iMit tWJCE-A-WEBK DISPATTH, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29, J914. PAGii SEVK.N PEAKER WILL IGNORE DETKOIl' LIQUOR VABN. Vetroit Free Prtss Sajs Clark Was L«d from Platform, Lights Cut Off. ~“W»s FuddlaJ by Liquor." Washington, Dec. 6.—Speaker Clark is still tonfined to his home. He may out a general statement about his trip through the west later, but Trill not refer to his condition at De troit. This: is the infor^tion given our, at hi5 office at th® capitol yesterday lay his'wecrtftary, Wallace Bassford. Mr, Bassford said that Mr. Clark would ignore the newspaper stories that report^ he was forced from the lecture platform at Detroit by the inanager of the hall, who turned out the light for that purpose. The story referred to was contained in the ftetroit Free Press of December 3 and follows: III the n^iddle of a lecture by Speiik- tr Champ Clark of the national house •f representatives, after the speaker iad shown c^'idences in his action and words of being under the influence of }iquor, the board of directors of the Betroit board of commerce Wednes day night suddenly terminated ihe Kddrss by turning out the lights. Mr. Clark had been invited to l^avK the lecture platform by Secretary •yres H. GitchelJ of the board, W't refused to listen to him. The lijfhts then were tui’ucd off and relighted, but the speaker continued in his ramalinjj talk. Finally the lights wore again tcmed off and Mr. Clark was led off tha platform. One-third of the audience of moio than 1,000 had left their seats abrupt- iy and walked from the hall befiro any attempt was made to silence *:he speaker. Most of those who left won- ffojnen. From the first it was apparent timt he spoke the less coherent his speech demeanor. His fi?estupe| were un steady and halting. The greater por tion of the tiine his hand drooped faJm inward and hi.'i chin sunk low cn his chest. His voice too broke noticeably after the first 15 miinites and became hoarse growl. Tlie inoro the spoke the less coherent his speecb and thought became. After Speaker Clark had been taken from the building Mr. Gitoheil ap«i!- ogized to those of the audience who lemaitjed and slaied that any ’.vhu had purcha.ied sJ)ec^al ticket.'^ for the lecture couid have their lio'.laiH vi?- funded a!, the door. Speaker Clark cantc to the Bu;u J of CommeiTe buiidinK from his hc-xel l»aif ait hour after he was schedukd to begin his address. The delap was 4ae to Mr, Clark's evident condition, and the comn-.ittoe of Democrats which had i>een attending him durinrr the day worked to get Sum into shope for his appearance in the board hall. WTien he came to the building Mr. Clark was accompanied by Confrrtss- man Frank E. Doremu.s and Postmas ter W. .1. Nagel. His condition >vas «pparent to those members of the board who had charge of the lecture l»ut after a confereno; it was dacideil to follow the program. After it had been decided that Mr. Clerk was able to eo onto the ros trum he wa.s taken upstairs in charge *f Mr. GitcheU, Mr. Hi(fginaon, C^n- gressmas Oorcmus and Poi^master Naget. M:. Higginson assisted him to mount the platform where as ho walked to his seat he was greeted with a hearty applause. He bowed vory alightly in response. As Mr. Higginson finished hia in troduction Speaker Clark rose slowly and walked unsteadily to the front of the platform. Mr. Higgirison tak ing his arm in an intimate sort of way. Standing with his left hand on the speaker’s table and his right hand fumliling his watch chain, Mr. C'ark launched del:l>erately into his speech. Co'igressman Doremus was the sub ject of the speaker's first remarks. In a' fairly even voice he paid the De troit congressman a hearty compli ment * * * But as he attempted tc recite examples of repartee he had heard on the floor of the national house his thoughts appeared to v^ver and the point of the first example dwin dled away into a meaningless, incom plete. sentence. . * " * Hastily Mr. Gitchell and other momr bers of the men in charge held a con ference and it was decided to ask Speaker Clark to stop. Before :Ms could be done fully- a third of the audiencis had left the auditori'am. When Mr. Gitchell approached the speaker the latter turned his head | to listen, pausing in the midst of a sentene^, but inunedi.itely turned apaiii to the audience and launched upon another sentence. From the a room at the side of the platform the st-age !isht.s were firi^t turned off and then, the light.s o£ the auditorium.. .A moment later they were turned on, but still the speakf r proceeded. A sec- orid darkening of the house sect the speaker off the platform to the dress ing room at the right, where he w^s n'et and e.scorted from the place. * * * THAT WE GO FORWARD. j 'i DUNG WIFE KILLS KAITHLF.SS North Carolina is a State that is ! . HUSBAND, 'I not standing still. In this age and ; —o- — tirne it cannot afford to if it would. | Mrs. Pauline Bond Fires Three Bullets And the finest signs of the spirit of j Into Body of Man She Says Tamil progress is that there is being shown I ^ Her. by the farmers of the State a for-j Bristol, Va., Dc. 8.—As a resul Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days i will refund tnonesf if I’AZd : Ol^TMKNT f&ils to cuve uiny cate oi Itching, ' Biind|BteecllnQorProtTudi&ffi43esiA6tol4d«7S. The firfttappHcation gives Ease and Kect. ABE RAMPANT. Abe ss\ys that farmer, socially, cJu- cationaily, and financially has not I been in as prood standing since the •day Adam made Kis first move fvom jthe Garden of Eden as he is today. And yet all ihe powers of this great nation are united in trying to .^ave him, trying to tide hint over, when these is nothinpc to save him from but his own shiftlessness. He says with ■wheat, corn, nil kitids of meat, and ev^ry thing that :.tan or beast can eat selling at tip top prices, and tobacco bringing fancy prices, it tickles him almost to death to hear the farmer complaining, and saying he can*t stand it much longer, for if the farmer can’t stand it, how in the world d?»es he expect olher folks to ^tand it? AUe say.s this November snow was not down on his program, but he had plenty of wood ami watci*. and had just heen to the mill the week before, but th«r most of his neighbor farmers had to hitch up okl Boh, call the boys, an(i tackle the snfswbank before their wives and babies could get warm, and he wonders how leginlatioii can hertc- fit such a man as that. Wi* told Abe just to wait until Billy Bryan and a few of oui* North Caro lina great men get a bill through lo lUlow OUI' women folks to vote .liid then he"d nee how such men could be beaefited. And wt* though Abe was having a fit. He glared at us. he work^l hi*; arms like hc» was sv.imming, took his hut off, laid it on the ground and put his foot on it, and after a time he U>gan to say things, but tht'y «.vc*re mostly in the unkriown tongue, as we • lid not gain murh benefit for some time. At last he stnK^k m with his moth er tongue, btjf we would not dare t:» print what ho said, not all of it. O New York pickpockets, unable to m^ke a living are turning honest. Another ancient profession brought to ruin by the degeneracy of the times. uf having taunted his wife over having f;>und '^a handsomer woman," Walkei* Bond lies dead here today, from a bul- loi; wound inflicted by his infuriated i=!pOUSC'. In jail 'here Mrs. Pauline Bond, a pretty, stylishly attired brunette, said My people the English. Itfy grand- IVbMever You Need a Qenerai TonSc Talce Qrove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chili To&ic ia equally valuable as a General Tooic because H contaius the well kaovn tonic properties of QUININE J and IRON. It a^s on the Liver, Drives j OQt Enriches the and ' up the Whole System. 50 cents. : How To Uive C>uir.ine To ChHdren. I FUBKi Lrr^Kistfidr^sclt-iCflfk name civta to au impruvcaQujaiue, ilis*‘Ta!%tclc;4sSyrup.v]es^> t ant to t.'iice ami docs not disturb the eloatach. , Children sake it aiid never know it is Oui'ttioe. ; Aiio esprciallj' atlaptttl to adulis who caonot take or]ltiur>'Ouio.'lie. Ito^s uoC uauscate Dor zu'.iae jiervousness nor riiigjng u the head. Txy it't lia #1*.«r^i. ....^.1 w..^ ward-looking purpose which has in. it that expression of determination which will not be gainsaid. The truth is that the North Carolina farmers of this day are m^kinij of themselve.s a for/*e for progress, and if they keep at it this good State will become a better State. _ , . The clearing house for this foi'ward Uatfcei‘j Horton, came tg Virginia from movement of the fanners of the State England. I am shocked at being a is to be the North Carolina I jailbird, \>\ii I feel that my deed was Farmers* Union, and no lietter has j justilied/’ this been shown than in the series of resolutions adopted, at the aiinua)' meeting, of that organization ut Gre&n- viUe some time ago. These resolu- tiona of public interest have to do with matters of the greatest import- A man who says *‘I don't care*' is either a liar or & tool. { Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. |. Summer co)ds are. dangerows. They ance to the StMte, and they deserve the | indicate low vitality and '.often lead fullest consideration of the people j-en- ■ to serious Throat and Lang Troubles, inc]udin.g Co?7sumptioh. Dr. Kiji/,5 or Csild promptly and prevent compli- catior>s. It is soothing and antisep tic artd .'nakes you feel I^tt^r Ft ..:;nct erally. Consider oome of the nieasures to \.'hich the Farmers’ Union gives its support: The State-wde le’gaiized jri- ira;ry; the reduction, of cotton acre age in 1915 to not.exceeding fifty »>c-r cents of the ctiltivated acreage; e:c- te.-idrng the anti-jug law by means of county action looking to the final pas sage of a law which will embrace ali the State; the fullest indorsement of the Torrens land title law; strong c*>m- mendation of the value of “Comniun- ity Service Week”; that attorneys of public service corporations sever iheir connection with such corpo2*ations be fore entering upon public iffice 'n. which they are supposed to represent the people and not private interests; establishment as soon as possible of a State institution for the help of j wayward girls: improvement in our J taxation system; land segregation be* | Iween the races; party convention's at such seasons as "will permit of the fullest partiripation of the farmers. Such measures as these are among the ii\*e issues of cho day, and that they are being presented and urged by the farmers m.eans that these citi- zens of North Carolina are forward looking, that their desire is that this State secure for itself the very best that is to be had. For this reason it is timely that the Farmers’ Union sets forth to the State the program which it endorses, that it may be fully diJHruRsed, and that all classes of the people may ‘oe heard as t» these mat ters. Whether one agrees with ali of fh'j .^laLter.s proposed or not. all agree that it is a sign of progreris for tlio i>tate wliej) there aro such reso- lulior.s adopted by an organization of farmt^rs, thes? dealing with the large .*r.juters of the future of the State. We go forward indeed in North Car olina when such a spirit is abroad in tJtiis State.—News and Observer. j The North Carolina Farmers Un- I iu!7 is committed to the plan of encour- j aging local co-operative enterprises. i II believes co-operatioji should begin To delay is dangerous—get a bottle of Dr.. King's New .Discovery at once. Mon/ back if not s.'itisiied. 50c. and SI.O(i bottles at your druggist. Most children do. .A coated, furrc'^ Tongui*; Strong Breath; Stonjac'i Pahis; Cirrles under Eyes; Palcj, Snl- Icw Complexion; Nei^ouat Fretful; Grirding of Teeth; Tossing in Bleep; Peculiar Dreams—any one of t‘.ese indi-rate Child has Worms. Get a bojt of Kickapoo Worm Kiler at ontfc. It kills the Worms—the cause of your child's conditioji. Is Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worni^. Sup plied in candy form. Easy for dren to take. 25c., at your Dru.ygist. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING To .sret started with you we make yon the following offer: Seno us $1.50 for 1,(100 Frost Proof Cdbbage Plants, erown in the open air and will stand freezing; grown from the Celebrated Seed of.Bolgina & Son and.Thorborri & Co.. and I will send you 1,000 Cabbage Plants additional FREE, arid you can repeat the order as many tinifcs as you like. I wi.Sl give you speeial pHees on Potato Seed and Potato Plants later We want the accounts of close buyers, large and small. We can supply all. ATLANl IC COAST PLANT CO., Y0UNG5 ISLAND, s. C. - BRING X x Tiiose old chairs, beds, dressers etc- to BURUNGTON, N. C, at the Corner ! .'avis & \V-.)Vth Street have ihtfm repaired :: stich in linie .saves Dim?, MASK & FISHER at home. At the same time the Union wishes to iierve all of the members who live nut of reach of such local en terprises. Consequently the Siate Council last week voted to establish an information bureau on buying :ind setting, in charge of State Secretary Faires.—Progressive Famier. TH OfilBlM ?1»e Dots Net m 0«caate of its tonic laxative effect. LAXA.- ' TIVG BROMO QUININE is better thtino74inarv ; Quinine aud doe» not caus« nen'c-usn^sR nor rintriBK tnhea'd. Remember the full natne and look (or the sisnaturc oi £. W. CROVK. 25c. The suffragettes have opened a school of oratory in Njw YorK. Bat why should a woman ha\‘e to h-arn to talk? Professional Cards Dr. L. H. Allen Eye Specialist Office Over C, F. Neess's Store Burlington, • - N. C. J. P. t^ponn. I>. V- S W, , 1>* V.M. Spoon & Hornaday Veterinariajns UHaceB.ail HoBpffal Officp Phime 871 415 Main 5?t, Phone 26^ C. A. Anderson M. D. Office hours 1 to 2p. m. 7 toSp.n . First National Bank Building Leave day c«I1b at Bradleys Dru^ Store. RALPH’S PLAGE. 1 he only cash store in town, nothing charged, noiliing delivered When you trade at Ralph’s Place, you do SiOt have :o pjy ot' peoples bad debts. Full line fruitp. candies. c?.k:s, crackers, salted ar.d roHsuri pea-iuus i'resh :ili ihe ti.Tie, all kinds cold drir.lf.s, tobacco, cigars, :>nuff, canned goods, coffees, oranges and apples. SS UllIE SHATTERLY, Mgr RALPH'S PLACE, The Ladies Store iwgr.g ore a J: John H. Vernon, ; * I Attorney ana uoiiusellor at L-*» i Burlington, N. C. j Office room 7 and 8 Second' 9*or First Nat’i Bank Buiidinp: «mce *pfawa 3 3 7-J Reaideni j ’phone 3S?-L ! Lessons Come Easier DR. j. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Fofetef Building blJRLlN^TON, K. C. Dr. Waller £. Walker | Sellars Building j TF the child has a hie, generoiis Sifrlit to •■^tudy by. Thf LAMP saves rye ,^;tr;tin. It i.s kcre'Mjuc light at its—ck'rir, nicllou , ;i!nl unrtickering. The RjyO tlucs not sntokc or It is easy to lij^ht, ta.-iy to clean, ;iiui easy to rewick. 'I'lu- R. JYO htilc, Iwt vnu cannot i;rt a hi-tter lamp at aii\ j'.riiT. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (KEW JERSEY) c:.«kite,N.C. NdvfeSct V*. D A t 'Pf Ajf/^DIT Ch*rl«»toa» W. V»*. ^f-I 1 tEVKvJKH Ckuietilon* S. C. (Up Store) Phones 80-G 80-J Houbs 8-10 a. in. 7-8 p. m. THE PIEDMONT TRUST COMPANY Has Increased Its Capital Stock To $100,000 Increased Capital gives Increased Business Facilities. Reaiember Us When You Have Money. ^ JX j \We Remember You When You Need Money,