■s.* rwioE-A-WEEK Dispatch / -W- ■ ‘ V. . ‘ ■ s-^-' HROtiWteSlVEr XE§#iPl!1l DEVOTED TO THE l^tiltblNC OF sttieKICaN HOMES AND iilfWl^N^rl^UStfilES; % % ■BUltLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH GA»»INA, TUESDAY. XOVEMBEH JO, W14. aClAL VflffE OF ALiU#£E COUNTY, NOVEl^ 3, 1914 ’ir - ^ 'V,: I i~ r I '..i I ... 4 . i .1 :. iv. J- : I. Precincts «.[ 5 .s’ 8 i-i’ I lil I i ft i'S s. :l «j ‘« , C5 > i £ IS i= '■z m iS ■& -. ife s o :s i( ■i Patterson .. ...» . Cobte .. .. .. Boone StM»n .... M«ton Fai3e«tt« Graham .. .. .. . Saxspshaw Swwsonville .... . MelMUe 'Pla»is*nt Grove .. . North Burlin(p>n .. South Burlin^on .. Haw River .. .. .. Total Vote ; ■.r'tfisrss .1 74; 69 .1 sa m 74 77 1S7 ‘ 44 111 134 219 39 145 . 81 .. „\,S8 .1 lOSj f|2 .i 82i ST .! 144 296 .1 941 223 73i 115 mi 78 1111 74 ISgrMH 1«5 74 70! 74 78. 74 78 194 44 203 59 72 107 82 ■M8 «4 73 135 230 42 144 81 70 IBl 87 295 221 115 78 184 45 20$ 60 72 107 82 148 94 73 16«i 70 m 111 186 241 42 144 81 70 162 87 294 222 115 74 78 76 78 194 44 204 61 74 108 82 143 89 74 0» 141 |i si ■ ii:,'* J: |i .sr; ! '■■§• a ! g-i. Q oi > . XI . i f 51 ■« 1. f -fill m4 ‘I oi = Is rS is § - i ‘I 'r^ -! 5 \-*i ' ja- 1 ,at jD p •; » ..-s 'ft A Ok P = X'.- t s • ® ^ Q : .Ci £|- S:l i?l tc i&' is - tl 'J ig ■ !« iS S I I il I |i2 ife i 1.1 i I 1 '■ 3 E- I o !s. 1?^ 75 83 lOfii 74 1S3I 82 228i 189 411 48 14Sl 209 791 72 68: 75 148i 107 86; 82 2911 150 V22, 33 “H 68 U4 109 m 2se 39 ISS 70 «7 152 87 286 218 M 73 k 79 T4 .79 172 43 206 60 72, 107 ' 73’ 115 73 lis 73 115 74 114| 72] 115( 12 I10| W iZIIf Z!i- '» o l^igj 74 iJi 1*1 n| 10 .tj.aj ixai iiJt ijh* ii«i iii 114 !lf.53!1923!i545119^iiM7!lS6>li543| 1924!1576|1896!l53S!1859il571!i$i8i I68»tl9S5[l 195;i946.'1492!1962:i5^| 1570-15461576U506il9i5il930ji899riSS;ri945:14fli;i922: 100 72 41 136 88| 54 ■ 761 66 1S8 lOg.lU » «S 14^ ml 141. 214 921 224 1161 671 lan^ T5 «6 139 110 71 > 76 140 SO 111 76 ... 134 T« 137 2S3 191 44 48 13S| 2121 81 76; ■TS i^4 “iSS ”S7 ■i(5ir 1651 1^1 1651 166 S4 5o 53 541 52 162 58; i C8 72 70 72 68 78 ■ 83: 76! 77| 56 83 64 52 58; 66 73 69| i • 142 7« 140 90 131 82 ■ 80! 81| soi 81 138 140 141 i;«>: 139 80 139; I lO» 74 lit r 75 110 79 ■»74; 74, 74i 74 110 110 106 109' 108 61 1131 i2i 135 72 136 SO 131 RA 78; -79^ 8:)1 78 131 137 124 127; 133 77 135 > 230 179 280 17S 248 196 I'O^ 1941 196! 195 226 228 227 220; 227 18!> 229! 5 39 39 43 39 44 .SO 5.5; 43 47: 47 40 42 33 .33: 43 44 4i: 142 199 143 194 150 203 202: 2021 199 186 143 144 146 142! 1621 197 143; 0. 78 «0 80 aa 87 64 OOi 52| .')7l 55 77 78 95 73. 811 eo 77 ! 69 71 70 67 80 72 721 73; 72i 69 71 70 66 6S: 711 71 70; 162 104 1.5f 105 155 107 105; 116: 104] 106 149 151 149 151i 1491 106 149! 87 82 87 84 81 .85 82: 81' 107 83 62 83 82 84; 831 81! 871 1 .292 142 291 151 289 146 14CI 144! 14.3; 146 296 297 295 295i 294 136 281! 8: 231 89 22? 91 218 ^ 97 94' 91' »2i 90 221 217 220 216' 223 871 2171 7. 116 70 116 67 118 74 7.5i 74i 74| 75 ,U4| 114 111 114: 114 71 1141 i! 36: 1 RUSSIA DOMINATES SrrUATION SO THAT GERMANY IS STRIKNG AGAIN IN FRANCE iniiabitant.s fleeing from Russia-Poland while Russians march in—Invasion of Austria- Hungary extended into Turkey while Germans are sending armies for dash on Cal8is "Important and decisive strike espccted this week before armies ar range for fixed positions for winter--Turkey wili be territically assailed fay l«nd and Sea-- Russian fl^et sails for Turkish Waters. ’POSSUM AND OYSTEH Stl»l‘ER. 'Possum, oyaterst etc., will be serv- c'l in the Hay Building on Front Street next Saturday pvenin^?, Nov. U, beginning :u This ."-upper will be Kivefii by ihe Juiiior Philathea Clnts of the M. p. Church, and the j ro^ eeds “will be uacd for tha benefit of the ciass. The public is invited. Mer- chitFits and clerks are cspe.'ially in vited to go and set thc*ir “^upper in* v^tead of iroinj: home for it. The oc- Lu-ifHs vvil! be inlivened by music ren-’ jjfeved by the Wuluwu Orch^jstrn. O — b^arth, with her thou>uuni v«»icc« r.vse.s (jod.—(loleridgc. DR. HALL .ir ELON. MR. THOS. C. CARTKR WRfTKS. \ Dear Mr. Editor:— | —o— Allow me tliroufjh the colunina of Kion Colletre* Nov. 7.—During the your valuable paper to express my j \vet‘K Hlon College was favored with a nor>reciation to the voter:^ that render-j visit from Dr. Winfield Scott Hall, ed me their support in the previous : p;'.fc->!;or of physiology in the medic- elcf tion. Although the support wasja' depnrlmnct of Northwer!.t^rn Uni- Pf: «ufficif; I Lo .sutce:?y, yet I feel that i vir?:ity, Chicasro. A largre audience of it Vi!-; a corapiiment paid me and the party and will eventuate, to -better govcrjjment in A^imance County and fin;i]ly lo the succesi; of the parly if IW': will only keej) the faith ai'.d con* the tigrht. Also, Mr. Kdiit>r, al- j low me to confcraliilntc you upou your ifijrht throujjh the pijpcr in imprest "i‘ t l etter ff^vernnieni i;i Alamuneo Coun- j f y. Your paper i^^ a frroat in.-^irument s.uilc'nts and villajrers were delighted io hear from him a lecture on the I'^ychology of teaching. To the study o“ Ihi.s subject and of kindred .sub- Dr. Hall has. jcsven the last • iO years of his IJfe and he came v.'ith t\ rnosf^i'.^rc.- of in.'^piration and cncour-, :i;rement lo - very teacho^ an 1 parent a^ well u.s to every studoit who is prepariniu: to teach. His locturc wa.^ *; for irood and ohouM have the support ih*11uu{j o^* a show of oratory, but he 1 \ SOME CONCLUSIONS AS INEVIT ABLE AS UNPLEASANT. The possibility is racognized Ihav the ofticiiil county may disclose a slight majority for the amendments-evi‘!i that relating- to taxation Should it termincte that way, we shall be very triad, as wc- fe=t sure it 'vould be best far the State. But in this respect we shall only feel mildly ii.terested in subsequent events. There i:. no longer anything vifc,»l in oar ^ini.'eni. Our interest is iicadomic rat!>cr than avid. U is the sociuloffical, rather than the poliUca! a.spect of this contest in i.ihalf of the amenimeiits, that has left us confounded. The people have ,i‘ own little concern in mauers of immediate concern to the people. Pop ular g-overnment has seemed to fail at a point where it should not have f.nicd. Obviously the protagonists of the amendments could not have been iiiili.enced iu their activity hy ulterio.':nativos. It is equally obvious that hiuwreds of the most thoughtful men ;i. the Stsile. men capable of think- mg deeply and soundly, would not h'l e ui Ked upon the people a number of measures which would have militate,; asainst their best interests. By their indifference the people have said they do not care what sort of teb- els the Confederate soJdiers are callet'.. or how they are^ designated. Thousands of people have -sjid hy their indifference that they do not care whether the future eitizcns of the State are better educated or ThJ..;sands of voters have said by their adverse votes, or thsir failure to vote at all, that they do not care hc-w members of the Legislature spend their time in Ra'eiftb, or how nuvcii they are paid for that time. Thousands ef voters have said by theJr indifference that the work of the carpet-bag Legislature, ratified by nejrro votes, is good enough for them. The people were assured by a hi-nttred responsible nevjspapcrr. and a hundred good and responsible men, that the advocates of the taxation amendment were not seeking to incroa::e taxes> but to secure a justcr sys- ten. of taxation. A few slick politicians and a few newspapers whisper it about that taxes were to be increased, and it was this whisper that ground lodgment in the public mind. It was considered a fine thing when * the Strte Eiess Association went on record last summer at Wrightsville as favoring the amendment.s. Only one or two publishers were opposed to ihe proposal at the time. The Clinton News Dispatch is the only one we recall at the moment. That papfit l»as apparently exerted a greater in fluence than ail the rest of the State press. Two Republican weekly pa pers opposed the amendments on the ground that they were vO be regard- f^d ai a Democratic scheme to raise tnxe.'; and to pull the Denjocrals out of a hole. S. t.. Travis, of the corporation commission, lined up with these two RepubUcan papers—that fraction oi’ the press that had impeached his party. Up to this point there was nothing particularly surprising ia the developments but thousands o? Democrats have said by their votes that Travis was right in rauging himself cn the side of the two Republican pa- interested persons, asked the people at the poi!.': to support thelrf amendments, handed out nhc tickets and pointed out the ballot box, tncj ceived an .ilmost -solid vote. In other .sectioiis wh;*; e the Icjiders all oatriotif cUizetis, those who i ^ ^■e-|;ir'j ambitions for their coiinty and its: op-u olu'j'e. Tho dc.'feat o;i last Tuesday ■ posed to tho amendments all the ticke:;.> went into iho lioxc-.^i th;il « mv. Ip juii'! the ciilumuie si.mt' votinK precincts they were not given a thought. | i- l.rethrcn are hw.piii^ upon i The realization has been ijniught very close home lo us that the re-jour best a«ets fur success ir. t iuri!.s are in, that the neniocrr.tic machine hnew exactly what il w;;s lio- ::i;r when it directed that assault against the afncnumc-nts by alnindon- nient. But we do not mean to speak hi.rahiy here of the maefiine. This | Hu; i.jijri,,,, Noivs uav machine could not survive save by the w;i! of the pcrtnle,. and it will nut be aft, r thv. e!cc!ion--a lhat*our !H*mocr;it- :irc fu- tu I was ve« y much shocked at ‘the representation that the esteemed us in its issue “Vile Traduc- uny better* nor will it be any more repfi;hti?nsiS»ie in character Ihr.n Ihejt.,. /' aflrr it had hiirpiui so earnest- pcopie wish it to be. It is here that Uu eU'ment of trajredy eater:-. The i ly i;bout fair-'css. I am ve; y .«orry I’Stmocratic machine hsd This is rligret" sc t.T -srrvc v%'hen it abaiulonetl this Oemo- measure, iflis ;s r«ffrei'c»We, but il is not trujjicaS. Hul ihe ju- dicious will have cau.se to lament circuin.suiRcc when thousands of farroers elect to fellow the ^ead of a slick politicians, iti.-^tead of giv ing heed to the advice of the publishi-is nirir. jiapers who have licvoted years to the eifort lo better farm c*:>i;5tion^,^Thtrc is njore traire.lv in it v/hen one is brought face to face with the reiiligation that fiarti;a;i ap-jour.s ni the next election, peris, the appeals to party prejudice, to part^^^gnments. is far more “The greate.^^t >.'iory is in never the iiiltlligence of tl!^ people. The ma* I inllin^; but risiisg every time we fail.” iiuihority that >r dcvlined .'.rrins Iho n)ind of the hcr.i*er with ih*' ren'onableneys of the fact^-i pre- ^^":ted. A paj^oramic sketch of the \(*00 >e:lr^ ii) ihe devOiOpn^nl of ihc .'.ry;«n race wa.s presented -aid, alonij .'fli- of this. wa> a plain staiement ■>r iiH't:^. There wa.- laid the !ife of ;i h i n-’ii beinj:-, :iud the history of liial was sketched toj^ether with •.'1’ ’av‘‘- ih:it hold in development uC human life. UKVIVAL MEETINGS. iCvanjjejsi J. Hartwell Dew, will be potent fcfaan appeals directed t^ chine knew this. We have beetr ass ireo upor. the higT^t authority that j Yours in the .igh% many men voted against the amendme.its in this county^i^r devlined laj THOS. C. CARTER. vote, at all. because they had appealel with favor to formS^istKct At-i O torney Holton, who had for eyars devote.l mtich stu.iy to theVySultject of .-.o.julk COXJ-'ERESCK OI-' BAK.V t.ixation. Many Democrats voted a;:inst a mea.sure, essentiaSy l)^h|^, I‘|ULATHKA. cratic. because other Democrats, hop;n.g to render their State :t disinterest- ^ B^ij-jicai-Philathea City Unioi: ;ind patriotic service, had invite i the cooperation of all goc.t eitizen.‘i thi.l this j;-ood paper h:is no better M.-ntimenls for the }»ood Republicans and rrog:ressivcs in Alamanro Coun- ^vich the First Baptist Church next ty. NW'.vithstandinj!: all this If appeal Sicnlay lo condurt a series of revival to ;»r good RepubMcaas and Piogres.s- Mr. Hew is from Liberty, i\os to stan.d firm aiid victoiy will be Md., ajuJ regarded as otie of the mosit f» rceful and successful evangelists in ih“ southland. Mr. Oew will liC ac- co’npanied and ^.i.^^si.sted by Mrs. Dew. who is a gospel soloist and leader of o*.!‘^regational singing, Thi*. gifted v-'onii.h and religious worker is a con- v.M i from the Roman Catholic Church, anu some time during her stay in Huilingtoii vk’ill speak of the oxperi- e i ana patrioj^iio service, had invited the cooperation of ail goc«ycitizen.s, reguhir monthly business meel- ,c Kc s that led her to a saving faith in without respect of party affiliations. The machine h;id abandoned ''he j I'ir.-^t Baptist Church, | J v.us Christ. Further announcements amenflments, in the subtle machine way, proclaiming them of a/non-par- Nov. 1, iiistiU'ted a Fifty^Mile! of these meetings will appear in due tisan character. Unsuspecting Demw.raU who were honestly iij* favor of R^jrac-a and Philatliea Uimc*. Meanwhile the public is romind- mor€ re school houses and a juster system of taxation ^valked stXigh'- ! Classes with in a radius of fifty miles eti that the meetings are open to alt the snare. If ;:he Democratic organizati-n had made a partisaTj'appeal forl^jj Burlington, to be held he-e, begin- anti that a cordial invitation is e.'ctend- support of the amendments they wou’:d have been ratified by the usual ^ Friday evening, Niivember ed lo the community at large to at T jng ^>n 27, and continuing througii t.ml the .services. Sow 29. ' ^ ■— O The Kxecutive Board of thr City, COLOKEO HOSIERY MUJ- FOK j Union has appointed various com- »?^tLINGTON'. .X. C. Those Avho attended the conference had itoth- jii:t.tees to make arrangement s for, Democratic majority. Shrewdly the i.-achine side-stepped all responsibil ity for their fate, and the expected happened. The mixed conference at Raleigh was a terrible mistake, a tactical blunder which cost the amend ments a great many vote.s. Brue Craven was right. The conference .sitould never have been held. 8n to recommend them save their good intentions, and their-ilesire to be It was very late in the campaign but Senator Simmons came to the support of the amendments. He stated that he had studied the amend ments with care, and "believed they should b« approved. In doing that Mr. Simmons only invited humiliation. It would hava been jijst.as well had he kept quiet like his colleague and let thing.s drift. His voice did not ik carry as much weight as a Republiean weekly r.^spaper that malses no ri' pretense of circulating beyond its own county seat. Only here and there J any evidence that men made an intelligent choice iri sup^rting, or pppop- inF amendments. In some sections iwheW >flfie party leaders, or other . igton. N. C.. Nov. It, l‘)14. ing to recommena tnem save ineir ..nicrtaining the delegates and pro-j 1 t- pleasure in endorsing the of service. We can well imagine how the machine must have .sneered. L program for the conference. | n.ovi; i. nt of certain of the colored Itov*' it must have laughed behind its hand, as that band of volunteer.^ were . program and full particiilars of | I'oopu* of this commuitityy to establish t nwittingly engaged in doing tiie wo;ic which the machine couiJ not have j.|,p conference will appear in The Di.s- j a Hosiery Mill, which wili furnish - dor.e .sc well for itself. It must have Ken va.stly amased by the move- Burlington News at an early | imployment to .1 large nunU>er of merits of these political babes in the •..'Dods. For every “educational” ar- Ljj.g jth.it race, tick* that was written the machine had. only t# whisper “increased taxes!” j y F. L. WILLIAMSON. and ever.v hiss and every whisper made a thousand votes. ^ lit-*'- and Mrs. 1). K, Tuttle are at-1 —. —0 ■ ■■ ■ No. we take no great Interest, .we repeat, in a possible victory whicTi i se.«si(iii of the Western The logic of war is this: the side must be detai-mined by tho official coiint.—-Greensboro News. * North Carolina Coitference, M. E. ?;Ch:u-ch, South, at Shelby, this week. “Son graduated?” “Yep." "Started to loot for a job yet?” “Not yet. He s«ems to labor under the hallucination that somebody will male him rfh offef.”—Lo’aisville Cour ier JouWiat " ' “Pa, what is meant by the psycho- j They are the guest of their daughter, logical moment?” fMi’-' L. L. Sloop. Mr. Tuttle vrill re- “When I give your mother a check, my son, t^iat is the psychological mo ment for ,ma to telt hCT I won’t be home until late.”—Bifsningham Age- Kcrald. tui ii on Sattirday to fill his pulpit next Sunday which wiil close his nTSt yeav's work in Burling^n, ^s he;OTU. jettend' his own conference whieb Bieelp fn Washington, N. C., on ifovcmbcr 18. that is licked will be held to blams, and made to pay. And if some neutrals are to be indemnified, why should not all neutrals, that prove injury, b> indemnified.? . O ‘I 'But tRs; Indians sonw .effus-would like to see in the battle line are the Tammany braves.