, Svealthy ai'chitect. .with whom she as a wife t'ince CUi? w. Greer.. Wright, i- .one of the best known '••'c'hitects in. the cer.iral States. He w'j? estnuigc^d fro^m his wife several ye:irs ago aftc-r a scandal which iinl:- ni> iiame with That of Mr5. Mamah Bor:.f'.u-:ck Cheney, wife of a neighbor in Oak asuburb , Later Cheney obtained n divorce. Two ago Wi'ichi built a bu:;- had liCed-t Spihiu Green. Wis., whiph Jivas (^a^led “Lovers Cottage/' by ths Mrs. in Ed- and '.ner^hboi'ii. the crchirecc ;*.nd Cheney >vere repined to have r»ade fre(juent vhithisi to the house in the woods'. 7he aiTiu'r of iiie WH^iit and Chen ey family first became public in 20r^;> when Mrs. Cheney and "VVrigth went to Kurope. Or? theij- reiijvn Mr.^. Sc-:*i!:sr fire to the elabc.rac= bui:^"4“ tcAv built i»y Wrighi for Mr^. Boru> v.-lck here after his estrangCTnent from hi-- wife, tiie negro stood outside and attempted to brain Mrs. Brothwick and eight other occupants of the buiid::ig, members of the famliy and employes, a? they fled from the ?.ames. He ended Jlrs. Borrinvick'.s life and j cher.c-y did no^ to to her homo in (he iive.s of two others, probably fa-{Oak Park, where she had left her :!y injurirsr three, m-.d serious!;-.-j children ar.d her husband. Wright, '.-uiyjiiip' the- i'"n’,:iinde''. [htiwever, v.'ent to his family and re- .Mi-. Enrtlnviol: primarded the nia said to have re- , Juli:iT* C-iilton. chef in kitchen, Ke brooded ovt.«r thi.?. i' *• ihouKht anj bocame i:»Han.\ CaHtov :iisappeare>.; after .he kilHncr. but Ilf let' a .‘^earch of seeveral hours had V>een made fv>r Viini, re'-ppoarod ar.d suvrer.dered. He was hurried in to an automobile ;ind rushffd to th*? Iowa ounty jail, IS miles away. —o— I>Ji=iPLAYS FIENDISH INGKNl'H V. The dead are: Mrs. Mamali Bouton Borthwick, John Borthwick Cheney, her 1']-year-old ;^o: .. ai'.J Kmil Buvdoll, draught.-ma-’. he- -.v.x'-. H.wid L:v,^- bluni, a orardner, KrrrC't Westo!^ 1^'., farm hand, T>nii Ifrunkheail, laborer, and Martha I’or'ihVricii Cheney, Mv.-. Berth wick's 10-vear-ohl daujrhtcr. ports 01 rorgiveness were current. —o—■ DIMDiNG AVALL TORN OOWN. A wall separating: the Wrighv home i]?ro two aparrme.nts was erected. Mvs. Wright occupied one and Wright the other. The children divided their lime with the parents. Then, after a month or so, a i-econciliation was ef fected and the dividing watil tern down. Cheney l^rouftht j^uiT fr»r divorce, charging- d^sertin*'. ;ir.d Aug'ust U'll. ar absolute decj'ee was gruntL'd. Mr:i. Chenoy niude no def.\’^>o ard Wright’s name was not m^'ntioried. bljoj-tly befoio Chnsrnia. W' i:rhr> bui:?:’;iiAv at Spri:;" Creen, '\Vis., was completed a-.ui before Uie l.oli- d?:y.-, ie^'3Hir«' their t?*ip a *’spj‘rr::ai li't^gira C.'iicJiey an.i Wrigj-it !vf; toivether f'>v •uri'.’.y,' The seriously if'jyicd an*; iVnriiut: W cstor.. carpentcr. and Ttrbert Friix. j rhri.-jtmji'i Carlton, with his wife, had lieor. in pi,- dofer,di;-.,a; hi'; cnn.vtf %Vri.‘);bt's employ about foiU- months. I i,; bis Oak Par; heme, i-orr.ii!}” hoi-e from Chica-i>. CavUon’si M,-s. Wrjphl took !>o ftcus to’.van! wife «■:. found (iarod afie:' ‘l.e traure -1 ;; divorce bur with her chllcircji, the walu';-’ir a)oULC ihe highway, and > - ; . J ! in the Ciiicat^o y.ijli- t uri«, Chenfv j u.’io.'-i t.-: V. no?M — ivv.- a niai'. jjrow.''. wa^: taken into custody. S’ne denied j ri'inai 'ed ;;t in the p::rtieip:;tio)i in jhe ni'uir. ■ The nogrc; di.splayed fioulish i;u>;cn- uiiy in airanging his vi:.*tiins fur the slaughter. .A.I1 were in ibe dining room when he lighteii a soaked Ai>vOi;t lias the tw.i .iven. and Jolv'. Chr-iiey nr ihe Spring (i)' bv.-e since iived there, O- led Cheney chi)- joined Mrs. en iiome ar.d Ir. gasoliJ^e ir* fi-oo* of vhe doov. ac- j ] .'Ording lo Wil’ian. Wcsioa. the len:'t : seriou-^ly hurt. In a mome'.L ihe room | Cudffer Win--: in the 10th I^->- \vas in flames. Oiie means of e^-'res-',! noids. ;i window, w;*s left. ■ .\>hevilk'. Aag. IT*.—Incoinpiete re- jun-ns from the distvici indi-'ate thiVt Jr.. h: las wof ov^?' R. “It is reported hei'e^that an engage ment between a British and a Ger man warship !ias ocenrred oif the Ca nary Islands. It is stated that a German cruiser has been sunk and also that a British cruiser has captur ed a German ship containing muni tions of war/' The British officiai news bureau has no confirmation, of theso reports. — 0— FRENCH LOST HE.U'Il.Y. London, .Aug. 17.—,t:3o p. m.—A P.russcls dispatch to the Exchar-E'e Telegraph Compaisy says the French casualties in t^ fighting bavween Xa- mur and Dinana were heavy as the Germans ^vej'e strongly entrenched and their artillery at the outset play ed havoc with the French. The French wing at Dinant had been badly cut up and nearly routed when suddenly the strains of the Mar seillaise resounded in the French lines and the men rallied and reform ed. With splendid jrallaiitry they charged, hnrlinjr themselves on the —o— Paris, Aug. 1-1.-—The Journal to night states that it is absob.uely cer tain that Japan mil declare war on Germany. Brussels, Aug. IJ.—Italy has order ed all its reservists in Belgium to re port to Italian consuls incident to Italy's mobilizition to present her i.eiitrality. —0— *'Ui:. 1-t.—.A :!Un!rier cf wounded soldier.s have arrived here fi-om Belgium. Identification is lack ing, but thej’ are thought to be troops which were engage din the lighting Liege. —o— London, August 14.—Montenegrin troops with the aid of the inhabitants cf Hertafova are successfully invad ing Austria, whose blockade of Motite- negrin coast has practically ceased according to a dispatch from Rome. Paris, Aug. 14.—It is officially an nounced that a union has been forc ed between the French snd —ft— Harvey Jeffries, the 14 old so.-i j Mli.-^. BOBTHWICK WAS riKST. j J. ,M. t'Jud of Ml', and Mrs. C. J. Jeffries, of ! Mrs. Eorthwicii was the i;r.;t to na; ; I.. EeynoUis the sera^d ror.gres- j Route v.-as seriously hurt by an! her head through the window. TheUio,,iil pi imavy held tod:-.y throasr- aiiioinobiie driven by Hurley Vander-i'•I'gro. waiting M«:Vd;3. itvuck hev/mi jhe li)ch disu ict by a'O'-iJ m:\yxA- ford The hoy’.s lofi leg \va.^ ; down with one blovr, Crushing her 1 ties. lard.siide in Bu"Comiie gave broken and iie was otherwise injured.' skull. He then dragged her body oat | Gudgor jibout 700 m.jjori;'.-. Rpvno’ds The buy was in the clitrh j^sl a few J I'.nd waited for the next. Little John: ran ied the county ! y ilav. steps in front Of the niachi]n> when by ' Cheney folIoM-ed. His head was .split i Reyniiids carried .-Vshovii'.e bv .'Ui some means the machine became an-! open. Then Burdeil fell. j votes. became an- j open, controllable and ran into the ditch i-unniiig over the boy’s leg .".nd bre.'ik- ing the bone just above the knee. The accident was unavoidable and >!r. \ andoriord regrets the accidcMri, v*^;*y deeply, _o Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends I who ^5'ere so kind to u.s in the acciderit to our son, Har>.-ey. We assure you every act was appi-eciated to its full est extent and we ask God’s blessing upon each and everj’ one. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jeifries. ‘‘.^s each put. his head ou: Weston, “the negro Struck, aid I At Re.vnoids' i'.ead.^uartcrs il \\ a-; dling I stated he had carried Henderson, Polk the Mr. George W. Vestal, a prosperous and well-to-do farmer of Coble’s Township, also Chairman of the Re publican County Committee, was in town Saturday confering_ with his party friends and later “ttesded the County Con7et>tion. jr stunning his victim. I was last. The ax struck me in thel ;:ec7i ar.d knocked me down, but left me con- s'.'iv'us. It got up and ran, the negro ”f;C'* ^ hri b)f mr'1/•! M’ By this tmie, \\oston .'^ the bungaitnv was in fiamc-.-^. nnti Rut’v;ford and lost Transyh-a- ?iia. Su i and I^uncombe. Through out t’ ' ...istrict interest in the prim acy ,.s lacking. No serious disor- No Asheville beine: the uietest held in many yeavs. Ui^y- ^ eids' former strength wa^ lacking The fire was cor.-'.ncd lo the bung- j >!■. ner-rly every county heard fi'oni. jilow and when it had been controlled] With three counties in the district neighbors, many of whoni formcrlyito hear from, the results from which had be$n bitter against Mrs. Boi'th- wick, joined the in search of the nnjrderer. MR. WRIGHT PROSTRATED. could not change the result, Mr. Gudgcr win.^ by a majority ranging I from !^00 to 1,200. 0 But poverty, with most who whimp- Chicago. Aug. 15.—Frank Lloj’d^ er forth Wright was in his office when he re-(Their long complaints, is ielf-inflict- ceived a long distance telephone mes-'. ed woe- mage informing him of the tragedy, i The effect of lazinesg, or ../.HiffV He was probated to« ’ ..if-

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