THE TWICS-A-WEEK iOtSPATCH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1914 PAGE i'lVK 4* ♦ * 4 * ♦ * ♦ * 4» ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ Big lot of Hoylei's Christmas Candy just received. Freeman Drug Co ♦ ♦ ♦ 4- 4* ♦ ♦ 4> 4* 4^ 4- 5f 4» * .*4 i local ANX) PERSON i^LL | I I Mr. A, R. Howell, of H^feh Point, h in town. Mr. B. E. Isley is spending tlie week in Norfolk. Mr. H. G. Isley wa? a Graensboro visitor yesterday. Mr. DeWitt Covington, of iVuivilin* rj is here ■with friends. Miss Msrtha Grier left Thiii-sdny for her *iome in Baitimore. Mr. ti. R. Compton, of Cedar Gi'ove, spent Christmas in town. Mr. Chai'les Way is in Gr-eu'^coro for a few days on business. Mrs. A. T. Herrington, of S»nford. * is visitinf? Mrs. J. H. Pickarci. Mr. Claud Holt, of Hamlet, is vis iting Ws mother, Mrs. T. L. Holt. Miss Besaie Barton is spending: to day in Greensftoro with friends. Mr. Lacy Rumbl^y, of Norfolk, is visiting his parents at Saxapahaw. Mr. Chas. Conn, of Oxford, is thij guest of his sister, Mrs. I. J. Mazur. Mjss Florine Robertson, ot’ Hi^ch Point, is sp*»ndin^ the holidays here. Mr. S. L. Spoon, of Hartshorn, gave *'’"*'Thi^'T5TSpatclr a pleasnnt calf yester day. Mr. Joe Thompson spent several days at Mobiuio with Uis« piiroats last week. Miss FiUla (*ati;s, of LJurlu*'n, it: visitinp iior siVter, Mrs. S. Allori Horne. f Misses Ruth and Fanny Leo. Dam- eron, of Durham, are visitinjr fricndf’: in town. Messr.s. Rob Rankin and Hel Wil liams, of (Jreensboro, Wei's in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Nick MebaMc, vf Grtsensgforo, spe!'t Sunday here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Johii Kennedy are %-isitins: friends in Thomasvillu :.nd Hiirh Point. Jolielte Isloy has returned fro7)^ BtiUimore where she ha=: been takiiisr trodtmcnt. Mr, John Troxler, a studeni of Ca- t.iwba College, Newton, is N-isitine: Miss Fannie Cliipp. Mr. Ernest Mclver» who has been X ... iii Virgfinia for some time, is visiting relatives in the city, Mr. Rufus Wilson has returned from Salisbury, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Elbridije Steele, of Danville, Va., are visitinfy his brother Mr. S. A. Steele and other relatives. Misses Mary und Margaret Free man and Mamie Newlin spent from Saturday till Monday in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ferre!! returned home Sunday at Mebane, aftej* spend ing: some itme with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Neivlin. Mr. Harry Burns, of the National Biscuit Co., Durham, spent Christmas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Burns. The ffawk Hunt Mjill be closed, on, the ‘{1st day of Dece.*nber at about 2;00 o’clock. Plt*a.«e be on and at that time at Wm- B. Sharpe*^. Mr. ;iiui Mrs. L. H. Goss and Mr. F. W. Denny and family, an(i Miss Alma Wilson, of Durham, spent the wtek with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mur ray. Ml*, and .Mrs. i\ L. (ilenn and son, of Winston, and Mr. C. H. Morrow, of Hamlet,’^and W, h. Morrow, of Hiprh Point, were here last week visitii;^;: tbojr mother, Mrs, D. F. Morrow* Rex’. !>. H. Tuttle will condut-t W^atch Night serx’^ices at Front .Street M. E. Church on Thursday night from 11:00 P. M., 1914, to 12:10 A. M.,‘jan. \ Last Week Hundteds Joined Our Christmas Savings Club TWs Week Hundreds of Others Will Join Why Not be One of Them? iH’h'\s n>f! f:i k'nv />.i y r/us But you had bettf-r HURRY as the number of membership cards limited and they are going fast. Do not put it off longer but JOIN Now. Alamance Loan and Trust Co. (THE mm WITH TP CHIMES) BurliQgton, - - - Nirth C4jrblina. 1st, 1914. The public cordially invit- .ed to attend. Mr. and Mrs. lieslie D. Mebane an i children, who have been living in Chi- caffo. 111., for several years, are here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mebane, on Tarpley Street. They yrill move to Durham from Chicago some time next week. .——o—. CHRISTMAS JUBILEE. One of the mo^t elaborate and larg est attended social events of the social history of Burlin^oh W4S the Christ mas . Eve Jubilee Thursday evening from H to ll:3C^ in the haU of the Piedmont Hotel, . Proprietor Young had the decora tions in X'harge and -the dining room and halls were arti^ically decovated in .holly and. pot plants. A Chri:^tma5 tree was laden with favors for the gueuts. The music program was in charge of the Wiison Orchestra. Mr, and Mrs. \Y. J. Fix received the guests and presented them to the receiving line. The first part of the overiing was spent. \i\ conversation, the latter being spent in tlie latest dntces. Messrs. C. V'. Shtirpo aiul George Isley had charge of the social plan.s and car ried oiit the program systeniatically. Punch was served by Misses Mary Freemnn and Lou Ola Tuttle, follow ed by cream and cake. At 11:00 o’clock The OroL:o wur, chartered where the guests spent the remainder of thj eyening chaperor.od by Mr. and Mrs. J. "W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Crowson, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Young. 0 CHRISTMAS SERMCE .\T M. P. CHL-KCH. Last Sunday night at the M. P. Church “White Gifts for the King” was the name of the Christmas exer cise given by the Sunday School of that Church. The exercise consisted of special music, recitations and an addresj? by the pastor, Rev. G. L. Curry. Gifts of service and mon‘jy were presented by the various departments of the school. The money that was given will he sei>l to the Children's Home at High Point and to the Bel gian sufferers. Those that participated in tho ex- ei*cise rendered 'their parts in a splen did manner atid showed that they had been well trained and prcjpared fur th,:* The docoratifjis Wxn-c all in white, a hu'ge cross occupying the center of the rostrum. The gifts were placed r.t the foot of this cross by the rep resentatives of the various dopart- ments »)f the .‘^chool. The attendsincK upo?i this servici was I;'.rgc, the auditorium, of thci church being completely filled. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will he observed at the Reiormod Church next Sunday, January at 11:00 A. M, A good attendance of the membership desired. Oi.hers in vited. D. C. COX, r>astoi-, WHJTE FURNITURE CO. MAIN- TAL\S FUl.L TIME. Mebane, Dec. —When the White Furniture Company closed this even- ing for the Chri?5tmas holidays after running on full time six days a w'eek for the past 12 months despits the business depression following tho out break of war in Europe, a ploa&ant event occurred. Following the blow ing of the whistle at > o'clock the men throughout the big plant gathered in the offices cf the company and pre sented each of the officrs substantial gifts expressing their appreciacion of the company’s effons to maintain full time despite unfavorable conditions in the market. N. L. Walker was spokesman for the men and in a few well-chosen words and happey vein presented the giftsi assuring the management of the^ hearty co-operation of the men and of their appreciation of the fact that while many furniture factoric's and other maniilacturing industries of the country ha\e been forced to close en tirely or curtail the White Furniture Company has maintained full time and six days a week. Tho incident this evening \vas an evidence of the spirit of good feeling thaJ exists between the employes of the White Furnitu o Co. and the employers. COSTS TEN CENTS MORE NOW. ^ It has cost ten cents extra si.ica the first cf December to get married. This faf:! was. not generally kiiown, ai'.d as a rc;iru!t several Raleigh rnin- istors gone down • Into their p.A-keis f''r the stamp tax mouity, thi gro'.ms being in ignorance of the re- quirenv^nt. Voting momen who winter the state of •!^^atrimony from now on may infonn their husbands on occa sion that they . are. worth just a bit more than the cost of license aitd the fee for the minister, becaase it is a fact. Certificates of marriage must be plastered with a te«-cent stamp.— Raleigh Time^. ; ■ _0 tmr gyiod friends Smith & Quails have opened up in the Lasley building and ure di{»posing of the Pettigrew & King stock which they bought :it auc tion. These two young men are good merchants and know a bargain when they .see one. We trust they wij) dt*- cide to remain down town an'I believe they will do ivell. Burlington is for tunate in having some good merchant;,' who l^efieve in being progres.sivi? ani xip-to-diiie in everything and Smith & Quails nre amoi’g the ?iunii»*'r w!io shariMhis \iew, _0-~^ FINEKAL OF MiS.S SHi^.fPARD HELD .\T ALAMANCE CHURCH. The funer^U service.? «%’er the I’t- n' .'■!* 31iss Matikla Sheppuri! who died Tuwday evening at 6 oVlock at her home neai* A/amance church, were hehl yesterday Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment fo)Iou*ed hi the burying gronnd of the Alima/x-e Church. BAD FIRE IN CHARLOTTES'. !lLL. Charlottesville, Va., i>ec. 2'>.~- year ly an entire business bloc': ^ast Main Street was destroyeil . fire, which started at 9 o’clock Jcnighl. Three large buildings occupied by stores were burned. The loss is than $100,000. 3. H. GJeason, fire- m«n, and leading merchan'- wa.'*' fatally injured in a f;»ll from a\) ice- covered ladder. O W'e ha*.e helped feed the sun’ving Belgians; we are playing Santa Ciaus to the dejftitute and fatherless chil- dien of Europe, and now we ur*; go ing to keep warm the fe?t of thf? sol- dicM* hoyji in the tjtmches. Pine AN OTHER t :>ssO on North Cart»!ina.— irceiu.boro News. • O ^.irrjcerynu-n make a n\i.^Uike not to iidvertisji. The theory that |copb* must have somethin^: to e.*it may If*’ a good one, but they cci-tamly have a preferei!cc at to who they buy ii from. A live, progressive merchant in any line will advertise, becausc 'heroin lies the secret of success. 0 THREE NICE SHOATS. Mr. J. K. Isley, who lives near Bel mont, killed three “shoats” iart Tues day that weighed as follows: 572J 408 and 4S7 pound.'%, a total of ir>57 pounds. These are about the nicest pigs we have lioard of this year. U -EVERYBODY'S FRIEND.'* at Graded School Auditorium, one night, .lanuary 1, '“Everybody’s*^ Fiie id,*’ a comedy in three acts. Play two hours. Benefit of Reformed Mis- siojiary Society- .Admission, Children 1.5 cents, adults :i5 cents. New Year Greetings We wish to express our appreciate to our many Customers who pairoiiized us during 1914. May the New Year . feri^ ycu health, happiness and much success and trusting that you will give os a large portion of your business for 1915 wejqre B TriE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES Let These Few Lines Greet You We want to thank each and every one fpr the Spleadid Patronage given us durirg 1914. We feel confident that you got good vaiues. Wisbing you ail a happy and prosperous New Year and asking tor your Patronage for 1915, H. GOLDSTEIN The Man Wha Make.s Clothes in Your osvn Towr. Lack of comfort, iimro thau t!ai:s;j.'r of bullet.s, keeps njanj- ;i man from on- listiiJg. O A TEST FOR iJVEK COJVU>i,.\lNT I (>r eoui :'e a good deal depends ap~ r>r the kiiid of man selected as eity I Jiijinage!-, and yet it is our fault if -wc- : do not gret a good one. I FOl'^iS)—r!G’ Found on the street.^ of Bui-’intrton^ iv sni.ill pip-. Owner can i;et same by callirtg :u‘d de.scrihing und paying for r.d. Call to see “Monk" Loy, Burlington, N. t'. 0 KKW SEEK MINISTRY .NOW. Statistic.': .show that in the early days of American collejres about one- half of the pradoEtes adopted the min istry as profession. At the pres- time on!y about 5 per t ent of the col lege frraduafes become mini.^ters. a t^'initantiy «e ai-e learninc He"' thinKJ about geography, an, for in stance, that the city of Lodz has ne;ir- ly half a million people. Wh>, it ii larcer than Burlinjrton. __ o The great majority, liowevev, are .soldiers of misfortune. .mentally U.NHAPPY --^ ! I*HYS1CALLV DtlLL. i The Livei-, siujrKish and inctiiv. first; •shows itself in a menial state-—iin- ■ nappy ar>d ■ ’itica!. Ncvei' s there joy .n iiviii^. .i.s when the StOJnaeh' and Liver arc doins their worii. Xeep youv Liver active and heaithy Vy ini.'- \h‘. Kinif’^*, New Life Pili^: they empty the Bowels freely, tf>ne ur you-- Stornarh, cure your 'u?*>;ipa- tion and purify the Hlood. i;»c. at UruK^ist. Buokien's Arnica Salv«- ex cellent for Piles. O KKFB* IT ffAMiV TOR RHKL.V.A- TiSM. No use i» squirm and ivince and try to wear out your Uheutruitisui. It wiU wear you out instead. Apply some Siaaii's Liniment. Need not rub it in— let it penetrate all Jhrou^'i the affected psrts, relieves the ness and draw the pain. You jjet east; at once a:ifi fee? si much >K?tter fou jwant to jfo right out and tell -jiiwr I sufferers about Sloan^s. (ect a bottle I of S!oan> Liniment for 1~> cents oi' any dri2^gri.‘?t and havi it iii the houst* (—against Colds, Sore and Swollen j .hvints, I-,uinbaj?t>, Sciatica asid like ail ments. Vftur money back if not sa:is' j tied, hut it d;es crivo a’mosi re)i:'f. Buy :i hotrle ioday. | O--—- j YOt'R COLD IS iiANGEKOl S. BREAK rr UP—NOW. I A Cold is readily catchinfr. A ' down system is susceptibte to G‘*vufo.. | Vou owe it to yourself and to (vthcrs : of youv household to fijfht the (iernis ^ at once. Dr. BelTs Pine-Tar-Honey is • fir.e for Coids and t'ouirhs. it lootei^s j tht; Mucous, stops the Cough *>.n? i-oothes the Lungs, it’s giiarantoed Only 2.^c. at your Di'ugr^st. O N A PRETTY FOOT Many a pretty foot owep its r'^ptitatiDn to" QUEEN QUAtmr- Shuts. To ifiipply graeefal !ii a homely foot and to ai-cfi.ti.att* those of {he prMty oi^i- i- d scitnce that but. few can L-laini jjroiiesenoy in. And aiTK'ntr 1 he first of these stand the niak«rs of “Queen Quaiity.” Then consider with this, the attract! venc-ss of an economical price (made possible solely by their immense production) and you have a combination (rtiite itT#*sisfablip. Foster Site Cempny , Sole Agents, Boriinstoa, R. £. u iOLOS IREIITEO KTERHilLLlf the liitlf injurious idoJicjju:^ s>:o)n;iohs with Prompt Action WsU Stop Your CoM^^h When you firs* catch a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or caugh), breatc it up at oncc. The idea that **Tf ' c-;- aot matter'" often lead$? t'- • ^rious complications. The reniciy which im mediately anti rasiiy penetrates the lii'.inff of 'he throai' is the kind de- mar.ded. Or. King-*s New Discowtry soothes the irritation, loosens che phlegrm. Ycu feel better at once, “It seemed to reach, the very spot o^> my Couph * is one of many honest testi monials. -;>0c. at your Orug:ifist. Cwp And ^ A IUJP Pneumonia iStniM v Si is applied rvternaUy to the ttiroat and » the tf'Xij- hcut s/tothiii;,:' antiseptic vapors which ar«* inUaI*r»i di rectly to the a»Y»ott*d part;:. If* cilmost. lmmedl:»te. The xvorsl cold is cured overnight—eroup in IS minutes. At a» ilrugfcisis. 25c, 50c and %i.W. ^,b^rni sample m-aUeJ on request. Vick CSiemical Co., tfreeiiSboro. N. C. £BffiHESTEKSm» BRAND DIAMOND tAl>TSS J A«V Vrmmtidt for CIIT-CK ^-S-TUR S a>UiMONl> »KANT> Fll,j-s in Rs» aodV Gold metallic bo:tes. scaled Tcith Wue Tasb no otbsr. Bbt . maS Mk f»r , ;«Ki» bha^h psi.1.8,. redded m SOLD BY kll DRU^STS rjiin rVPPVWUPRI^ WORTH TiuHi> t”tniirar8&nC •njsTHD^

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