. .I. I; iHE TW2CI5>A«WE£K OlSPATCfl, FRIDAY. JAS% I, 191S. PAGE THSEE SYWOWK, , ti Ult an oii»b«JD 4t ut mJttf Hier iv v^iu«d in a cold iiita» .2if4^ra And ih« rortuhe from th« Cfowt to fc»« woptb $39;OOOiM m Wl. Irt the gitlLrdlAiuihip of.Pr^k K««P4h pador«'8 mo*ik«r'a brother. Zudon, gtv* ^ DTomisiB of trr^t beauty/ feachM th* of Tb^ ua«l«. wbo bM Mt blissijf up .«•;«' Hizidtu myfttic «itd t* M {iMMta Ali, deetdM tbat Zv "lim mu0t di« before «h* C4n have i. to 'toto |K>6aBWtop ^ b«r nwHiey, «o that.it-may b« left to him, th« next of Kin. Hajiajun AU 66ea an ob«t^« • to hla acbeme In the- person of Johi> Sutrtn, a tor whom Zu> . baa taJcta a ^ancy, and h» coca'’ th« girl to put. the man out ot bM Alad. Zudors. !n«j«t« .that if «ha canz»ot Stolen *b« wiU marry no ona. vwaJt w«n," «aya Haasam Ali^ you Mcb a atand I'll comproinisa. Solve ^ next twenty caseft and you eoa marry hUn; fiftll in a single case and you mist reiioiani3« him.'* Zudora;- usia^ the Jcnocyiedfe g^nod from-.yeafA of association with her uncle, jIArav^ a baffling mystery and wins her Jrst case-a case in which John Storm Is aved fcom bcins convicted of a murder ia»l»sated by Ijassam All himself. Zudora and Hassam AU visit Kabok Shaa’s bouae» where »le«p ovarcomes ev ery one whenever Kabok. attempts to marr ry a utrincess. Storm, s^klnf Zudora, la ix^e a prisoner. SSiidora foJis Nabok Stkan, restores the princcss to her original Jover and saves Storm from death. i A maker of diamonds tdis Uassam All hta. secret. Storm informs 2£udora that hi« life ia bcvnff attempted trequently. Sibrni «uspects Hdssam All. Storm is arrested tor stealing the dioaiond makez^s iSecT.s. but Zudora discovers the re&l thieves—a pair of mice. The negro help employi^d ou Storm'e father's farm are flieeing: because a sreat i^eleton hand. appears at ni(;ht opdn a ^hiii near by. Storm is baffled in his in- vestisation, but Zudora le&rns that her uncle has employed Jimmy Bolton, a half wltted man, thus to annoy Storm's par* ents. Zudora Bolton operating a: big zoagic lantern and i& attacked by BoitoQ. Storm opportunely uppears and >«ves her from Bolton. j fpectfuHy* but there wtiit nUituff aerv. f]e Ln fltelr flttitade. Tbey Ha^^. saiii Ali. Tv:hi> i» tun: ttieiu. Thus thoy were. cQuals. ‘“Vou Imv^ it sdliv" lQquir.>rl liuMNiui Mi. “Vcm: wt‘Jjttvo iiijvw dar*j £> it. - nV :ire holdiiti^ it uutii .some war Ui'eaki:$ forHi *’ "fJsitOil.*' » InqmrMl If tli« brotberi^ haU aeen . U was idle wi:u gi>s«iped; itiij' sCfitDger* mvntJ.v. Xo. . I>ld the j busy always u)luUo^ tli«4r pwu viihiift* iK'opJe kwow aijytJiiiig about tiii'lr ( oUect i'xu? Thu oU iiieu laughed ;!]iU .shooi: tlii'ir touslod heud^. ■ Tliyy. know uocbliii;. Itiey tblitk th;ii we tire n c-ouple of foolish old ‘ mis4'r»;. \4>: ill iu> way ^jti we account ; for tik* dis»|>pea.riknee.’’ { ‘H*an you ?"J«TiboLlhe.4lirtiBoiiil?” . For h«lf. M2J hour iM)uver:aitlou was ! ' havt* ^luechlhg better, t^ji a ■i-apried ou iu a juouotoue. At the end] Here Is a pbotograph of lla&siiui All i^lghetl, drew out bis wai> anil ;:iye each man a roll of bask- noteti:, «iiFefu| to ^b^zre that there were &o icrotd eertiAcates. Ait the yls> itors stooi) vp, about to luke tbeb: de* the stouo.” Th* of this photograph any iioubi8 j^odora m)^bt )>aFe linii. i‘oJk*?ti»rs were generally .sllp‘ tiliod c:ireliM^ iu aU respects ex- (•er-t ill (he matteiT of their bobby. A parturo. liasaam AU bade them wait A I He summoned Amed »nd ^uXwtor always wants a pboto labuiciit. unic^ him to bring Zudora dpwij; Thu cspreSslous of the two old m6ii cltaiiecd sun)rislnslj'. When Zudora eufored she beheld two old men, be- iievolcut i«triarchS; who bowed pro- totiudly ;iud siuHed U150U her benignly. “A case for you, Zudom ” | Slie smiled expectantly. ; •‘Tbeso two gontlomen are curio col-j it-^tors. They have lost si reoiarkable j brilllsint. onu of the most tmclent i know n. I'iiid it svnd your fiftli prob ' lem luaj' be rolcsaterl to the past." “Was It stolen?” •‘They can't Ouilti figure out. It Is Roiie. Yesterday it reposed in a little Florentine casket. The o.isket rcmains, but the gem is Eone.” “I can inalie an eCfort,” said the girl. "Wliei® do you two SPntlemcD live!” Tiie.r iiamctl a small Kuburbaa to^. They lived in H house on tlie Nortli Siaiili of each of his treasures, partly CHAPTER V. Th* Case of the Perpetual Glare. HASSAM ALI playtd with h(a gold, cliggius his bands into the cold, slithering metals and iettins them sitiy submersed for a mometii ';r tivo. So coin ever went into thlK che-st dull. He had a simple little preparation with wiilch he washed each coin until it shone iilic a fresh minted one. lianicers did not parUeularly love Ilassam AU. Ue was always bringing gold eertiflcates and baring them exchanged for the coin. Whenever ^le had bills to pay immedi- stely from his poclcet (dreadful thought) Invariably the paper money w!\» redeemable only in silver. Hav- loff MtiHtied Ills cravlEg to play with tiia lioacd, he closed and locked tbe chest, secreted It and went into the mystlt; roam. Touigbt lie saw iu his cr.vstul globe j only those tbings that lie desired to' ^ _ see. Sudden!) be stnick his hands to-! S'** “**'•"* Two Old Men. Berevol.fit gether gleefully. That was it, bo tiiuc-1 J Tf*** ■- muredf that was It. Why hadu*t he roud, wliirh was a ountiniiaiidti of thi* She Found a Note From Storm Via the Pigeon. to U!t‘Util'y it und partly to o.^liibit in U'Stimuiiy of his jHjsse^sion. *’Tlieri* is alw'ays fire iu the siune." Haiti oui* of the olrt incii. “in n rooxu tbat to you iiuiy look dark thei'e will be a sjwk »f light. Thia stone wouM «lwflys cat' ll it and you could see it flslBb. Oli. ll was a very interestini,' Btoue.” “Very intorestlUK." roi^ated lUe brotbur. “I thhik. ” }«ald Zudora, “that I will bjsijie)>s. At ujiy. rate, the pliioe was a sipji'i Jauut '>ut of towu that iU‘ry fOtiiil irturij eui'h As John knew {idle or iiMtftiiig about rhi‘jiu>slry. h was iM'youd his, power to 0411 tSie pi'obiem uf iht; buruing i>h»tu^rapti. Tlu‘ two wert* ou the w;iy to old hoii>^e vbc*« tbe »k^oiid plii,‘iiu!ueutMi ocH’iirrt?ii- your hatl** “Wbai's tIkvmatter with U?*’ ‘*lt‘.s 0/1 frrt*?''. .&»'>«» tore th*‘ hat froiu her ht*ad and thJvw it t*n the jjruund. stamplivg 6» it. *i’ii b*i tiuker damwedr' Im eiiJlod- cd. ••£U»w y\i\l ihiit bappvJi'i . 1 wiasji’t KinuUng. and uvt-n then a spark could not iiaye set Uru to a hat like that. My dear girli ujy advice is Ifttle old New York ou tiio next train- 4 pho- ipgiaph starts burnlag in your baud, your h.tt ttauios up ou yuur head. sumo .K'r.nf»eut •g'cifij? ou that I nt*llla.*r tv.*r understand. Who nro thGS‘ oUl iiumjV*’ Zndora lu-r liead dazedly. She Ji.Kl priid ;Vf tJiat haf. site thought u'ith tfriiii luimwr. “LcL us y:.i r»;ji k lK«iie/‘ he urjfed. ‘‘St), .rohn. t iiiu?iid.fo Ihjd out, %vhat ;}11 jlj/?se «r?vj;j'v tuvHii. V'oii f.'Jli fjo back if you wisli.” ‘'llanj'it. Tm ihiuklng of yuuT’ ’*i kiiov\' iliat. John. Cut I do not wajjt iHiy faiinros \o my t due Vf i la(-lv of spii'ir. I’jU golu;,' to soe what this uK'siUs. I I'.ave ail idea \\n\\ 1 5!hal( ucv>r liiid any dhiihond." . •'I’m jrhui you think that,’* lie it‘pliol. "My dear jrirl,-some one is aiming at you, perhaps some friend of that tjhoui- ist .:'riii;i of whatevw his nauio was. To ti*n vdii ihn- tnitji. it is for that sort of reason ihat i f’iil not want ymi ti> KO into i1m' «l('tf iivu btisim^ss. T'h*?rL*\s ahvay.> sonu.* oih* liidiii.ti around the corj)«*i’ witJj i‘j.*prisa). Hut you .*»ro di‘- tcruiiui’d to j:o to the t:iid of tliisV “Absoluti*ly dr;'nniiifd." “I nilfiTlit kidnap .vou." “If yon hatj kjjluapt'd jjji’ mouiJj.s John, I sljutild have bocn a ii.apii> wi» ' muD.’* sb‘ .said sadly. "nMt now* it's too late. I'Ve «:ot to iju on, just got lt». I am .'Sorry ihat 1 rrJunoi Oiplaiii ;Uiy more to you. Vou'vr ;n»t to trust in»‘ wholly." “1 do. girl, unlji I wi»rry f.»r your Btorm und Zudoru left the bouse, **WhUt .do you pro}voi&e to do'?** Jeba n«ked wihei* iiiipatieutiy. ‘•Fitsd out what ii>;‘u‘y burned- that plioto;rr;i|>ti ;Hid Onc^ of uiy l*i_*st hats.” rufrullj,-. "Hen* toai*s U farmer with a bay vva;;on, 1-ot ‘ts ride iuto the village/* .Zudoni'a;;reel. with a iauy:h. John iiatl a Miitf^uiar idea, but he did not 4-4>ijitde it to Zudont, So they stOiH^ed !he I'armer;. aj]d he outered iuto the juki* readily euough. City folk were aiw.vyis wautiiijx to take ti joy ride ou the bayrtek. .So soohc*r did be Start ou a^^‘ii7i ih.'Ui burst; forth frOml the bay. and it was :i dau^^erousgawe,: the vflorr. to-put it out. The farmer accu.sfi! i^torm of iiavin^ {roppel b!d return to tUe eity. A Jewel like this i safety. In a uame like ihis a wujnan Thoucand Thunders S«emed Ringing In Their Ears. tbougbt of it before? Absolutely sure .and With less evidence than could be Tillage uiaiu street men had detmrted- When the two old luid Ziid»ra was found in the path of tlie lighto.'^t wind, struck by tUolr extraordiuary llUcnesf^. Simple rt.'^ sunshine, lie si?tumoned Am^. ''I wish to write and send a itote. Arrange tiie de.sk. I will be In. iu h moinehte” "Yes, sahib,” umsiiki'iij-s note he destroye«i ilu; blotter and tbe Bheets of paj>er which bad umlerlaiu that upon which ho l.ad written. This noto be Rave to the servant He felt no to one auntfier—Ifj’Nsani Aii rubl^ed his haud.s. “A curl0u;i fast!, UJy dear. Tlieso tw.t old chaps live very tuodei*;M,ely. Ev ery penny they can Ncrape together tfOi'.s to purchase some rnrioshy. This d*a' It 5U!ij beei! K«.»Vi*r;it (lilies. ;iiid always they iinvu nnmageii In ruvn cr It. iliit this time tlicy are at will lie found in some pawnshop. No one wouifi dare to,go to a Jeweler of repute. TImre would lie too many 'IHestions." "You sec, wc have suld uuUiiiiii; to the poiicc lipi iinse we do not want any iit‘W»p:t()er uotoricty. IVo have oilier trinkets,” with a singtilar smiio. “I may take this photograph along?" “Certiiinly. Wo liave duplicates.” Zudora .inft .ilic; .oid .iionse.-.flnd the two olil men watched her until she dis appean^l nround a turn in the road. Tiu'ij liiey laughed ipjit'tly and went bacl: i/ito tliu IlOUK(^ Zudui',1 bi'giin to i'o over tiie brief facts. There was no le.id anywhctir as yet. Tbe mi'tropolilim pawnsliops M'erc (he only tilings sliu could (hint Ilf. All the while she was thinking olie was aimlessly picking late flowers. By :ind by she look out the photograjili ;tnrl evcci it curioii.^(yr~ .■MKiOiTuy i>*?r 'ulk.tt oeesiiOi* t^arla. iu xicr ULiei* uiini- toundiueiii iiUi tdKiKiKraiih burst into ilauii's, Slie dropped Ji in terror aa;l is givtn bo more ebanct lb;iu a roan.' and she is handira|i|icd because site Is.a womau. She can t fight iike ii man when sbe'.s In a coiner. The very clothes on Uor itilerferc with her fiee- ■ dom of uclioi!. .Mi risrht, but !here’.i ova thing that's sot to li- selttcd here and now." i "And wimt is thatV” still eying the hat. I J'Tliat 1 ••ifw.-iy.s lie in on your cases, isoniewliere in ihe iiack,v:rouii,i, • where 1 can boar you call when you; need me." j ‘‘I shall be g!ai of (hat, .lolui." j "If .vou'd onir marry me ami sdtlu the whole blisinnss!*’ j “I will siiiae day, Supiiosiiiy that! we now malce lliat call '.le Klarted out to make.” The two old eollei'lors ailmiiled Zti- Corn and Stonn. and they liefjan imnie- worrr about this noie Tha man who' ’'I''' "" i stood ,is if panil.vzisl while she watih worry aooui ima noit,. xne man wno cleus of their collection. In some way. received it woidd Immediately destroy, t[,yy iieard of your success and It. To keep It and use tt In the ntm of blackmail would only tighten the ij rope about hU neck. As has doubt- S’ less been surmist'd by this time, lias- sam All was a master criminal. They say that every man who commits n crime leaves aomethiug behind. Ilaa- sim All had winnowed down his risks j until they were almo.st Degiigibie. ESt- ery man who worked for him did so under the unwritten contract of life ac death. Nearly ever; tool Hassam! AJl had stood under tbe shadow of Hanam Ali Oraamina of Sold. death. That was principally why nothing ever led the trail to his house: Thera was amoog the various cliques over which he held sway no ordinary crook. The porch climber, the yegg- muTi, the forger, tbe pickpocket, bad ho staoding among these men. They were all more or less men ot acientific ItclieVe a clever woman will succeed wliore .1 man ivouid fnH. Besides, they can’t offer much iu the way of reward. I don't tliink the smallness of the re ward will stand in your wa.v. Vou hav« a tiininh' income of voiir own, ' lightly. “And heaven only knows iiow- 1*11 ever be able to get rid of a tenth part of tliis Incom/'. Some day T’ni 4'oing in for real charity." “Charity makes the leiiiiicnt ouiy the ixiorer," lie commented, “I don’t nicaii that kind,” she reiilled. She was thinking of establiaiiing somi! day a community. But until her tongue was free and until slic could confide utterly In her lover she must perforce hold this ambition on tiie leash. j When she returned to her boudoir she Cound ft JiQte A'on?. viji the pigeon. Joim stated buppily that be was free for a week or ten da.ra auil wanted to know If she wo\,ld not go out and make a visit with him to tbe old folk.*!. She hat«l to disappoint him, but she was compelled to write back that she was going to be very busy and that It would be impossible to Join him. much as sbe would hare liked to. Tiie next morning a. pigeon delivered a note to Ilassam Ali, Zudo- ra already having gone upon her new quest. Ha-s.sam .\ii destroyed tbe mes sage. So Storm was given leave to infer that Zudora had ignored bis note. Zudora went otst to the village. The house occupied by the.se two old curio collector.*! was a ramshackle affair. It looked to Zudora as though some violent hurricane bad taken it up miles : awa.v and set it down upon tbe biil haphazardly end iiidltTeremly. The sight of it did not create any distrust In her mind. .Mo.'t collectors were mad persons, who cared little or nothing for the roof over tlieir bends or the clothes on their backs so long as they posssessed the wherewithal to pursue their idlo.s.vncra.sles. She learned that the two aid fellows were twins. One of them met her .it the station, and fbs other greeted her at the door of the house. A quick glance at tbe interior of the bouse convlnc«l her tiiat what >M the caviUioard shrivel into dull brown ashes, llnw in llie world had (his liupiieuwr; IVIicii .-.'he tiMched lumie that nlglit rhe ii.skod lla>«^am AU a good many i|iiestioiis ,'ihuut these two brothers, ICaeh anil every one of his answers left iiotliliig to lie dcsircl. ■But In heaven's name bow cou.'d this thing blaze up like that when ihore wasn’t a niatcb witliin a milet'" "I’m ill the dart as much as .vou arc^ nive up tlie case If you want to, I attainments in whom the criminal in- curios the.v had were securely locked (tincts bad been bom, not created by away. The first tiling she did was to eavimomeat- - At 9 o’clock Amed caoe into the mystic room and announced that two IWiUeoen wished to ace him. Amed titdden to bring them in forth* They were old men. bawk fea tttlMl, with high forehead.'* and bril' '‘Uant iftt deaplie tbeir apparent an- tlqalt^ Tbey greeted Haaiam AH re-i a.5k the complple hi.itor.v of the missing stone*. It had come from India orig- Inall.v, n part of .some loot long years before the mutiny. Its real value lay In Its eternal fire There were times when this gleam was discernible even !n a dark roi'ra. The.v wanted It back very badly and would be willing to pay la much as S300 for iti reinm. Zudo- Th* Photograph Burst Into Flamaa. should not urge you to try your band at something that Alls you with terror. You are shaking now as you talk." “But It’s not fear, uncle; it’s the utter Incredibility oC the thins'.’’ "On my word I’ve no solntion to of fer, except that the heat ot your band might have acted upon some chemical In the cardboard." "That’s absurd! But I’m going to stick to It. But for the Uttle blister on my palm I could cosily believe that 1 'aad been dreaming.” She retired to her boudoir, and Has- >«m All went forth into tbe night. The following day Zudora (ought Btorm. Would he go with bert He certainly would, despite appearance*. Tbe word rather amoaed her. She was serenely indifferent as to what her reighbors said or thought of her. Tbe general run of them eyed her su*- plclousi.r, perbap* just bccaoae the powesaed bwoty and attractlTeDcaa. Haatam Ali Stoi* Away From Another Exit. diateiy to ply her with ijueslions, many of which soenieil odd to Storm. No; ^ Znilcra aiimittml that as yet she had ' not picked up any clew. Had she| been to the pawnshops? Xo. Uad she jronicailv. shown the phiXograph to any one yet'i She bad not shown it to n living soul. And out of the corner of ber eye she noted the look ot surprise which was exchanged between the two. Tlii.^ glance, swift ks it wa.s. gave her a clew, but one which had no signifl- cance, so far as the missing diamond was concerned. She at ouce determin ed to siiy nothing about tiie Ininiing }l the photogr.iph or the liat. “You have lost your hat';” said one. "The wind carried it off Just as we were crossing the bridge. We tried to fish for it, but the current was too strong." There was no glance between the cii:Mn'ti,‘. .\s lie kliciv :ir^ijuierjt wii::l(I I.U, of no avail, be gave the old >':,'iii a live dolhir lilll. Tliv two youtiv: i'coplc (.uiitliiued Iheir Jriiiniry on Amt veo' thougbt- I Ull}’. "A liuiHlrud years ago," luusud Joliu, "I t^lioulii li.ivo said that tbe devil wuH in it,'" ■‘Maybe the devil ia in it." icpii^ ‘ tie iw.” thinking of her uuclu- •‘I'liere'.s SI Bh.'iok Up yondvr," aha said suddenly. “SSup|>oso we hide therif for awhile and watch the house, 1 W'.ini lo see it' any one ur gee.?.'' 'SV uood idea.” TIh\v reai^hed Iho huC and entered U and ioolved Uiviuiuh the window at tho iiuust* oi' tlii* two sinuijic bruthern, A (jUiirlvr tC uu h«lr passetl without re- ^yjird. was iio si:iii uf lil'e at h"i;-,v. Ilv u»d l^.v John suUTod. ' iiii i, 1 III ii.iULitn? ir 2 iiuU L Hlueil “Sn dti 1 “1-iM U:^ ls:kf whilt* hiUini^’s 'i’hoy Were less tliaii a dozen feet be- yund (he doorway wlii-n the shingli?:? on llu' bi’^^an to *url into liri^Mit, an^'l'y Iiaine-N. **A chisc shave, pfirl. And now I’m }^oin^' hatk !«> iuierview tlu>se two doviKs wiili iho looks of two St r*e* teriS." It was a stormy Interview, but It re sulted iu tlio ensbarru.ssment of botli. : Tiiey wore set «|>on so swiftly und .4Ulllfnl1y (hat they Imd no time to . : .stni;i.i?le. .Vfter the two wore securelj' j , boiuul Ifassau) Ali stole away from au- ; cfthiT exit. Ir had Iwen a narrow ; squi*exe for him. ' i Zudora and Storm were left alone I in the house, Tiiere were evidently . no servants. And now tlial: they had : time to Inspect the room closely they drew the same conclusion—that ilie iioik^o liad l>oen furnislied for this spo Hal orcasior.. Storm set huuaau wOTk.' inp: as best he could at the stout ropos which bound the girl. Oiu'e she was free she could easily Ul>erate him. It seemed weary hours to them before the cords fell from Zudora’s hands. She then hunted about for a Unife and found one with an edge like a razor. | “Are you satisfipd?' John asked. - Sie saw that rudividual at head o{ ihe stairs aud rushed \\'h(.*u he ari'iv’od at the iauding^ Haf'' n:«uj Ali had di»ap|^‘ured efft;ctuai)y'« ;.s ir ii>v liad vanis!iet thruUtih Jth«; walL^ '•.v.hii-h. in fact, tliouj^h Joiui was i^pc aU’ri.tv or'it. svus exacdy wltut .VU. liad done. John weht downstairs a^friin; sweai-i’iK under hiis breuth. Ue was terribly au^ry, and wl^n he filial ly iieiiarCed he left his swt^heart iw tears. Thei’e was.a good Vein of stubt>orii* ness ii5 storai s makeup. On the home he deterhilned to ha«*e a reckon- iu;: witii tiiose h^ry old scamps who . wert; in^l.assam All's inter*, esf. At least ihey oiuld ssUisfy hhJ physical needN, tliat of butnpmff their hc'ajis t«;rether. They were the manip* \iiiUor» Of suUH- devil machine Whieb icad rauscd these mysterious tires, a* ways ill the viririity of ZuSor:i. In the mohihi^ Zudora telephooed to U*anj iluu...John-liad gone ont of t(»Wn.. instinctively she knew just u h-re. iio-had fioue, poor.. fooUsh lov’err so she sot out afi^ r liim. distract-. i'-\. it wa.s 4uUe tliut the [ twins would b* c-n-, .h)lin aud • would bv' luvpared ».k .i:;-; receiition. j She tlu*n*fore n^adc the viiia;re. about ; ar» Imur later than John ami hired tht* ! only tax.5(,;al» siie eotild lind. ; fyund a very queefJy ia;ide ; par^itus back of tiio hou?e on a knolJ. • lie had read about something of the I sort, a perpfiaal r;*y gathered from j ifiiht and ea[»aOJo of sendhjg forth a tyrrlfic* lioat. something like a crystal J focused uuih r clear sunlight. fle i ci'Uld sense a uuld warmth as he near ed it—a mild warnilb because tiie ro- : llectors had been moibentarijy deflect* od. not focu.sed. lie knew nothing about tlie house being mined and ready for ills advent. He drew his re- ^ volvcr and be^j^an peppering the In* \ ferjiai i.navhliic. lie could at least ' put It out of business teniiJorarily. Va.srucly he beard the rumble of a mo tor and turned to see Zudorn step ou! of a taxicab, jle waved his liand, and «ho came runtjing up tl:e hill. On the way up she saw something that re sembled a i>urnii}^? fu.«;e on the ground. Then the horror of the traji dawned ui>on \\v\‘. Tiiey were to be lured iido the house and blowu up. (jusping. sIh‘ stammered forth her discovery. SSlie caught hltu by tbe band and dr;igj;cd him down ihc hllS at a run. Xonc too soon. The earth .Jtd "As to what?” “That my death and perhaps .vours is wanted.” "Mine?" "Surely. And I’m pobig to tell you what’s been in my mind for weeks, i’ll swiie my oath that that precious uncle ot yours is back of all this.” "Xly uncle! Jobu, that Is utterl.v Im- liossible. I am his tiesh and blood.” “1 toll you be has committed a crim(> of some sort and wants us out of tli way before we discover if "And what crime could he possilo.v bare committed that be should nunc ns both out or tbe way?’ I’d Kve a year of my life to And brothers after this statetnent. They out,** bitterly. ''Come, there's no use A Frigtittned Dog. "It was :i bitter cold nisht in Janu- ar.v." said ;iii old nortli i'emisyivania wooiismJiii. "when 1 hejird oii«? of my hoiiuds yclj.tuv; ivrouiid the outside oi the house SIS iht>ug;h sometiiing were eliasiiig it. I jumped ft’fiw my lied imd looliiH] out of ibe window. It was clear niooiili^lit, and I saw two wolves chas ing iny do.:; amiiiid the house as fast as tiiey coillii leg it. but the bound was -swifti-r of f(x>t and managed to toep a few yards ahead at cacii turn. I bud two ioadfil KUns in tbe house, and 1 placed line of tiu'm in tlie coriuT by thf door, eoii;ed the otber .ind opened tbe door a few inches to get a shot at the wolves as they came past. The frlsht- ened honnil .saw tbe crack in tbe door, dashed into it, threw tbe door wide open and Icnociced me off my feet Both wolves rushed In, and the dog leapei cipoi; the bed that stood iu a recess, t snut the dcKir in a hurry and baii5?ed i!'v:iy at one of Ibe wolves, klllin:; it Instantly. Then I prabbed ibo other inusivot. and tiie second wolf I .;de a spring at the window, breai:- ■ >S throe piiiios of rI.issi. I$ut It .jidn’t 'ireak the sash, and as It fell back«ard I borcii a lioie through its heart. Thu hound hadn’t been hurt at all. but 11 was so scared Ih.jt it never was worth a copt-er for hiintins after thnt night.’’ —St. IxjHls Giolie-Ucmocrat. knew that she was not teiiin;; the truth. “Let us Kct away from here," wills- percd Storm when he had the oppor- lunity to do so unobserved. “Why?" "I don't quite like the looks ot your eilents.” "Very welL Neither do I.” She turn- «d to her hosts. “Tomorrow or the lolteriiig around here The sooner we | get batk to town the better. And 1 when we sot to town we'll go right ia to Cncla Hassam AH'a study and ast a few questions.” | “Jota, that would be utter madne-ss." [ “Well: something definite may result : from It. II you will not go with me j I’ll talk to him alone." “And come to blows, as you did the ! Belt day at the latest,” ahe said. “I' other time, and give him a good legal pi to his elbows and finden his crave." ■xpect to bring 70Q some news retcard- lag the diamond. A gem ' like that cannot totally disappear." “Won’t you have some tea ?" "No; thanks. Qood day until tomor excuse to harm you." "I've made up my mind.” doggedly. “Then I don't supoose it would do any good to argue wl*h lun.” Indeed, Storm did waste Ms time od Vncle Hassaoi, ai be now calicd tiM Hassam Ali Saw That Mi. Must Try Once Moro. sliKiili. ,\ thous^iiid tbuuders sceinej riii':,;iil:4 in tlieir e:\rs. When siiey tiiiai' ly turr.iHl they saw both bouse iiud side of tlu^ hill liuil totally de* stmyed. l-’i'um ilio distiiiico UasK.uii iii siiw tbuL lie must try ouce Inure. |TO I:E COXTIXUiill.] That'* Why. "XVhat mnn in filstory do you llkf most?" was .isked or several hundred Pbiladelpbln school ctHldren. Thes» were some of the answers; "Colunibn.s, if It hadn't been for bin Ihere wiuildn’t be anybody else here.” ‘‘Monroe, for doctrine the people and »ot charging for it" I>e Soto, for waden In tbe M Mslsslp “fawl .lonps, iwansp be s.iid. ‘TO beat them British or bust,' and thei done it.” ".\ndrew Jackson, for litlren tht British with a» old Uckory."—PblU- delpbla I.edcw. lA' ' g..-« Urn S' .'38 Wm