A PKOCRK ■=: REPUBWCAN JSEWSPAPER DEVOTED tO THE VPBUH-DING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES — ... _ ._: BVKI^GTQN, AhAUA^ee »UNTjr, NORTH CAROLiNA, FiBIDA.Y, NOVEMBER 6, 1914. AS IT AFFt%”S PRESIDENT WILSON. The action of the people on Tussday shows how completely the Pi-es- ) ident misinterpreted the public will, hov^ i^ossly he was misled by his in- fo^jnants as to political affairs. * The people respect the President, but they reject his policies. The Empire State has defe&ted men whom he supported, and whose oleirtion was asked for as a vindication of his administration. Pcnnsyl- va7»i\, the keystone of industry, has overwhelmingly rejected his low-tariff scheme, arid turned out of office all his fo'.lowers in that State. New Jer sey, h,is own State, has substituted Eequblicari^ /for Democrata in the H.u*e, as a protest against the agitatKn), business depression and havd- shif of the last two years. New Engiand, a beehive of activity in noiTna! times, has regristered its protest against j'Olicies which closed factories and put men out of work. The middle West, has sent old-line Republicans to Congress who are stout advocates of protection to .American industries. Kevr more serious reverses have bet-ii recorded in American politic.;: fr.a.i the reverse experienced by the Presiiient in 1914. The President disregarded the 'act that he had been electad because oi a split in the Republican party; thnl a majority of the voters favors eil protection and voted for his opponents, and that his election could not pos-si-ily be construed into a mandr.te iiy :i riiajarity of the people for free trade. In spite of his failure lo receive tVvis mandate, the President inoceed- cd iti put into execution a policy of -.'adical downward t-irifT revision anil a policy calculated to tear down the 'legitimate business acUvitic.'i of the countr.v. The result was v;idespread ilejnession in times of fat harwests, a. depleted Treasury, busines.s stagnation, and iinally an extra tax of .5100,000,090 to tide over the (rovernmcni, although the country was at peace with al\ the world. The President wat-: mi.sled by poo;- ailvisers and politicians posing as his friends. They not only gave hint t‘.ilse information, but induced him to throw his own persona! popularity iiao the scale, in the hope that they could pull through, not Oii their o'.vn niei'it..!. but on hi» prestige. It was not fair to him, nor did it prove of Vi;liie to them. The letters written by iJbe President placeii him in an awkwanl poi^ilion of asking approvi;! of the administration iiy elcrtin);- men wh;- were not at all approved by the Basinets Will Improve. The result of tKe ejection Tuesday will cause all lines of business to im- pr'^Ve within a v^iy short time. Con^ fidcnce w^ich took wings upon the election of President Wilson and the D*mocratic party to power, will 2e- tiivn, and everybod.y can loo^n up the piir^e strings*, and begin to make their fall purchases, the business ele- mev.t of the country now feel that reii»on has returned to the voters and that the- future will be safe for furth er iiiveslments. Mor.ey will loosen up aJ! alonp: the line, and trade will be brisker, bigger, and better than for n\ai^:,' days past, js:et ready it’?, cotn^ sr’fr. 0 SUCH GALL. Oui- esteemed contemporary The Burlington New:i in chronicliijg the result of Tuesday’s election in regard t'> tins county said» Democracy Again Triumphs over Vile Traducera^ But i*. failed to state how this triumph WH> accomplished. It should have told its readers, that in order to tri umph it was necessary to vote men who.^o :mme did not even appear up on the resristration book^. ITiat it svas rifcces.sary to vote men who reside I N\ :ih their family at Spencer, N. C.. ant* who has not been residents of thi.'- county for the Uu^t six months, that it was necessary to BttOADEK INQUIRY FOR INVEST- MENT IS NOTED. Re&ult of Elections Tuesday Wa:» Re flect^ in More Cheerful Financial Tone~“Steel Trade j^inproves. New Vork, Nov. 5.—The result of tlu? elutions was reflect^ t^day in a broader inquiry for investment issues aod general advances in the prices of listef’ securitie.^ bein^- traded in out side the stock exchange. % ~0— “NOT A REBUKE." Election Placed to Credit of European War by Champ Clark. . Bowling. Green, Mo., Nov.. 4,—To- Champ Clark, speaker of the na tional House of Rej5resent»tives, com- rae».ting on the Republican victories in a majonfy of the States in which elect iohs were held yesterdiiy, said the vote was not u rebuke to the Wil son Administration, but ju£:t one mors thmg that could happen durir.jr these day" of European wur. Koitor’s Note: You will note they art blaming everything upon the war, ihey even blame the i*esult of the olcction upon the war. SCOOPIXt; THE NEWS. Wo want t«) ramitvi our reador.s of the servirt* we are {riving lecessary to vote men i '■'''>•-“■1 retun^.s. We wh.- had not paid their thatjP-'-' it w;,s reces..ary lo .induce to i.erjvn- themselves by swearin? that ! -™" pecple. Tiie outci.nie U a hun.i!iali..M- an itnpairnient of the pre-itiire of , ^ i __ i_ _i . • . t_ . j ; ibe Presides^y. 0»i Ovlobei- 18 The* ro:^ pointed «>ul selftsimest: of somo of the per- who did not shrink fron) Iryjna- v.'-v the President for their own interests. I'he Po«l said: ‘•Of course ihese dom^ijfognea arc .-!)e;ikiNj^ for Iheinsclvi’.^. It i.- not d';e President’.s svelfare tlijji conkX’!‘n> Lheiii—it is their ovai. Tliyy find ’nM>im polilifiU strength a^ul vesour.***, They wish lo draw upon it. li' ho will p:el into the inudc of politic:^ unn jn'o^titut.e hiS position, he e.-ui save * rh:'ni. So ihey hoid before him ti*.e 'vv .'cities nT the .shield- uii om* \ vinuKation victv>vy, popular u)'>ul:5‘;sf iv new leurv* r,f power ii i;c wili only lend a helpinK hand to xlonuijroj^ue-;; on «he othur .sido, popu !jii- disapproval, pai'ty r».?verse-s, loi'-s psestii-e. and a proj^peci. for “The Presidency wa.-; fjol orcaied !’or the purpose of peddJJnjr out it. inthi'Mices and prestige in exchange for the doubtful support of seifi.sh pol- itiviansi. The Prei^idei^t U ihe leader of the Democratic parly, it is true. en« f.yh to know the tfenemi ro.^ult, had not. ar:; i.i some case,-: had | W- pave you Ihe county report early I iir:^ (^.vL-n lliten their taxei*. All thirf | I *j«‘cu;-red at the pre«.iiu't in North and i V/eanesday in'^rnin^r. also the result Sir, Tenth North Carolina, an’.i the m\- 'Soi’th Rurliiifjtun, a.'i rh !,sho\v. When such base u:-e I of the election machinery by the ma- |ji>ri?y party, and i-y who are i >w(.^‘n to uphold the di|?r.ity of the ■ records will j mad.** - appx-ci’iat-* ihi.-- .ser* ! vioj, and wt; feel >-iire you do, ii’ you I art- not already r. subscriber, became oi.c today, join our army of Projrres>,- |!,-,v.. Why not ho fair and say, That j' j l^'i’jucrai'y triumphs ov^r their op- — —O STAND BY OUR ADVERTISERS. ■ We ask ail aur friends and reader.^- to stand by those -business men whose advei-tisemenf appears in the columns of this paper from time to time. . The business .men who advertis'’ in this p;>.pe.r are broad liberal ‘minded men, who want the patronage of all the people, they are wide awake, progvessive business men, who are on th^ alert for customers, .and they aie ifuch men that you can depend upon treat you right, their w^%rd can be taken for face value, they recognize ihaL politics is nothing more than a business, proposition, that must be played every two years, and they do not mix politics with business, they are in business to serve you with honest high ^^i-ade goods at modei-att prices. I.frt us ask you again to scan the pages of this paper for the live progressive merchants who want your trade, and who descJTe it becausc. they are live and progressive, you oun depend upon them to live up to theii adverti-semeiits. Patronize thejn because they deserve it. NEWSPAPERS HARD HIT. Fr^ink P. Noyes, president of the AH.4ociated Prea.s, in a signed art’cle in The New York Sun, points out the bui'ltjj i-ai’j-ied by newspapers ;;s a res'.5’l of the present war. The follow ing i-xi2-acts are especially intereJ^t- i»^: "Ihe new.'jpapcr Is prolrably a heav ier i'rnanfial suf^'erer in the busines* worhi through war tlian ar.y save those whose propeity is physically destroyed by it. thi:s side of the watej vlie bur- dei if the present Kuropcan vrar i.~ PKKSiDENT WJLSON'S HOME DIS* i RICT GOES AGAINST DEMO CRATS. Early Returns Indicate UepublicaR llains—State Assembly Also L»t. T/tr-ty, N. J., Nov. :i.—President \Vi!.*'on’s home congressional district, du Fourth of New Jersey, today eject ed Elijah C. Hutchinson, Republican, to rucL'eed Congressman Allan B. Waish, Democrat, by about :?,00 plu- vulU.v. Mcapv returns indicate strong Re* j.'ublican gains throughout the State l„id lit'iivie^t jii'wspaper publish^;".'j;j-id the Democrats probably wil! have of 11 our bu.siness men, nioi'- thaii foui* or five of the twelve 'The newspapyrs of ‘aigi; ciroiihi- tio:* )ii hi.~ country are alnioct with out. f.xcvpti'Wi oiio fo.:f newsj'jnpe congiessmen. In the present delega- [V n are ten Der.iocrats. The Demo crat.' probably will retain their ir.i- The p:.per fur paper-1 joriTj in the Sutc Senate, but appar- more tbuii the wholosiile sdlinu | ontly hiive control of th.' as.-it;tn- Thcre is a h'.--; *;ji ovrry ••J'py !,;y. i' niuu-' APPRECIATION. This paper appreciates the Iil^^ny ne*v nuV>sciibers that have joined The Oisp.'-toh family w'ithin the lai^t .sixty Wf aie infornjel Ihnt niei- who j fJay . We apprecii5te ail our Muhscril)- , voted the Oemocratic licVct ii'. a \ but especially those who v'onie ! i^y Trickery* Kraud and iVr i jur:.. He wishes it lo remain in control of na^jonal affairs. Bsjt his generalship -bir of precincts over the county had i i.j us when wo needed them -io badly, does not extend to the waging cf queslioniiblo eampaigiis in local districts | not i;aid their poll ta.-ics, and in some | wl- hope y()u wili stiiy with us, and ,*!'Where loot i:; the prize sought for, i ’^.-i -'ad of honuraUo pai'ty siM'vivc. for : instances was i.ot even registered, we , we will endeavor ta give yon the ) :he public welfare. IKsk '-v this to be tnie as to Nori.h Burl- • ant! :n«»si readable paper puhHshtnl in Veteran observers of }>oiilical aiV.ais agrei'd with ’t'he Post ih;ii the jirk^ai and ;rahani precincts, and yecjth:-: county, Homeir/uer \\c Cinne t') President acted unwisely in yieUiinu t* the importanities of self-seekinjr otn- Den\oeratic friends have the gadjyoi iwii'e each week at the same price piU'O. :^.Ak\ anti ihe y:ro{ilo;- ih.‘ t/uii IhL' rrore ihe ; liie iu-'S. “in rrdiv:-uy \in^v;'s [\\\ h»> h iip '.y a([v .Ttijiviii- receipt.-:. It is •;!- viti;.}"'. how'over. ihat nothii:;.'; i.- iv cvivefi for the ;aivcrli4nji‘ in ihi,-. (hti'i!;ai a:ul k‘ni;j';r;.ry ;-It■•nl.jii;*' The ivvvi'se :-f !hi . | . U to-. J all time'' uf ;‘iU? ri.i . din.i.ii.hi-s: .i-.* L-einnnis of i-ui tht?y nro .[»•■ vatlic anti onK* pi ove tUe vul«‘. ‘if this Pica-'ni .nl tin* ■>:* tl; to ihr {. vN'.'U.t} i lrlnj;s lhi.‘V would tV WHV SUGAR IS HIGH, yca;'.-^ ihwi* biiVi* bfoii altnmpl.^ ifi beot cullare in thf; Statf.-, measure ' •f su-- C'j.-' ln».; :.ttaiirt'd, nlth»iii.;b the > ! >i bei'.’. :i' satl.'fa*tni*y j.jiirht. ! t)n‘ i-a.'C. jestei! !.u-ely i.ji*':; *.'oiuitin.‘ J'roi'-*‘iioii in '-rT.-U-iiy If. it -J .):• >' reiyru sugar, iiut the Uemocratis 'Variif Aot. with tlutles buvoretl al ojk*i‘ ;:r^i in ihc n^ar fultirt*, h\ih 't'vt,';'tr biow lo the sugar beet ;hat w.i/i j; ,i i>,iry. With l»*s.'>'ntMl j'ro(?uction ,1’m roin'.lry v\i;l r.iO'‘o at ih',' niiM I pcHiicians, and thereby low-iring the l«-.ne of the great office he holds; ! bu\ the counsel ef indiscretion prevailed, and many letters were written. 1 It might be well if the President Wf^uld make- a list of tJie persons who ^misled him by flattery anti falseirifom.-ui.on regarding public opinion; ^who wheedled him into indorsing ur.wortKv t^ar.didates; who induced him to ^ riik his own popularity as an issue in -he eanipaign. These very persons. I !.■» holler, nnsrepresentatioi\. mis- ; ai' othera charge for once a week. Our •sfatjment.s and vile slanderers. Gov- luw.-. is fresh and up-to-date in every jernor Craig Elected Gen. J. J. Britt, j re^piH't. If yon want double value j of the tenth district of North Caro-' with The Dispatch family. jlir.i by heaping personal abuse upon' O !hi*. . and the party ft'hich he had the SPKNCER HAPPV'NiNt*.'^. i now^that they have used the President, are r.ow proclaiming that Tuesday’s ; honor lo represent, and such tactics as : --o — I oleclion is a direct rebuke to the aci.unistration, ami a command that jour l)emoc:«tic friends are employ-j Southern Railwiiy Shop Men Are Now 1 destructive policies shall be atandoned They see the handwriting on the j inf: in this county will cause ihe worm Working Only Three Days a Week, wa^l and do not hesitate to desert the leader they misled and misused. j to turn here, mark the prediction. The Sjencer, Nov. 5,—The Southern All patriotic Americans deplore *'.ny acfion tending to lower the dig- j Ropublieans do not want to win in Raihvfiy Company’s employes are on- u!*y of the Presidency. They lige to rcganl the President, whoever he jar' election when it becomes neeess- ly v/orking three diiys per week, nine tna? be as the President of all the pe ople. They expect him to guara \ ary to encourage our voters to perjur; hoiM > per day. All the men who were jealously hir, influence which he derives from them ajid not permit it to he son'c^what \cor.>f ujf ilian the aver.uro • •• i f '■n;ca: pniUurei-;uul b;i.'-i!ii-ss Tor wiih dinniii:^h-i |'it.- SuB-'r Ti'u^i al home—iha.i be- ;u?vi*r!i?.ing carninjirs tht^y woi:!»J br'jvo;/.tc Th^> .u’i v:{J ;.wgar bet'i bu'-iness of K^.it'pv v.-ns ci'e;itfd largely ihi*ouirh ^uvcrnnu-ra.Cil aid in thi‘ i\nw\ oi' s'..unlii‘S anti by i'avvu-aljle TarilY pro- \In Tbo l’nit;.‘d Staler the iJenux-ratic .adnsir.istralion anl Con- have iior4‘ as far n>- iht‘V could *is !;ill otf donie.^lir .-u«'ai' prvw{ui*Lioj». \V;ih suy;ar vising up hy leaps and iccM a^ed l iivnlation lo.s~os. '‘Th«* tnir of wof' of thy iiew.'ij;ini‘J v it.1^ unly beffvin. h«nvevor. The nsual hudness concern who*? tratie i.s bad, whelivr frtmi w-*r or v.'hatevt-r th:? cau.'.o oi the depression may i»e. trints ii,.s .'ails for the stonn, curtails the working force, reduces ihe output. :»,v rc.eaas to the newspaper an im-1 lion.'ds, the housekeeper is lu'i. likely nief!i:iU‘ ami ti'omendous iiu’reast' ! i i if inipi!-^s;,Ml with the erth'iicv of noi'rnti;* in reducing Iho cost ro.^t nf production," U3;d by unscrupulous c&mp fcUower.^ r.nd ^‘intimate friends.'’ We re gret that the good advice tendered to tl.c President last month was ignor ed. If heeded, the returns of Tuesday, while they might have been disap pointing, would not have carried with them a sting of humiliation, and X sharp reminder as to the proprieties which the public insist shculd be ob served in the Presidencj',—Washington Post. CongE*essman Gudger of the Tenth MOVING INTO NEW QUARTERS. ■ Ncrth Carolina District, leads all oth- j The Burtner Kurniture Co., are cz candidates in the United States * moving into the«r new building'this in the amount spent in hi.s campaign, week and A'ili have something to say I ti!f-ni:'.ftlves in order to vote the Re-. laid off some time ago. hav'e bten put j pab’icar* ticket. "We have never done baci. to work and the whole force i j i:. a!id we never will, men of character working short hours. I anl standing who believe and know j such tactics are wrong will iiot always bljndiy follow a paity who has to re sort to such tactics to win the eleo- liop- God hasten the day when they w^l! rebell. O THK RING IN COMPLETE CON- The total amount spent up to October i 23W, was $5,574.10; but as he will have to submit an after-election re port of expenses these figures will be greatly increased. Mr. Gudger is the champion campaign 3pcnder. Spent enormous sums and got de^ ^feated—this shows what the Moun tain section thinks of Democracy. C In our last issue in the article 'The Cotton Fashion Show” we ;fhc\^)ld have given the credit to Miss 'Kargarc^i^ Ff«eman as the originator of The Ctf tton Fashion Show iii place >f Mias Uti^ Freeman- to the readers of this paper in next week’s issue. They have a handsome n"w building in the Rauhut block on Front Street, which when fully com pleted will be one of the best in the State. Watch for theU* announce- meni in one of our issues next week. o HOUSE DEMOCRATiC MAJORITY ONLY 23. And this will skidoo in 1916. O They do say, up in Buncoi*U>e, that Uierc is one James J. that can come buck very successi'uliy. THK ELECTION PLEASES WALL STREET. Bat Effect Neutralized by German Victorie.s at Sea—European Kates Jump — investment Market Con tinues to Improve. .N^ew Vork, Nov. 4.—W'aU Streer TROL AGAIN. The court house" ring is, again \ic-, ^e.t^porurily abandoned its interest in ton, us in this good county of Ala-1 i»'t i national affairs today to consider n^i'-r.co, haviiiB- won hy i^ubstantia!, thf i>utconoe of the election.s. V/itli minorities in Tuesday’s cieetion. The the .itov-k market still under closure, election should not be taken as an an- Heie was no way of measuringr the tloiitment of the men or their meth- siKnifi-‘dnc»* of the overturn in terms ods, tut owing to the general apathy 1 ‘'>f security values, but conservative aud feeling of helplessness of the' Oi>ii';on inclined to tlie belief that v.iters they did not turn cut to theiancer aormal conditions the market e'ection as formerly, this with the | would liave responded with a vigorous l;xrgc number of voters who failed to: upturn of prices. pay thoir poll tax on or before the; O fi>-:t day of May is partly responsible | ‘ And Boise Penroso will get his in for the result. But the people ar? | the neck,” sang- the PJuiadelphia North awakening to the presMsnt critical con- j American, that morning. We incline ditioa of the county finances ar.d iriil | to retfrot novr that we did not do >i br, b«tter prepurea in 1916, lot of gloatsajf Tuesday aiorninK. — _o KK.Tl K\.S •Tin: (;iKl. in thk Islu.strnting the fncl thai then.* is not only hi)no»- in a thief. I'Ut :\l;>o >yr.ipnthy for the despairing suitv^r, :l>e “woman in the case" ha.> T.nu' it wa:-. tiicp lioiograph of Aim I.ie- borToan, of Njw Yoi’k^ girlish svveet- hea.i of S. S. Hahn, of Los Angeles, ill the back of the goKl watch stolen fror.'. him. livin:?.'-Tro\- Tin'.t'.s. I ■ i SI LZKR t'KKl-S .\’:w YorK, Nov. r>.—W::liani Sul- ••:oi has issued the followin,? sUite- nUMit: “Without n\oi;ej, withont r.ewspa- por support, without organizatioti. i; was impos.>ihU‘ for n'»e to win, but I c.'!'..no1j' myself with the lvn>'>wledy:o :h;ii I have electcd Whitman, beaten Ciypn, mnde Roosevelt ridiculous ajvl itln-, eti from public life the corisp'ir«- itahn advertised ihut if the thi^-f i-tumed the picture he could keep! iho :jovernorship, O the wat^ih. Four hours later, accord' in^ to the postmark on the letter, the mailed the picture with the clip* i/Hig lo Hahn. “1 nm saisfied,'’ asserted Hahn. ‘The thief can keep the watch. I’vc> got the picture back. U wa.^ the only one i posses^ed, ai^d I wouldn’t lose it for more than the value of tho \\;;ii’h. We’re going to be married in January.^'—Chicago Examiner. :_0— Some Alcck has invented a device that enables you to see what is go ing on at the other and of the wira. Better sJough this fellow quick. If h^> device ever gets to working we wiUhave to have a police station and a morgus! at everj’ stroet corner. Repi ’.jan gains were made in ev-. ery - ,jn of the South, and headers of t party usserted that the tariff bad been instramental in bring ing alvout that result. Some of the n'.ore opiimistic of the leaders assert ed! early tbilny that there was a chance Lhiit the t^emociaiic majority in the Hoiisf of Representatives would l»e nverturned. • • — O Most self-made men are :.atisfied with the job but a self made womarj iiever gets through putting on the finishing touches. o it is highly probable, however, that Germany has arranged not to suffer j for beer.