j^HE TWICE-A.-arEEK OISPATCH. KKJDAY, CkTTOBEB 3«, Wr4. PAGE TUBES WHILE EUROPE FIGHTS AMERICA PROSPERS. Hsrbcrt Kaufman in The Chicago) Sunday Tribune. It’s Kere—your chance has come. Hali th«l World had to be blown off the map to produce the oppoi-tunity. Mon billions ot pounces, francs and ituirks’ worth of assets than the total created Wettltli of the world five hundred years Ago had to be smashed to , siHithtr««n^‘nobody knbvrs how many leaders i.^ manufacturing, shipbuild ing', ivilrviadiri^, finance, merchandising:, chemistry, medicine, engineering, electricity, dyeingj weaving and publishing, not to mention an indefinite num ber of less important but quite useful folk—^had to be lost in the cataclysm, to arranage matters for your benefit, hot at all events you are one of the residuary iegattes of the still vast, valid estate. ^ Now make good—you’re nSiled. .We’ve always suspected. you, but yov wer« so confoundedly plausible ’Vfith your excuses—so clever with your explanations of how you just missed , it, that we gave you the benefit of the docbt and—another try. But you won’t “get by” again unless you produce the goods. If you ever before had an idea you never before had such a market for it. * If you ever possessed business acuman and judgment, you’ll never aigain face a universe so sadly in ne^ of your gifts. The bomb that burst at Sarajevo l«mporarily paralyzed the develop ment of half t!:e world. ' For years to come Eiirope must chaft? in handcuffs—-bereft of recouise and resource—and turn to America for ?he alleviation of her necessities. Last year it was twice as difficult to merchandi.!e yourself or your wares~to get a hearing and to get ahead—because now there is only half the rivalry that existed then. This is not an ui^e to capitalize ouv neighbor’s woes. On the contrary it is a suggestion to get busy and lighten them. The more we help ourselves the quicker we analyze the situation snd sensibly set about relieving the world sti’ain—the sooner we repair the uni versal tears and snags and patch up th.-? broken machinery—^the better off everybody will be. Here and there a flying splinter or a chip of shrapnei has figuratively flown across the Atlantic and actually irjuied an isolated interest, but, man alive, such cases don’t count—ninety-nine per cent of us never had less reason to worry about our material prosperity. 'There's a silver lining to evei*y w-ir cloud, too, and it’s all showing on our side of the ocean. There are mouths to feed and backs tc ciothe—prescription.s to fill, au tomobiles and farming implements to pvdduce, shoes to be furnished and steel to supply—it’s jusst as though half ths- stores in the country were sud denly closed—half the farms abandoned, half the factories and iaboratories shut down—It doesn't take much imagiiiation to figure that the active merchant.*! and farmers and manufacturers would have everything their own way, and yet that’s just what has oteurred. Hard times arc impossible under thefe coniiitions. The most superficial analysis proves it. Shed a tear in the name of rteceiK-V and humanity over the appalltnjr tragedy, but in the name of pood citizenship and f-ood sense simultaneour.!y help devastated lands and your own cnuntry by spieadinjr cheer among the blinded doublers whose pes.'iiminni i^ retarding a neces.=ai-y anti im mediate boom. By every law of lottic and profit thtri; shouldn’t li» a still whtel or a tle.-ien smoke stack on the whole contin';nt. By raisiti^ our jiroduciion to it.s maximum limit.s we can not only creairf enormous fortunes for ou'.'OlveK but at the same time so i-edute costs tiiat wc can also lighten the n isfnr- Ir.nes of our kinsuieii yonder. History won’t repeat the present pisl'ornuiiice in yuui It’." your iii’st a.N’ and iiif'f'est chanci'. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Honorav'* Whitener, Republican candidate for United States Senator, will a^,’dress the people of Burlington and vicinity in the Burling ton Brick Waivhob.^'^’ Friday Night; October 30. 7:30 O’clock. Mr. ’ft'hice-. iier is a pleasing entertain his audience. The ladies are eapeciaily invited, Provided. Our friends will please see that due publicity , announcement. COST TO PA^®®®- According ‘ to the sworn stateni'jnt Ow "^“huston. Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, in hi» snf.iui ^°r last year, whi.-.*i was published in The Burlington News, uraler date December 24th, ’This' report shows ,that the Register of Deeds ofSscff ^he tax payers of .-Mamance County last year as tellovi'a: Salary of C. D. Johnston .. .. .. •$1,600.0V Clerk Hire to C. D. Johnsto;., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .J 600.00 Fees Paid C. D. Johnston, as per his .statement .. .. .. „ 93T.i'i Total .‘Imound J*aid C. D. Johnston, as per his statement, .. .. $3,I3?»2S The tax payers wiil please understand that this amount is what Mr. .lohiiston says that he r^eived. If you uoubt it see c«py of Burlington News, Dated December 24th,. 19I3-. If Mr. Johnston did not recei>-e it, he should not have said that he did, aud if he did receive it, he should t>e maiily enough to say that he did. This paper does not say that he receiv ed ^his amount, we say that he said he received it over his swcrn signatur;;. This is more money than the register of Deeds office ever cost the ta.i payers in the way of fees and salaries since the office was created. This informatiQn is given so that the tax payers of the county t«ay know how much this office cost them, and they can act accordingly. DKMOCK.'VTIC ABSKNTKKISM. Ill the veiUu', bouiiuetfi that I’residei." Wilson threw i,> the Dcniocrutii- Congress' in his letter In Mr, Uiiderwou! there was one «llijccl upon which ■there wa,=; silence. That was the matter ,f i>einocral!c absenteeism during the long session just past. The faihue of the memberK of the majority par ty to remain in Washinirton and atton'.t l thei: Congressional duties has iieen a scandal. Finally, the nio.st extreme measure possilile was ailoi(‘.r>,i, that of “docking"’ (he pay of mc-niliO’ S »f the lIou:“C f^ir each day’s absence from duty except tor sickness. It Ava.-! the liemocratic leader hinise'.l' who was compelled to ;ulupL this ladical policy in order to keep enough his party at theit po.vts of duty ■for the House to attend to bu.sinesr.. On'y once before has it been necessary to resort to this “docking” law. That timi- v.-as some twenty years ago, and then, as now, it v.as a Democratic Congress that compelled its adoption. The Democratic memi)crship of ihe House is two hundred and TiiiiCly. It require."! the presence of two hus'dred and eighteen memebers to make a quorum for the carrying on of business. Thus, the !>emo.?rats have seve.nty- tv.'o members in excess r.f the quorum number. It is reasonable to i-.uppe.-^e tbjit when matters of vital importance to the country were br^ing acted up.'.n the Democrats would have maintained a ituorurn of their own members, es- pecially so when the House was carrying ( ut a legislative progri'.m that had been passed upon and ordered by a caucv? of the party. Before the financial pvessare was iaought to bear upon the Democrats there had been one hundred and thiity-n4-.« roll call votes in the House, which Democrats with pocketbook nerv.55, but with no proper sense of ihen- duty, had missed. Or. each of these roll call votes there \va» an average of one hundred and three absent Democrats. .\nd on over one hundi-ed of these votes Republicans had to supply th,? riliierence between the Democratic shortage and the nurrtber neces.sary for business of the House to proceed. Many of these roll calls were os the vtry important legislation that was before Congress. It is the Democratic party that i.i responsible for legislation and for the conduct of the House. But if it had not been for Republican votes the i-.se would have been helpless mc-st nf the session aud its majority ciog- .-red. It was not until the “docking” resolution was passed that the impor tant business of Congress had any attraction for the Democrtits. When it became a question of losing the sum of twenty dollars from their pay for every day of unexpected absence then there was a sudden rush of Demo crats to Washington. That was appavontly their one interest in legislation. One of the reasons for this absenteeism was the vicious rule of King aucus. Everything was foreordained arid decreed by the mandate of the arty caucus. A bare majority of the caucus could decide in advance what ihe House was to do and how. Therefore, the members had nothing to do with legislation. There was no such thing as sincere debate aiid discussion on the floor; there was no opportunity for the offering of suggestion or amendment. The iron hand of the caucus v/as over all. It is not a fortunate issue upon vrh-ch to go before the people of the country, this record uf X)emocratic ncgSigtnce and the Democratic system high-iianded dictation that made it possible. Can it be that thiS is the ■and of Congress that is wanted by the voters of the United States? TWO MEX BOLP SIX OFFICE.S. Two men in this county hold six office,s, and they are as follows; Deputy^Sheritf, salarj’ .. .. .. Sl.OOO.OU Constable, fees, e.stimated .■■ .. . Cotton Statistican, for Alamance and Guilford Counties, Estimated Fees. 600.00 500.0b Luke is going to study Anatomy, j A Boston woman was shot in the! dining room and a Pittsburg woman ivas Stabbed the back yard. - — 0 Well, the. aines have one consola tion—if the. Gfrmanss go any furiner they’ll have wade. — -*0- A Happy Home (R*m1 Wb«t P«ruiui Did) Jrrs. James F. Sujnmitt. So. 1006 St., MuscaUne. lova, wfiUai — - he^th was so mi»drable for ifiat 1 ivas practjcaily an- in- vaJw. iiaJ no jf&mliy. owing to ^ ill h«aUh. I was Uaduoed to ?eri:na A irUU« and tound very quickly iridC ii bclpk.'s: zne. PRESBITERIAX CHURCH. Key. Donald McXver, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. B. R. Sellars, ouperintendant. Pr-ayer Meeting, Wednesday . at 7:311 P. M. . A The Public is cordially invited to all services. now well We have ABiJ>y He is our Total amount fur the three positions. $2,100.00 The above offices are held by 3Ir. C. D. Story, the other officeis are as follows: Register of Deeds, salary $1,600.00 Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, fees last year ,. 987.‘iS Trustee for the County Sinking Fund, fees last yea" :i.5.0O Total amount for the three offices ^'2.622.28 With two men holding six positions, no wonder there is no positio;:s for anyone else, and yet there are veople who do not believe that there is a court house ring. This information is given for the betiefit of the tax payers and they cun act accordingly. "i am now w*U «nd tutppr. W* have a bsby t»y, which we b«ll*ve la the direct eonsequeace of mjr im proved health. He la our tint Wkd only chtld, and If Peruna hAd Kot cured me ot my aliments we should never have bad him. I hope every suttering woman will slve Peruna % trial, the same as I hav«.'* Thes* who abjwt to Ii|uid ffltdc- e;Ms can now procure Perunc T«b- letib baptist CHKBCH. Rev. M. W. Buck, Pastor. M., sod Sunday Worship, 11:00 A. 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J. Ii. Scott, Sijperintendent Praise and Prayer Services, Wednes day at 7:30 P. M. Christian Culture Class, Saturday At 3:00 P. r,I. Church Conference, Wednesday be fore First Sunday of each month, 7:30 P. M. Observance of Lord’s Supper, Firat Sunday in each month. Woman’s Union, First Monday of each Month, 3:30 P. M. church'directory I REFORMED CHURCH, {Corner Front and Anderson Streets. Kev, P. i\ Cox. I Sunday SchooJ every ^>abbath a* ! 0:4-5 A. M. jFrcaehing- every Ki« st u>id Third Sab bath at J1:00 A. M. ;ind 7::;0 R -VI. Service 4.*vevy Weunc?;l.w. T:;;0 P. M. Evoryono ^'eicome. I ; I (Jorn.er Front linger Street.-. ar.d Troi- THE METHODIST PROTEST.AXi CHURCH. East Davis Street. -Rev. George L. Curry, Pastor. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7:30 P M. Ladies' Aid and Missionary Societies every Monday afternoon after First .Sunday in each month. C hristiaii Endeavor Society meets At Gi'iO Every Sunday Evening. Sunday School, 8:.50 JI. J. G. Rog ers, Superintendent. Good Baraia and Phiiatheti Cias'se.i. You are luvited to attend all these services. .M.\« KiION 1 V LI THEU.iN CiUUCH. i'rotit Street. Filled Vacant Seat The Boulgcrs were about to start on an automobile ride, wliesi a friend who was to have gone telephoned that she was too ill to make the trip. Who would have tlie vacant scat? A telephone call to another friend found her ready and eaoer to accept tlie short notice invitation. When it is necessary to change plans, the Telephone is invaluable in makiiig last-moment. arrangements. *'•' VVTieji you telephone—Sfnile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY HOCi rr MKMOiU.Kl. lU KCn. ACiajrii- Avf'^Jt Hal! Sxrx'f', Kt‘V. JanK.*.- W. Rose. Pasu^r. . J, 3. Prcat'lur.s: t'S'fry l-'ouiih Sunday n'. 11:00 A. .M. and TinO P. M. SyjvJay Scha‘I ev{*ry Sunday ai 1 M. i I'l-'ivcv 1**. i M. Aid Scolety i-'irsi. 5>uuday Af- tt'THOOl',. M KIMS('OI^VL CHI UCH. C?utrr!i rtf Tho Holy ('omforler. Kev. 1. 8. I»r>3vvr;. Scrvi.-v yi. Vo.-pe!> T:no r. il. 5'u5iv:„i, r.u.;niii;i -if i^ii’iday A. M. no(t.*rt>ou, i'. M Pu>i,oi's fftludy). V;'on;;inV Mis.sionary Society, Kir. I’huisdiiv. Monthly, P. M. I.. C - H. .Soi'i(.‘ly, Sc'-jMin Moiiihly. 7:;lO P. M. 'i'ou'JK' Pc'>i»U>V yWviir.p:. Su'i- day at 'i V. M I RO\T STREET M, K. SOLTH. CHf/RCH. Rev. ]>. H. Tuilliv P;ir?;r)r. Tho Rev. John Bonner? Clinhle. Rei'to'*. I Peaco u> iho.^e \Wr' •'nter. to ihost' Who 11:00 A. M, j *n-‘'i-y Sunday, II:Oo M. and 7;::o p. M. .^ei’vice.* rvery Sunday and 7::U) P. Holj'Communion: Fir.«t Sunday, li :00 j •‘^JU’rai'iiont of tht^ Lord’^ Supper You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s iife when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard ^aces. When that time comes to you, you Icnow what tonic to take—Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act genfSy, yet surely, on the weakened womaniy organs, and helps build tl'em back to sirengih and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of wea.k, ailiig women in tis past half century of V'orl^’^'il success, and it wi!! do the same for you.. You can’t malce a mistake in taking .\. M.. Thi-d Sun,lay. 7;f:0 .\. 51. Holy ami Pnjr.t's T>ays, 10:00 A. M. .Suiu3;iy i'ohooi A. M. i The pul.iic i? cordially invited. -M! Pevi's I're?. Fiiia Vested Choir. CHRI^TfAX CHCRCR. Corner Church Davi? Streets. Rev. A. B. Kondall. Pastor. RDUl The dreadnaught dreads the sui- Closed season for openw'ork will soon be in our midst. The Woman’s Tonic M-ss Amelia Wijson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for wom'jn. Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as ! ever did, and can eat most anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands, Preaching every Sunday 11 ;00 .A.. M. arid 7:30 P. M. Sunday Schcol, A. M. .lolin E. Fo.=iter. Superintendent. Christian Endeavor servire> Sunday Evenings at C:4S. Mid-Week Prayer Service, every Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Society meets on Monday, after the Second Sunday in each month. A cordial invitation extended to all. [A Church Home for Visitors and for Str&ngers, offflinR- for Chureh .’hnriik's. First , SiiMday iTi uui:;'.!;. Sunday Sc-h.ini. ,?very Sunday. A. M. I'rayei- Jleotirg. Wodnesd;);.-. S:03 V. M. Board nf Sieward.' r,;oot on Moiidxy P. M., :if!er Kiiiirih Sunday i.' each month. Vcontar jVIis.si!>.';;n'y SoL-ieiv iiieeti 4;IV' i\ if., oil Monday, after l.i at... ;.i'd Sundavs. P,’.rsonafre. corne!- W. l';u ls and Hok? Street?. Pastor‘s Telephone, Xo. aus. Kins?—Talk—Katiji Up—‘‘Rusv." IV EBB AVF.NL'E M. K. CHlTlCH SOUTH. Eei-. F. B. N'oblett, Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11:00 .^. M., and 7:.30 P. M. Second Sun day at 7:30 P, M. Sunday School every Sunday at lO-.OO A. II. A. M. H. P. Moore, Superintende.>iU Hverybody Welcome.