A PR06REb.% ^ REPXIBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIE. BURLIXGTOK, ALAMANCi; COL'XTY .NORTH GAROLIKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 19H. t r^ r-v 1 ■ • 1 T' - ; exjwrience of the last few days leads A-I^icd AriXlj V/llOSC Gsps riflVC OCCri X luCCl Witil Jrrcsll.'n;e to believe may ii8 the hevaid of r-k « 1 I r« • victory. That, at least, is how I ivotid Iroops, Thrust Back the Vigorous German Oitensiye Moverhent at Western End ot the Battle Front and out a ‘ ounter A.ttack and Gain Ground. Carry Germans Report That Efforts ot French to Encircle Their Right Fails— Przemysl Is Surrounded— Russiands Bieween That Fortress and ( ra- fow—It May Be Some Days Before Another Big Battle is Fought Over in That Section of the Country. At the Battlefront Sept. 24—via Paris, 5:16 P. M.—The German off ensive was extremely vigorous today at the western end of the long line stretching along the rivers Oise, Aisne und Woevre. The allied troops whose gaps had been filled with freshly ar- rired reinforcements, not only repe.it- edly thrust back the German attaci; but eventually ean-ied out a success ful counter attack which resulted in i the gaining of considerable groa'id j and the definite capture of Peronne, | about which town the fiercest engage- j ment occurred. j .‘^t one place victim? of the dea ily' the German line crosses tha Aisne con tinuing southeast to Briracnt, which has been the center of many vigorous attacks. .\long the rest of the line, although there have been fierce engagenients in which both sides claim victory, Ihfi situation is unchanged except that, according to German .>-eports, the German troops have recaptured Var- eness, department of Meuse. ^ The Austrial general staff denies reports of Sussiari victories and the defeat of Genera! Dankl’s army. Ihe Austrian force.'!, the report says, have been concentrated in a new po- Gerraan machine guns were countcc' ■ pition for in hundreds, especially where the ad- i'ance wasac ross an open wheat field. Some men of a French regimeiit, which was making a dash toward tn"? German position when it was struck by the sweeping fire, were found dend in the kneeling postures, they bad tKken behind sheaves of wheat anc from where they had emptied their magazines, intending to i-tart a final rush and bayonet charge. After the fight 900 deatJ were bur ied in a single trench six feet deep, Gcrmsns beiiJg placed at one end and Trench at the other. On the castorn wing the Germans are thro%ving cn >r- mous masses of men against the French troops protecting the line .if; defensive forts above Verdun, but up to the present their efforts, al- tnough costing immense sacriuce have been vain and the French line re mains intact. The military experts shower pratsc on General Joffre for the way his pirins are carried out. several days, but have waited in vain for another serious Russian attack. Frcm other sources, however, ;t is reported that the littssions have sur rounded Pszemysl and are between that fortress and Cracow. It may be some days before anoth er big battle is fought here, as ons Austrian army is liehind the forts of Przemysl and the other is making its w,iy to the remaining fortress of Cracow, while the Sussians are tak ing tho smaller towns in Galicia un- dei’ their wing. A report which lacks afflcial con firmation, says General RenaenkampiT VI 1*0 withdrew over the Ea.st Prus sian fiontier when German reinforcr*- mentf arrived, has^'received more m^n ami again hut, taken tho offutisr..! ant! compelled the Germans to with draw. It is considered probable tiiat thii fall of Jaro.-=iaii and the isolation of Przemysl has compelled the Gennanr^ to lock more closely to the protection of their line from Thorn to Kaliez, v.hich guards Posen, as the Russian.^ i.'iw are able to release a large num- “Betv;eer. the river Oisne and t'.\e River Aisne the enemy continues io maintain important bodies of troo;>3 well entrenched. We have made a slight advance to the northwest, of Berry-au-Bac. “Second: On the center between Rheims and the Argonne district the situation shows no change. To tha east of the Argonne and on the heights of the Meuse the enemy has continued his attacks, delivering them with es pecial Wolcnce. The fighting ^-ontinues accompanied by alternate retirement.s at certain joints and advance? at oth ers. “Our right wing there has been no change of importance. “In the region of Nancy and in the Vosges certain detachments cf the enemy have again nttempted to enter upon French soil, driving back slight covering b'.oies of our troops, but their offensive was soon stopped. “In Galicia and Russians, having taken possession af Jaroslau, are completely investing Przemysl ai;d continuing their offensive mover.vjnt on Cracow." ! the situation. . ■ 1 “I have seen our troops and the j French go into battle these last dayr n"'t as worn and weary men, but s;i conquerors. I ha\’e seen them return woulded from this valley of dieath with the conquering spirit fanned to fierce fury.' “The scene of tha river at night was magnificent and appalling. The whole valley v,-as swept with a bla?o of searchlights from darkness until d£.wn, ‘“Here and there a fiash revealed the bursting of a shell. Over all roil ed the perpetual thunder of the guns, a fierce and thrilling accotnpanimc-nt. "An incessant rain, too, flooded the great river, making the work of the engineers a veritable task of Hercu les. “This was a battle to the last ounce of strength, in which man and horse pGured out their whole lives in a few frenzied moments. Day and night the combad raged without intermis sion, ebbing and flowing like the tide, seething like a cauldron and into tho hell strong men went down. It was a brave sight to see them go, gaily and iight^hearlcdly, to return perhaps ii- a fev/ hours broken for like or H n'ay be never to return at all, for the loss, was terrible. j bei' of men for the invasi'in of th&‘ HKAVY ARTILLERY SLAVING LARGE PART. London. Sept. 24.—P. — Artillery continues to i>Iay a leading i (Germany, part in tlie battle of the Aisne, whierl i Servian and Aloiit^iV-ogrin .arin- has been in prcgress r.early a fort- befoi-e Sarajevo, capital night. The opposing forces c'^J^tinue flushed with vict!j: v a:ul prc- to hammer away at each othev from late .t atu;uii-inim their well entrenched and fortified dual iwonarchy, the pj^syession pc-sitions with the greatest stabbArn- ness but without decision. Almost without a lull great shjlls are being hurled across the rivers, valleys and plains stretching from the river Oise in the West to the Meuse in the east, and thence soutn- ward along the whole Franeo-Gerinan of which by Austria h.»s been such a thorn in the side of the southern Slavs. In the operations he'i th;^ mvaJeis look forward to a hearty welcome from the greater part of the popu lation. This war, while in Bosnia and Galicia it is uniting race.=i long sep arated by artificial boundaries, is al- sects of sU the countries engaged. In Germany the socialists are f:,:ht- fccrder, while the lighter guns play gg drawing; together the races and , on the infantry lying in the trenches awaiting an opportunity to deliver n'-- tacks and counter-attacks, with as the ^ jng jn line with their greates- ene- F'rench official communication says, j,iles the militarists. In Kussia revo- “alternate retirement on ceitam j lutionists are fighting or returning points and advance on otJicrs.’* [ home to fight for the emperor. Great The battle line has stretched our I Britain is leceiving support from all farther westward, the Frcnch ieit sections of the empire, wing having made some progress in the direction of Vove, northwest of Novon. The latter place a few days ago was the allies' extreme left. A detachment has occupied Ffcror.nej Elill further north. A report from German headquart ers dated September 23 says, ho'^ever, . that the efforts of the French to en circle the German right have had no result. 'Tae French also claim to have made an advance northwest Berry-au- Back, which is about the pohit where THE ALLIES ADVANCE L\ DiREC- T!ON OF RGYE. Paris, Sepi. 24.—2;5G P* M.—The following ofBcial announcement vas made in Paris this afternoun: *‘First; Or. oui^i^t wiri-:’’bt^wee'i tho river Somme and the river Oise, our troops have advanced in the di rection of Roye. A dctachment oc cupied Peronne and held thi?^ position in spite cf a spirited attack on the piirt of the enemy. iiVSi^fAS AUVANCE BKFORE TME FORTRESS OF CRACOW, London, Hopt. 21—5:28 P. M.—A Petrograd dispatch forwarded to Jjon don hy ihe Rome correspondent of the Central Mewa Agency sav=, thut the Russrin advance ^usrJs already have arrivrsd befoi'c the Aiistriati f*.>rt“ re s of Cracow. FKEVCH TliV TO EWEtOP GER MAN AUMV. Loudon, tiept. *J4.—li:UO P. M. i j Remains of Prestons Carried on Asheboro. Gieensboro, Sept. 2o.—The rei.-.ains of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard M. PreJiton, of Cambria, Va., who met tra^i" death?., the husband instantly a»:d th.: wife dyinjr a. few hours Inter iifiec l.ie- jng micons.'iotif? since tJie accideJJi, ;it the iaiIro?d r*r*'.ssing, two mileis t’ns .sidf o.f Mebane Wednesday nv>rning. were yesterday carried to Asheboio where* the funera! sers’icei-* wi'tl *■{? held this nu rnsrp at 11 o'ciocl;. Mr. and Mrs- Preston, wK'o vrcre mnrntrd l:isl .laruiarv. weie or. ihMr The ciirres).onrit;;l of the Reuter Talilway to visil Mr.‘=. Preston’s paiviiit;, eft-ram Comp;U)v at Berlin, in a di.i- patch readisiv^ here by way of Ar.i- sierdani, transmits an official rr^port j^iveii out at. urmy headqiiarters. Thi-* annuncemon: is dated Septer ber 2o, evening, and is as follows: “The ii{.Tiit wing cf the Cernan Wi-st army, beyonJ tho river Oi^ne, has been engagetl iri battle with French who tried unsueeessfully to envelop it. ‘'Eastward, :is far as the Argonne foresi, these were no important, en gagements today. "To the east of the Argonne region, Varennes was captured in the course of the day, un,d ceedlng. "German !-zr. and C. ii. Ru.«?h, who resitk in Ajibcboro, where tho auto they werr' drivir.j?; wa- struck by Southern pas- ^^enger train No. 2i. The same trai'^ carri^^d their bodies, io High Point yesterday afternoon, where they wer^* put on the :.rain for Asheboro. Accompanying the remains from here were J. W. Mitchell and B. C, Fhlej^ar, boih of Cambria, Va., bus- ine.ss associates of the deceased. liis fathc!', Frank Pi*eston, of Richiuorsd, Va., the only living relative of :Mr. Preston al.-?o was one of the funeral party. C. If. Rusii, the father tir.H three sisters^ Mrs. Agnes Barber und the attack is pro- Misses Lucille and Mona Rush, who troops attacking came to the city Wednesday night, the lalso accompanied the 2’emains. French forts south of Verdun victi'ir- iously repulsed a violent counter at tack mailc? from Verdan, Taul and across the river Meuse. The heavy artillery used against Troyon-Les-P:i- roches, Camp des Remains and Lune- ville was visibly successful. “In French Lorraine and on the Al- see frontier French advance sruards have at somg points been repulsed. **There has been no decisive action at any point. '‘No news has been receivd ^rcm either the Belgian or the eastern the aters of war.” MOST VIVID PEN' PICTURE OF BATTLE TO THE DEATH. I,.ondor., 9:45 P. M.—A correspondent of The Times sends the following dispatch from “behind the British ]in»s,” dated September Id; “The great battle draws to a close, Exhaustion rather than shot and shell has wroQght a terrible peace alon£! the river bankso-o pe»ce ttitich my Warehouses {o Open. The three large tobacco W'arehousfs for tho sale of leaf tobacco will open and be ready for business October 1. Already the large buyers v;ho were here last season are arriving and all the large tobacco firms w^ho were rer»- resented here last year will he rep resented this season. Bring your to bacco to Jtsuriingron and reecive the full market price for it. 1> Our Banks ■ in Good Condition. Burlington is fortunate in having two good strong banks, both Banks are under safe and conservative man agement. Both have amp!e capital for all the needs of our community, and are anxious to do all they can for their patrons. Our citiiens and the community at iar^e aeie justly proud of our banking institutions. Buy-a-Bale, Bousfht-aBale, This is a popular skgan thase d»ys. Buy-A-Bale Movement Started. The Buy-A-Bale Movement has been started, in fact, it is on in full sx»rjng in the progressive City cf i3url- ington. Not W be outdone by oiher, cities of-like size and commercial Uri- porlance, Burlington intends to. do v.'h.at she cmh to help out the Buy-A* Bale Movement. There are about Oi’. i teen hundred bales of cotton raised in Aiamance (ouiity, and at ten cents per pound tbiii means at least $75,000 for this county. Every patriotic cii* iiie-'i yhould buy a bale. If every cit izen who can raise fifty dollars would buy a b:de, there would be no sui'™ plus: to bear the market, ai'.u our faim* tjr friends ».ouid receive a fair ret=:rn for their labor. The latest recruits on a big scaie to the Buy a-Bale-of-Cotton Movement are the officers, field men and agei'ts of the EouLhern Life &. Trust Co., nf Greei>sboro, N. C. Presidejit A. W. McAUstor, of that progressive life in* surani'O coniV'any, has sent out a tir- cuhu' letter to the agents stating lhat the home office men would buy twenty bives ill ien '.er.ts a pound, the.se bales to be b\>r::ht through the compaj-.yV agents :■ ni from its poli.’v holders. The S ;uu)ei i* Life & Trust Co., n-r. ficials nre said io be the Jirsi life in surance men to join in this movement, certainly in an organiasd w?jy. The Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, of this place, are t.K’ local agents of the Greensboro con cern, and Mr. W. E. Sharpe, the man ager, states that he would buy ».wo bales, one for the local company and jone for the Greensboro men. The Piedmont Trust Company iire ready and vnllifig to help along ihe movement and v^tII buy a baie. Hoit & May are authorized to buy two bales—one for the Nissen Wagon ('o., and one for the Stockton Co. The Dispaich believet^ that any Ala mance County farmer who has oot* toil to self at ton cents per pound, that he can sell it right heix- in Burlington, the only coridilion exacted is that the cotton must grade good middling und raised in Alamar.ce County by th? farmer v;ho offer> it for si'.Ie. Our advice iif the farmer is to hold his cot ton, but if he must rsi.se some monsy upon his cotton for immediate use, load up your cotton and drive to the progr'^-^sive town of lEUULiXGTON, where the money awaits you by these progre-'^sive firms, next week we ho]}-i to be able to give a larger lisi cf those who will help boost the buy-:i- bale plan. Picking Up. Business in all lines is picking up. Our merchants have laid in large and -I'mpletii lines of the latest and most fashio:iublc dress fj»brics, suits ,’nd footwear. When you want the latest; and best in merchandise, come to! BURLINGTON, O The King's Daughters. Meet first Friday in each mont»i. .Anyone wishing to help the poor and ?:eedy of Burlington can do so through this organization by sending monoy, food or clothing to MRS. SARAH FIX. President. icefess Refrigerators, Fireless Cookers. This is the scientific age—the £-.ge 01 the iceless refrigerator and the tireless cooker. ■ Housekeeping has not yet reach ed the stage cf merely pressing a button and letting electricity do the rest—but it is nearing it. The et is full of devices ■for lightening kitchen labor. ■ They lirfi of keen interest to ev* ery American woman because they make life easier. The advertising in the newspa pers from day to day contains news as to these devices- The stoi*ekeepers hays them on ale. The wz.«;e housekeeper posts herself by reading the advertis- Granite Workers at Mount Airy Stride, Mount Airy, Sept. 24.—On yester day 100 xtonecuttei's in this city went out on a strike and these represent about a third of the men engaged in ti'at business here. How long thoy may remain idle is problematic, as they may go to work at any hour or their action may result in a general i^ympathotic strike and involve ail tho cutlers on the quarrj. To locate ihe cau2c of a union lal or strike is jcx* ceedi’igly diSieuit fcn’ the men inter ested have little to say, but it is un derstood that two Italian carvers who had recently : me here, were dis charged by the Granite City Cuttir.g Company because they failed to m:;lve good an there arose some dispute over the matter of the wage scais* paid them ii} a final .setticment. After parleying with Mr, Bailey, the man ager, the Italians appealed to the local union, which decided to with draw the men pending a seUlemeni. This action eifected cutters in three different «heds as Mr. Bailey had sub contracted part of his work i:^ o: dr*i- to complete it by a certain time*. ft ir* believed that the pref.enL nd^- uivlerst'rtndir.g will he quickly adjust ed, as the men generally do not ap pear to be in sympathy with the movemen.t for there is plenty uf work and the season is rapidly drawing a close. Some take the viev; that the g}-it'vance is of so little rrijportar.ce that it will not be necessary to ta^e the matter to a higher authonfy where these questions are usually set tled. On several occasions, the mej: have been ordered out here to remaui idle i‘ fov.- days and i-eturn to wo”k with no results accomplished exeeut- the less of time and the citizcns, quarrymen and the stonecutters all hope for !\ speedy adjustment of a nu'tter that means much to 4^11. Bring your neighbor with you t5 the mass convention October S, anii help nominate a good county tickct who will "'dminister the county irf- fairs in the interest of the tax pay ers. Waking Up. The Chamber of Commerce is tak- ng on now live. Mr. R. Fletcher Wil liams has been elected secretary, §ind as Mr. Williams is a live wire, some thing will be didding now pretty soon. If the county finances, :\nd other county affairs are not managed to suit you. come to the mass convention October 3rd and heJp nominate a set of men that will administer them in the interest of the tnen who pay the taxes, your help and influence Is need- iod and will be snpTecis^t«d» Specuil Meetings at Reformed Churcii. A series of special meetings will be gin at the Kelormed Church on i.he first Sunday in October at 11 o’clock A. Ms Rev. J. A. Koons, of Rock well, >5;:C.» is expected to do the preaching. Services? during the week at 7:30 P. M, ’ We will appreciate having' you at these servicBSjr ■ • • D. C. COX, 0 Don*t fail to attend the party con ference at Burlington, Saturday, Sept. 26th, from 2 to 10 p. m. Matters of interest and importwiee will be dis cussed. Your help and influence are > needed. PRINT V-,*