A ^«OGj^aiVE ^EFUBliCA^.^'EWSPAPER OEVOTED TO TIflE UPBUIUaiNCjoF AK£BICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BIUItliNoibN, AijUIANCE COUNTY, ^OftTa CASOUKA, FRIDAY, OCIOBER 30. 1914. MADE THEEE EFFORTS. The court house ring says that the Editor oi The Oispatci 'U not look at thfe records. But the trulii is that w-: have .made three eft ' ^ to Igok at the books. The first effort was made Saturdayj Oct. 24th, in \ effort I wits successful to the extent of seeing the aawunt of fees turned .,.co the ^ county treasurer by the Register of D^s, and w^e sping through this rec ord I was constantly reminded ^at Mr. Johnston had an engagement for dimer, that the minister was at hfs home for dinner, and %ve went no iar- tixer than this one record. On Monday, October 26th, I again went to Gn- h*»^~see tiie j^ords and was informed that the register of deeds had T™e TO Elon College to the Speaking ,althbugl> the other candidates upon the ticket with him had not goixe. I solicited the help of Hon. £. S. Parker, Jr.. who went with me to the Registe> of Beeds office and he asked for certain ijcoks but was unable to get any sxcept tho bond book. And from this book I got the amount of outstanding bonds which was published in the Twice-.\- Week Dispatch of last Tuesday, October 27; On Tuesday, October 2^. I * again made the third attempt, this time I found Mr. Johnston but he told nie that he had an important engagement in Buriington and must leave im- mediatejy, I .asked him if there was no one in the officis that coiild give me the desired information, and he said there was not, 50 I did not get to see the books for the third attempt, I want to say in justice to the clerks in the Register of Deebs ofBce, that this is no reflection upon them because they could not give the information, I do not blame them for not trying, no one not thoroughly familiar with these books can tell anything about them, v.-ith all the boasted book-keeping and filing system which cost the tax payers hundreds of dollars, the system in this office certainly needs overhauling. But -aside from this I want to say. that the candidate who states that the! Editor of this paper will nAt look at the books deserve to be put into Ihe I Rosevelt Ananias Club. 1 have tried to get the records and have tried to i give the tax payers the true facts, what we have published about the county | finances was facts which come to us from people w'ho the county owed or ■ from those who knew about it, and in the main they arc true, as to the '>ut-1 standing bonds the amount stated is from the records, and if the recordr^; are true the amount stated is true, with this explanation we leave all chis ’ controversy to the voters and tax payerr- to be settled upon November! 3rd. If they can stand conditions now i,revailing and getting worse all the ^ time, ,we »i)] try too, this statement is tlsD Irulh, nothing but the truth, •inc? we trust will be acceped as such, at lea.st hy all fair-minded men. VOTBFOR: • Solicitor Ninth, Judicial; District: WIIXIAM i; WARD, Alamance Coviity. Senators Nineteenth Senatorial ,District: Caswell County, C. J. YARBRC^Gk, D. S. MILLER, Durham County. •ENTIRE evtMy Union that was republican before the COUNTRY GOING RE- of the public suup kitchen and a long PUBLIC \N. weary ramp liokini? for work, once This paper ha.'; good news for its again safe in the harbor of Republi- re.dcrs. uimo.st ev.M-y Sutc in *tTe they will c»,st anchor for a !onK stay. Business men, Farm ers, liiboiing^ Rien of Alawan«':e las. declion 1.-= goint; to return to il.s fir.'t lovp, after November Hrd.- The ^he vlrd day of November and th«n I)‘niocrat,^ now hpve one hundred and watch the dark financial clouds roll forty-five majority in conirress. this jivvay. like inirii before the suiishtnf.,. majority wil! be* to not more than {.^y pap**r away where it can be f>rty, if not v.’itH'd out altogethf'r, found watch the^'-e pi-eilit*- i’resit!e>it Wilson is in a panic as tho rome ti-ir.'. ro,-.ult (>!' the rcviilt of his adininisira- Kouse of Representatives: • THOMAS C. CARTEK. C’erk of the Superior Court: J. EVERETT STAFFORD. Treasurer: CHARLES B. WAY. Register of Deeds; \A'. ROSS freshwater. Sun-eyor: ,1. WILBUR OVERMAN. Coroner: WILLIAM J. NICKS. HU. V1i:R.\ON WE1TE3. October 27, 1914. Editor State Dispatch, I regret that you are indulging in such cheap politics in our campaign. The statement in your Iasi issue that I declared “that the nominees of the P.epubUcan Party Were like hog pens in tUeir. offensiveness” is unfounded and untrue. This statement is like many other statements you have pub lished in yovir paper for the last feiv «ecks. You have made mis-state ments about the indebtedness of cur Coui'ty, about our Register of Deeds, Clerk of Court and others, and I am relu'bly i^iformcd that you did it with out msAing any investigation of the records. You should go to the records juid get the truth and give the truth to your subscribers, I am glad the day has come in politics when the people are demanding the truth, and unless the truth is presented the mes sage will be of little avail. 1 do not Mitve that an editor of a paper de serves the respect of his fellows un- •i he can first e.stablish and maiii- tfUn a good reputation as to fairness and accuracy. I endorse the lettsrs writcene you this week by C. 1>. Johi>- stoii and J. 3D. Kernodle. Get riffht ami deal fairly. Yours tj'ujy, JOHN U. VERXON. ;io.t. He ai-.d hi'; jciily have larjje advi'i tisements in aii the Jeading news piper.-: calling upon the people lo .‘itaiid by his administration, so great is the defection thi'.t I'.e oee need he sui >*ris^d to see the ne,>:t congi-ess conti oiled by thi Republicans, in fact then? would i#t lie it doubt :ii>out it, Iti'if for the fart that the Bull Moose parly have sti'ontr tickets in a gre^it mary of the close congressionaS dis- tri-.as, and this split in the vote may cause the Dtmocratc to I’ctain con trol of the next congress, but if they are fortunate enough to do this it will be by a narrow margin. C.an you imagine a Democratic niajofity of li-") b,'*ing reduced in one election to less than fifty, and yet the Democratic candidates for oflice tel! you that the people are falling o'-er themselves get ting upon the Dcmocralic bandwagon. They are gay deceivers this band of life time office holders, the people in stead of running: over themselves iO get cpor. the Democratic bandwagon are ceseitsng the party like rats from a sinking ship, there is nothing more certain than this country is sick and tired of Democi iicy with its low tar iff ix)liey, they long to get back to the policy of protection and America for American-'!, they are tired of promises ;«nd Sne rhetoric, what they want i.s something mor“ substantial and la.st- ing. They kniv-v what the Republican party stands for, and what a Repub lican administration means to bu.si- l\es,s the laboring men know thst they are not worried about the full dtnne? pail and w'here the next meal is tc come from when tho party of protection is iii power, the business men know that times are good and money plentiful when the Republicans are in power, they know their busi ness is secnre, and they have no tear i to the future when all tlie laboring en are employed, the laboring men know all this too and they are just waiting for a chance to swat the par- -0- Sheriff: H. CURRIE WALKER. County Commis.sioners: ROBERT T. KEUKODLE. GEORGE \V. VESTAL riLARLES A, ALBRIGHT. JOHN H. TURNER. A. K. RONEY. o BE OJ' GOOD CHKER. Bai^'.eres, Bu.-;ine>;s rosn, K-aime!'-'. and I iiborers, i’C of good cheer, the'C sire iii-ighter dnys just, ahead for you. This great '-ountry of ours i,s goiiijf to right about face now within a fcv.- days, nnd start upon the road to pros- pcriiy, the Republican party, the pec-^ advertising it to ,.1! the people pieV. fmcnd v.i cominj? hack, and there v.^il be ^.-eat rejoicing uround th' fai'iiiy ftresid^, the pcopie will be chct-red upon life’s weary road, And tvnfidence that took wingrs upon the: election of a l>emocrat\c administra-; tfo ! is ^?oing lo return when the Re- pub-]ican party comes hack, the people wiii feel th»t iin able arid cxperien* eii captain is r.t the ship's hehn and thsy will no longer fear the brewing Oongressn.an Stead- t.r.;,neial stov:!.. Men «1.th money Wii: sec that the American P^ople: ji.uhjnk you were a grand old nn.n. hav'? not losi their political senses, wiU fel more secure. Money thai has been ii' hidincr since the last eltrcfion wiW creep from iU hiding and ; take its rightful place in the com •ncvcial field of progress, and better 1.3 ^111 t i* i to this dark is four hundred dollars tunes will be the jipsult, of coarse it; ‘ and will lake time, for all this to come i abott, but Jusi as sure as the party j of )'rotection makes gains in the com- | in}? election, jusu so sure will there bei a Ki-eat fcusineiis levival. Let u? ai! j jo»n in this great j>olitical upheaval which will mean so much to the Amer ican Homes and American firesides. O noiXG us A GOOD Tt'KN*> The Demoi*rutic candidates are do* in/? thi.i- paper a miirhty ^rood sei'- ' \ wilh whom they come in ooniart, »f the Pt.Hte of our finances ive>-e not so .’low, we v.'ouM place them upon our i pay roll, but coHections are slow and ; ive are not able just at thi^? time, how- ' ever we appreciate tlieir kindness and . tnist they will keep the good work ':Up. Small favor.*? thankfully receiv ed, and larger ones in pi*oportion. Wo recsived a lar^e one Tuesday night you were a , —O A NEW CLK.RK ADDED. There has been another clerk add^d i to the office of the Regi.ster of Deeds ^ i within the last few months, the salary is paid for out of the tax payers inortey, this office is now costing the lax payers one thousand dollars per y^ar clerk hire, besides the regular j Siilary of the Register of Deeds, we iare not criticising the establishment ' of ihis additional office, it may have beon necessaxy^ but we are * making I the* fact public, in order that the peo- I pie may know what is going on, the I ti«u' has been when the other papers Legal Kefldtrtion. Apropos to a peculiarly fla'^^rant leg-j coonty wonid have chronicled ftl scandal. Senator John H. Bank- j gladly, but this was before head, said in Jasper. complete domination of the county “This scandal give a point to a story I have just heard. “A lawyer advertised for a boy, A boy ^ly presented himself, and the lawyer saW to hyp,: i-- ■■■■' “ ‘Well, xay le.4, what qualifications h^ve you foi* A place in a lawyer’s office?’ “ ‘I can—er—I can lie. sir, the ho| by the court house ring. 0-: ty that hfts brought them within sig%it answered. MORE BONOS ISSUED. There has been mere bonds Issuod V'ithout submitting it to unvote of the people, on July mh, there was issued bonds, to the .amount of twenty thousand dollars, and the money is alJ gone, sueb ?s the record of the court house ring. THKY WOL'LO HAVE YOC i’OK- GST. Ihe court house ring would have 'ih' tax payers forged, that there :ire iive county commissioners to b® vot^ fcfl foi' November Ord, have you heard 'fifiyihing- said about these officials. ; Always in the campaigns heretofore jtoir.e one of th« county candidates too!: it upon«himseIf to make the a.n- jr.*ujw'ements for all the county com missioner*. but not so this time, there i.s a reason ask you;* self why this i*h;*«2>?:o. They would have you forjr^et abtsut the do»r law, herott»fore lh'.» cantUdate for the IcKtslature would boast of tho many good hiw>? piv.'=;:wd by tho hi3t genera! ns.'embly. Uut th? U05V law they wt>uld have y»u fo?*- There iis a reason, a^k yourself whj' they do not l>oast of this j?oo:« doK luw. They would have y'«u for- jjcc iibout the enormous county th«it. is a reason, ask yourself why tho> do not want t»i discuss tht.* t'ouci- ty (joljt, it is so largi* that tlu* more yo>’ iisi uss it the larger it gets, ami th^y are afraid that it is larger* than the tiix payeres will st:u.d for. They v/sH not discuss the .saving to the lax pajvrs Jiy thtf adopir.Hi of tho salary sytit:m as against the fet* systeirt, thcr' is a reason, ask yourself why (hoy will not discuss chis snvln*r. The coui'iy officers were opposed to th*,? salary sy.siem, and they are taking thf-ii* vengeance upon the taxpayer's who forced it upon them, The'y will no: discuss the road law, there is a veaso7i, ask yourself vhy they wlh not discuss the read law, they would have you forget there is a road law. why because the present iH)ad . lav/ A failui^e, a farce, and a makeshift. The people rre demanding a better ro:ui law% fre« from favoritism and Hoctional advantage. The court hout^e ring is opposed to remodelling tho road law, and therefore refuse to dis:- cus. 5t. These are live subjects, iti which the tax payers ase interesteti, if you favor them, make your infiue?ice fcU at the polls. O WOOL DEALERS COMPLAL\ OF DEMOCRATIC TSfMES. Argument in favor of the re-elec* ti-«n of Senator Penrose and the en tire Republican ticket was made yes- tcrdr.y w’hen the Tattersfield Comp any, of 32 Letitia Street, im porters and dealers in foreign and domestic wool, said that ^ile their firm had paii more than half a million dollars" duty on woo} in lOiS, it would not pay oiie cent on vool daty iw the present ye;.T. “Today the factories which purchase our wool are running cn half time or ! REPLY TO >IR. VERXO>. I am publishing your letter of the i:7th inst., in this issue, although ;you have already giv^n it to The News. Speaking of fairness, w'ould it not have been more in the spirit of fairness to have presented this lettsr 10 me for publication first, and then if t ha I refused, to have givet% it to The News, you will remember that you told rue you was going to prepare a let ter and present to me fov publication, and asked if 1 w'ould publish it, and I told you I would, so you. cannot say that you were afraid I would not 'pub lish it. I am only too glad to publish all the letters you mention. I am running a paper to give the hews, and these letters are new;s, there are a great many people who have never heard of the matters you refer to. I want to say in the beginning that I have no quarrel with you or nny t'ther candidate upon youi‘ ticket, so far ai I am iaware we have been friends, and personally I would be glad to remain friends, but if telling the truth regarding their official acts, breaks the existing friendship, let it break. I will not be guiltj'^ of tiyin^ to deceive the voters and tax. payers of this good county for my own party, and sutely not for yours, this is a jjood c&unty, and its people are of the best, I hrve elected to spend my remaining days within her borders. The time is past if it ever existed when our tax pay ers will calmly submit to inefficient and extravagant administration of our county affairs by either party, and the socner w^e all realise this changed condition the sooner it will mean a better day for Alamance Cuonty poli tics. As to cheap plolitics it is not nec2ssary for me to remind you that these are hard times owing to the War ;n £vrpoe as you would say, and we cannot afford to indulge in an expensive campaign, w'hen the war clouds have rolled away^ and we are entering upon the dawn of the new niilenium as often pictured by you during this campaign, 1 might be willing to loosen yp a bit, but everything muf;t be cheap now, why we must even wear cott.>n. You should remember that the good honest farmers and laborer:? in this-. f.‘Ounty, do not hold as many offices «k soni* of those whom you are trying so hard to defend. They e«rn their livi?ig ly the sweat of their brow, there are no fai salaries and fees attachel. and besides they aro no*t their own paymaster!:. All they jret is by hard Kix-ck;. and they have to knock the harder when your party is in power. about whom you are \Veeping neither toil nor do they spin, but they a»v provided with clerk.s to do the work and the tax payers foot the bills. All the ring have to do, is to stifle aml>i(ion in the youn/r manhood of the »?ounty, and scheme for re- clection- As to what you are .reported to have said about the ofTensiveness of the iHepublican party in your speech ;tt The Hub, I leave for the inLel- Jigent audience that ^va.s present anti J you, to >'ay, your remarks was highly objectionable 1«» the decent people (»*’ Loth parties, as will be testified to by the voters ai the poll;; Nov. ^rd. As to tho mis-statement about the indebteduess of our rounty, I have thiK to ttiy. If you wiH employ an audi^ tor of high standinjr and known ability to ; i;dil the book;^ of the county, ind if this auditor does noi report that the total *ounty debt is not nearer thrK^ hundred and lifty thousand dollar.s thtr amount I rlaini than three hundrs't and ten thousand uoll:*rs, the amount that >ou claim. 1 will pay the expen.ie of the audk, and will put up the money lefore the work is begun. A-s to what has lK?in published about your - a.ndidate fm’ the register of det^ds I have this to siay, the Jigures juoted wi;s takt?n froni his lepoi’t publish-.’d in Tho KurJihgtoii Mated Mee, If thej^e iigui'es arc n>»t true it is his fanh ;(r:d not min-. you k?o\v that thi. report shows (hose figure.'!, iu^d if there- is any iius-st;itemcnt ivb»ut them, he and you have made them not :ne. 1 have never :-ialcd that h.- look these Ul", but 1 ha\e repeat edly said that h;s rep»)M. .''iivtl did. A;» iihe which vtiu ( n^ade against your caiuiiilaK- ft‘r clerk .1; the court, I vfrfer you lo the pMi>.*r contiii'iing it, you will ju>te ihat lh:i« charge was made »>y a correspondent from Ossipec MiIIn. i^hn said he knew the farts as to the truth of This rharge i pu? it up to you. The article saiil you were the vi’oman's attorney, Mr. Kei'iiodle himseJi say.-' you wvri' the woman’s attorney, therefore ihe nnly iniH-siatments that 1 am aware if art. th(ts- you tnake against tn*». i tOi« am glad that the d:>y has come whe;i people are demanding the trath. They ari‘ donian'liiijr 1 iie 1 wic(*-A-\Ve^' l,^i.spatch has boer» den’.unding it, bul you and your court house ring have leen resi.:ting this demuud, \/itK all the '.-ngjnuety of a iilighted poliiicial riund, added by yo'ir hords of nfiir-? holders and ofiice s^-t'kers, not content with this, you soug!\; th« aid of ihe brightest legal mind your party ran boas: of irt the person of Mr. K. S, Parker. «)r. Hut he would not say w!i u. you and your court house rsrg^ decreed, and you have not tried him again. As to your views that an editor doe.s not deserve the i^*spect of his fellow men unJess he car; rtrst esfcibh’.sh and maintain a good icputution us to fairness and accuracy I have this to '’-»y. If you possessed the same moral cotie that you sei up for an Editor, you would not now be :• caf>didate for ch * Legislature. Pray tell me when djd the court house ring permit a man wh.- po.se.^sed this moral code to be nominated for the Legislatuie, certainly not since the ring has held undis puted ,swi>y in this county. J am glad you* endorse »he letters written for publicatioir in The Li>spatch by C. I). .lohnston and I*. Kernotlle. You also endorse the increase-salary bill do y'.»'i r.ot. I war.t to remind you again, of what I told you when the campaign frrst opened that The Editor of the Dispatch was not an issue In this campaign, but if you still think -so. i have no objection to your opinion. \o'.. liually. Brother Verr.on, permit me to suifgest that you first remove the be-im from thine own eye, liefore vou w’ould pluck the mole from mine eye. Wishing you the success, that the ju^l^•es^■• of your cause merit?-, u:d no more, I beg to remain. Yours truly. J. ZKB. WALLKR. iess.'* Uiey said. **Th)s is not due to the war, but to the bad business con ditions tJiroughout the country. We are convinced that if the Republican party had remained in power there would have been no deficit and no new id be 1-unning ar,2 doing business wou) on full tim.e.” O Litle Mtrgnret's aunt had been ill' for several w'eeks nnd Margaret ha^d not seen her during this time. On seeing her the first time after her ill- ntss, she cried: *‘My, auntie, how^ you have evaporated.** MAN WHO WOLLD MARRY MISS WILSt> NAKRKSTKD. i’hicago, Ocf. 2.1.—A man giving his name as David A. Wils^on w'as held u.'jder arrc’St by feJeral authoritie.^ hei .1 today on a charge of having writ ten to Mii3 Margaret Woodrow Wil- so.^, the only unmavried daughter of President Wilson^"^oposing marriage. He wa^.fce examined ns'to his vanity. Wilson admitted ha\ing'written t^e' ; letter, but refused to answer any questior^s concerning it. His home was said to be in Curry- I ville, Missouri.