1^- fjkKww&m na vKKB^A-nmm: WBrAtcBi BnujMeroM, x, e rspAY. 3A!mA»y ». itis. THE S08T or A NEIOBBOE WHOj^ “Buy It No».” U Out nev nstrtio, WILL MAKE FABM U¥E land it is a good ure. Tlje quicker WHAT n' SHOVUt BE. ; money gets into circulatltm. and the Af a m^UDr of faet, the up-to-date; more cf it, the Wtter tiuies will be. farmer’s )»ial and. bu$iness life Si'C! No-£8FWer ought, of course, to buy so 4jiiey can't be-^ei'-iftnyjiflMS tiiSl he does not nositiveiy arated.- jjwwuyb'y iieed, tut if he h^r; decided >hat lie > farmicij. sort cf ineods snythihg i-J hU farni ‘W'crk tWs jpnuadfioh®, cnthuEuiem, and gensr-j year—anything from a traction j)Ioi»' : %tnr ^ivalty tliat a white n».i wants | to a pu;ka£e of isajrdes sseeo—he can (ian only ite f«nd in a white neiglii>«!’! hpJp business by buying: it now. A»d —arid, there must be enough c£ those I certainly any maa H'ho oves a debt ivhite fieig:hl;>o,i'S to 5'ive this coJKrade- and ‘las the money to pay the debt .4ilp and ftiendly tivalry in »buii.dii;it | ijiid doe'sn’t dg it. is rinning againrt measure. ■ i iho prosperity of the nation, and tiiat ^It’s not o^ougfh to have the distant* of all hi-s feltdv; citiaeiis. 'B.U5iiiess is limited and, non^^ocial relations we beihg. stalled a,H o''e>" the country b«- . can. have with negroes. I v.iiut ajca-jse rocn v.'fco -ire able to pay .will iieighbof «-iio ii'iii go with me to my not pay, and this keeps-others from farmer's’ weetiiiK and get inspiration with jne and talk with me about the t-hirgs we heard disiussed. .. 1,. waiis ..a neighbor who can light a light wood torch c" iiiss’rvto and cohne over with his v.'ife Cl- iioy-e~, gii-l and .‘lit with uie .Hn! while we plan for betls.' ihii’-ffI want a neighbor whc-se h^j’ v.iii be ill the corn club with my boy rsiid u-ill go to the meetings with him find spur up Jr.y boy to do his best; ; want a neighbor whose wife.ttill go to the meeting of the United l?arm Women with my wife and come over and help entertain when my wife has the United Farm Women mfceting with hex. 1 want a neighbor whose girl wili be with my girls in canning chib work, and who can be my girl's room mate wheii she goes oif to college, I want a neighboi" who will support the school and Church and Sunday schofil of my race and help keep them strong. I want a neighbor who aharc.^ all the aspirations of my race and car. co- o^erate with me as a citizen nr.d voi- ev in bringing better things to pass. 1 Want a neighbor who can join tne as a full equal in starting any sort of co-optrativo enterprise. I want a neighbor who w:P. join me in rural credit society, f «’ant a neighbor with whom I can Bit down and laugh and talk at my firosid* as We talk over plans for mai'keting our crops or do ing our work. I want a neightor for whom my boy can work whenever he needs help, .-ind not mind earning an honest didlar by working for him in his field. I want, u neighbor v.ho can SO with me. comrada-llke to the StaCa Farir.ers' MfHti!!,!j, or join me in some request I have to i«ake of the I'ounty coiunuoyiOrei'.-, or ctnTifori rr.G-as brother ttlvn death or sorrow come.s to my heme. I want a ncighb'ir whost- tine sturdy wor.s and dauphtero T can wstch tjrowing up and .see ij- theii benutifii! friftndshil) wjt.'i my own I'O.y i and giri^-; ;i promise of yet closer titM bctwi'cn my neighbor arid mt;—a proniiae oi new haine-ne.‘>t.-f when he ;ind I havi' passed away. O——^— The fol'iuv.’inp: two topics have been officially selected for distusssoii in lo cal unions.in February: "Wliat is the ^ff£Ct of tits mercliant’s crop lien law on the working farmer?'’ “To what esteii'c shots Id we increase or decrease acreage of various crops this year, 30 as to secure greater profits and make our farmers self-supporting?’' It is hoped that every local will dis- cu.^s these .subjects. The State Coun cil cf the North CJarolina Farmers’ Union in Raleigh lastt week decided to cantor attention upon four big issues now before iiie General Aaacm’uly, 55 follows: Kural Credit^, Land Segrega tion betw^een the Races, Sepeal of the Crop Lien Law, and a statute govern ing Co-operative Societies. The Un ion will .')lso urge Confess to adopt the Hollis-Bulk.'ey bill, and urges farmers to demand a Terrens title every time they get a deed from a lawyer. The Union fertilizer con^ tracts this year are handled by Capt. W. B. Gibson, Statesville, to whom all inquiries ^ould b« s^nt. 0 Farmers and otiet- North Caro linians should not overlook the meet ing of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service in Raleigh, January 28-30. William J. ^ryan, T. M. Os- bovne and others will speak. If you have to come bo EaleSgh this winter make these dates for coming, and ■while here go out and take a look at the widc-avakc bunch of farmers, younp and olt^ whq are ftbsorbing ia- foraia'ion and inspintioT! at the A. and M, ColUge. It wiU make you wish yoa were with them.—pTogresn- ive F;u«mer. paying. 11 A will T)aji' B, B theipwill pay C. arid C wili pay i), and sc on. ■ , —O———- 'sCIiGOt. -VEWlj.: ,S;;rjr,g School h:id a Bo,\ Party Fri- d:iy nig.'it,'Jai!. 23ii(l. . A Vary en- jv'yuble social ovoii's’ig W’as speiil. The Seicuce ct'.s.-i ^:!;i candy ?1S.00 wa,-3 raised for additions ta the Library and to the Doiiiestic. Sci- once equipmsBit. The friandfrhip folks ai\‘ plar.ning t:> hive :i great t;ras at their Masq'jo- d? Party a.id Osytcr Supper, Satur day night, January SOUi. The public ii cordially invited to come a;id en joy the music, .bong's aiij jefresh- iner.iii. Non- is the time for all schools to make a'i,d lay aside exhibits for the county comrn“i!cem.ent. At this sea son every .school ought to be doing Bcnie of its best work. Save a f?w of your best products for the exhi bition at the county commencer.icrt. The following list is suggestive of >vl.at you may prepare: '»Vri‘.iiis Dr.'r>v. iiig, Conipo.'iltion. History end samples of whatever Industrial work S'ou have done, Sewin'r Baskets, Rug.^. Mats, etc. Mv. John M. Glenn, principal cf the Saxapahaw School, has organized an pxoi'iient night sclicol for Grown Peo ple who have not enjoyed school ad- v^'.ntages. He has already enrolled r.bout thirty pupils iind much interest in the work i; being r-hown. X more detailed account of the working cf tho school wili be given at an early date. Tbis is a commendable line of work and should be cncouragen. Many cf our trood people were robbed of school ths civil IV;,r c.r son". little pie to Jay i^t tbey tbiak ia r^rd to pur county affairs. 1 heartily red-v. oned your ideas which you have pub lished ill the it'sue of 1.9-15. I want the pablic road ^syat«a>-«^aD$;ed and quick too. I thiiij: a township roaJ system would be a good thing. Say we .^ould eleet three township trus tees every tv. o years to see after the road in eiach township. a'tHi one of the number .shojld be secretary and.treas,. ur?r. and or.e chairman s.nd should colleet tfae road tax in Ws township and he should be wnd«r twnd for twice the value of the tasc and tho^e three trustees should ireccive per lay f>>v each day of the time foll^itrig tax and s^iug after the road and hi:‘e the labor done say at per day and pay for teams tp do labar e;; the j>s i-heap lus they could ’ bt hired, for this secretary and treas- jjjrer cowld take the va!uatip,>: oif the; ger.eral tax liiit anid ije empowered by ^ law,, to -collec; just the -same as th_- ' high sheriif ::'a! then each township would get its part as it is, it don’t. And no one should be allowed to i'o.v for the three tiustees only' a free holder as otheVs don’t have any land to put into roads. By doing some thing like this we will have more roads and bettor roads. TAXPAYER. : O LOOKING F0BWAR1>. We ;tre wiser tolay that! we wert a ye:ir ago. We have encountered new prob lem.* and Isari-.cd how to meet thew. We believe the new year will be a prosperous one. We are going- to push for every dollar’s worth of business there is. We »re jcoing to advertise as we never did before. At the end of 1915 we are soing vc be able to ."iay “it’s the boat busincs;! year we have ever known.’i’ These arc the sentiments of the peo ple all over this great United States the people are looking fonrard to a Big Business Year and they are goin^ to i'f?t it, princJDally becausp they are starting right. The nawspapeis are doing all ihcv ;Tan to help the cau.^e, and th* progre.i- sive merchants arc advertisitlg as they never did before All of this wSl bi'mp opportunity to your door and it’s up to 700 tMKixe It. .tbe pulilic through tfce atmispapttt ‘•kftt you hav3 io offer. They are iookia^ for good propositions and will cetrae your announeeift^rt wit'i opia i’.rmi-. -r^ LOOK FORM ARD-SXOT BKHIN'h YOL'. Get Busy arjj Advertise. THE OlSi'ATCH IS AT YMJR SESViCB! HABD ON TiK TODNfi FOLKS. **S» y«H> vant tvax iotMMVtMeent iighta install in the tront pairiory” said the electric light man. “Yes,” replied Hr. Grotxcb, xAo objects to hsa daughter’s calle^ .“and I yftu ’iq "i-etSve tlioss li&^ itn^p* !fo they can't fco tartfflToff.' O-- . Some !tiC,T hri\’is brisiBS but rufver iinpw whe:i to ftse tiiem; There lia« be«n aoMe teSk tum- .ji« part «f It |>rboiiet’» earain^ om- to his family, bat ve not expert U> see anjrthing come dt it. As « role tbe/e is xmall ^ympjtpy f(tr the nan ke^ oqt at prison. ,\We h^ this iaif will be made ap plicable to Alamance County.—Sd. A I’eal heroiDe is a womn who .';aii> suffer la silence.. The Big Horse & Mule Dealers Of BuriiQgton, are 03 the market this week buyini two car loads. e’ll unload one car at Roxboro February Ist.^ and one at Burlington same date, ^e’il have some Extra Good Mules and Maxes. Come and see our stock and prices be fore buying. FOGLEMAN BROS. Bim BEBBK9 the civil w;,r ut'or misfortune; iind it is can do wh:i arc more t'artiinatel car. ihei e | to nial;e good as far as-, we lo;-;:. Many cf these bravo mcsi an.i u:;d n\ada nossibi' ""ich that we have and enjoy. Wa will be indeed un grateful and anKnd if we do not try to share with them what they liavo given to us. Every vilhge a'.d every inimlet in .^larnar^co should h:vvc a night school for grow.\ people who have .not the elements of fn educa tion, till every biot of illiter-.>cy has' been wiped from our good county. The nex'w teachers’ meeting will be Saturday; February 6. Two main iii'OS of work for coitsideralion -will be Community Service and County Ccmmenct>menl. . —o Kditor State Dispatch. Burlington, N. C. Sir.— t ssR in The Burlington New's a staitement that the salary system of ,Alamance County showed a profit of $4,000 for 1914, and a loss of about ?1,000 in 1913. As I haven't a copy by me, I can’t give you ths figures, hut as I recall it, the sheriff’s ofiSce only collected about $145 in fees in 131-3 as per report and over |3,fi00 in fees in 1914. As this sjCtSVy law was in effect in 191S as well as 1911, I fail to understand this. I wish you would publish this statement and any explanation that you can obtain, for the benefit of us Tax Payers, who are so dense thct we can’t understand how this differences could ba. l«t’s cut off the Treasurer’s job as the hanks will handle this for nothing, and put this money on the roads. Yours truly, A Land Owner and Tax payer, O Graham No. 2, 1-19-li*. Editor of State Dispatch. BurJington, N. C. Dear Sir^— In regard to « publication I saw in your v&Iuable paper asiditg the p«o-; (!? his is Absolutely the LAST CHANCE to Get an ALLBN COPPER BEARING iMCESS JRON RANGE h li 1^- ij Oh Alienas Princess *^Pay For Itself Plan^ » is •>] . i i In order to place the finest range made with some of our most cap able and energetic housekeepers, that haven^t one already, the manu facturers have alloted us a hmited number to sell on Allen*s Princess *^Pay For Itself PlanJ^ The demand has been so unexpectedly large, that we have only a very few left. Food in -wamring closet retains moisture and frashness. No dry heat Plenty of hot water and does not mterfere with baking. Heavy, darabie, sectienal, hot blast fire box. Eievated ash pan. Outside han die. No heat. Easily cleaned. Piw behind closet. Easily defined. No heat in cook’s face. Two lai^:® cabinets provide con venient receptacle and dish wiirmer. Heavy, asbestos lined triple' wails, hoid heat, save fuel. Heavy, rigid level cve:i bot tom. Bakes evenly. This offer wili positively end SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 30. From now on the Allen’s Princess Range wi9 only be . sold on regular terms, bnt we baye a few left for the women who will take advantage of this epoch-making offer TODAY! • Burtner Furniture Compaijy, Front Street, Rauhut Building, _ :: Phone 340, Burlington, N. C ifM POOR PP

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