A PROGRESSIVE . 'TJBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO T^E UPBUIUPSHC'OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSKtlBS. —r - ,- rffer ' ■ ' - -- BURLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAiWA. TUESDAY. SEPT 22, 1914. Sometimes Regiments Wade Through Water Waist Deep to Engage Their Foes; A Little Re^t In Peltir g Storm and Then Agaii* Into the Midst of Fighting. FRENCH AVIATOR VEDRINES SLAYS ADVERSARY IN AIR I Gtrman Airmen Sails Over Allies’ Lines and Intrepid Frencltman Goes Up Witli Gun end Destroys Him and His Machine—Such Terrible Fight ing and Great ArtiiUery Duels Ha»e Never Been Known to Man as Now in Progress Across Northern France. 0_ ?a^is, Sept. 20.-11:00 P. M.—The .anow and Kanichow (in Galicia) were official statement issued tonight says lepiilsed with heavy losses, that in violent fighting north of Sois-1 “Siege artillery is lombarding the sons, the Germans gained ground, j fortifications at Jaroslau. ‘‘Fighting IS goinfj cr» agalu»t lutf garrison at Przemysl, who have re plied with artillery fire. “Russia troops crossing the forest are finding batteries abandoned by the Austrians.” THE BATTLE UNDECIDED. London, Sept. 20.—9:45 P. M.— One of the fiercest battle of all time'?, which has been raging across North ern France for a week past, with firKt a slight advantage on one side and then on the other, retoains undecided. The two great armie.? which have bsen l^htinc ior with-^few if aity intermissiiAis, fiars Ag ttem- relves into entrenclhjnents on rivers ai-.d niountain ranges on a front reach- ig from the Oise ta the Meuse, And thenc« southeastward along the Fj anco-German frontier. . Artillery duels such as never be- fciie have beefi seen ere being carried on with the hope of compeUing the Lvacuatioii of the strongly held po sitions. vi-ith ocsacioral sucecsse.s to thi' opposing :^tdes, while thif infantry in the face of a galling |fire, have which afterwards was recouped fay th>; Allies. The statement reads: “On the left wing north of the rivar Aisne below Soissons,-our*troops were furiously counter-attackcd by super ior forces and yielded some ground, which however, they i-egained almost .immediately. "On the other hand, we have con tinued our progress on the right bank of the River Oise. "Likewise, north of Sheims, we have repulsed all the enemy’s attacks although they were vigorously coii- du?te4 . .. - , ■ - the center, east of Sbdnta^ m beve made new progress through our vattacks. “In the Argonne situation remains unchanged. “In the Woevere district the la.=.t rains have soaked the ground to such an extend that all army movemev.ts have become very difilcult. “General Le De Maud Huy (SOth Iii- fantlry Brigade of the Sixth army corps) has received on the battlefield the cross of commander of the Legio;i cE Honor." —0— B«mSH CRUISER DISABLED. London, Sept- ?'J.—11:10 P. M.— The British admiralty reports that the German protected cruiser Koen- jgfbery caught the British light cruis er Pegssus overhauling her machin ery in Zanzibar harbor this mornirig and attacked and compIei*l3( dfefibbed her. The British lost lieavily. —o_ ’’ ' GEHMAN MERCHANT CRmSEH SUNK. Londoi)), Sept. 20.—8:57 P. M.— The official press bureau made the ^ ^following .mnouncemelit tonight: * “The Carmania, armed as an aux- ilitry craiser, attacked and sank a German armed merehant cruiser, eith er the Captrafalgar, or the Berlin, off the east coast of South America. “The survivors of the German ship were rescued by a' collier. The Car mania had nine men killed and 2>1 tvoufided. FIGHT IN WATER WAIST DEEP. London, Sept. 20.—10:10 P. M.— Reports from the front says the Exchange Telegraph’s Paris corres pondent, show that the French and Britisii troops are fighting waist deep in water, the rains having flooded their trenches. PRZEMYSL IS BOMBARDED. Petrograd, Sept. 20.—The ofiRcial itatelner.t from the chief of the gen eral staff issued tonight, says that the Russians are bombardinj: the Jortpess of Przeiays:, whose artillery, has opened fire. The statement follows: “Austrian troops which attempted to check oar advance in front of Bar- BRITISH LMIT.ATE JAPS. The British apparently tove learn ed somethicg .from the Japanese at tacks on Port .Arthur. They make a rush forward and whe.n the fire Be- ccmes too heavy for them to Make a further advance they again dig trenches for themselves and remain there until another opportunity oifers them to gain a few more yards. The German.^ have had most of their artillery at work, but the French ure bringing up more and bigger guns. This kind of fighting with both sides in strong positions may go an for days yet, but sooner or later one side must find the continued fall of shells and the disconcerting infantry at tacks too much for them, and, leav ing a strong rear guai^, will draw back for abreathing speli. BATTLE LIKE SHA-HO. i The battle resembles in many par ticulars that of the Sha-Ho in 1904, v.’bere th« Japanese and Russiasis with' much more time to do it, estafaiished of another German flag. FRENCHMAN WINS IN Allt. Jules Vadrines, the noted French aviator, was credited with a eourage- ous fight in mid-air with a German aviator who he brought to earth. The Gcrir>an was daringly reconi^oitering the posilaon of the allies when Ved- iir.es ascstsded. Moving; i^viftly upward until he was abovTt^the German, Vedrines gave chase. The German machine was riddled and the aviator kiUed, both collapsing to the ground fifteen minutes after Vedrines took tlie air. Vedrines has accomplished a simitar feat once be fore. ^hese incriifents, however, arc important only for their infiuence in encouragiag the allied troops, and do not affect the result of the great bat tle which already has lasted a week and prostises to continue tor many days longer. Military experts believe the longer the battle endures the better it vrill be for the allied armies, _ - - -.-*L * CONTINUE FIRE ON RHEIMS. A the w#st«l-n eiiJ of the battle Ur.t Rheims has been the object of ■p-he greatest attention from the Ger- .’nans, who time after Mme have un positions which each thought to be attempted to break the impregnable. j allies lines after subjecting the town .Shells and infantry attacks, how-!^^ Intense bombardment. It is the ever, finally compelled tbs Russians i Germans’ iatention, it is understood, to withdraw with lasses thai at thatj^ captrS^ Rheiins, which is an im- time were without precedent, ^th all | Pt'rtant railroad junction, the posses sion of which would give them the command of another road to the ."ortli. 7'hey hav^e made an espcci'a? mark of the majynificenl cathedral, are :it-iflamef; since yes- terdav. the hard long fighting behind them the Germans again are making attacks toward Verdu'n, while the aSlies are making frontal attacks un the Ger man right and oi'.cc more tempting to outflank it. The German cavalry have been ] —— showinfT considerable daiing; and ALLIES bcctjpy HEIGHTS, have been trying to cut the comroun-j The, allies,;-w.eaiitiaje. have maiie ie.'j.tious of the allies between the | for themselves a strong position t r. Oise and the coast. French reports confii-m runiov.^ fliat charged hight up to the guns, only to he Saxon army under Gei:. \’on Hau- n’.ake their opponents give way slight-' stn, has been reorganized. TI’,\ re ly, or be repulsed v«th great losses, pert used tho phrase “broken up” but —0—‘ this is taken to mean that it has hecr. FIERCEST ON THE LEFT. reorganized and the parts distriiiut- Fighting has been fiercest on the awong he other armie.=. Its cKva!- VUies’ left, which lies on the right been sent east, bank of the river Oise, in the vicinity “ jf Rheims, the famons cathedral of HARD FIGHTING IN G.-\L CIA. wljich has, baen set afire by German While accounts of the operations shell^and beCwe^^.that town.and thv> ir. Galicia differ and one ^oes so far Argonne ridge, n has been give and f ' to say that General DanUl’s army lake all the time. jis surrounded by Russians and only French official reports again claim | remnants of the German corns ther^ slight progress on the French left and that the allies again have repulsed sti'ong frontal attacks between Cro- onne and Rheims. TIDfi EBBS AND FLOWS. ' Around Rheims itself matters have been about equalized; as the Ger mans have recaptured the heights of Brimont, while the French have taken the defenses of 1* Pompelle. The French also have scored a suc cess between Rheims ^r.d Argonne, where they have taken the village of Sonain, and have captured numerous prisoners In addition the French report pro gress on the western sSopes of the Arjronne, where\ the Crown Prince’s army oppses them, while the Ger mans have retired beyond the fron tier !Lorrair,e, evaSJating Avri- court. In ail oatses these are separate at- ta?KS by-th»~ armies lying ir. the trenches waiting for their‘artillery to compel the other' side to slacken its. fire. The losses in these attacks must be enormous for the men can not move a foot without being made targets of the heavy guns posted on the hills above them. I'cmain, it is considered certain the armies havt not come to grips again af 'yet. The Russians will have to capture PrezemysU where it is re ported tliree German army :;orps have been sent to hold the Austrians, be- bore they can make further progress westward. The other Russian ar^iy, however, will be free to proceed against 6*acow if General Dankl is disposed of. The German army in Silesia has beeonie more active and the Russians are claiming to have taken a cart of artillery on the Bres- laa-Ivangorod lines. The Servians, announce another victory by their army over the Aus trians near Novipazar, the toim which has been so often mentioned in Aus- tio-Servian controversies. Fron the Battle Front, Sept. 20. via Paris, 5:36 P. M.—Tne bulk of the allied armies remained -today iti trenches, waiting while their artillery exchanged a furious cannonade with the strongly placed German batter ies. Some brilliant feats at arms were performed at various points on the lines extending along the Oise, the Aisne and Woevre. The seasoned Al- geriinrfrcops msde s i^lant capture the right; bank of the Aisne, where they occupy* all tii» lieighls. ' The Germans have taken advantage of Uk- •sites of tjii? forts inteftded for i.hc defenle'S>£'Eliei'wsV iut which wore abandoned by the allies when the in vaders made a rapid dash southward from Belgium. A hea^'y hail^siorm, with a cold wind, added today to. the hafdships of the entrenched troops who are en tirely without tents, but it dtd ao*^ affect their spirits. 0—0—o C.VTHEDRAL OF .UHEOJS DE- ed that he was 22 years of age. and HTnOYED BV GERMANS. i that during the summer he has been Bordeaux, Sep. 20.—10:25 P. M.— piryiiig ball with the Soanoks base- The Minister of the Interior Louis J.' tall club of Virginia. He stated that H.A.W RU'KR MA.\ SERIOUSLY L\- JURED. Mr. Daniel Davis Found Unconscious Beside Railroad Early Sunday Morning. Lying with his leg crushed and h deep gash in his head, Mr. Daniel Davis, a young white man, of Hav/ Pwiver, was found on the Southevn tracks near that town Sunday morn ing. The crew of Southern passenger train NK 1U8, that is due to arrive here at 9:28 a. m., fdujid the young .man lying in an unconscious condi tion on the track and brought him to Durham. He was carried to the ilercy Hospital and throughout yes terday afternoon and until late last night the physicians and hospital au thorities thought that the injiirie.s must necessarily prove fatal. How ever, this moming the treatment cf the physicians began to have favor able results and his condition is re ported slightly improved. He no.v has a fighting chance for recovery. When the Southern passenger train passed Haw River early yesterday morning, ‘.he engineer saw the body covered i;i blood lying on the tracks. He stopped the train and the crr*v placed the injured man on board. The train was brought into the city limits on time and a telegraph mcss,age to Southern Agent J. W. Hoach, in Dur ham, asking him to have an ambu lance and a physician at the train, was carried out. THe aihbulaiicc rushed the wounded man to the hospital, where he was operated on in great hi.ste. .Just how the accident occurred i.'; not known. The youtijf man’s fatli- cr, who is a prominent citizen of Haw River, was in Durban! yesterday and arranged for every possible at tention to bo given his son. He could noi tell how the accident occurreti. The gcner:ij idea of those familiar with railroad acciflenls, is that he at- toniptsd to board i. freight train and was thrown under the wheels- The injuries consisted of a mangled left leg, cuts about the face and body, and a deep gash ir the skull, that may result iu cor.cussion of the brain. He w.is also badly bruised- Loss of blood caused his sohditSeii lo be unusually weak. Should he Sur vive the accident, it will sheer piuck and grit to hold on to his chanc^ foi recovery. The fathc!" of the young man stjit- Mah-j-, announced today that the fam ous Cathedral of Sheims had uaen destroyed and other historic and pub lic buildings either laid in ruins or seriously damaged by Gei’man artil- iei y. Coupled with this announcemen!; was a statement that the Government had decided to address to all he pow ers a note of indignant protest against “this act of odious vandalism.” Structures, the Minister said, which had been destroyed or ruined included in addition to the Cathedral, the 12th century church of St. Jacques, the J.5th century archbishop’s palace, and the city hall, dating from the 17th century. M. Malvy said official reports re pealed that the Cathedra! was in flames today, the burning having be gun yesterday aS a result of the ceaseless bombardment. It was offisially stated that the de struction of these hist-oric buildings indieeted the Gemisns eonsidered their situation desperate. 0 TJie government in other words will soak the soaks, and put the heft of the war tax on old j. Barleycorn. young Davis had only V.een home a few days and that the accident was -. lotai surprise to his family. 0 .Greensboro Boy Was Drowned at Nor folk. Palmer T. Phillips, an employee ot the Southern Railway Company, fell overboard at Norfolk, Va., Thursday nifrht and was drowned, his many friends will be grieved to learn. The body was not recovered until late Fri day afternoon, when his parents. Mi. a.«.d Mrs. Bryan Philiips, of 80:J Ashe- boro street, this city were notified ot the death of their son. The deceased was a young man. only t*A years of age. He -Had been in the employment of the Southern Kaiiway Company during the past fve years, with headquarters in, Greensboro, and at the titne of iris death was in Norfolk on bu.siness for the company. Hr. Phillips leaves a father and Hiother, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Phillips, six sisters, Mrs. J. W. Stedman, Mts. W. P. Herndon, Misses Lena, Fleta, ard Joyce Phillips, of this city, and Mrs. J. M. JIcAdams, of High Poiri'.. Hc also leaves two snsaU children. The burial services will b; conduct. e(J 8t Mt. Hcrmgn Msthodist Protest ant Church, six miles south of Gra ham, by Rev. R. G. L. Edxvards, an ex-pastor of the family, at S o’clock this afternoon. The pall bearers will be employe.s of the Southern Railway Company. .V large number of friends will accompany the bereaved family today to Graham on the 9:40 a. m. train,—GreenBb«» News, Sunday. —lo .Surprise Marriage of Miss Ada Beit Isley ttt Mr. Paul Morgan. Miss Ada Bell Isley and Mr. Paul Jforgasi took tfteir many friends by surprise and were married in Gra ham yesterday evening by Rev. Mr. Green. ■ • The an'air was altogether a sui’prise a;j none of the members of the fa«!:ly on either side knew of the plans if the young people. The bride was vis iting in Durh:i«i, where she was met. by|Mr. Morgan and driven immediai;?- ly ihrough the country to Grahani wl^Bre they were married. Mr. Morgan is conected with ais fi.ther in the tobacco busincs.^ .-.i. Jvingstree. S. c., and is a youner man of promi.se. He wins as his bride .infc of our most beautiful and charmi.-ig young wonjen wtih a sweet Christia.i character and has many accompli^h- nient.=!. Both bride and groom are inember,?^. ^ of the best known and most respec.ed faniilie.= of our town. O Gospi*! Tent .Meeting The Gospel Tent Meetir.fr, Webb -Avenue, East Burlington, conducted by Rev. H. M. North and the M. E. pastors of the city is beings largel.v attended and much good is being ^lo- Handsome Store Fronts. |tnmplished at each service. Not less B. .A,. Sellars & Son are keepi.i"! than a thousand people were present pace with the spirit of progress our tov- n by putting in hai^some naw' fronts in their dry goods and cloth ing stores on Main street. These fronts were constructed by a leading manufacturer of store fronts from designs drawn by an ar chitect and come all ready to put in place. The origins! fronts including the suKporting posts are being ^a’tven I Ibut to be replaced-with all glass and metal materials equal in appearancr to any in the city as '.veil as those of the larger towns. 0 'So your work is monotonous, is it ? Why don’t you get a job in ^ shoe store?” “Why there especially?” I “Something new going on all the time.”—Boston Transcript. 0 Mr. Webb is in favor of an honest primary law, but— at the Sunday meetings. The meet ings will continue there this W’eek at 3:i,J P. M. and at 7:30 P. M. Sev. North preaches at the night services and every sermon counts for righte- ousnas-. ;.nd is truly practical. Earn est :i-eloquent. The singing is of the vory best, being led by Mr. Milan, of Atlanta, who had charge of the music at the famous Kilgo Meetings in Charlotte, last spring. Hear him. The tent is full of excellent Chautau- ,qua seats with good backs and you car. be perfectly comfortable while he.aring the Word, Come! , . — o “How did they gtet Into the scrap?” “^png to ptteserve' their Neutral ity.”—Detroit FVee Press. O "Stay on the job,” says the Presi dent; and “Amen,” sKouts the avjr- age man, worn out with the toils aaii lordships of a snminer vacatioii.

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