Now Is the T^e for All Good People to Come to the Aid of their Creditors \V1(’K - A PftOGHG&SiVE RiyUBUCANNEWSPAPEHbEVOTEDTOTHE OK AMERICAN HOMKH ANU AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BCRLWGTON, ALAMANCE COL'NTV. NORTH CAJtOUNA, TUESDAY, JAXUARV 2«, 1915. IHKSi^ Affi IMG NW AND WEST PRUSSIAN FRONTIERS BUT THE GERMANS HAVE NO FEAR OF AN INVASION. .\ustnsn Front is Stiffened to Chwk Uungwan IttvMion—Ru^aibi Rec ognize New Austro-German Offensive—Lit He Change in West—With Battles Impeadinf; at Her Front Doot Rouinania Is Yet Silent— Aetioe May Come Qui«k—Swedish Press Is Shotring- Renewed Iiritn- tU>« AgaiBst the British Contraband Policy—Situation in the Balkans is Simmering. London, Jan. 25.—T^e . eleventh hour stiifening: of the Austrian front to cheek the Russian Invasion of Hun gary as the natural sequence of the occupation of Bukowina, s^ms for tha present to be the event of chief nsili- tary importance. The Russians recog nize this and all recent dispatches from Petrograd have eiftpliasiaed ths Austro-German offensive in the south eastern theater. Second in importarxe. perhaps, are the Russian movements, near the east . . * . west Prussian frontiers of which the German statement today takes cogniiance, although insisting ihat no new advances into Germany territory aro feared In the western theater there has been so little changa that the British newspapers print the oiScial commun ication with scant comment, Ffefcifr- ing to. feature Sunday's naval action. The facts concerning this eiigageinent are not given in detail and the admir" alty ub ti> toni^t ^d added nothing the ortfina! anwuncewnfc ' "Wi& greSt ’KttlM s6W to 1>B fsajS®' out at her front door, Roumani* has not yet dccide:! to join in the con flict, but it i« patent that the situation in the Balkans is simmering and it is bc-':cT«J action '.vill com» suddenly. Tlie Italian, Greek anil Buigatian ministers were among callers at the foreign oflice today. every high school March 27th. in the State on The preliminary contest to determ ine the speakers that will »-eprese«t Burlington in the final contest was held in the school auditorium last Friday night. The foUomng speak ers appeared and contested for the honor of representing Burlingoh Higii School: Hobart Steele, Cordelia Cox, Sam Bason, Eitna Shoffner, Nina In gle, Gra^m Faucette, and Miss Pric-c. Miss Sallie Foster presided over thd debate and each speaker consumed eight minutes in the discussion of thu question which is; “Resolved That the United States Should Adopt the Policy of Subsidizing Her Merchant Ma rine in Foreign Trade.” The Judges, composed of both ladies and gentlemen, decided that the fo!- lowingt were entitled to represfnt oar school in the final debate. Misses Nina Inglo and Cordelia Cox, nnd Messrs. Sam Bason and Hc- baijt Steele. The triangle for Burl- Gra ham and Chapel Hill. 2 AHIFRHIAN SHIPS OE- SEARCHERS (INABtE TO THE SOUTH g $I20MOOO RICHER THAN SHE FY BRmSH ANB SAH. FOR GERHANY. Withelniiia. First Vessel to Sail With Food CatgD, Leaves New York nNBJlOlllES. RieUUves of Vietims of the Yarhl J«Ua .\ecident Still at Scene of the Exploeibii. WAS lAST NOVEMBER 1ST. Eight Cent Cotton Means That and More to the SeetiM—Market Wa* . Ciosed-^MiUs Could Not Stock Fall Supply at Low Price That Eji- ist.ed at That Time. I Atlanta, Ga., ifan 24.~Not»ble im- Nfewber.^ Jan. 22._Late repor'^s ^ ^ the belief that the bodies j p^ovement in bus,nes., i condition, in —If British War^ips Seize Her, from Engiehard, the point ?!earest the ‘•'K on the bottom at or near this spot. ■ South withiii the last few Weeks Owners Will Prote«t ti> Govern-' scene of tee tragedy, last night, were ! Mr. Dodson said ho had been ren i- mentUert! —Shippers Guarantee; to 'iffect thf\t the :earcl>ers whcjdei'ed evflry asiiistarice and courtesy is indicated in reports from merch ants, cotton factors and bankers from Grain, Meats aiMl Fruits Will Be' since last Saturday have been en- jby the people living near the |an over the section. The last month Sold to Noft.CombatMt*-I>«cia.}deaVorinK to locate the }>o^6s of J.jthe accident, and that the fishermen i men assert ha.-» With 11,WO Bales of Cotton for . W. Muray, of Burlington, Mrs. W. E. |are keenly on the alert in wat^h ; recuperative power o? Bremen, Will Leave Galveston To-: Por«h, of Beaufort, and G. P, Dod-|for any signs of the bodies. Ithe Cotton Stats. In all the»> SttttJ3 day^Eiigiand Threatens to Take sbn, of Norfolk, Va., who. lost their ^ Vetsel aa Prize of War and Rc- lives when th« yacht Julia burned t» ieaae Cargo—Seizure of Steam- th4 . water’s edge last Friday niorn- “Behold, the Lord stood upon a wall • * « a piumb line in his hand.”—Arnos 7:7. ' ■hip Will Bring Test on U. .S. Right to Change Registry. The American-owned steamship Wilhiiir.ina sails from New York.with, a cargo of food supplies consigned to an American in Germany. Consignors announce they wili pro test to the United States Government if the vessel or cargo is seiied by the Aiiles, on the grounds ^hat ths latter are not within right of interna tional law in seiting a conditional contraband shipment consigned to iion-eombatant.s. Despite the not from Great Britain that it would seize the steamship Da cia if dhe sailed for Germany witli a coUon cargo, the owner of the vessel declares she vifUl .sail with her cargo for a German port. Clearance papers were issued yesterday. The London "Spectator" ex^msiw "anxiet^y and klanh at the wa; wMch Britain is drifting toward tike danger of 'a cg!!:3:s.-; ™th th® tlnit- ed States over shipping conditions.” The “Spectator” declares that the British people suddenly “find Ameri ca olficiaiiy pluying the German gaTOc and, in fact, trying to prevent our bri.nging Gcnnany to her kneex and TELLS HOW HE SAVED MtiRRAY’S LIFE. MRS. ( cotton which was selling a few months Kgo for a little more than six ceiits a pound, now is finding a compartlvriy I «ftht ienta. - Since the Government report of N-i- hard, in Hyde Courny, where the mist laden winds of the Atlantic blow, and ' l , . _ ’ jvember 1, ttie increase of two cents j a ^und in the selling ;>rice of-cotton, I with the correspcnding advance ia tht sportsman, while in the spring and . price ,f cotton seed, according to fig- summer the varied specimen «f the : ^he estimates of exports, ha. where the shrill cry of the water fowl i in the winter months calls , to the I irig,rK3d n&t with no success. A re port reaching Newijern on tlis previ- oKS-night was to the effect tliat two of &e bodies, those of Mr. Murray and Mri. Porch, had been located by the crew of a fishing smack. This report, however, proved to have been errone ous and was misconstmed from a '’'■ny tribe tempt the angler, there ar.; resulted in a net increase during thiii message stating t*at Mrs. Murray,; men who .save lives with never a pgj-joj ^ aproxibately «120,00a,00l) tlie oniy survivor, was on her way to thought o£ their heroic deeds; men N^bem on board of a boat. who grasp from the briny deep th-3 fe.t of this enhanced value, it is stat- When the report of the finding of forms of men bearing the .spark of been felt in every Un« of bus- tho two bodies reached Newliern, M. who look upoi. it is coming i^ess in the South. E'.' Porch, manager of the Ye OWo >»gto their daily routine of duties, and Conservative obser^-ers of Uie situ^ Colony Inn, at Beaufort, was notified, who refuse to accept remuneration _ g^y ^hat neverhas there be«n for their acts of mercy. • ^ movement in the South One of the most daring ami thrill- t^at notftd since Every trade that men f 'low has It s !es^^n| and our Lord :j ..ith The Swedish press is showing re-‘ciean-.-ut bricfc-laycrs and drivfeg”hcr out of Belgium.' Senator Lodge declared in the Sen- t th.^ s'Hin.mnir- bill. newed irritation against the British other wall builders, by means of a ccniraband jjTMlt v oC~.c £t:ckhs-;": ?!?!-''• “ every man take heed papers suggest reprisals by forbidding how he buildeth.” I. Cor. 3:10. aiA he was to have gone over t ) Wi|ehi!!gton yesterday to take charge oFthese, but before the train o'n which jhc,: was to have made the trip left BOaufort he was notified of the mis time and did not go. |resterday aftorooon Mr.. Pprcl) m- a crew of ten men and let sell for the ^int at whicTfi tho Julia was lost and they will cruise over thai aeciiuu fir 5sv:rsl-da"s *n the hope that the bodies, if not brought up by some of the searching parties, wil come to the surface and be iocateu then. C. B. Co*, one of Mr. Murray’s business a.;sociates, and who hurried to tile scene as soon af ter tha accidcnt as iwssible, and wi;0 mg rescues to take place in that see the opening or the present cotton season. At the tion in many years, occurred on Fri- outbreak of the iSuropean war. Fall day morning, January 15, when Capt. ^ deliverie.= of cotton ranged f.-om I? C. M. Gibbs, a sturdy resident of to ts cent? a pound, wliich with a Engelhard, grasped from the^ inky ero^ estimated at more than 10,009,- waters of Shoal Point river, the al- ooo bales forecast a seasotj of re- wstivSty. . the iEUr.^- Murray, wtfe of the Burlington bank- pean markets suddenly closed and thi' exchanges suspended, the pricc al’- er, who had only a few minutes before gone to his death in \he same icy cold waters when he had jumped from the blazing dedks of the pleasure yacht Julia. Captain Midgett, who with a party of fishermen was camping for the right on an island two miles away. later uteoir^sanied Mrs. Murray back tiie burning vessai, and had fn.j-sturfi tr. f^eard the frantic rrie.«i for assistaa the transportation of goods destined My friend, if applies the plumb P™P0^i would biing the Ur.ite.l Ljj^ scene of the tragedy within the terror siT' D-jt..- « * «.•_ , . States within measurable dista.nce of That he did not save the others i?i for Great Britain over Swiadish rail- line of His Word to your personal and ways. One paper says the country private life, will it stand the test? Are you straight or crooked; out of plumb? war, not with Britain, alone, but with Russia, France «md Japan." -0- «*ouid strengthen her defenses to com- raand rcspect for her neutrality. 0 If He tries your family life, is it OEATH OF THE CITY’S OLDEST COURT ACQUITS MISS LULA pure and clean, and ruled by the Bi-' MAN. RILEY. - ble? How is your business life, w^en J- H. Winuiiigham died at his —. God puts the plitmb-line by it ? How home in East BurUngton Thursday S>ympaibiiein;^ Crowd Fiila The Opert is your ■ religious, and Cfci.irch Jife, night. Mr. Winningham wa* the old- Honae in GrMnaixno for Lar- * when He gives it the plumb-line test? est man of the town, being 86 years ceny TrlaL Is He pleased or displeased witk it ? of age. His death was due to old age. Greensboro, Jan. 25,—“Not guilty,” Hold a minute! Listen! Yon cannot was the judgment of Judge Brown in afford to put off the answer to these municipal court this afternoon, after questions. You will most certainly he had heard the testimony and argu- have to answer them someday—may ment of counsel in the case of Miss be soon, very soon. Then “Get Kight Lula M. Riiey, of Sanford> charged With God!" Give up your sins, l,et with the larceny of several small ar-, Christ in your heart, «vd He will help tides from the stone of Ellis, Stono yoft Hear His. He says: ‘'Behold, f & Co., of this city. Miss ESley was stand at the door and knock; if ai^y s clerk in ths store until Deceml>er man hear my voice, and open the door, 4. At that time she was discharged I will come in to him.” Rise up from He was u member of the First Bap- Church, being a faithful member for a number of years. He leaves a wife and seven children. The funeral services were conducted at the home by his pastor, Hev. M. W. Buck, and interment at Rne Hill Cemetery by the Masoiis. 0 mcrch. Hope that the bodies will be ^ ™ found hiva not by any mtana been dpve them too quickly into thi given up. rutply d^reasted aoout' one-haii. MARKET WAS CLOSED. When the mills entered the market for their usual Fail supply they the market closed. Farmers refused to sell and Southern hu.sin«ss, which depends so largely upon moving i»f the cotton crop, marked times await- JJig reauiusliij/enl fx C0ii‘di;;cr.~r December 1 improvement began, ow ing, it is said, to the resumption vf foreign shipments and the adjustment water and they sunk almost imme-ii-. and .reopening of ihe exchango mar- ately. Captain Midgett*.=i account of. kets both at home nnd abroad. To- MAY EMPLOY DIVSR TO MAKE rescue of Mrs. Murray is of inter-1 day throughout the SoutJi the movc- 3EARCH. i'ollows: Norfolk. V»„ J»n. 23.—A diver may “The™’s not much that I can tail 1)0 crapioyed to recover the bodies of sinking of the Julia, as I Gu»lavtt« P, Dodson, of Dotfolk, J. ‘'““t until she was ment of cotton from farm to marke': is steadily progressing, and as a re sult, according to reliable reports, the farmers are paying their debts to the ATE VETERAN. after she had been arsrested and kept sin, follow Christ and you need not ^ , On Monday morning, January 18, locked up for about three hours i>y fear the plumb line of life’s final test, abodt 'sfx o'clock, Mr. Watson-Forbes, the bookkeeper, who had charged her If I can help you, send for me or come of Haw River, pa.«»ed away. Mr. with larceny. . She has already insti- to see me. Nieodemus went to Jesus, Forbes was about 97 years of age. For DE.ATH OF AN AGED CONFEDER- Iwhe^e he west as soon as news of the tragedy was received here. tuted a suit for $15,000 for damages YOU come around some night, to character, in .he Superior C^>urt oi D. H. TUTTLE, Lee County. ^ O The opera house, in which tae court WEST ST^LL iN GRASP OF SF- convened today on account of the si^e *VERE BLIZZAED. of the crowd, was packed and januned Kansas City, Jan. ■ 2.—Zero tem- wi£h hundreds of men and women, peratures continued to prevail tonight eager and anxious to hear every bit of in western Missouri and Kansas, the trial. At one time the crowd while Oklahoma and Texas experi- broke loose in a tremendous roar of ence temperatures below freezing, applause. Judge Brown threatened to Snow in some districts, thn heaviest expel the ciowd if the act was re- in years, covered most of the south- peated. ' 'West. : j 1 The temperature repoi^ BURLIIJ&TON SIGH'SCHOOL J>J .;was 20 degxfea. h?l«w ssro .at Smith triangular DBB.\TE, Center, Kan. The BnrlingtMi High School will 0 have representatives in the triangular ’Tis not> what man does, exalts him, debates that are to be held in nearly but what man would do.—^Browning. sometime past he has been bedfast from a stroke df paralysis. Tiie funeral took place at the home Tuesday aftemooti and the burial in Linwood Cemetjry, Graham. Mr. Forbes was a man of excellent character'Sd was highly respected by all who Icnew Isfli. A good neighbor, a faithful friend, and genial ccmpan- ion to all with whom he w&s associ ated. During the Civil War he was badly wounded several times. Few have ev er passed through wkh the suffering that was allotted to him. One by one these grand old men of Sixty-One to W. Murray, of liarlington, N. C., and burned up so quick merchants for supplies the merehants Mrs. W, E. Porch, of Beaufort, N. 0., ^ have much time to are meeting thftit obligations to th-? who loit their lives when the gasoline “^ink. Myself and D. S. Gibiis and small banks and they in turn are set- y.-icht Julls, sank following an explo- other fellows were getting tiing their account with larger banks, .‘■.ion in Pamlico Sound, off Englehard, *o set out somo nats, and after . Ths general business tone is decl.ire-i N. C., Friday, January 16. jiiniAing up work for the day had j optimistic. E. Griffith Dodson, brother of the|e®"« the isiand to spend tke young Norfolkisn who went down | «ith the Juiifi rettsmed to Norfolk yea-! i>’me timo after dark this boat terday afternoon from Englehard, chugged up and dropped anchor about two milfs off where we were camp ed and hung out her lights. Me nor Mr. Dodson said although none of the bodies had been iiecovered, hope that they will be taken from the wat ers of the Sound has not, been aban doned, and that while the search for them has been suspended temporr.r- ily, a strict watch is being kept by fishermen and ether residents of tha vicinity. However, it is not thought that the bodies win come to the surface ow ing to the low temperature of the O It will be hard on some of the smaU' er European nations if they do not happen to pick the side that wins. T«> nsacy p^opU q»nt yesterday any of the rest of the crowd paid what they were going to save tomor- much attention to the boat, and along row. later in the night we turned in. Some i water. Mr. Dodson said Hint he ex pects to return to the scene of tha floated down stream. I accident shortly, and in considering IJumping in the water and the advi^bility of taking a diver time after midnight I saw a flash oat j ihe nig'.it we looked around and found toward where the yacht had been ly-ja lady, who turned out to be Mrs.- ing, and I thinks to myself, that boat Mumy, floating around holding on is afire. I jumped up and woke up'to live preserver. We pulled hej- some of the other fellows and wc went on board, and after looking around in a hurry to the shore and ?ot in my a bit more for the others and not fitid- boat, thinking that w« would get ihere ing them, we went on back to show, in time to take off anybody on board. ■ where wa wrap^.ad the lady np i> “While we were going out the fire j blanlyets and made her as comfortsbV as possible until day broke, when we burned the yacht’s {mintef in two along ia osdar to retrieve the bodies as speedily as possible. The water in ths Sound at the spot where the Julia is .supposed to have Sixty-Five are answering th« last toll-! gone down, is «bout 12 faet deop, Mr. call of the famous reiciment as "The 1 Dodson said. There is not much car* Wildcats.” irent there, it is said, and this l«ads carried her over to Engelhard.” Not only did those men res thought sara that they would be able Mrs. Murray, bat they spent several to hold up for a time. Just how long' hours in searching for her husband, it was from the time tne nre first Mrs. W. E. Porch, of Beaufort, and hapsHnrf tili we readied the pTace, I G. P. Dodson, of Norfolk, io-the hope won’t ,?ay, became I don’t Iraow. Must-thSt they mi'^t'be alive , and hav* have been some ever an hour. “When wo finally got where thoug’ht the boat had Veen put up tot without a cent of remuneration. ance spent hours in ■earching f^ th» dead bodies of the ^ctims and all I NT