ippiipilfppiipipppil^^ U,.:L WouM^ More Happiness If We Paid Oiir Debts as Promptly as We Pay Our Grudges PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICa% NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OP AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BUHLINGTON, ALAMANXE COUNTY. NORTH CAEOLINA. lUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914 In London and Paris There is Confi dence in Final Result. Battle to the North of the Oise Continues With Greater Violence; French Troops Forced to Yield Groundi Germans Claim That Battle Favors. Them Can Germans Extend llieir Line Farther North—Can’t Oat- fiank Germans—Progress by Either Side Must Be Extremely Slovf; Troops Most Entrench.—Russians Roist Germans—Dfteat of German Army Which Invaded Russia, Seems Even More Decisive Than Prev iously Stated—Germans Lose 7S,080 Men. London, Oct, -5—9:57 P. M.—Gen eral Von Kluck, reinforced with tro >ps from the German center, continue to make a determined stand against t'ac attempt of the Allies to outflank him. The French who yesterday officially reported that all German attacks I.i this region have been repulsed and that the allies had resumed the offcn si\e, announced today that the bat tle to the north of the Oise, whii-ii commenced seriously about September 25, continues with great violence with no decisive result and that at certain points the French trofjps have had io yield ground. The Germans in their report issue.! last night, say the battle is procefd- ing successfully for them. ^ Both in London and in Paris there- ia the greatest confidence, althoush some surprise is displayed at the sue- cei-s of the Germans in preventing the outflanking movement. There is a feeling, however, that the Germans ccnnot extend their iine much farth er noi'th without weakening it ac j some point. ’ ’ : Prussia wilt also be of importance. No news has been received today from the Silesian and Galician bat tiefiefilds and probably the main arm ies have not come together there. A big battle cannot be delayed much longer, however, as on the Silsian frontier both armies are moving fot- ward and will meet in Russian-Polaad, Before the Russian advance in Gu- ships have been seen to avoid capture the commander ord ered the battery to gallop over the dfcline into the lake. His order was obeyed and he himself was drowned. “During an assault on the fortre.ss of Ossowetz a German column got int3 a bog. The Russians shells the hos and the single road crossing it The Germans, in trying to extricate themselves from the mire, sank deeper and hundreds were killed or wounded. Of the whole column only about 40 survived." BRITISH URGE SCAN DANA VIANS to FIGHT GERMANY. Rome, Oct. 5.—12:15 P. M., via Lon don, 7:00 P. M.—^The German press, according to communications received here, thinks Great Britain is usisii; pressure to induce the Scandinavian countries, particularly Denm>irk, to abandon their neutrality and parti ;i- pate in the war against Germany. The Deutsche Tages Zietung,. cf Berlin, says it is ramored that many in tha licia the peasants are Seeing the co'ir- try and it is reporfjed tiuit 20,000 of then> have reached Bohemia. The Sanitary Department fo Viein'U l uports that four cases of Asiasic chol era have occurred among the troops returning from Qjlici'i, but that aif"! have been isolated. ( At Antwerp, th'/ oSicial rerort hiiys,; th ? situation in the r.inf“tl positi.i'. ■ cniains unchanK'i! !■ Skagerrak, and the Cattegat, adding “if these ships are British it showi an intention to make a Ihreatenins; demonstration against the Scandinav- ■an -states, particularly DenmarS.” : O ^ Wedding at Elon. r.!on College, Oct. o.—The home of. ilrs. Cora V. Howerton was the sc“n; The Alamance County Republican Convention was held in the County Court Hou^, at Graham, N. C^, Sat urday, October 3rd, 2:30 P. M.. and the following ticket was nominated: For ILejj^islature: T. C. CARTER. For Sheriff: W. E. WHITE. for Register of Deeds: H. E. FRESHWATER. For Clerk of Court; 3. E. STAFFORD. For Treasurer: C. B. WAY. —0— For Coroner; (Left Open.) For Surveyor: —o— (Left Open.) For County Commistioners; R. T. Kernodle. C. C. ALBRIGHT. A. K. BNEY. G. W. VESTAL. J. H. TURNER. the sections to be let out under con tract to the lowest bidder per snib, ail contracts to be under the direct supervision of the County Superin tendent of Roads, or a competent en gineer, said contracts to run for twr> years with the option of renewal f-i another two years at the same prue, provided the contractor has complied strictly with the specifications of his contract, this provision will be an in centive for the contractor to render good and faithful service in order that he may reap the benefit of his past two years work. We also favor per manent constructive road work by the county eonviL-t force, to the end that we may get the full benefit of their up-keep, instead of losing from one to two days work in each week by constantly moving them from one ! place to another, and in some in stanced from one remote part of tli2 county to unother remote part in the same we-er.. and while it seems to be the genLial rule under Democratic al- niinistiations for laboring men ly work only four days or less in the week. He ,ire oppo.ed to putting the county convict force upon this basis I at the expense of the tax payer--, cf the county. ; 4th. We are opposed to the cxtri'vii- ' K'ant and inefficient nianageinent of i c i:r n.iunty affairs, whereby v.e ai e I piiins' lip a large and l/Mrdensomc d.^bt I lor future generations to pay. '.'c ' fu\'or a strict economical piiv as vou c.'nimunication says there has been nr, change. Therefore, the progress in the region of Soissons and in Woevre, reported Sunday night, eith er has satisfied them for the mosntnt or there have been cheeked by the Germans. Of the fighting Itere as !,n their right the German report says it is proceeding favorably for the Germ an arms. Progress by either side must bj e.Htremely slow, I'or after esery ail- vaice, no matter how slight, the troo rs n>aking it must entrench themselves for protection against the shells of the enemy's guns, posted in strong positions from one end of the line to the other. The defeat of the German army which invaded Russia from east Prus- ria appears from Russian accounts to hav;: been even more decisive than previously stated. Accoi^dir.g to the Russian arabas>sador at Rome the German.*; were louted completely wi;h a loss of 70,000 men, and have forced to abandon evei-ything. The Russians now are moving foi- ward with the object of again invadinir East Prussia. This victory, if it as complete as reported, is of the great- . est importance to the Russians, a.s it will prevent the Germans from under taking from land and sea operation; which would have compelled Russia to turn at least a part of its attention • in this direction. General Rennenkampf apparenly' drove a wedge between the two G ;i'-: man forces which were advancing upon Druskeniki and Ossowetz and brought ■ T!ie following resolutions vvit? ’ i of a pretty v.edding Sunday mornintf 1 , , | I “I adopted: 1 . ,, .a-- 10:31) o’clock, when her dau^hte'', i r , . , . came the bride of -\stor Eugene An- ii . n i,u. n.u, succeedc-a m de.,t,«ymg Lu.t.ca, au Uea.tiCully | AlaBiaROS bOUSty He- j oth. We are favor of the dt.corated f»r the occasion, the colt.' i puMicity in tho inaMagemL-nt of scheme being pink and white. , ^ * j '"‘r coii:ity afTair,, v.e believe that the The bride was beautifully allired in j the Republicans of ..\lamance 1 tax payers who \:i\y the money to run la suit of blue with hat and gloves ..o''n Muss Convention a.ssemV.lfd : t*>e county govcrnmei'-t are entitled to t f..v. ;l:now how the aifalvs of the Couriy I honor, wore white lincserie. Marv.n j ^ani, M. C., Saturday, October ‘.’rfKj'H'e being conducted, tliat they .shou’d ; Anderson, brethsr of the groom, was. do declare, affirm and •.sdoptjbe taUef. into the confidence of the I best man. Miss Annie -Uidei-.son. sis-; the following resolutions a.s our par-i county officials and fully informed r-i- tcf of the groom outer defense of the Austrian seaport of Cattaro, While the .Servians and Monteneg rins are attackisig the fortificutiors Along the rest of the liafe the Frenci of Sarajevo, B>-'>Krade, which has oeen j undei’ fire so often, has not bomharil- ed for several duys, probably as a re suit of reoecupation of Semiin t>y the | {Servians. Skirmishes have oc^^mred on the ■ . , ,, ^. • * j* ' ^ ...» ^3 . wene, was bridesmaid nnd Albert Mel- returned tt; power in this rounty, that M’ltercsts, we arc opposed t(j ycki’ef; Anglo-German fro2\tier in East Africa I . . ’ . 1 , . » . , j • attired in w'h'itc platform, iutd pledgre was the result of Gersrian raids into British territory for the purpose of cutting the Uganda, railway. All the^j raids, according to the British official report have been repulsed. j While the routine life in Englaiid \ is not seriously upset by the war t!»e regulations in many respects are bi- coming moi'c: siringent. 2n order to v;r. j:cted as groomsmen. Mlos Thel-. use our t>est endeavor to havep-’-d k.iovvnothingism us now praLHli.- ma Melvin presided at the piano^ the sHMie enacted into law, and prtsent county adnuni.r^tri2 while Rev. W. C. Wicker, the tirids’^ we will faithfully keep this covenant.; condemn the present county pastor, officiated. Tht‘ bride has served for several; office of County Treasury, this offi as the efReient organist of Hi.i*-:^ Chapel Church, and has greatly doured herself to the people of thc- eiiiir? community by her faithful ana . , jclTicient .'Services. Thev will reside keep the army provided %vith warm . . . !m (.lUiilord clothing the authorities nave co'a-j mandered laVge quantites of woolens County. O- in Leicester, 2 step which be followed elsewhere. ; iikely to i Hcuse Rejected Lever Bill Designed to Help the Farmers. { War.hingiOTi. Oct. 5.—The Lever j cotton and grain warehousing bill to J^t. We favor the abolition of th*j j their unwarranted and highhanded action in refusing to is oseless and unnecessary and > »v.ake the saving effected to heavy burden upon the tax payers of tax jtjiyers )vy the adoption of tho* county. TJie banks of the county' * system as against the old fee WiJj be glad to handle the County :'y^'teni. Their action refusing funds free of charge In order to gel I public this Infivmation is a re- the county business, thus affecting upoji their integrity, and large saving to the tax payor.-;. jexcus::ble from even a partisan stnnd- 2nd. We favor the electioii of the ! poini. County Board and Superinteno.eiiL of j *'th. We favor publishing a i' iate- RUSSLANS CROSS CARPATHIAS. _ * i facilitate granting of bank credits on London, Oct. 5.—11:05 P. M.—A | ^ ! worenouse receipts for cotton, gram Keuter dispatch from Uetrograd says,! • ^ r j i ^ !and like agi'icultural products, was:belie “Side by side with the official account . r, , , , , ■ _ rejected by the House today by a v'lte cf the German defeat on the Russo- 1 , . ... 01 loo to 109, lacking the necessary Prussian frontier details ai^ pubhih- , . two-thu’ds vote. ed of the Russians crossing the C;xr- pathians, Vvhich as one wiiter says, de* stroys the legend that the easern Car pathians are impregnable. “Before attaining Uzsok Pass, thi Russians iuecessively captured, by a wide flanking movement, three weH- masked positions strongly defendc/i by guns. Each time the Russians charged the enemy fled and the Rus .i?ians followed up the Austrian retreat with shrapnel and quick fire, infiicti ig heav'y losses. “During the Russian retreat throu{::h About the battle of Augustowo, which' resulted in a Russian victory. the Mazur lake district in east Prus sia a Russian battery was surrounded ^ : on three sides by the enemy's quick Germans have not retired from left bank their defeat at Augustowc ,^^ must compel them to do so. The mor a! effect of another invasion of east ammunition was exhausted. In order The bill would authorize the inaugu- rtilion of a nation wide system ov warehousing under federal supervi.s* ior. for staple and non-penshable a;r- ricultural products. —o— And the house Democratic too. W'j are not i;i:rprised, did any one eve** hear of the Democratic party doing anything to help the farmer or *a bor ing man? But we want to be under- stood that personally we are in fav or of the government loaning money upon cotton to the farmers. We are for the farmer f^rst, last and all the time. They are the salt of the earth, because they feed us, and are the back bone of the country. Ke?p the farm er, is oui motto. Tnblic Education by a direct vole oi the people, in this way only can we bring our educational .system up \o the highest state of efficiency. We that ;ivery parent should have ix voice as to whom they entrust wirh the care and education of thoir chil dren. ;>rd. We favor a complete reorii:;;n- ization of the county road sysu'ni, in order that every section of ouv county may share alike. We arc cp- n'jcut at leaM ovico each year 1 showing the receipts and from what ' source derived of all ironies and otfv-j or property coming into the Councy’ Treasury, ai> well as the dis.bur>emeni.~ 1 and for what purpose disbursed. This is tho only way the tax puyer.^ ca:i lel! ht:w the financial affairs of rho County are being conducted. W- con- d=?inn the present county officials for their failure and refusal to do U!i3 thereby keeping the uis payers ir. th*:; by George W. Vesta!, County Chair man. Junius H;. Harden was elected permanent chairman, and John K. Hoffman and W. Giles Mebane, secre taries. There was a large and enthusiastic crowd present, the court house was nearly filled. Speeches were made ty Junius H. Harden, W. L Ward, and T, C. Carter. AU made happy hits a»irt were heartily applauded. There wis some disappointment at the failur* of Hon. A. E. Holton and Hon. John T. Benbow not being present to ad dress the convention as advertise Mr. Holton seemed to be more inter ested in the adoption of the amend ments to the State Constitution to be voted for this fall, than he was in the Alamance Couny Republicans, and Yu. Benbow was deained in Winston by the illness of his law partner. How ever the crowd was well pleased with thi* proceedings as manifested by *Vi- quenl outbursts cf enthusiasm. Th^ convention was composed of Republi* cans, Progressives, Independents an] i democrats, the greatest hai mony pr-j- ••‘oiled which augers well for the op position To the present county admin- is ration. The party Is in fine shu^o 10 make a winning campaign. aI> , Carter made a fine speech of accop:- ance and the jsarty feels proud of its .t: i.diiid I.earor, nnd feels that he '.vtU .si’ivc good account of himself dunnji' iho campaign. ' Tiic foilowit'g rixfcutive Cammij'.*e Wi’.' ■'.‘lectod: Hec::an \V. /J. Whire. J. H. HardtMi, W. W. Brown :u\C' J. Zeb W'aUer. The County Chairman and Secretary iujve not !^ee»'. chosen. This w'iil b»» done by tlu* Executive Committee ti Uti early date. If thi.*i jjlaiform of partj' pled^io.i iind principle.^ appeals to you a.-> be ing fair, jut^t. nnd to the best inier- ests of the cili::ens a:id tax paxer.-? of this county, we ask your support fi-:* the party who promulgated them and are in favor of their adoption. Thi most effective weapon in politic.^; 1.5 a voie at the pol)., to which pa*-ty will yoii give it? (Editor's Note) Those who fac.ir all or any part of the ni>ove, and in tend to suppori. all or any pan of ih.' Repubiitan County Tickc-t, will plea.'O commuj.icate such intention to Tl\* i>ispatch, either by niai.(, in person, or ovev the phone. All infoi'ijiation j^iven VviU lie regarded as strietiy c-'\v- i-der.tiuK O posed to the waruing in system to the true ftnancial condi- :n effect, whereby some have to work.;^*®^ county, and some do not. W'e favor the tax-! opposed to court i.ou'?c ation system under which no favorit- *^^*nues and i-ings who use the pi es- ism can b« »ho\STi- We are oppose !; their official position and pat io listing and collecting the road tax ! stifle ambition sn the yoimg separately and apart from the poli! manhood and citizenship of the coun- arid property tax, but favor the li;’t- order that they may not have ing of the road tax at the same time'*^PP^sition for renomination to the r and in the same manner as the poll’^’®spective positions. This practice and property tax is now listed, and j niost rampant in this good County of collecting it in the same way; we fa - or working all public roads by the contract system^ the roads to be laid out i;i secitons of so many miles each, •■Mamance, and should be discouraged by ali fairminded citizens regardle:*^ of their political aifdiation. The convention was called to order Another wise judge has rison up wiio will be accorded the plaudit.* of tho Country, Judge Barlow, who prc- .>ides ovs :he Jefferson ^Jarket Couri in Xev.- ork last week sent a ‘‘mai^h er" t. ;uil for five days. The mash er \vc:> a tailor, “well-to-do ar.d daj-- per.'’ and he had accosted a young woni.Tii on the street in ar. im^»'ope>' w:vy. His counsel tried to “beg of'" for him, but this judge w'ould not hear to it. ‘‘Night after night,’* lie said ^‘unfortunate women are sent from the women's night court to 'ho workhouse for accosting men on the street, and I fail to see why mercy should be shown or that men should bo dealt with more leniently when conditions are reversed.” The prin ciple upon which this judge bases hi«? course is worthy of all commonda- t‘op„ % m Liw- i