A k' »IESSIVE E5PDBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURUNGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLiNA, FKIDAV, OCTOBER 23, 1914. man EBdcms RepiibiicaB- favors INCREASED SALARIES. ‘ ticket. I fcleven English Warships Are Bombarding the Geimans at Nieupor'. near Osteiid - Germans Declare They Have Made a General Gain - Russians Say Enemy Still in Flight from Wtoaw-Austria Claims to be Regaining Lost Ground. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Honorable A. A. Whitensr, Repubiiean candidiate for United States Senator, will address the people of Burlington and vicinity in the Eui'liny- ton Brick Warehouse, Friday Night, October 30, 7:80 O’clock. Mr. Whiie- ner is a pleasingr spwker, and wll entertain his audier-ce. The ladies are especially invited, comfortable seats will be provided. Our friends will please see that due publicity is given to this atmouncement. COST TO TAX PAYERS. According to the sworn statement of C. D. Johnston, Clerk to tha Joard of County Commissioners, in hi* an^’.ual exhibit for last year, whii-h was {lublished in The Borlington News, under date of December 24th. 191^. This report shows that the Register of Deeds office cost the tax payers of Alamance County last year as follows: Salary of C. D. Johnstoi! .. , 51,600.01 Clerk Hire to C. D. Johnston, 600.00 Fees raid C. D, Johnston, as pei his statement 987.iS Total Amound Paid C. D- Johnston, as per his statement, .... !5:3,187.-2S The tax payers wii! please understand that this amount is what Mr. Johnston says that be received. If you doubt it see copy of Burlington News, Dated December 24th, 1913. If Mr. Johnston did not receive it, he should not 3iave said that he did, and if he did receive it, he should be manly enough to say that he did. This paper does not say that he receiv ed this amount, we say tliat he said he received it over his swcrn signature. This is more laeney than the register of Deeds office ever cost the ta pdyers in the way of fees and salaries since the office was created. This information is given so that the tax payers of the county may know how much this office cost them, and they can act accordingly. TWO MEN HOLD SIX OFFICES, Two men in this county hold six offices; and they are as follows: Deputy Sheriff, saSarj’, SI,000.00 Constable, fees, estimated, .. . - .. .. 600.00 Cotton Statistican, for lamanee and Guilford Counties, Fees, Estimated 500.00 Tot-.xl amount for the three positions, $2,100.00 The above offices are held fay Mr. C. D. Story, the other officers are as loHows: Register of Deeds, salary 5il,GOO.OO Clerk ir. t!.e Board of County Commissioners, fees last year .. SS7.‘i8 Trustee for the. County Sinking: Fund, fees last year 35.00 Total amount for the three offices $2,82‘2.'3S With two men holding six positions, no wonder lliere is no positions for anyone else, and yet there are reople who do not believe that there is a court house ring. This information i.s given for the benefit of the tax payers and they can act accordingly. Congre88 and Not States Should Act. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10.—Congress and not the States should find some remedy for the situation in the cot- tA industry. Governor J. M. Slaton, of Georgia, declared tonight in a state ment answering numerous requests that he call an extra session of the Xeoeral assembly to take action look ing to the curtailment of the ’cotton crop next year. The governor has been advised, he said, that plans for ciirtailing ihe crop Sy prohibitive taxation or penal stat- are unconstitutional. Referring the the federal govern ment, Governor Slaton said: "I believe the great JegisJative source of relief is' Congres. If the jgbvemment does not nov? assist the South when the President, a large proportion of the cabinet and the chairman of the powerful committees of tlie house and senate are from the South, we may expect little benefit from esaltation to office of Southern men.” O ;-Any doctor will tell you that the money a man has the sooner he's ored. .American Mexicans Train Guns on Soldiers. Vera Cruz, Oct. 16.—Evident prepa rations by a small detachment of men under General Aguilar to attack the American outposts around Vera Cruz hist night have resulted in the stjcngthening of the -American 'ines. Some 200 Mexicans are in a position about half a mile from the .\inerican outposts and they have two mount.«n guns trained on the American soldiers. Their warlike activity is attributed in Veia Cruz to over indulgence of li quor, hut their boasts that they were about to inaugurate an attack are taken more or less seriously beciuse 01 the ptrsistency of the reports that Aguilar will not restrain himself much longer and that the impatience of his men to enter Vera Cruz is rendering his control over'them doubtful. Aguilar’s entire force is estimated between 4,000 and 6,000 men with several pieces of artillery. It is re ported in Vera Cruz that Aguilar has made a wager that he will take break fast in this city next Sunday; 0~ it's a long way to Tipperary, but it’s A rougher r»ad to Berlin. DO NOT GET EXCITED. This is no time for the voters and tax payers to get excited, while finart- clal conditions are bad, very bad in this county, and while our country is ht-avily in debt, and the intere.st upon this indebtedness is burdensome, we must keep cool and work these things out with cool calm brain, do not let any political party unduly excite you, do nol get wrought up so that you will vote your partisan sentiment rather than your cool intelligent judgment. Times demand a f^reat deal of thi;:k' ins but think, and after you have vhoupht put your ^e?t thoughts into actiur.- We must lay aside partisan ship and exercise our privilege as free American citizsns, rio not believe all that any candidates tell you. not that they v;ould deceive, you deJibciato’Y, but in their zeal t'j ge' elected ..hey might lead you to believe that con ditions wei-e better than they are, this especially has reference to the tinan- cial i-i*!’dition nf our cour.'.y. The pre?- en', administration ioaIi?.e.s that :!ity have made a mess of the co'inty fi- ni'i.fes, and are anxiou.s to make tni’t- te)-; appear as good as possible. Rut wc tell you, »iid we tell you the troth that they are just bad as this paper represents them to be, and they may be wor.se for all we know, we do know- they are this bad. Tie ofSciaH wi’! not tell you the true eonditior., tiiey will tell you one thing one time, anti another tlting the next, they tii'.ve changed ihe finanviul CfiiuitUiii lh'‘ee diftcvent times since vKey have been out upon the canvass. How can we or you teli which is the correct stale ment, this heing ti ue you will have to judge for yourself just how bad con ditions are, we have told the county ofScials and we now (ell you, that if tho",c in authority in this county will tell us the true financial condition we will publish the same, wo are anxious tc render the tax payers a real ser vice by letting them know how their affairs are being conducted. But you could not go into any business con cern in this county and have them ^hand you their books, and then have yoa lei! them hovir their affairs stood, neither can you or us go into the clerks, treasurer, or the register of deeds office and look at their books am’ tell how this county stands finan cial !>, and yet this is what cur officials tell «3 to do, they say come look at the books. We say your books may be right, but we are not familiar with them, you tell us how we stand finan- cial'y, but they say. Nay, Nay, Panl- ire, come look at the books we will tell you nothing, look for yourself. Now there you are, you cannot tell, we cannot tel!, and they wont tel!. As tax payers and voters what are you goij.g to do about it? We say vote for iomo one who will tel! you» some one who pledges he' will tell you, this _s the only sure way to protect your own interest and the interest of the ■coui.ty fiOances, 'vhai will you do, it is up to you. No one else will act for you. will you act for yourself. 'We shall see. Burlington, N. C., Oct. 16th, 1914. Dear Mr. Editor:— Jt has reached ihy ears that it has iieen said by some of the Candidates foi Folitical .Office in the County that I am opposed to file Candidates Nom inated by the Mass Convention which was held in Graham a few weeks ago. In this connection 1 fetl that it is due my friends to know just where I stand in this matter. I stand as an out and out Progress ive opposed to fu.=;i.in or amalgamation in any form wich other political par ties but like other Progressives I stand for honest Government and a fair and economical distribution of the Counties funds. T have recently been absent from home, and have taken little active in terest in Politics this time, but 1 un derstand that the Mass Convention in Graham a few day^ a,;o Nominated a Ticlvet composed of good honest men made up of Democrats, Progres.^ives, and a few BepU')Ucans, that the ticket is composed mostly of Progressives and for this reason I propo.se to sup port the ticket, and I advise every Progressive in thi County to do so. Not only this lut 1 advise mery thinking man in Alamance County to cfci:>ider the present .State and ty Tax rate that he i? paying in this county and 1 am sure that he will know and feel that such a rate is ample to meet the requirements of thi- County, and if this is the case, do w.-; !iot need a change, and a crowd that will be more economical in the expenriiture of the Counties funds, let us slop this coatiuunl issueina; oi Bonds for the purpose of meoiinR the iepitimate expense^ of our Coi:n- ty. From the list of the men on the ticket gotten out by the Co:u'en- tion I am certain they are reinescnta- tivo men in every respect und worthy to be .supported by all good citizens who favor economy and :i judiciou.^ ej^penditure of the Counties funds. Yours very Truly, J.AS. N. WILLIA.MSON. JR. Dear Editor;— Since it has been dsclaied by some who ar;> nol picperly informed that the Progressives of the County are not going to support the ticket nomi nated Uy the Republican Progressive Mass Convention held at Graham, Oc tober U>14, I take this opportunity to say that, so far as I know the Pro gressives will most heartily support this ticket. The nominees are all sooti men and most of them are, or have been. Progressives. We stand firnily by this ticket and pled.ire our ujiqual- ified support. (Signed) W. W. BROWN, Chr. Executive Committee of the Pro gressive Party of .Alamance County. Announcement. 1 desire to announce to my many friends in ,\i.'irnance County, that 1 am a candidate upon the Republican (ick- £l for the position of Register of Dti'ds. And i will appreciate an;; support you may see tit to give me. If elected I promise to make public all mattes pertaining to the county finances, and all other matters that iwll be of interest to the voters and tax payers of the county. I am ac cepting this nomination with full knowledge of the salary attached, and it elected I will not take advantage of any technicality to increase my salary a')3\e the amount allowed by law. i rhall ad’.ninister the office in the interest of the tax payers and do al! in r.iy power to give entire sat isfaction. Thanking you in advance for your support I beg to remain. Gratefully yours, W. ROSS FBESEWATES. 52,000.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 900.00 FOR ALL COUNTY OFJ-’ICERS, We are reliably informed that the Democratic Candidate for ths l.egislaiure favors an increase in sulary for all county officers, the pres ent salaries are as follows; Sheriff ., .. .. .. .. . .i .. .. ... ..... Register of Deeds .. ,, ., .. Clerk of Court .. .. .. .. Treasurer . . ..... ...... .. ... This does not include allovanees for clerk hire, to oach of these of ficers as follows: , Sheriff, Salary for Deputy ,. .. .. .. .. .. $1,000.00 Register of Deeds 000.00 Clerk of Court .. .. .. .. .. .i .. .. .. .. lOO.Gft Our understanding is that the proposed increase is as follows: SherifT $.500.00 Register of Deeds 400,00 Clerk of Court .. 300.00 Treasurer 300.00 Tctal Increase .. ,. $l,o00.0& This increase added to their present salaries would be as follows; Sheriff $2,500.00 Register of Deeds 2,000.00 Clerk of Court , 1.800.00 Treasurer • 1,200.00 \ou will understand that toe Cltrl: of Court is not now upon salary, ard will not be until after December 1st, this year, but if the Democratic Candidate for the Legislature is elected, this is what the salaries will be if h5» can have his way about it. If you believe that these officers are over worked and under paid, vote for an increase, but if you think that the sal aries are high eijough for the sertices rendered, then vote for the Repub- Kcnn-Fiogressive candidate, this is there is to it. We are informed by v.hat should be a reliable source that this bill to increase salaries was pi?j)ared a?id presented to the BoaJd of County Conimissioners for their upproval, and that three out of the five members of the board approved th“iri, but that two refused to endorse them, and gave a? their reasons ihar these ofScer.? krew v.hai their salaries were when they accepted the romination for the oSce. and besides they thought the salarie.^ high ei.f.uRh, we lire also informed by this same authority that this biil for ■iti increii.^'e was indorsed by Mr. John. 11. Vernon, ivho was then County Chairman, but now the Candidate foi the Legislature, this bill was sent do^\n to both the rejrular and e.^tru .sessions of the Lcgi?latu:'e but was v.ol introduce'.!. Wo want to cf.y in justice to whom justice is duo. th« re?.- -son this biU was not passed is due to .\tr. .Jack Scott, Senator from this cciinty, he gsive it as his oi.tnion that they accepted the offices knowing what the saiiiric.c weie and he opposedthe bil!, to him belongs the credit for its fasluve to pass. Our readers will recall that this paper also called the peo3)]e’s attentioi'.. to this bill at the time, and urged our people v> Cjiiicse itn pa.ssape. Injt we are glad to say that your senator was alert tr. the tax [layers intcie.st and would not allcw its passage. But we I arn you now that you will not have Senator Scott to prctcct you in t.*>e next Legisiature. Therefore you wii! have to protect yourself at the ballot box, this is the sure method anyway. .Ail this is given as informa tion to ihe tax payers, and for such action as you deem necessary. STA.ND FIR.M. We ask ai'.d urge our party friends Registration. Ihe registration book.s were ooen- to stand firmly by the ticket to be ed last Saturday, or should have been \’oteil for at the C!,niing election; we are all united now, let’s stay united. !):) not permit ary one to mislead you ill regard to the county ticket; we have a good ticket, as good as any prrty ever r.oir.inated iii this county. V/e are going to get support from un expected sources; let it not be said af ter the result i.s over, that we dM not stand loyally by all the candniate.s. Pay no attention to those who would try to stir up prejudice against this or that candidate, we believe that tve know what we are doin?:. r.nd feel - hat you will approve our action. We urge each of you to not only go to the election yourselves, but to sej that youv neighbor does likewise. l.Wi not engage in useless argument with those who are de\'oid of reason; this is no time for useless argument, it only engenders bitterness. This is a time for action. Respectfally, W. E. WHITE. J. H. HARDEN, J. ZEB WALLER. HEENAN HUGHES, E. S. W. DAMERO.N', Republican County Executive Com mittee for Alamance County. O War Has -\lready Cost England 1,203 Ofiirers. iKjndon, Oct. 16.—An officers’ casu alty list, embracing losses from Sep tember 29 to October 5, shows a total in killed, wounded and missing of 116. The record shows that since the b^ ginning of the war Great Britain’s casualties in officers amounts to 1,203 men, of whom 280 were killed, 625 were wounded and 298 are missing. for the registratior: o£ voters and they wiil remaii) open until Saturday, Oct. 5Jth. Each Saturday til! and includ ing October 24th, the i-egistrar shall l:a^'e the books at their respective poll ing places. On other days the voters must hunt the registrar up if he de- i-cs to register. It is the duty o.'' the registrars to make it ;\s con'tni- ent as possible for voters to re.gister. .\1) persons who have attained i.heir majority since last election are entitled to register. If you have moved from one State, County or Township to an other, you must register in your new place of residence if you expect lo vote. If you have changed your re sidence from one lov.-iiship or ward to :jother without leaving the countv you must get a transfer from the township or ward in which you form erly lived to the one in which you now reside. Registration is very important if you expc.-t to vote and the voters should ; ;, e this matter iheir immedi ate r:.-. ..tio;i. O -MR. HENSLEV PASSES. Mr. Hensley, father of E. A. and H. T. Hen.sley, died yesterday. The funeral will be conducted at his home today at 2:00 o'clock and he wiil be interred in Pine Hill Cemetery this evening at 4 o'clock. Full particu lars in next issue. -n- ”T^he pat^t medicine men are up M arms agrain.st the war tax bilL . So isVfverybody else whose business is CO be affected by the proposed war tas.