Hwre WoaM Be More Happiness If We Pud (^r Deli^ as Promptly as We Pay Our Grumes A PaOGRE^IVE * 'UBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO T^ UPBUHiDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURLINGTON. ALAMANCL COUXTV, NOETE CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBEK 9, 1914. May Bs the Turning Point of the War. Cmlendinj; Arinieg Now Stretch Almost to Xortk Sea and Left Grapples With Unabated Fury—Belgins Making a Last Stand at ’nner Forts In Fate of Terrible Big Gun Fire and Dropping Bombs from Zeppelins, Hoping Help Will Come WitWn A Short Time. transport the refugees and injured, j MR. WHITE DECLINES. Tlioasands of refugees already have | To the Republican Executive Corn- arrived. j mittee for Alamance Couiity, Throughout the entire night, thei Greeting; mess;age reads, a red glart' illuniinat- ed the sky- Lcndon, Oct. 8.—10 P. M.—While , ... ■ ' +1 ALLIES MORE HOPEFUL, the unmenss armies of the iselugerent powers of Europe are engaged in a ^he strong German reinfoi>cements death grapple along lines hundreds of miles in extent in battles which for according the numbers engaged, fierceness, and “> fiehtmg occurred ye.ter- O'*- in«r n/tinf- ” «xrlii1a y>a:i^ain dnv ifi the Nethp (iistrint (nrovinpp GERMA.VS CLOSE 0.\ ANTWERP. London, Oct. 8.—10:20 P. M.- An official German dispatch received here tonight from Berlin by the Marconi Wireless Company says: “It is reported from Dutch sources stubbornness, have no precedent in history, the little array of Belgiam is ress at any point,” while “at certain points the enemy has moved back, making a last stand tehin^ the forts Particularly to the north of Arras, dhere the fighting is developing un der conditions favorable to us/* The cavalry are fjghting even fur ther north than this and the French ; communicjition says operations here of Antwerp, one of the strongest for tified positions in the world. For the moment at least the strug-' giS around the chief pert of Belgium j attracts the most attention for the I ^ ger battles between and German force?, ^ I the Swiss fronties across France, al- / to the Nortk Sea- ! Around Roye, where the Germans cap- heig:hts from the result of the engagement there must! have a considerable effect on the big- f .Angio-Frerch important j and German force?, which extend from week, -he French ha%e re gained some of the positions Ihey were obliged to abandon. m, ** _ f J From the north of Aisne, v/neie The Germans, Tvmie attempting to o V r . tv.'o forward movements by the Anjrlo- croys the Scheldt, sputh of Antwerp, .. s 1 r. XI- \ ! r'rench troop?^ hr.ve been menli.;ned nu’.de their mam attack from the east. ’ 1 5 . J xu within lliy last few days, the Ger- and broKe some days ago, with the' aid of thch* IG-inch guns, through the first line of forts. Between the f.rst «irtd second belt of forts, accbsfding to own accounts, they defeated the |T^eIgiar) army and capturcd a number ^ 5i* gvms. ' Last ni^ht shells began to fall in liie city Hself and from reports com- I ing throuj^h Holland the j-ailv/ay .sta- mans seem lo have withdrawn 5ome Oi their own inc;i. principally, to stj*engthen their e:areme light, around which the Allies have I*een tryin^^ to work ever since t!;i: b:«ttk- bojran, near ly four weeks a^ju. ,.-c— CEXTiiU StKST.S OX AtiMS. In the center, belweeu Rheimj^ and tionn, the palace of justice land sev- the Meuse, the itrmies arc resting on era! oil tanks have been damaged. j their arms^ awaiting their vurn to At the same time six Zeppelin dir- \ i{rible& flew over the city, dropping hf.nibs, but it has been impossible as yet to ascerbim the d-amage they have don*. ' King Albert has called on ral men of military age, to assist in the de fense of the fity. Thousandii of oth ers, women, children and old men, have left Antwerp hurriedly. Among the inon.-b8lligerents remaining are the ^ imerican Consul General, Henry W. j'Uederich* and his sti;ff. j REFUGEES CROWD HOLLANi). i The tcw'ns of Holland already arc- ^'ruwded with refugees. Th»» mayor J f Rotterdam has sent out warning that there is no more room there for ^ he harrassed Belgians, and steamers xVr England are crowded with refir- jrees. More’than 80,000 refugees arrived at Folkestone today and were taken in charge by committees. Many are pfe-nniJess. o—o—o GERMAN GUXS CUT PATH. Five German army corps are tak ing part m the Biege of .Anwterp, which is defended by the Belgian ar my. The outer forts, like these of other fortresses which have fallen since the war began^ have been &ble to withstand the fire of the big Ger man guns, but the Belgians still are hopeful that, with inner forts, a flood ed area and a mobile file army, they mny hold the city until ascistar4ce may ccme by the defeat of the Germans in Franccc Such a defeat, ail realize, is an enormous task, but the official com munication issued in Paris late today gives the Allies hopes that the long waited decision is about to be reach ed. Not for many days has such an lake the otieusive. But on the heig'hts of the Meuse, l«tween the fortrc.'t.. of Verdun and St. Mihiel, there the Ger- man.s crossed the Meuse two weeks agOj the contest still goes on* The Germans have withdrawn to the ?wrth of Hattonchatd. They ■still, howi.ver, hold St. Mihiel and some positions north of that town on the right back of the river. The conjecture, therefore, that the Frtnch had driven them back across the river soon after they tirade theh’ ^ advance, and captured, besides* the { town itself, the forts of Romjins and : Pajoches, proes incorrect. In the Woevcr district the Germans, v.ithout .success, have delivered violent attiicks against the French, who doubt less were trying to get behiitd the (Jerman force on the Meuso at St. Mihiel. With the Germans to the north withdrawing and the repulse of their attack west of Apremont, the Germans at St. Mihiel are considered to be a rather dangerous position. GERMAN FOOD SEIZED. Paris, Oct. 8,—6:51 P. M.—The French authorities have seized food supplies valued at between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000 which had been de posited on the docks at Havre by a German firm. The action was taken to prevent the supplies from i>eing sent abroad. TERRIBLE DIN OF CANNON, London. Oct. 8,—G;53 P. M.—The bombardment of Antwerp has been so violent that houses at Rosendaai, a Netherlands towns more than twenty miles distant have been shaken vis ibly, according to a telegram from that town to the Central News by way of Amsterdam. Wounded civilians have arrived at day in the Nethe district (province of Antwerp^) “The Germans approached ia a northerly direction from. Fortfi De Wavre and De Waeihem and com menced a bombardment of Antwerp from these positions. ^‘Early in the morning shrsipnel shells already had caused great dam age in may places, showing that the ifivesting force is close to the city. *‘The whole of the Belgian field ar my has been concentrated in the dis trjct between Antv.erp Lierr_> 'nine miles to the southcrist of the :ily) and the river Scheldt, in which area fighting is proceeding. ’ WOMEN DiVERS VOIXNTEEU. Tokio, Oct. 8.—One hundred wo men sheel divers of Shima province oH'ered their services to the navy to clear the nunes from Kiao Chow' Bay. The offer was dficiined by the rravy ;(.• the law prohlljits; the employment cf women in warlike operations. Th«ise (Hvers are acL'ustomed co re main in the water for a long period. Their idea was that, unseen by the enemy, they could dive for the mines near Kina Chow and roniove the’n to ihe .lapanes^o warships. —0— RL'SSIAXS ANNEX LEMBEUG. London, Oct, S.—10:17 P. M.-—A Rt-uter dispatch from Petrograd nays ibe Russiims have completed the ad- jninistrative organization of the con- quered regions around Lemberg, which has been made into u provirice divided into thirteen districts. Th^^ Russian t»oops, adds the dis* Iputih, are advancing? slowly, but ir- rtsistibly, upon Cracow, the popula tion of which has already been reduc ed to one-half. ^ encouraging report from the Allies* | Rosendaai and thft Dutch government point of view been published by the: has ordered all trains to procced to French general staff. I the place, to be held in reataness to KING LEAVES ANTWERP. Bordeaux, Oct. S.—10:15 P. M.— News has been i ceoived here thai the King of the Bclgiuns marched oui of Antwerp today at ths head of a nor- ticii of his army.- 0—0—0 MORE BOMBS ON PARIS. Pans, Oct. S.--!2;:ir) P. M.—A i^er- n.ar. aeroplane ilying over Paris and the suburbs of Aubervilliers and St. Denis at 9 o’clock this morning, drop ped two bombs, one of which w'ound- ed three persons, harm. O I want to thank the conventio.*:, and tlifc Republicans of Alamance County who so highly honored me with the nomination for the of*ice of high sher iff in their convention held October Srd, 1914. And while I did not think then that I could accept the nomina tion, still I was willing to do whal my party required of me, provided I eould arrange to spare the time from my business. J have consulted my broth er and other associates in busi'iess and find it just impossible to ac:ept the nomination. I also learn that Mr. H. Curry Walker, who Is a personal friend of mine, has decided to make the raco fcr the posUion of high sher iff as an independent Democratic can didate. For both of us to remain in the field, neither might be eieclsd, but v/ith only one candidate, and the en tire strength of the opposition to the Demooatic candidate united ?dr. V/alker, 1 believe would insure his election. I ain very desirous Xu yee Curry W’alker elected, I "would raiher sec him elected.than to be electod my self, I know him and have faith in hi? intej^Tity. his ability and his gen era! fir.nes*^ foi' tb? high and honor able position. No man in Alnmamre Cou?’ty is l)€tter qualified to lill this oHive than Curry Walker. iherenirL*, I decline th«’ nomiiuition teiuiore;! mO: and asr; t:nd ;sincerc!y tru>t ’.hai you will la!:e such Fteps a.^ will msure the election of Mr. Walker and the entire republican ticket as nom c'oni- pcsed. In a county is .\s badly boss and ring ridden as this cuunty (Dear Old .A.lamance) and as heavily ! t;;x burdened, with condiuo;is I'rowing I wor.'C all the time, it is our duty lo \ encourage independent ihoughl. and. action to the end that conditio'is may • be improv.?d and our burdens made lighter. Thif can only be done by the thoughtful and conservative men cf both parties getting together for mutual proteciioii, and supporting, i,uch n^en for all the county oilv'er.'^! as win in their judgment l>est si-rvej I the interests of the tax payers of this county. With best wishes lo those wiic have the manhood lo stand up for what they beiicve to be iight and foi' the best interests of all the people, and tru>.iinc: that they may be sot.'■L‘es^•ful ac the poll.'; I beg to reniaifi, Gratefully yours, \VILLL\M E. WiUTE. Buying Cotton Goods is Practical Pat riotism. Haw River, N. C., Oct 2nd, 1914. Miss Genevieve Clark, Washington, D. C. Madam:— Appreciating your efforts to help the cotton manufacturing industry in the South, we have taken the liberty of sending you by Parcels Post, two dress patterns made in a Noith Carolina mill, from North Carolina cctton and woven by a North Carolina young lady. One pattern is nam ed after the famous city of fashion—“Paris Suiting*' (a fabric suiteble for a part of a bride’s trousseau). The other pattern is named after the North Carolina home of the late Geo. W. Yanderbilt~“Biltmore .GingHam.” hope you will accept these dress patterns, and if your wardrobe is no* complete, use both of them personally. If y>u have been over sup plied, will thank you to prestnt these patters to some Washington City bride-to-be, as a part of her trousseau. Ycur effo:-ts to introduce coliron goods made in American miiis is very commendable ir. you, and tlie same is highly appreciated by the cotton mill iMduc^try in tiie South, not only hy the mill owners, but by the mill c*per- p.iives well. Thousands and thousands of young ladies in our South Lynd derive theu- entire support from weaving cotton dress goods, which yf u, i:i y .>ur magnanimous generosity and public spiritedness, are trying U) brin'v such goods inio general use with our American wom.en. Tr.c young ladies of our mill send their greetings lo you, and hope you will be very sucr!‘.'=.‘‘ful in creatbig u greater demand for the h itidi- work of their skill. With best wishes for you and the young lac’ir-s associated with you iii your effor:'= lo create a pcrcalcr demand for cotton goods woven in American mills, we are. Yours v(?ry truly, Holt-Graniie Manufacturing Company. NATIONAL CtJTfON FASHIONS SHOW To B- Held at New Hotel, Washington, D. C. Octob/r 7-8, 1914, IManrfacturing Conipa ny, River, North Carol:na. much for rhc boautii'ul dross patterns that arrived Livo Hustlers at the Old Brick Wi re house'. We desire to call our readei’s* iit- tention the advertisement of the managers of the old reliaMe Kriek Warehouse which appears in this is ue, three as clever gentlemen as you ever The other did no pleasure of meeting: are in ; charge of this house—W. L. Thorn burg, B. O- Guthiie, and R. D. Aired, are three names to conjure with, *.hey are honest truthful, clever, hc:rd- Demccfi^tic Headquarters. Headquarters for the County Cfim paign have been opened «p on Front gentlemen, doing all jin their power for the interest of the j tcliacco farmers that patronize the ing picture show. It would seem by: ^hat man Ihovn- burg can just make a tobacco buyer pay as much or more for a pile of to bacco than any other auctioneer in this that the boys aro getting busy i and well they may. There is some tall pleading ahead to hold the boys in line. The.'O headquarters can tru ly be called the “W'ar Zone,’' or "The ater of War.’* 0 the business* Ben Guthrie has the persuasive powders to make you believe that he is selling WTappers w'hen it is. only gi’een tips and Robert Aired Now that the pork ban*el has been iv'hoops it up, by saying come in licre upset there are indications that some { gentlemen, this is too cheap, Mr. I. nes of the pork barrd congressmen ar* 1 one of our best farmers. We must afraid to go home before election. | stand by him, and all the time nudg- October y, Koll>GiTv>ute Haw Gcnt?emen:— Thank yju tills morning, I appreciate them highly ani; .shalt have thcun nade into dresses for my wardi'obe. PIea?e c«>nvey to the young ladies uf your e^tablishnieni my thanks far their gracious good wishes a!>d my very Inist wishes for them one and all. Sincerely ycurs, (Signed) Gc*ne\ icve Chr.n’p Clii. a. ALAMANCE COCNTV COTTON FASHIONS SHOW. Appreciating the ciForts of the ‘‘National Cotton Fashions Show/^ which was held in Wa.hington, »), C., on October 1914, for the purpose of advertising more extensively the wearing* of cotton goods in ihis coun try, and especially in our South Lan£. To furth-.u* jiid In this patiiotic move, the “ALAMANCE COUNTY COTTON FASHIONS SHOW" re quests the wome:’. of Alamance Couin/ to join tht-m in such a “Fashion Show." Helinite plans vvii) be published is? thi?^ paper in iis nev.t issue. Every on^ interested and willing to aid and f-i;-ther develop the “cot ton induf^try of the South” will nlf;;se address .•^Inmance County Fashion:*. Show, Margaret P’reeman. Act. Se--., Buriir.gtoiv, X C. i.'ig the buyers ijnd calling on them to help Mr. Jone? up, and he never ^top.s until the !nst cent has been ohiair.-. J They are turly a tri^v of splo'.did workers and it ought to be a pleas ure for the farmeri4 to deal with them, and besides they are broad mind- ea, liberal, progressive, nothing chin- chy about these people, they ai'c hust lers and will do to tie to. Don’t take our word for it, hut Uike them a !oad, results are better proof than words. 0 The' Greal Slate Fair of ihis year, i;- going tf> eclipse every other Fair ihut ha> been held in the South.. *n ii.' splendid, costly attnictions, clean amosemi"and exceptionnlly f.ne cducati ' .;l features. This one v.'eek. Octo* .hall be remembered by the : -u.^ansr. of people who come to Riilvigh as the home-gathering of yoenii\nry of the Old North State. _o Good mornini ;ay you are running some. 0 For Free Distribution. I5y direction of the General Assem- SheriiT W'alker, they ibly of 191:1, y00,000 copies of the Constitution with the Proposed Amend — in'jcnts have been printed for distri- The management of the Great State ibution to the people. Fair has invited Col. Theodore Roose-j Every voter in the State .'ihould be \-At to speak to the people al the j familiar with the provisions of the?e Fair on Thursday, October 22. and it j amendments. is hop«?d thnt the great traveler may | Copies may be had upon apilicr- find it convenient to let ail North Carolina hear him, for all interested iu anything he may say and are an xious to see him. tlw. to any Register of Deeds ov a copy will be mailed to any address, upon request, by .T. Bryan GriniO'', Secretary of State, RaUigh, N. C.

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