TO A .vESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURIWGTON, AIAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA, FRIDAY, SE?t. 18, 1914. ALLIES MANEUVER FOR GOOD POSITION Paris Declares There is Nothing New to Report, but Lon don Says The Allies Are Trying to Outflank Foes Before Attacking Breastworks. would make peare. ti alter ihe teiTitorial statue of Her the trouble or'make it worse. The susgestioii was made by. the Empire and possessions and would ' g-i-eave about me. Imperial -Chancellor, von Bethmann-1 no territory oi- dismember ner: RIGHT WING TO BE ATTACKED It Is The Right Wing of the Tuetons That The Frcnch and British Will At tack Most Fiercely—Berlin Official Reports Saj- All Is Well, While Austria Denies She Is Beaten—^InEast Prussia Advantage Is With the Germans—Much Fighlingr Takes Place in Africa. Allies ,• UULU tvi iijtcj (IJC; Ltfll iiunjjl SlMilJP *1T IIPI’ +U, 4. il.l.. . I - __ Dotl*^ I may never ses iyo’J all d)tain, .but God bless you. ■HoUweg to ..mbassador Gei-ard Jf fleet, buf it was said authoritatively! Papa, l ^vill die for her. I will die . Berlin as a result of an inquiry se.r that, nothing of this character was;holding to her. Her mothe. gave her by the American. Government to lear'i t cDr.tained in any of the inessuges from ! • ivhethei- Emperor William desired *.o:£er]iji to thfe'American Government.! BRITISH STEAMERS REPORTED SUNK. Tokio, Sept. 17.—9:59 P. M.—It is reported here that the German cruis er Emden has sunk Uve British steam ers off the coast of India. Passeng- ci s are said to have been saved. - London, Sept. 1“. 9:07 P. M.—An other great battle, even more vital for the countries concerned than those • that have preceded it, is in progress on a line extending from the region of Noyon, on the River Oise, north west of Paris, to the Rived Meuse, north o£ Verdun. The front is shorter than in the bat tle of the Marne, but this will result Only in a more Setcely contested tle, vrith masses of troops throwing tVccmsclves at each other, and every I available piece of artillery concentrat ed in the determined eifort of the ar mies to break through each other’s lines. THe Germans, who a fortnight ago had to abandon their first swift eti- deavor to de.troy the armies of France and Great Britain u:id cap ture Paris, Iiave fortified themselves, on the mountains north of the River >Aisne, through the plains of Cham pagne and in the Argonne Mountains, through which the Meuse flows. They are in stronger positions than they were for the battle of the Marne and have been strongly reinforced with fresh troops from the north and east. i.They already have attempted counter attacks against Che allied troops, wyph flushed with victory have bew . ‘ j ing to prevont them from entrench ing themselves. According to English and French oiiiciai reports, these attacks have been repulsed, and the Germans com pelled to give w^ay at certain points, but the German general staff claims the opposite. GER.MANS WELL PLACED. These Ginuan forces hold a position from a point near Noyon on the Oise, along the district north of the Aisne to the junction of the latter lines running in all directions, which facili tate the movement of troops from St. •Quentin, Guise and Mezieres, In this respect therefore, they are well plac- r ed. ALLIES THREATEN FLAX&S. The Allies, on the other , band, can, and it is believed they are bringing in new troops through Rouen and Amiens threaten the German ftank. In fact, nearly the whole of northwest France is open to the atlies, the Ger- I mans having withdrawn most of their scattered throops eastward toward I the Oise. Field Marshal Kitchener, scscetary f V state for war, speaking todiy with iuil knowledge of the situation at the » front, declared: ^ “The tide has turned," So that he, thocsh telling the public that th« war will be a lung one, appears to be hopeful of the outcome. HEAVY BATTLE ON LEFT. It is certain, however, that the hilly country north of the Aisne offers good ground foi- such tactics. It would ap pear that these western wings of the two armies, the German right and the A]!ie.s’ left, again are to bear the heavy part. Upon the armies of Gen eral Von Kluck and General Von Bue- loiv depend the safety of the rest of the German array, should retreat be decided on or forced on them. Be side.^ holding the £rofit they have to be prepared to withstand another at-»a-i>a3:t, nf.«)i»-AUie8 to-«ut- flank them. Having abandoned Lembery they’now jvon Bernsrsif, | are leaving Gracow and retreating German Ambassador, and Oscar j some unknown place. rwently had reported. '£n'iper^r Wiliiam himself made no -0- INDIAN TROOPS COMING, The little British army that has fought so long and so hard is looking forward to support from Indian troops, which soon should be at ths side of the Englishmen if not for the pre.sent- battlfe, then for the one whi- h must soon foilcw it, no matter how it goes. The French troops in a valua'.ie center of occupation at Soissons— the engineers having closeiy followed the army and repaired the railways— ure being reinforced, and, on ihe. whole, both »s to position and strength of forces the opposing armies appear evenly matched except for the advan tage of the allies in having an army to threaten \'on Kluck’s flank. The situatiofi 'atong the rest of the line is much the -same. In the center between Rheims and the .\rjgonne, the • Germans continue to fortify them- salves, while betwee>i Argonne and Meuse they are entrenching them selves at Montfaucon. French officials warn the public that j as the Germans occupy positions pre pared for defense and are support'-d by heavy artillery, pro;»ress must be slow. It is said by Russian sorrespondents tha'i Ihe .A.ustrians have lost yll dis cipline, the aim of the men bein" to get across the Carpathians. If this is true, their commanders are lii'ely to have difSculty in leading them over 200 miles to Cracov., where they might lind support from the ns.vly formed German corps, which llUS sambled there. Be.«ii3es, they are in danger from the Rus::-i:in army coming from the north. Austria is calling to the colors a^l men available for mihtaiy servicc, ir- cluding those previmsly re-f.led a:- unfit. But this harcliy can i;c.|> ihc Hi my in Galicia, v*hich, acc.'llir.^ Kussian reports, sjifi'ruJ i: rnUe l055ses. QUIET IN EAST PRUSSIA. From East Prussia nothing new has come today except u rejjort that ibe Russian General Rennenkampfif has frustrated the attempt to outflank 1 him and that he has taken up po sitions in line with he forresses on he Russian side of the bordex'. —0— BELGiUM HELPS ALLIES, in Belgium there has beeu a con tinuation of skirmishes \vhich have been a feature of the war since tho Germans advanced into France, with advancts and withdrawals as daily oc currences. For exantpie, the Ger- jr.ans yesterday reoccupied Termonde only to leave it today. Besides the eastern portion of the country the Gcrmaus hold the line al most to Touraas, in the department of Hainaut, thus preveiiting the Bel gians from goiiifc too far in their har- ryinjJT tactics on the German troopsi j proceeding: to I'ram^c. Thu.s far, howevtir, the Helgrian ar my has fultUled its allotted part i>y keeping at least one division froni going to the assistance of the army on the Aisne. AEUL'CTS CHILI) WANTED COURT. IN reply nor did the Imperial Chan^.*el- lor indicate whethei* he f>poke o:) be half of .his monarch. Ambacsadoi', Gerard cabled President Wiison tli-i' Chancellov's reir.arks from lecoilec-! tions, which substantially were as fol lows: “Germany appreciated the Ameri can Government's interest and oifer of services in trying to make peacs. Germany had war forced on her. Even if she defeats Franche, she must van- * Sensational Developmeni.'S of Habeas Corpui' Case iti Court Yesterday —ShtTiff 3Iust Act. Charlotte, Sept. JC.—The order is- ^sued hy Judge Thomas J. Shaw yes-1 business. j le'-'Oay aflerr.ooh in Mecklenburg Su- j Pm going to take her to the end of perior Court commanding Sheriff N, ihe w'orid before they get her. Good- on her dying bed to die by he^' and I’m going to stick to iier mother^=; dying words. Papa, I won’t tell no one on earth where I'm going. I wish I- could te!i you ail about it, T just knov,- you woni let me have her. I hated to take her off and her not well' but if she died she will die with me if I don’t die first. Papa that’s what . I came for. I came prepared for this But I did not tell no one. W. Wallace to prepare the necessary papers for the immediate arrest of Mr, Tom Boyd, a v,-ell-known farm er of the Steele Creek section of the I county, brought to light one of the peace except by common consent. England has announced that she in tends to fight to the Jimit of her en- duranve, in view of hat determinaion the United States ought to get peare pi'oposals from the AlHe. Geiinany could accept only a lasting peace, one that tv'ould make her people secure agamst iuture attaek.s. To accept mediation now would be interpreted ny the AlJtes as u sign of weakness and also ^wuJd be misundej'stood by the German, ^people, who, having made great sacrifices, have the right to demand guarantees of sefurity.” MIGHT BE OPENED. Ambassador Gerard added to this only the bri«jf comment, that he him self, thought the way might pos.sibly be o{ie;ied to mediation. President Wilson, novvever, did not. regard the message as bringinjf anything tang- ibie. He referred to the Chancellor's convejsatiou a5 iion-committal. The President took no action as a result of the message, waiting to )\ear frv>m Ambassador Gevard whether anything of a more foimal character could be obtained. Germany’s position is that she will give her opinion on peace terms whoa ?he has received a definite statement from the Allies of their proposals. The statement that Germany had v,ar forcetl on her as well as the declara tion that she wanted a lastiiig peace is almost identical with remarks Sir Kuward Grey made to Ambassador . Page i]i London last week regartling jionight at a dinner given by the Jan-| England's position, anese asaoeiation, which v;as attord-j general belief tonight was that ^ed by Takaaki Kato, the Japanese for-j President, after vraiting a few I eign miriister, and George W- Guth-1 days for more information from 3er- j rie, the United States Embassador. | hn, probably would instruct the Amer- Viscount Kentaro Kaneko, president ican Ambassadors at London, Paris JAPAN AVOWS FRIENDSHIP. Tokio, Sept, i7.~10:2o A. M.—A notable demonstration of friendship toward the United States was made quish Great Britain and Russia also ^ sensational episodes in court civ- as all three have «greed not to make that has occurred within recenc years in tiiis ^'ection of tii^ State. Th-i whole trouijle arose over the posses sion of a bright, rosy cheeked blue eyed little girl, the daughter of Mr. Leander W-lson, a farmer cf the s::i:ie coninu; Ki;', who ever since she was eight niLnths of age has been a meni- ijcr of the Boyd family. F.ajrer to ef fect the return of his child, Mr. Wil son retained the services of Mr. J. i!. McCall of the local bar and habeas corpus papers were sworn out and served on Mr. Boyd last Saturday com manding him to bring^ the child in court and show cause why Ihe request of the petitioner, Mr. Wilson, should not Ue granted. These paper.? were served on Mr. Boyd at his home i:i Steel Creek last Saturday afternoo:: and according to Judge Shaw's order Mr. Boyd wa.s to bring the child, also named Leander Wilson, into Court •Monday morning at which time the matter iietwee)' the two men would be ndjadiciated. Up to ihis point ev erything was moving in routine or der, even to the point .'.f Mr. Eoyd’ii driving into the city and securing th-i services of an attorney to plead his cause ir. court. GERMAN' DEFENSE PREPARED. The Germans are preparing for ev ery eventuality and are maintaining a force superior to that of the Bel gian arnjy in Belgium to cover the retirement of the main army should that become neccssary. They are re ported So be strengthening fortifi cations on the llhine, where, i ’ ne v-=i- sary, they cou'i ^:5ntiiiue "ong tk- fensive. ' AUSTRIAN’S IX BAD PLIGHl'- Al! reports bot.i from Pacrograd and such independent soifrces as Rome and Bucharest, teiid to con^ii'i. or paint in gloomier colors. th: critical position of the Austii-i i armies in Galicia. Thes^ arrssies, which set out to arrest the advance of the m'i in Rus sian army in Germany, have had the tables turned on them by the Rus sian generals Huzsky and Brussiloff and are threatened with envelopmei^t. of the association scored thi>se per sons who, be said, were trying to es trange the Uniied States and Jai ,n. “Japan will not only not attack the Philippines.” said Viscount Kaneko, “but she never had any idea of dis turbing the trafi'juility of the terri torial waters of the Philippines. Our friendship will be as firm and immov able as historic Plymouth Eoek.” Other speakers suggested an alli ance between the United States and Japan on the preservation of peace in in Pacific. PEACE MUST BE GUABAXTEED TO LAST. Chancellor Bethmaa-Hollnreg Talks to Ambassador Gerard about Medi ation—Gerard Cables Report. Washington, Sept. 17.—Germany has suggested informally that the United States should undertake to elicit from Great Britain, France and Russia a statement of terms under and Petrograd to communicate what the Imperial German Chancellor had said to Ambassador Gerard. It was CHILD I)ISAl>l‘EAKS. Sensation No. i was sprung Mon day mornint; when Mr, Bayd and his lawyer, Mr. F. M. Kedd, appeared i.i court but there was no child. Ac cording to Mr. Boyd’s story the baby had disappe.ircd and with it. his 22- year-old dauf;iiter, llis.=i Arpy Wilsoii. He stated—a!id be exhibited a no;o from his daughter to substantiate his declaration—that his grown daught er, who was especially fond of the child and who was very apprehensiv-.? lest it be taken away, had fled with't early Sunday morning and that lie had no knowledge as to her where abouts. In response to questions from Judge Shaw, Mr. Boyd stated that he believed the Ambassadors would be had no intimation that anything was asked to reiterate the wish of i he j brewing, that his daughter had aken .Vmerican Government to be of scr ; brewing, that his daughter had taken vice in bringing about peace. Diplomatists were disposed to be lieve that through such informal con versations something definite might be obtained as a working basis. If a concord of opinion for discussion of peace terms was reached. President Wilson then would endeavor to ob tain an acceptance by all belligerents of good offices. This w^ould not mean a cessation of- hostilities unless the mediating power specificslly made it a condition of mediation and all bel ligerents agreed to it. An armistice would serve merely as a trace while peace was discussed. Various reports were current today that Germany had named several con ditions under which she would make peape; that she had refused proposals bye to all. Goti bless you. ARPY. Judge Shaw Was very sharp in ias comment on the case and -severely scored Mr, Boyd for allowmg the child tr- leave his custody, following the re ceipt of the order of the court. He thereupon commanded Mr. Poyd to in stitute search for the child and the grown daughte:' and appear ag-iin in court the day following, Tuesday at 2:u0 o’clock. Notice was given that unless the child was produced, that severe measures might be invoked. —0— AXO'UIER SENSATION. Serisation No. 2 developed yester day afternon when the baby, uander Wilson the grown-up daughter Arby Boyd nor even Mr. Xom Boyd appearred in court. They had all dis- appeai-ed, ft was anticipaled that the grown u;.’ daughter might make good her escape with the child but no one dreamed that Mr. Boyd hiniseif would fail to appear. He was to be fouiiu aowhere nor did he show up later ni the afternoon. When Judge Shaw culled lh(‘ ca.'-e. Mr. Keud was tiie only one of the party present iiiv.i he could do nothing save submit a statement as to the facts in the case statement as to the facts in the case. Thereupon Judge Shaw ordered Sher iff Watlace urider section relat ing to “.Attachment for Failure (o Obey" in habeas corpus proceedings, to i.'-sue tile iieiessary papers and im- mediateiy apprehend Mr. Boyd and bring him into court. The child, Leander Wilson, given to the Boyds iibont three and one-half years ag-j by her mothe:', who was then almost on her death bed as a result of tuberculosis. .-Vboui three years ago the father made an effort to recover the child but Judge W. J. -\dams then held that is best intere.sts would be subserved by re maining where it was. The mother ;u‘ rendered the child on t oiidition thu; it be brought to her from time to time while she was sick. This v.-as doae and then on her death bed. Mis. Wil son gave it again in the charge of the Boyds. Hence the trouble now, O N. C. Printers to Meet. The North Carolina Master Print ers’ Association will hold a meeti.ig the child over to a neighbor's Sunday morning and that he thought that she in this city, Tuesday and Wednesdi was merely paying a visit. Ke added of next v. jek, September 22 and 23. that so soon as he missed her, that he instituted a strict search but that he could not find any traces of her at all. He did find later a note, which he submitted as evidence of the verity of his story. This note is 'herewith reproduced verbatim: Dear Mother and Faith>;r: I will write you a little note to toll you all not to greave about me aAd the baby. I’m going to take this baby and go. I know it is viTong in the site of God for them to have this baby the way they have treated her. I have the money in pienty to take care of her ar.d me. I thought I would settle lotte Observer. The ;st session will be held o;; Tues.iuy ,-ifternoon at 2:30 o’clock i>i the rooms of the Chamber of Com merce. Al! the meetings will be inforn-nii arid the object of same is purely edu cational. There will be ro social en tertainment, A number of' qtiestion wilt be dis cussed, there xvill he blackboard illiis- itratioflS'-and reports of the sev^^i comiriitteies of the association. On*j of the features of the meeting will bs five minute .^hop talk by the mem bers. This is ahvays an interestirj featut« of these gatherings.—Char- PRINT

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