14 ■ ^ i' i'’- 'Without Power to Eesent. He walked up and down the room, gesticulatiiigr exeit^dly aiU saying uncom.plirrentai'j* things about his ri- V£.l. ^*It is teaible!’' he ssid. . “What is t.erTible7** they asked. “Talk about the problem of the Hati in the Iroa Mask,’" he exdaimea, ignoring the question. ‘‘Why, this is a thousand tijues worse than thnt!” "What is it.V’ they asked. '‘My rival has l>«en carrying lilse t^tories about ine to tho ^irl I love!” he cried. “And whut did you do?” they ask ed. '^Ndthirij;,'* he ri!is{vvered. "‘I ■vviis powerless.’^ ^‘Nbtiiinff,” he answered. I was pow erless.” They lULighed scoviifully rit'd i*\ade jests ac his expense. ‘'‘What would, you. aJvi-ie me to du?*' he iiuiuu'ed. ‘‘Kill him!’* they it.>plied. He shook hid heiid. “At least they ip.is^ted/* yoiJ could thrash hifn wkhin an inch of his life: you could rt!J?vnt :ir. i;;suit by ^^ouini- ing him i-r.til he would fs^ui-e princi pally isi a ‘iorie;itity for th-.* rext six of ei^ht weeivs/' “You he said. “Forget v.hu;’.'’* they deiiMr.dod. "He currior^ both acc'ideni :i?jd Jzfe insuraiice policies in the coJriji:Kiy thai I repie?ert. 'S': While S'-ar may l-e ju.~tined ir. cer tain case.5. fjr a I:irge pow.-r to jur.ip ijpo.'T a =!n-iiilk’t' ot:^. w'.thovi of a gri5.*v:irre, as Gerniany has upoTi Belj^iun ■, i:> ni>;.hn‘>!r r>hort cl. r^h'^le- saic murdt;',—^?ui'ha£n Hei-a.'i:. — Discrimination against ihe Cor- niuTiS is ir’te 'lioiiLil un rhv vuri of the An;i*rii;u:i pve>s. ll ihov will fic>«d afL'uui'.T-' vL w'.v.ii :i'C‘y ave doii.^r wc' will pri;:t it {.' i\\.- !:cv^ it,—I'uinaui Uoruld. Of.o '.»r 'Jjo iif . i^. th.o?:C" r.'^'i‘* ^ v.-ficLv •i.iwii. thi’iu's are r-iil! p‘rrrji' u’ld*.'’’ i.*-o .-'Ji;. to Lc th;i' \c:fi rhcizitpau.'ie w Trarce not tnstc u- v.\‘ll \>\ tfme 'if •! ?m‘Vv.-. Tho hi^h '•'> ’ !•: \ «*r-futiim- f-econ)e s,.:;u\iu;!u, f:i-v —'.i: r-t Xev-s. }r.rcgrity l' l.iiV i;: fanie’.s \.fA filer.d. WhUh r*ouiy, lieull^. .-hall jrown the er.d. Republicans Gather for State Meet ing:. Jialeigh, Aug. 19.—Republican lead ers from all over the State are ar ranging for the State Convention at nooji tomorrow. Chairman Morehead and Secretary Gilliam Grissom came in on an evening trahi. Wheeler Mar- liti, mentioned for State :Chah'man, is arnong others, already here. The committee will be in the city audir torium. Chairman Morehead says there is nothing to be said on the eve of the convention except that they are hei'e'to nominate a ,United States Senator, a corporation, commisisoner and to adopt a platform for.the im pending campaign that the convention iK'litves to be to the best interest of the State-and the. Kation. He says that after sper.din^ much tiine umon? the business men of the east and the iio'.’th and hearini;; reliably from the we>r. he is convinced that Republicansi have the best sort of prospect for re- iialning control !'.atj%>iial!y anil that i goii-jv are sure t*j be made in the tstate through the impendi’ig tam- t;:is»n. He would iiot discuss the a\.- tioii of the Progressives in Greeas- Voro yesterday except to say that the I’i'ojjressive movemerjt is losxni^ }>res- and followi!'.g all over the coun- ivy and .all will be baek in regular Republican ranks before ioiiji:. .Many le:ideis are hoping to per suade Chaii'ina!'’. Morehead to serve ar.uther term a? chairmar.. -O ! !if ;'‘.-;id happii'-ess we prize. jV*i'iThin cur treasi ihis jewel iio?* ;Ar.d they are foois. w?io roan:; The world hath iiothina to V'C-srow— : I'rein our ouii ss‘lves our iih^s mast fiow, A:m1 that dear hut. our Itjrvio. — \'nT'.05l, I:.:: \vh:-.: .tie }*ast or fiiKi'-.* jfysV ■yhe presef.t i^- our ow.^; And he i-^ wise wiio l-e^i ^r'.in\>ys Th^ passiiii: hour ah." e. —Helver. I with y-HT. ar.'l y.",; witli m?. Miir. %vjth — Georr*' v> lit! ihi’ fairest, child *.»/' be:nvi:. To v.'hor.i tiu* ' vhii;, rt-itru w;is Ti-.C v;{k‘. -be aii'.l t;’v‘ ,c:rn\'. V'iui t\u'iy s> t'l«*r of V!«‘iUi“'., swf'i't anii chv^.r tl »• woej’it'.c >*>vairi; Ketuiii. With e;ise ui;d pietsure i’l iViv \vu',: . —Til. ’ Tillmait aad Blcase. j Senator Tillman has addressed a letter to the people of South Carolina lin which, after recounting what he I supposes to have been his inestimable isevvice to the State, he declares his positive purpose of retiring- h-om pub lic life at the end of his. present term oi office. “If I live,” he says, “to ilaixh 4th, 1919, I.shall die out' c-f aiid riot in public ahrness.’* In closing the Senator exprei5ses mortificatio!i that the priaiary system ahs not de veloped ir. the people sufficient- intel- lijience to enable them to escape the wiles, and tricks cf demajrogues, hut has confidenL-e that the people , will correct the evils into -which they have been led a!-id restore' the good name of a State which Bleasism has made bv-\voi-d and hissing. He does iK't think ISleasc worti'.y ta occupy, a se.it in the councils of the nation, holdirii ihat he has flaKrantiv abused his pow er -;\s (governor and he expects -tliai ci’ August lTi the votevs of South clina w-iU ratify that .iudgmer^t by fiectingr Blea.se ot stay at.ho.nii^. The Senator is very successful in loii'ting: out reasons why the man chiefly responsible for the ex'istirifr tk-plorabio conditions in South Caro lina should be remanded to private life and so depri^-eii of larg-e vl;snc-t;'s for doing inischief. But he is n^jt so successful ill refuting the grounds v.'hich many persons believe Bieasisn! K. have been the direct and inevitable ;ri.^!;!t of Tilbrianism. On this poini hit i.-- Very .^ore: ij-ut the fact ren-ia':-..s jihat it wui his owr. deniago;ji.‘ couv .c. jv.hii-h fiin-iented r.n-.or.g the So'ith ; f:.!-oli'niar:S the spirit which Ins =ui-- ii'ssor Inis uliU-/Ad to brin^ abo-.'.t ' ;hc sitiiauor vdiich the .Senator ;i.’.tes ri.-- disgraceful arid une’sduj'a(\^. --H- (hat as the years have pa.s;ed he v,-;:’i:cd less I'.inl less in the form- ’■■■■ ways and has sought frniii iii:u lime ''■> undo the harm h.i^ :e::Lb- Inal c--i-jst?d; bur this docs not rf-- I iifv»j him of initial respon-^ibilify^ lie .‘•i.'A'e'! ‘lie wind; his poepl? reap'l uv: whirlwij':d and Blease rode iu it ;• a carl." ir. which atonomo;r^ j;: diit’, and Tillman may be (nlit)‘v*J ti> r.uaiitif-u condoi.ntion ol‘ his form es '■treiisc:^ by pre-eJit efforts to ;;niej- i'-.ri.io 'heir baleful results, il ’ ‘‘an i.ot ^n;t ^r explain ;iu'-ty the rt’C- i..rd. FARMS FOR SALE! iiOO-ACRE FARM—^located on the public road, one mile off macadam road leading into Graham, IN. C., being .8 miles southeast of said town, about 150 acres of this land is level, c!a«r of rocks, stumps and gullies, and in open cultivation. The open land :e about on€-third chocolat* loam soil, balance gray,' ind an excellent farm for girain, grasses, cotton or tobacco. This farm is well. watered with several ever-flo.win:T streams, about 100 acres under wir» fence, one 5-roojii frame cottage, also large feed and stock barn. and plenty of wc od aiid timber. All of this farm could be cultivated W'ilh jnachhiery. There is als:.) good Graded School within one-half mile cf this farm. We can sell thi.' farm for S25 acre. *■ J9-.-^CRE FARM—2Va miles south of Meban*. IX. C., located on nsv/ graded road from Mebane to i Swep.'onyille, beii!"- macadamized from Mebane out i to within c>ne-half mile of this farm, also within one-hatf mile of Hawfields. Church and Graded Schoo'. .-\il vt this farm lays- well and can be cultivated with machinery, in woodland, pine and oak. all well watered with several ever-flowing streams, gray soil, good farm for grain, garsses. cottor. iruck or tobacco. We will sell this farm for ; S^O per aci e. 165-ACSE f ARM—Two miles west of Mab. ;nr:e, N. C., fr.Mt’rg on pulilic road for one-half mile. ' ^lood (’-room two-’sicrv residence, good feed and ; .crock barn, well wstereo with over-flov.'ing streams li’.nd adJ.-iining Back Creek, about 05 acre3 iii open '-ultivation, 50 acrcs open land is chocoiat.^ loam. ; ba’i.nc-j red and giay soil, and a good Orndnd School r.ti.Kiin^ ;hl.: farJi; This is a good lair." for grain. grasses, cotton or lobscco and abundance of wood and gcoQ market for same at 12.25 pe? cord at 3deh- ar.e, N. C. We wiil Mil this farm for $3,500. 225—.4.CRE I'ARM—2*4 miles south of Meb ane, l icatcd bn public road, about 50 acres in open cultivation, baia-ice in wood land, pine and oak, H of . this farm is red s oil, balance gray, good 6-roOBj, twft- story residence, newly painted, very good .barn, fau-- ly good orchard of apples and peaches, well water- .ed wilb two ever-flowing'streams, also good well ot water .i; back porch of residence and good Graded School within three-fourths mile of this farm. Tliia is a fccod farm fcr grain, grasses, cotton or tobac co. We ivi-i sell this farm for $3,730. ^3-ACRE r,4SM—One-half mile south of Meba:.t, X. C., 2-robm log house, well watered, about 1-2 red soil, balance gray. We will sell this farE for $3? per acre. 60-ACRE l-’ARM—2 miles east of Mebane, N. C.. located on public road, good red soil, lays -well to cultivate and enough wood and timber on this place to pay for ;r. For quick sale, f20 per acre. 'T5-ACRE I ARM—One mile south of Mebane, N. C., located on macadam road leadiiig out to Sweps*'jjviile Mills. The tiniber on this place has just b3tn cut off. and it would make a splendid farm when 7>ut 'n culination. The soil is mostly good red soi'.. and lavf fine. We will sell this plsc-j foi ?:;q pe.' acre. Lave four acres of good i^nd r.ftar Fair Grour?‘-js. Biirlinirton^ X. C.. we will se’I for ijOO. BURLINGTON CITY PROPERTY! “Wheiv/' I Iso >t:L-;L'.--vii:e >!ont;ne!, "r’.n.'ld w-.* i-un.e i;: Sii this turm.'-it. if wo'v K-o liirhLiv.L** r.'-r; >car: h 'k;s.—Ni W-. Wb-it kind of is i.'^ “t:0! :lla v. V/ft 1houu:lu ll vv;is j^uerrilia. -0 ij rjahnsot\ succeed.- in iUc ir’ifiu-h atr.iy. i ica will i;o :o s.rayinji- for ih*.^ Trb»l* A^ianoe,—The j’car —f»vo fear— i> 5j;i'e;}ter rjK*n- a:-c th;:!; war. ?ro>pevtty ha- nv>re tit ri'pj’t'ho’.d f'rom Jhe old that: ali ih'-- u’’.;': iiic’’ ar.vi :'f 'he 'Viii W«'>r;d.--Gree:^sl>oro Xcw- j i>u;rgo?-te-:.l n’oTio fnr KIi:^ .\’lieriV I -nnvir': ‘'Doi:’t The This !- t.*Me of tilt* linio.”' r; the bfe f-: tin- jiuliiiii u) Jn:^t sit arid :-:ee ti:C w.;i-l vf history lirat wa^; Jm-ui d t'f c'ofrie nnd couhirt’t i>e .-.pitied ajiy i.itii(*i ■vv:iy. Thvro v.i power tJi earth thai couid mediate the ditf-^r- ev,e.’: ■’’o the .-'at isfacli**'n in .my of cnii-air^'d in it. It musi run its c^'Urs^' with all its ln>r»''»r' and de- sinictiveness. .\ lioy Si-cut desiriiiir to iivo up to hi . Isi^tructioji* oJTered to render f.rst ;:id ii; sewing up a silt in a lady's skirt in Port.smouth and got iris »'ars box ed f'!' heinjr so fresh. 7.ROOM, TV;0-ST0K\ I?ES1DENCE on Front Street. Xow occupied by Mr?. H. r*. Whiu, known as the White House. LjOt -8 by tSaV- feet, with bof.h city vrater and electric Hs'hts. We will seli for $d.OOO. b ixooyi an ixoE ox lexint.ton avk- NTE -Two blocks from tht Poitoffice. Ciy wat»>r, elccirit' lights and ppbndid locution. Wc will ?e!l for T'O. SKVi 5-ROOM CO'E’JAGE ON rillKCH I STREET—l.ol Si? l.y ^0, city wjitcr, cUvti ic lisht..^. ' paintcJ and papered, and a r.piend-d localioti. We :-w-il5 a^ll this pl,-!u-o for $1,.”50. ! 5-U(IOM NKW COTTAGK ON WASHIXG- TO.N STRCET—City water and eljctr..; iislits anJ Igood ;'u--ition. Will sell for Sl.iOO. ; i 6-ROO.M C TTAGK NKAR 1- AIR GROL'NDS j —tSo.id b;irii. gi'Oii well of water, la'-ge lot. Will sell for J ?;’rii.OG. Ba.^- i -'.vy H n.i'.i'.!-s ;it ui.‘.;:ncr'.i j. y. Ani: Il:'.-1.*> llnu il V/i:: ike .'t?:i’tir)r.:\rir’S ric-vtr cea:-e froi! thro:ibi.nir —t-i*t.-ens? o;-'> Xew>. Thui enii)a:-a-.‘ o:^ arms to Mexico i?oe/ ror seem to enibarjr.^. —Crreer.s- j.ori- Tho-e that save themselves, aiid i\y. (»o i;alves, at least, i' th* victv»vy. —Butler. On*’* >c3er.rc only will or»e genius ht, ?o vast is art. so narrow human wit. —^Pope. .As lorg rCiirnpe is furnishing the excltemer.t nobody se-^ms to be 2ar:n«: what Lhey are doirff down 5r. Mexico.—i"^urham Herald. The frantic haste wi:h which they arc b'uyjrjfr tickets is proof plentifi;! that iho 150,000 American trav'^lers CcH j^’ht in Europe do not constitute a standing army—Greensboro There are some people who talk about v'ars and mmors of wars and the end oi the world. There may be an end cf some monarchies but the (V'orld is ali it^s the people that are •wvong. Liberty-Piedmont Institute Wailburg, N. C. AlYording bo\ s and girls an unusually broad education. Primary, intermediate and liigh schooi studies, a«d many ypecial' course usually found oniy in higher institutions. Coristruetive Christian infltjencps. Music, Expression, through ore-year Bntiness Coarse. Out door atiiletics. Modern BniWings, for comfortable student life. “Vann Home’* for lady teache-rs and boading girls. Idea! country ioca tin jr. easily accessible from Winston-Salem. Session opens Auk. 25, Expensives, $100 to $125. Endorsed by Leading Educators. For catalogue, address JOHN MERRIT CHEEK B. A. Principai, Wallbiirg, North Carolina. .--ROOM, TWO STORY RE^ililENCE—newiy painted anJ papered, cily watc-', loc.itesj on Hoi! Street, two block-j from Passenger Station. We will sell fc- .$S.iU. 7 WO NICl; RESIDENT LOTS OX CHI:RCH SlRhJ.T—100x200 at .^500 each; four lots, 75x-50 ac each- three lots 100x250 at $400 esch; four lot.-:. J00.\20i) at 9;i50, each, and one lot, lOrt tect front :,nd 4110 f.-et deep at $1,000. rwo LOTS ON WEST DAVIS STRL’dT- 7.>xi!50 at $1,000, each, and two lots 70x250. ?500 each. We ?iso hii'-e sev-eral lots on Central Heights at if-W. ST.), ?100. $125, Sl.lO .ind J200. 20 BriLDING LOTS AT ELON COLLEGE, N. C., f'.-.r sale, ranging from ?(50 to $2G0 per lot, sl?.« of l.'stN iOO'^eet by 200 feet. LOT 7»XSfl(- OS TI CKER STllEET ..n which thei-e is a brick luilding C9x98. ^ylcndicl location for Hcfiery Jlill or Machin-j Shop. We will sell for 33,000.00. MEBANE CITY PROPERTY. NEW SONG Vocai Solo with instrumental accompanment for Piano or Or^-in. Price 20c. “AT THE CLOSE OF THE DAY” By S. Ashton Sharpe Burlington, N. C., R. F. D. 7. This song can be purchased from the author or Buchan an’s 5-10-25 Cent Store. NEW lO-ROOM 2-STORY RESIEiENCE with eight open wood fire places, two stove flues, wide porchcf an.i well built of No. t materia! on a beauti ful iot, vhree blocks from center of town, yostoffice and p.;^:.cen!;er station, corner lot on sand clay street, conecti;-.c with State Highway, We will sell for $.‘5,500. THREE NEW 5-UOOM COTTAGES—onci block from Graded School nicely painted, nice ele t-ROO.>f COTTAGE on Nortn Avenue, iireei.:i- bofo, N. C., painted and papeied, city water, electrij liiEfhts and gas. Wili sell for $1,500. vated lots shaded with b-^autiful oaks. These houses are '.veil built of good material and -nired f,>r electric lights. Wo can sell for fi,‘!50 each. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE—twoi blocks of Graded School, well built of good material and paint ed, r.i;;o wired for electric lights, beautiful lot and a spien.-lid location. We will sell for 51,000, We also have 30 or 40 building lots rangias in. price from S40 to $250 each. 4-ROOM COTTAGE »n Green Street, High Point. N. C., on c^*:' line, a great "bargain at our price of S1.250. CENTRAL LOAN & TRl W. W. BROWN, Manager BURLINGTON, N. C CO.,

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