1^ Twic6>A*Weil Si^tfil !NUitbcd Uveiy TuMday uni TMay »}>■ ike St»t« I?i»pat«h Pablialting' Co- ' BurlingtoB. N. C. First Floor, Rauhut Building. ,..., Tel«iii>U»i^No. 285, Tg- -,, »«b^l>tion, Oo« DolUr, per year, p«yablts in iieivinee. AU eofaaunicat«w| in xearartf w ?!th«r new* items or bu#in«»« m»v ; fiin ihould be addreas^ t6 Tfce OUpateh PsibUshing &S., an* not te stay individual connected with the pa- AU news notes asd conirounic»« ; of importance muat be signed ; Hjr the writer. •^ We are not responsible for opimMBJi • ^e corespondents- • . Subscribers will take iiotie* th^ ae ; jeeipt for aubdcription /«r The mt* o^patch will be honored at this office iaiees it is numbered with azures. , , gytT^ypri us second-class Okatter «ay 10, 1K8, at the pe»t oftee at ^wltissrton. North Carolina, unter the .♦Vet of Confcress of March 8, For Congressman, 5th District: JOHN r. BENBOW. . of Forsyth County. "^HrTALLWANT TO KNOW. —0— Graham, X. C.. Route No. 1. The Dispatch: We want to thank you fov your fi'- forts in bohalf of the tax payers of this county. I have been a life lona: Democrat, but if our officials are - trying^ to keep us in the dark in :e- gard to our county tinauces, I cannot vote the Democratic county tickcc this fall. Keep after them and if j'cu fail to get the statement publish ed showing the savinir to county^ you can count upon two votes from n;y family for your county ticket. This is as much as 1 can promise at tin? time. With best wishes for your suc cess I beg to remain, LIFE LONG DEMOCRAi. Crjham, N. C., Route Xo. 1. Mi*. Editor: i appreciate Vv-hat you are doir.^ for U5 tax payer?. Keep h up, aiiJ force them lo publish the statement of savrnji: h' po.?sii,»Ie. i am sui-pri?- ei* that our officials would refuse *.o grave out this statement. I camioi understand the motive. Surely our officials are honest, and yet if thi^y are, why will they not let us know •vs hat they are doinr. I am opposjU to sGi-rccy, and will nut ^-upport a-*;y one \»l'io is 'j:;i’Ty of trying to hide j the t'act^ from ihusv v.h-j r.r.'’ er.titlcil ’ SwjBp^^YiU^f N. C. M*ADOO IS The Twice-A-Week Dispatch: I am sending:, you a dollar to re new my subscription to your paper. I like it better every day. I admire your stand on the salary system. Ail cf ^ 4pwi? .this way want to l:n«w lio'Jv ^much we are saVm^. Cb«ft has'always received ^ largtf vote here, but. he must .have changed siiiee being: elected sheriff, \vheo he %vas here he would not have stood for such conduct as some of the officials are doing nov;. We all had'lots of conii- dence in Bob Cook, but he is in mighty bad conipany now ,and it will lose him votes here unless this state ment. is published showing how the salary system is working. Xone of the Republicans will vote for him on this account, and some of us Der»io- crats ai*e getting mighty w^eak. - Kow,. Mr. Kditor* I know you, and have heard thjit you used to live here. I- have never heard anything a^iia^t you 'cut that you were a RepuWicun, nd in the past I have thoug-ht that was enougrh to han? « man, but it seems there are other bad people jri the world besides Republicans. I will not S-upport any vxai: this ycer who is in favor of .ec’ecy regardhia: the .salary .'ysrom. i may not v'ote the Republican or Bull Moose ticket, but I will not vote for the present county officers unless they let uf know how our finances stand. Send me your paper and keep after them. They will squeal a )ittle nearer the election, Please do not let them know who wrote this, Sheriff Cook loaned me live dollars once and I do not . to nnpeav ungratetuK With lest \v‘ l.cs ynjr eftoi'’’.- vt orr •;ehn:r, I Tiai. !'iSCUSTE > I'EMt — o Graham, X. C., R No. 2. 9-18-14. Mr. The Twi'.’ft-A-Week Dispatch Puii- lishing: Co., Burlington, N. C. I for on»? would love to see a state- me:;t of the ;=alary system of the cci.i\icy officers publi.shed. Mr. Editor, I heartily recommend your paper for cr.lling on the officers of the coimly to make a statement of our affairs. You see this county business don't belong- to 5 or 10 people. It is the whole people of Alamance County, •^'.1 I vv'.>uid Uko for G. .-\b Vo-j- BUSY AFTER BAXKSe TH£ - Tc know how our utfaii’s niar.aiT'-'d-; ‘ I fur o’le w:v ['.t :o k:\uw how niuvh ^.v‘ ‘ - • are ^aviim' i .y ;ho stihuy >y~W'K. ! iru:=^t you w: ;:! -'O •i;,w~-r-jl i:i hr- ir.jr th:.- ■ ■ - ; ax ■■-i : —0— ' .^•l. N. - . ''' v.'helhor he work!" 5*oo};'fc c\ .Marr.tULfv II: . h-'U' i:a ih' '\v '''r.-:- will it ’ ■* pul'!]'.’ '•■iMi ' i-'. "I’d rU-;... .1 y^ar. 1 , it e\o-- -i!-vv‘ i; your '..y , l;:X 5V.i;, ::rd I : 'iag--' ye .i ! that .urroij;.i!> the sah'.ry .--y.-T ♦.'ess, 1 •‘'Cg* 1m : I . will i!.' VII r dv.. j'.il ^ : ihe a-i. "U. WI: Med wirii the o',.;.' : A\ i-A'i i:!c. —(>— AUamahuw. X. C., Rou’O \r». !.• The Burlin^toi) Di^paich: I want to ie\] you ?hat yoar pa*-'/: has convinced me that something is. .vrors; n iih ;=ome of our coLaniy oHi-1 s.‘ials. If they were yarning this m»')ney over to the treasurer as the i and g’ladly teli how much they are ' tuminjr over from the fees collected. ] An honest man would want the people to know how our affairs are bei.ip: managed. I am opposed to secrecy . !.t.5j:‘r. it 1-*: commissioner :■ the Ma-o •0 -Jw M,-. V -J-Nj laK iiay‘.'-. . 1 .'(> about our coui:- goi’if.r to lay ;uh- v'‘Ouri hoxjr^c, 1^ v ? KIs Se%>nd Step Readies Out to Gel Guilty State BaAJc^ j^nd Trust ^Compaj|ies« . Washington, Sept. 24,—The anti- money hoarding .^mpai^, launched by Secretary McAdoo agaiust nat ional banks, particularly those which have received Federal crop moving money or which have taken out eni'r- gency currency, was broadened today to t;;ke in Sta^ institutions. Mr. Mc- AdoD sent a> telogram to superinteni- ents.. of. banking in each state, ^ nouncing the restriction of credits by national banks and the high interest rates charired and appealing for all available information. This was the Secretary’s second move today In the campaign; Earl er he mi'.de public a statement in v%4iich he announced that if the State of Ten nessee continues to find bankers-un- v.'i!Iin>r to renew a $1,400,000 loan ho himself will take up the taisk of find- inp banks who will make such a loan. It was understood that a list of bank.'? which are piling up reserves or hoard ir:r money will he made public o- mori\)w and that as announced U’-.u nijrht the practice sviU be kept up as Ion? as there is occasion for it. MORE MOXEY THAN EVER. After announcing the restriction of credit?^ by national banks, Mr, yU'~ Adoo says: "There is at this time more ciir- rency in the country than at any ti ne i’: its previous history, there having boon issued through the Treasu»*y Oe- pnitmeiit since August 4t^ mere t'n '.n x:>00,000,000 of additional nat- ior.al hank currency, which sho;jid create an abundance of loanable funds. This department will withdraw gov ernment deposits from banks found to be hoarding n^oney and chargii^g rates of interest and will re-deposit th>m with banks whose funds are beinjr loaned at reasonable rates to meet the legitimate demands of bu*- ire.-s and for moving the crops. — o— VFTEU THE STATE BANKS. ‘■Thij, department wt5li5d like very much to have your co-operation ijj its efforts to remedy these u.nsati^- ! i'act'>ry condition^ and re^pet-tfully U;ks if It would not be pe;;.ib!e fir jVou to -ecure from all State barl-s i:ir.d tru^'. 'ompanic> 5n your Sta'.e j u'hicii will shj\,v thei'i ca'^h 11 '. ‘.'1 V.'.; ii-i i;f a reci.Mit ihe !". wlu«'h they ;ire (.‘hargintf ■Hi i'^ann. ;lU1 iho rate.-: v«-hl*h |'’.i‘.y Ml- (lcm:»:’.li;i^^ Tor ;^c\v j J'. jo;>. ar,d jrivo this inforjiia*.i*?n lUi-vii \,y jv;)ori.-. i ‘i’ l.~ v-.M JidJi-J.’?J.Jy ih.-U if \i'\ t 5*r,',-.. im:, ho iK'i.’.sadsd t(» ii e j . i ii-‘.il-.-iV ;i'u! ::t r;ilos oi’ ; i'.., rf-i, i:;i- \.h.'!v .-ii.uati'-n can l/«‘! • LVi-;>iiy ri-iii ' 'd ar.i !ai~i‘n.-s.s !•' •'*-TV, ir i:,.[ , t i! iClncily j I —,j—- v\ L'.L iJiJ.p i'k\ne:>\si-:i:. i ri.-. ;\-i;'ry .McAdo»V :^!«;;c,U5:r/L co.i- 'vv/nii^ic tiv' T'iV.ne;:si\i loan *it;jaUc-:\ J*«k Mbmh Beraiadwi* Londoi\ Sept 2^-^ack JohnSo^ the pug:ilist, who now &^in claiia^ American citizenship, is in more trou*-. ble* and uisual, his automobile :s primarily the cause. Secau^e he used language that, a London policeman described as illegal. Johnson was brought before the mag istrate at Bow street today on a war rant and held on his own recognfzance pending a further hearing:. The fighter was originally served w'ith a summons, which he disregard 's whereupora a warrant wa4 is sued. Learning of that Johnson re turned from Liverpool to face his accusers. The trouble arose when Johnson’.^ t'utomobile was standing outside a Leicester Square barber; isljop in which its owned was being shaver. It caused a crowd to collect, interfering with the traffic. A policeman direct ed the negro to niove the car along, which Johnson refused to do until his shaving had beer. fin?s}\ec| accom panying his refusal with the langu age complained of. 0 THLNK OF IT. Buy a PIANO 1 now of ELLIS sic in and have mu- 11^^^ During the long winter nights. * ■ ' Terms to suit—Say $6 a Month up« 'Tlay While You Pay.” Ellis Machine & Music Co. Burlington, N. C. 30,000 Persons Publicly Recdmmt'ad Our Remedy. Some Are Burl ington People. Over one hundred thousand have recommei'.ded Doan’s Kidney Pills, For backache, kidney, urinary ills. Thirty thousand signed testimoni al? .Are appearing r.ow in public print. Some of them are Burlington peo ple. Seme are published in Burlington. No other remedy shows such proof. Follow this? Burlin^on woman’?? example. Mrs, T. A. Amick, Means St., Burl ington, X. C., say.*^: “I like Doan^s Kidney P}i1. and J am glad to teli about the pood they did me, My back ached and my ?idcs pained me. I was nervous and my kidneys wue weak. When someone told me about Doan’s Kidney Pills, I used them. They relieved me in every way.’' Mrs. .Amick j.5 only one of mahy Burlington people who have gratefully endorsed Doan’s Kidney Pills. If your back aches—If your kidneys bother you, don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—ask distim-tly f.ir Doan’s Kidney I’illri, liio same ih.it i Mr. Amick had—the remedy baa..'’.i' by hf,5!?^c tcr^limoijy. .">0c all Foslcr-Miltiurs; Co., I’rdf;.-., I'aiVnl'-. j X. V, “When Your Uack i> Lanu’- ] Remoniber the .Vann*.'* ! — O T:;: ii^'y rr )b:5ii!y :j*ruv'. lliiii it i> \x iiir:', Si {lo !k-j- i'of**;.* Th;u:!-!rivi;v. \(n ick: —o— \.\si) sas.k: rAWBEBUILTCiRTsfM $H!FPED ANYWHERE IN THE UMITEB STATES ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN ilXEiSAUfiyiE. Tills 6 poee., fore door tourtn* ew: comos to you tuSly equipped, read? to rtia ca receipt of Baaance of t27S—$a7-S0 mustbly SHCWS 71 /r tMil® ®®lM “ 5810 CENTRE AVE..WTT8iiJ»eM„PA. Bartner Furniture Company “THE STORE OF QUALITY ’ Low pjiees, Es.t v' terms. We have both Wood and Coai .Air Titrlic Heaiers, :»ir«'^rts. Blankets, Mattress es, ail j4jai,!ps. Try a Kestwoll Mattiews »n a Vie'or Spring. :?0 Nights Free Trial. Let us t.’)ake an estimate on your nex^ r(a>r 0/ Win(3- o'.v Shades. Sueeia! Sizes, nny colors. Burtner Furniture Co. BURlf.CKK, N. C. - - - .\!so GREENSBORO, N. C Phone 340. i'urcly not. a. far iii dcl)t the e&U!i !y i.' >0 *.he people ran ?et out to the t'ourr. h*‘‘U>:C‘. Your.^ truly. Have been a genuine Democrat I.ut fcet:.in{' weak. 0 September 21, 10I4. To The Times Dispatch, Burlington* N. C. Kindly msert in your next issue und will not support those who main- reference to the Snow Camp lain secrecy in their dealings with Telephone situation, that we do not the tax payer.'! in this county. Mor- ’'ecognize any exchange at Snow Camp tens township will not grive as large than the Southern AlaKiaKoe r>fcmociaiic majority this year as iast unle.ss our officials make public the statement before the election. I and my two son.s \\-ill not go to the elec tion if they do not teil us how our af fairs are managed, and I know of some of my neighbors who wilj stay at home, at least they eay they •\yjll. Keep up the fight and you will vrin friends. ■ '■ *■ :- DEMOCRATIC WORKER. Telephone t Loa. of Tc;'.iK'.sst\-. inforirii ;ia‘ ih;u the .^’iai.e *f Te?:nes-.‘7et' ha.s ;.i.r.oo.r;00 of .-ihort ;L‘rn« noiis. ]w\- lurinjr October that ihe State de* si'cs to renew or extend .Sl,4o0.000 of arai caJi’t fix up the pubiic roaJs , . .1 • * - ^ j\oto>‘; Uia; a r.T*inini«:.^ion rep- the State has-been in New York for some time tryinj' to offect ihi.s loan, hut without succe-ssc '"It is preposterous that one of the jrreal States of the Union should find it impo.^ible to procure from the banks such a comparatively small amount of njoney. Senator L-ea in forms me that he was going to New York last night for the purpose of Joining the commission in its efforts to .secure the needed loan. ‘*If Senator Lea and his associates are unable to procure from banks in the city of New York or elsewhere today, and upon reasonable terms, the desired loan, I wll myself gee if banks cannot be found to take up this loan for the State of Tennessee on the first of October next, upon 1*625- onable lerms and at a reasonable rat«^ W. C. ROWE Uncle Sam is kept very busy these days remainii^ neutral. ■O If you are not pleased with the way our county affairs are managed, at tend the ‘mass cdnventiisn OctAer 3. Tou reldmi« ahd weiiefifd y^r ad vice and infioence. of interest.” The issue is the taxation amendm?rn vs. more State bonds. ^ i'y virlu. .'{] i:: n:c fhc l?y a rour! ii; ;i ih.* ;;aiilv) i’y L .'■•■ifi'ricd -■ iiii.' r.i: ‘i.s llit.- Sl;ju •ia) f:r.iileti ;i!-d (Uli.',v i' and oih Mi-.-i. A. V, .s. A’. lii.iao airain.st .for^.-io !!. .Mdri.!; CTs, 1 will or. SaUiniay tlii- IT;!; .la;.- r Octolio!-. 0:1 thf pri>Mii>v!:, 3- oVlot-k IM.. o.*'Tcr for .-‘..'vJ to the liiahi'st biililer :;t [m- cash that certain tract or linvtel uf land locat^Mi in Sloiiey Crot'k Town ship, Caswell Couiiry, :ii»l adjoinins the lands of i^r. J. A. Pinnix j:id otli- ers, and known as the James K. A'd- lidge home place, and contairifi 1:2 acres, mone or less. Full and complete description can be had by reference to a deed made December Sth, 1SS8, by Kufus G. Aldridge to James R, Ald ridge and recorded in Book G-1, on page 386 of the Register of Dees office for Casweli County. The said land is well watered and any kirid of farm machinery can be used on 9-lOths of it; the majority of it IB grain land, but a portion is fine for farming, 1.5 acres in original growth, 85 acres in second gr-nvth timber. There is located on this land a good well of water, one good tobacco barn, a live room dwelling hfiuse and out houses. E. F. UPCHURCH. j Commissioner. This 17th day of Sept. 1914. • O 'xfeans higher prices and grdatei- dem:i>iii tor grains. The price of wheat boa jncTe;i:-t'J 3,> oent.s, )ni 20 ciiiita jier bushel. \ou can’t do better than to hook up to a good grain farm If we weie in the farming business we would grab this one, but since it is oar business to sell ’em, we must let her go. One rwenty acre tield proluc;ed 500 bushels wheat this year. Another field produced 54 i bushel oats There «ill be 500 bushels of corn with proper season. The farm is divided into fields with barb wire and Am erican field fence about three miles of fence in all. Field No. 2 17 acres. “ 2. . .22 acres. 3—40 acres In original oak timber and is used for hog pasture. 4—27 acres. This farm contains 127 acres. It has a large barn 30 by 50 ft, a tool shad, crib, milk house and three room house Ever flowing stream through the centre of the farm, in good neighborhood, only one halt mile from Friendship, a . good state high school, seven and half miles Southwest of ’ Burlington. We will sell this farm on EASY TERMS, fnr 1p«« j-lion emn ” ~— ^j ^v.vu sjcr iicttf. An inspection will convince you of the merits of this preposition. Lei m «bow 70a. STMDfflliEALTVSSUinCO. C. C. FONVILLE, Manager. - - BnrHngton, N. C. POOR

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