mm. THE TWICfi'A WEEK PWPATCH, TI^pDAY, DECeMUOt », mt ^-T ^^ —; — « I 111. OAiiDALE ITEMS. m»s Eve and a >vord of chctr fci- T^ie past week has beer very cold.! each one as he presented the pass Fa; ■m work has beoi u.i a slundstiU | books. These, good loyal suid ti’ue for sweral days. , .i operatives r.ppreeiate the iictio’i of . Mr. aiid- Mrs. JJoIphus Kirare^’ ar'i all ssuiies. It is a babj-girl that eair.c 10 make l;er home with them for a whsie, Caod luck lo theni.' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Girtoii have lefC us ^uid.aaoved near. Liberty. We are sorry fo lose Wesley. .. Mr. Kditor, you have bfc-n boasting very much about other Statics ar.d towns, What, about the cotto.n mi!U in Aliunance? One of our neighbors infoiweit Tis that they went througrh same a£ our mills ia Alamance and jiot one-half of the looms were run- ning: and what was .j>unhirig was o.t: X-2 time, or only three days a week. That da»!i not look like prosperity retujTiing to us. We were .^so in- foniied that in one town iii N. C.'., peo ple are burning their chairs to i:eeij fire, when there is plenty of wood. We do not, object to any one helping for- eigjioi's (Belgians) but we think char^ ity oiii^t lo begir. at home. Mr. Eugene Spoon, of Atiaiita Den tal College and sister, Effie, of Greens boro, win spend holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Daffron took a flying tri^ to Burlington Saturday. Tbere will be so many hunters and visitors with 5 duiing the holidays that it is impo siblu for us to give ali. News is ve.> scarce as the weather has been so bad that we have not been able to get out and pick up m'leh, Mr. A. T. Spoon, proprietor of Oak dale Nursery, went to CErthage to sell trees during court. The Christmas tree and exercises at Oakdaie will take place Tuesday riigh.t, Dec. 22, at 7:00 oVioek. .Svery- body tnWtcd to behave. To look at the nice letter.' that the ■-•hildren have written to old Santa, it seein.'. The Dispatch has a large circoiation. I hope that all will be re membered by old Santa. tills pi-ogi-essive fljilJ tnaitagement, and will r4>iide;' faithful and better ser- vii'e I’ji- ihij kindness upon ths purt of iVlr. Baker. Mr, Fj, F. .William.-, is the superintendent of this largo ard flut'i'ishir.g' manufacturing- enteiyrise, uiid has been with the mil! io.’’? that if Mr, Baker had undertak"i to reward him for the long service per formed it would have taken about ar,.- other thousand to. have completed the job. Te people of Alaiaance County are proud of the management of the Virginia Cotton Mills, and theiv one- wish today and forever more, wiU be, Long Live Mr, Baker, Long Flourish the Mill Village of Swepsonville. Th; Dispatch has ijiany readers and warm fi lends at Swepsonville and it \g’ives us pleasure to chroincle this p'iea.sar.t reii'.einbraiice. ' A Merry Christmas and a Happy ai d Prosperous New to all of you, is our oiio wish. ‘■Statut-i of tiniitations” excuses th» ope.'J account which you made- for broad and meat. You must pay it in cash of God siill malve yoiJ pay it in fire and bi’i.'nstohe,—Tazeweli Enter prise. -0- l.V "ZU- THHll.UNG FfiATUKES BOEA.” Mr, E, May,' Burlington, N, C. i)ear Sir:— We want to inforai you of the .nar.y thriiiirig features that will be iixau- gurated in “Zudbra” in the forth coming episodes, as follows; In Episode No. 3 we have a. mob scene in which there are moie than two thousand people. There is ;».n ex traordinary climax i.i which an inno cent man is saved from lytiehiflg. In Episode Ko. 7 we have a do^ls | ur.d-only, clainiod mein honest sensation reproducing the blo.ft ist/^ • THE LATEST ULTIMATUM. ' Goit, Gott, dear Gott, attention yleas^ Your bardner \'‘ilhe)m's here, U;;d had. a vord or two to say inV,) your brivute ear; . . So turn avay a!i udders nov; Und listen veil to jne, For vat I say. concerns us *nu'h, Meinself and Sheriuaiiy. You kjiow, dear Gott, I vas your friend Und from mftin hour of birth I quietly let you ruje de HeJfon Vhile 1 r«l«d o'er de earthy Unil yen I told mein soldieri Of hy^gone iwitUe day.s, i gjadly split de glory Und give. you. half ,de .praise. Ii; fcVC'3'y vay I tri.ed io prov.e ilc4n hean to you. vas true; share ABOLITION OF OFFiCK OF TREASURER. Henry A. Pagftj. of Moore County, ^vho has represented his county hi tho legislature for several terms, is not only a successful business man. uut is a forward-looking: man. In the Jegi* lature two years ag'o Mr. Page .‘ntro- duced a bill to abolish the office of county treasurer and aliow banks to handle county funds, which the banivs would be glad to do without co?t. As most legislators much prefer t>' cre ate an office rathen than abolish one, Mr. Page had little company in hi« effort to abolish comity treasurer’s jobs. But he pers}?ted In passiu'^' the bill fnr his own county nnd a f;nv oth~ ers johieti him. Here i^> the of Mr. Pnge’s county: A contract was made witJj a bank to handle the coun ty's funds. The bank not only charges nothing fov service^ bat pays the county 2 percent on daily balances. The salary of the ireasurer in .’\Joore county was about $1,200. That sum is not only aved to the taxpavor.i, but in addition they get interest on their money deposited in the bank. If about to 100 per cent, of the men sent' lie would be very muck the gainer.— *.£**■ these remarkable Episodes, StattisviiJe Landmark, [ This sounds good to thi* R«r>ubU^:;in Pro^^res>lv5.>s of Almancc Couretv who .•{dv'ocatt"t this mea.sure the iampaigi'. We were rij»hl chi'n, we ACTS SANTA CLALS IN PEKSON. Mr. A, li. Baker, President -'>i the Virgima Cotton Mills, at Swej^son- vills, acte^ good old fashioned Pintti Claua to ail liis active raiU operatives in a most unique and clever way. It has b&ea the custom of Mr. Baker to show Iris ajjprecition of the loyalty of his TTJUiy operatives every year, let thiie.s good or i)ad, ana Ihi^ year was no exc»'inion to tho:?e pu-^t. Year before la.sV it was a tvjp l>» th^* State £'^a;r. I.asl yeai' a trip lo the great BarauiTi & Bailey Circuit and . an* rijrht now, and sooner jr later this yenr fe»!iiig that owing tf> uti- ts'’nu/iT. We need this nioii'*y !li-t settled con.ditions in the mill huidness, paid -ru', uselessly, lor the bu I roads as weU as the commercial world, Mr.!that are ret4irdsng our progress, who Baker conceived the idea that it w^ould I^he first Denicci“«t of prc^mi- ba a good plan to encourage his oper- rence to staj't a petition to our ropre- ativeii in ftrt of saving, to carry j tentative to piis»s a bill to libo^iwh h*? uiit- thw program it rcijnireci a greai. of county tre-isurci* ftr Ala- un4iMNbftking as well as a good sum manoe County? You will cove^* your- in catsh. In «>rder to impress upon hh ^elf with glory, even if you In mi!! fcelp tha importance as weil IS the with the politicians. conv6men»Je of a savings account in j —o— some good financial institution, Mr. j Othej- counties are abolishing the Baker deposited a sum of money ia!office Count}' Treasurer, and 5a\- the Coit&a^ifircial National Bank, rf ^ ing the taxpayers hundreds of dollars. R;ileig^, N. C., to the credit of oiu*hj^-^hv not Alamance? employee, and had a pass book made \ O out in each «?mployee’s name with' PAY VOUR DEBl'S. the anioiLTt cr^ited therein and the ' More and more we are convinced operatives can add to this amount, or that what this counti*y most needs i» withdraw it just as they desire, there a religion or training that will make are no resicTCiions or strings tied to it, ja nian pay his debts. Shouting does l o ali j not settle accounts with God or man. J those ' Often we want to bounce a fellow up of ii Ijattleship wiiich win portray viv idly i'ome of the extraordinary things whiv-h will happen in naval battles in the different sections of thif* world. We have aUo bought. oi’.e of the ir.ost expensive mansions in suburb- and N’ew York whic*h will be burned up to furnish a thriller. In Episode No. 8, we give the pub- Hc an ejctraord-'nary battle ?o rescue “Zuiiora” Ui ^\"h^ch four me/abers of the Thanhouser Syndicate Corpora- tioj! were severely iniui*ed. Nothing so ;en.^u ional has ever been shown on the .serene. In Episode No. 9, by special ar- ningemep.t with the Pennsylvania Railrod Company we blow up a fiXMghi (r-aifi in order to furnish ^pec- lacular tinish to the reel. This has bec‘n considered the biggest thing yet in the way of a thn'Iler. Beginning with Episode No. lO we j ini: ..dace the celebrated favorites of ,f j.ji the .\{y=,tery, including Klorsnce La- j.,, ^^11 de vorW de fact, In great deeds dat We do. You could not haf a better fdeiidt. In sky, or land, or sea, Dan Kaiser Vilhelm number iwj, De Lord of Shermuny. So vat I say, dear Gott, is dis, *>at ye sohulU still be friendts, Und you soyld help to send my foes To meet deir bitter ends. If you, dear Gott, vill dis me do PlI nothink ask again Und you and I vill bardners f:e For evermore—Amen. L'lid listen, Gott, it must be quick Your help to me you send Or I hnf to stop ttack Und only blay defend. So four und tventy hours i gif To make de allies run, Und put me safe into mein blacc— f)e middle of de sun. mpH GttAP£S, A-i various times^ since the we have noticed that inany Democratic newspapers have professed to be en- ti^ejy satisfied vi-ith the way thi.ngd'to i:tirned .iStf 14*^ admit tjiat their party lust rather ii^ylly in’tlie election, but say tiiey do sot regret this as they had too large a majority in Cong-ress any way. This view of the situation ;ridirate.-; a willingrness to accept reverse.s pbilosophjcaUy, out it is not very good logic nor does it in all probability meat wth the Up- proval cf those Democrats inrho were defeated. Mr. Gndger of the tenth district for instance, did T^ot seem to teke his failure irt a very meek and contrite .spirit. On the contrary he gave out a statcineht in which he spoke rather bitterly of th.e Denio- cratic voters of his district whom he charged with haying- betrayed him. It is quite true that the Demoeratie majority in the last Congress wia.s very larjre, t-ntirely too larg-e in iact, but before the elc*ction came off we did not hear any Democrats complain ing about it. As a matter of fact! Y- illii PAVIKC PAKT ON DBW8. The ObMTver lesms thiouigb in quiry that its sugirestions in the of sailing a kale are being acted I considerable e.'Ctent b/ farmers. They 't'.on in sufficient quanti to meet a obligatioMigt the banks, ynd in this way are nut ting a good deal of money into cipcru- lt‘tion, to the material be.'iofit of local conditions. These farmers are taVii^ the view thai it is the proper to do under the circumstancies, aitd the money they are payiniC “ito th« banks has Irf^en going out to the mer- cliants and through the m^hsmts in to the general trade channels, som$ of it iindr'ig its way faiick to the fArmear, as ■ naturally . be the case. It is a much hetter plan to sell a b»J* at some Io.^s and .pa.y debts, than to hold the bale in the hope of finallj get ting ten cents, thus in the mcantims adding to the distress of the situatioB. Charlotte Observer. badie, Frank Farrington and Sidney Braocy. When you snnouno* these Features you win not be able to handle the many interested patrons that will dfK-k la see “Zudoca." Don’t forget Ihiit the first few episoles were sim ply thi! .settings for the extraordinary !iiil you ,-ire aware that a,T extraordin ary stoiy is impossible to unravel riijhl off the reel. There will be noth- to the North Carolina legislature i inif but enth' on the part of were of the Henry Page type the pub-' every exhibitor and patron wl-.e’i they Thanltouser Syn. Corp., 0 it is a gift pu>e and simple, the oldest employees that i: who hav« been with the mil! for a num ber of years their pass book contained a deposit of |b,00 and to all others, regardless of the time they had been employed their pass book contained a deposit of |2.50, Thera are a large number of opertives employed by this mi!] and the sum deposited to their credit an^ount«d to more than a tfaoas- and Miars. hit. Baker presented nhe!;e pkss books in person on CUrist- rifiht out of Church beca'ase he went fishing- on Sunday, but never say .*1 word to the pious scamp who never pays his debts, and such peoplfr are doing the Church more harm than any lot of Sunday desecrators, for there are more of tJtam in the ChurcK Read ers, are we getting close to you?'Then ing?” UNCLAIMED t.ETTE8S. The following letter.^ reniaini in the pii-sfofiice at Burlingtxin, N, C,, un- clainwd by the person to whom adr i(res£c(J OR Dwember 19, 19M: George Pritchard, Bogue Urilfin, Prof. William Kct’k, W. K. VIevins, .iim Murphy- fJuiwn N, Hunt, Miss Loua Hughes, PcrEOtis calling for any of these letiera will pjeaaa say “Advertised” an»i give dots of advert ired list. O. F. CROWSON. PaMnuicter. O WHY ADAM DIDN’T 1ET KIS MO.VEV.'J WOKTH, Old Man Adam didn't get is money's wortli. He never drank any likker; he nev'er had an afttnity; he never smoked cigarettes, he never chewei* plug tobacco; he never got stung by endorsing for a friend; he never dodg ed his taxes—^he simply made one little error and hnaugh disgrace Upon himself and his heirs. He mi;;sed so much and paid so dearly for the little fun he had,—’Sverjrthing. O GOT HIS. “Did the play have a happy end- lay down this paper and go and pay up and you can read on at ease. And don’t you stap paying because the “You bet it di^. Someone {b the gallery hit the villian st^are in the facr with a tomato.”—Uo}jstQn Post, But if you don't, den I must tinU It is a hostile act, r>on var at once I vill declare L'nd in mein angs^r rise V.’nd .sc'id moin Sepp’In ships t;; wage A tiirht up in de skies, nirf ultimatum, now, dear Goti, Is von of many more ilcin mind is settled tp to clean l»c whole world off de floor, ticcause you vas mein bardnor, Gott, ,-Vn extra chance is firiffen. So help at vonee, or soon I’ll bo De Emperor of Heffiin. O U ,seem.-i strange to us that whei: a high protective tariff is robbing the people, and ivhen a Republican admin istration i,s ,squnnderine the people’? money in pensioning Yankee .soldier.s, and Eepiiblicar. pontmaster.s and Rev enue doodlers, are disgracing the gov ernment, that business is good jill ov er the country, hunks are just groan ing with money which they are anxi ous to loan, labor is always employed, the dinner pail is ful!, railroads are tjiiced to tiroir fulleat ca’pacity to move the freight and the traveling public, the price tif cotton and other furm produc'.s are high and the people hap py.—Yes, strange isn’t it. O *2 WHKAT PREOICTED IF WAS LASTS ANOTKER YEAR, Portland, t>re,, Dec, 23,—Portland's grain market continued on the upgrade today. Futures held steady but in :ipot dealings there were gains from a half to one cent in most ^rndes. Dealers on the exchange -were predict ing that wheat would reach fl.50 a bushel by the end of January and $2 in another year if the European wr continued.—Philadelphia Press. —O ONE REASON. “I wonder why there are so few women architects?” “Perhaps women are afraid they might be called designing creatures. ’ —Boston Transirijit. THE GKOL'CH, „ -£11 J , 1 J, . The world of todiiy is no pla^;e for It ’.vas .specifically urged by the Ad-| , r . ministration and the Democratic lead-!'"® ers that all the Democratic congr-.-s.^-^ men should be returned as an en-j‘®'^' dori^ement of President Wilson’s pol- icies. The President him.self v-c-. tempera- many letters in behalf of the Ue:>;_- ‘‘''erything is awry cratic candidates, in most case.s with-1 >iimself, out any avail it is true, still it showed! “ that he did not think the Democratic I J""'' majority in Congress was too laige. '' -0- THE I'OOLLSH WHIKL-A-GIG. If a Burlington man buys in Rich mond and the Richmonder buys in Baltimore and the Baltimorean buys in New York, and the New Yorker buys; in London and the Britisher buys in Paris and the Parisian buys in Ber lin -who is helped and who Is hurt? If the Burlingtonian buys in Burling ton, he parses his dolfar on to hia neighbor and this neighbor passes it on to another, and this one pays a bill wth the dollar and by night the dollar has paid a number of bil?B and ends up in a Burlington bank* ready for another day’s work iii the inierc.t of Burlington, Start a dollar by mail, and it*jj goodbye doUar. 0 .4.S congress j.s one of those Ihinnra that we hav'c to put up with, we arc not worrying over the prospects of an extra se^ision. it w^en it is right before his eyes. The grouch get.*; into the bad habit of snarling and snapping at everybody and everything. He thcnks it meas ures his importance in the comroun- ity. But he fools nobody but himself and sours everything within the radius of his disposition. The grouch can no longer conunand an audience, and a grouch witkont llstenerB might as well be marooned on a d> ^ert islar.i. So he is being to his own company to die out and become extinct like the mammotb. Like tJ»e fungu,« on a tree he dies be cause there is nothing to feed his growth. The spsce in the world occupied by the grouch Ek bocoming less and leas. O Poets are born, not made; so then is really nobody to blame. Man who have money to burn vcty frequently have cold hnmea. J. B. Jones Clo. Co. BURLINGTON, N. C. W‘ fE wish to thank oar many castomers for their past patronage during the year that is drawing to a close. Wa feel that we have served the people with the utmost care and courtesy. We kno^ by the way oar store had been crowded during; the holiday trade and the amount of business we did, that our customers know that we are giving them a square deal for their money. We beg to serve you in the future as we have in the past. Hoping you enjoyed a Merry Christinas and that the New Year that is drawing near will bring you good health and prosperity. We beg to remain. Yours truly. J. 6. Jones Clothing Co. BURLINGTON, N. C. IN MEMORIAM PIEDMONT TRUST COMPANY