5 ;■ •:4-: • .•» ; 4 , /' •f t 4‘ ii ;3V r.’ ..I? ■‘ i m Ttta-t-Weck MsHtck MkHahwl Erary Taetdxj and Friday B” State tKiv«M^ PuMiiduns O- ;- Bi^^funi,* N; C. i;.»t/' -■ t-iJXi-— i- first Floor, Rauhat Buadin*. Tdephone No. U65^ iftAKription7^)M DoU*r p« yiiir. payable in *dv«ao*. All eoBiiikU2k)c&tio>i4 - in rg*nl to 4)|hw news items cr business mat- *b6uli b« addresscl to Tke St*t« Sli^tek Publishing Co., and not t« My iiidividtial connoted witii ^a pa> 9t/t» All news note* and conunmiica- Jfena of importance mast b* dfned qr the writer. , . , We are not nsponsibla for opuuons the eorreiponaentt. the money they are saving, if there is any saving at .all. It would appsar tc a layman that they woulJ be only too glad -to ^taiementt in iordei- that'*ltoi!fr-''w'h6 have suppf^ Aibicribera will talc* notice tliat s* Mpt far xttbseription fw The SUlU jmpatch will be honored at thii oltioe «i»e* it is numbered with atam]^ Sutered a* s«cotid-cla»s matter lUy 10, 1$08, at Uie p*ct eflk* at Sarliissten, Nerth Carelina, un4tr t)u H»A of Conereas of }£ar«ii 3 It?*. K themselves what is being , done with nor. The county sourt house will only For Congressman, oth District: JOHN T. BENBOW, of Forsyth County. $11,000 A VE.\R SAVED BY THE SALARY SYSTEM. In Wake County, Sorth Carolina, the county in which Raleigh is located, the adoption of the salary syste^n fcr county officers has saved the taxpayers these three years $34,135, cr over $51,000 a year. That is to say, after paying fair salaries to all county of ficers, they have turaed into the coun ty treasury surplus fees for the thr«e yeai-s amounting to 535,837,9r>, as fal lows: C. H. Andersen, Register of Deeds, net balance .. .. ^(',247.85 Millard Mial. clerk-, npr Hsi!- a/ice 6,775.7S J. H. Sears, sheriff, net bal ance .. .. li),694.84 G. T. Norwood, treasurer . 2,822 48 Total .. .. .. .. . - • .S35,S37,y5 Less net expenses of aud iting . - - 1,702.10 Total saving to taxpayersS34,135.o5 Of course, Wake County is above the average Southern County in wealth end population, but we beli--;ve it safe to say that every ?ounty _ in the south should abolish the fe' sys tem. Certsiniy all the strongerj^roui^ ties should do so. At any rate tSe $;J4,000 saved to the Wake taxbay>rs looks pdretty good to them. Other counties may stick to the fee system, il they like, but Wake isn’t troing to change back just for the fun of giv ing $11,000 a year extra to a f-’W officeholders.—Progressive l*'armer. Fti Wake County where a st.ite- mcnt is pubii.'ihed .showing the saving t. the taxpayers, there is no court house ring, or if there is, they do rot feel that the taxpayer.=, are their ser- VHnis, but rather that they are ihe taxpayers' servants and that they owe it -to the taxpayers to let them know hew their busine.^s is conducted, r.nd besides the law provides for nn audit tf the county bcoks, and they believe in obeying the law. In Vlamance county there is a strong court ho'ise ring, that believe the people belong to them, and who do not regard the law, we are ashamed that this is -=0, but TPe are unable to come ro any ith- er conclusion in view of the way they trample upon tiie rights of the 'ax payers and refuse to enlighten them as to the conduct of the county of- fairs, no other county in the Sl.-3le would stand for it, but ouv people are so completely under the domination -f the bosses that they are meek '.nd lowly and afraid to assert their rights ar.d demand of the said bosses that they comply with the law and publish such statements as show how our coun ty affairs are conducted. There are a few who have the manhood o assert their rights and arc doing so every week through the columns of The Dis patch and in their talks with other friends in the county. These few are gods own chosen people, who will rise up some day and drive these rir'pr- sters from the court house and oat of public life, the bread is leavening' ard the day is not far distant when thf' political manhood of this jtood old county will undergo fsn awakening and woe to those who are now defyjng the demands of the people. No nne- ki^ws in this county how much is be ing saved by the adoption o the sal ary system as against the fee system, and no one knows except the officials them so loyally may continue so, and avoid any insinuation that the money is not being diverted to^he proper channels where it belongs, refsial to publish this statement ^n- not but cause people to wonder if«Jhe money is being turned into the p#^p- er channel, and is calculated to cause many good men to wonder after all if our affairs are being propei-ly con ducted. If this impression :;ets abroad in the rtiinds of the people there is no one to blame, but the oiBcials themselves. They have it i;; tlieir power to allay, this suspicion, will they do it, we shall see. HAVE ALWAYS BEEN' .MADE The annual statements of the re ceipts and expenditures of the county have always been published annually hold four hundred. Your party only casts about two thousand aad two hundred votes, therefore, there was hardly two thousand ptessnt, the, ether sixteen hundred was at ^ome writing letters to The Dispatc-h urg ing us to keep up our fight on your county officials* who are neglecting their duty by refusing to make pubUc the saving to the tax payers by the adoption of the salary system. Y'ou will hear from them later. O- TO OLR DEMOCR.\TIC FRIENDS. Those of you who want to see r> iiutemei'.t published showing the .‘=.'.v- ing- to our tax payers by the aioption cf the salarj- system, if you wiii write' the Dispatch, a short letter telling your views we will be glad to publi.-h ii. we win not publish your name, un less, yba desire it, but will just pv'o- Ijsh the text cf your letter, withh''’a- in£‘ your I'.ame, for your inforniati'^n V-'iil siiy, the salary, system for o;:r ct.unty cScers have besn in opera':on and will be published at time this year. Our county officers are on to cheir jcbs and ai'e doing their work to the tisfaction of the public and are drawing their salaries at the rate named by the legislature, and their official administration of affiirs was unanimously endorsed by the Demi- h? u?uu! f“r two years that is we have bcc paying our county officers ?. salui y lor two years, before that time they received ths; fees from the work do!-.e foi the people of the county, but other progressive courrties adopted the s ary system and were saving the t.;x pr.yers so much money that oar comi ty adopted the salary system also, h;:t crats on.last Saturday.—From Burl-jour county officials refuse »o ington News, -\ug. 20. This week. Nay, nay, brother, you must post yourself better chan this. Your party has never published the receipt”, trey h;ive published what purported ro be he expenditures but no one hiis ever knivv.’ whether this was coirect or not, simply because no one iia.-? ever know what the receipts were, there fore they could not know whether all that was received was spent cr not. The taxpayers of Alamance county have been and are now badly imposed upon by their ofJrc’iaisI They are kept in the dark.in regard to all mat- ter concerning finances, our county oflicials have maintained r. secrecy which is equal to or more strict than th« government war department. And p.gain brother your party has not pub- Ji.!S]hS}..J;he saving to our tax payers bj the adoption of the salary sy-stem, jCEH’t ySrget to do^h^s, we be- ilieve you Want jfbur party to Jo right, and you know and alt of us know, ihat t»» wtihhold this information is wrong, dead wrong, wake them up brotlier, and crown yourself with glory. .-O TO OLR SUBSCRiaERS. The Twice-.A-Week dispatch needs money. We do not want you to giv£ us anything, but we need the money you owe us for wading our paper. Vou may not think .so small amount will help, but remember we have so many small amounts due us. that if we could get them all we would be on easy street, so to speiik. If you value oui paper and our efforts to give you real live readible paper, pay us. We have changed the paper to twice a week, instead of once a week as heretofore, and yet we do not rsk I’ou to pay one cent more. Just think you are getting double value and vet you are slow to I'espond to our r.p- peals for money that is honestly nd justly due. Kindly send what you can now, and if you cannot send all, send again later. Who will be the first to show their appreciation. S’aper Mast be Paid for. -^t a trial held before Judge Cle;iv- tr in Martinsville, 111., a jury hns awarded E. S. Clayton, editor of the Planet, S5 damages in a suit bronyht to collect a subscription which the r*e- fendant said he didn't owe us he had ordered the paper stopped. The jury held that as long as the piiper Was taken out of the ofSce, it was suraly read and that the defer^d- ant mu.'t pay. O THEY WERE SATISFIED, 'Two thousand democrats who Wi're in the convention at Graham last Sat urday showed that they were satis fied with the county officers. “The Dissatisfied Democrat,” "The Old tine Democrat” “The Old Time Democrat" and all other kinds of “Democrats” failed to be pja hand. They must have been at home WT^ting more letter — From the 8ur!ing[ton New5, Au^st 20ith, this week. Better revise your figur5S neigh- . - f'-- public the amount we are saving and what they are doing ivith the money, which we are supposed to be saving, jiist why they are doing this we .io not know, but they ate doing it just the same, several of the taxpayers who have wanted to know how much we are saving, are writing cr h«,e written, let us hear from those of you who would like to have this infor mation . Your name will be held strictly confidential. Y'ou may de pend upon this. Address your letter to the State Dispatch Publishing V., Burlington, N. C. 0 The four hundred democrats who attended the county convention last Saturday altogether they renbmsaiited all the old officers except one county commissioner and he was renoitiftiated but was counted oat later, becaws* h« v.'as not a ring man, all these sfoor hundred were not satisfied, ev»n if they did give the old officers a renom- inction, they had to do it, the ring had decreed it, and they dared not disobey the ring, and besides there were no other candidates, it was n^ n- iiiate these, or no one. The ring wa.s S'.» strong and so completely dominated the politics of the county that other people who might have wanted to run for .some office was afraid to do so, knowing the ring was all supi'eine and that if they did oppose them,- that they would not even be appointed^tax lister, poll holder or to any other ^K»- ■sitioii, which the ring controlled. H you want expert testimony hov; strongly the ring is entrenched in tlif county hourt house, ask Dr. Dick Freeman, late candidate for county treasurer. He was a man ivas had given a life time ser\-ice to the cause cf Democracy, this good mao aspired tr he county treasurer, but the ring was against him, and he fell by the wayside. A victim of the ring. Hc« Icng oh how long wil! the your.g man- hooil of -Alamance county Democracy akep, awaken young giants and put o* your armor for the mighty conflict. Y’oiir future political existence is a, stake. Swat the ring, and sw.it ’nm hard. Oui' fellow townsman, Hon. William Houston Can oil, recently chosen Dem ocratic County Chairmar, has been fanner oi'.iet in polities for sometime, owing to ■•■onf’ictin!; views between h:vn and the ruling powers in the Democratic party, but the time has conic when they need his wise coun cil his splendid oratory, his consist ent position upon all public questions, h*s ijns'vverving belief that the people sh:\U role, and in their extremity they hav again called him to ths leader ship of the party. Thi^ action cf the Democratic party proves con clusively that the party leader who maintains a consistent attitude upon alt public questions and regards .the jri^hts of individuals can come’ hacTt, ^.o matter how far he may stra^ from the self-delegated leaders of tha par ty who believe they are the only j.eo- ple who entitled to opinions. We say in all sincedty since Mr. Car roll has again been called to lead his psi-ty, although it is in opposition to { cur party faith, may be lead them wisely and well. 0- -At the Democratic county conven tion held in the court house last Satur day, our townsman Hon. W. H. Car roll, -xas elected county chairman, and we trust that Mr. Carroll •vill main tain his fenner views, that our cc.iii- ty officers are tha sen-£.!;s of the people, and therefore ate entitled to iet the people know how their business Is being conducted. .And will see to it that they make public sll state- r.ients concerning the county finances and the saving, to the county if any frcni the adoption of the salary sys tem. Do these things, and you v.’ill immortalize yourself with tne tax payers cf this tax-ridden county of Alamance. No Proclamation Required. There are people in this counti-y who will postpone the payment of thoir debts, a month or even more, without any proclamation of mora torium.—Boston Globe. O— "Is the man Avho works with his hands or the one who work.? with his head the harder worker?" “Don’t ask me, I use a typewriter.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. — 0 -An equal doom clipped Time's blest wings of peace.—Petrarch. O To Whom It May Concern: Having heard a good deal concern ing the excellent qualities of t':e James Oliver Plow No. 11, sold by Coble and Bradshaw, Burlington, \. C., caused me to call upon Mr. .Iame~ H. Coble, Burlington, Route 1, who owns one, and has recommended it so highly. After observing it work T was convinced that the James Oliver Plow No. II, was the plow for mt. And without further investija or hesitation, I purchased one, I c.m now satisfied that the Jame^ Oliver No. 11 sold by Coble and Br"d' shaw beats any plow I have ever se?n or tested. And if 1 i^ere certain that I could not get another fifce it, I would not dispense with mine for ?150. It has already been worth its price to me, and I have only had it two weeks. My advice to fellow farmers is that if they desire to percserve ten or fif teen years of their lives, that the ssn- cst and best way to do so, is to pur- chast a Jamas Oliver Plow No. 11 from Coble Bradshaw. Sincerely, Greene A. Nichoison, B-24-14. Burlington, N. C. —0 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the power of sale con- t.'sined in a certain deed in trust exe- tuted to the Central Loan & Trust Co, on the 18th day of June, 1914, by Charles Smelhers and wife, .•ind duly recorded in the office of the Register of deeds for .Alamance County, in book No. G6, pages 35 to 42 of Mortgage Deeds, to secure the payment of ten certain bonds, default having been made in the payment of the monthly ii'stalraents on these bonds, the under signed Trustee will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for c.ish the Court House Door of j\lamancc County on Saturday, September 26th, 1934, ai: 11 o’clock A. M., the folloxv- ing land conveyed by said deed in trust: certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on Hawkins Ave„ in the town of Burlington, North Caro lina, adjoining the lads of F. S. Stock- ard, Ruffin Street, and others, and bcunded as follows; Beginning at an iron bolt on Hawk ins -Ave.. comer with said Stockard, thence E. Aith line of said Stockard to an iron bolt ori Ruuiii Street, thence with line of Ruffin Street 70 feet to an iron bolt, thence in a westerly direction to an iron bolt on Hawk ins, Avenue, thence with line of .said Avenue 70 feet, to the beginnig, the same being lot No. 50 in the .sub-divis ion of lot No. 187 in the plat of the •oxm of Burlington. This the 25fh day of Augu.st, 1914. CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO., Trustee. iiiiiiii! t 1 - Low Roood Fares , Md on account of th« NafioiialStar SpftQgled Banner Centemiial ^piemoer 6-15, 1914 VIA Soutliem Railway Southern Railway will sell mund ri«ket« from all points to'Sftltiinore, Md., this Celebration. Dates of sale Sept.^tb, Sth and 10m. final return limit to reach original starting point priot to midnight of I September 19th. Stop overs will be permitted at wash- I ington on return trip within limit of ticket. Excellent ! opportunity to visit Baltimore at small cost and witness i one of this greatest events of the age. I A million dollar display of Historical P-’geantry, In- i dustrial and Patriotic parades, Carnivals. K. vel electric ! illuminations, Army and Navy parade. Fireworks and ; Bombardment. Middle states Regatta; National Athletic I Union Events on land and water. Round trip fares from points mentioned are: From Burlington, N. C., $10.90. : “ CbapelHill, N, C., - 10.90. “ Durham, N. C., ...... 10.90. “ Henderson, N. C., &.60. I " Oxford, N. C., 9.60. I “ Raleigh, N. C., 10,95. I “ Selma, N. C 11.55. 1 Low round trip fares from all points not mentioned on I same basis. I Southern Railway offers excellent tnun service from all points. GoiHl opportunity to make side trips to PhiladeN phiR, New York, Atlantic City, etc. For detailed information and fares from any point on i Southern Railway, apply to ady Southern Ry. Agent, or, 0. F. YORK Traveling Passcngei Afeot Raia|ii, N. C. BUCHANAN’S "5, 10 and 25c Store Give Your Dimes and Nickels A Chance High Cost of tiring Reduced BUCHANAN’S Wbitied’s 0!d Sl&ad The No. 11 James Oliver Sulky PloVi}—^The best sulky plow you The plow and ift.nct draflSed. can ouy. driver are earrk d V^'a went , ou ta be carricd. Gome in ar.(i let 1.3 show you all the good points on tills plow and you will be carricd eway witli it. Simple ca'iatrucfton, il^t easy durability, a&d peifect u ork—t.bat*a tfcc No, 11 Ja:ttes Oliver Stil’ry Flow COBLE-BRADSHAW CO. BURLINGTON, N. C. Old Newspapers_for sale at State DisDat^^Pnb. Co POOR